
Mental Health Expert on The Real Reason You Stay Anxious All Day | Dr. John Delony


October 04, 2023

TLDR: Dr. John Delony explains the importance of believing in something bigger than oneself for a non-anxious life and discusses strategies to cultivate it, while also sharing how daily anxiety affects relationships and addressing strategies to shift focus.

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  • Understanding Anxiety as a Signal for ChangeAnxiety is a natural response that signals something is amiss in our environment or relationships. By listening to anxiety and addressing its root causes, we can live a more balanced life and avoid relying on unhealthy coping mechanisms.

    Anxiety is not something to be feared or ignored, but rather a helpful signal from our bodies that something is not right in our environment or relationships. Anxiety is like a smoke alarm in our kitchen, alerting us to potential dangers. Instead of trying to silence or suppress anxiety, we should listen to it and identify the underlying causes. By addressing the root causes of anxiety and creating a healthy environment, we can alleviate chronic anxiety and live a more balanced life. It's important to remember that anxiety is not necessarily a sign of brokenness, but rather a normal response that indicates our bodies are working perfectly. Additionally, addiction can often be a coping mechanism to numb or suppress anxiety, further emphasizing the importance of addressing anxiety in a healthy way.

  • The Power of Vulnerability and Emotional Honesty in Building ConnectionsEmbracing vulnerability and emotional honesty allows us to find true healing and connection, but society's emphasis on success and achievement limits our ability to engage in meaningful conversations.

    We often choose numbing and distractions over having vulnerable conversations. Instead of facing our problems head-on, we turn to things like drinking, drugs, work accomplishments, or even pornography to avoid the discomfort. Why is it easier to chase temporary highs than to have the courage to connect with others? The answer lies in the lack of role models for vulnerability and emotional honesty. Society has conditioned us to believe that success and achievement are the only models worth following. We need more examples of people sitting down and saying, "I was wrong" or "I'm here for you." By acknowledging our emotions and having those brave conversations, we can find true healing and connection.

  • The negative impact of devices and screens on relationships and communication.Prioritizing genuine interactions and communication is essential for parents to counter the negative effects of excessive screen time on their children's social and emotional well-being.

    The use of devices and screens has created a generation of kids who struggle to interact with each other and feel alone. While there may be benefits to online communities and friendships, it is important to recognize the struggles that parents and children face in finding a balance with screen time. The distraction of devices often takes away from real conversations and meaningful connections within families. Additionally, the impact of news and media that is designed to induce fear and keep viewers engaged has hijacked our trust in information. Ultimately, it is crucial for parents to prioritize genuine interactions and communication with their children, rather than being consumed by screens and digital distractions.

  • Prioritizing Connection: The Detrimental Effects of Excessive Cell Phone Use in FamiliesBeing a present and connected parent outweighs the appeal of smartphones. Actively engage in open conversations and create a safe environment to foster meaningful connections with children.

    Parents need to prioritize their connection with their children over the distractions of technology. John Delony highlights the detrimental effects of excessive cell phone use in families, comparing it to a "sanctioned Xanax for children." He emphasizes the power of being a present and connected parent, which can greatly outweigh the appeal of smartphones or other devices. Delony acknowledges the challenges of balancing screen time with meaningful interactions, but ultimately asserts that parenting requires active involvement, even if it means addressing personal issues like anger and anxiety. It's crucial for parents to make the effort to engage in open conversations with their children and create a safe and nurturing environment.

  • Prioritizing Connection and Mental Health in the Pursuit of SuccessSuccess can lead to feelings of isolation and anxiety, so it's important to prioritize meaningful relationships and take care of our mental well-being in order to navigate success in a healthier and more fulfilling way.

    Even when our dreams come true and we achieve success, we can still feel like we're not enough. John Delony's journey shows that the pursuit of success can easily lead to isolation, loneliness, and anxiety. It's crucial to prioritize connection, friendship, and personal well-being in the midst of our busy lives. We need to be aware of the potential negative effects of our chaotic and fast-paced lifestyles and proactively address them. It's not just about tackling the symptoms, but about taking the time to understand and address the underlying causes of our anxieties. By intentionally investing in relationships and making conscious decisions to prioritize our mental health, we can navigate success in a healthier and more fulfilling way.

  • Finding Fulfillment and True Happiness in Embracing the Small Moments of Connection and JoyTrue fulfillment and happiness in life come from cherishing the simple moments that create genuine connections and memories, adopting a seasonal mindset for balance, and prioritizing financial stability for peace and freedom.

    Finding fulfillment and true happiness in life is not about the big flashy moments or chasing after external validations like being on Instagram or having a big ego. It's about embracing the small, seemingly mundane moments that bring genuine connection and joy. John Delony shares a heartwarming example of playing dominoes with his seven-year-old daughter, a moment that may not be Instagram-worthy but holds immense value and creates lasting memories. Adopting a seasonal mindset, where we dedicate focused energy to different aspects of our lives, can also help us find balance and avoid burnout. Furthermore, having a mindset of having "enough" and prioritizing financial stability brings a sense of peace and freedom. It's not about the amount of money, but rather the feeling of security and being able to live within our means.

  • Finding Worthiness Within OurselvesOur value does not come from external achievements or validation, but from embracing our inherent worthiness and choosing to believe in ourselves.

    We often seek external validation to prove our worthiness of love and acceptance, when in reality, it is right within ourselves. Our true value lies not in our accomplishments or roles, but in our inherent being. It's about being present for our loved ones and showing up in their lives, rather than chasing success or constantly seeking approval. It's about understanding that love is not conditional on what we can do or achieve, but on who we are as individuals. Healing and self-acceptance require recognizing that we are deserving of love and actively choosing to believe in our own worthiness.

  • Healing, self-acceptance, and the journey to self-love.Embracing our imperfections, seeking support for mental health, and being vulnerable allows for healing, self-acceptance, and ultimately, experiencing the love and worthiness we all deserve.

    Healing and self-acceptance are crucial for cultivating a sense of worthiness and love for ourselves. Lewis Howes and John Delony both share their personal journeys of struggling with feelings of not being enough. They emphasize the importance of integrating and accepting all parts of oneself, as well as acknowledging and seeking support for mental health issues. It is through this healing process that they have found peace and a deeper sense of self-love. They highlight the power of confession and vulnerability, as well as the impact it has on receiving love and acceptance from others. Ultimately, they believe that everyone deserves to experience this sense of worthiness and self-love.

  • Embracing a Non-Anxious LifeCultivating a non-anxious life enables us to navigate challenging moments without excessive stress, allowing us to fully experience and appreciate the ups and downs of life.

    Cultivating a non-anxious life allows us to fully experience both the ups and downs of life. By creating a world where we don't owe anybody and reducing our dependence on external factors, we can navigate difficult moments without excessive anxiety. This allows us to be present and truly feel heartbreak, sadness, and joy without being overwhelmed by financial or emotional stress. Our culture tends to pathologize normal experiences, but by embracing the non-anxious life, we can fully engage with the tough stuff while also appreciating the small, everyday moments of connection and love. It's about prioritizing relationships, service, and a sense of purpose over self-centeredness and individualism.

  • Collaboration, Service, and Self-Improvement: The Key to Fulfilling Relationships.Collaborate, adapt, and strive to improve oneself in relationships to overcome challenges and find true fulfillment. It's not about competition or self-image, but about serving others and building something new and stronger together.

    Relationships require collaboration over competition and service over self. Lewis Howes realized that constantly striving to look good and have a certain image and ego wasn't bringing him true happiness or fulfillment. Instead, he found that competing to improve himself and serve others brought him more meaning in life. John Delony further emphasizes the importance of "us" over "me" in relationships. He uses the analogy of rebuilding the World Trade Center towers after 9/11, stating that couples should not try to go back to the way things were but instead focus on building something new and stronger together. The main causes of struggle in relationships today, according to John Delony, are financial burdens and varying degrees of infidelity. However, he suggests that these issues stem from a broader problem of both men and women struggling to adapt to the changing dynamics of the world. Men often want things to go back to the way they were, while women want men to change without providing them with the necessary tools. Overall, the key takeaway is the need for collaboration, adaptability, and self-improvement in relationships to overcome challenges and find true fulfillment.

  • Differentiating Values and Beliefs in RelationshipsPrioritizing shared values while allowing space for individual beliefs to change fosters growth, empathy, and understanding in relationships.

    In relationships, it is important to distinguish between values and beliefs. Values are the core principles and qualities that anchor a relationship, such as acceptance, curiosity, and community. Beliefs, on the other hand, are the specific ideas and opinions that may change over time. It is essential for couples to create space for their beliefs to evolve and even change, as long as they align with their shared values. This flexibility allows for growth and learning within the relationship. By prioritizing the "us" over being right, couples can foster empathy, humility, and an open-minded approach to understanding each other's evolving beliefs.

  • The importance of flexibility and openness in beliefs and values.Embracing a flexible mindset, constantly seeking truth, and valuing open communication can foster strong relationships and personal growth.

    It is crucial to have a flexible and open-minded mindset when it comes to our beliefs and values. This was highlighted during the Covid pandemic when scientists constantly updated their data and adjusted their predictions. They celebrated being less wrong and valued the pursuit of truth rather than being right. In contrast, politicians and certain media outlets often cling to their beliefs and refuse to acknowledge new information. In relationships, it is important to establish a strong support system outside of the marriage, where individuals can find emotional support and guidance. Additionally, couples should clearly communicate their values and establish a framework for problem-solving. Being willing to adapt and evolve in these areas will lead to a stronger and more fulfilling relationship.

  • Building a strong relationship through communication, conflict resolution, personal growth, and self-reflection.Open communication, clear agreements, healthy conflict resolution, personal growth, and self-reflection are vital for creating a stable and fulfilling relationship.

    Building a strong and successful relationship requires open communication and clear agreements. It's important to establish rules of engagement early on and agree on how to handle conflicts and challenges. By learning how to fight and argue in a healthy and non-destructive way, couples can manage conflict and maintain love and harmony. Additionally, it's crucial to focus on personal growth and becoming a person that others want to love and be with. Instead of solely worrying about keeping the relationship from breaking up, individuals should strive to be someone who others don't want to leave. This self-reflection and personal development are essential for creating a stable and fulfilling relationship, especially in times of uncertainty and chaos.

  • Building an Anti-Fragile Life: Preparation for ChallengesAn anti-fragile life involves financial security, a strong support system, and emotional resilience to effectively navigate unexpected situations and challenges.

    Creating an anti-fragile life means being prepared for when things go wrong, instead of just hoping they won't. It's about having financial margin, emergency funds, and being debt-free so that unexpected expenses or economic downturns don't leave you scrambling. It's also about building a strong support system of close-knit friends and family who can weather storms together. An anti-fragile life means not getting caught up in every little offense or letting others have power over your emotions. Instead, channel your energy towards taking effective action for justice without becoming overwhelmed or exhausted. It's about standing tall and being prepared for whatever challenges come your way.

  • Sacrifice, vulnerability, and resilience amidst negativityStay focused on your values, ignore external opinions, and surround yourself with trusted individuals who provide support and honest feedback.

    True justice and support for hurting people often requires sacrifice and vulnerability. It means being willing to get your hands dirty and leaving some blood on the floor. However, it's also important to choose your battles wisely and not let every negative comment or situation affect you deeply. Don't allow external forces to veer you off your course or ruin your day. Instead, surround yourself with trusted individuals who can provide honest feedback and support. Remember, the opinions of politicians, companies, or media outlets should not define your values or how you treat others. Focus on building non-anxious relationships and extending hospitality to others, just as Lewis Howes demonstrates through his genuine support for his guests.

  • Creating a Haven for Loved OnesTrue greatness involves being emotionally available, continuously improving oneself, and providing a safe and supportive environment for loved ones to return to.

    True greatness lies in being a safe haven for your loved ones. It's about creating a home where your family members eagerly want to come back to, knowing that they will find solace and security in your presence. This involves the willingness to face your emotions, process them, and constantly work on yourself to become a better person. It's not just about achieving external success, like writing a great book, but also about being a great human being. Moreover, greatness means staying committed and figuring things out even when the going gets tough, as long as there is no abuse or harmful behavior involved. Ultimately, finding greatness is about being a safe landing spot for those you love.

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April 21, 2024


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