

    Explore "procrastination" with insightful episodes like "49. Productivity tips for entrepreneurs", "REDIFF : La procrastination et la gestion des émotions | LA RÉUSSITE SCOLAIRE", "Comment SORTIR de la PROCRASTINATION ?", "#344 Journey Beyond Perfection: Exploring Growth and Mindfulness | Michelle Kooi" and "Decoding Procrastination: Strategies for Overcoming the Hurdles" from podcasts like ""Actually, You Can", "AZIMUT Parlons orientation", "Antipopcast", "Ideas & Impact: 3 Big Ideas to Transform Your Life and Business" and "Create with Franz"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    49. Productivity tips for entrepreneurs

    49. Productivity tips for entrepreneurs
    As an entrepreneur, productivity is key to achieving your business goals and living a fulfilling life. However, many entrepreneurs struggle with productivity due to inhibiting tactics and psychological roadblocks. In this solo episode I share actionable strategies for maximizing efficiency, overcoming procrastination, and achieving your business goals. You’ll learn how to set the right goals, manage your time effectively, and overcome any limiting beliefs. By implementing these strategies, entrepreneurs can maximise their efficiency and accomplish more in less time, allowing them to enjoy a balanced and fulfilling life. So, take action today and start boosting your productivity to achieve your business goals and live the life you've always imagined - because Actually, You Can.



    Website: https://www.myfgalloway.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/myfgalloway/

    Ep.5: How to set goals that stick:
    Apple podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/au/podcast/05-how-to-set-goals-that-stick/id1681883373?i=1000610772155
    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/0HMARLvjr3hwIEyqVKZkwQ?si=8c9e10c733e44762

    Pomodoro Timer playlist by Study Planet: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6HuAVqLOmYskc2qOaBZBBz?si=40cd96b85b944a3d

    REDIFF : La procrastination et la gestion des émotions | LA RÉUSSITE SCOLAIRE

    REDIFF : La procrastination et la gestion des émotions | LA RÉUSSITE SCOLAIRE

    Nous allons aborder la procrastination sous l’angle des neurosciences et en vous donnant d’autres astuces et stratégies à adopter pour en éviter les écueils. Passer à l'action et reprogrammer son mental, c'est ce que nous allons voir dans cet épisode!


    • rappel de ce qu'est la procrastination
    • pourquoi procrastine-t-on?
    • faire un état des lieux de la procrastination de votre jeune
    • l'aider à passer à l'action 
    • reprogrammer son mental 

    👏 MERCI Cécile SOLAR - Coach Professionnelle Certifiée 

    Membre du collectif de spécialistes AZIMUT : https://www.azimut-podcast.com/le-collectif-des-specialistes-en-orientation/

    Pour prendre rendez-vous :  https://www.dessinetaviecoaching.com


    La gestion du stress en période d'examens  https://audmns.com/fYWFbQZ

    Adolescents victimes du syndrome de l'imposteur https://audmns.com/FqJuqdx

    Le stress des lycéens https://audmns.com/FLDaIsz

    Comment aider les ados à surmonter la peur de l'échec? https://audmns.com/JoCnlwo

    La créativité : un facteur de réussite dans les études  https://audmns.com/YifJkFM


    AZIMUT vous offre le livret pour favoriser les apprentissages de votre ado.  Nous avons choisi de vous exposer et conseiller 4 outils faciles à implémenter. Ils permettent une meilleure mémorisation et une concentration plus aisée. Ce sont des méthodes pratiques, faciles à implémenter et efficaces. Testées et approuvées! A télécharger ici : https://www.azimut-podcast.com/livret-outils-apprentissage/


    Inscrivez-vous à l’Hebdo de l’orientation : https://www.azimut-podcast.com/newsletter

    ( vous recevrez en cadeau de bienvenue le Livret d’outils pour favoriser les apprentissages)


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    #business #developpementpersonnel #podcast #créativité

    Bienvenue dans un nouvel épisode de notre podcast où nous plongeons au cœur d'un sujet universellement familier : la procrastination. Dans cette discussion approfondie, nous explorons les mécanismes psychologiques derrière cette habitude courante, partageons des conseils pratiques pour surmonter la procrastination et analysons comment elle peut affecter nos vies professionnelles et personnelles.

    Qu'est-ce que la procrastination ?

    La procrastination, c'est le report volontaire d'une tâche, souvent considérée comme désagréable, en faveur d'activités plus plaisantes et non prioritaires. Dans cet épisode, nous plongeons dans les raisons sous-jacentes de ce comportement et proposons des stratégies pour résister à ses tentations.

    Nos réseaux :

    Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/antipopcast/

    Une production MUTO


    #344 Journey Beyond Perfection: Exploring Growth and Mindfulness | Michelle Kooi

    #344 Journey Beyond Perfection: Exploring Growth and Mindfulness | Michelle Kooi

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: Perfection and procrastination

    BIG IDEA #2: Presence - be here now; sit in the discomfort; feel the feels; connect with the infinite; allow the impossible

    BIG IDEA #3: Progress - baby steps move you forward; questions are the answer; creativity is the juice; celebrate the small things

    Enjoy the interview 

    Get the show notes for this episode here: https://AskJeremyJones.com/344 

    Decoding Procrastination: Strategies for Overcoming the Hurdles

    Decoding Procrastination: Strategies for Overcoming the Hurdles

    In this interview I engage in a great conversation with Dinara Skeiryte, an experienced hypnotherapist, and we go diving deep into the intricacies of procrastination. We unravel the layers surrounding this human tendency, dispelling the myth of laziness and delving into the various factors that contribute to this common challenge.


    Join Dinara and me as we navigate through the roots of procrastination, addressing issues like overwhelm, fear of failure, and perfectionism that often lurk behind its surface. In this informative interview, we discuss practical strategies to halt procrastination, exploring whether motivation is a necessary precursor to taking action.

    We hope you will find our toolkit useful for understanding and overcoming procrastination, arming you with actionable insights to boost productivity and reclaim control of your time. We love giving  tangible solutions to this universal challenge, and it’s great to empower ourselves every day by knowing that we are not simply ‘lazy’


    Please do not procrastinate watching the entire episode :)

    If you liked it, feel free to share it, subscribe to this channel and add your views in the comments!

    Video link (If you prefer the video version, with blunders!)

    Dinara's Website: https://thefullspectrumyou.com

    Mine: www.Franzsidney.com

    Design and photo credit © Franz Sidney

    New year - new you....what are you waiting for?





















    Q35: How do I deal with writer's block?

    Q35: How do I deal with writer's block?

    Welcome to season 2 of Ask The Author. 

    The first question of the year is all about dreaded writer's block. Is it real? Is it just a form of procrastination? And what do you do when you feel like there's something stopping you from sitting down and writing? All will be revealed in this detailed episode with some great tips to get you writing again.

    Don't forget to like and subscribe so you don't miss an episode.

    Detailed show notes can be found at www.jfgibson.com.au 

    And if you'd like your question answered please reach out via the website above or to Jodi on Instagram @jfgibsonwriter

    Happy writing!

    Episode Two: The Ambitious Procrastinator

    Episode Two: The Ambitious Procrastinator

    Bonus Free Confidence Quick Start: A seven-day email series designed to boost your self-confidence, a key factor in overcoming procrastination. Sign up at https://www.petrakolber.com/quickstart

    In this episode, we delve into the topic of procrastination and explore three different ways people tend to delay their dreams. Discover if you are a procrastinator, a procrastilearner or a perculator.

    Petra examines the reasons behind procrastination and offers insights on how to overcome it. Whether you find yourself delaying due to self-doubt, comparison, or the need for perfection, this episode provides valuable strategies to shift your mindset and take action toward your ambitions.

    Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of procrastination and discover practical tips to move closer to your goals.

    Stay in Touch With Petra




    Find the How to Look Great on Zoom Video Here

    Commencer l'année avec le déclic... celui du fric!

    Commencer l'année avec le déclic... celui du fric!
    Le début de l'année est un moment propice pour reprendre le contrôle sur certains éléments qu'on a trop négligé. Parmi ceux-ci : nos finances personnelles. À l'aube d'une année toute neuve où les possibilités sont infinies (ou presque!), parlons d'argent, un sujet encore tabou de nos jours. Dans ce balado, l'autrice Tayssa Waldron nous accompagne dans notre comportement face à l'argent afin de développer un rapport plus sain. Fondatrice du Déclic du fric, Tayssa nous guide pour comprendre nos blocages et trouver des solutions concrètes pour réduire la procrastination financière. Parce qu'après tout, gérer son argent n'est pas une obligation, c'est un choix. Un choix qui peut mener à la réalisation de nos rêves, même les plus fous.

    276. Being Better: Soft Action, Bold Action and the secret to getting stuff done

    276. Being Better: Soft Action, Bold Action and the secret to getting stuff done

    Do you procrastinate more than you commit to doing what you need to do to achieve your goals? It’s episode 3 of my Being Better series to get your 2024 started with a bang. In this ep we’re talking soft action vs bold action – and how knowing the difference between the two is the secret to getting shit done!

    As a teaser: Bold Action is the thing that is crucial to deliver results. Soft Action is all the smaller, peripheral actions that contribute to the bigger picture.



    Host: Alexis Fernandez       
    Executive Producer & Editor: Elise Cooper
    Digital Producer: Zoe Panaretos
    DYFM Social Producer: Shania Magua
    Managing Producer: Sam Cavanagh 

    Find more great podcasts like this at www.listnr.com/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    E233 REPLAY: What Are You Avoiding?

    E233 REPLAY: What Are You Avoiding?

    🦃 Happy Thanksgiving, USA! In the midst of the Turkey Day hustle, April dives into a thought-provoking episode, posing a crucial question: What are we avoiding? Join in as she explores the reasons behind our silence on certain aspects of our lives and provides insights on facing and addressing these areas.

    Key Insights:

    1. Identifying the Avoided Area:

      • April prompts listeners to reflect on the areas of their lives they might be avoiding.
      • Encourages honest self-inquiry into the aspects we tend to overlook or not discuss.
    2. Facing Uncomfortable Realities:

      • Delving into the reasons behind avoiding certain areas, such as a belief that change is impossible or that it's beyond our control.
      • Advocates for facing uncomfortable truths and challenging the narratives that keep us silent.
    3. Application of Personal Growth:

      • Discusses the significance of applying this self-awareness and facing the unspoken areas in our lives.
      • Highlights the transformative power of addressing neglected aspects for personal growth.
    4. Exploring the "Why" Behind Avoidance:

      • Encourages listeners to question why certain topics or areas remain unaddressed.
      • Acknowledges the discomfort in facing these issues but emphasizes the potential for positive change.

    🌟 Join April in the journey of self-discovery and growth as she encourages listeners to break the silence around avoided areas. Take a step toward facing the unspoken and unlocking the potential for positive change. For more insights and to connect with April, visit her website, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.



    Want help with your Goals and Productivity?

    Interested in learning more about crushing Goals and Procrastination - getting more done in less time? Would you like to connect with April live? We are hosting a live FREE virtual event. You should be there, all the cool kids are and so should you. www.pivot-me.com/event

    👉👉 Connect with me here: 

    Website: https://www.pivot-me.com

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AprilGarciaPivotMe

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theAprilGarcia/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theaprilgarcia

    Goal Hacker's Guide: Crushing Life with SMART Strategies

    Goal Hacker's Guide: Crushing Life with SMART Strategies

    In this episode, we delve into the art of setting SMART goals—specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound.

    Join me as we unlock the secrets to creating a roadmap that not only directs but propels you towards your dreams. We'll explore how SMART goals aren't just about targets but about finding a deep-rooted purpose, carving out a direction that resonates with your passions, and unlocking a new level of motivation and focus. Tune in to learn the strategies and insights that will transform how you set and achieve goals, elevating your life to new heights.

    Become a Patreon www.patreon.com/thepositivityxperience

    For more info: www.thepositivityxperience.com


    86 - Ready or Not Just Start

    86 - Ready or Not Just Start

    Cindy Esliger addresses the topic of procrastination and the obstacles that keep us from taking action. Procrastination can sometimes be around waiting for the perfect time to start, a form of perfectionism, and Cindy offers advice on how to move past that to achieve our goals.

    Procrastination doesn’t mean we are lazy or have bad time management. It’s more about coping with how we feel about certain tasks. It can be caused by stress. In order to start a task, we need a strategy, especially if it’s a task that bores or overwhelms us. Cindy has three tips for overcoming procrastination by taking action. 1. Break things down, 2. Embrace imperfection, and 3. Take that first step.

    There is value in breaking the overall goal into smaller steps so it’s not so overwhelming. If we can simply tackle one small step at a time, we achieve the forward momentum we need. Cindy shares four steps for creating an achievable action plan: 1. Start with the end goal in mind, 2. Ensure each step is clear and doable, 3. Set deadlines and milestones, and 4. Review and adjust the plan as needed. Cindy’s advice helps break down procrastination into something manageable that can help spur us on to achieving our goals. 

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Contact Cindy Esliger 

    Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email

    How to Make Decisions Your Future Self Will Thank You for

    How to Make Decisions Your Future Self Will Thank You for

    If you're feeling frustrated and stuck in a cycle of making decisions that lead to regret and disappointment, then you are not alone! Perhaps you find yourself continuously procrastinating, choosing short-term pleasures over long-term goals, or constantly seeking validation from others before taking action. These actions may provide temporary relief or validation, but they ultimately hinder your ability to make impactful decisions that your future self will thank you for.

    Decision making isn't just about choosing between options, it's a complex cognitive process that involves our emotions, logic, subconscious mind, and growth mindset. The more we practice and improve our decision-making skills, the more resilient, problem-solving, and emotionally intelligent we become. - Samantha Leith

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Unravel the significance of decision-making in molding your personal development and shaping your destiny. 
    • Decode the profound impacts on your decision-making process, including emotions, reasoning, subconscious mind, and cultivate a growth mindset. 
    • Ascertain how to utilize personal values as the guiding light in decision making. 
    • Unearth the latent importance of authenticity in the decision-making process. 
    • Obtain strategies to ensure your decisions harmonize with your personal values for a brighter future.

    Harnessing Personal Values as a Compass

    Utilizing personal values as a guide is a potent tool in decision-making. By identifying and reflecting on what we truly value, we can align our decisions with those core beliefs, making the process authentic and meaningful. This alignment can promote consistency in our choices, contributing to decisions that not only honor our present self but also pave the way for a future we can be proud of.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Visit SamanthaLeith.com and sign up for the free values exercise to help define your personal values and align your decision-making process with them.
    • Check out the show notes for this episode to find the link to the Marshmallow Test and learn more about how our decision-making can be influenced by instant gratification.
    • Explore the Samantha Leith website and navigate to the Freebies section to access helpful tools and resources for personal development.
    • Consider joining the Samantha Leith podcast community on social media to connect with like-minded individuals and discuss topics related to personal growth and decision-making.
    • If you're interested in diving deeper into the topic of decision-making and personal development, check out Samantha Leith's recommended reading list on the website for book suggestions.
    • Stay tuned for future episodes of the Samantha Leith podcast, where Samantha will continue to explore topics related to personal growth, decision-making, and creating an extraordinary life.
    • Share this episode with a friend or family member who could benefit from learning how to make decisions that their future self will thank them for.
    • Leave a review on your favorite podcast platform to help spread the word about the Samantha Leith podcast and inspire others to live their best lives through intentional

    E7 - Comment sortir de sa zone de confort et incarner sa Mission de vie ?

    E7 - Comment sortir de sa zone de confort et incarner sa Mission de vie ?

    Dans cet épisode, on parle de choses concrètes : comment sortir de ta zone de confort, cet espace rassurant, très vaste, qui englobe ce qui t’est connu. Habitudes de vie, aux lieux en passant par tes comportements, ta vision du monde et les personnes qui t’entourent.

    Pour aller jusqu'au bout de la démarche, on va employer les grands moyens : te faire rendre ton dernier soupir. La méthode anti-procrastination par essence !!



    🎁 Télécharge l'ebook Les 7 erreurs à éviter pour réussir en tant que naturopathe ou entrepreneuse du bien-être

    Instagram Shake Your Nature : @instagram.com/shakeyournature

    Instagram Shake Your Nature ACADEMY : @shakeyournature.academy

    Le site www.shakeyournature.fr 


    Les livres d'Angélique : disponibles ici 

    Perfectionism, Anxiety, and Shame

    Perfectionism, Anxiety, and Shame

    If “perfect” is getting in the way of the good in your life, listen in on this episode of Awaken Your Wise Woman, as host Elizabeth Cush and Bianca Kesha Hughes talk about how to avoid the pitfalls of perfectionism. 


    “Once we can connect to who we are, embrace and see ourselves, that's where fulfillment comes from.”
    — Bianca Kesha Hughes

    You can find the full show notes and resources mentioned in the interview here.



    The Art of Becoming - Forever Growing: The Man's Ministry w/ Carl Holley

    The Art of Becoming - Forever Growing: The Man's Ministry w/ Carl Holley

    Have you wrestled with the four P's? Have you wrestled with Pride, Procrastination, Play Station, and Pornography? Have you struggled to adjust your single mindset to a married mindset? What has helped you grow in your relationships? 

    Listen as we welcome Carl Holley to the conversation for the Art of Becoming podcast.

    He will share his truth, enlighten us, and give us insight into his journey, growing into a leader and husband within marriage. He will share the testimony of his past experiences early on in his marriage, where he failed to make a shift and be the man God was calling him to be. 

    If you are having real struggles in your relationship with yourself and your spouse or significant other, tune in and listen to gauge if you are currently wrestling with the four P's and see how you can begin to posture yourself to make the shift in your life and grow into the person God is calling you to be.

    55 - Stop Procrastinating

    55 - Stop Procrastinating

    Cindy Esliger addresses the topic of procrastination in this episode. What is procrastination, why do we do it, and what kind of procrastinator do we seem to be? Cindy answers these questions then offers up some ways to break our procrastination habit and become productive on priority tasks instead of giving in to distraction or overwhelm. 

    There are a lot of different ways we procrastinate. We do it by organizing, by cleaning, by doing other things, by waiting for permission, anything we can engage it that takes us away from what we should be working on. Productivity is a double-edged sword because sometimes we are productive in our procrastination, we’re just not productive in order of priority. Cindy challenges us to identify our style of procrastination so we can learn how to handle it.

    Cindy shares four strategies to make it easier to take action against procrastinating: 1) determine the next step, 2) make it a priority, 3) make the task easier by making it smaller, and 4) redesign the environment. She explains each step with action in mind. What will motivate us to focus on the immediate task without distraction? Set yourself up for success against procrastination by taking Cindy’s insight and advice to heart.

    Resources discussed in this episode:

    Contact Cindy Esliger - Career Confidence Coaching: website | instagram | facebook | linkedin | email

    #24: Procrastination, Overwhelm, & Embracing Your Superpowers with Evelyn Rease

    #24: Procrastination, Overwhelm, & Embracing Your Superpowers with Evelyn Rease

    Evelyn Rease, a Life & Business Coach who supports busy moms to thrive without stress and overwhelm through boundary setting and self care, joins me for an expansive and entertaining conversation. We discussed a broad range of topics, including:

    • How to establish routines and create habits on the ADHD spectrum and beyond;
    • Why peeling back the onions layers is a vital part of the healing process;
    • What procrastination really is and how to stop doing it;
    • Why nothing within us is innately "bad" and how to see these gifts as our superpowers;
    • And the #1 reason why you should keep a journal.

    I guarantee you will gain numerous take-aways from this conversation! 

    Find Evelyn Rease on Instagram, Facebook, TikTok and Linkedin under @evelynrease.

    **If you find this episode valuable, please subscribe! It makes a huge difference in the reach of our program and in helping this podcast be more visible. Another easy way to support us is by taking a screen shot of the episode and posting it on your social media. Be sure to tag our accounts so we can share on our feeds. Thank you so much for your support in getting our messages out to more people who need to hear them!

    Find me on IG @iamhollybeck and @healthbridgecoaching. Follow me on Facebook a @Health Bridge Coaching.