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    How to Make Decisions Your Future Self Will Thank You for

    en-auSeptember 04, 2023

    About this Episode

    If you're feeling frustrated and stuck in a cycle of making decisions that lead to regret and disappointment, then you are not alone! Perhaps you find yourself continuously procrastinating, choosing short-term pleasures over long-term goals, or constantly seeking validation from others before taking action. These actions may provide temporary relief or validation, but they ultimately hinder your ability to make impactful decisions that your future self will thank you for.

    Decision making isn't just about choosing between options, it's a complex cognitive process that involves our emotions, logic, subconscious mind, and growth mindset. The more we practice and improve our decision-making skills, the more resilient, problem-solving, and emotionally intelligent we become. - Samantha Leith

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Unravel the significance of decision-making in molding your personal development and shaping your destiny. 
    • Decode the profound impacts on your decision-making process, including emotions, reasoning, subconscious mind, and cultivate a growth mindset. 
    • Ascertain how to utilize personal values as the guiding light in decision making. 
    • Unearth the latent importance of authenticity in the decision-making process. 
    • Obtain strategies to ensure your decisions harmonize with your personal values for a brighter future.

    Harnessing Personal Values as a Compass

    Utilizing personal values as a guide is a potent tool in decision-making. By identifying and reflecting on what we truly value, we can align our decisions with those core beliefs, making the process authentic and meaningful. This alignment can promote consistency in our choices, contributing to decisions that not only honor our present self but also pave the way for a future we can be proud of.

    The resources mentioned in this episode are:

    • Visit SamanthaLeith.com and sign up for the free values exercise to help define your personal values and align your decision-making process with them.
    • Check out the show notes for this episode to find the link to the Marshmallow Test and learn more about how our decision-making can be influenced by instant gratification.
    • Explore the Samantha Leith website and navigate to the Freebies section to access helpful tools and resources for personal development.
    • Consider joining the Samantha Leith podcast community on social media to connect with like-minded individuals and discuss topics related to personal growth and decision-making.
    • If you're interested in diving deeper into the topic of decision-making and personal development, check out Samantha Leith's recommended reading list on the website for book suggestions.
    • Stay tuned for future episodes of the Samantha Leith podcast, where Samantha will continue to explore topics related to personal growth, decision-making, and creating an extraordinary life.
    • Share this episode with a friend or family member who could benefit from learning how to make decisions that their future self will thank them for.
    • Leave a review on your favorite podcast platform to help spread the word about the Samantha Leith podcast and inspire others to live their best lives through intentional

    Recent Episodes from The Samantha Leith Podcast

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    When we focus on the positive aspects of our lives, it can make all the difference. - Walt Whitman

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    • Boost Well-being with Realistic Optimism: Discover the benefits of realistic optimism on mental and emotional health, and how it can enhance overall well-being. 
    • Foster Self-reliance in Optimism: Explore the importance of self-reliance in nurturing a positive mindset and developing resilience in the face of setbacks. 
    • Enhance Positivity through Human Connections: Uncover the power of human connections in nurturing optimism and building a support system for personal growth. 
    • Reframe Negativity for Personal Growth: Learn how to reframe negative experiences and thoughts to fuel personal growth and cultivate a mindset of possibility.

    Boosting Well-being with Realistic Optimism

    Realistic optimism can have a profound impact on both physical and mental health. This mental state helps lower stress levels and promotes psychological welfare, according to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association. Therefore, embracing this positive yet pragmatic outlook can drastically improve overall well-being and quality of life.

    Adding Manifestation To Achieve Your Goals

    Adding Manifestation To Achieve Your Goals

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    Record a meditation of yourself, talking about the goals that you're wanting to achieve this year. - Capsho

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Master practical manifestation techniques to achieve your goals.
    • Transform your life through the power of journaling for manifesting goals.
    • Clear physical and mental space for manifesting your deepest desires.
    • Explore different manifestation practices to unlock your full potential.

     Power of Journaling

    Journaling is a powerful manifestation tool that facilitates clarity and focuses on personal aspirations. When an individual journals about their thoughts, desires, and goals, they can cement their belief in their ability to accomplish those goals. Additionally, expressing gratitude through journaling enhances positive thinking, which is instrumental in the manifestation process.


    Setting Goals You'll Actually Achieve This Year

    Setting Goals You'll Actually Achieve This Year

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    Goals have to be something that I am in more control of in life. Instead of saying I want a million followers on Facebook, imagine having a million followers on Facebook. What would be in my control is posting two times a day or doing a Gary Vee and posting 100 times a day. Whatever we do, that's actually something that's achievable by me, measurable by me, because I have control over it.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Unlock your potential with effective goal setting strategies.
    • Discover the secrets to achieving success with smarter goals.
    • Cultivate daily habits that lead to goal achievement.
    • Find motivation and self-love to fuel your goal setting journey.
    • Learn to maintain consistency and avoid burnout for sustained success.

    Cultivate Daily Habits: Constructing healthy routines and behaviors are the stepping stones towards reaching our objectives. By incorporating valuable habits into our daily life, we enhance our productivity and increase our chances of realizing our long-term goals. Thus, the smart integration of systematic patterns can ultimately manifest into substantial progress and success.

    Planning your 2024

    Planning your 2024

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    Life is too freaking short at this point. We don't think we get a do over, okay? So just get out there and do it.

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Strategize for success in the upcoming year.
    • Reflect on achievements and set inspiring goals.
    • Choose a word to guide and motivate your year.
    • Create an exciting list of life goals to pursue.
    • Craft powerful affirmations and seek valuable advice.

     Choose a word for the year

     Selecting a word as a personal theme for the year contributes to focus and intentionality in one’s pursuits. This singular concept encapsulates the energy and effort one hopes to dedicate across all life domains. By embodying this term, individuals create a powerful tool for self-direction and motivation, enhancing the probability of success in their endeavors.

    Reflecting on the Year That Was: Making Way for a Fulfilling 2024

    Reflecting on the Year That Was: Making Way for a Fulfilling 2024

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    You're either winning or learning. - Unknown

    Key Lessons from 2023

    Take some time to write down key takeaways from 2023. How did various experiences shape who you are and what you want to accomplish in the year ahead? Get clear on 1-2 major lessons so you can apply them moving forward.

    • Embracing Change
    • Overcoming Fear
    • Discovering Passions
    • Letting Go

    As you reflect on 2023, allow the lessons, changes and discoveries to shape your mindset and choices for 2024. Use both triumphs and setbacks from last year to propel yourself to new heights.

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    Embracing your true self, even if or even when there are things you want to improve on, is the greatest gift you can give yourself. - Samantha Leith

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    •   Discover the key to personal transformation and unlock a deep sense of self-love and acceptance.
    • Explore the impact of societal expectations on body perception and learn to challenge harmful beauty standards.
    • Learn how feeling good about yourself is more important than looking good to others.
    • Embrace your physicality and develop a self-care routine that nourishes both your body and mind.
    • Find practical strategies to improve body image and cultivate a positive relationship with yourself.

    Discover Practical Strategies

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    Dare to set boundaries and love yourself enough to prioritize your own well-being. Self-advocacy is an act of courage and self-respect. - Samantha Leith

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    • Gain the confidence to speak up for yourself and advocate for your needs effectively.
    • Learn how to communicate assertively and constructively in your self-advocacy efforts.
    • Discover role-playing exercises that can help you practice and improve your self-advocacy skills.
    • Develop negotiation skills that will empower you to navigate challenging situations and advocate for what you deserve.
    • Cultivate self-confidence and self-awareness, enabling you to assert yourself confidently and effectively in your self-advocacy journey.

    Enhance self-confidence and self-awareness

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    Why You Can't Link Your Happiness to Your Goals

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    Achieving a goal is not an endpoint. It's about whom we become and what we do while we're on the path to reaching that goal. - Samantha Leith

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    • Discover how to find happiness in the present moment, rather than constantly chasing future goals.· 
    • Learn the secrets to avoiding the happiness trap and finding true fulfillment in life.
    • Gain insights into redefining success and cultivating gratitude for the small joys in life.
    • Explore the power of mindfulness and living in the present moment to enhance your overall happiness.
    • Unlock the key to celebrating small wins and finding joy in the journey towards your goals.

     Discover the secret to linking happiness to your future goals

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    Breaking the Habit of Self-Sabotage

    Breaking the Habit of Self-Sabotage

    Does this sound familiar? You set goals for yourself, but somehow end up sabotaging your own progress. Maybe you've been told to just try harder or push through, but the pain of constantly falling short is wearing you down. It's time to break free from ineffective actions and discover the key to overcoming self-sabotage.

    Our aim is by the end of our lives we have all these badges for overcoming self-sabotage. - Samantha Leith

    In this episode, you will be able to:

    • Discover the key behaviors that are sabotaging your progress and learn how to overcome them.
    • Develop a consistent approach to achieving your goals, and unlock the power of consistency in your life.
    • Learn how seeking professional help can provide the guidance and support necessary to overcome self-sabotage.
    • Set clear boundaries to protect yourself from self-sabotaging behaviors and create a supportive environment for success.
    • Uncover the secrets to identifying self-sabotage and gain valuable insights into why we often hold ourselves back.
    • Gain practical strategies for combating self-sabotage and taking control of your own success.
    • Explore the impact of self-sabotage on goal achievement and learn how to break free from this destructive pattern.

     Develop consistency to achieve goals

    Consistency is essential in the process of overcoming self-sabotage. This means making a pledge to oneself and sticking to it, striving to reach goals on a daily basis. As Samantha points out, even if there are occasional slip-ups, the key is to remember that each day offers a fresh start. Through persistence and consistency, we can squash self-sabotage and unlock success.