

    Explore "immunesystem" with insightful episodes like "Ep46: Ayahuasca Healing | A Lifesaving Journey with Mee Ok Icaro", "The Truth About Heart Health Part 2", "Optimizing Health: Vitamin D's Role in Cancer Prevention and Immune Support", "How to Overcome Viral Infections and Build Resilient Immunity Using Holistic Methods" and "Dr. Jeffrey Bland: How To Get the Most Out of Your Genetic Potential" from podcasts like ""How To Be Happier For Entrepreneurs", "The Wellness Radio with Drs. Warren", "PowerPassionProsperity w/DrJay", "Health Coach 4 Women" and "The Fat-Burning Man Show: Real Food, Real Results (Video)"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Ep46: Ayahuasca Healing | A Lifesaving Journey with Mee Ok Icaro

    Ep46: Ayahuasca Healing | A Lifesaving Journey with Mee Ok Icaro

    In this profound episode of “How to Be Happier for Entrepreneurs,” we embark on a transformative journey with our extraordinary guest, Mee Ok Icaro. Join us as Mee Ok shares her powerful story of how Ayahuasca, a sacred plant medicine, became her lifeline when conventional medicine fell short. Learn about the profound healing experiences and insights she gained from Ayahuasca, which ultimately led her to a path of wellness and purpose. While we touch upon writing, the heart of this episode explores the incredible healing potential of Ayahuasca, making it a must-listen for anyone seeking holistic well-being and personal growth.


    Key takeaways to listen for:

    • Transformative power of writing and its role in healing and growth

    • Ayahuasca: How it can lead to the path to healing

    • The connection between childhood trauma and serious illness

    • Why it’s crucial to explore transformative ways for personal growth

    • Mee Ok’s multifaceted approach to fostering lasting change




    About Mee Ok Icaro

    Mee Ok Icaro is an award-winning literary prose stylist and occasional poet. She is the winner of the inaugural Prufer Poetry Prize, runner-up in the Prairie Schooner Creative Nonfiction Contest, and a finalist for the Scott Merrill Award for poetry and the Annie Dillard Award for Creative Nonfiction. Her writing has appeared, or is forthcoming, in the LA Times, Boston Globe Magazine, Georgia Review, Massachusetts Review, Bennington Review, River Teeth, Michael Pollan’s “Trips Worth Telling” anthology, and elsewhere. She is also featured in [Un]Well on Netflix and is attempting to write a memoir. 


    Connect with Mee Ok


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    The Truth About Heart Health Part 2

    The Truth About Heart Health Part 2

    Get ready to reconsider everything you thought you knew about heart health!

    This is Part 2 to the previous episode - so make sure you check out Part 1 first!

    Mainstream medicine has failed to stem the rising tide of cardiovascular mortality despite massive spending on drugs and interventions. Now the number 1 killer in the US, with one person dying every 33 seconds, it's time to reevaluate what we have come to be told about heart health and learn the truth about how to get well and prevent it. 

    In this two part deep dive, Dr. Nathan makes the case that the cholesterol theory driving our modern approach to treating heart disease was built on bad science and confirmation bias that ignores contradictory evidence.

    He explains

    • The history of why you're told information that might not actually help you.
    • Helps you understand cholesterol and testing better.
    • Reveals that proper saturated fats actually support heart health.
    • Lifestyle choices like diet, exercise, sleep and stress management are more important than genetics.
    • Provides practical tips to improve circulation, balance the nervous system, and support mitochondrial function.
    •  And most importantly dives deep into the solutions that you can start making today to not only support your body to heal but to support the prevention of heart disease.

    Learn how to take control of your heart health by tuning in to this myth-busting conversation.

    Ready to work with us? Both in-office in Chattanooga, TN and virtually worldwide--> Click here for more information

    Sign up here to receive Dr. Nathan's Heart Health Protocol: https://www.drswarren.com/supplements 

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    Disclaimer: This podcast is for information purposes only. Statements and views expressed on this podcast are not medical advice. This podcast including Drs.Warren disclaim responsibility from any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained herein. Opinions of guests are their own, and this podcast does not accept responsibility of statements made by guests. This podcast does not make any representations or warranties about guests qualifications or credibility. Individuals on this podcast may have a direct or non-direct interest in products or services referred to herein. If you think you have a medical problem, consult a licensed physician.

    Optimizing Health: Vitamin D's Role in Cancer Prevention and Immune Support

    Optimizing Health: Vitamin D's Role in Cancer Prevention and Immune Support

    This week we delve into the multifaceted health benefits of Vitamin D, exploring its remarkable potential in reducing risk of numerous cancers and fortifying the immune system. Discover the science behind Vitamin D's anticancer effects and learn practical strategies for harnessing its immune-strengthening prowess. I also discuss why it is important to test your Vitamin D levels regularly and what is the best natural source of Vitamin D. Also, what are the effects of sunscreen and Vitamin D. Plus lots more...

    How to Overcome Viral Infections and Build Resilient Immunity Using Holistic Methods

    How to Overcome Viral Infections and Build Resilient Immunity Using Holistic Methods

    In todays' episode Marsha shares useful tips on how you can rebuild your immune system by implementing certain practices with the help of supplements. It is necessary to do the most common things such as improving your diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise, get enough sleep as well as reduce stress.

    In addition to doing those things listed above you may want to strongly consider adding supplements to your diet that will can help with cellular repair. It is our cells that impact our health and when we have damaged cells we in turn damage our health.

    With the safe use of adding supplements and or herbal medicine in addition to practicing healthy eating, exercise and improved sleep with less stress we not only can repair damaged cells but we can optimize our immunity when it comes to getting viral infections.

    #viral #immunity #resilientimmunity #immunebooster #cellularrepair

    Dr. Jeffrey Bland: How To Get the Most Out of Your Genetic Potential

    Dr. Jeffrey Bland: How To Get the Most Out of Your Genetic Potential

    How can we get the most out of our genetic potential?

    Breakthroughs in science, research and epigenetics show us that we're not simply stuck with the genes we inherited from our parents.

    In fact, it's lifestyle factors like nutrition, movement, mindset and our environment that truly control the way that our genes are expressed. These simple choices we make every day snowball to create vitality and longevity or ill health and disease depending on how you live your life.

    So if you're interested in finding and treating the underlying causes of ill health instead of just chasing symptoms, this is the show for you.

    I'm honored that joining me on the show today is Dr. Jeffrey Bland, a world-renowned Nutrition Medicine Expert, Clinical Biochemist, founder of Big Bold Health, and bestselling author often called the “Father of Functional Medicine.”

    I think you're going to enjoy this one. We're talking about:

    • How to get the most out of our genetic potential
    • Ways to find and treat the root cause instead of just chasing symptoms
    • How to turn back the clock by rejuvenating your immune system
    • Why the gut is considered the second brain
    • Surprising ways that artificial ingredients affect us
    • Why the future of personalized medicine is looking very bright
    • And much more…

    Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/dr-jeffrey-bland-how-to-get-the-most-out-of-your-genetic-potential/ 

    Get videos, books, articles, downloads and more from Dr. Jeffrey Bland at https://JeffreyBland.com as well as https://BigBoldHealth.com 

    Join The Wild Guild and get freebies on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/abeljames 

    Like the show on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fatburningman 

    Follow me on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/fatburnman

    Click here for your free Fat-Burning Kit: http://fatburningman.com/bonus 

    Eps.44 How to create a healthy home environment (Christine’s health journey with mold toxicity)

    Eps.44 How to create a healthy home environment (Christine’s health journey with mold toxicity)

    A must listen! We had no idea how many people have mold in their homes and are completely unaware until this last year. In this episode Christine shares her over a decade journey with healing while discovering it was likely mold in her home that was wreaking havoc on her immune system and that of her family. We discuss the process of eliminating it and getting the air in her home clean again. We’re also sharing resources for you and other ways we make sure to maintain a healthy home environment to the best of our abilities.







    Cleaning products: Norwex, thieves from young living, nutrition works

    EP164: Massages, MLMs, and Changing Our Minds

    EP164: Massages, MLMs, and Changing Our Minds

    Nicole and Jeni are happy to be back with you after a short holiday break. They're catching up with all of you after a relaxing massage this morning. It was Jeni's first, so she's got a lot of thoughts about it to share. Nicole tells us how the massage therapist explained how hard it is to get most men to just admit that they'd benefit by getting a massage! Jeni found a Christmas card Nicole got in high school that is TOTAL teen drama. Nicole and Jeni talk about the way their feelings have changed about Multilevel Marketing (MLM). Mary Kay has been around for decades, but it's technically an MLM, right? It's just another example of why we all should be open to having our minds changed for the right reasons.

    What are some of the biggest ways your mind has been changed in your life? Let us know!

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    The Nomination Speech From Hell

    The Nomination Speech From Hell


    Kait is back after a 3 week hiatus and has more updates than ever before. Let's just say things are peacefully chaotic... as usual. After a recent Twitter resurfacing of Sam's nomination speech from BB20, Kaitlyn addresses exactly how it went down and exactly how she felt. 

    EP163: Nicole and Jeni Answer Your Questions!

    EP163: Nicole and Jeni Answer Your Questions!

    This week, Nicole and Jeni are answering your listener-submitted questions! Everything from Nicole's chiropractor, to how she feels about her dogs since Arrow was born, to paying for a blue checkmark on Twitter, Coco Caliente has the answers you've been asking for! Jeni and Nicole also talk about a recent fun shopping trip, a cute way to pack up your Thanksgiving leftovers, and just how many meatballs really fit in a muffin tin. (You'll just have to listen if you want that last one to make sense.)

    Keep your questions coming over on our Facebook page! We love to hear from you!

    Coco Caliente IG: https://www.instagram.com/cococalientepodcast

    More podcasts at WAVE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/artist/wave-podcast-network/1437831426

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    470: Super Small Symbionts Soothe Symptoms

    470: Super Small Symbionts Soothe Symptoms

    This episode: Tiny bacteria that live on larger bacteria reduce the inflammation and gum disease the bigger microbes cause in the mouths of mice!

    Download Episode (6.3 MB, 9.2 minutes)

    Show notes:
    Microbe of the episode: Actinomadura viridilutea

    Even bacteria can be hosts to smaller symbionts living on them. Some kinds of these extremely tiny bacteria live in various parts of our bodies, and are sometimes associated with inflammation and the resulting disease. But being associated with something isn't necessarily the same as causing that thing.

    In this study, tiny bacteria living on other bacteria in the mouths of mice were found to reduce the inflammation caused by their bacterial hosts, resulting in less gum disease and bone loss in the jaw. Even when the tiny bacteria were no longer present, their former bacterial hosts were still less disruptive to the mouse mouth.
    Journal Paper:
    Chipashvili O, Utter DR, Bedree JK, Ma Y, Schulte F, Mascarin G, Alayyoubi Y, Chouhan D, Hardt M, Bidlack F, Hasturk H, He X, McLean JS, Bor B. 2021. Episymbiotic Saccharibacteria suppresses gingival inflammation and bone loss in mice through host bacterial modulation. Cell Host Microbe 29:1649-1662.e7.

    Other interesting stories:


    Email questions or comments to bacteriofiles at gmail dot com. Thanks for listening!

    Subscribe: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Android, or RSS. Support the show at Patreon, or check out the show at Twitter or Facebook.

    Conversations: Rupa Marya, MD & Raj Patel

    Conversations: Rupa Marya, MD & Raj Patel

    In this episode, Emily speaks with physician Rupa Marya and political economist Raj Patel about their recent book Inflamed: Deep Medicine and the Anatomy of Injustice, which explores the impact of oppressive systems on our health, and how deep medicine can facilitate collective healing.

    The Nocturnists is partnering with VCU Health Continuing Education to offer FREE CME credits for healthcare professionals. Visit ce.vcuhealth.org/nocturnists to claim credit for this episode.

    Find show notes, transcript, and more at thenocturnists.com.

    Using Peptides to Boost Your Health and Well-Being with Brian Graham

    Using Peptides to Boost Your Health and Well-Being with Brian Graham

    Whichever stage of life you might be in, you’ll want to live it to the fullest. You’ll want mental clarity to perform at your best, energy to spend time with your loved ones, and a strong metabolism to maintain your ideal body weight. Using peptides is a great and effective way to remain healthy so you can make the most out of your life.

    In this episode, Brian Graham discusses the functions and benefits of different peptides. He also shares some exciting developments in the peptide space. Peptides come with amazing effects — but they can also come with unpleasant side effects when not used with caution.

    If you want to learn more about how peptides can power your body and enhance your quality of life, then this episode is for you!

    Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

    1. Learn how peptides work on your body.
    2. Discover the latest developments in the peptide space.
    3. Find out the numerous benefits of peptides.

    Get Customised Guidance for Your Genetic Make-Up

    For our epigenetics health programme, all about optimising your fitness, lifestyle, nutrition and mind performance to your particular genes, go to https://wellness.lisatamati.com/epigenetics.

    Customised Online Coaching for Runners

    CUSTOMISED RUN COACHING PLANS — How to Run Faster, Be Stronger, Run Longer  Without Burnout & Injuries

    Have you struggled to fit in training in your busy life? Maybe you don’t know where to start, or perhaps you have done a few races but keep having motivation or injury troubles?

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    ​​Do you want a holistic programme that is personalised & customised to your ability, goals, and lifestyle? 

    Go to www.runninghotcoaching.com for our online run training coaching.

    Health Optimisation and Life Coaching

    Are you struggling with a health issue and need people who look outside the square and are connected to some of the greatest science and health minds in the world? Then reach out to us at support@lisatamati.com, we can jump on a call to see if we are a good fit for you.

    If you have a big challenge ahead, are dealing with adversity or want to take your performance to the next level and want to learn how to increase your mental toughness, emotional resilience, foundational health, and more, contact us at support@lisatamati.com.

    Order My Books

    My latest book Relentless chronicles the inspiring journey about how my mother and I defied the odds after an aneurysm left my mum Isobel with massive brain damage at age 74. The medical professionals told me there was absolutely no hope of any quality of life again. Still, I used every mindset tool, years of research and incredible tenacity to prove them wrong and bring my mother back to full health within three years. Get your copy here: https://shop.lisatamati.com/collections/books/products/relentless.

    For my other two best-selling books Running Hot and Running to Extremes, chronicling my ultrarunning adventures and expeditions all around the world, go to https://shop.lisatamati.com/collections/books.

    Lisa’s Anti-Ageing and Longevity Supplements 

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    Episode Highlights

    [04:20] Entering The Peptide Space

    • Brian is a peptide specialist at Boulder Longevity Institute.
    • When he first entered the peptide space, he worked more on performance optimization.
    • He underwent educational training at the American Academy for Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and earned a formal certification.
    • He met Dr. Yurth while she was working at an orthopedic practice. They focused on bringing medical innovation to clinical relevance through collaboration.

    [06:48] What Are Peptides?

    • Peptides have been around for some time, even in traditional medicine.
    • They are naturally-occurring products that help regulate or stimulate a given process. For example, insulin is a peptide that regulates blood glucose to prevent neuropathic pain and other complications.
    • Many things can be targeted on a cellular level with a given peptide.

    [09:07] Proteins vs. Peptides

    • A protein that’s a large peptide has more binding sites or activity.
    • Smaller sequences of amino acids become more specific for a given cellular target.
    • When chopped up, large proteins are basically made up of peptides.
    • Many environmental factors inhibit your body’s ability to make a given peptide, such as prioritization and accumulation of stressors.
    • The aging process is associated with a decreased ability to make certain peptides.

    [12:05] BPC-157

    • BPC-157 is a gastric-derived peptide that naturally occurs in the digestive system and helps support the cells and makeup of the digestive system.
    • It increases blood flow, thus helping modulate healing and recovery processes, especially in the musculoskeletal system.
    • It also helps with neuron regeneration and improves the integrity of the blood-brain barrier.
    • It’s an F-actin sequestering peptide that dampens the effects of scarring.

    [17:00] What’s Happening in the Peptide Space

    • The peptide space is incredibly dynamic with lots of innovative research and people working hard to get it to clinical relevance.
    • While much of it is on the bench, there are many strides in the peptide space.
    • There are many factors affecting the accessibility of peptides, such as market exclusivity.

    [19:42] Increasing Accessibility

    • Brian has been advocating and informing his patients of what’s available to them and gives them access if possible.
    • Peptides that are in clinical development and have gone through safety trials require an API.
    • Unfortunately, there are still some inconsistencies in products with company pharmacies that they partner with.
    • It’s important to assess what’s going to be effective for you.

    [23:24] SS-31

    • SS-31 is a mitochondrial peptide that has market exclusivity.
    • It targets the inner mitochondrial membrane and buffers lipid peroxidation, improving the overall system.
    • Brian and his team are working on enhancing its effects by adding other synergistic materials to it.

    [27:33] GHK-Cu

    • GHK-Cu is widely known in the aesthetic space for collagen deposition and reduction of fine lines and wrinkles.
    • Peptides should be used with caution because taking too much might compromise your health.
    • It’s also being used for postoperative recovery and it could potentially help reorient genetic issues and damage.

    [31:15] Ta1

    • Thymosin alpha 1 modulates the immune system. It protects immunocompromised people who are more vulnerable to viral bacteria.
    • It’s used for vaccines against viral hepatitis, certain types of cancer, and autoimmune diseases.
    • Essentially, it helps with immunosurveillance by identifying foreign invaders, such as viruses and bacteria, and removing them.
    • Though it has an incredible safety record, it’s under scrutiny and there is limited access to it.

    [31:15] Semaglutide and GLP-RA

    • Semaglutide and GLP-RA are synthetic peptides that regulate metabolism, increasing energy utilization and decreasing fat storage.
    • It’s commonly used for glucose control.
    • It also regulates metabolic processes in the brain, potentially reversing cognitive issues.
    • However, it might also lead to nausea, vomiting, distension, and other issues because it slows down stomach emptying.

    [43:42] MOD GRF 1-29

    • Overstimulation of CJC-1295, which upregulates growth hormones, can lead to a host of issues, such as fluid retention and neuropathic pain.
    • MOD GRF 1-29 promotes more robust growth hormone production.
    • Using growth hormone-stimulating hormones might cause dependence because it will shut down your ability to produce growth hormones.
    • Abusing growth hormones can shut down your body’s abilities.
    • Growth hormones are released robustly at night and put you in a position to recover.

    [49:23] Other Peptides

    • Brian is only familiar with Epithalamin with regards to pineal gland-derived peptides.
    • Cerebral lysine supports the nervous system and can potentially treat Alzheimer’s disease, brain injury, stroke, etc.
    • MOTS-c is a mitochondrial-derived peptide that’s associated with longevity.
    • Humanin is used with MOTS-c, due to its synergistic effects, to encourage greater levels of mitochondria and metabolic flexibility.
    • Metabolic flexibility translates to overall system integrity, resiliency, and performance.

    [57:24] Supersapiens

    • Supersapiens sensors track glucose, ketones, and lactate in real-time.
    • It helps enhance your performance and guides you in knowing what you need.
    • It’s best to seek guidance when you start getting into the peptide space so you’ll be able to do things effectively and safely.

    7 Powerful Quotes

    “... essentially, what it does is it helps to regulate a given process. And that’s what peptides do, they are essentially a key to a door or an opportunity to either lock a door of a given process or open it up…”

    “[Peptides] could be analogous to a dimmer switch on the wall: you’re turning up the light or turning down the light, but that’s going to correspond with the given physiologic mechanism.”

    “Just because this stuff looks good on paper doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be good for everyone. It’s really important to distil down what is going to be effective for you so you’re not wasting your time and your money doing a treatment that you don’t necessarily need.”

    “If you’re in a chronic deteriorative state where your body’s sort of ill-equipped to address that need, then you’re going to chronically upregulate inflammation and essentially chronically deteriorate, unfortunately.”

    “More is not always better.”

    “Everything happens in a rhythm. Everything has its own clock.”

    “It’s important [...] to have guidance, whether that’s with me or someone else that is skilled and understands this constantly evolving field to really do things effectively.”


    About Brian

    Brian Graham is the Program Director at Boulder Longevity Institute. He’s a certified peptide specialist through the International Peptide Society and American Academy for Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. 

    Brian is an industrious health and wellness professional with a thorough understanding of clinical peptide modalities. Through his work, he provides high-level concierge health services to patients and is well-versed in peptide sales. 

    If you want to know more about Brian, you can connect with him on LinkedIn

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    Have any questions? You can contact me through email (support@lisatamati.com) or find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

    For more episode updates, visit my website. You may also tune in on Apple Podcasts.

    To pushing the limits,



    Vitamin D: What is it and How does it HELP YOU!

    Vitamin D:  What is it and How does it HELP YOU!

    We all learned, in our basic education, about the benefits of soaking ourselves in the morning sunshine to enjoy the benefits of vitamin D for bone health. Well, let’s assume our teachers didn’t want to say too much. But the truth is that vitamin D offers more benefits, including improved immune function, resistance to certain diseases, and more. Don’t worry, we shall discuss more on these benefits in this article.

    To start with, let’s define what vitamin D is…

    What is Vitamin D?

    We all know vitamin D to be a fat-soluble vitamin, which belongs to a family of compounds that include D1, D2, and D3. However, can I shock you by letting you know Vitamin D is actually a hormone and not a vitamin? Surprised, right? Well, basically, vitamins are obtained from the foods we eat, but in the case of vitamin D, they can be synthesized by the body.

    When ultraviolet rays or sunlight hits your skin, the rays convert a protein called 7-DHC into vitamin D3, which is then processed by enzymes in the kidney and liver to become activated which does the magic in our body.

    However, you can also get vitamin D from food sources such as egg yolk, oily fish, and whole milk. You can even find them in many kinds of breakfast cereals.

    How does vitamin D help?

    Vitamin D plays an important role throughout the body. Apart from supporting bone health, it works to support the health of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. More so, it helps to regulate insulin levels and support diabetes management.

    However, vitamin D is mainly important for immune system health. It offers anti-inflammatory benefits and boosts the production of immune cells in the body.

    Vitamin D deficiency has been associated with a number of illnesses and disorders, including cancer, cognitive disorder, autoimmune disorders, and Parkinson’s disease.

    So it is important to get vitamin D from sunlight or your diet. You can also take vitamin D supplements if your body is not synthesizing enough of this hormone. This can help to boost your overall wellness and immune defense.

    However, you need to be careful when you expose yourself to sunlight. The same UVB radiation that helps you make vitamin D is also responsible for sunburns and even skin cancer. Little wonder, we are often advised to keep it moderate and stay under the morning sunlight instead of the scorching afternoon sunlight.

    So you have to keep it moderate. If you have a light complexion, 10-15 minutes of outdoor exposure to sunlight is sensible to produce plenty of vitamin D daily. But if you’re dark in your complexion, you can get 20-30 minutes of exposure to sunlight to make vitamin D daily.

    Here are a few suggestions: You can decide to eat your lunch outdoors, take a midday call outside, or take a short stroll while you have your zoom meetings. Doing all of these can offer great benefits to your immune system and overall health.

    You can consult Dr. Jason Jones at our Chiropractic office at Elizabeth City, to learn more about the benefits of vitamin D and good food sources of this fat-soluble nutrient that you can include in your diet.

    Vitamin C: What is it and How does it HELP YOU!

    Vitamin C:  What is it and How does it HELP YOU!
    Vitamin C: what is it, how does it help? Dr. Jason Jones Elizabeth City NC, Chiropractor

    One of the most effective nutrients you can get from food is Vitamin C (some kinds of foods though). This vitamin has been shown to offer a lot of health benefits, including boosting immune system functions, protecting against cardiovascular diseases, skin wrinkling, and a host of other functions.

    Little wonder, Vitamin C has received a great deal of attention, and study researcher Mark Moyad, MD, MPH, of the University of Michigan, states that “higher levels of vitamin C in the blood may be the ideal nutrition marker for overall health.” He added, “The more we study Vitamin C, the better we understand its benefits in protecting our health, from cardiovascular, stroke, cancer, immunity, eye health, to living longer.”

    What is vitamin C?

    Vitamin C, otherwise called ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that supports a healthy immune system and confers other health benefits. This vitamin is not produced by the body, hence, you need to get it from the foods you eat every day.

    Vitamin C is present in many fruits and vegetables, including citrus fruits, strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, green and red bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and Kiwifruits, among others.

    You can enjoy any of these foods either raw or cooked. But studies have shown that cooking fruits and vegetables reduce the vitamin C content. Also, storing these foods for a long time can make them lose their vitamin C content.

    So to get the best of vitamin C in foods, ensure you eat them as soon as possible after shopping, and consider microwaving or steaming vegetables for short periods to reduce the loss of nutrients.

    Vitamin is also available as an oral supplement, in form of tablets or capsules. But you can get enough vitamin C from a healthy diet. The supplements might not offer antioxidant benefits like vitamin C obtained from natural foods.

    However, the recommended daily amount of vitamin C is 75 mg for adult women and 90 mg for adult men. You can get enough of this amount from a balanced diet. But for those who might be susceptible to vitamin C deficiency, you may derive benefits from using vitamin C supplements.

     Nevertheless, ensure you get consent from your doctor before adding any supplement to your diet.

    Overdose of vitamin C might cause several effects, such as diarrhea, stomach upset, heartburn, headache, fatigue, and sleepiness.

    How does vitamin C help?

    As I’ve mentioned earlier, vitamin C offers a lot of health benefits, to keep it simple, here are some benefits:

    • Vitamin C is essential for the growth and repair of tissues in the body
    • Vitamin C helps heal wounds
    • Vitamin C helps to maintain healthy skin, bones, teeth, and cartilage
    • Vitamin C fights free radicals in the body, which is important to delay certain heart diseases and cancers and promote healthy aging
    • Vitamin C reduces the risk of cartilage loss in people with osteoarthritis
    • Higher doses of vitamin C may decrease the length of cold symptoms

    Vitamin C has also been shown by research to offer benefits for stress, cold, stroke, inflammation, and macular degeneration.

    You can consult Dr. Jason Jones at our chiropractic office in Elizabeth City NC, to learn more about natural foods that offer you enough vitamin C to boost your immune system and overall health.

    The Immune System and How it Fights Cancer Cells and Viruses with Dr Elizabeth Yurth

    The Immune System and How it Fights Cancer Cells and Viruses with Dr Elizabeth Yurth

    Getting a disease is inevitable; no one is exempt from it. Some people are fortunate enough to be cured of their illnesses. However, some diseases and conditions do not have cures, such as cancer. 

    In a pandemic-stricken world, a deeper understanding of our immune system is crucial now more than ever. The body's immune system is the body's primary defence against sickness and disease. By learning the inner workings of our body, we can help support and prepare ourselves to fight cancer and keep ourselves healthy. 

    In this episode, Dr Elizabeth Yurth shares her knowledge on the effects of cancer and viruses on our immune system. She talks about alternative approaches based on scientific evidence that goes hand in hand with traditional cancer treatments, ranging from spermidine to vitamin D and zinc. Become pre-emptive and preventive when it comes to your health! Get ahead of diseases through early diagnosis. 

    If you want to learn more about how you can help your immune system fight cancer and other diseases, then this episode is for you!


    Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:


    1. Understand how your immune system works against viruses and cancer cells.
    2. Learn more alternative approaches to cancer treatment aside from chemotherapy and radiation.
    3. Discover how early testing and screening can help improve your overall health.


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    If you have a big challenge ahead, are dealing with adversity or want to take your performance to the next level and want to learn how to increase your mental toughness, emotional resilience, foundational health, and more, contact us at support@lisatamati.com.

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    My latest book Relentless chronicles the inspiring journey about how my mother and I defied the odds after an aneurysm left my mum Isobel with massive brain damage at age 74. The medical professionals told me there was absolutely no hope of any quality of life again. Still, I used every mindset tool, years of research and incredible tenacity to prove them wrong and bring my mother back to full health within three years. Get your copy here: https://shop.lisatamati.com/collections/books/products/relentless.

    For my other two best-selling books Running Hot and Running to Extremes, chronicling my ultrarunning adventures and expeditions all around the world, go to https://shop.lisatamati.com/collections/books.

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    Episode Highlights

    01:04 Lisa’s Journey with Cancer and her Mom

    Lisa’s mother has been diagnosed with high-grade diffuse B-cell lymphoma. These recent events have motivated Lisa to delve deeper into cancer research. Understanding how cancer works and the approaches besides traditional procedures such as chemotherapy and radiation are necessary and relevant. In the following episodes, she will be doing a series of interviews revolving around the theme of cancer.

    09:12 How Cancer Rewrites the Definition of Healthy

    When diagnosed with cancer, building muscles and promoting metabolic activity becomes less of a priority. The goal of cancer treatment is to slow everything down. We want to get rid of damaged cells and generate new ones. Dr Yurth adds that while it is vital to maintain glucose levels and everything, the general goal is to block muscle growth. Cancer begins at a mitochondrial level, and cancer cells need tons of energy to support their growth rate. We need to block all the typical pathways that make us healthy to stop its growth.

    12:58 Spermidine and Autophagy Pathways 

    The effects of spermidine are different for different types of cancer, but it appears to be very beneficial to patients suffering from colon cancer. Blocking the polyamine pathways in prostate cancer has been good in getting rid of cancer cells. A high dose of spermidine will result in a dramatic autophagy effect. However, Dr Yurth advises that she wouldn't recommend this until research reveals more information. 


    Another good approach is doxycycline. Mitochondria started as bacteria and have their own DNA. Since doxycycline is an antibacterial agent, it works well in getting rid of these mitochondria. Dr Yurth advises us to stick to approaches that have better answers.

    17:19 Autophagy as Recycling 

    Cancer cells can use recycled proteins as another fuel source, so it's vital to block these pathways. Dipyridamole is a drug that works well in blocking nucleotide salvage pathways. However, chemotherapeutic drugs work on only one pathway, and cancer cells tend to find other pathways to get their energy, which makes working against these cells challenging. 

    19:00 Fight Cancer By Starving It

    Dr Yurth remarks that McClellan's work that includes safe, inexpensive, and readily available drugs in combating cancer is an innovative approach. She recommends doing them hand in hand with conventional approaches to cancer. Most oncologists will discourage patients from taking unconventional practices with cancer treatments.

    21:25 Taking Others’ Input, Making Own Decisions

    We need new scientific research about making decisions about cancer treatment. For example, there may be detrimental effects to patients undergoing unconventional approaches. Dr Yurth adds that she does extensive research in everything she does. 

    23:00 Drug Interactions

    Understanding drug interactions is vital in understanding cancer treatments. However, oncologists only look at it at the metabolic cellular level and follow their study protocols. 

    23:34 Understanding the Metabolism of Cancer

    Cancer is not just a genetic disease. While genetics causes a disposition towards cancer, the disease itself starts in the mitochondria. The mitochondria are independent and can become cancerous. There is no homogenous pattern when it comes to cancer cells mutating. That is why we need to treat the mitochondria and target metabolism.  

    26:20 Progress in Understanding Cancer

    There has been headway in understanding cancer, but you'll realise that research in the field has gotten further if we put everything together. The immune system responds appropriately to keep the cancer cells in check. However, as we age, the immune system becomes dysfunctional and can no longer get rid of cancer cells. Cancer is an age-related disease because the immune system starts to deteriorate. Viruses like cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr virus (EBV), and COVID end up sticking around and dysregulating the immune system. Over time, these viruses can eventually link to a form of cancer. 


    28:40 Viruses and their Relationship to the Immune System

    Over time, the immune system becomes depleted in keeping check with viruses in the body. The ratio of neutrophils and lymphocytes is vital for keeping your immune system working well. Having disproportionate lymphocytes means that your immune system can't protect your body from viruses. Dr Yurth shares that her son's white blood cell count dropped after experiencing EBV and COVID at the same time. Many people don't appreciate how viruses play a role in the long haul in our immune system. Dr Yurth suggests looking more aggressively at latent viruses in the body. Getting a simple CBC can determine how your immune system is currently faring. 

    33:53 What Peptides Are 

    Peptides are, in a sense, small proteins. A protein has more than 50 amino acids, and peptides have less than 50 amino acids. Our body makes thousands of peptides, each made with a specific function. Synthetic peptides are also present in the body. The thymus gland, responsible for producing peptides, becomes smaller as we age. For patients with autoimmune diseases, giving back peptide thymosin alpha 1 in doses helps their immune system fight viruses. Some countries use a drug called Daxon for this purpose or as an adjunct to vaccines. Immune system support is critical for cancer patients going through chemotherapy. However, this remains an expensive and inaccessible approach. 

    39:12 Emerging Home Diagnostic Tests in the Market

    It is vital to get ahead and find early signs of diseases through testing. Dr Yurth shares an anecdote of her patient with dementia. There is a correlation between the brain scan and the immune system test results, which pointed towards a viral influence. Your lymphocyte count can be the marker in determining the status of your immune system. 


    40:52 Being Pre-emptive and Preventive

    Your GP typically has you undergo a CBC test, but the results of this test tend to go overlooked. The risk of dying becomes dramatically higher when your blood count is above 1.5 to 1. Albumin dropping is a sign that the body is in a stressed state. This marker predicts if your body will respond well to cancer. Cell size and red blood cell distribution can also help healthcare providers determine the health status of your cells. 

    43:13 Background on Dr Yurth’s BLI Academy Course 

    The course will be available in January and includes a blood test. Dr Yurth and her team will walk you through your test results and the possible diseases you need to consider. It's essential to look for markers that tell you if something's wrong with your body. There are long term ramifications to latent viruses such as EPV, which could lead to lymphoma.

    46:25 COVID and How You Can Support the Immune System

    Vitamin D is essential to support your immune system fight viruses, and by extension, fight cancer and the coronavirus. Dr Yurth recommends 1000 IU/day of Vitamin D and taking it with Vitamin K2 intracellularly. People lacking a binding protein may experience issues taking Vitamin D naturally through sunlight exposure. Fortunately, there are substitutes, including certain wavelength lamps and supplements. Sunlight exposure and vitamin D influences the frequency of colds and flu in winter. The vitamin D levels from the sun decrease during this season. 

    50:07 The Importance of Vitamin D 

    Vitamin D upregulates an antimicrobial peptide, LL 37, which fights infections. Instead of buying expensive LL 37, you can take more vitamin D and upregulate your own LL 37. It is a great antiviral agent as well. Some people fear getting too much vitamin D. However, studies have shown that you need to be taking massive amounts before it becomes toxic. Dr Yurth recollects the case of a patient taking around 500,000 IU/day. When she stopped taking massive amounts, her levels went back to normal.

    52:17 The Problem with Taking Vitamin D Naturally

    Wearing sunblock can protect us from skin cancer and wrinkles but can also affect vitamin D absorption. African Americans and people of Mediterranean origin have skin less likely to be damaged by sun rays but tend to have lower vitamin D levels. In contrast, people who have Norwegian and similar European origins have higher vitamin D levels because their bodies aren't under the sun all the time. Through testing, you can determine if you need more vitamin D in your body. 

    53:54 The Importance of Zinc

    Viruses use your zinc to replicate. Zinc deficiency is present in people who contracted COVID, causing loss of taste and smell. A smell test is employed to determine whether a person has zinc deficiency. Higher levels of zinc can help protect our bodies against viral infections. Dr Yurth recommends a 1:1 zinc and copper ratio. You can add 2 milligrams of copper along with your zinc intake or use copper peptide face creams to achieve this recommendation. Some patients can take GHK Copper peptide intravenously or topically. 

    56:52 Quercetin and Resveratrol

    Quercetin helps get zinc into the cell. Resveratrol and Quercetin also help in treating viruses. These drugs also block glucose transport which makes them beneficial in treating cancer. 

    57:52 Honokiol or Magnolia Bark Extract and Zeolite

    Also known as Relora, it is an immune-modulating agent with antiviral properties. The drug has an adrenal function; it relieves stress and calms down cortisol present in the body at night. Zeolite is volcanic ash that forms a negatively charged structure upon hitting the water. Dentists commonly use it for mercury detox. Its cage-like structure can trap harmful toxins and viruses that get into our bodies. It also has anti-cancer properties. Ingesting zeolite while undergoing chemotherapy is not recommended because it can get rid of the toxins present in the treatment. 

    1:02:04 Mental Work in the Cancer Journey

    As a caretaker, stress shows prominent signs in physical and mental health. Dr Yurth shares that when her mother died in September, her father's prostate cancer was exacerbated by stress, which eventually led to his death. Similarly, Lisa's family experienced the loss of her father, followed by her mother's cancer diagnosis. Don't neglect the mental side of cancer. 




    7 Powerful Quotes

    “What happens in cancer though, is we have this accumulation of damage. And so now we have to go really aggressively at getting rid of everything that’s allowing cell growth.”

    “Neutrophils, think of them as your chronic inflammatory and lymphocytes are your innate immune system. When your innate immune system starts to become taxed and not functioning well, then you’ll start to see your lymphocyte count drop,”

    “I’m never an advocate of saying, Don’t do all traditional approaches, because I do think there’s some value to them, but we want to support the body along with it.”

    “And yet, we know that for every point above 1.5, to 1 that your risk of dying goes up considerably. You know, it’s dramatic. And there are other little signs too, that things are going awry.”

    “(A higher risk) happens as we get older because our immune system is now taxed for so long. So if we could say okay, yes, you had this virus, let’s try and eradicate it. Let’s keep your immune system as healthy as it can, you know, until 150.”

    “The data really supports that if your vitamin D is robust, your likelihood of getting sick is really small.”

    “The studies have shown that it has to be taking massive amounts of (vitamin D) to ever become toxic. So at 10,000 IU/day, nobody is going to become toxic. You really honestly don’t have to worry.”


    About Dr Yurth

    Dr Elizabeth Yurth is the co-founder and medical director of the Boulder Longevity Institute

    Dr Elizabeth Yurth has more than 25 years of experience as a practising orthopedist specialising in sports, spine, and regenerative medicine. 

    She has a Stanford affiliated Fellowship in Sports and Spine Medicine and a dual-Fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine (FAARM) and Anti-Aging, Regenerative and Functional Medicine (FAARFM) through the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).

    She also has a Fellowship in Human Potential and Epigenetic Medicine and is one of the first providers to receive the A4M National Peptide Certification. She also serves as a faculty member in the same organisation and the International peptide Society (IPS).

    You can connect with Dr Yurth through her Instagram and LinkedIn.

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    Post a review and share it! If you enjoyed tuning in, then leave us a review. You can also share this with your family and friends so they can know how to optimise their immune system and fight disease more efficiently.

    Have any questions? You can contact me through email (support@lisatamati.com) or find me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.

    For more episode updates, visit my website. You may also tune in on Apple Podcasts.


    To pushing the limits,


    Episode 260 | A Functional Nutrition Approach To Musculoskeletal Pain With Aparna Natarajan, MS, CNS

    Episode 260 | A Functional Nutrition Approach To Musculoskeletal Pain With Aparna Natarajan, MS, CNS

    In this episode, we are discussing how to use functional nutrition to treat and alleviate chronic musculoskeletal pain. My guest is Aparna Natarajan. She is a Certified Nutrition Specialist with a Master's degree in Nutrition and Functional Medicine. She is a clinician, a researcher, and an educationist who has contributed to the Institute for Functional Medicine's Meal Planning Program as a subject matter expert. She's cultivated an understanding of the mind-body connection and combines both the science, as well as the art of nutrition, Reiki, and emotional freedom technique.


    We will discuss the importance of nutrition and overcoming chronic pain, as well as the benefits of an elimination diet for those living with chronic pain. If you enjoy this episode, make sure to stay tuned because I have a perspective paper that is being published in PTJ, the Journal of Physical Therapy, on the topic of nutrition and chronic pain, specifically for the physical therapy professional, though it relates to other professions as well.


    That's moving through the peer-review process. For those of you that have published before, as you know, sometimes that can be a bit of a slow process but it will be out, rest assured, hopefully, sometime in early 2022. For now, let's begin and meet Aparna and learn about the importance of nutrition for chronic pain.


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    3. Gut Health & Entrepreneurship: A Reality Where You Naturally Overflow With Boundless Energy with Caroline Beckman

    3. Gut Health & Entrepreneurship: A Reality Where You Naturally Overflow With Boundless Energy with Caroline Beckman

    In episode three, Caroline and I talk about the dynamic journey of entrepreneurship, gut health, the immune system, integrating priorities into our busy lives, and how social media may be the main reason your relationships aren't growing how you want them to.


    Caroline Beckman is the Founder and CEO of Nouri, a consumer products company creating gut and immune health solutions. She has founded, advised, and invested in over 10 food, beverage, technology, and sustainable resource companies that have partnered with leading retailers around the world. Caroline is a proud college dropout and former Thiel Fellow.


    She is a major powerhouse and I think you'll find this interview to be inspiring and motivating! 


    To Connect With Caroline Further:

    Instagramc@dailynouri.com | dailynouri.com |


    To Connect With Chelann Further:



    3. Gut Health & Entrepreneurship: A Reality Where You Naturally Overflow With Boundless Energy with Caroline Beckman

    3. Gut Health & Entrepreneurship: A Reality Where You Naturally Overflow With Boundless Energy with Caroline Beckman

    In episode three, Caroline and I talk about the dynamic journey of entrepreneurship, gut health, the immune system, integrating priorities into our busy lives, and how social media may be the main reason your relationships aren't growing how you want them to.


    Caroline Beckman is the Founder and CEO of Nouri, a consumer products company creating gut and immune health solutions. She has founded, advised, and invested in over 10 food, beverage, technology, and sustainable resource companies that have partnered with leading retailers around the world. Caroline is a proud college dropout and former Thiel Fellow.


    She is a major powerhouse and I think you'll find this interview to be inspiring and motivating! 


    To Connect With Caroline Further:

    Instagramc@dailynouri.com | dailynouri.com |


    To Connect With Chelann Further:
