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    Explore "antibullying" with insightful episodes like "Taking a diocese-wide approach to creating an anti-bullying culture", "“Joe’s Walk For Change: National Anti-Bullying Day 2023!” – #CPD0267-10042023", "CWN S12 E2 Kristel Avilus", "How A Life Coach Guided High School Students To Successful Graduation In 2020" and "EP99: 美國校園欺凌事件 School Bullying In the United States" from podcasts like ""Connected - The Thrive® Podcast", "Coffee & Pan Dulce Show", "Conversations With Nicole", "AdventureCEO Leadership Insights" and "Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話節目"" and more!

    Episodes (93)

    Taking a diocese-wide approach to creating an anti-bullying culture

    Taking a diocese-wide approach to creating an anti-bullying culture

    The latest episode of Thrive’s Connected podcast is celebrating National Bullying Prevention Month. In this episode, we’re joined by Jo Warner, Assistant Director of Education on the Joint Education Team of the Durham and Newcastle Diocesan Boards of Education. Jo talks about the guidance that church schools receive around bullying and how the 106 schools she works with put this into practice.

    Listen to the 9-minute podcast to discover: 

    •       An outline of the Church of England guidance for schools, Valuing All God’s Children and how this relates to the protected characteristics (of the Equality Act) and to bullying in a broader sense
    •            Why relationships are crucial when it comes to creating an anti-bullying culture and why staff need to model positive relationships
    •            How Thrive has changed Jo’s practice as an education professional
    •       Why wellbeing needs to be a curriculum-wide approach, rather than staying confined to PHSE lessons

    “Joe’s Walk For Change: National Anti-Bullying Day 2023!” – #CPD0267-10042023

    “Joe’s Walk For Change: National Anti-Bullying Day 2023!”  – #CPD0267-10042023
    Christian Cano, Jenny Gunn, & Barb Bacon are with Ann Clark with of Joe’s Walk For Change with Patriot St. Bernie, & MAGA Felon Baby Trump Pinata talking about #LatinX real-world issues-

    “Joe’s Walk For Change: National Anti-Bullying Day 2023!” -

    over Coffee & Pan Dulce Show made from Charlotte immigrant hands of Manolo's Bakery

    * Watch our video podcast CPD Shows LIVE on Facebook & YouTube or Listen to our CPD Shows on your favorite audio podcast platform like Apple, Amazon, IHeart Radio, Google, Spotify, Spreaker, Deezer, Podcast Addict, Podchaser, JioSaavn, & others.! Please share us with your family, friends, & neighbors! *

    © 2023 by Coffee & Pan Dulce Show #CPD0267-10042023

    #CafeYPanDulce #CPD #latinxpodcast #podcast #CannisMedia #AntiBullying #StopBullyingDay

    How A Life Coach Guided High School Students To Successful Graduation In 2020

    How A Life Coach Guided High School Students To Successful Graduation In 2020
    How can adults be more effective in preparing today's High School students for successful lives?
    Michelle Mehta discusses practical actions Parents and other adults can use to better guide today's Teens.

    Got to MihchelleMehta.com to claim your Complimentary copy of "Motivate Your Teen Playbook - Help your teen achieve success"

    Motivating teens can be a stressful experience as mapping teens’ expectations and leading them on the path to success can be difficult. One simple solution in such a scenario is My Full-Color Complete Manual on Tips to Motivate Your Teens for Infinite Success

    EP99: 美國校園欺凌事件 School Bullying In the United States

    EP99: 美國校園欺凌事件 School Bullying In the United States
    Chit-Chat Chill 唞下啦! | 美國廣東話 Podcast 節目
    EP99: 美國校園欺凌事件 School Bullying In the United States

    EP99: 欺凌是一個已經討論了幾十年的話題,但情況並沒有好轉。事實上,這些年來欺凌行為變得更加普遍。僅在美國,估計就有五分之一的學生被欺負,而且這個數字還在逐年增長。學校中最常見的欺凌形式是身體欺凌,其次是口頭欺凌,然後是網絡欺凌。對付校園霸凌的方法有很多,但似乎都沒有用。有些人認為,當我們教導孩子有關個人責任和尊重他人的知識時,他們欺負他人的機會就會減少。其他人則認為我們需要讓人們更容易報告校園欺凌事件,這樣那些對同學犯下這些罪行的人就會受到懲罰。| Bullying is a topic that has been discussed for decades, but things have not gotten better. In fact, bullying has become more prevalent over the years. In the United States alone, an estimated one in five students are bullied, which is growing yearly. The most common form of bullying in schools is physical bullying, verbal bullying, and cyberbullying. There are many ways to deal with bullying in schools, but none seem to work. Some people believe that when we teach children about personal responsibility and respect for others, they will be less likely to bully others. Others think we need to make it easier for people to report bullying in schools so that those who commit these crimes against their classmates are punished.

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    丁丁 Instagram: @ikading
    Derrick Instagram: @derrick_digitalart
    Lam Instagram: @lam.tse
    Carmen Instagram: @Carmen_318

    #廣東話 #廣東話Podcast #Cantonese #Canto #Podcast #Cantocast #粵語 #美國 #校園欺凌 #欺凌故事 #欺凌 #欺凌行為 #校園霸凌 #霸凌 #霸凌事件 #校園 #校園生活 #學生 #反欺凌法 #欺凌者 #校霸 #網絡欺凌 #美國教育 #教育 #bullies #stopbullying #bullyingawareness #antibullying

    0:00 校園欺凌事件
    11:00 解決校園欺凌方法
    20:51 主持人分享霸凌及被霸凌經驗
    31:47 校園欺凌零容忍

    Episode 58: Bullying

    Healing hearts & hands: Becoming instruments of Peace – Episode 40

    Healing hearts & hands: Becoming instruments of Peace – Episode 40

    Join MJ and Jerry as they share stories and learnings about teaching skills and tools to heal our hearts, connect within and with others, and turn from violence to wellness and peacemaking.


    From MJ and Jerry’s interview:

    “My mom was an activist and took me to Dr. King's marches and movements. But my dad said, what do you two want? And I said, Dad, you know, we want peace. And he said, how are you going to make it happen? When he said that, I said, Dad, you're right. If we want peace, we have to teach peace.”


    “One little boy said, MJ, you're not going to live very long. And I said, why? And he said, well, you don't like guns. And there's a lot of bad people out there. And right away, I thought, wow, this is the stirrings. We need to equip people with the tools, the instruments, so to speak. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. I asked myself this question okay, how am I going to teach peace? What's it going to be? And Jerry was such a supporter of let's go for it together. Let's be like Dr. King said, it takes more creativity to make peace than war.”


    “We started peace camp… Kids are coming home with positive language. They're saying let's be a peacemaker, not a peace breaker; they’re loving the peace train…there is no violence; it’s run on love. Then we got into tools for peace and not weapons of war.”


    “We would go and hang out and Jerry helped start a garden. They were having cookouts. We would just join. So it wasn't like we were bringing, but they also taught me. Some of the youth would say, MJ, if you take away our guns or our weapons you need to give us, replace them with something. And that really struck me. So, I have felt empowered that if we're gonna interrupt violence, we have to replace them with tools … tell them how to use it. Because of the fear, and especially now in this culture, when violence has been so on the uptick, we have pivoted to more focusing on social, emotional wellness. Because we know that the violence is coming out of lost connections and feeling that I don't count or I've lost my heart, my root, my centeredness.”


    “We need to own that if we want peace, we have to work for it, give it space, give it a spotlight so that it will elevate the courage. At peace camp, the kids of all ages feel safety. They'll say, oh, I like it here. And I say why? And they say, because people are nice and you're like, well, shouldn't that be the way of the world? But that's not what we're all experiencing. So I don't like the phrase now anti-bullying or, you know, banners saying compassion, mindfulness, all those code words, because I feel like we have to really own that it takes focus and work.”


    “The circle was healing because it's a listening time, trying to share not only our struggles, but our good times and also our dreams…. When Black Lives Matter broke out during the pandemic, I kept saying, if we keep shouting at each other and becoming more and more divided, when we come together how can we listen and share? So we started these circles and providing a safe place for people to become self-aware, but also aware of what another person is going through or what is causing them to think a certain way.”


    “The littleness in Little Friends For Peace, is definitely that "littleness" of St. Francis. Your lifestyle and your vision, your approach to people, how it disarms violence in people's hearts and in fact their whole sense of walking lightly on the face of our Mother Earth…. It's our little way of trying to make a little difference in a big world, but it's the how to find joy in the little things and the smile and the kind word and the listening that will interrupt violence…. We are going to have to keep disarming our own heart and finding ways to build those connections.”


    For a full transcript, please include episode number and email: fslfpodcast@fslf.org.



    Church of the Saviour, Washington DC: a network of independent, ecumenical Christian faith communities and ministries that have grown out of the original COS community which was founded in the 1940’s. See https://inwardoutward.org/


    Little Friends For Peace: their mission is to counter violence and contribute to a worldwide culture of peace by sharing skills to prevent, resolve, and transform conflict with individuals, families, teams, and communities. Information about their book and tool cards, about how to bring the Peace Camp to your church or school, about participating in a circle or training, or about their International Programs is on the website: http://www.lffp.org/ . See also Saint Francis International School: http://www.lffp.org/saint-francis-international-school-peace-camp.html


    Peace House Community: founded by the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondolet; this is where MJ and Jerry met some Franciscan Sisters: https://peacehousecommunity.org/


    Pax Christi: a Catholic peace movement with 120 member organizations worldwide that promotes peace, respect of human rights, justice & reconciliation throughout the world. 
    Grounded in the belief that peace is possible and that vicious cycles of violence and injustice can be broken, Pax Christi International addresses the root causes and destructive consequences of violent conflict and war. See: https://paxchristi.net/

    The Quixote Center: a multi-issue social justice organization founded in 1976, and who work alongside partner organizations to bring about lasting systemic change in the Americas, stand in solidarity and friendship with those who seek to improve the lives of the very poor, and provide guidance, technical assistance, and funding to support their work and allow their movements and programs to mature and take hold… See: https://www.quixote.org/


    Sadakos Cranes for Peace: https://www.birdsofpeace.org/sadako-and-1000-paper-cranes

    David Molak Kindness Scholarship, With Maurine Molak

    David Molak Kindness Scholarship, With Maurine Molak
    The David Molak Kindness Scholarship recognizes kindness, generosity, and compassion in seniors at Bexar County public schools, including independent school districts and charter schools. Maurine Molak and her family founded the David's Legacy Foundation in honor of their late son and brother, David Molak; she joins us to discuss the qualities honored by the scholarship and how the foundation pursues its mission to eliminate cyber and other bullying of children and teens, through education, legislation, and legal action.

    Ep. 046 : Anger & Suicide, Part I

    Ep. 046 : Anger & Suicide, Part I

    We often think of depression as a possible symptom for suicide, but anger can also become lethal. Excessive anger is often a sign of depression. In fact, anger is usually a mask we wear to hide how sad or disappointed we feel. Most of us are more comfortable sharing that we are mad rather than sharing that we have become depressed. These stigmas about anger and sadness often prevent us from properly assessing when someone is at risk for suicide. If we are unaware of the relationship between anger and suicide, we may miss the signals that someone we love is hurting.

    A Conversation with Gary Shteyngart

    A Conversation with Gary Shteyngart

    He likes Russian bear hats and martinis and he collects watches. Gary Shteyngart came to this country from Russia when he was 7 and grew up in Queens, New York. Gary says he was bullied in the schoolyard because he spoke with a thick accent and dressed funny. He also writes funny books. Gary’s latest novel is called Our Country Friends. It’s about a group of people who live together during the pandemic. We talk about his 1967 Rolex GMT, a circumcision that went wrong and what the world looks like from the eyes of Gary Shteyngart. “Now What?” is produced with help from Steve Zimmer, Annika Hoeim and Alex Wolfe. Audio production is by Nick Ciavatta.

    Ep. 045 : You Say You Want a Resolution?

    Ep. 045 : You Say You Want a Resolution?

    It’s a new year…again?! So why does it feel a little like nothing’s changed? The idea of “resolution” means that something has ended, but for many of us the reality of COVID-19 is still not over. In that case, does it even make sense to make a resolution? Whether acknowledged or not, change happens to each of us. Our advice is to take some stock of what you are grateful for. If your resolution is about improving your mental health, working with a therapist could be an amazing tool to achieving that goal. Additionally, if you’re feeling down, don’t forget the value of helping those less fortunate than you.

    Ep. 044 : Avoid Harmful Therapy

    Ep. 044 : Avoid Harmful Therapy

    Can therapy ever be harmful? That's the question that first sprang to my mind when talking with an acquaintance about her problematic experiences in counseling. Asking for help is hard. There is a tremendous stigma that surrounds speaking with a therapist. In some examples, working with a therapist who is a bad fit for you can even be harmful. It can inflict new psychological damage and be re-traumatizing. If your counselor is judgmental, unavailable, or a bad listener, perhaps it is time to work with someone else.

    Ep. 043 : Surviving the Holidays

    Ep. 043 : Surviving the Holidays

    It's the most wonderful time of the year... or is it? There is so much to do and so little time to do it. Let's face it, the holidays are tough. Whether you're navigating tricky family dynamics or simply feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of finding the perfect gift, many of us experience the holiday blues. What are some ways we can cope with the stresses of this time of year?

    Ep. 042 : A Warrior’s Journey: Overcoming PTSD and Suicidal Thoughts, Part II

    Ep. 042 : A Warrior’s Journey: Overcoming PTSD and Suicidal Thoughts, Part II

    In the conclusion of our conversation with Sergeant Aaron Quinonez (Sgt. Q), we learn about his long road towards getting diagnosed with PTSD and his advice for anyone dealing with a mental health crisis. Additionally, Sgt. Q shares his insights on how the faith-based community can better support those struggling with mental health issues. Also, we ask Sgt. Q for his list of things NOT to do when going through a hard time.

    The SecEd Podcast: Anti-bullying work in schools

    The SecEd Podcast: Anti-bullying work in schools

    This episode is published ahead of #AntiBullyingWeek 2021 (November 15-19) and looks at how schools can prevent and respond to bullying behaviours and incidents.

    We discuss core principles of anti-bullying work, including school structures, policies & culture, what whole-school approaches look like, effective anti-bullying policies, using student voice, effective school culture, LGBT­+ inclusion & more.

    We look at the role of education, including making children aware of what bullying behaviours are and supporting them to manage disagreements. We consider how to respond to incidents of bullying, including breaking down barriers to reporting and how to engage with perpetrators of bullying.

    Ep. 041 : A Warrior’s Journey: Overcoming PTSD and Suicidal Thoughts

    Ep. 041 : A Warrior’s Journey: Overcoming PTSD and Suicidal Thoughts

    In this special episode, we talk with Sergeant Aaron Quinonez (Sgt. Q) about his personal journey in overcoming childhood trauma, homelessness, two tours of duty in Iraq, PTSD, and suicidal ideation to living a life of service and mental health advocacy. Sgt. Q has turned his experiences with trauma into a calling, helping fellow veterans find healing through his award winning non-profit, Q-Missions. Sgt. Q recalls his early childhood trauma and how it further impacted his time serving in Iraq. He candidly discusses what it is like to suffer from PTSD. He explains the feeling of inadequacy that led him to becoming suicidal and how a small action by a friend served as the intervention in suicidal thoughts.

    Ep. 040 : Shame & Suicide

    Ep. 040 : Shame & Suicide

    Shame around suicide is pervasive and exists in many different forms. We may feel ashamed if we lost someone to suicide. We may feel shame if we've ever had suicidal thoughts. We sometimes even use shame as a tactic to try and stop someone from taking their own life. We talk with Dr. Jana Tran, psychologist, about shame. Dr. Tran has spent many years serving high-risk groups for suicide through her work at the VA and serving First Responders at the Houston Fire Department. Dr. Tran examines the message "suicide is selfish." It is harder to seek help when there is no safe space to talk about how badly you feel without getting shamed. Additionally, those who have lost someone to suicide may also feel ashamed. (However unwarranted those feelings may be).

    Ep. 039 : Why Won’t Therapy Work? Part II- Opening Up

    Ep. 039 :  Why Won’t Therapy Work? Part II- Opening Up

    Why do some people claim, "Therapy didn't work for me"? In part two of our series, we discuss some of the issues that stand in the way of success in therapy. Some quit before they've really given the process a chance or are inconsistent about therapy. Additionally, people are often reluctant to seek help, believing they can relying on friends and family for support. If you are suicidal, it is highly unlikely that your loved ones know enough about mental health to provide the exact support you need. If you want to benefit from therapy, be consistent, be honest, and be willing to do your homework. Spend some time researching therapists in your area. Not every therapist is perfect for every person. Sometimes we are put off from seeking therapy because the thought of sharing can feel unbearable. Finding the right counselor will involve opening up.