
    The Poo Scientist: "If Your Poo Looks Like This Go To A Doctor!", "Your Gut Health Causes Belly Fat, Anxiety!" & "Alcohol Is Destroying Your Gut Microbiome!"

    enJanuary 01, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of a Healthy Gut MicrobiomeTaking care of our gut microbiome is essential for our overall health and well-being.

      Our gut microbiome plays a crucial role in our overall health. The gut is responsible for digestion and more, and having a healthy gut microbiome is essential for being a healthy human. Many people have misconceptions about their health, thinking that eating well or making certain choices is enough. However, what we often overlook is the impact that these choices have on our gut microbes. The gut microbiome consists of trillions of microorganisms, mostly bacteria, that cover our entire body, with the largest concentration in our colon. These microbes start to form even before we are born and continue to develop throughout our lives. Understanding and nurturing our gut microbiome is key to transforming our overall physiology and well-being.

    • The Importance of a Healthy Gut MicrobiomeOur gut microbiome, composed of trillions of microbes, has been co-evolving with us for billions of years and plays a crucial role in digestion, immune system function, metabolism, mood, cognition, and overall health. Taking care of our gut microbiome is essential for maintaining good health.

      Our gut microbiome, made up of trillions of microbes, plays a crucial role in our overall health. These microbes have co-evolved with us for billions of years and are essential for various bodily functions. They help with digestion, train our immune system, control metabolism, affect our mood and cognition, and even influence hormone levels. Our gut microbiome is unique to each individual, with only a small percentage being shared, even among identical twins. While it's difficult to pinpoint an exact percentage, research suggests that many diseases can be linked back to imbalances or disruptions in the gut microbiome. Therefore, nurturing a healthy gut microbiome is vital for maintaining good health.

    • The Crucial Role of the Gut Microbiome in Overall HealthThe gut microbiome is responsible for maintaining good health by repairing and strengthening the gut barrier, preventing chronic inflammation and a range of associated health problems.

      The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in our overall health. Many digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease, are often linked to gut issues. But it doesn't stop there. A closer look at patients' medical histories reveals a laundry list of conditions associated with damage to the gut microbiome, including high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, and autoimmune conditions. The gut is not only the home of our immune system, but it also acts as a barrier that separates the inside of our intestines from the rest of our body. When this barrier breaks down, chronic inflammation occurs, leading to various health problems. Fortunately, the gut microbes have the ability to repair and strengthen the gut barrier, making their role in maintaining good health absolutely critical.

    • The Power of Food: How Our Choices Impact Our Gut MicrobiomeOur food choices have a significant impact on our gut microbiome and overall well-being, highlighting the importance of using food as medicine for our bodies.

      Our food choices have a significant impact on our gut microbiome. The gut barrier, which is made up of human cells, turns over every three days, while the microbes in our gut replicate every 20 minutes. This means that the power exists to amplify our choices, starting with one microbe and ending with thousands within 24 hours. In fact, each of us consumes an average of 1.3 kilograms of food per day, totaling to about 36,300 kilograms of food during our lifetime. This highlights the importance of food as medicine for our bodies, as it has the biggest sway on our medical and gut health. Our food choices can influence which microbes thrive and ultimately impact our overall well-being.

    • Improving Gut Health Through Plant-Based DiversityEating a variety of plants, aiming for at least 30 different types per week, can positively impact gut health. Adding fermented foods can further enhance gut microbiome diversity.

      The key to improving our gut microbiome is to eat a variety of plants. Research has shown that consuming at least 30 different plants per week can have a positive impact on our gut health. This includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes. It's not just about eating veggies or kale, but about incorporating a diverse range of plant-based foods into our diets. While it may be challenging to go from a low number of plant varieties to 30 instantly, it's important to set realistic goals and gradually increase our intake. Additionally, adding fermented foods, such as sauerkraut or kimchi, to our diets can further enhance the diversity of our gut microbiome. By making mindful and diverse food choices, we can fuel a healthy gut and overall well-being.

    • The Transformative Power of Fermentation and its Health BenefitsIncorporating naturally fermented foods like sauerkraut and pickles into your diet can provide probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics, enhancing your overall health and well-being.

      Fermentation is a transformative process facilitated by microbes. These microbes play a crucial role in the spoilage of food, which is actually a natural and reassuring occurrence. Fermentation unlocks the nutrition in food, creating probiotics that are beneficial for our bodies. Prebiotics, the parts of food that feed our microbes, are also found in fermented foods. As the microbes eat and grow stronger, they release postbiotics, compounds that have beneficial effects on our health. While supplements of postbiotics are emerging, it is important to note that they may not have the same impact as consuming a high-fiber diet. Therefore, incorporating naturally fermented foods like sauerkraut and pickles can provide a rich source of probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics, making them true superfoods.

    • The crucial role of the gut microbiome in our overall health and the impact of postbiotics on our body.Nurturing the gut microbiome is vital for maintaining good health, as it affects our immune system, metabolism, and brain. Paying attention to our poop provides insights into our gut health.

      The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in our overall health by producing postbiotics, such as short chain fatty acids. These postbiotics not only help build and protect our gut barrier, but also have healing effects throughout our entire body. They directly affect our immune system, metabolism, and can even cross the blood-brain barrier to impact our brain. When we consume fiber, it comes into contact with the microbes in our gut, resulting in the release of short chain fatty acids. These fatty acids have a significant impact on our metabolism, insulin sensitivity, fat storage, and fat burning. Therefore, understanding and nurturing our gut microbiome is essential for maintaining good health. It's also important to pay attention to our poop, as it provides insights into our gut health.

    • Measuring Gut Transit Time for Digestive HealthMonitoring gut transit time is a simple and effective way to gain insights into your digestive health, with a normal range of 24 to 48 hours. Increasing fiber intake can help regulate stool and improve gut health.

      Measuring gut transit time can provide valuable insights into the health of our digestive system. By eating a blue muffin and noting when the dye appears in our poop, we can determine our gut transit time. A normal range is typically around 24 to 48 hours. If the transit time is less than 14 hours, it is considered very fast, while more than 58 hours is considered very slow. Different gut transit times correspond to different gut microbiomes and levels of gut diversity. Eating a high-fiber diet helps regulate stool and is beneficial for both diarrhea and constipation. Ideally, we should aim for a gut transit time of about 24 hours or less. Monitoring gut transit time is a simple, nearly free method that anyone can try at home to gain insights into their digestive health. However, increasing fiber intake may be challenging for some individuals, as our gut microbes play a crucial role in breaking down fiber.

    • The Importance of a Healthy Gut Microbiome and Potential SolutionsGradually increasing fiber intake and exploring fecal transplants can help improve digestion and overall health by restoring a healthy gut microbiome.

      Our gut microbiome plays a crucial role in our digestion and overall health. If our microbiome is damaged and lacking in diversity, we may struggle to digest fiber effectively. However, by gradually increasing our fiber intake over time, we can allow our gut microbes to adapt and improve their ability to digest it. Another interesting possibility is fecal transplant, where healthy stool from a donor is introduced into the gut to restore a healthy microbiome. While this treatment has been successful for certain conditions, finding the right donors for specific diseases remains a challenge. Nonetheless, the future holds promise for using fecal transplants as a super probiotic to reconstitute a healthy microbiome and improve overall health.

    • Uncovering the importance of a diverse gut microbiomeMaintaining a healthy and diverse gut microbiome is crucial for overall health, and exploring the microbiomes of people from primitive environments may lead to the development of super probiotics.

      Our microbiome, which consists of trillions of microbes in our gut, plays a crucial role in our health. Scientists are discovering that the loss of microbial diversity, similar to the extinction of animal species, can have negative consequences for our well-being. As a result, researchers are collecting samples of the microbiomes of people from more primitive environments in the hopes of finding beneficial microbes that may have gone missing in Westerners. These samples could potentially be used to create super probiotics to restore our microbiome. This highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy and diverse microbiome, and the potential future value of poop as a resource and a currency. Additionally, it underscores the benefits of consuming foods like legumes, which are rich in prebiotics and can promote a flourishing microbiome.

    • The Role of Gut Microbiome in Weight Gain and LossOur gut microbiome influences how we process calories and impacts weight gain or loss beyond simple calorie intake. Considering the microbiome is important for effective weight management.

      Our gut microbiome plays a central role in various conditions and can even be transferred through fecal transplants. Studies in mice have shown that when human poop is transferred to mice, the body type and even diseases like diabetes and ulcerative colitis can be transferred as well. This highlights the complexity of our metabolism and challenges the idea of "calories in, calories out" as the sole determinant of weight gain or loss. The microbiome influences how we process calories, impacting our blood sugar, insulin sensitivity, and fat storage. Additionally, people with a healthier microbiome tend to excrete more calories. So, when it comes to weight loss, it's important to consider the role of the microbiome and its effects beyond simple calorie intake.

    • The Importance of Dietary Quality for Health and Weight ManagementFocusing on the quality of our diet, rather than just calorie intake, is crucial for overall health and sustainable weight management. A high prebiotic diet can promote feelings of fullness, while returning to a nutrient-dense way of eating helps regulate appetite and promotes well-being.

      Dietary quality, rather than solely focusing on calorie intake, is crucial for overall health and weight management. Research consistently shows that the quality of our diet plays a significant role in the health of our microbiome, longevity, and disease risk. Although reducing caloric intake can lead to weight loss initially, the body compensates by slowing down metabolism, making long-term sustainability difficult. Moreover, when weight is regained, it often results in fat gain rather than muscle mass. Instead, a high prebiotic diet, which stimulates the feeling of fullness through the activation of gut hormones like GLP-1, can allow individuals to eat as much as they want without restriction and still achieve their weight goals. Eating an ultra-processed diet, which lacks satiety signals, often leads to overeating and feeling unwell afterward. Returning to a more traditional way of eating, focusing on nutrient-dense foods, can help regulate appetite and promote overall well-being. While medications like Ozempic may have benefits for certain individuals, dietary changes should be the first approach for most people, as they carry potential side effects and long-term risks.

    • The Health Benefits of Increasing Fiber Intake Through DietBy increasing fiber intake through dietary changes, individuals can improve their overall health, reduce the risk of various diseases, and avoid potential side effects of expensive medications.

      Increasing fiber intake through diet can have significant health benefits. The majority of people in the US and the UK are deficient in fiber, which plays a crucial role in empowering gut microbes and releasing gut hormones that support overall health. By consuming more fiber, individuals can experience weight loss, lower risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and various types of cancer. Blood pressure, blood sugar control, and cholesterol levels also improve with increased fiber intake. Instead of relying on expensive drugs with potential side effects, making dietary changes to include more fiber is a simpler and safer way to protect and transform one's health.

    • Assessing Gut Health through Poop: The Bristol Stool Scale and the Blue Poo Challenge.Our stool appearance can reveal insights into our microbiome's condition. Understanding gut transit time and prioritizing gut health choices can improve overall well-being.

      Our gut health can be assessed by simply looking at our poop. The shape and size of our stool can provide valuable insights into the state of our microbiome. A study conducted in the city of Bristol led to the creation of the Bristol Stool Scale, which categorizes different types of stool based on their appearance. Additionally, by participating in studies like the blue poo challenge, where individuals consumed blue muffins and reported their experiences, researchers gained a better understanding of gut transit time and its impact on overall health. These findings highlight the importance of paying attention to our gut health and making choices that promote a healthy microbiome, ultimately leading to improved long-term outcomes and better overall well-being.

    • The Bristol Stool Chart and Gut HealthConsuming an adequate amount of fiber through a plant-based diet can help achieve optimal gut health, as indicated by a type four bowel movement on the Bristol Stool Chart.

      The appearance of our poop, as indicated by the Bristol Stool Chart, can provide insights into our gut health. Ideally, we want our poop to fall within the spectrum of types three, four, or five. A type four poop, resembling a smooth sausage, is considered optimal. To achieve this, it is important to consume an adequate amount of fiber and focus on a plant-based diet. The Big Poo Review, which surveyed 142,000 individuals, found associations between fiber intake and having a type four bowel movement. Those who consumed more legumes, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables were more likely to have a type four, while those with types one or seven had lower fiber intake.

    • Understanding the Connection Between Diet, Digestive Health, and Poop AppearanceThe appearance and color of your poop can indicate the state of your digestive health, with factors like diet, transit time, and potential health issues playing a role.

      The appearance and color of your poop can provide valuable insights into your diet and digestive health. People who consume more animal products and have a higher fat diet tend to experience constipation, resulting in harder and dryer stool. On the other hand, those who consume more plant-based foods often have looser or diarrhea-like bowel movements. The time it takes for food to move through the intestines, known as gut transit time, also plays a role. Slow transit time is associated with constipation, while fast transit time leads to looser stools. Additionally, the color of your poop can indicate potential health issues. Brown stool is normal, white stool suggests a blockage, and yellow stool may indicate difficulty digesting fat. Green poop can result from infections or excessive consumption of green foods.

    • The Importance of Paying Attention to Blood in StoolSeeing blood in your stool, especially if it's bright red, could be a sign of colon cancer. It's important to get checked out, regardless of your age, and prioritize digestive health to prevent serious conditions like cancer.

      Seeing blood in your stool, especially if it's bright red, should not be ignored. It could be a sign of colon cancer, which is the second leading cause of cancer death in many countries, including the United States. The incidence of colon cancer is increasing among younger people, so it's important to get checked out even if you're not in the typical age range for screening. Changes in diet and the gut microbiome may contribute to the rise of colon cancer, while consuming high amounts of fiber can help protect against it. Additionally, black stool can indicate bleeding in the upper intestines, so it's not something to ignore either. Ultimately, paying attention to our digestive health and seeking medical advice when necessary can be crucial for preventing serious conditions like cancer.

    • The Power of Gut Microbiome and Human ConnectionDisruptions in gut microbiome development can lead to health issues, but human connection and relationships also play a significant role in gut health, highlighting the importance of prioritizing social connections for overall well-being.

      Disruptions in the development of the gut microbiome, whether it's through cesarean section, bottle feeding, or antibiotics, can lead to an increased risk of obesity, allergies, autoimmune conditions, and digestive issues later in life. However, it's not just the early years that matter. Human connection and the relationships we surround ourselves with also play a significant role in gut health. Studies have shown that people who share spaces through connection have a healthier gut microbiome and share more microbes together. The strength of these relationships also impacts gut health, with couples who have the most connection sharing the most microbes. This highlights the importance of prioritizing human connection in today's digital age, as it not only enhances emotional well-being but also has physiological effects on our body's biology.

    • The Impact of Trauma, Alcohol, and the Brain-Gut Connection on Gut HealthHealing past trauma is essential for improving gut health, alcohol consumption damages the gut microbiome, and the brain-gut connection is crucial for overall well-being.

      Trauma can play a significant role in gut health. It's not the case for everyone with gut issues, but for those who have experienced trauma, it's essential to understand that healing the trauma is crucial for healing the gut. Despite following all the right steps, like proper nutrition, sleep, exercise, and meditation, some people don't see improvements until they address their past traumas. Additionally, alcohol can have detrimental effects on the gut and overall health. Alcohol damages the gut microbiome, leading to inflammation and other health conditions. Even moderate alcohol consumption can cause problems for gut microbes. Lastly, the brain-gut connection is vital, with the gut producing 95% of serotonin, the "happy hormone."

    • The Gut-Brain Connection: Understanding How Our Gut Influences Our Overall HealthConsuming fiber and resistant starches can empower our gut microbiome to release healing nutrients, improving our mood, focus, and overall health.

      Our gut plays a crucial role in our overall health and well-being. Serotonin, dopamine, and over 30 neurotransmitters are produced in the gut, with the vagus nerve acting as a direct line of communication between our gut and brain. Additionally, short-chain fatty acids produced from fiber can cross into the brain and influence our mood and focus. These fatty acids are described as the most healing and anti-inflammatory nutrients in nature. By consuming fiber and resistant starches, we can empower our gut microbiome to release these beneficial fatty acids and signal our body to function optimally. Just like training a muscle, gradually exposing our gut to a diverse range of foods can enhance its capabilities and ultimately promote better health.

    • The Importance of Fiber in a Balanced DietIncluding a variety of fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as fruits, whole grains, and legumes, promotes a healthy gut and overall well-being. Avoid restricting certain foods and focus on abundance.

      Fiber is not a one-size-fits-all nutrient. Just like proteins differ in fish and beans, different plants contain unique forms of fiber. Fiber can be divided into two major types: soluble fiber, which dissolves in liquid and feeds gut microbes, and insoluble fiber, which adds bulk to your stool and helps with bowel movements and cholesterol control. Both types of fiber have advantages and are essential for a healthy gut. When considering diets, it's important to focus on abundance and not restrict certain foods. To ensure a balanced diet, consider the "F goals": prioritize fruits, fermented foods, greens, whole grains, Omega-3 sources, aromatics (onions, garlic), legumes, mushrooms, seaweed, and sprouts. These foods provide a variety of fiber types and other nutrients that promote gut health and overall well-being.

    • The power of sprouts and the importance of gut healthAdding sprouts to your diet can provide significant health benefits, while maintaining a healthy gut microbiome is crucial for overall well-being and future generations.

      Sprouts, such as broccoli sprouts, are a superfood packed with fiber, protein, and phytochemicals that can provide significant health benefits. Adding water to any seed can unlock its potential for growth, allowing it to sprout and become a nutritious plant. Additionally, research conducted on mice suggests that the Western diet, low in fiber, can lead to a loss of microbial diversity in the gut, which can be passed on to future generations. Intervening with a high-fiber diet can partially restore microbial diversity, but some loss may remain. This highlights the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preserving microbial diversity to benefit both ourselves and future generations. Moreover, a damaged gut microbiome can negatively impact libido, emphasizing the connection between gut health and sexual well-being.

    • The Impact of Gut Microbiome on Hormonal Balance and AttractionOur gut microbiome influences hormone levels and attractiveness. By maintaining a healthy gut, we can improve hormonal balance and potentially enhance our appeal to others.

      Our gut microbiome plays a significant role in hormonal balance and sexual attraction. The microbes in our gut have the ability to control estrogen levels in women and testosterone levels in men, which impacts libido and sexual desire. Conditions such as breast cancer, ovarian cancer, endometrial cancer, and polycystic ovary syndrome have been linked to damage in the gut microbiome. Additionally, animal studies suggest that pheromone levels and the way we smell are connected to our gut microbes. While attraction is complex and subjective, there are innate qualities in a person that we universally find attractive, often linked to measures of health. Therefore, taking care of our gut health may contribute to a healthier hormonal balance and potentially increase our attractiveness.

    • The Connection Between Our Physical Appearance and Internal HealthPrioritizing a diverse diet, exercise, good sleep, and human connection can have a significant impact on our overall well-being and happiness, surpassing the importance of objective measures like money.

      Our physical appearance and well-being are closely connected to what's happening inside our bodies. The radiance of our skin, our body shape, and even our digestive health are all manifestations of the invisible factors, such as our gut microbiome. Taking care of our internal health through a diverse diet, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fermented foods, can have a significant impact on our overall well-being. Additionally, factors like exercise, good sleep, and human connection also contribute to our happiness. It's important to prioritize these aspects of life, as they often bring more fulfillment than purely objective measures like money. Ultimately, true happiness lies in our relationships and enjoying quality time with our loved ones.

    • Decoding the Gut: A Pathway to HappinessUnderstanding the gut and its impact on our well-being can help us unlock the key to happiness. Supporting experts like Dr. Tim Spector and exploring resources can lead to informed choices for better gut health.

      Understanding the gut and microbiome is crucial for increasing public happiness. The research that continues to emerge each year is leading us closer to unraveling the mysteries of the gut and how it impacts our overall well-being. By delving into this understanding, we can unlock the things we all strive for in life, such as happiness. The work being done to increase public awareness and knowledge about the gut is an incredibly worthy mission that benefits us all. So, we should appreciate and support the efforts of experts like Dr. Tim Spector, who is dedicated to sharing valuable information through social media, his website, and his email newsletter. By exploring these resources, we can gain valuable insights and make informed choices for our gut health.

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    Secret Agent: Send Your Children To A Village! How To Detect A Lie Instantly! The Eye Contact Trick I Learnt From 12 Years As A Secret Service Agent! - Evy Poumpouras
    She was the last line of defence and ready to die for the most important person on earth, here are the secret skills she’s learned defending 4 U.S. Presidents.  Evy Poumpouras is a former U.S. Secret Service Special Agent and multi-media journalist. She is also the co-host of Bravo TV's series ‘Spy Games’ and author of the best-selling memoir, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’. In this episode, Evy and Steven discuss topics such as, Evy’s close encounter with death on 9/11, how to gain control over anyone, her biggest lessons from working for Obama and Bush, and the best way to tell if someone is lying to you.   00:00 Intro 02:05 My Mission To Unlock People's Potential 05:05 How You Became A Secret Service Officer 10:43 How To Get Someone To Do What You Want Them To 13:10 When You Listen To Someone They Like You More 14:34 You Need To Know About Them And Then You Can Start Asking The Right Questions 18:18 How To Get Others To Respect You 22:59 Is It Your Ego Or Have Your Boundaries Being Broken? 26:49 How To Build Confidence 29:34 The Different Versions Of Ourselves We Create 32:49 What I Learnt About Leadership From Working With 4 US Presidents 35:47 I Was In The Room When US Presidents Would Make Tough Decisions 38:36 My First Day Working For George Bush 41:07 Secret Service Training: Only 1% Make It Through 44:16 The 1% Of People That Became Part Of The Secret Service 46:06 How Can You Tell If Someone Is Lying To You? 48:16 Who's The Biggest Liar You've Met? 50:54 Signs They're Lying To You 52:59 What Your Body Language Reveals About You 01:00:19 Do Men Struggle With Strong Women? 01:01:00 What Advice Would You Give Your Daughter Become A Resilient Person 01:04:37 What Do You Work Out Your Mind And Body 01:07:19 What Was The Scariest Day Of Your Career? 01:12:28 How Was Your Mental Health During Your Career? 01:17:48 Discrimination In The Secret Service 01:19:39 How To Be Heard And Respected 01:25:51 Why You Need To Take Personal Responsibility 01:33:48 The Addiction To Being A Victim 01:35:02 Identifying Victims That Don't Want To Change 01:39:47 Undercover Missions 01:45:24 Discrimination In The Job 01:50:58 Labelling Yourself Can Affect The Way You See Yourself You can purchase Evy’s book, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’, here: https://amzn.to/3RhDtz9  Follow Evy:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4aN4q4D  Twitter - https://bit.ly/4c4TErD  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo   Sponsors: PerfectTed: bit.ly/PerfectTed-DOAC with an exclusive code DIARY10 for 10% off ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Pregnancy Doctor: Pregnancy Halves Every Year After 32! If You Want 2+ Children, You Need To Know This! If You Experience This Pain, Go See A Doctor!

    The Pregnancy Doctor: Pregnancy Halves Every Year After 32! If You Want 2+ Children, You Need To Know This! If You Experience This Pain, Go See A Doctor!
    Where have all the babies gone? Dr Natalie breaks down everything you need to know about fertility.  Dr Natalie Crawford is a double board-certified fertility doctor. She is also the co-founder of Fora Fertility clinic and Pinnacle Conference, a leadership conference for women in medicine. In this conversation, Dr Natalie and Steven discuss topics such as, how plastic and pollution affect your fertility, the surprising condition that’s affecting 1 in 4 women, the best time to have sex for pregnancy, and the impact of phones and hot baths on sperm count.  00:00 Intro 02:05 You Need To Look After Your Fertility Even Before You Want Children 04:31 We're Struggling More Than Ever To Have Children 07:00 Are We Having Less Sex? 07:47 Sperm Count Is Declining At Scary Risk 10:38 I Had 4 Pregnancy Losses And It's Devastating 13:36 The Stigma Of Infertility 16:15 Infertility Is Not Just A Female Issue, Men Are Affected Too 18:49 Understanding The Basics Of Fertility 22:26 Environmental Factors Affecting Male And Female Fertility 26:32 Are Phones And Laptops Bad For Fertility? 29:40 Heat And Infertility 30:15 What Testosterone Replacement Therapy Does To Your Sperm 31:45 The Egg Vault 35:25 Egg Production And Anomalies 42:41 Regret, Hindsight Of Patients And What You Can Do 47:16 What Has Changed Since Our Parents 49:06 The Effects Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle 54:07 Sleep Is Crucial In Your Reproductive Hormone System 55:07 How Stress Impacts Fertility 57:14 The Best Diets For Good Fertility 59:11 How Dairy Impacts Your Fertility 01:01:05 You Need To Understand The Reproductive Cycle To Know How Exercise Impacts It 01:10:58 Menstrual Irregularities And What's Normal 01:16:57 How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant? 01:17:50 When Trying To Have Children Sex Can Become A Chore 01:21:43 Purchasing Sperm From The Black Market 01:24:48 PCOS Explained 01:30:59 PCOS Diagnosis 01:33:50 Link Between PCOS & Endometrial Cancer 01:37:02 What Is Endometriosis & How Do You Know You Have It 01:43:55 What Happens When You Come Off The Pill And Want To Have Children 01:46:25 Advice For People With Endometriosis And PCOS, If They Want To Have Children 01:49:36 Getting Started With Freezing Eggs And Embryos And Success Rate 01:55:15 The Cost Of Fertility Procedures 01:56:40 IVF Stigma 01:58:42 Ads 01:59:32 When To Think About Fertility Treatment 02:01:54 Dummies Guide To IVF 02:06:38 Myths Of Conception 02:08:54 Best Sex Position To Get Pregnant 02:10:33 Is Birth Control Healthy? 02:13:36 What Can People Do If They Struggle With Infertility? 02:15:40 Last Guest Question Follow Natalie:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3yIQJ9L  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3wLxtb6  YouTube - https://bit.ly/4551ZZY  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo   Sponsors: Colgate: https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 164: AVOID These 3 Phone Habits That Are Killing Your Brain! The Mental Health Doctor: Dr Aditi Nerurkar

    Moment 164: AVOID These 3 Phone Habits That Are Killing Your Brain! The Mental Health Doctor: Dr Aditi Nerurkar
    In this moment, the world renowned expert in stress, Dr Aditi Nerurkar discusses how the majority of people in the modern world suffer from ‘Popcorn Brain’. According to Dr Aditi ‘Popcorn Brain’ comes from our excessive use of smartphones and social media. This is a real biological phenomenon where your brain circuitry ‘pops’ due to overstimulation and spending too much time online. Your brain never really gets a moment of rest, as being online means it it receives a nonstop stream of information. ‘Popcorn Brain’ is different to the psychological disorder that is internet addiction, as internet addiction seriously affects your ability to live your life, whereas Popcorn Brain defines modern life with everyone being constantly distracted. One of the ways that you can overcome ‘Popcorn Brain’ and improve our mental health is by reducing your reliance on your phone, making sure that you create healthy digital boundaries, so that you give yourself the mental space to live your life. Listen to the full episode here Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/wSPySPjv1Jb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/neGcOqnv1Jb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Dr Aditi Nerurkar - https://www.draditi.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Dr Mike: The Hidden Side Effects Of Vaping! The Dark Side Of Being A Doctor! We Need To Stop Medical Misinformation!

    Dr Mike: The Hidden Side Effects Of Vaping! The Dark Side Of Being A Doctor! We Need To Stop Medical Misinformation!
    He might be known as the ‘Sexiest Doctor Alive’ but his true talent is fighting against the ugly side of medical misinformation.  Doctor Mike is a family medicine doctor and YouTube’s #1 Doctor. He has over 25 million followers on social media and is also the host of ‘The Checkup with Doctor Mike’ podcast.  In this conversation, Doctor Mike and Steven discuss topics such as, the errors in the biggest online health trends, which popular diets are destroying your health, the real truth about calorie counting, and the one thing that helped Dr Mike cure his depression.  00:00 Intro 02:01 Helping People Make Better Health Decisions 05:10 Why Have People Resonated With You And Your Approach True Medical Information 09:54 How Do You Check The Evidence Of The Studies You Share? 11:56 The New Health Trends: Optimisation, Longevity, Anti-Ageing 16:17 Lifestyle Changes Is The First Doctor's Advice 18:14 Do Shortcuts Exist In Medicine? 19:03 What's Your Take On Calories In, Calories Out 21:02 How To Make A Diet Stick 23:16 The False Illusion Of A Good Body Equals Good Health 26:46 Calories In And Calories Out Does Work 28:49 The Benefits Of Exercising 30:21 Where Is The Direction Of Travel With Our Health? 32:51 What Would Happen If There Was A Deadlier Pandemic Than Covid 34:41 Is Vaping Dangerous? 39:27 The Real And Painful Reason Why I Started Boxing 41:32 Losing My Mum 47:07 What's The Best Way To Heal From Grief? 49:49 Your Journey With Mental Health & Social Media Bullying 54:05 The Best Advice I Received From My Therapist 55:55 Are Certain People More Prone To Get Addicted To Social Media? 57:12 Have You Considered Quitting Social Media?? 58:25 Are Vitamin Supplements Good For Us? 59:45 Can We Get All Our Nutrients And Vitamins From Foods? 01:03:36 Do Prebiotics And Probiotics Work? 01:05:19 We Should Listen To The Health Advice Our Grandmothers Told Us 01:08:15 Mentioning Experts That Are Wrong 01:10:46 People Are Losing Trust In Doctors Because Of This 01:18:28 Look After Your Children, We Need This Out Of Schools 01:25:09 Are You A Deep Thinker? 01:27:39 How Do You Deal With So Much Loss And Grief? 01:29:01 What Was Your Hardest Day? 01:33:53 How To Save Someone's Life Doing CPR 01:41:23 I Asked The Doctors To Stop Doing CPR On My Mother 01:43:29 Last Guest Question Here is a link to an article discussing the inefficiency of the anti-depression drug, Paxil: https://bit.ly/3X867q2  Follow Doctor Mike:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3V4pJsy  Twitter - https://bit.ly/4bVeidJ  YouTube - https://bit.ly/3yPtKcQ  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo  Sponsors: ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Charlemagne tha God: A Woman Molested Me As A Kid! I Cheated On My Soulmate! Psychedelics Are Fixing My Depression!

    Charlemagne tha God: A Woman Molested Me As A Kid! I Cheated On My Soulmate! Psychedelics Are Fixing My Depression!
    He’s never hidden from the truth or been shy about expressing his opinion, now he brings the same honesty to his rocky journey to fame.  Charlamagne Tha God is co-host of the American radio programme ‘The Breakfast Club’ on Power 105.1, reaching 8 million listeners each month. He is also a New York Times best-selling author and CEO of the Black Effect Podcast Network.  In this conversation, Charlamagne and Steven discuss topics such as his difficult relationship with his father, the moment that changed his whole life, coming to terms with childhood molestation trauma, and how he went from being fired 4 times to one of the world’s biggest radio hosts.  00:00 Intro 02:17 "Get Honest Or Die Trying" 04:09 What Made Charlamagne? 08:56 Charlamagne's Father's Impact On His Relationships 12:11 Charlamagne's Sexual Abuse 16:28 Charlamagne's Troubled Youth 22:16 Role Models For Men 27:58 The Man Charlamagne Wants To Be 30:41 The Route Of Charlamagne's Anxiety 33:50 Reaching Personal Rock Bottom 36:53 Working In The Radio 38:30 Getting Fired 4 Times 42:21 Panic Attacks & Depression 48:17 Dealing With Grief And Suicide 56:13 Charlamagne's Infidelity 58:34 Growing With Therapy 01:00:32 What's Help You To Heal? 01:02:07 What's The Cost Of Living With The Lies? 01:05:44 Disconnecting From Social Media To Be Original 01:08:00 What's Your View On Trump? 01:11:50 Healing And Rebuilding The Relationship With His Father 01:14:19 How Is Charlamagne Doing? 01:18:06 The Importance Of Living A Life Of Service 01:22:19 The Dangers Of Materialism 01:24:02 Last Guest Question You can purchase Charlamagne’s book, ‘Get Honest or Die Lying: Why Small Talk Sucks’, here: https://amzn.to/4aOVnQZ  Follow Charlamagne:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3Vd9daV  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3KgGrA6  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 163: Happiness Expert Reveals The One Type Of Person You Should NEVER Date

    Moment 163: Happiness Expert Reveals The One Type Of Person You Should NEVER Date
    In this moment, happiness scientist and expert, Arthur C Brooks, discusses what people get wrong in their search for romantic happiness. According to Arthur, the biggest mistake people make when searching for their romantic partner is looking for an exact copy of themself. This is one of the reasons that dating apps are so unsuccessful, as their dating profile will rigidly select people with the same preferences as them, allowing no surprises and potential to experience different qualities. Instead, people are better off looking for someone who complements and completes them and their qualities. This is why many happy marriages will be between people with different qualities, such as an introvert and an extrovert. These sorts of relationships celebrated their difference rather than partners trying to change each other to be more like them, as Arthur says that this is a killer of relationships Listen to the full episode here - Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/FTXkeOG5PJb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/8uB3oAL5PJb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Arthur C Brooks: https://arthurbrooks.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    The Keri Report dissects health and nutrition with a no-nonsense approach.

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    To find more information and to join Keri's mailing list, visit her website:

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    Optimizing Gut Health | Upgrading Human Performance with Wade Lightheart (BiOptimizers)

    In this episode, we sit down with Wade Lightheart (Co-Founder and President at BiOptimizers) to discuss all things gut health, enzymes, supplement formulas, nootropics, and the future of biohacking human performance. 


    • 0:00 Introduction
    • 2:55 Wade's backstory and personal health journey
    • 7:01 What is Human "Activation?"
    • 11:02 How do Enzymes enhance gut health and metabolism?
    • 17:32 The Science of Enzymes
    • 20:37 Sourcing Ingredients
    • 22:49 Our relationship to digesting food
    • 29:13 Enzymes and Life Force
    • 35:26 Nootopia | Future of Personalized Nootropics
    • 42:24 The Nootopia Stacks
    • 45:51 Could Future Biohacking Products Help With Intuition?
    • 50:05 Transhumanism, AI, and Where the Future Is Headed
    • 55:10 Closing Thoughts


    ABOUT BIOPTIMIZERS: Wade and Matt were both trainers working with pro athletes and other high performers. They both spend a decade in the gym helping people transform their health. Wade and Matt met in the gym, struck a friendship and then started a business partnership that has been going strong since 2004. They started selling fitness programs, enzymes and organic plant-based protein in 2004. And their obsession to build the best-in-class formulas and solutions just gets stronger. The company policy is, “If we can’t build the best product in that category, forget about it.” 

    ABOUT WADE: Wade Lightheart is one of the world’s premier authorities on Natural Nutrition and Training Methods. Having majored in Sports Science at the University of New Brunswick, he has authored numerous books on health, nutrition, and exercise which have sold in over 80 countries. Wade also serves as an advisor to the American Anti-Cancer Institute, and is the Co-Founder and President at BiOptimizers, a digestive and health optimization company. Accolades include: 3-Time Canadian national All Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Former Mr. Universe Competitor, Author, and Host of The Awesome Health podcast.

    If you want to learn more about some of our go-to products for recovery and performance, check out our B&B Favorites Page: https://beautyandthebiohacker.com/favourites



    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga or Katie Moore, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Moon Mining and the Microbiome with Naveen Jain, Founder of Viome

    Moon Mining and the Microbiome with Naveen Jain, Founder of Viome

    In this episode, we sit down with Naveen Jain, Founder of Viome.

    Naveen is an entrepreneur and philanthropist who is driven to solve the world's biggest challenges through innovation. His company Viome is on a mission to help people understand what they uniquely need to be healthy through at-home health kits and precise food and supplement recommendations.

    In this episode, we talk to Naveen about everything from the science and consumer safety behind Viome to their newest test kits that take your biological age and mitochondrial health into account. We also nerd out about Naveen's passion project: The Moon!

    USE DISCOUNT CODE "B&B" at checkout for $10 OFF YOUR FIRST ORDER at https://www.viome.com.



    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast and interview is not to be taken as medical advice, and always consult with your Physician before making any lifestyle changes. The material shared by guests in this podcast is not the opinion of Rachel Varga or Katie Moore, and disclaims any responsibility of inaccurate credentials of guests or information used that may cause harm. Always consult with your licensed Physician before any lifestyle modifications.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    #041: Why We Need Probiotics w/ "Buddies in My Belly" Inventor Sarah Morgan

    #041: Why We Need Probiotics w/ "Buddies in My Belly" Inventor Sarah Morgan

    Sarah Morgan, The Gene Queen, is known for her innovative ideas that connect science to everyday life in a way that impacts thousands. Albert Einstein’s quote, “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough,” has inspired Sarah to write and communicate in a way that a 4-year-old or a 40-year-old will understand. Sarah is the Founder and CEO of Buddies In My Belly, a health education company delivering serious science for serious health in a way that is seriously fun for the whole family.

    Intro and 5-Star Review

    [02:10]    Introduction to Sarah (about herself, family life, history, how she got into the health/wellness/nutrition arena)

    [08:00]    Why she developed “Buddies in My Belly” probiotic line for children/infants and its corresponding children’s book

    [16:05]    Why probiotics are essential for us ALL — digestion, reduction in inflammation, immunity, elimination, brain health/mood, skin health, weight management, sleep. Discussion on pre-biotics and post-biotics.

    [26:27]   Products within “Buddies in My Belly” line — powder, chewables, “Be Calm” which helps with mood/sleep/relaxation. 

    [29:45]   Show partners Perfect Supplements & Amazon (discount code/ links below)

    [31:55]    Children’s book “Buddies in My Belly” characters and how they teach about the importance of probiotics in fun ways

    [37:50]   FREE Resources on website: Food plate, Shopping list, Snack sheets, E-cookbook, How to take care of buddies chart (what helps vs hurts), “Perfect Poop” chart with pictures!, How to pick a probiotic guide

    [40:30]   Sarah’s other lines geared towards women: “Vitamin IQ” (Multivitamin, “Mommy Brain”, Fertility enhancer, Lactation support) and “Even” (Supplements that minimize the effects of certain medications — “The Other Pill”, “Stain Support”)

    [45:37]   How to find/connect with Sarah


    Sarah’s Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/the_gene_queen/

    Sarah’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thegenequeen/

    Buddies in My Belly: https://buddiesinmybelly.com

    Sarah’s other products/websites: https://www.vitaminiq.com


    Sarah’s email: sarah@evenhealth.com

    Amazon Link:  Click HERE to use our affiliate link to make purchases

    Perfect Supplements: www.perfectsupplements.com/kim  (Enter coupon code KIM10 at checkout for 10% off all products.)


    Podcast website: www.awholenewyoupodcast.com

    Kim’s website: www.kimmaravich.com

    Laurie’s website: www.simplyempoweredllc.com

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