
    The Forbidden Triangle

    Welcome to the Forbidden Triangle Podcast with Catherine Kilgour! This podcast is about first's in dating, relationships, and everything else in between... and you guessed it sex. One of the countless forbidden topics. Each of our guests will choose an alias and/ or a Beyonce Sasha fierce identity so they can be honest and vulnerable without fear of speaking their truth.  Everyone has a story, so why not join in on this wild ride and all be curious together.
    enCatherine Kilgour73 Episodes

    Episodes (73)

    Ep. 72 Say less...

    Ep. 72 Say less...
    Say less... and celebrate! Today marks the third anniversary of the Forbidden Triangle Podcast. This podcast captured incredible moments in my life from the start of a relationship to navigating life's roller coasters and restarting from zero. My motto is to say less... and put your words into action. In this week's episode, we dive deep into the growth, happiness and unexpected turns this motto has done for my life. Enjoy! Thank you for the support! For more info visit our Instagram @theforbiddentrainglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Ep. 70 Freedom in Fear and Failure

    Ep. 70 Freedom in Fear and Failure

    There is something so special about being honest, and vulnerable. Especially, when it's about your biggest fears and downfalls. My goal this year was to work on all my fears, so in turn nothing can hold me back, including myself. Even if I fail and I know I will, I will have the confidence to try again and push harder. This past week was a "flop" (in my eyes)  but I'm not letting that stop me... 

    Thank you for the support! For more info visit our Instagram @theforbiddentrainglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Ep. 69 Your wish is my command...

    Ep. 69 Your wish is my command...

    Life is so much more fun when you put your words and/or thoughts into action... Let me explain. I had a craving and a desperate need for something going into the new year. The feeling was growing and becoming overwhelming and with therapy, I've been able to pinpoint exactly what it is. I did something gutsy and it worked out. But now, you have to listen to figure it out. Thank you for the support! For more info visit our Instagram @theforbiddentrainglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com


    Ep. 68 2023 & me.

    Ep. 68 2023 & me.

    As we end the year, I thought it would be fun to share my final date of 2023... I might have overshared my thoughts and feelings going into the date. So enjoy that part!! I just love being vulnerable. LOL. Spoiler Alert! I thought he was my future hubby and it ended up being a one-date-only situation. Not only will I share my date story but I will also share the lessons I've learnt this year and what my exciting plans are going into the new YEAR!! Pour yourself a glass of champagne and enjoy. Cheers to 2024 "Wild Things"! Thank you for the support! For more info visit our Instagram @theforbiddentrainglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com


    Ep.67 Mr. Burrito, The Viking and Blue Eyes

    Ep.67 Mr. Burrito, The Viking and Blue Eyes

    Caution! This episode of The Forbidden Triangle podcast includes sexual content. Please enjoy this saucy content with headphones and preferably on a walk. Symptoms include... uncontrollable laughter, bottom lip biting, desire to download dating apps, updating your roster, applying for therapy, manifesting swoon-worthy dates, indulging in smut, and feeling hot and bothered. Timestamp (26 mins) Enjoy the ride.


    Ep. 66 I'll Have to Thank Your Ex...

    Ep. 66 I'll Have to Thank Your Ex...

    Have you ever thought about this concept... that each individual has been molded from all their prior experiences? From communication styles, love languages, even down to what they like in bed. It's funny that we all teach each other from every single interaction. This week's episode is a must listen and makes you grateful for every romantic relationship you've ever had the chance to experience. Let's jump right in "Wild things". Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com


    Ep. 65 Beginning Again

    Ep. 65 Beginning Again
    The most beautiful and scary thing to do is start again at the beginning. I am single, applying to law school, taking the LSAT, navigating the dating apps without getting emotionally involved and learning that I have traumas that need to be worked out of my life. Life is hilarious. It's a roller coaster that I am okay to be on and if you know me I don't do rides. Welcome to my new beginnings... Let's jump right in Wild things. Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Chapter 31...

    Chapter 31...
    Welcome back "Wild Things''! My apologies for taking such a long hiatus, it's been a wild ride and I'll explain everything from my time away in this week's episode. I'm starting my thirty-first year off with a landmine... or should I say from scratch. I have exciting news to share and that's all I can say. Let's jump right in "Wild Things". Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Ep. 63 Unsolicited Dick Pics

    Ep. 63 Unsolicited Dick Pics

    Well, I'll start by setting up the scene... You the innocent person, standing patiently for your grande hot chocolate with oat milk and no whip, mindlessly scrolling through Instagram and bam!! Out of nowhere, Chad's junk is staring at you from your phone screen. No, thank you, Chad, not interested. The End. Why on earth do men send unsolicited dick pics? That's my question and you'll hear why I even started thinking about this subject.  Let's jump right in "Wild things". Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com


    Ep. 62 Wednesday Date Night

    Ep. 62 Wednesday Date Night

    Have you ever thought about dedicating one night a week to date night? If not, you should give it a go. Try it once and you'll never regret it. But here is the deal... You must try something new for the first time with your partner. It has to be thrilling and gets you out of your comfort zone. This is why it makes "Date Night" so exciting and something to look forward to each week. The funniest part of telling you to try this is that it wasn't even my idea to start with. You'll find out who it was in this week's episode! Enjoy!

    Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Ep. 61 Finding "the O"... again

    Ep. 61 Finding "the O"... again


    At the beginning of the year, I was creating my vision board with all sorts of old and new magazine clippings. Figuring out what I wanted to see for my future and somehow manifest it. I wanted to manifest orgasms in abundance. I decided to take the advice from Dr. Emily Morse "Meditate, Masturbate, and Manifest" and if you've ever listened to her podcast you know exactly what I'm talking about. She believes that if you can't get yourself to cum no one else will. Now on my vision board are the words "the O" and right beside it is a big juicy grapefruit. This was just the start of finding the O. Listen to find out more "Wild Things"!
    Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Ep. 60 Airing out the SH%T.

    Ep. 60 Airing out the SH%T.

    The main idea of starting this podcast was to talk about hard subjects. Subjects that our parents were too scared to talk to us about. The real truth is that we all grew up knowing it's probably not a good idea to air our "dirty laundry". Well, screw that... I think it's important to share our stories so that we can learn from each other and not feel so alone. An example for you all, I started listening to Armchair Expert years ago and I found out Dax Shepard was an ex-addict. He drank and was a heavy drug user but he changed his life around. He has a beautiful family, ridiculously close friendships, and an honorable career. The reason I stayed a dedicated listener was that my brother is also a sober person. I wanted to learn from Dax and be able to talk and understand my brother a little easier. Honestly, just to make sense of the whole thing. So If you've been wondering where I've been I'll explain it all in this episode. I can't afford a therapist so I let it all out. I mean it all. I didn't hold back and I am so scared to let it out into the universe. But if Dax can do it... well, I can at least tell you all a little bit of my story too. This is a story of what I wish I could say to my brother before he gave her the ring. Love you " Wild Thing" and thank you for always being there for me when I needed you the most. 

    Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Ep. 59 Well... HELLO!

    Ep. 59 Well... HELLO!

    Well HELLO!!! I miss y’all dearly. Okay, so to the sweetest listeners and my valentines, 3 years running… It’s been far too long since we last spoke and I just couldn’t handle it any longer. In this episode, we talk about what’s been happening in your girls' life since May 22nd, 2022. It’s been a wild ride and a shit ton of growth. I can’t go without mentioning how incredibly honored I am for your dedication since I’ve been away. Love you so much wild things and now let us get to talking. Xoxo Cat. 

    Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Ep. 58 Sooo I bought a bed...

    Ep. 58 Sooo I bought a bed...

    Sleeping and dating are hilarious combinations. No one ever told me that sleeping with your partner would be so tricky. For example, trying to fall asleep before the other, the odd noises the other one makes but you know for a fact thats not normal snoring, or even that they get up to pee in the middle of the night and find comfort in grabbing a boob so they can fall asleep quicker. If any of this makes you feel comfortable enjoy the beauty of this new episode!

    Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Ep. 57 How to keep your chinny chin hairs at bay

    Ep. 57 How to keep your chinny chin hairs at bay

    Here is the struggle all you beautiful humans with PCOS understand.. those pesky chin hairs or those instant mustaches that seem to grow while you were out running errands but when you left the house you were a flawless hairless newborn. It doesn't make sense but there are solutions!!! Enjoy "Wild Things"! Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    -Tria Laser 
    -Flawless ( finishing touch flawless) tool

    Ep. 56 The lowdown on... Pelvic Ultrasounds!

    Ep. 56 The lowdown on... Pelvic Ultrasounds!

    Ever wonder what it's like to get an ultrasound for your lady bits? Lol. Well, today my friends you're getting all the information about the preparation, the holding period, and the goop of it all. Enjoy! Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Ep. 55 First TIME parents meeting each other!

    Ep. 55 First TIME parents meeting each other!
    This past weekend I had a real-life "Meet the Fockers" moment and it was epic! To say the least. My boyfriend and I have been together for around a year and three quarters (cheesy I know) but I was finally ready for them to meet. Here is the story! I hope it was worth the wait. 
    Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com

    Ep. 54 How to Cycle Sync your WORKOUTS!

    Ep. 54 How to Cycle Sync your WORKOUTS!
    Hello hello "Wild Things"! Happy First Week of April. 
    Spring is finally here and it's time to dust ourselves off and get our bodies in motion. Before you get too excited and push yourselves way too hard listen to this. Alisa Vitti theory of moving your body in the exact order of your cycle has changed the workout game for me and has increased my energy level. Below is the rundown but please do listen for more information.

    My process!
    Day 1&2 - no exercise just be
    Rest of flow - Pilates light to more advanced.
    Week 1 (average follicular phase is only one week) - Bar/ fun movement
    Week 2 - Cardio
    Week 1 & until period starts - Weight Training
    Alisa Vitti - Woman who created the cycle syncing method
    My Flo App - The Holy Grail of all period tracking Apps
    Natural Cycles - Thermometer Birth Control App 
    Tone It Up - Workout App
    Hannah Fallis Bronfman - Influencer to follow

    Ep. 53 I poop every day now!

    Ep. 53 I poop every day now!
    Haha. As you read from the description this episode is all about my journey with my digestive system. PCOS causes all sorts of issues internally and externally and one is being not able to go poop regularly. However, I have solved the issue! Listen to find out how it all went down... pun intended. 
    Thank you for the support! For more info visit @theforbiddentrianglepodcast and Catherine @catherine_kilgour Email us at theforbiddentrianglepodcast@gmail.com