

    Explore "inflammation" with insightful episodes like "Que peut la nutrition pour soutenir l'immunité ?", "Pratique sportive intense : quels effets sur la santé ?", "Et si l'inflammation était une des causes de l'infertilité ?", "Megan Lyons - Adrenal Dysfunction: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments" and "What Can Thermography Detect from Inflammation?" from podcasts like ""Be-Life talk, le podcast qui met la santé en action", "Be-Life talk, le podcast qui met la santé en action", "Be-Life talk, le podcast qui met la santé en action", "180 Nutrition -The Health Sessions." and "AGELESS HEALTH® with Dr. Tom Roselle, DC"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Que peut la nutrition pour soutenir l'immunité ?

    Que peut la nutrition pour soutenir l'immunité ?

    Une étude scientifique récente indique que les personnes dont l’apport en micronutriments est faible sont celles qui sont les plus fragilisées sur le plan immunitaire...

    Quels sont les conseils de santé à suivre et les aliments à privilégier pour soutenir les défenses naturelles ? Dans ce podcast dédié à la santé et au bien-être, Laurence Lins, Directrice Scientifique chez Be-Life, met en lumière l'impact de l'alimentation sur notre système immunitaire. Elle donnera également ses recommandations pour une alimentation équilibrée et une vie saine.

    A découvrir également : 10 croyances courantes sur l’immunité : ce que vous devez vraiment savoir ! - Be-Life

    Pratique sportive intense : quels effets sur la santé ?

    Pratique sportive intense : quels effets sur la santé ?

    Tous les professionnels de la santé s'accordent sur l'importance de l'activité physique pour maintenir une bonne santé. Cependant, une étude scientifique récente avance que l'exercice intense peut avoir des impacts négatifs, tels qu'une certaine fragilité au niveau inflammatoire et immunitaire, ainsi que des problèmes articulaires et musculaires.

    Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques à adopter face à ces informations ? Dans ce podcast santé et bien-être, Laurence Lins, Directrice scientifique chez Be-Life, offre un éclairage nuancé sur la question. Elle prodigue aussi ses conseils avisés au service d'une vie saine et d'une alimentation équilibrée.

    A découvrir également : La spiruline, bénéfique pour les sportifs et bien plus encore - Be-Life

    Et si l'inflammation était une des causes de l'infertilité ?

    Et si l'inflammation était une des causes de l'infertilité ?

    Un couple sur six est touché par l’infertilité. Parmi les causes principales : l’âge. Mais la littérature scientifique récente indique que l’inflammation liée au stress oxydant peut également être responsable de l’infertilité. Comment l’expliquer ? Et quelles sont les pistes naturelles pour prévenir le terrain inflammatoire ?

    Dans ce podcast santé et bien-être, Laurence Lins, Directrice scientifique chez Be-Life répond à ces questions essentielles. Elle prodigue également ses conseils avisés pour privilégier une alimentation saine au service de la santé globale.

    A découvrir également :
    Quels nutriments privilégier pour favoriser la fertilité ? - Be-Life

    Megan Lyons - Adrenal Dysfunction: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

    Megan Lyons - Adrenal Dysfunction: Symptoms, Causes & Treatments

    This week, I'm excited to welcome Megan Lyons to the podcast. She is a wellness expert and owner of The Lyons’ Share Wellness. Megan is a Harvard graduate, board-certified holistic nutritionist and founder of The Lyons' Share Wellness, where she helps people achieve the healthiest and happiest selves. In this episode, we discuss adrenal dysfunction, the telltale signs, most common causes, and the path to follow when wanting to heal. Over to Megan.

    Some questions asked during this episode:

    • Tell us about the importance of adrenal health?
    • How can we best test the health of our adrenals?
    • What are the tell-tale signs of adrenal dysfunction?


    This week, I'm excited to welcome Megan Lyons to the podcast. Megan is a Harvard graduate, board-certified holistic nutritionist and founder of The Lyons' Share Wellness, where she helps people achieve the healthiest and happiest selves. In this episode, we discuss adrenal dysfunction, the telltale signs, most common causes, and the path to follow when wanting to heal. Over to Megan.


    Hey guys, this is Stu from 180 Nutrition, and I am delighted to welcome Megan Lyons to the podcast. Megan, good morning. How are you?



    Good morning. It's good afternoon over here, but I am doing great and so excited to talk to you today.



    Fantastic, fantastic. First up, for all of our listeners that may not be familiar with you or your work, I'd love it if you could just tell us a little bit about yourself, please.



    Sure. Well, my name's Megan Lyons. I live in Dallas, Texas, and I own a business called Lyons' Share Wellness, where I like to describe it as I get my hands in as much possible related to wellness as I can possibly handle. I like to do a lot of one-to-one work with people. I have a podcast, I have group programs, I have a blog. I do speaking. I do everything I possibly can because this area of life really lights me up. I have so much passion around nutrition and wellness and just the ability that we all have to make ourselves feel much better and go enjoy life at a more full capacity.

    To view full transcript and interview:
    https://180nutrition.com.au/180-tv/megan-lyons-interview/ ‎

    What Can Thermography Detect from Inflammation?

    What Can Thermography Detect from Inflammation?

    Listen to Dr. Tom Roselle DC and Derreth Painter, ACCT of the Thermography Centers discuss thermography and how thermographic imaging can detect illness, infections, and diseases based on inflammation; and can also measure severity. Thermography can provide many benefits, including early detection of breast cancer; and may detect 7-10 years earlier than a mammogram.

    Inflammation is visible on thermography scans with a variety of health concerns, including:


    • Cancer
    • Breast Cancer
    • Diabetes
    • Digestive issues like Candida
    • Sports injuries & recovery progress
    • Cognitive issues
    • Heart Disease
    • Stroke
    • Soft tissue and nerve injury
    • Unexplained pain
    • Arthritis
    • Tumors
    • Lymph congestion
    • Raynaud's disease


    For this and more episodes of Ageless Health® with Dr. Tom Roselle, DC, please visit https://www.drtomroselle.com/ageless-health-podcast/



    56. Practical Tips To Reduce Inflammation Naturally

    56. Practical Tips To Reduce Inflammation Naturally

    Do you hear the word inflammation everwhere, but are a little confused exactly what it is or if you have it?

    We kick off the episode by diving into the nitty-gritty of inflammation and its impact on our health. We uncover the various things that can trigger inflammation, like stress, junk food, and enviroment. Understanding what's causing the inflammation helps us figure out how to deal with it effectively.

    Then, we take a deep dive into the realm of nutrition and herbal solutions. Our guest Dr. Josh Levitt talks about how these natural approaches can help us tame inflammation. Certain nutrients and herbs have anti-inflammatory properties that can replace traditional drugs.

    We then explore how certain drugs we are using can effect with the nutrients in our bodies, leaving us with imbalances. It's important to know about these drug-induced nutrient depletions so we can fix them and stay healthy.

    Throughout the episode, we dish out practical tips and advice so you can try out these nutritional and herbal solutions in your own life. By taking a holistic approach and embracing the power of these natural remedies, you can potentially say goodbye to inflammation and boost your overall well-being.

    In a nutshell,  this podcast episode help us understand inflammation and its underlying causes and encourages us to rethink how we tackle treatment.

    About our guest: Dr. Josh Levitt

    Dr. Josh Levitt is a naturopathic physician with a degree in physiology from UCLA, a doctorate in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University, residency training in integrative medicine, over ten years of precepting medical residents from the Yale School of Medicine, and over 20 years of direct clinical experience with thousands of patients.

    He has helped thousands of patients with natural solutions to common, chronic, and complex medical problems. His primary focus is on painful orthopedic and musculoskeletal conditions and helping people understand and treat their pain at the source. 

    IG: @drjoshlevitt
    TT: @upwellness

    Good gut health is foundational to all health.  Download this free guide for simple but effective tips you can do every day and a proven protocol for better gut health.  Go to www.TheGutFixer.com to get started today.

    For more info on the host, visit www.megmill.com and follow Meg on Instagram @drmegmill. I would love for you to screenshot the episode and tag me so we can connect! Don’t forget to leave a review!

    51. How To Fight Inflammation with Food

    51. How To Fight Inflammation with Food

    In today's episode, we dive into the important topic of inflammation and its relationship with our immune system with Dr. Donna Mazzola.  Inflammation is a term we often hear, but understanding its true nature can be a bit tricky. It's actually a natural defense mechanism that our bodies use to protect us.

    When we get injured or infected, inflammation kicks in as a response to these triggers. However, problems arise when our bodies are constantly exposed to inflammatory triggers, leading to chronic inflammation and a higher risk of chronic diseases.

    We talk about the impact of our diet on inflammation. The standard American diet, which is often high in processed foods, sugar, trans fats, and omega-6 fatty acids, actually promotes inflammation. It's essential for us to reduce our consumption of these inflammatory foods and instead focus on whole foods with fewer ingredients. Filling our plates with fruits and vegetables is a great way to combat inflammation and support our overall health.

    But it's not just about what we avoid; it's also about what we incorporate into our diets. Certain foods have powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can help modulate our body's inflammatory response naturally. We'll dive into some of these foods, like turmeric, rosemary, ginger, green tea extract, and boswellia (also known as frankincense). Incorporating these ingredients into our meals can provide us with the benefits of anti-inflammatory compounds without the negative side effects associated with long-term steroid use.

    Making dietary changes can feel overwhelming, but remember, small steps can lead to significant improvements. Start by gradually incorporating more anti-inflammatory foods into your daily routine. You'll be amazed at how these changes can positively impact your health.

    And let's not forget the importance of educating our children about nutrition and instilling healthy habits from an early age. By teaching them about the power of anti-inflammatory foods, we set them up for a lifetime of wellness.

    So, join us as we explore the fascinating connection between food and immune-mediated inflammation. You're in for a friendly and informative discussion that will provide valuable insights to support your journey toward a healthier, inflammation-free life.



    Donna Mazzola, is a Pharmacist who has always had a fascination with natural healing and preventative care. After obtaining a Doctorate in Pharmacy, Donna realized that medicine has a place in healing, but it's the balance between nutrition and medicine that impacts disease. This fascination became an obsession after a personal diagnosis with Hashimotos in 2015. Her disease pushed her to embark on a journey to seek answers and identify the root cause related to the rise in autoimmune and other inflammatory chronic conditions. On this journey she obtained Master’s degree in Functional Medicine and Human Nutrition and gave birth to Dr.AutoimmuneGirl, her persona and passion to empower people with the knowledge to take control of their health. Donna is on a mission to educate the world on the healing powers of food and give meaning to the concept of food as medicine. She runs the blog drautoimmunuegirl.com to share reputable scientific information related to nutrition and health. Donna is the author of the “Immunity Food Fix”, a guide to a 100 Superfoods and Nutrition Hacks to Reverse Inflammation, Prevent Illness, and Boost Your Immunity! And the upcoming book the Immunity Food Fix Cookbook, putting Science in application.

    Pinterest: @drautoimmunegirl

    Website: drautoimmunegirl.com

    Instagram: Instagram.com/drautoimmunegirl

    Facebook: Facebook.com/drautoimmunegirl


    Do you have a question you have wanted to ask to get clarification on an episode or something that you would like to learn about on a new episode?  I want to hear from you and feature your question on our show!  CLICK HERE or go to https://go.megmill.com/askmeanything to get your questions answered today. I am excited to connect with you and will be personally reading all of your questions!

    Good gut health is foundational to all healthDownload this free guide for simple but effective tips you can do every day and a proven protocol for better gut health.  Go to www.TheGutFixer.com to get started today.

    For more info on the host, visit www.megmill.com and follow Meg on Instagram @drmegmill. I would love for you to screenshot the episode and tag me so we can connect! Don’t forget to leave a review!


    Elimination diets, Detoxing, and Lasering Eyebrows Away w/ Babbles

    Elimination diets, Detoxing, and Lasering Eyebrows Away w/ Babbles

    #83:  In this episode, I do a recap of all our previous three podcast for Mental Health Awareness with Kala on life coaching, Meenu on energy healing, and Alicia on therapy. 

    I also talk about my Eliminate 8 that I started recently on eliminating inflammatory foods and why I chose to do this. 

    Recently, I was on my instagram story speaking about how I lasered my tattooed eyebrows off my face, what drove me to do this, how I looked initially right after, and what's the plan from here. 

    Listen in to hear what the elimination 8 diet is and what I am planning for my eyebrows in the future. 

    Follow me on social: https://www.instagram.com/babbles_nonsense/

    Treating Respiratory Diseases & Inflammation w/ Stan Miele of Aqualung Therapeutics - BRT S04 EP14 (176) 4-2-2023

    Treating Respiratory Diseases & Inflammation w/ Stan Miele of Aqualung Therapeutics  - BRT S04 EP14 (176) 4-2-2023

    Treating Respiratory Diseases & Inflammation w/ Stan Miele of Aqualung Therapeutics


    - BRT S04 EP14 (176) 4-2-2023


    Things We Learned This Week

    • Aqualung Therapeutics is treating inflammation in the lungs, getting people off ventilators (cut down 50%) & saving lives
    • ARDS - Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome - serious lung condition that causes low blood oxygen & fluid in the lungs
    • Aqualung's novel therapeutics are also reversing fibrosis / scar tissue in lungs - could be used in future to treat other diseases





    Guest: Stan Miele
    President & CBO

    Aqualung Therapeutics Corp





    Stan Miele Bio:

    A recognized global executive with success in sales, marketing and P&L leadership in the pharmaceutical/medical device and biotech industries. Mr. Miele was formally the Chief Commercial Officer at bioLytical Laboratories and Sucampo Pharmaceuticals Inc.  He was also President of Sucampo Pharma Americas for 6 years.   He was instrumental on some key licensing agreements for Sucampo, inclusive of the agreement with Abbott Japan, and also Takeda Pharmaceuticals (now Shire).  He is actively part of the team ensuring proper execution of clinical development, manufacturing, licensing, capital funding, alliances, and ensuring Aqualung meets all critical milestones.  He will be helping the company move toward accelerating the pipeline/platform technology and moving eNamptor™ toward commercialization.


    Joe G.N. “Skip” Garcia, MD


    Joe G. N. "Skip" Garcia, MD, is an internationally-noted pulmonary physician-scientist, an endowed professor of medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, and an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine. A noted academic health system administrator, scholar and educator, Dr. Garcia is a leading authority on the genetic basis of lung disease and the prevention and treatment of inflammatory lung injury. Dr. Garcia is internationally recognized for development of novel biomarkers and therapies for critically ill patients with acute inflammatory lung disease and for addressing health disparities in vulnerable populations. He has over 575 peer-reviewed publications, an expansive portfolio of NIH-sponsored research, and continues to direct large federally-funded programs.  


    Aqualung Therapeutics

    Aqualung Therapeutics (ALT) is developing multi-pronged strategies to address the development of severe lung inflammation which is essential to the severity and outcomes of acute and chronic lung disorders such as acute lung injury, ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI), idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension. Effective FDA-approved drugs are either currently unavailable or extraordinarily modest in their ability to modify disease progression. No drug is currently available that is preventive or curative. Aqualung’s strategies, which include deployment of a human monoclonal antibody which targets a novel inflammatory mediator (nicotinamide phosphoribosyltransferase or NAMPT) will address the unmet need for novel, effective therapies for VILI, IPF, and pulmonary hypertension.



    Seg 1  

    Cornerstone of health tech comes from biotech & spin offs from incubator universities – an idea with proof of concept becomes a company

    NIH investment – National Institute of Health has different divisions & a governing body, they review grant submissions from University level inception of biotech 

    The idea is then sold to large pharmaceutical co. – the process is very expensive, takes decades of R & D to bring a product to market

    Grants – R41 or R42 as examples of investment from NIH

    NIH works w/ startups, biotech & universities – helps w/ early funding of $ thousands to millions 

    Supports basic science & research, to fund an initial scientific thesis, this is pre-clinical and non-dilutive capital from NIH or Government

    This is important, because venture capital can be brought to raise more funding, and not be concerned with NIH having an equity position  

    Aqualung is working on Unchecked or runaway inflammation in the lungs and body

    Deals with Fibrosis, scar tissue in lungs for example

    ARDS - Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome - serious lung condition that causes low blood oxygen & fluid in the lungs

    Aqualung Founder is Dr. Joseph Garcia, a physician / scientist who worked in ICU

    Their treatment can help with Covid 19 or Pneumonia 

    Mechanical Ventilation (ventilator) – keeps patient alive, but exacerbates inflammation, 30-40% of death w/ ARDS the long one stays on a ventilator


    Aqualung – novel therapies to treat ARDS, with a 1X infusion & reduce inflammation, takes 20 mins. to administer, and can lessen days on a ventilator, saving lives  less days



    Seg. 2


    Covid 19 & ARDS – pneumonia & sepsis hypoxia – less oxygen & oxygenated blood flow, not enough, leads to fluid in lungs (edema), have nasal issues, use C pap machine, but if too severe then need ventilator to help w/ breathing


    Pulmonary edema is often caused by congestive heart failure. When the heart is not able to pump efficiently, blood can back up into the veins that take blood through the lungs. As the pressure in these blood vessels increases, fluid is pushed into the air spaces (alveoli) in the lungs.

    Covid – when people have severe Covid, lungs have too much fluid, do not work

    Ventilator increases significant inflammation – too much, storm of bad events, organs fail. Bottome line: Longer on ventilator, the worse things go

    Average ICU stay is 11-15 days for ARDS 

    Aqualung tamps down inflammation, ‘turn dial down’ w/drug, within 6hrs. of diagnosis, Aqualung should be given to a patient

    Reduce inflammation 50% & then reduce time 50% on vent.

    Life & Money saving as 1 day on ventilator = $30k

    Other areas Aqualung can help – fibrosis / Scar tissue in lungs, Covid long syndrome & could be a Radial therapy for cancer treatment 

    Aqualung – tamp down inflammation to Reverse fibrosis, reverse course of diseases 

    Also can assist with - Lupis, inflamed organs, Bowel diseases 

    Aqualung has been funded by Funded by NIH


    Seg. 3  

    Aqualung produces Novel therapeutics, that can save lives, and help with breathing disorders or illnesses related to Covid or asthma, or Fibrosis in the lungs, kidney, or cardiac issues 

    Aqualung Therapeutics is agnostic, process can treat all fibrosis as well as help prevent Organ failure. If inflammation or breathing issues persist can lead to failure of liver, kidney, then heart & brain 

    Aqualung eliminated fibrosis in kidneys with testing on animals 

    Improve functions of other organs in pre-clinical models in small & large animals

    Currently doing doses on human volunteers, and will soon be in 8 hospitals in U.S. & 2 in Australia 

    Aqualung needs more funding for research, and is doing a Capital raise 

    Future versions of their treatment could be in different formats, using IV version now in ICU & ER

    Other companies working on this type of research and care are Humira, treatment is a  simple injection monthly 

    Aqualung could be additional therapy for Pulmonary issues, or even a Radial therapy for cancer 

    Multiple forms of delivery are possible  like an in home injection




    Seg. 4


    Received $25 million of non dilutive from NIH

    Had to validate their thesis, and was published in 10 publications


    Aqualung considered an IND (investigative new drug)


    Studies –

    Phase 1 – healthy

    Phase 2 – ARDS patients

    Phase 3 - 2 – 300 patients – large trial


    Need funding of $ hundreds millions – for testing IPO or series A-B & C fund raise

    Current trials will be a 5 year process thru 2026

    Overall a 8-10 year process w/ 2-3 year studies, stats (genomics & priobiomics)


    MRNA work done years before to create the vaccine for COVID so luckily it was  ready to go in 2020


    Alignment on big pharma with this research and application, working in Oncology, immunology, cancer


    Fibrosis & immunology – Co’s that can come in are Regeneron, Eli Lilly or Merch


    Big Pharma – equity investment has a venture arm within a corporation, to invest in thesis and then pre-human clinical round

    Called the ‘Creeping Acquisition Strategy’ of a smaller company, with incremental investments until own the whole business


    ARDS – 500k patients in US dealing with ARDS & $2 mil globally, of which 30-40% will die. ARDS is a multi billion $ year market. ARDS grows 3-5% per year, with funding being a problem, plus other issues like limited therapies


    Companies working on the disease, must collaborate with the FDA

    Aqualung – raising funds, $10 mil series A, has $4 mil committed end of phase 1 with FDA meeting.

    Phase 2 study – get rolling & crucial long term, need clinical tests w/ humans

    Phase 1 study w/ animals very successful



    ** Thanks to Joan Kerber-Walker of AZ Bio for the intro to Stan.


    AZ Bio & Life Sciences Innovation w/ Joan Koerber-Walker

    - BRT S04 EP10 (172) 3-5-2023


    FULL Show w/ Joan of AZ Bio: Click HERE




    AZ Tech Council Shows: HERE

    *Includes Best of AZ Tech Council show from 2/12/2023


    Tech Topic: HERE

    Best of Tech: HERE 


    ‘Best Of’ Topic: https://brt-show.libsyn.com/category/Best+of+BRT



    Thanks for Listening.

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    Business Roundtable with Matt Battaglia

    The show where EntrepreneursHigh Level Executives, Business Owners, and Investors come to share insight and ideas about the future of businessBRT 2.0 looks at the new trends in business, and how classic industries are evolving

    Common Topics Discussed: Business, Entrepreneurship, Investing, Stocks, Cannabis, Tech, Blockchain / Crypto, Real Estate, Legal, Sales, Charity, and more… 

    BRT Podcast Home Page: https://brt-show.libsyn.com/

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    More Info: https://www.economicknight.com/podcast-brt-home/

    KFNX Info: https://1100kfnx.com/weekend-featured-shows/


    Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the Hosts, Guests and Speakers, and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent (or affiliates, members, managers, employees or partners), or any Station, Podcast Platform, Website or Social Media that this show may air on. All information provided is for educational and entertainment purposes. Nothing said on this program should be considered advice or recommendations in: business, legal, real estate, crypto, tax accounting, investment, etc. Always seek the advice of a professional in all business ventures, including but not limited to: investments, tax, loans, legal, accounting, real estate, crypto, contracts, sales, marketing, other business arrangements, etc.



    Encore: “Intuitive Eating”: Good Nutrition Means More than Healthy Food

    Encore: “Intuitive Eating”: Good Nutrition Means More than Healthy Food
    America has become a “foodie” nation, with a constant stream of information and debate about diets and nutrition, the latest studies, opinions and prescriptions about what we should be eating—or not. In today’s episode, nutritionist and dietician Alexandra Cerone takes a holistic, common-sense and refreshingly non-judgmental approach to not only what we eat, but how we eat every day–what she calls “Mindful, or Intuitive Eating.” Of course, healthy eating does involve food choices, and Alexandra will talk about some of the basics of an anti-inflammatory diet, the research behind the benefits of foods like complex carbs, fats, various protein sources and daily products. But she’ll also talk about the psychological underpinnings of nutrition, how the foods we eat impact the way we feel, and the importance of thoroughly appreciating our meals, eliminating distractions and engaging all our senses. Ali will offer practical tips on creating good food habits, from portion control to managing snack cravings and safe food shopping, whether you’re buying organic or searching for good-quality vitamins and supplements.

    68. Period Flu

    68. Period Flu

    Do you experience flu-like symptoms during your bleed? Have you ever wondered if it's all in your head, or maybe your doctor even told you it was? Period flu isn't an official diagnosis but is used to describe flu-like symptoms during menstruation. In this episode, I share the exact cause of period flu and what you can do about it.

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    Rheumatoid Arthritis: What is RA?

    Rheumatoid Arthritis: What is RA?

    We had the pleasure to have Rheumatologist Vanessa Ocampo in our last episode, chatting about hows he started her career and her why. We dived deep into #rheumatoidarthritis and a holistic approach to treat it. But who is Dr. Vanessa Ocampo? Dr Vanessa Ocampo is a specialist in Internal Medicine from McMaster university and a rheumatologist with a fellowship in psoriatic arthritis from the university of Toronto .Currently is finishing a masters in Epidemiology at the university of Toronto. She has a special interest in inflammatory disease of the eye related to rheumatologic conditions, as well as wellness. She believes that the best approach to any medical condition is the holistic approach, where the person is seen and treated as a whole. Find Dr Ocampo at: @dr._v_therheumatologist on Instagram 1 in 5 Canadians live with the many impacts of arthritis. Arthritis impacts many more Canadians – and far more profoundly – than most realize. While numbers only tell part of the story, they can help put the challenge of arthritis in perspective. Explore below to see some of the reasons why arthritis is increasingly one of Canada’s most pressing health concerns. ( Arthritis Society Canada ) For any inquiry joa@joafitness.com To join the 30 day hip healing or the Posture School program , visit my website: joafitness.com Feel free to comment below #backpain #posturecorrection #rheumatoidarthritis #joarivas #backintoalignment #ra #arthritistreatment #arthritis

    How to Have Fun and Lose Weight with Nagina Abdullah

    How to Have Fun and Lose Weight with Nagina Abdullah

    After losing 40 pounds and keeping it off Michelle's next guest Nagina Abdullah tells us her key to weight loss. In this episode you'll learn the spices she uses to make food not only taste good but boost your metabolism and help with inflammation. You'll also learn her framework with food so you never have to guess what to eat. It's simple and easy to do. You only have to keep certain foods in your house and you'll know what to cook and eat. In Nagina's framework it takes the guesswork out of it and you don't even need to meal plan! 

    Nagina shares her "Sweet Spice Cheat Sheet" with the spice that is in your kitchen cabinet! It helps to lower blood sugar and curb sugar cravings. The cheat sheet includes:

    • 3 health benefits of using this spice

    • 5 ways to use it in your day

    • An easy recipe using this spice


    Brain Health, Inflammation & Weight loss

    Brain Health, Inflammation & Weight loss

    Episode 84 hit all the points. My guest and good friend Dr. Debbie Smrz, ND joined me today and we covered so many topics. It was a blast!

    Dr. Debbie shared her inspiring story of what led her down the path to truly understanding the connection between inflammation and brain health.  She has always had a passion for helping people live their best healthy lives as we age and she shares with us the connection between, inflammation, brain health, hormones, weight loss and how technology can help you achieve these goals. I told you we covered a lot! 

    This episode spans so many topics, they just flow and connect seamlessly, helping you connect the dots to your health. 


    About Dr. Debbie Smrz, ND

    Dr. Debbie Smrz is the Chief Medical Director or Naturopathic Living, a multidisciplinary clinic in Markham Ontario where she has a private practice with a focus on brain health. Dr. Smrz has travelled the globe to gain insight on best practice and has brought this learning and unique modalities into her clinic. She regularly educates the community and other practitioners through CEC credited presentations, has appeared on radio, lectured for numerous medical associations and is active in the Naturopathic and Markham community where she lives with her husband, children and dog.

    Connect with Dr. Debbie

    Email:  drdebbie@natliving.ca;

    Website: www.natliving.ca

    Instagram @drdebbiesmrz

    Medical Cannabis, CBC & Autoimmune

    Medical Cannabis, CBC & Autoimmune

    Episode 81  - Medical Cannabis, CBC & Autoimmune for Pain, Inflammation, Sleep and Anxiety 

    I’m so excited to release this episode, it was an amazing conversation with Dr. Shawn Meirovici, ND. Dr. Shawn has been working with clients that have disabling neurological conditions and autoimmune for the last several years and has become the authority in the use of medical cannabis.

    Dr. Shawn held nothing back in this episode, he walked us through the research and education on how these cannabinoids (THC and CBD) oil can be used effectively with almost no side effects for pain and inflammation reduction and improving sleep and anxiety. Giving his clients overall improved quality of life. 

    We also talked about the stigma associated with medical cannabis and how it’s becoming a more welcomed addition to many health protocols.

    If you ever wondered about the research, the pros and cons of medical Cannabis or CBC oil this is a conversation you need to tune into.


    Dr. Shawn Meirovici N.D. has been a pioneering force behind the naturopathic treatment of disabling neurological conditions such as: Traumatic Brain Injury, Spinal Cord Injury, Multiple Sclerosis and Stroke. His primary practice operates out of “Physio-Logic”, Toronto’s premiere neurological rehabilitation clinic. Dr. Shawn is one of the first Naturopathic Doctors to educate patients on using Medical Cannabis and acquiring access to cannabis for medical purposes license through a referral program with Apollo Cannabis Clinics. Shawn continues to be an authority on the subject of medical cannabis and is frequently asked to lecture on the topic for various groups.

    Find Dr. Shawn on: 

    Email: Shawn.naturopath@gmail.com

    Website: www.drshawn.ca

    Instagram @doctorshawn.ca

    Bonus for you- Mention this podcast to receive 20% off a consultation with Dr. Shawn. 

    Ask Me Anything - 3 Questions from YOU!

    Ask Me Anything - 3 Questions from YOU!
    In this episode, I answer 3 questions from YOU, the listeners about health, Autoimmune and well anything!  Questions we dive into today:
      • What is the perfect poop? 
        • (warning there might be a few cheese poop jokes! I’m sure your 2-year-old will love this one!)
    • Are all the plant-based “fake meats” good for us? I’ve heard plant-based is healthier?
    • Additional signs you might have inflammation, beyond blood work.

    48. How Dairy Affects Your Period and Your Hormones

    48. How Dairy Affects Your Period and Your Hormones

    What is the problem with dairy, and why does it cause hormone imbalances that cause miserable symptoms like period pain and PMS mood swings? Learn all about how dairy is affecting your hormones in this episode. Also, learn how to set healthy boundaries around food.

    Beat Endo

    Connect with me on Instagram!


    Why do I need a continuous glucose monitor?

    Why do I need a continuous glucose monitor?

    In this episode, the Ask Why team discusses the benefits of testing one’s blood sugar with a continuous glucose monitor (CGM). They discuss how to manage having a CGM, the ideal reading on your CGM, and using it to learn what foods work with your body.
    The team also discusses common mistakes that may occur when a doctor is testing a patient’s glucose levels, as well as other lifestyle aspects that may affect one’s glucose levels such as sleep, exercise, and hydration.

    “Stress, poor sleep, exercise, hydration, so many things impact blood sugar, it isn’t just what you put in your mouth!” -Gina Pritchard, DNP, RN, ACNP

    Sleep - Inflammation - Hormones

    Sleep - Inflammation - Hormones
    What is one of the most important things that we need to be doing to improve your autoimmune…SLEEP! 

    There is a strong correlation between disease progression, inflammation, and sleep and we dive into it today in this solo episode.

    In this episode we dive into: 

    • How autoimmune is linked to sleep patterns,  
    • Difficulting falling asleep 
    • Difficulting staying asleep 
    • Other things that impact sleep such as hormones and cortisol!
    • AND solutions!!

    This episode is such an important part of healing… I hope you enjoy it!