
    Podcast Summary

    • Breaking Free from Societal Expectations to Discover Our True SelvesRecognizing and challenging societal expectations is the first step towards living a more fulfilling life and embracing our authentic desires. We have the power to create a meaningful existence by being true to ourselves.

      Societal and family expectations can lead us to disconnect from our true selves, ultimately causing a deep sense of hollowness and depression. We often play by the scoreboard of what others want from us, following paths that don't align with our authentic desires. However, it's never too late to break free from these expectations and discover our true selves. Recognizing our unconscious shaping to fit the expectations of others is the first step towards living a more fulfilling life. The purpose of life, in essence, is to uncover our true selves and live authentically, embracing kindness along the way. Remember, we have the power to change our course and create a more meaningful existence.

    • Unveiling the Illusion: Breaking Free from External Identity and Reclaiming Our True SelfOur attachment to external factors for our sense of self can lead us astray. By understanding the protective nature of this attachment, we can reclaim our true identity and build a healthier self-relationship.

      We often attach our sense of self and identity to external factors, such as our job or title. This attachment is rooted in early experiences, like school or family dynamics, where we may have been labeled a certain way (e.g., the athletic one, the high-achieving student). Over time, we internalize these labels and connect our self-worth to them. However, as we reach midlife or face challenges, this external identity starts to crumble, leaving us feeling lost and hoodwinked. To break free from this pattern, it's crucial to uncover the benefit of attaching our self-worth to externalities. Understanding that it serves as a protective shield allows us to start reclaiming our true sense of self and develop a healthier relationship with our identity.

    • Unconscious Patterns: Understanding Their Purpose and ImpactRecognize and question the benefits gained from our unconscious patterns, explore the risks and fears of breaking free, and transform our behaviors to create the conditions we truly desire.

      Our unconscious patterns and behaviors often serve a purpose in keeping us safe and providing a sense of belonging. These patterns may have developed from our upbringing or family lineage, where we adopt certain methodologies to fit in. However, it's essential to recognize the benefits we gain from these patterns and question whether they align with the conditions we claim we don't want. For example, a CEO may complain about always being depended on by their staff, but deep down, it gives them a sense of importance and validation. To bring awareness to these patterns, we must explore the risks and fears associated with breaking free from them. This self-reflection allows us to transform and create the conditions we truly desire.

    • Overcoming the Fear of Wasting Time: Navigating Psychological Safety and RelationshipsUnderstanding the impact of our fear of wasting time can help us break free from shame and fear, leading to healthier perspectives on success and feedback.

      Our fear of wasting someone's time can deeply impact our psychological safety and relationships. When we hold power within an organization or create content like a podcast, our fear of being seen as a waste of time can cause us to constantly seek validation and improvement. We may overlook positive feedback and only focus on negative comments or criticisms. However, this fear can also serve as motivation to continuously improve our skills and prove ourselves. By understanding the benefits and motivations behind our reactions, we can start to release ourselves from the grip of shame and fear, and develop healthier perspectives on success and feedback.

    • Shifting from Negative to Positive: Embracing Self-Forgiveness for a Meaningful LifeEmbrace positivity, acknowledge accomplishments, and forgive yourself for mistakes to lead a more fulfilling life.

      Our tendency to focus on negative outcomes and use them as motivation can drive us to achieve certain goals, but it ultimately leaves us feeling hollow and unfulfilled. This negative-driven mindset may be ingrained in us through socialization or even evolution, but it comes at a cost. We need to consciously shift to a mindset of embracing the positive, acknowledging our accomplishments, and finding intrinsic worth in our actions. Forgiving ourselves for mistakes and flaws is a crucial part of this process. By recognizing the importance of self-forgiveness and shifting our perspective to appreciate the positives, we can lead more meaningful and rewarding lives.

    • Cultivating Resilience and Equanimity for Personal GrowthEmbracing resilience and equanimity allows us to navigate life's challenges with strength, forgiveness, and self-worth, leading to a more positive and fulfilling approach to personal growth.

      Cultivating resilience and equanimity is essential for personal growth and self-acceptance. We often have a tendency to carry the weight of past experiences or negative emotions as motivation, but this can hinder our ability to forgive ourselves and let go of negativity. By embracing resilience, we can navigate the ups and downs of life with inner strength and handle challenges more effectively. Equanimity, on the other hand, allows us to maintain a sense of self-worth and learn from our mistakes without attaching our value to them. It is about finding joy in the process of growth and improvement rather than being driven by negative self-talk or fear. By embracing both resilience and equanimity, we can create a more positive and fulfilling approach to life.

    • Finding joy in your true purpose and avoiding the comparison game.Find fulfillment in your work, embrace contentment, and stay focused on your own journey instead of comparing yourself to others.

      Finding joy and fulfillment in doing the work you were born to do is invaluable. Despite comparing oneself to others who may have more wealth or success, the satisfaction derived from aligning with your true purpose carries immense power. External validations, like a friend recognizing the impact of your work, can reinforce this sense of purpose and assure you that you are on the right path. Moreover, realizing that having "enough" is a powerful antidote to the insatiable hunger for more, both in terms of wealth and personal achievements. Cultivating a sense of contentment and being proud of your own accomplishments helps avoid getting trapped in the opinions or judgments of others and allows for true liberation. Additionally, the pervasive nature of social media and constant exposure to others' highlight reels can make it challenging to resist the comparison game. It is crucial to remember that everyone's life has a mix of happy and challenging moments, and staying grounded in your own journey is key.

    • The impact of society's obsession with not feeling like we have enough.While the fear of not being enough can drive progress and innovation, finding a balance and taking joy in our pursuits is essential for true greatness.

      Society's obsession with not feeling like we have enough can have detrimental effects on individuals and their self-worth. The constant comparison and desire for more that is perpetuated by social media and advertising can lead to a feeling of inadequacy. However, on a collective level, this drive for more and not feeling like we have enough can also lead to progress and innovation. The fear of not being enough has motivated individuals and communities to take risks and make incredible advancements. Nevertheless, it's important to find a balance and recognize that true innovation often occurs when we are relaxed and not driven solely by a fear of not being enough. Finding the joy in doing something magnificent and reaching for the stars can truly inspire greatness.

    • Embracing Both Sides: The Path to Personal Growth and MotivationAcknowledging and accepting our negative self-talk, embracing extrinsic motivation, and journaling for self-reflection can lead to personal growth, fulfillment, and overcoming hollowness and depression.

      Acknowledging and embracing both the negative and positive aspects of ourselves can lead to personal growth and motivation. By recognizing the negative self-talk and thanking it for its role in keeping us safe, we create space for our better angels to come forward. These better angels represent our true potential and can drive us to accomplish amazing things. Extrinsic motivation, such as receiving praise and pride from loved ones, can also be a powerful force in propelling us forward. Additionally, embracing the "tragic gap" between where we currently are and where we aspire to be can serve as a purpose-driven motivator. Journaling, a personal habit of self-reflection, can further support this journey of self-discovery and growth. Through these practices, we can find fulfillment and overcome hollowness and depression.

    • The importance of processing emotions for a mindful life.Taking time to acknowledge and understand our emotions allows us to prevent negative impacts on our interactions and avoid overreacting, leading to a more conscious and present life.

      Taking the time to process your emotions is crucial for living a conscious and present life. Many of us are not socialized to pay attention to our feelings, but they have consequences whether we acknowledge them or not. Processing emotions means taking them down, examining them, and then letting them dissipate. By doing so, we prevent them from impacting our interactions with others and avoid overreacting to everyday situations. This can be done through practices like journaling, meditation, or simply taking moments of silence. The key is not to get caught up in the form or technique, but to focus on the function of understanding our emotions and how they shape our lives.

    • Cultivating resilience with discernment and skill.Resilience alone is not enough; we need to apply discernment and skill to handle life's challenges effectively and make better choices for a fulfilling and meaningful life.

      Resilience alone is not enough. We also need discernment and skill in order to truly handle life's ups and downs with equanimity. Resilience without discernment can lead to stubbornness and perseverance in the wrong direction. It's important to recognize when we are attaching secondary meanings to our goals and accomplishments, and to be able to discern whether our perseverance is truly serving us or if we are simply afraid of failure. Resilience should not be about enduring unnecessary punches, but about applying stick-to-itiveness and perseverance in the right ways. By cultivating resilience with discernment and skill, we can make better choices and create a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

    • Building Healthy Relationships through Discernment and Self-AwarenessBy understanding our triggers, communicating openly, and creating a safe environment, we can improve our relationships and navigate conflict effectively.

      Discernment is an underutilized tool in relationships. By unpacking and understanding our triggers and programming, we can better navigate conflict and stubbornness. Through self-awareness and radical self-inquiry, we can identify the stories we tell ourselves and communicate them to our partner. This practice creates psychological safety and allows for open and honest dialogue. It's important to be gentle with ourselves when these triggers arise and not let them overpower us. Additionally, love should feel safe, and if it doesn't, it may be attachment rather than true love. Taking the time to cultivate discernment and create a safe environment can greatly improve our relationships.

    • Building Psychological Safety and Self-Acceptance in RelationshipsTaking responsibility for our own emotional well-being and working on developing psychological safety within ourselves can lead to open communication and vulnerability in relationships.

      Psychological safety and self-acceptance are essential for maintaining a healthy relationship. It is not solely the responsibility of the other person to make us feel safe and secure. We must address ourselves and overcome the constructs that we grew up with. By developing psychological safety within ourselves, we can create a space for vulnerability and open communication with our partners. This includes being able to express our feelings, share the stories we tell ourselves, and be our authentic selves. It may take time and effort, but it is possible to build this safety and trust in any stage of a relationship. Don't give up on growing and developing a healthy connection with your partner.

    • Breaking Free from Inherited PatternsDetaching from toxic relationships and taking responsibility for our choices is essential for personal growth and happiness. Letting go of expectations and focusing on self-inquiry can lead to a positive legacy for future generations.

      Our beliefs and behaviors are often inherited from our parents or caregivers, and they shape our relationships and choices. We may find ourselves in toxic or unhealthy situations because of these ingrained patterns. It's essential to have discernment and explore the benefits we derive from such relationships, even if they bring us down or hurt us. It takes courage to detach and let go, but it is necessary for our own growth and well-being. Having open, honest conversations with the people involved can be helpful, but we must release the expectation of changing them. Instead, we should focus on our own self-inquiry and build the muscle of taking responsibility for our choices. Ultimately, our happiness lies in becoming better individuals and creating positive legacies for future generations.

    • Improving Communication for Healthier RelationshipsTeaching communication skills and emotional intelligence can help create healthier relationships and prevent toxic behaviors, leading to personal growth and self-awareness.

      We often lack the skills and models to have difficult conversations and end relationships in a healthy way. We have been socialized to avoid confrontation and ignore our own needs, leading to passive-aggressive behavior or explosive outbursts. This lack of communication skills and emotional intelligence creates toxic workplaces and strained relationships. We need to teach children and adults how to use words to express their feelings and needs, instead of resorting to violence or avoidance. By providing individuals with the tools to navigate difficult conversations, we can create conditions for healthier and more fulfilling relationships. It is a practice of growing up, recognizing that personal growth and self-awareness are ongoing processes.

    • Fostering growth and healthier relationships through self-awareness and effective communication.The OFNR framework helps create space for healthier relationships by separating subjective interpretations from objective facts, fostering self-awareness, and enabling effective communication and calibration with others.

      Practicing self-growth and becoming the adult we want to be can lead to a glorious and magnificent feeling of improvement. As we age and gain wisdom, we begin to understand the importance of meditation and discernment. One way to foster healthier relationships is by using the OFNR framework, which stands for observation, feeling, need, and request. By breaking down our subjective interpretations and separating them from objective facts, we create space in our responses and interrupt the powerful stories we tell ourselves. This framework allows us to make the invisible visible and become conscious of our unconscious behaviors. It also enables effective communication and calibration with others, fostering healthier relationships.

    • Distinction between Feelings and Observations for Mindful Decision-MakingBy pausing and responding instead of reacting, we engage our adult brain and make thoughtful decisions. Success is defined by meaningful experiences, not material possessions.

      Distinguishing between our feelings and observations allows us to pause and respond instead of react. By separating stimulus and response, we engage our adult brain and prevent ourselves from making impulsive decisions. This tool of discernment and self-inquiry is crucial in navigating our interactions and understanding ourselves better. It also highlights the importance of equanimity in defining success. Rather than valuing material possessions, success is measured by the content that fills our lives, such as love, safety, and belonging. These experiences bring true satisfaction and a sense of fulfillment. Ultimately, success is about doing a pretty good job and feeling good about it at the end of the day.

    Recent Episodes from The Knowledge Project with Shane Parrish

    #199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)

    #199 Esther Perel: Cultivating Desire (2019)

    Few episodes in The Knowledge Project’s nine-year history have impacted people’s relationships and lives more than when Esther Perel shared her infinite wisdom for the first time in 2019.

    Shane and Esther discuss how the stories you tell yourself shape how you see the world (and what to do about that), the important conversations to have at the beginning of a relationship, the most common arguments couples have and how to prevent them, what to say to a partner if the relationship isn’t working out, the relationship between desire, love, and pleasure, and so much more. Plus, the conversation starts out on an interesting note: Esther Perel shares stories about her parents surviving the Holocaust and how their experiences shaped her childhood and continue to shape her life today.

    (00:00) Intro
    (02:38) Coming back to life after the war
    (08:09) The myth of stability
    (11:30) The power of reflections
    (19:48) Important conversations for early relationships
    (24:20) Can values change in relationships?
    (27:20) Being secure in a relationship
    (30:40) Better conversations with your partner
    (33:00) What's behind every criticism
    (36:52) Too much honesty
    (39:37) What happens if I don't love my partner
    (47:12) Why does good sex fade in relationships?
    (50:59) Love vs. desire
    (55:38) How to have difficult conversations with your partner
    (01:05:13) Conscious uncoupling

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠⁠⁠

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    #198 Maya Shankar: The Science of Identity

    #198 Maya Shankar: The Science of Identity

    Shane Parrish and Maya Shankar dive into the complexities of identity and personal transformation. They explore how significant life changes can reshape one's sense of self and explain how to navigate these transitions. Maya shares her personal stories and tips on making proactive choices and keeping a flexible, layered sense of self. They also discuss the psychological and philosophical aspects of identity, offering practical advice on goal-setting and personal growth.
    Maya Shankar is a cognitive scientist and the creator, executive producer, and host of the podcast, A Slight Change of Plans. Shankar was a Senior Advisor in the Obama White House, where she founded and served as Chair of the White House Behavioral Science Team. She holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology from Oxford and a B.A from Yale.

    (00:00) Intro

    (02:40) Shankar's "almost unbelievable" story of getting into Julliard

    (05:30) Why Shankar studied identity

    (11:38) What is identity?

    (14:52) Using your identity to accomplish your goals

    (18:00) Using anti-identities to accomplish your goals

    (18:51) What to do when your identity is "attacked"

    (26:30) How to re-establish trust in institutions

    (32:30) Use identity to start a positive habit

    (35:35) How to debunk myths with stories and facts

    (37:18) How does how we frame our goals help (or prevent) us from accomplishing them

    (43:11) The one motivational technique Shankar uses every day

    (45:15) On success

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠⁠

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - ⁠⁠https://fs.blog/clear/⁠⁠

    Follow me: ⁠⁠https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish⁠⁠

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    #197 Michaeleen Doucleff: TEAM Parenting

    #197 Michaeleen Doucleff: TEAM Parenting

    It's surprising how often we give our kids orders: "Do this!" "Don't do that!" But if we want to raise resilient and independent kids, is this the right approach? Michaeleen Doucleff argues there's a better way, and in this conversation, she explains why and shares practical strategies for solving the parenting "crisis" in the modern world.

    In this conversation, Doucleff reveals four parenting principles that will help foster resilience and independence in your kids while protecting and enhancing their emotional well-being. Shane and Doucleff discuss her observations on how different cultures approach parenting and how their practices can help alleviate the burdens we place on ourselves and our children. We also explore the role of technology and its impact on our parenting and our children's development and maturity.
    Michaeleen Doucleff is the author of Hunt, Gather, Parent. Her work has taken her all over the world to explore, observe, and learn from the parenting practices of various cultures. She is also a correspondent for NPR's Science Desk.

    (00:00) Intro

    (04:12) How (and why) we've lost our way as parents

    (08:02) The rise of the nuclear family

    (13:46) TEAM Parenting: T

    (17:20) TEAM Parenting: E

    (23:01) Why you don't need to praise your child

    (26:12) TEAM Parenting: A

    (36:42) TEAM Parenting: M

    (38:34) "Kids do not need to be entertained"

    (39:12) Technology, parenting, and transmitting values

    (1:02:59) Resources parents can use to educate kids about technology

    (1:04:50) How you can use the environment to give kids autonomy

    (1:09:56) Success and parenting

    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - ⁠https://fs.blog/clear/⁠

    Follow me: ⁠https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish⁠

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    #196 Brent Beshore: Business Brilliance and Happiness at Home

    #196 Brent Beshore: Business Brilliance and Happiness at Home

    Succeeding in both life and business is very difficult. The skills needed to scale a company often clash with those required to cultivate a thriving home life. Yet, Brent Beshore seems to have cracked the code—or at least he's actively working on it. In this conversation, he spills his secrets on excelling in both arenas.

    This episode is split into two parts: the first 45 minutes covers life and how to be a better person. Brent opens up about the evolution of his marriage, physical health, and inner life.

    The rest of the episode focuses on business. Shane and Beshore discuss private equity, how to hire (and when to fire) CEOs, incentives, why debt isn’t a good thing in an unpredictable world, stewardship versus ownership, and why personality tests are so important for a functional organization.
    After beginning his career as an entrepreneur, Brent Beshore founded Permanent Equity in 2007 and leads the firm as CEO. He works with investors and operators to evaluate new investment opportunities.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

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    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. https://protekt.com/knowledge

    (00:00) Intro

    (05:08) Why Brent examined his life

    (09:44) How Brent "fixed" his relationships

    (20:04) How helping hurts

    (32:13) How Brent was subtly controlling relationships

    (40:36) Why Brent stopped drinking (mostly)

    (50:29) How to run a business with love yet competitively

    (01:00:34) Win-win relationships

    (01:05:34) On debt

    (01:19:28) On incentives

    (01:29:08) How to hire and fire CEOs

    (01:34:18) What most people miss about hiring

    (01:44:19) Brent's playbook for taking over a company

    (01:51:20) On projections

    (01:55:52) Revisiting investments

    (01:58:44) How "hands-off" is Brent?

    (02:08:34) Where people go wrong in private equity

    (02:14:07) On success

    #195 Morgan Housel: Get Rich, Stay Rich

    #195 Morgan Housel: Get Rich, Stay Rich

    The skills it takes to get rich are drastically different from the skills it takes to stay rich. Few understand this phenomenon more than Morgan Housel. He's identified unique lessons about wealth, happiness, and money by studying the world's richest families and learning what they did to build their wealth and just how quickly they squandered it all.
    In this conversation, Shane and Housel discuss various aspects of risk-taking, wealth accumulation, and financial independence. Morgan explains the importance of understanding personal financial goals and the dangers of social comparison, lets everyone in on his personal financial “mistake” that instantly made him sleep better at night, and why the poorest people in the world disproportionately play the lottery—and why it makes sense that they do. They also touch on the influence of upbringing on financial behaviors, the difference between being rich and wealthy, and the critical role of compounding in financial success. Of course, we can’t have a writer as good as Morgan Housel on the podcast and not ask him about his process, so Housel concludes with insights into storytelling, his writing processes, and the importance of leading by example in teaching financial values to children.
    Morgan Housel is a partner at Collaborative Fund. Previously, he was an analyst at The Motley Fool. He is a two-time winner of the Best in Business Award from the Society of American Business Editors and Writers and was selected by the Columbia Journalism Review for the Best Business Writing anthology. He's the author of two books: The Psychology of Money and Same as Ever.
    Watch the episode on YouTube: ⁠https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos⁠

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: ⁠https://fs.blog/newsletter/⁠

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - ⁠https://fs.blog/clear/⁠ 

    Follow me: ⁠https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish⁠

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    (00:00) Intro

    (04:46) Risk and income

    (07:40) On luck and skill

    (10:10) Buffett's secret strategy

    (12:28) The one trait you need to build wealth

    (16:20) Housel's capital allocation strategy

    (16:48) Index funds, explained

    (20:59) Expectations and moving goalposts

    (22:17) Your house: asset or liability?

    (27:39) Money lies we believe

    (32:12) How to avoid status games

    (35:04) Money rules from parents

    (40:15) Rich vs. wealthy

    (41:46) Housel's influential role models

    (42:48) Why are rich people miserable?

    (45:59) How success sows the seeds of average performance

    (49:50) On risk

    (50:59) Making money, spending money, saving money

    (52:50) How the Vanderbilt's squandered their wealth

    (1:04:11) How to manage your expectations

    (01:06:26) How to talk to kids about money

    (01:09:52) The biggest risk to capitalism

    (01:13:56) The magic of compounding

    (01:16:18) How Morgan reads

    (01:22:42) How to tell the best story

    (01:24:42) How Morgan writes

    (01:35:42) Parting wisdom and thoughts on success

    #194 Abigail Shrier: The Parent-Therapy Trap

    #194 Abigail Shrier: The Parent-Therapy Trap
    Over the last decade, therapy has become the de facto solution to solve all sorts of problems for all sorts of people. Everyone has slowly accepted that therapy is normal and a net benefit to society.

    But instead of helping kids work through difficult circumstances, what if it's just making the problems worse? That's what Abigail Shrier thinks is happening, and in this conversation, she reveals some surprising reasons why.

    Shane and Shrier discuss the real reason therapy is "bad," how we got to this point of acceptance as a culture, and what you can do as a parent to get back to normalcy. Shrier also shares her experiences with lifelong therapy patients, who should actually be in therapy, and the one thing that makes someone a successful parent.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

    Protekt: Simple solutions to support healthy routines. Enter the code "Knowledge" at checkout to receive 30% off your order. https://protekt.com/knowledge

    (00:00) Intro
    (05:44) Inverse: How do we raise mentally unstable kids?
    (08:29) How we got to now
    (11:45) Bad therapy...or just social trends?
    (13:21) Being your kids' friend: good or bad?
    (15:55) The parenting type that raises the BEST kids
    (21:35) Is this all the parents' fault?
    (29:53) Is "Bad Therapy" a world-wide problem?
    (32:57) Talk to your kids' therapist about these things
    (42:09) The importance of facing adversity in childhood
    (47:06) Can we blame grad schools for all of this?
    (49:14) On technology and social media
    (51:03) Schools should "never" have gotten involved in mental health
    (54:43) Did COVID accelerate "bad therapy?"
    (56:07) How to return to normalcy
    (58:21) Why Shane shares negative YouTube comments with his kids
    (01:01:23) Shrier's experience being "cancelled"
    (01:04:13) On prestige media
    (01:07:47) Small steps parents can take to return to normal
    (01:11:02) Dealing with schools saying one thing and parents saying another
    (01:13:32) Why is the silent majority...silent?
    (01:16:32) If this continues, what happens?
    (01:18:19) What makes someone a successful parent?

    #193: Dr. Jim Loehr: Change the Stories You Tell Yourself

    #193: Dr. Jim Loehr: Change the Stories You Tell Yourself

    What if reaching the next level of success wasn't determined by another skill, degree, or course but by something that changed on the inside?

    That's what Dr. Jim Loehr believes, and in this episode, he reveals everything he knows about mental toughness and winning the mind game. Shane and Loehr discuss the radical importance of the stories you tell yourself—including how they can damage your kids—and how to change the negative stories you believe. Loehr also shares the best reflection questions to ask yourself to reveal personal blindspots, the importance of rituals for calming anxiety and performing under pressure, and how the best in the world use their recovery time effectively.

    Dr. Jim Loehr is a world-renowned performance psychologist and author of 16 books. From his more than 30 years of experience and applied research, Dr. Loehr believes the single most important factor in successful achievement, personal fulfillment, and life satisfaction is the strength of one’s character. Dr. Loehr possesses a masters and doctorate in psychology and is a full member of the American Psychological Association.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

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    (00:00) Intro

    (03:20) Parenting and storytelling

    (06:15) How to determine whether or not the stories are limiting or enabling you

    (08:41) What the stories world-class performers tell themselves

    (15:02) How to change the stories you tell yourself

    (23:26) Questions to journal about

    (26:16) Private voices vs. public voices (and how they impact your kids)

    (31:32) How to help your friends change their stories

    (37:30) How to better come alongside your kids to prevent destructive behavior

    (44:48) - (45:06) What Loehr knows about high performers that others miss

    (53:12) On time and energy

    (01:06:26) Conquering the "between point" ritual

    (01:11:50) On rituals vs. habits

    (01:15:54) How to increase your mental toughness

    (01:23:51) On success



    #192 David Segal: Yearly Planning, Daily Action

    #192 David Segal: Yearly Planning, Daily Action

    Working in a business and working on a business are two different things. Without the former, nothing gets done; without the latter, the wrong things get done. David Segal has a unique way of managing that tension, and this episode, he reveals all his business operating secrets and explains how he failed along the way.

    Shane and Segal discuss what entrepreneurship really is, where motivation comes from, and what Segal learned building a $200 million tea business. Shane and David also dive deep into the dark side of success and the radical depression that can strike when you get a big payday, life and business lessons they learned from Warren Buffett, and the value of time management.

    David Segal is the co-founder of Firebelly Tea. He’s also best known as “the David” of DAVIDsTEA. During his time at DAVIDsTEA, Segal grew the company from a single store to a $200 million retail giant. Segal left DAVIDsTEA in 2016 and started Mad Radish—a quick service restaurant concept. Mad Radish is all about providing healthy, gourmet fast foods. In 2021, Segal started Firebelly tea to create exceptional loose leaf teas tailored to modern living.

    Listeners of The Knowledge Project can receive a special 15 percent discount on Firebelly Tea products by heading to www.firebellytea.com and entering the code Shane15 at checkout.

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane


    (00:00) Intro

    (04:59) What entrepreneurship really is

    (07:10) How to manage your psychology

    (10:40) Yearly planning, daily action

    (15:50) Avoiding "ivory-tower syndrome"

    (18:30) Segal's childhood and background

    (25:15) The history of DAVIDsTEA and Firebelly

    (36:40) The evolution of tea and business over the last twenty years

    (42:30) On failures

    (49:00) Dealing with depression

    (52:30) Lessons about money

    (56:55) Business and life lessons from Warren Buffett

    (1:00:00) On time management

    (1:04:50) What's missing in Segal's life

    (1:08:39) On success



    #191 Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Diet Essentials For Healthy Living

    #191 Dr. Rhonda Patrick: Diet Essentials For Healthy Living
    Shane Parrish sits down with the renowned biochemist Dr. Rhonda Patrick to explore the intricate world of nutrition and health. Dr. Patrick provides a deep dive into the role micronutrients play in our daily health, detailing how deficiencies and insufficiencies in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, and amino acids can lead to serious health issues over time. Shane and Dr. Patrick also discuss the science behind deliberate heat exposure. She outlines the optimal sauna conditions—temperature, duration, and frequency—necessary to achieve these health benefits and explains the physiological mechanisms at play.
    Rhonda Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science and a Bachelor of Science degree in biochemistry/chemistry from the University of California, San Diego. She has done extensive research on aging, cancer, and nutrition.

    (00:00) Intro

    (04:40) A philosophy for nutrition

    (15:36) Micronutrients through supplements vs. food

    (25:43) Wild-caught vs. farm-raised fish

    (28:44) Organic vs. non-organic vegetables

    (36:14) On macronutrients

    (40:20) How protein levels differ in different foods

    (45:27) The best morning smoothie recipe

    (54:48) Dr. Patrick grades Shane's "GOAT" smoothie recipe

    (59:14) Grass-fed vs. non-grass fed

    (01:04:40) On vitamin D (Is sunscreen killing us more than the sun?)

    (01:19:48) Deliberate heat and cold exposure

    (01:44:27) Top three behavioral and diet interventions for life and health improvements

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Eight Sleep: Sleep to power a whole new you. https://www.eightsleep.com/farnamstreet

    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

    #190 Brad Jacobs: Building a Business Empire

    #190 Brad Jacobs: Building a Business Empire
    Throughout his tenure, Brad Jacobs has built multiple billion-dollar companies. While there is no "playbook" for growing a business, he focuses on a few factors above all else in every company he operates, and in this conversation, he reveals them all.

    Shane and Jacobs discuss how to read anyone during an interview through a series of intentional questions, the exciting role of AI and technology in the future of business, and where money-making ideas hide in companies. Jacobs also shares how his training in math and music made him a better business operator, the one thing he focuses on to grow his businesses, how to spot big trends before everyone else, and the only thing a company should focus on for success.

    Brad Jacobs has started five companies from scratch and led each to become a billion-dollar or multibillion-dollar enterprise. These include three publicly traded companies: XPO Logistics, where he serves as Chairman and CEO, United Rentals, and United Waste Systems. Before starting XPO in 2011, Jacobs founded United Rentals in 1997 and led the company as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. In 1989, he founded United Waste Systems.
    (00:00) Intro
    (04:44) The future of AI
    (07:21) How to think rationally
    (08:48) The major trend
    (10:57) The research process
    (13:29) On asking better questions
    (19:35) On rearranging your brain
    (22:23) On music, math, simplicity, and business
    (32:26) Leverage, debt, and optionality
    (35:11) What it takes to take contrarian bets
    (40:45) Confidence and parents
    (50:21) Why negative-only feedback is detrimental for employees
    (56:14) Money lessons
    (58:13) A deep dive on M&A (Jacobs' secret sauce to growing his companies)
    (01:07:51) Questions to immediately get to know anyone
    (01:11:14) On boards and board meetings
    (01:16:57) On decision-making
    (01:23:37) The role of capital markets
    (01:25:41) The type of person you don't want to hire
    (01:31:16) The best capital allocators
    (01:33:53) Biggest lesson Jacobs learned from the past year
    (01:37:20) On success

    Watch the episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/theknowledgeproject/videos

    Newsletter - I share timeless insights and ideas you can use at work and home. Join over 600k others every Sunday and subscribe to Brain Food. Try it: https://fs.blog/newsletter/

    My Book! Clear Thinking: Turning Ordinary Moments into Extraordinary Results is out now - https://fs.blog/clear/ 

    Follow me: https://beacons.ai/shaneparrish

    Join our membership: https://fs.blog/membership/


    Eight Sleep: Sleep to power a whole new you. https://www.eightsleep.com/farnamstreet

    Shopify: Making commerce better for everyone. https://www.shopify.com/shane

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    #173 The Voice In Our Head and How to Harness It, with Dr Ethan Kross

    #173 The Voice In Our Head and How to Harness It, with Dr Ethan Kross

    CAUTION ADVISED: Themes of an adult nature.

    Do you have a voice inside your head? For most of us, the answer is a resounding ‘yes’. And we often turn to this voice for guidance, ideas and wisdom. But sometimes this voice can lead us down a rabbit hole of negative self-talk and endless rumination. So, is it possible to take back control and harness the power of this so called ‘inner chatter’? This is the question the award-winning psychologist and guest on today’s podcast, Dr Ethan Kross set out to answer 20 years ago, when he began to study the conversations that we have with ourselves.

    In his brand-new book, Chatter: The Voice In Our Head and How to Harness It, Ethan combines groundbreaking research with real life examples to illustrate how our inner voice controls our life. The language we use about ourselves, he says can be incredibly powerful. Yes, there is negative self-talk. But that same voice can also help us innovate, problem, solve, fantasize, rationalize, and in many ways, help us to shape our identity. It's our inner voice that makes us unique as humans, so rather than silencing the chatter, we need to learn how to harness it.

    If this all sounds intriguing, but too good to be true, rest assured, this conversation is packed with super-practical advice. You’ll find out:

    ·      Why it's not always good to talk

    ·      That sometimes ‘in the moment’ is not the best place to be

    ·      What distance self-talk is and how it can help us

    ·      How to harness the placebo effect

    ·      How to support others through their chatter

    ·      When social media is helpful, and when it's not

    ·      How rituals and awe create control and perspective

    ·      Why you might want to consider putting together your own ‘board of advisors’

    This episode really is full of actionable tips that will help you redirect your inner chatter away from rumination and self-criticism towards reflection and self-improvement. I think this is a powerful conversation and I hope you enjoy listening. 

    Show notes available at https://drchatterjee.com/173

    Follow me on instagram.com/drchatterjee/

    Follow me on facebook.com/DrChatterjee/

    Follow me on twitter.com/drchatterjeeuk

    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website.

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    'My GOD I would have boned him!

    'My GOD I would have boned him!
    BE WARNED: It's LuAnna, and this podcast contains honest, upfront opinions, rants, bants and general explicit content. But you know you love it!

    This week, it’s Lockdown the sequel, Lu’s throwing herself into Christmas and might be getting murdered? Another Big Night In, Lu’s appliance nightmare continues, bellends are stockpiling, Sean Connery snuffs is, God bless Craig David, a Surgeon responds and Grade A Clingers.

    Plus Kim Kardashian’s über extra 40th, the girl who got stuck in a window trying to save a poo, a winning couple in the weirdo(s) of the week, Lu’s Bojo speech rant, and a filthy ending.

    Remember, if you want to get in touch you can:
    Email us at luannathepodcast@gmail.com OR drop us a WhatsApp on 07745 266947

    #696: Be Useful — Arnold Schwarzenegger on 7 Tools for Life, Thinking Big, Building Resilience, Processing Grief, and More

    #696: Be Useful — Arnold Schwarzenegger on 7 Tools for Life, Thinking Big, Building Resilience, Processing Grief, and More

    Brought to you by Wealthfront high-yield savings account, Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover sleeping solution for dynamic cooling and heating, and AG1 all-in-one nutritional supplement.

    Arnold Schwarzenegger (@schwarzenegger) is an Austrian-born bodybuilder, actor, businessman, philanthropist, bestselling author, and politician. He served as the thirty-eighth governor of California. His new book, Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life, is out October 10th, and his daily email newsletter Pump Club recently hit more than 500,000 subscribers and continues to grow as a positive corner of the Internet. 

    Schwarzenegger has made it his mission to give back. Since his time in the Governor’s house, he’s been working diligently to combat climate change, anti-semitism, ensure fair voting practices, help youth, work with Veterans, and inspire healthy living.

    Please enjoy!


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    This episode is also brought to you by Eight Sleep! Eight Sleep’s Pod Cover is the easiest and fastest way to sleep at the perfect temperature. It pairs dynamic cooling and heating with biometric tracking to offer the most advanced (and user-friendly) solution on the market. Simply add the Pod Cover to your current mattress and start sleeping as cool as 55°F or as hot as 110°F. It also splits your bed in half, so your partner can choose a totally different temperature.

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    [06:37] Recovering from heart surgery.

    [11:19] Age 10 entrepreneurship.

    [15:38] Arnold's dad and the importance of being useful.

    [21:02] Arnold and his brother: same upbringing, different outcomes.

    [27:53] Building ladders and never thinking small.

    [34:49] When Arnold's self-bet to be a comedic lead paid off.

    [41:26] We're all in sales.

    [46:43] The significance of shifting gears.

    [50:24] Grieving Franco Columbu.

    [54:53] Aging.

    [1:02:17] Arnold's current state of self-identity.

    [1:05:07] What Arnold hopes readers take away from Be Useful.

    [1:12:18] Parting thoughts.


    For show notes and past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show, please visit tim.blog/podcast.

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    Sign up for Tim’s email newsletter (5-Bullet Friday) at tim.blog/friday.

    For transcripts of episodes, go to tim.blog/transcripts.

    Discover Tim’s books: tim.blog/books.

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    Past guests on The Tim Ferriss Show include Jerry SeinfeldHugh JackmanDr. Jane GoodallLeBron JamesKevin HartDoris Kearns GoodwinJamie FoxxMatthew McConaugheyEsther PerelElizabeth GilbertTerry CrewsSiaYuval Noah HarariMalcolm GladwellMadeleine AlbrightCheryl StrayedJim CollinsMary Karr, Maria PopovaSam HarrisMichael PhelpsBob IgerEdward NortonArnold SchwarzeneggerNeil StraussKen BurnsMaria SharapovaMarc AndreessenNeil GaimanNeil de Grasse TysonJocko WillinkDaniel EkKelly SlaterDr. Peter AttiaSeth GodinHoward MarksDr. Brené BrownEric SchmidtMichael LewisJoe GebbiaMichael PollanDr. Jordan PetersonVince VaughnBrian KoppelmanRamit SethiDax ShepardTony RobbinsJim DethmerDan HarrisRay DalioNaval RavikantVitalik ButerinElizabeth LesserAmanda PalmerKatie HaunSir Richard BransonChuck PalahniukArianna HuffingtonReid HoffmanBill BurrWhitney CummingsRick RubinDr. Vivek MurthyDarren AronofskyMargaret AtwoodMark ZuckerbergPeter ThielDr. Gabor MatéAnne LamottSarah SilvermanDr. Andrew Huberman, and many more.

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