
    The Food Doctor: The 4 Foods You MUST Avoid If You Want To Be Healthy! - Dr. Will Cole

    enMarch 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Why Functional Medicine Is Revolutionizing Healthcare - It's About Time!Functional medicine takes a holistic approach, treating the root causes of health issues instead of just managing symptoms, leading to personalized and effective treatments with fewer side effects.

      Functional medicine focuses on optimizing health by addressing the root causes of symptoms and conditions, rather than simply managing them with medications. Conventional medicine often relies on standard reference ranges that may not reflect optimal health for individuals. Functional medicine practitioners use more comprehensive lab testing to determine personalized treatment plans based on each person's unique bio individuality. They consider factors such as gut health, chronic infections, nutrient deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and even emotional factors like trauma and shame. The goal is to find the most effective options with minimal side effects, taking into account the whole person, rather than solely relying on pharmaceutical interventions. Ultimately, functional medicine aims to help individuals feel their best by understanding and addressing the underlying causes of their health issues.

    • Uncover the connection between gut health, autoimmunity, and mental well-beingFunctional medicine takes a holistic approach to healthcare, recognizing the impact of lifestyle factors on health. Addressing both gut health and emotional well-being is crucial for overall wellness.

      Conventional medicine focuses on diagnosing diseases and matching them with medication, while functional medicine takes a nutrition-forward approach to healthcare. Functional medicine recognizes that many health problems are driven by lifestyle factors such as diet, stress levels, sleep, and exposure to toxins. The approach is not an either-or, but a both-and perspective that integrates different tools within a person's toolbox, including medications, to achieve effective and sustainable healing. The conversation also highlights the impact of autoimmune and inflammatory conditions on quality of life and the need for a holistic approach that addresses both physical and mental aspects of health. Will Cole's book, "Gut Feelings," explores the connection between mental health, autoimmunity, and diet culture, emphasizing the importance of addressing both gut health and emotional well-being for overall wellness.

    • The Surprising Link Between Mental Health and Inflammation ExplainedMental health issues like anxiety and depression can be influenced by inflammation. The gut-brain axis and chronic stress can impact inflammation levels, highlighting the importance of addressing inflammation for overall well-being.

      Mental health is closely connected to physical health, particularly to inflammation. Mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and brain fog can have an inflammatory component. The gut and brain are interconnected, formed from the same fetal tissue, and continue to be linked throughout life through the gut-brain axis. The gut plays a significant role in mental health as it produces serotonin and dopamine, also known as the "second brain." On the other hand, the feeling side, including chronic stress and trauma, can impact the nervous system, raise inflammation levels, and affect hormone expression. Chronic inflammation is problematic and linked to various health issues, including autoimmune problems, type 2 diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and mental health conditions. Understanding and addressing inflammation is crucial for maintaining overall well-being.

    • Discover the Silent Killer Inside You: Inflammation and Your HealthModulating inflammation is essential for optimal health, as both excessive and insufficient inflammation can lead to various health problems. Factors such as diet, stress, toxins, and emotional well-being play a significant role in chronic inflammation.

      Modulating and supporting healthy inflammatory pathways is crucial for overall well-being. Excess inflammation is associated with chronic health problems, just as deficiency can lead to immunosuppression and immunodeficiencies. The inflammation spectrum consists of silent inflammation, inflammation reactivity, and full-blown diagnosable issues. Common symptoms of chronic inflammation include brain fog, fatigue, dysregulated nervous system response, digestive problems, mental health issues, and hormonal problems. The leading causes of chronic inflammation stem from an evolutionary mismatch between our genetics and the modern world, including diet, stress levels, trauma, environmental toxins, and disruptions in our gut and soil microbiome. Additionally, shame and chronic stress can negatively impact physical health, highlighting the importance of self-compassion and emotional well-being.

    • Discover the Surprising Link Between Stress and Inflammation!Practicing self-compassion during stressful times can help reduce inflammation levels and protect overall well-being. Developing resilience and finding healthy stress management techniques is crucial for a healthy life.

      Chronic stress is a major contributor to inflammation and health problems. The study discussed in the conversation found that when people were subjected to stressful situations such as public speaking or doing math, their inflammation levels increased. However, those who practiced self-compassion during these stressful times had the lowest inflammation levels. Interestingly, the study also revealed that inflammation levels were higher on day 2 compared to day 1, indicating a cumulative effect of stress. Chronic stress can lead to various health issues, including autoimmune conditions, mental health problems, and metabolic disorders like type 2 diabetes. Therefore, it is crucial to develop resilience and find healthy ways to manage and reduce stress in order to protect our overall well-being.

    • Discover your stress threshold and take control of your healthWe have the power to make choices that contribute to a balanced and fulfilling existence, including setting healthy boundaries with technology and embracing ancient practices like forest bathing.

      Individuals have different thresholds for handling stressors and health problems. While some people have massive buckets and can handle a lot before reaching their tipping point, others may have smaller buckets and are more prone to health issues. However, regardless of our genetic tolerance, we have agency in what we put in our buckets. We can make choices about the foods we eat, our response to trauma, and the stressors we allow into our lives. This message of agency applies both on an individual level and at a societal level. Though the direction of technology and modern life may seem unhuman and overwhelming, there is a growing awareness that change is needed. By setting healthy boundaries with technology and looking to ancient practices like forest bathing, we can strive for a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

    • Why Our Culture's Priorities Are Holding Us BackPrioritizing our health and well-being is crucial for sustainable success and a fulfilling life, and challenging societal expectations can lead to better decision-making and overall well-being.

      Our culture's priorities heavily influence our choices and behaviors. The pursuit of success and status often takes precedence over aspects like health and happiness, which are deemed less glamorous. Burnout is glorified and seen as a badge of honor, while self-care practices like proper nutrition and rest are undervalued. However, both Will Cole and Steven Bartlett highlight the importance of prioritizing one's health and well-being. They emphasize that sustainable success and a fulfilling life require a foundation of good health. Additionally, the conversation touches on intergenerational trauma, suggesting that the experiences and traumas of previous generations can have an impact on individuals. Ultimately, recognizing and challenging our culture's priorities can lead to making more informed decisions that prioritize our overall well-being.

    • The shocking truth about how trauma is inherited genetically!Understanding and addressing intergenerational trauma can break the chains of dysfunction and lead to healing for ourselves, our families, and future generations.

      Trauma can be passed down from generation to generation through epigenetic mechanisms. Research has shown that the traumatic experiences of our ancestors can impact our genes and influence our mental and physical health. This intergenerational trauma can increase the likelihood of mental health issues, autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and hormonal problems. While it may feel overwhelming to deal with our own trauma and that of our ancestors, it's important to shift our perspective and offer ourselves grace, forgiveness, and compassion. By understanding and addressing intergenerational trauma, we have the power to break the chains of dysfunction and heal ourselves, our families, and future generations. Though trauma may be inherited, so can healing.

    • The shocking truth about how stress wreaks havoc on our bodiesOur nervous system regulates our stress response, but trauma, thoughts, and emotions can cause dysregulation. Living in a state of hypervigilance and consuming unhealthy foods worsen the effects of stress.

      Our nervous system plays a crucial role in regulating our response to stress and maintaining overall well-being. The sympathetic nervous system triggers the fight or flight response, while the parasympathetic nervous system helps calm us down. However, many people experience a dysregulated nervous system due to an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system. Polyvagal theory explains how trauma can be stored in our bodies and how our thoughts and emotions impact our physical health. The three states of the nervous system range from a relaxed state to acute stress and severe conditions like burnout. The majority of the population is living in a state of hypervigilance, which is related to chronic stress and metabolic issues. Unhealthy foods that cause inflammation, particularly gluten-containing grains, also contribute to stress on our bodies.

    • These 6 everyday foods are secretly causing inflammation in your body!Certain foods like wheat, industrial seed oils, conventional dairy, excessive sugar, and alcohol can negatively impact gut health and contribute to inflammation, highlighting the importance of maintaining a healthy gut microbiome.

      Certain foods and substances can have a negative impact on our health, specifically in relation to inflammation and gut health. Wheat and other grains, when improperly prepared and overconsumed, can trigger inflammation levels in the body. Industrial seed oils, such as canola and soybean oil, are often overconsumed and can disrupt the healthy ratio of omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids. Conventional dairy, unless it is grass-fed and organic, may contain inflammatory components due to genetic changes in cows. Excessive sugar intake, including hidden sugars in products like agave nectar, can also be detrimental to health. Finally, alcohol can disrupt the gut microbiome and contribute to systemic inflammation and cognitive decline. Maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is important as it influences various aspects of our physical and mental well-being, including immune function, neurotransmitter production, and inflammation regulation.

    • This one simple trick can improve your gut health!Taking care of your gut microbiome is essential for overall well-being, including immune function, digestion, and hormone conversion. Incorporate anti-inflammatory foods and practices like meditation or soups/stews in your diet to support a healthy gut-brain connection.

      The health of our microbiome is crucial for various aspects of our well-being, including immune function, digestion, hormone conversion, and even our cravings. The bacteria in our gut play a role in regulating how we think, feel, and operate. Taking care of our gut microbiome starts with the foods we eat, focusing on anti-inflammatory options and foods that support our overall health. Soups and stews, like those in the GAPS protocol, can be especially beneficial for gut health and reducing inflammation. Additionally, practices such as meditation, breath work, and forest bathing can support vagal tone and promote a healthy gut-brain connection. When shopping for gut-friendly foods, prioritize fiber-rich vegetables, protein sources, and nourishing broths like bone broth or plant-based options.

    • Former Vegan Discovers Surprising Reason Why the Diet FailedPersonalizing your diet based on individual needs and being open to making changes is crucial for optimizing your health.

      It's important to listen to your body and make dietary choices that work best for you. Will Cole, who was previously vegan, realized that the vegan diet was not optimal for his health due to fatigue, brain fog, and digestive problems. He discovered that he had a gene variant that affected his ability to convert folic acid into folate, leading to higher levels of homocysteine and inflammation. By incorporating wild-caught fish, grass-fed beef, and collagen-based foods into his predominantly plant-based diet, he was able to alleviate these physical symptoms. This emphasizes the importance of personalizing diets based on individual needs and being open to pivoting or evolving dietary choices to optimize health.

    • Why juice detoxes may not actually be good for youIncorporating whole foods and smoothies with fiber-rich fruits and vegetables is a healthier alternative to juice detoxes, supporting long-term success in maintaining a balanced diet and overall well-being.

      Juice detoxes may not be the optimal approach to wellness. While these detoxes can provide temporary relief from unhealthy eating habits, they lack the necessary fiber to support long-term success. Instead, a focus on incorporating whole foods and smoothies with blended fruits and vegetables can be more beneficial, as the fiber helps buffer the fructose in these drinks. The goal should be to give the gut a break from junk food and provide it with healthier options. When it comes to designing an optimal life for a teenager, it is important for parents to lead by example and focus on foods that love and nourish the body. Ultimately, the aim is for individuals to take ownership of their own health and make choices that support their well-being.

    • Discover the surprising benefits of intermittent fasting for your health!Intermittent fasting can help improve metabolic flexibility and reduce sugar cravings for better overall health, while mindfulness practices like meditation can support stress management and enhance the present moment experience. Building a strong support system is essential for managing stress effectively.

      Intermittent fasting can help optimize health and improve metabolic flexibility. By intentionally having periods of time without eating and breaking the fast later in the day, individuals can train their metabolism to be more resilient. This approach can be beneficial for most people in the West who are stuck in a sugar-burning state and experience insatiable cravings. Additionally, cultivating mindfulness through meditation practices can support the parasympathetic system and help manage anxiety and stress. It is important to acknowledge that everyone has struggles and imperfections, and it is okay to work on grounding oneself in the present moment. Having a strong support system is crucial in managing stress and staying positive in challenging roles, both professionally and personally.

    • He Said No to Success Demands and Improved His Well-beingSetting boundaries and learning to say no are essential for managing success and maintaining personal well-being. Prioritize health and well-being over excessive opportunities to avoid chronic stress.

      Managing success and maintaining personal well-being requires setting boundaries and learning to say no. Will Cole acknowledges that as he becomes more successful, with books and podcasts, he is inundated with opportunities and demands on his time. However, he has realized the importance of prioritizing his health and well-being by saying no to certain opportunities. He understands that there are only so many hours in a day and that taking on too much can lead to chronic stress. By setting boundaries and learning to say no, Will is able to decrease his stress levels and maintain a balance between pursuing his purpose and taking care of himself. This is a valuable lesson for others who may also struggle with managing success and maintaining personal well-being.

    • Discover the Controversial Method that's Revolutionizing HealthcareFunctional medicine has shown positive results in improving health and reducing medication dependency, challenging traditional healthcare practices and promoting better overall well-being.

      Functional medicine, despite facing criticism and pushback from conventional medicine, has shown positive results in improving people's health and quality of life. While some may still view functional medicine as controversial or dismiss it as "quackery" or "woo woo," the growing acceptance and adoption of functional medicine by mainstream institutions like the Cleveland Clinic indicates its effectiveness. The statistics and data speak for themselves, with functional medicine successfully reducing and eliminating the need for medications and getting people healthy. The conversation highlights the need for a different approach to healthcare, considering the United States' high healthcare spending, poor health outcomes, and shorter lifespan compared to other industrialized nations. It challenges traditional notions and encourages embracing functional medicine as a means to achieve better health.

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    The Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women & We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women! Richard Reeves

    The Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women & We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women! Richard Reeves
    500,000 men are dying by suicide, and 6% of men are unemployed, is masculinity in crisis? And what is the cure?  Richard Reeves is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and President of the American Institute for Boys and Men, an organisation that researches and addresses issues affecting men. He is also the author of the book, ‘Of Boys and Men’.  In this conversation, Richard and Steven discuss topics such as, the rising rates of male suicide rates, the health benefits of marriage for men, the toxic impact of Andrew Tate, and the relationship crisis among men.  0:00 (Intro) (01:24) Why Dedicating Your Career To Men's Issues (03:54) What's Your Background? (06:06) The Crazy Stats That Made You Research This Topic (08:07) We're Going Through A Cultural Revolution (12:32) We Need A New Way To Approach This (17:12) Are Men And Women Differently? (21:07) Men Take More Risks (26:17) Unconscious Behaviours Of Men (34:11) Suicide Is The Biggest Killer Of Men (38:44) Why Is This Suicide Increasing? (42:47) Why Do Humans Feel Like They Need To Be Needed? (46:59) Why Men Feel Less Needed (49:43) Does Retirement Kill You? (54:43) We're Losing Connection In Our Modern Society (57:42) The Dating Environment Has Changed (01:05:23) Are Dating Apps Being Unfavourable To Men? (01:09:41) Is Marriage In Decline? (01:12:51) Births Are Increasing Outside Of Marriage (01:13:56) Is Marriage Better For Women Or Men? (01:15:59) Enforced Monogamy (01:17:55) Why Andrew Tate Converted To Islam (01:20:47) Women Economic Power (01:22:56) What Do You Think About The Word Toxic Masculinity (01:27:08) There Is A Friendship Male Recession (01:31:38) Men Shed's Movement (01:33:48) My Experience With Couples Therapy (01:36:30) The Hard Times Of Going Through Couples Therapy (01:40:25) How Masculinity Can Be Expressed (01:47:42) What Advice You'd Give Your Children (01:53:58) Using Our Voices To Make Men Be Heard (02:01:22) The Last Guest Question You can buy Richard’s book, ‘Of Boys And Men’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/BGBtdbitXKb  Follow Richard:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/8swNmRotXKb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/9iup1brtXKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante

    Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante
    In this moment, the former CIA intelligence officer Andrew Bustamante discusses the crucial techniques of manipulation, which he describes as a core part of CIA training. Andrew  introduces the R.I.C.E. analogy, which stands for Reward, Ideology, Coercion, and Ego. This framework is essential for understanding the motivations of others, allowing you to connect with them, build relationships, and influence their actions. According to Andrew, reward involves anything the other person desires, while ideology reflects the person’s core beliefs and is the most powerful element of the acronym. Coercion involves using negative behaviours on someone such as guilt or blackmail, and ego relates to how the other person sees themselves. Andrew translates this manipulation technique to marketing. He suggests that by sending targeted messages to your audience and assessing their responses, you gain insights into their ideology, providing you with useful information for future sales. Listen to the full episode here - Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/vgYbIohXXKb Apple -  https://g2ul0.app.link/r9qufpkXXKb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Andrew: https://everydayspy.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Transforms Your Gut Microbiome! People Are Being Overdosed On Ozempic! Microdosing Saved My Life! - Dr Tyna Moore

    The Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Transforms Your Gut Microbiome! People Are Being Overdosed On Ozempic! Microdosing Saved My Life! - Dr Tyna Moore
    It's the most effective weight loss drug ever, but could it have other miraculous benefits? Dr Tyna Moore is a certified Naturopathic and Chiropractic physician and expert in holistic regenerative medicine. She is also the host of ‘The Dr Tyna Show’ Podcast and founder of the ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course about the benefits of the drug.  In this conversation, Dr Tyna and Steven discuss topics such as, how Ozempic saved Tyna’s mother’s life, the link between Ozempic and fertility, Ozempic's impact on alcoholism, and how Ozempic can boost your sex drive.  00:00 Intro 02:06 What Is Tina's Mission? 03:33 What Is a Naturopathic Doctor? 05:13 What Is Metabolic Dysfunction? 10:17 Tina's Most Surprising Case Studies 12:45 What Treatment Did You Prescribe Your Mother? 15:47 Tina's Health History 19:28 Discovering Ozempic 27:57 What Is Ozempic? 32:14 Tina's Use of Ozempic 38:17 The Untold Story of Ozempic 41:26 Other Benefits of Ozempic 50:36 Ozempic the Cancer Cure? 54:45 Mental Health Connections to Ozempic 57:14 Sexual Health and Fertility Impact 01:00:58 Where Is Metabolic Dysfunction Coming From? 01:05:04 What Advice You'd Give Someone With PCOS 01:10:13 Microdosing Examples 01:15:07 Microdosing Ozempic 01:20:34 Is Ozempic a Cure for Addiction? 01:23:56 Ozempic and the Dopamine Pathways 01:27:34 Should We Be Concerned About Side Effects? 01:30:18 What Are the Downsides of the Treatment? 01:32:42 What Else You Need to Do for Weight Loss if Microdosing 01:35:30 Losing Muscle as We Age, Fact? 01:36:37 The Sleep Component 01:38:44 Mindset for Weight Loss 01:40:36 The Benefits of Saunas 01:42:34 What Would Tyna Say to the World? 01:46:57 How to Find Out More About Tyna's Work 01:54:06 Guest's Last Question You can sign up to Tyna’s ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/SzO8olaUTKb  Follow Tyna:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/1jWIP6cUTKb  YouTube - https://g2ul0.app.link/TDLQu8fUTKb  Learn more about the studies mentioned, here: Ozempic and cardiovascular disease - https://g2ul0.app.link/acj4iubuVKb  Ozempic and colorectal cancer - https://g2ul0.app.link/ZFpVdfduVKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer

    The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer
    Sleep walking, night terrors and even sleep murders, the mysteries of the sleeping brain revealed Professor Guy Leschinzer is a world-renowned expert in Neurology and Sleep Medicine at Guy’s Hospital London. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The Nocturnal Brain’, ‘The Man Who Tasted Words’, and most recently, ‘Seven Deadly Sins’.  In this conversation, Guy and Steven discuss topics such as, how sleep can strip belly fat, the one sleep disorder affecting up to 80% of people, the number one fix for insomnia, and the truth about sleep walking and other night time activities. 00:00 Intro 02:06 Dr. Guy's Fascination With Neurological Conditions 04:15 What Is Dr. Guy's Background 06:26 What Is A Sleep Disorder Centre? 08:01 Why Dr. Guy Chose To Study Sleep 09:19 Is Sleep Important? 11:24 Why We Need Sleep For Good Health 12:59 A Large Percent Of The Population Has Insomnia 17:05 What Is Narcolepsy 18:03 What's Causing So Many Sleep Problems? 21:06 What's The Perfect Sleeping Habit? 24:36 Sleep Quantity Variance Per Person 28:27 The Link Between Sleep And Weight Gain 31:44 Circadian Rhythms Explained 36:17 Blue Lights 39:34 The Main Reasons People Are Struggling With Their Sleep 44:35 Sleep Myths 46:15 Chronotypes 47:55 Where To Start Fixing Sleep Problems 51:25 The Rise Of Sleep Trackers 58:28 What Is The Glymphatic System? 01:01:50 The Link Between Sleep Deprivation And Alzheimer's 01:02:54 Medicating To Help Sleep 01:04:38 Side Effects Of Melatonin 01:06:05 Non-Medical Alternatives To Help Sleep 01:14:38 Surgery To Fix Sleeping Issues 01:17:49 What Would Brain Scans Reveal About Sleep Deprivation 01:19:40 Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Mood 01:21:11 Can Parts Of Our Brain Be Asleep? 01:22:47 Dreaming 01:25:08 Nightmares Explained 01:25:54 Why Do We Remember Some Dreams And Not Others? 01:28:12 Most Upsetting Sleep Disorder Dr. Guy Has Seen 01:31:42 The Sleepwalking Murderer 01:33:51 There Is Help For Insomnia 01:35:18 The Different Types Of Insomnia 01:36:42 The Man Who Tasted Words 01:39:33 Autism And Synesthesia 01:42:22 Are We Guilty Of Crimes If We Are Mentally Ill? 01:45:01 Interventions To Help The Criminally Mentally Ill 01:46:40 Crazy Stories Resulting From A Brain Disorder 01:52:47 How Meeting People With Brain Disorders Has Changed Dr. Guy 01:54:22 Guest's Last Question   You can purchase Guy’s books, here: ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/aoUzRBkJNKb  ‘The Nocturnal Brain’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/iLrSJxzKNKb ‘The Secret World of Sleep’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/W8nPXVCKNKb  Follow Guy: Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/CCqOwVnJNKb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/YC1itGqJNKb  You can learn more about the study on light exposure patterns, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/2SQaT1KKNKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/doac - give you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. There's no risk with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Related Episodes

    The Gut-Metabolism Connection

    The Gut-Metabolism Connection


    • Frustration with extreme weight loss approaches.
    • Passion for healing metabolism for natural weight regulation.
    • Introduction to Metabolic Endotoxemia (ME) and its link to gut health.

    Understanding Metabolic Endotoxemia (ME):

    • ME linked to microbiome insult, impacting gut health.
    • Factors include antibiotics, c-section, lack of breastfeeding, and low-fiber diet.
    • Vicious cycle: Microbiome issues lead to low fiber, worsening diversity.
    • Leaky gut allows lipopolysaccharides (LPS) to trigger systemic inflammation.
    • Altered hunger signaling and reduced satiety hormones contribute to obesity.

    Impact of Endotoxemia:

    • Metabolic syndrome features tied to ME: inflammation, insulin resistance, central fat storage, hypertension, and dyslipidemia.

    Scientific Quotes on Endotoxemia:

    • Gut dysbiosis induces oxidative stress and ME, major drivers of obesity.
    • Oxidative stress key in developing complications of type 2 diabetes.
    • Gut dysbiosis linked to chronic inflammation in coronary artery disease.

    Studies and Interventions:

    1. Diet High in Fiber, Polyphenols, and Functional Foods:

      • Improved metabolic markers in type 2 diabetes subjects.
      • Lowered blood sugar, cholesterol, triglycerides, and inflammation.
    2. Flaxseed Intervention:

      • Lowered intestinal permeability and LPS in perimenopausal, overweight females.
    3. Pomegranate Extract:

      • Reduced inflammation, improved gut bacteria, and lowered endotoxemia in overweight subjects with high cholesterol.
    4. Resistant Dextrin (Prebiotic):

      • Lowered endotoxemia, improved sleep, quality of life, inflammation, and blood sugar in type 2 diabetes females.
    5. Probiotic (Lactobacillus Rosis GG):

      • Improved inflammation, lowered endotoxemia, and enhanced metabolic outcomes in coronary artery disease subjects.
    6. Symbiotic Intervention (Probiotic + Prebiotic):

      • Significant improvement in endotoxemia, inflammation, and metabolic markers in subjects with obesity.

    Practical Applications and Recommendations:

    • Testing for endotoxemia using LPS antibodies.
    • Dietary focus on high polyphenol, unrefined carbs, high-fiber, and nutrient-dense foods.
    • Power foods include flax seeds, chia seeds, true fermented yogurt, and pomegranate extract.
    • Individualized approach for gut dysbiosis, starting with digestive support.


    • Emphasis on the gut-metabolism connection.
    • Majority may have endotoxemia, a main driver of type 2 diabetes and obesity.
    • Solutions involve optimizing gut health through diet, supplements, and personalized approaches.

    References used in this episode:

    1.Medina-Vera I, Sanchez-Tapia M, Noriega-Lopez L, et al. A dietary intervention with functional foods reduces metabolic endotoxaemia and attenuates biochemical abnormalities by modifying faecal microbiota in people with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Metab. 2019;45(2):122-131.

    2.Krumbeck JA, Rasmussen HE, Hutkins RW, et al. Probiotic Bifidobacterium strains and galactooligosaccharides improve intestinal barrier function in obese adults but show no synergism when used together as synbiotics. Microbiome. 2018;6(1):121.

    3.Saleh-Ghadimi S, Dehghan P, Sarmadi B, Maleki P. Improvement of sleep by resistant dextrin prebiotic in type 2 diabetic women coincides with attenuation of metabolic endotoxemia: involvement of gut-brain axis. J Sci Food Agric. 2022;102(12):5229-5237.

    4.Fallah F, Mahdavi R. L-Carnitine and synbiotic co-supplementation: beneficial effects on metabolic-endotoxemia, meta-inflammation, and oxidative-stress biomarkers in obese patients: a double blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial. Food Funct. 2023;14(4):2172-2187.

    5.Moludi J, Kafil HS, Qaisar SA, Gholizadeh P, Alizadeh M, Vayghyan HJ. Effect of probiotic supplementation along with calorie restriction on metabolic endotoxemia, and inflammation markers in coronary artery disease patients: a double blindplacebo controlled randomized clinical trial. Nutr J. 2021;20(1):47.

    6.Farhangi MA, Dehghan P, Namazi N. Prebiotic supplementation modulates advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), soluble receptor for AGEs (sRAGE), and cardiometabolic risk factors through improving metabolic endotoxemia: a randomized-controlled clinical trial. Eur J Nutr. 2020;59(7):3009-3021.

    Gonzalez-Sarrias A, Nunez-Sanchez MA, Avila-Galvez MA, et al. Consumption of pomegranate decreases plasma lipopolysaccharide-binding protein levels, a marker of metabolic endotoxemia, in patients with newly diagnosed colorectal cancer: a randomized controlled clinical trial. Food Funct. 2018;9(5):2617-2622.

    8. Gonzalez-Sarrias A, Romo-Vaquero M, Garcia-Villalba R, Cortes-Martin A, Selma MV, Espin JC. The Endotoxemia Marker Lipopolysaccharide-Binding Protein is Reduced in Overweight-Obese Subjects Consuming Pomegranate Extract by Modulating the Gut Microbiota: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2018;62(11):e1800160.

    9. Millischer V, Heinzl M, Faka A, et al. Intravenous administration of LPS activates the kynurenine pathway in healthy male human subjects: a prospective placebo-controlled cross-over trial. J Neuroinflammation. 2021;18(1):158.

    10. Iqbal A, Prince LR, Novodvorsky P, et al. Effect of Hypoglycemia on Inflammatory Responses and the Response to Low-Dose Endotoxemia in Humans. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2019;104(4):1187-1199.

    11. Pei R, DiMarco DM, Putt KK, et al. Premeal Low-Fat Yogurt Consumption Reduces Postprandial Inflammation and Markers of Endotoxin Exposure in Healthy Premenopausal Women in a Randomized Controlled Trial. J Nutr. 2018;148(6):910-916.

    12. Madison AA, Belury MA, Andridge R, et al. Afternoon distraction: a high-saturated-fat meal and endotoxemia impact postmeal attention in a randomized crossover trial. Am J Clin Nutr. 2020;111(6):1150-1158.

    13. Sant'Ana CT, Amorim AD, Gava AP, et al. Brown and golden flaxseed reduce intestinal permeability and endotoxemia, and improve the lipid profile in perimenopausal overweight women. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2022;73(6):829-840.

    14. Frank J, Gupta A, Osadchiy V, Mayer EA. Brain-Gut-Microbiome Interactions and Intermittent Fasting in Obesity. Nutrients. 2021;13(2).

    15. Cani PD, Osto M, Geurts L, Everard A. Involvement of gut microbiota in the development of low-grade inflammation and type 2 diabetes associated with obesity. Gut Microbes. 2012;3(4):279-288.

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    Doctors Reveal How They Heal Their Autoimmune Disease

    Doctors Reveal How They Heal Their Autoimmune Disease

    View the Show Notes For This Episode

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    As a whole, autoimmune disease affects over 80 million Americans and five percent of the population in Western countries. They include type 1 diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, colitis, Crohn’s disease, and dozens of others. While your body is designed to fight off harmful things like infections, toxins, allergens, or a stress response, with autoimmune issues the body directs a hostile attack on its own joints, brain, skin, and more.

    In this episode, Dr. Hyman speaks with Dr. Cynthia Li and Dr. Terry Wahls about their personal stories of working through autoimmunity and how it led them to help others using Functional Medicine. They also dive into the underlying triggers of inflammation such as stress, hidden infections, food allergies or sensitivities, toxic exposure, genetic predisposition, nutrient deficiencies, and leaky gut.

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Mitopure, and Fatty15.

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    Fatty15 contains pure, award-winning C15:0 in a bioavailable form. Get an exclusive 10% off a 90-day starter kit subscription. Visit Fatty15.com and use code DRHYMAN10 today.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    How To Address Gut Issues And Get Back To Optimal Health

    How To Address Gut Issues And Get Back To Optimal Health

    This episode is brought to you by AG1, AirDoctor, HigherDOSE, and Super Simple Protein

    So many people are plagued every day with uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, and pain that often reduce quality of life or derail daily activities. Thankfully, emerging research has helped identify the real underlying issues of digestive conditions, which means we are developing an understanding of how to actually treat—and fix—gut dysfunction.

    In today’s episode, I talk with Dhru Purohit and Dr. Elizabeth Boham about the importance of a healthy gut and how to treat common symptoms like bloating, malnutrition, dysbiosis, and more.

    Dhru Purohit is a podcast host, serial entrepreneur, and investor in the health and wellness industry. His podcast, The Dhru Purohit Podcast, is a top 50 global health podcast with over 30 million unique downloads. His interviews focus on the inner workings of the brain and the body and feature the brightest minds in wellness, medicine, and mindset.

    Dr. Elizabeth Boham is a physician and nutritionist who practices Functional Medicine at The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Through her practice and lecturing she has helped thousands of people achieve their goals of optimum health and wellness. She witnesses the power of nutrition every day in her practice and is committed to training other physicians to utilize nutrition in healing.

    This episode is brought to you by AG1, AirDoctor, HigherDOSE, and Super Simple Protein.

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    Right now, you can get 10% off Super Simple Grassfed Protein by heading to drhyman.com/protein and using code protein10.

    Full-length episodes (and corresponding links) of these interviews can be found here:

    3 Things That Destroy Your Gut Health

    Underweight, Overtired, and Malnourished: How To Get Your Health Back On Track

    Why Gut Issues Are On The Rise And How To Fix It

    Bloating: Getting Rid Of Your Food Baby With Functional Medicine

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    What To Eat for Health and Longevity | Dr. Mark Hyman (Replay)

    What To Eat for Health and Longevity | Dr. Mark Hyman (Replay)
    [Original air date: April 29, 2021]. Functional medicine aims to uncover the laws of biology, treats the human body as an ecosystem, and is about creating health, not just curing illness. Mark Hyman is one of the foremost practitioners of functional medicine, one of its earliest advocates, and is certainly one of its best spokesmen. On this episode of Health Theory with Tom Bilyeu, Mark Hyman explains the rationale behind functional medicine and describes its most important features. He also gives detailed advice on improving the diet, talks about what it means to say that food is information, and discusses the connection between the body, mind, gut and brain. Get a copy of Mark's new book "Food Fix" here: https://amzn.to/38mWyY8 FOLLOW MARK: WEBSITE: https://drhyman.com INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/31IKBcR FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2tN13MP TWITTER: https://bit.ly/2vpGFS4 SPONSORS: Get 5 free AG1 Travel Packs and a FREE 1 year supply of Vitamin D with your first purchase at https://bit.ly/AG1Impact. Right now, Kajabi is offering a 30-day free trial to start your own business if you go to https://bit.ly/Kajabi-Impact. Head to www.insidetracker.com and use code “IMPACTTHEORY” to get 20% off! Learn a new language and get 55% off at https://bit.ly/BabbelImpact. Try NordVPN risk-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee by going to https://bit.ly/NordVPNImpact Give online therapy a try at https://bit.ly/BetterhelpImpact and get on your way to being your best self. Go to https://bit.ly/PlungeImpact and use code IMPACT to get $150 off your incredible cold plunge tub today. ***Are You Ready for EXTRA Impact?*** If you’re ready to find true fulfillment, strengthen your focus, and ignite your true potential, the Impact Theory subscription was created just for you. Want to transform your health, sharpen your mindset, improve your relationship, or conquer the business world? This is your epicenter of greatness.  This is not for the faint of heart. This is for those who dare to learn obsessively, every day, day after day. * New episodes delivered ad-free * Unlock the gates to a treasure trove of wisdom from inspiring guests like Andrew Huberman, Mel Robbins, Hal Elrod, Matthew McConaughey, and many, many, more * Exclusive access to Tom’s AMAs, keynote speeches, and suggestions from his personal reading list * You’ll also get access to an 5 additional podcasts with hundreds of archived Impact Theory episodes, meticulously curated into themed playlists covering health, mindset, business, relationships, and more: *Legendary Mindset: Mindset & Self-Improvement *Money Mindset: Business & Finance *Relationship Theory: Relationships *Health Theory: Mental & Physical Health *Power Ups: Weekly Doses of Short Motivational Quotes  *****Subscribe on Apple Podcasts: https://apple.co/3PCvJaz***** Subscribe on all other platforms (Google Podcasts, Spotify, Castro, Downcast, Overcast, Pocket Casts, Podcast Addict, Podcast Republic, Podkicker, and more) : https://impacttheorynetwork.supercast.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices