
    Jameela Jamil: REVEALS the TRUTH about FAME, Cancel Culture & Learning to LOVE Yourself

    enSeptember 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Shifting Focus from Justice to PerfectionJameela Jamil emphasizes the importance of inclusivity, incremental change, nonviolent communication, and finding common ground to bring about the necessary social justice changes and hold the true "bad guys" accountable.

      There has been a shift in social justice circles that doesn't resonate with Jameela Jamil. She observes that the focus has moved away from fighting for justice and towards holding each other to unattainable standards of moral perfection. There is a lack of inclusivity and diversity of thought, which goes against the values she stands for. Jameela emphasizes the importance of incremental change rather than striving for immediate perfection. She believes that if we continue to ostracize the very people we need to reach, we will not bring about the necessary change or secure our freedoms. Instead, she advocates for nonviolent communication and finding common ground, recognizing that our differences often stem from fear or different information sources. Ultimately, she urges us to unite against the true "bad guys" who control the masses and require accountability.

    • The Importance of Creating Spaces for Marginalized Groups to be Heard and UnderstoodAcknowledging and addressing pent-up emotions and providing platforms for marginalized groups to express themselves and be heard is crucial in fostering empathy, understanding, and positive change.

      The anger and frustration felt by individuals, especially minorities and women, can stem from years of oppression and a lack of opportunity to express themselves. Jameela Jamil explains that prior to 2016, women were often dismissed or ignored, and the #MeToo movement gave them a platform to finally speak out. The anger that is expressed may not always come across in the most constructive way, but it is a result of pent-up emotions and a desire for change. Jameela's disregard for others' opinions stemmed from a lifetime of feeling unpopular and not needing approval. This conversation highlights the importance of creating spaces for marginalized groups to be heard and understood, as well as the need for empathy and patience when listening to expressions of anger and frustration.

    • The Perils of Putting Women on a PedestalRecognizing and supporting the success of all women is crucial in creating a world where everyone can thrive. Constructive criticism should be rooted in positivity and not in tearing others down.

      The industry often puts women on a pedestal, only to watch them fall. Jameela Jamil reflects on her own experiences of being praised as a feminist hero and then facing an inevitable fall from grace. Women are often hyperbolized and presented as confident and full of themselves, leading to a desire to see them humbled. This societal tendency to enjoy watching successful women crumble stems from a scarcity mindset that there is limited space for women in various arenas. However, Jameela Jamil emphasizes the importance of recognizing that there is enough room for all women and that tearing each other down only makes the world harder for everyone. Constructive criticism is necessary, but it should not come from a place of wanting to feel superior to others.

    • The dangerous consequences of idolizing and tearing down individuals in the media.Reflect on our own behavior and strive for empathy and understanding, rather than ridiculing others, in online communication.

      Jameela Jamil reflects on the dangerous consequences of putting someone on a pedestal. She highlights how powerful people in the media often orchestrate a person's downfall after elevating them. Examples of Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Lawrence, Princess Diana, and Meghan Markle are discussed. Jameela acknowledges her own role in poking the hornet's nest by expressing her opinions openly. However, she regrets resorting to the same behavior as those who treated her badly. Instead, she realizes the importance of reasoning with people and appealing to their followers by not ridiculing them. The conversation also sheds light on the lack of humanity in online communication during a global crisis, emphasizing the need for more empathy and understanding.

    • Building Peace and Understanding in a Divisive SocietyEmbracing empathy and open dialogue, society can overcome division by recognizing that different opinions are not enemies, addressing underlying issues, and promoting grace instead of cancel culture.

      Society needs to come together and create a more peaceful and understanding environment, especially during divisive times like elections. It is important to realize that people with different opinions or political beliefs are not necessarily our enemies; they may just be reacting to misinformation and bias. Loneliness is a growing problem, and it is fueled by the fear of being judged or not being able to openly communicate with opposing views. Cancel culture and attacking others does not promote growth and improvement; instead, we should encourage grace, empathy, and open dialogue. To create positive change, we must understand that negative behaviors often stem from trauma and unresolved issues, and it is crucial to address these underlying causes.

    • The importance of grace, humanity, and empathy in fostering meaningful change and the destructive nature of cancel culture.Change requires treating people with respect, seeking understanding, and fostering dialogue, rather than resorting to tactics that create division and harm.

      Belief in people is crucial for change. Ostracizing, bullying, and canceling individuals does not lead to meaningful transformation. Jameela Jamil emphasizes that change requires grace, humanity, and empathy, rather than withdrawing and dehumanizing others. She shares her own experience of being subjected to cancel culture, which led to a serious impact on her mental health. The coordinated efforts to tarnish her reputation made her realize the destructive nature of cancel culture. Jameela Jamil's story highlights the importance of treating people with respect, seeking understanding, and fostering dialogue for effective change instead of resorting to tactics that only create division and harm.

    • The Importance of Accountability and Avoiding Unnecessary AggressionJameela Jamil emphasizes the need for a balanced approach when holding powerful individuals accountable, while also being aware of public scrutiny. She encourages focusing on long-term solutions and addressing pressing issues for positive change.

      Jameela Jamil has learned the importance of finding a balance between holding powerful people accountable and avoiding unnecessary aggression. She acknowledges that she has called out individuals publicly in the past and is working on improving her approach. Jameela also realizes that public scrutiny and judgment often come from unexpected sources, including liberals, her own community, and women. She understands that fame comes with responsibilities and that her opinions can easily become headlines. Through her experiences and the global pandemic, Jameela has gained clarity and motivation to bring people together and address pressing issues such as healthcare and homelessness. She encourages others who are passionate about making a change to recognize society's culture of seeking instant gratification and to focus on long-term solutions rather than expecting immediate results.

    • Embracing Incremental Change and Patience for Personal GrowthSociety's obsession with convenience and fast results may have negative effects on our well-being. Instead, we should focus on embracing incremental change, developing critical thinking skills, and making a positive influence within our inner circles.

      Quick fixes and instant gratification are not sustainable or beneficial in the long run. Society's obsession with convenience and fast results has led to adverse effects on our mental, physical, and social well-being. The conversation highlights the importance of embracing incremental change, slow growth, and patience. It encourages individuals to take the time to educate themselves, listen to diverse opinions, and develop critical thinking skills. Engaging in respectful debates and being open-minded to different perspectives can lead to personal growth and positive change. Instead of focusing on external conflicts or celebrities, the conversation emphasizes the significance of making a positive influence within our inner circles and changing how we interact with others. Lastly, it highlights the need to separate our identity from our opinions and be willing to challenge our beliefs for personal growth.

    • The Dangerous Trend of Cancel Culture: How Society's Inability to Separate Opinion from Identity is Dividing UsIn an era of cancel culture, it is crucial to recognize that individuals' opinions do not define their entire being, and we need to adopt a more understanding and compassionate approach in evaluating others.

      Society's inability to separate a person's opinion from their identity has led to a dangerous trend of cancel culture. In the past, individuals were able to recognize that someone's opinion they disagreed with did not define their entire being. However, with the rise of social media, opinions and identities have become intertwined, causing people to fundamentally disagree with who others are as individuals. This inability to separate the art from the artist has resulted in the demonization and ostracization of public figures, without acknowledging the good they may have done. The conversation highlights the importance of raising awareness about this issue and working towards a more consistent and grace-filled approach to evaluating the actions and opinions of others.

    • Fostering Grace, Order, and Accountability in SocietyBy showing grace and accountability, we can create a more connected and compassionate society, where everyone has the opportunity to learn from their mistakes and grow as individuals.

      There is a need for more grace, order, and accountability in society. It is important to have grace for ourselves and others, recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and should be given the opportunity to improve. We should focus on the bigger issues that affect everyone in society and work together to bring about change. Dog piling and tearing others down for their mistakes only perpetuates a tribal mentality and hinders progress. Instead, we should allow for atonement and create a space for growth and learning. By showing grace and supporting one another in our journey towards becoming better individuals, we can foster a more connected and compassionate society.

    • Jameela Jamil on the Devastating Impact of Hatred and DivisionIn a time of disgrace, reaching out to others with empathy and understanding is essential to combat the negative effects of isolation and promote a healthier, happier society.

      The pandemic has brought about a shift in society, leading to a loss of women's rights and an increase in hatred and division. Jameela Jamil reflects on her own experiences of being attacked and ostracized, recognizing the devastating impact it can have on a person's mental health and well-being. She emphasizes the importance of reaching out to others in times of disgrace instead of isolating them, as it can lead to feelings of hopelessness and even death. Jameela also highlights the need for empathy and understanding in our interactions with others, urging us to move away from mockery and hatred towards a healthier and happier society. Her focus on mental health and self-accountability is a crucial aspect of this transformation.

    • Embracing Neurology: Transforming Perspectives and Well-beingUnderstanding neurology can transform our perspectives on personality, behavior, anxiety, and depression. Factors such as diet, sleep, and exercise play a vital role in overall well-being, challenging societal misconceptions and promoting personal growth and healing.

      Understanding and embracing neurology can have a profound impact on our lives. Jameela Jamil shares how learning about brain science and neurology has transformed her perspective on various aspects of life, including personality, behavior, anxiety, and depression. She highlights the importance of factors such as what we eat, drink, and how much we sleep in influencing our overall well-being. Additionally, she underscores the surprising benefits of exercise, even though she initially despised it. This conversation emphasizes the need to challenge societal misconceptions and shame around exercise, as well as the importance of giving oneself grace and time for personal growth and healing.

    • The transformative power of exercise for mental and physical well-beingExercise regularly, without societal pressures, to improve mood, sleep better, and promote inclusivity, happiness, and autonomy while benefiting mental health.

      Exercise has significant neurological benefits, such as releasing endorphins and reducing stress. Engaging in physical activity for just 10 to 15 minutes can improve mood and promote better sleep. By consistently incorporating exercise into daily routines, individuals can experience a genuine transformation in their lives within a week or two. However, it is important to detach exercise from the pressures of social media and societal expectations. Instead, focus on finding unpretentious and enjoyable ways to move the body, regardless of size, disability, or pregnancy stage. The goal is to democratize exercise and make it inclusive for all, while prioritizing happiness and autonomy over external appearances. Additionally, it is emphasized that exercise can be a powerful tool for rewiring the brain and improving mental health, offering an alternative to medication and expensive therapy.

    • Jameela Jamil's Journey to Happiness, Trust, and Self-ImprovementLearning self-improvement techniques and trusting others can lead to personal growth, kindness, and a better society.

      Jameela Jamil learned that practicing self-improvement techniques suggested by neurologists and brain scientists made her happier and healthier. She noticed positive results, becoming kinder and more energetic. Initially guarded due to past experiences, she began to trust certain individuals who responded with love and grace even when she made mistakes. Jameela realized that she placed high expectations on herself to have an opinion on everything, often feeling pressured to speak out on global conflicts and other subjects without proper knowledge. Throughout her journey, she experienced betrayal and questioned her judgment, but ultimately found clarity and gratitude. The conversation highlights the importance of giving others the benefit of the doubt, which can lead to a better society and help shape values in future generations.

    • Prioritizing mental health for a happier and healthier societyBy investing in mental health resources and support, we can create a positive impact on healthcare, homelessness, and global conflicts. Society must prioritize mental health for overall well-being.

      Mental health should be prioritized as a fundamental aspect of society, rather than a luxury. Jameela Jamil emphasizes that mental health is not only important for individuals, but also for the well-being of the entire community. By investing in mental health resources and support, we can create a happier and healthier society. This includes ensuring access to mental health services, implementing strategies to reduce stress and loneliness, and promoting overall well-being. Prioritizing mental health can lead to positive changes in areas such as healthcare, homelessness, and even global conflicts. It is a message that needs to be spread and acted upon for the betterment of society as a whole.

    • The Power of Constructive Criticism and KindnessOffering constructive feedback with kindness can be a catalyst for positive change, while negative and abusive criticism can be harmful and discouraging. Choose to make a difference through conscious and supportive approaches.

      Criticism can be a catalyst for positive change if it is offered constructively and with love. Jameela Jamil's transformation and growth came about because of the kind and peaceful feedback she received from people who genuinely believed in her need to change. On the other hand, the negative and abusive criticism only caused stress and almost made her give up on everything, including her own life. This highlights the importance of conscious criticism and the power of approaching others with kindness and good intentions. It serves as a reminder that we can make a difference by being supportive and offering constructive feedback rather than resorting to hateful and hurtful behavior.

    • Finding inspiration in personal growth and transformation through admiration and self-reflection.Cultivate compassion, recognize our inner child, prioritize basic needs, treat others with empathy, connect with others, and value simple acts of love and affection for a profound impact on our lives.

      Finding inspiration in others' journeys can be powerful, especially when it involves personal growth and transformation. Lewis Howes expresses admiration for Jameela Jamil's before and after journey, highlighting the importance of change and self-reflection. They discuss how society often values self-flagellation over true humility, and the need to cultivate compassion for ourselves and others. Jameela emphasizes the importance of recognizing our inner child and prioritizing our basic needs, ultimately urging us to treat others with empathy and understanding. In the end, the conversation reminds us that connecting with others, appreciating their growth, and valuing simple acts of love and affection, such as cuddles, can profoundly impact our lives.

    • The Power of Physical Affection and Laughter in Human ConnectionPhysical touch and laughter are essential for human well-being. Cuddles create deep connections, while laughter can bring joy and alleviate dark moments. Spreading laughter and joy is a meaningful way to make a positive impact.

      Physical affection and laughter are incredibly important aspects of human connection and well-being. Jameela Jamil emphasizes the significance of physical touch, recommending cuddle cafes in Japan as a way to access it. She believes that cuddles are the most important thing in the world and can foster deep and meaningful connections. Furthermore, she describes how laughter has been the key to her survival, even more so than medicine or operations. Being able to give people the gift of laughter and bring joy to others is her definition of greatness. She believes that laughter has the power to alleviate dark moments and create a soulful connection with others. Ultimately, creating joy and laughter in the lives of others is a meaningful way to leave a positive impact in the world.

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    In this episode you will learn

    • The impact of social media on self-esteem and how to navigate it mindfully.
    • Practical ways to incorporate mindfulness into daily life through intentional exposure to sights, sounds, and scents.
    • The significance of self-acceptance and self-love in personal growth.
    • How to identify and overcome coping mechanisms that mask deeper emotional wounds.
    • Techniques to connect with your inner self and create a balanced, fulfilling life.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1637

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full episodes featured today:

    Muniba Mazari – https://link.chtbl.com/1282-pod

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    Prof G: “Men Are Being DESTROYED!” How Men Can Deepen Relationships, Boost Sex Drive & Win Respect

    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Today, Lewis welcomes Scott Galloway, a renowned professor and author, to discuss his book, "The Algebra of Wealth." Scott delves into the concept of an economic war on the young, explaining how policies over the past few decades have shifted wealth from younger to older generations. He emphasizes the importance of financial security, discussing strategies like finding your talent, exercising financial discipline, and understanding the value of time. Scott also touches on the emotional aspects of life, sharing personal experiences about fatherhood, emotional growth, and the importance of building a fulfilling life beyond material wealth. The conversation provides a deep understanding of the economic landscape and offers practical advice for achieving financial and personal well-being.

    Buy Scott’s new book, The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security for yourself and a friend!

    In this episode you will learn

    • how economic policies have shifted wealth from younger to older generations and how this impacts today's youth.
    • Scott Galloway's formula for achieving financial security, including the importance of finding your talent and developing financial discipline.
    • the impact of parenthood on financial priorities and how becoming a parent can drive greater financial focus and purpose.
    • the significance of emotional well-being and the benefits of seeking therapy and embracing emotions for a more harmonious life.
    • practical strategies for balancing financial security with personal fulfillment and building a fulfilling life beyond material wealth.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1636

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Order his book, Building a Non-Anxious Life

    In this episode you will learn,

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    • Why many people struggle to believe in their own worth. 
    • The positive changes in one's life after successfully choosing to build a non-anxious life.
    • How daily anxiety affects our relationships. 
    • Strategies for shifting your focus away from material success and external validation.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1509

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Rags To Riches

    Rags To Riches

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    In this episode I will be discussing what Rags to Riches really means and how it has truly been a game changer in my life! Which results in experiencing the true alignment of my business, being a better mom & wife!

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    I go over the topics of Mindset and Manifestation and how they help with growth, healing and truly stepping into your authentic self as a mom, business owner and woman.

    Be sure to subscribe to the show! Don’t forget to leave an awesome rating to help this show stay relevant in the podcast world and to help other Fearless mamas find the show!

    Don’t forget to join The Fearless Mom Tribe Community on Instagram & Facebook!

    IG: @thefearlessmomtribepodcast

    FB Page: @thefearlessmomtribepodcast



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    In this episode you will learn,

    • The importance of embracing vulnerability in communication. Being open and authentic allows for deeper connections and trust between individuals.
    • Insights on how to develop and nurture this ability, enabling us to connect on a deeper level with others.
    • McManus provides tips on how to express ideas clearly and confidently, reducing misunderstandings.
    • Integrity in your words and actions is vital. McManus shares how integrity builds trust and credibility in communication.
    • The frequency of compassion and how showing kindness and understanding can lead to more harmonious interactions.

    Buy Erwin's book, Mind Shift: It Doesn't Take a Genius to Think Like One

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1506

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Matthew Hussey is a speaker, New York Times Bestselling author, columnist for Cosmopolitan Magazine, and dating expert on ABC’s digital series What To Text Him Back. His corporate clients include Hugo Boss, The Perfume Shop, Virgin Gyms, Procter & Gamble, Bare Escentuals, U.S. legal giant Weil Gotshal & Manges, and global management consultants Accenture. 50,000+ men and women have attended his live events and he has reached over 10 million online.

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    Esther Perel’s full episode: https://link.chtbl.com/1291-pod

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    Matthew Hussey’s full episode: lewishowes.com/944