

    Explore "Testing" with insightful episodes like "Episode 096: F1 Pre-Season Testing 2024: And Then There Were Nine", "Automotive: Battery Testing with AI", "Testing", "Exclusive Dr. Hyman+ Ask a Doctor: Gut Health and Alzheimer’s, Genetic Risk of Disease, And More" and "Fight Companion - January 20, 2024" from podcasts like ""In The Paddock F1 Podcast", "Industrial AI Podcast", "michaelnsmith009's Podcast", "The Doctor's Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D." and "The Joe Rogan Experience"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 096: F1 Pre-Season Testing 2024: And Then There Were Nine

    Episode 096: F1 Pre-Season Testing 2024: And Then There Were Nine

    It's finally cars on track time for the 2024 Formula One Season!  The roar of the engines and the thought that this will be the only time any team has any hope of beating Max Verstappen and the Red Bull's this year.  With a new season comes new hope that your driver could be this years 2024 Drivers Champion.  
    #F1 #Formula1 #Funny #Comedy 

    Automotive: Battery Testing with AI

    Automotive: Battery Testing with AI
    In this interview, Richard Ahlfeld explains his technological approach and how the company has developed in recent years. He explains the algorithms behind his solution and where Industrial AI is heading. We have another job offering: In Heilbronn they are looking for a new professor for "RESOURCENEFFICIENT IT IN HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE". Thanks for listening. We welcome suggestions for topics, criticism and a few stars on Apple, Spotify and Co. We thank our partner **HANNOVER MESSE** https://www.hannovermesse.de/de/ Job offering: Heilbronn is looking for a professor https://cdn.hs-heilbronn.de/ce3c0933328f570c/d9e7413e6a15/232-P-IT.pdf Richard Ahlfeld https://www.linkedin.com/in/richard-ahlfeld/



    Keďže vývojári a inžinieri QA pokračujú vo svojom úsilí o dokonalosť, musia si uvedomiť, že prijatie robustných a dôkladných postupov testovania softvéru môže skutočne uvoľniť silu ich práce. Uprednostňovaním zabezpečenia kvality v každej fáze vývoja môžu vytvárať spoľahlivé a efektívne aplikácie, ktoré spĺňajú očakávania používateľov a zároveň minimalizujú riziká. Návšteva: https://it-outsource.sk/sk/sluzba/testovanie-softveru

    michaelnsmith009's Podcast
    en-usFebruary 05, 2024

    Exclusive Dr. Hyman+ Ask a Doctor: Gut Health and Alzheimer’s, Genetic Risk of Disease, And More

    Exclusive Dr. Hyman+ Ask a Doctor: Gut Health and Alzheimer’s, Genetic Risk of Disease, And More

    Hey podcast community, Dr. Mark here. My team and I are so excited to offer you a 7 Day Free trial of the Dr. Hyman+ subscription for Apple Podcast. For 7 days, you get access to all this and more entirely for free!  It's so easy to sign up. Just go click the Try Free button on the Doctor’s Farmacy Podcast page in Apple Podcast. 

    In this teaser episode, you’ll hear a preview of our monthly Ask A Doctor Anything episode with Dr. Elizabeth Boham.

    Want to hear the full episode? Subscribe now. With your 7 day free trial to Apple Podcast, you’ll gain access to audio versions of:

    - Ad-Free Doctor’s Farmacy Podcast episodes

    - Exclusive monthly Functional Medicine Deep Dives

    - Monthly Ask Mark Anything Episodes 

    - Bonus audio content exclusive to Dr. Hyman+

    Trying to decide if the Dr. Hyman+ subscription for Apple Podcast is right for you?  Email my team at plus@drhyman.com with any questions you have.  

    Please note, Dr. Hyman+ subscription for Apple Podcast does not include access to the Dr. Hyman+ site and only includes Dr. Hyman+ in audio content. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Fight Companion - January 20, 2024

    Fight Companion - January 20, 2024

    Joe is joined by Eddie Bravo, Joey Diaz & Brendan Schaub to watch the fights on January 20, 2024.

    Eddie Bravo is a champion martial artist, founder of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu, musician, stand-up comic, and author. He's the host of "Look Into It - with Eddie Bravo" podcast.

    Joey Diaz is a stand-up comic, writer, and author. He's the host of the podcast "Uncle Joey's Joint with Joey Diaz," co-host of "The Check-In" with Lee Syatt, and author of "Tremendous: The Life of a Comedy Savage." 
    Brendan Schaub is stand-up comedian, retired professional mixed martial artist, entrepreneur, and host or co-host of several podcasts and YouTube shows, among them "The Fighter and the Kid," "The Schaub Show," "The Golden Hour," "Calabasas Fight Companion."

    Matthew 14 | John the Baptist Death, Feeding 5000, and Walking on Water

    Matthew 14 | John the Baptist Death, Feeding 5000, and Walking on Water

    Have you ever pondered the tumultuous dance of grief and grace? Our latest journey through Matthew 14 reveals the stark contrasts of Jesus' experiences, from mourning the loss of John the Baptist to the miraculous feeding of multitudes. As we traverse these emotional highs and lows, we uncover the depth of Herod's moral conundrums and the complexities of leadership. We're also invited to marvel at the sheer magnitude of faith displayed, as Jesus not only sustains the hungry but walks upon the water, beckoning Peter to join Him amidst the storm.

    Stepping into the shoes of the disciples, we grapple with the essence of trust when the winds of doubt howl fiercely around us. The narrative invites us to reflect on our own moments of wavering faith, encouraging us to reach out towards the divine for steadiness. This episode isn't just a retelling of ancient wonders; it's an open invitation to engage with the stirring realities of spiritual hunger and the palpable presence of healing power in our lives. Connect with us through the vibrations of this podcast, and if you’re searching for more than just stories, we're here to offer you a Bible, guiding you towards a deeper connection with the truth that stood firm on the waters of Galilee.

    In Matthew 14, Jesus' ministry shifts gears, showcasing his power and compassion against a backdrop of human darkness.

    We open with the chilling revelation of John the Baptist's beheading, ordered by the ruthless Herod Antipas. Seeking solace, Jesus retreats to a deserted place, but the crowds catch wind and follow, drawn to his healing touch and teachings. This leads to the iconic Feeding of the Five Thousand, where Jesus multiplies mere loaves and fishes to satisfy a multitude.

    But miracles don't stop there. As the disciples battle a stormy sea, Jesus walks across the water, defying natural laws and calming their fears. Peter, even, takes a tentative step onto the waves, only to falter due to doubt. This episode beautifully reflects the struggle between faith and fear, urging us to stay rooted in belief even when the waters get rough.

    Matthew 14 is a whirlwind of contrasts: darkness and light, doubt and faith, physical hunger and spiritual nourishment. This podcast episode delves into these powerful themes, exploring the enduring relevance of Jesus' message in a world that craves both comfort and challenge. Tune in as we unpack the miracles, grapple with human fallibility, and discover how faith can be the anchor that keeps us afloat in even the fiercest storms.

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    Thanks so much for listening to the show. We'll See you tomorrow.
    -Ryan and Jenny

    Deep Dive 133 – End-to-End Testing mit Raphael Knecht

    Deep Dive 133 – End-to-End Testing mit Raphael Knecht

    In dieser Ausgabe haben Fabi und Jan im Studio Besuch von Raphael Knecht. Raphael ist Entwickler bei funk und werkelt dort an der Videolandschaft und Content Delivery.

    Zusammen mit Raphael sprechen wir über End-to-End-Testing und wie es ihm und seinem Team die tägliche Arbeit erleichtert. Raphael berichtet, wie sein Team Akzeptanztests nutzt, um seine Microservice-Landschaft nicht nur stetig weiterzuentwickeln, sondern auch zu dokumentieren. Es geht um Fallstricke und die Herausforderung, trotzdem agil zu bleiben.

    Mit End-to-End-Tests sollen Systeme aus Anwendungssicht ganzheitlich gecheckt werden können. Dabei werden möglichst produktionsnahe Umgebungen genutzt, um Szenarien von Input bis Output automatisiert zu überprüfen.

    Picks of the Day:

    • Jan Gregor: Panther – Panther ist ein framework-agnostisches PHP Library zum Scrapen von Websites und zum Ausführen von End-to-End-Tests unter Verwendung echter Webbrowser. Mit Hilfe des W3C WebDriver-Protokolls ermöglicht es die Nutzung nativer Webbrowser wie Google Chrome und Firefox. Panther erkennt lokale Installation von Chrome oder Firefox und nutzt diese, sodass Sie nichts weiter zu installieren ist - die Nutzung erfolgt ohne Selenium Server! Für Tests startet Panther die App automatisch mit dem in PHP integrierten Webserver, sodass man nur noch die eigenen Test Szenarien schreiben muss.
    • Fabi: OMR Rabbit Hole: Die Samwer-Story – "Niemand hat die deutsche Startup-Szene so sehr geprägt [...] Und niemand hat daran vermutlich so viel verdient. Und doch gibt es in der Geschichte dunkle Schatten." Dieser neue Podcast von OMR beleuchtet in zehn Folgen die Geschichte der Brüder Marc, Oliver und Alexander Samwer. Durch Firmen wie Zalando und Hellofresh aber auch mit StudiVZ und Jamba! haben die Brüder die deutsche Internet-Story maßgeblich beeinflusst. Durch Gespräche mit Mitarbeitenden, Konkurrenz und Wegbegleitenden der drei Brüder ergibt sich ein interessantes Bild zu den letzten 20 Jahren der deutschen Start-up Geschichte.

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    Schickt uns eure Themenwünsche und euer Feedback: podcast@programmier.bar

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    Musik: Hanimo

    La RSE : une démarche qui attire et fidélise les talent

    La RSE : une démarche qui attire et fidélise les talent

    Hello à tous les fans de recrutement, bienvenue dans ce 26e épisode de “L’hebdo du recruteur":

    Au programme de ce podcast : toute l’actualité recrutement de cette semaine du 25 Septembre!

    Vous êtes prêts? Alors c’est parti !

    Première actualité, les offres d’emplois numériques ont augmenté de 66% en 4 ans en France

    La demande dans le secteur du numérique augmente et selon l’Institut Montaigne, 10 % des offres d’emploi dans ce secteur ne sont pas pourvues (soit 85 000 posts).

    Par ailleurs, un rapport de la Dares affirme que le secteur IT va créer plus de 100 000 postes supplémentaires d’ici 2030 et 7% des fiches de poste publiées sur internet seraient relatives à des professions du numérique.

    Voici les domaines de compétences s’étant le plus rapidement diffusées sur le marché du travail

    l’analyse de données avancées (Big data, IA, etc.), 

    la cybersécurité, 

    la programmation, 

    l’automatisation et l’internet des objets (IoT), 

    les compétences numériques liées au commerce avec notamment la gestion des médias sociaux.

    La seconde actualité de la semaine concerne les discriminations dans les process RH et la meilleure façon de les prévenir

    Selon le rapport de l’AFMD, le testing est l’outil le plus sollicité pour combattre les discriminations en entreprise. Introduit en 2006 et reposant sur des candidatures fictives, il s’est imposé dans les pratiques. Bien qu’essentiel, il n’est pas exhaustif. Il se concentre majoritairement sur le recrutement, négligeant la gestion des carrières.

    Les diagnostics internes sont en effet tout autant cruciaux. Ils détectent des risques discriminatoires, guident les politiques d’inclusion et définissent des priorités.

    Selon les experts du rapport, il est primordial de communiquer pour faire évoluer les façons de penser et d’agir. Aujourd’hui, la communication des diagnostics varie selon la culture organisationnelle. Souvent partagés avec les directions et comités RH, ils atteignent rarement tous les salariés.

    Dernière actualité :  La RSE : une démarche qui attire les talents et favorise la réussite des entreprises

    La RSE est aujourd’hui un levier majeur pour attirer et fidéliser les talents.

    Les entreprises engagées dans des initiatives RSE s’affichent comme des actrices éthiques et responsables vis-à-vis de la société. Ces valeurs attirent les individus qui cherchent à travailler pour des organisations partageant leurs convictions personnelles. Les talents d’aujourd’hui, notamment les millennials et la generation Z, sont particulièrement sensibles aux questions sociales et environnementales. C’est la raison pour laquelle ils sont plus enclins à s’engager auprès d’entreprises qui affichent clairement leurs efforts en matière de développement durable et de responsabilité sociale.

    Voici 3 avantages a mener une politique RSE : 

    ca renforce l’image de marque de l’entreprise

    ca attire les talents hautement qualifiés

    et c’est unr facteur de différenciation concurrentielle

    Ça y est, Clap de fin ! Vous voilà désormais incollable sur l’actualité de la semaine !

    Ça vous a plu ? Vous mourrez d’impatience de nous écouter de nouveau ? 

    Pas d’inquiétude, nous revenons dès la semaine prochaine pour vous faire vivre toute l’actualité en direct !

    Alors prenez note, l’épisode 27 de l’hebdo du recruteur sortira dès vendredi prochain à la même heure !

    Je vous souhaite une belle semaine, et vous dis à très vite !

    Ce podcast a été réalisé grâce à Tool4staffing: logiciel de recrutement et de chasse automatisée boosté par l’intelligence artificielle.

    Sources :




    #155: Zu Gast: Johannes Montag & Martina Engler-Smith von Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau (2/2)

    #155: Zu Gast: Johannes Montag & Martina Engler-Smith von Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau (2/2)
    [Werbung] Johannes Montag, Geschäftsführer der Poppe + Potthoff Maschinenbau GmbH, ist zurück an der Hydrogen Bar, und hat diesmal seine Kollegin Martina Engler-Smith dabei. Wir nehmen mit unseren Gästen diese Woche die globale Perspektive ein: Wie geht es weiter mit der Wasserstoff-Technologie und wie entwickelt sich der damit einhergehende Bedarf an Komponenten-Testing? Welche Herausforderungen kommen auf einen Sondermaschinenbauer wie P+P damit zu? Wie findet man neue Lösungen im veränderlichen Umfeld?

    My Experience With Mercury Toxicity

    My Experience With Mercury Toxicity

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health and Joovv.

    Mercury enters our bodies from many different sources, including mercury vapors in ambient air, ingestion via drinking water, fish, dental amalgams, occupational exposures, home exposures, over-the-counter products, and more. There’s no doubt about it: mercury is the most alarming, disease-causing source of environmental toxicity that I see daily in my practice. 

    In today’s episode of my series I’m calling Health Bites, I share my own experience with mercury issues and give you a comprehensive plan for reducing your exposure and healing from mercury toxicity. 

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health and Joovv.

    Rupa Health is a place where Functional Medicine practitioners can access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests from over 35 labs like DUTCH, Vibrant America, Genova, and Great Plains. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at RupaHealth.com.

    For a limited time, you’ll get an exclusive discount on Joovv’s Generation 3.0 devices (some exclusions do apply). Just go to Joovv.com/farmacy and use the code FARMACY.

    Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):

    • How I developed mercury toxicity (3:43 / 1:42) 
    • The conventional medicine approach to treating mercury toxicity (5:34 / 3:33) 
    • What I learned years ago at an international conference on mercury (6:09 / 4:07) 
    • Testing mercury levels (10:06 / 8:04) 
    • Sources of mercury (11:21 / 9:51) 
    • Symptoms of mercury poisoning (14:30 / 12:30) 
    • Mercury toxicity and dental fillings (15:33 / 13:31) 
    • What does genetics have to do with mercury toxicity? (19:54 / 17:53) 
    • Summary (22:12 / 20:12) 

    Mentioned in this episode

    The International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT)

    Mercury in Fish Wallet Card

    EWG’s Consumer Guide to Seafood

    Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch


    Find a Functional Medicine Practitioner

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Your testing questions answered

    Your testing questions answered
    In our first-ever mailbag episode, testing experts Debbie O’Brien, Gleb Bahmutov, and Kent C. Dodds answer your questions about testing. Links https://kentcdodds.com https://www.linkedin.com/in/kentcdodds https://github.com/kentcdodds https://twitter.com/kentcdodds https://kentcdodds.com/s/test https://glebbahmutov.com https://twitter.com/bahmutov https://www.linkedin.com/in/bahmutov https://github.com/bahmutov https://www.cypress.io/blog/author/gleb https://twitter.com/debs_obrien http://youtube.com/c/DebbieOBrien https://debbie.codes https://www.linkedin.com/in/debbie-o-brien-1a199975/ https://github.com/debs-obrien Tell us what you think of PodRocket We want to hear from you! We want to know what you love and hate about the podcast. What do you want to hear more about? Who do you want to see on the show? Our producers want to know, and if you talk with us, we’ll send you a $25 gift card! If you’re interested, schedule a call with us (https://podrocket.logrocket.com/contact-us) or you can email producer Kate Trahan at kate@logrocket.com (mailto:kate@logrocket.com) Follow us. Get free stickers. Follow us on Apple Podcasts, fill out this form (https://podrocket.logrocket.com/get-podrocket-stickers), and we’ll send you free PodRocket stickers! What does LogRocket do? LogRocket combines frontend monitoring, product analytics, and session replay to help software teams deliver the ideal product experience. Try LogRocket for free today. (https://logrocket.com/signup/?pdr) Special Guests: Debbie O'Brien, Gleb Bahmutov, and Kent C. Dodds.