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    Ideas & Impact: 3 Big Ideas to Transform Your Life and Business

    Each interview contains 3 big ideas to transform your life or business. We believe each idea shared can be transformational for you or your business growth. Each week you'll get our positive news that transforms lives. These big ideas help to inspire people to live more abundant lives. This show is hosted by military veteran and entrepreneur, Jeremy C. Jones. He has interviewed 270+ experts including Gary Vaynerchuk, Bob Burg, Ivan Misner, John David Mann, Rob Basso, and many more.
    enJeremy Jones346 Episodes

    Episodes (346)

    #346 Scaling Success: Assembling the Dream Team and Systems for Optimal Growth | David Chavez

    #346 Scaling Success: Assembling the Dream Team and Systems for Optimal Growth | David Chavez

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: Have the right people on leadership team on stage of growth you are in

    BIG IDEA #2: Know who are your core customers

    BIG IDEA #3: Having properly outlined goals written, so people know what actions

    Enjoy the interview 

    Get the show notes for this episode here: https://AskJeremyJones.com/346 

    #344 Journey Beyond Perfection: Exploring Growth and Mindfulness | Michelle Kooi

    #344 Journey Beyond Perfection: Exploring Growth and Mindfulness | Michelle Kooi

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: Perfection and procrastination

    BIG IDEA #2: Presence - be here now; sit in the discomfort; feel the feels; connect with the infinite; allow the impossible

    BIG IDEA #3: Progress - baby steps move you forward; questions are the answer; creativity is the juice; celebrate the small things

    Enjoy the interview 

    Get the show notes for this episode here: https://AskJeremyJones.com/344 

    #343 The Science of Advertising Effectiveness | Dan Hill

    #343 The Science of Advertising Effectiveness | Dan Hill

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: Showcase faces because they draw about 2/3rds of the visual and emotional attention.

    BIG IDEA #2: Emphasize motion or implied motion because people notice change, as it presents either an opportunity or threat.

    BIG IDEA #3: If using radio, be sure to use 2 voices instead of merely 1 voice because 1 voice alone is too monochromatic.

    Get the show notes for this episode here: https://AskJeremyJones.com/343

    Enjoy the interview

    #342 The Power of Mindset: Cultivating Meaning and Momentum in Life | Marjorie Ngwenya

    #342 The Power of Mindset: Cultivating Meaning and Momentum in Life | Marjorie Ngwenya

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: Your mindset is a choice and it defines your reality

    BIG IDEA #2: Having a sense of purpose helps you to steer your life in a certain direction intentionally and brings fulfilment.

    BIG IDEA #3: Dreams are inspiring but action is valuable

    Enjoy the episode 

    Get the show notes for this episode here: https://AskJeremyJones.com/342 

    #341 Unlocking Leadership Potential: Harnessing Relationship Agility for Organizational Transformation | Scott David

    #341 Unlocking Leadership Potential: Harnessing Relationship Agility for Organizational Transformation | Scott David

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: Awareness - Developing the capacity to step outside your thoughts and observe them from a distance, especially when under stress, is always the first step in increasing interpersonal effectiveness. It's simple and hard.

    BIG IDEA #2: Resilience - The ability to tolerate the discomfort of difficult situations and emotions so that you aren't triggered into fight, flight or freeze. This creates the space to respond thoughtfully rather than react reflexively.

    BIG IDEA #3: Choice - Our mindset, beliefs, assumptions, judgements and stories we hold about a person or situation directly affect our emotional state and ability to be effective. Be intentional in choosing perspectives that support you and lead to better outcomes.

    Enjoy the episode 

    Get the show notes for this episode here: https://AskJeremyJones.com/341 

    #340 Podcasting: The Catalyst for Business Launch Success | Steve Young

    #340 Podcasting: The Catalyst for Business Launch Success | Steve Young

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: Build an audience first by interviewing your heroes.

    BIG IDEA #2: Listen to your audience and don't be religious about how you make money.

    BIG IDEA #3: Start a subscription-based business.

    Enjoy the episode 

    Get the show notes for this episode here: https://AskJeremyJones.com/340 

    #339 Unlock Your Creative Superpower: Unleashing the Power of Creative Expression | Lane Gardner

    #339 Unlock Your Creative Superpower: Unleashing the Power of Creative Expression | Lane Gardner

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: Creative expression is your superpower! It can be used as a tool to support deep healing and everyday mental health, reducing anxiety, improving self-confidence and increasing feelings of possibility and hope.

    BIG IDEA #2: Creative expression isn’t just for “artists”! It’s your very own LIFELINE to help you UNCOVER, RECOVER and DISCOVER your well of inner resources, assets and tools…your one-of-a-kind brilliance!

    BIG IDEA #3: Creative expression is a pathway to expanding what you’re capable of, realizing your highest potential and aligning you with your true essence. Becoming more of your Whole, Shiny, Brilliant Self leads to a more easeful and fulfilling journey through life!

    Get the show notes for this episode at:


    #338 Microcourage: Achieving Your Goals through Everyday Challenging Actions | CB Bowman

    #338 Microcourage: Achieving Your Goals through Everyday Challenging Actions | CB Bowman

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: The importance of daily Microcourage

    BIG IDEA #2: By re-envisioning how we think about courage, in terms of profitability and a willingness to see failure as a success.

    BIG IDEA #3: We need to recognize and applaud our microcourage™ to survive the trauma and disappointments we face especially as we move through the 5 pandemics

    Enjoy the episode 

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    #337 Leading with Contagious Energy: Unleashing the Power of Positive Leadership | Rayna Schroeder

    #337 Leading with Contagious Energy: Unleashing the Power of Positive Leadership | Rayna Schroeder

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: “How it feels to work here” dramatically impacts an organization’s results. The biggest factor that impacts “how it feels to work here” is YOU as a leader.

    BIG IDEA #2: “Thou shalt not have fun at work” is OUT and “Fun is fuel for positive change” is IN.

    BIG IDEA #3: There are lots of ways to infuse positivity and playfulness into your workplace and it starts with YOU as the leader.

    Enjoy the episode 

    Get the show notes for this episode at https://AskJeremyJones.com/335

    #336 Unleashing the Power of Contagious Positive Energy | Karissa Dean

    #336 Unleashing the Power of Contagious Positive Energy | Karissa Dean

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode:

    BIG IDEA #1: Become a master of your emotions

    BIG IDEA #2: Shift your perspective and create a birds eye view of the situation

    BIG IDEA #3: Choose change and step into the feeling you desire to hold

    Enjoy the episode

    Get the show notes for this episode at https://AskJeremyJones.com/podcast

    #335 Breaking Free from Destructive Behavior and Addictions - A Journey of Transformation and Hope | Hal Nevitt

    #335 Breaking Free from Destructive Behavior and Addictions - A Journey of Transformation and Hope | Hal Nevitt

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: : Transform Destructive Behavior, Break Bad Habits, and Conquer Addictions for a Thriving Future

    BIG IDEA #2: HOPE - Mastering the Art of Overcoming Destructive Behavior, Changing Bad Habits, and Conquering Addictions 

    BIG IDEA #3: RESILIENCY- Overcome Destructive Behavior, Change Bad Habits, and Conquer Addictions with Sober Social Support Group 

    Enjoy the episode 

    Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast

    #334 Unleashing the Power of Your Story: The Key to Building a Spectacular Book and a Strong Brand | Desiree Duffy

    #334 Unleashing the Power of Your Story: The Key to Building a Spectacular Book and a Strong Brand | Desiree Duffy

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: The Key Ingredient for Creating a Spectacular Book in Today's Competitive Market

    BIG IDEA #2: All the marketing and PR in the world won’t sell a mediocre story in today’s competitive market. 

    BIG IDEA #3: The Vital Ingredient in Your Marketing Mix

    Enjoy the episode 

    Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast

    #333 Unleashing the Sales Team: Mastering Reports, Dashboards, and Data Integration | Dave Hall

    #333 Unleashing the Sales Team: Mastering Reports, Dashboards, and Data Integration | Dave Hall

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: Unlocking Sales Success: Harness the Power of Reports and Dashboards to Optimize Your Sales Team

    BIG IDEA #2: Mastering Data Quality for Optimal Team Performance"

    BIG IDEA #3: Boost Sales Team Efficiency: Optimize Your Sales Process with Salesforce Integrations and Streamline Systems

    Enjoy the episode 

    Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast

    #332 Unveiling the Art of Curiosity, Clarity, and Confidence | Giovanna Elias

    #332 Unveiling the Art of Curiosity, Clarity, and Confidence | Giovanna Elias

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: Deeper Connections: Master the Art of Curiosity to Foster Authentic Personal and Professional Relationships

    BIG IDEA #2: Mastering Authentic Relationships: Unveiling the Power of Clarity for Clear Communication, Conflict Prevention, and Meaningful Connections

    BIG IDEA #3: Unlocking Success: Mastering the Art of Building and Sustaining Authentic Personal and Professional Relationships through Confidence

    Enjoy the episode 

    Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast

    #331 Networking Secrets to Unlocking Your Path to Success | Barbara Fleury

    #331 Networking Secrets to Unlocking Your Path to Success | Barbara Fleury

    #331 Podcast Episode Title: "#331 Networking Secrets to Unlocking Your Path to Success | Barbara Fleury

    ## Interview with Barbara Fleury


    ## Guest Bio: Barbara Fleury is a globally recognized and award-winning relationship-management strategist. With a background in moving from city to city and state to state, Barbara learned the art of building relationships out of necessity. Along her journey, she developed a proven system for effectively building and maintaining connections, which she continues to implement using recognized best practices today. For over two decades, Barbara has been coaching entrepreneurs, business leaders, and sales professionals on the art of nurturing their most valuable relationships to enhance both their personal and professional lives. One of her key focuses is teaching authentic gratitude practices as an essential component of relationship-building. As a respected member and Director of Business Network International (BNI), Barbara attributes her success to her unwavering commitment to excellence. This core value shines through in all aspects of her life and the individuals she chooses to surround herself with. [1]

    [1] Untitled
    [2] Untitled
    [3] Untitled

    ## 3 big ideas discussed in this episode:

    BIG IDEA #1: Network To Succeed: How to fulfill your purpose through networking and building strong relationships. - "Unlocking Success: The Power of Giving in Networking and Building Strong Relationships"

    BIG IDEA #2: Focus on what you can give. - Unleashing the Power of Networking: Empower Your Purpose Through Building Strong Relationships

    BIG IDEA #3: Networking is more than just referrals and recommendations. - "Unlocking Success through Gratitude: The Power of Networking and Building Strong Relationships"


    1) Website: www.SendingMadeSimple.com

    2) Book: https://jonesmediapublishing.com/book-network-to-succeed

    Episode Summary: Title: "Unlocking Success through Purposeful Networking: Insights from Barbara Fleury" Show Notes: In this insightful podcast interview, we dive into the power of networking and building strong relationships as a means to fulfill your purpose and achieve success. Our guest, Barbara Fleury, a renowned networking expert, shares her wisdom on the transformative impact of genuine connections. Discover why networking goes beyond mere referrals and recommendations, and how it can be a catalyst for personal and professional growth. Barbara emphasizes the importance of giving, expressing gratitude, and fostering authentic relationships. Tune in to gain practical tips and strategies to leverage the power of networking in your journey towards success.

    ## Enjoy the episode

    Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast

    #330 Unlocking Your True Potential: Embracing Failure as a Catalyst for Growth | Julio Briones

    #330 Unlocking Your True Potential: Embracing Failure as a Catalyst for Growth | Julio Briones

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    BIG IDEA #1: The Art of Failing Quickly: Aiming for Success through Intentional Failure in Education

    BIG IDEA #2: Mastering the Art of Failing Quickly: Unveiling the Key Steps to AIM for Success with Analyzing, Implementing, and Managing Milestones

    BIG IDEA #3: Mastering the Art of Failing Quickly: Unveiling the Key to Success through Strategic Outcome Measurement

    Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast

    #328 Decoding ESG: Unveiling the Secrets to Business Alignment and Social Impact | Noah Miller

    #328 Decoding ESG: Unveiling the Secrets to Business Alignment and Social Impact | Noah Miller

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 

    • BIG IDEA #1: Unlocking Success: Aligning Your Business with ESG for a Sustainable Future (ESG) Environmental, Social, and Governance issues
    • BIG IDEA #2: From Board Room to Break Room: Unleashing the Power of ESG as the Ultimate Team Sport for Business Alignment
    • BIG IDEA #3: Empowering Businesses to Drive Positive Change: Harnessing ESG for a Sustainable Future and Global Equality

    Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast

    #329 Unleashing the Power Within: Transforming Your Customer Experience Starts with Your Employees | Kristen Szustakowski

    #329 Unleashing the Power Within: Transforming Your Customer Experience Starts with Your Employees | Kristen Szustakowski

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode: 


    • BIG IDEA #1: Elevate your service team, they'll elevate your customer experience. - "Unlocking the Power of Your Service Team: Empowering Employee Excellence for an Elevated Customer Experience"
    • BIG IDEA #2: Every employee wants to do well. If they're not performing, find the block. - "Unlocking the Power of Your Service Team: How Embracing Authenticity Elevates Customer Experience"
    • BIG IDEA #3: Be willing to break from formality with intention to get to the heart of your people. - "Unlocking the Power of Employee Experience: Elevate Your Service Team to Transform Customer Satisfaction" 

      Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast

    #327 Unleashing the CEO Within: Harnessing Perspective for Unprecedented Personal and Professional Growth | Barry Saltzman

    #327 Unleashing the CEO Within: Harnessing Perspective for Unprecedented Personal and Professional Growth | Barry Saltzman

    3 big ideas discussed in this episode:

    • BIG IDEA #1: Unlocking Your Inner CEO: Empowering Yourself to Take Charge of Your Life and Career
    • BIG IDEA #2: Unlock Your Potential: Mastering Your Personal Operating System as the CEO of Your Life
    • BIG IDEA #3: Regaining Control: Harnessing the Power of Perspective to Master Your Life's CEO Role

    Enjoy the episode Get the show notes for this episode at AskJeremyJones.com/podcast