
    Living Life Naturally

    If fatigue and lack of energy are holding you back, sugar cravings and excess weight is creeping on, if health issues are slowing you down as you hit that mid-life phase and you're looking for solutions, you're in the right place. If the changes you're experiencing as you advance in age and have reached that "sweet spot" og perimenopause through being post-menopausal which is are making you feel like you're losing control, then you're absolutely in the right place! Each week, Holistic Health & Wellness Coach, Lynne Wadsworth shares valuable tips, helpful strategies, and insights about the pursuit of holistic health. Tune in and discover how you can live a healthier more energized midlife with greater joy, increased control, and more confidence than you ever thought possible.
    enLynne Wadsworth100 Episodes

    Episodes (100)

    LLN Episode #225: Dr. Nikki Siso - Heal Your Triggers Heal Your Body

    LLN Episode #225:  Dr. Nikki Siso - Heal Your Triggers Heal Your Body

    About Dr. Nikki Siso:

    Dr. Nikki has a PhD in Holistic Health & Nutrition and a Master's in Sustainability from Harvard. She supports fellow diabetics in using diabetes as a tool for personal development. She teaches how to control blood sugars using a holistic approach of physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    In this episode, we discuss an holistic approach to diabetes management. Nikki discusses diabetes resulting from stress-induced blood sugar spikes. Managing emotions through personal development helps control cravings and sugars more than nutrition alone. Checking triggers and beliefs guides healthier choices.

     Nikki Siso was diagnosed at 29 years old, with type one diabetes, which thrust her into studying really hard to understand what she could do to support her body from a nutrition perspective. She learned a lot through that process which included another layer that needed to be addressed and once she did the personal development work, she was then able to actually control her blood sugars even more and better. 

     Nikki shares her thoughts and experience regarding mindset when it comes to diabetic meals. She shares the importance of understanding how your body reacts to different foods. For example, some people get blood sugar spikes from rice, other people spike more from potatoes. Different starches, different carbohydrates, will affect your blood sugar differently. And then a high fat diet leads to high resistance, which also creates an impact. However, Nikki points out how you can do the exact same thing every single day and have different results based on how well you slept, your hormones, your stress levels, and even how much fat you’ve eaten the day before.  All these things play a factor in how blood sugars scale.

     Nikki shares how important it is to look at calming the nervous system. That's one of the primary steps. What are your stresses in life?  How are you responding to life's experiences? And then what are the emotions that come out in you? 

     Getting to know your body, and learning if your hunger is a physical thing, emotional thing or a mental thing. Learning those triggers and knowing what your body Is telling you can be a hard piece of the puzzle for people that have never done that before.  But once you start doing it you can realize how quickly you can tune into your body’s cues on different things.

     Nikki shares a few tricks. For example, you can put a little sticky note on your fridge asking if you’re really hungry - just a little cue to support you in stopping the pattern of just like satiating the craving and like pattern interrupts, right? 

     We then discuss some of the simpler aspects of diabetes, like what are some of the best meals for a diabetic. There's a lot of confusion in the diabetic world. Nikki says the simplest way to break this down is eat high volumes of fruits and vegetables. You think fruits are loaded with sugar, but they're actually loaded with fiber that helps in slowing down sugar digestion.  

     The best starting point is to remove processed foods and everything in the center aisles of the grocery store, and to ideally shop at the farmers market where things are picked fresh, locally, they're organic, they're seasonal, and they're eating with nature, what nature provided. Go back to that way of thinking, “Whatever comes out of the ground is nutritious for a body.”

     We chat about the need for fats in our diet. Nikki explains there are healthy fats like avocados nuts and seeds - healthy ways to get fat in your diet in good portions. Note: Not a whole avocado but half an avocado at most per today.  

    And where does the the role of exercise come in – especially when dealing with diabetes? Nikki reminds us that the bigger muscles are, the more we burn sugar. Even just walking can be great for bone density as you age.  Also, lifting weights is a must in your day. It can be body weights, yoga, Pilates, or using your own body weight for strengthening your muscles.  Incorporating a brisk walk in the evening that boosts your metabolism - even if it's just 20 minutes around the block in your neighborhood, you'll burn the excess sugars, you'll boost your metabolism so that you do burn those sugars.  It's also really great for your nervous system, and for calming your system.

    Nikki closes out by sharing how we should see diabetes as a blessing instead of a curse. It's an opportunity to check in with yourself and with your body. When you can manage diabetes with grace and self-love you can manage anything life throws at you. It may not always be perfect, but you can use each challenge as a stepping stone to change and better health.

    Key Takeaways

    • Diabetic Meals and Mindset
    • Foods and lifestyle for Blood sugar management
    • Heal your Triggers Heal your Body
    • How do triggers impact blood sugars?
    • Why is emotional intelligence important to blood sugar control?
    • Why is it so hard to control blood sugars?
    • What are the best meals for diabetics?
    • What are some life hacks for blood sugar control?


    Connect With Dr. Nikki Siso:

    Legends with Dr. Nikki Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/@legendswithdrnikki

    Website:  https://WakeupwithNikki.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrNikkiElevates

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drnikkisiso/


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    Grab Your Opportunity For a Free Call with Lynne:

     Would you love to be successful focusing on improved health & wellbeing?

     Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, reduce or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized - charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & joy, Or maybe you have some illness you've been facing and it's compounded by menopause. I'd love to chat. 

    Contact me to schedule your FREE HEALTHY YOU Clarity Call. We’ll discuss where you're at on your journey and how I can help you successfully navigate your life through this "midlife season" with grace and ease. 

    Schedule your time >>here<<


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    Living Life Naturally
    enMarch 11, 2024

    LLN Episode #224: Amy Wilson – Don't Miss Out On The New Weight-Loss Craze...

    LLN Episode #224:  Amy Wilson – Don't Miss Out On The New Weight-Loss Craze...

    About Amy Wilson:

    Amy Wilson is a Board Certified Geriatric Pharmacist, a Certified Fitness Professional, and A Certified Nutrition Coach using the FASTer Way to Fat Loss platform, who is disrupting the diet industry and helping her clients take their health back.

    Amy’s mission is to empower and equip her clients to take charge of their health and find balance in their lives. With over 30 years of experience, Amy specializes in developing individualized health plans that navigate through her client’s individual barriers, allowing them to be successful in their efforts.

    Amy is passionate about helping people prevent and reverse diseases with nutrition and fitness. Through her personal and professional experience, she has seen firsthand how diet and exercise can change a person’s life, and how the right nutritional program can be the key to improving their health and fitness. She has seen her clients reverse their pre-diabetes, diabetes, high cholesterol, and more. She is driven to help her clients feel in control of their body and mind, while no longer feeling enslaved by their scale.

    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Lynne and Amy discuss the topic of a popular diet drug and its potential negative effects on health, including accelerated aging, muscle loss, and increased risk of diseases. They emphasized the importance of focusing on overall health, strength, and disease prevention rather than chasing a specific body size or weight. 

    We also discuss the topic of weight gain in menopause and midlife, as well as the use of medications like Ozempic, Wegovy, and Monjouro for weight loss. Amy emphasized the importance of holistic approaches, such as nutrition and exercise, to prevent dependency on medication and highlighted the potential side effects of these medications.

    We discuss the importance of fueling our bodies with good nutrition, building muscle, and taking care of our health for long-term well-being. We emphasized the need to change the narrative around dieting and focus on sustainable habits that promote healthy aging and independence.

    Amy discusses the importance of focusing on overall health and body composition rather than solely relying on the number on the scale. She emphasized the significance of building muscle, reducing inflammation, and engaging in regular physical activity to achieve optimal well-being and body transformation.

     We also discuss the importance of focusing on long-term health and well-being rather than quick fixes. Amy emphasized that individuals have the power to make positive changes in their lives and that seeking support and guidance can be beneficial on the journey to better health.

    Key Takeaways

    • Why Millennials & GenX Are Ending Up in Nursing Homes
    • Should you use medication to lose weight?
    • The new Ozempic, Wegovy, and Monjouro craze for quicker weight loss.
    • Why eating less and working out more doesn't work.
    • Why is it harder to lose weight after 40?
    • How can you prevent disease, age backwards?
    • Is it possible to reverse diabetes, high blood pressure etc.?
    • Why ultra processed foods are so bad for us.


    Free Resources from Amy Wilson:

    Check out Amy’s podcast here: https://www.amykwilson.com/podcast

    Schedule a free call: https://www.callwithamy.live

    Connect With Amy Wilson:

    Website: https://www.amykwilson.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thenutritioncoachpharmacist/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/amywilsonfitness/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amy-wilson-rph-bcgp/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@thenutritioncoachpharmacist

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@nutritioncoachpharmacist


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you’re looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized & Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, wrangling sugar gremlins, and overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, and much more so women can feel energized, healthy, confident, and joyful each day.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women  

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne:

    How to Thrive in Midlife: Hot flashes? Low Energy? Difficulty with weight management? If MID-LIFE & MENOPAUSE are taking their toll then I've got a solution for you! I've taken all my very best strategies and solutions to help you feel energized, vibrant, lighter & healthy, and compiled them into this FREE resource! Thrive in midlife and beyond - download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    Grab Your Opportunity for a Free Call With Lynne:

    Wouldn’t you just love to be successful with focusing on improved health and wellbeing?

    Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, reduce, or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized – super-charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & a new sense of purpose and joy.  I’d love to chat.

    Contact me to schedule your FREE Clarity Call to see how you can successfully navigate your life through this season of midlife with grace and ease.

    Simply schedule a convenient time >>here:<< 


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, or Stitcher are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live their happiest and healthiest life even through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!

    LLN Episode #223: Joanne Edinberg – Why We Should Focus On Feeling Good Rather Than Looking Good

    LLN Episode #223:  Joanne Edinberg – Why We Should Focus On Feeling Good Rather Than Looking Good

    About Joanne Edinberg:

    Joanne Edinberg is a Certified Eating Psychology Coach with Body Wisdom Nutrition, LLC. She is on a mission to help women end the quest for the perfect diet and the perfect body, so they can spend their time and energy doing what truly nourishes them. She helps health-conscious women shift from feeling stressed to feeling free with food, weight and body image. She provides personalized coaching, both in-person and online, through her one-on-one coaching program “Transform Your Relationship with Food and Your Body” to support women in developing a healthy relationship with food and body, helping them shift from the cycle of eat-guilt-and-shame to curiosity-compassion-and-joy. She uses a positive approach in working on issues such as weight, body image and emotional eating, guiding clients to find the internal wisdom to transform eating challenges into powerful opportunities for personal growth.

    Joanne has previously worked as a social worker and has training and experience as a yoga instructor and labor support doula. She has a B.S. in Psychology from Tufts University, a Master’s Degree in Social Work from Boston University, and a Certification in Eating Psychology Coaching from the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. She lives in Seattle, WA.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Joanne discusses her passion for helping women transform their relationship with food and their bodies, as well as her personal journey of overcoming body image issues and the deeper meaning behind these struggles.

    We discuss the societal pressure on women to constantly strive for a certain ideal body image, leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and the belief that their bodies need fixing. We emphasize the importance of shifting focus towards self-acceptance, gratitude, and finding purpose beyond appearance.

    Joanne discusses various myths about weight and weight loss, including the belief that eating less and exercising more is the key to long-term weight loss. She also emphasizes the importance of getting to know one's own body and finding a balance that promotes feeling healthy and energized.

    We discuss the topic of emotional eating, highlighting the natural inclination to use food for comfort. Joanne also emphasizes the importance of understanding and addressing the underlying needs and emotions that drive emotional eating, as well as the value of community support and self-awareness in overcoming this habit.

    Key Takeaways

    • Shifting our mindset about food, weight, and body image
    • Why we should focus on feeling good rather than looking good.
    • Myths about weight and weight loss.
    • Why do you think most diet programs fail?
    • How classifying foods as either "healthy" or "unhealthy" can backfire.
    • Why we emotionally eat.
    • What our challenges with food, weight and body image can teach us.


    Free Resources from Joanne Edinberg:

    Join the Body Wisdom Nutrition email list: https://joanneedinberg.com/contact/

    Join the Ditch Diet Culture Book Club: https://joanneedinberg.com/book-club/


    Connect With Joanne Edinberg:

    Website: https://joanneedinberg.com/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joanne-edinberg/


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    Grab Your Opportunity For a Free Call with Lynne:

    Would you love to be successful focusing on improved health & wellbeing in 2024?

     Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, reduce or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized - charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & joy, Or maybe you have some illness you've been facing and it's compounded by menopause. I'd love to chat. 

    Contact me to schedule your FREE HEALTHY YOU Clarity Call. We’ll discuss where you're at on your journey and how I can help you successfully navigate your life through this "midlife season" with grace and ease. 

    Schedule your time >>here<<


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #222: Kate Semeniuk - How To Break Free From The Lies We've Been Told About Aging And Hormones

    LLN Episode #222:  Kate Semeniuk - How To Break Free From The Lies We've Been Told About Aging And Hormones

    About Kate Semeniuk:

    Kate Semeniuk is a Certified Hypnotherapist and a Licensed Rapid Transformational Therapist, working with people’s deepest mental struggles. In 2020, Kate and her family found themselves in isolation and she finally hit her rock bottom, where everything just crashed on her emotionally and physically. Only through personal growth and recovery, she was able to find the method that liberated her from emotional pain and childhood trauma, from addiction since the early age of 12 and a decade long depression. She is now helping others to free their minds from destructive patterns and behaviors by regaining the power of self-suggestions and positive self-talk. Kate is guiding clients to access their subconscious mind and to bring to the surface the hidden triggers, beliefs and thoughts.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Kate shares her journey of hitting rock bottom during the COVID-19 isolation period, leading her to explore different methods of personal growth and recovery. Through hypnosis, Kate was able to uncover the root causes of her pain and find liberation from destructive patterns and behaviors.

    Kate then discusses how accessing the subconscious mind through hypnosis can be a powerful method for healing and overcoming limiting beliefs, depression, and fears. She also shared about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and the importance of finding balance and nurturing relationships in the post-pandemic world. 

    We went on to discuss the midlife phase of life, emphasizing the opportunity for a fresh start and personal growth. We highlight the importance of reframing negative thoughts, taking baby steps towards self-care, and learning to live in the present moment.

    We discuss the importance of living in the present moment and the negative impact of self-talk, emphasizing the power of gratitude and the ability to change one's mindset and habits through consistent practice and positive affirmations.

    Kate shares the importance of positive self-talk and how it can help us overcome limiting beliefs.


    Resource from Kate Semeniuk:

    You Are Love - 6-week program for women's wholeness:  https://katesemeniuk.com/courses/you-are-love-program-for-women-2/


    Connect With Kate Semeniuk:

    Website:  https://www.katesemeniuk.com

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/kate.semeniuk?igshid=ZDc4ODBmNjlmNQ==

    YouTube: https://youtube.com/@fearsexpert-katesemeniuk

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/ksemeniuk


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    Grab Your Opportunity For a Free Call with Lynne:

    Would you love to be successful focusing on improved health & wellbeing in 2024?

     Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, reduce or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized - charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & joy, Or maybe you have some illness you've been facing and it's compounded by menopause. I'd love to chat. 

    Contact me to schedule your FREE HEALTHY YOU Clarity Call. We’ll discuss where you're at on your journey and how I can help you successfully navigate your life through this "midlife season" with grace and ease. 

    Schedule your time >>here<<


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #221: Anne Poirier - How To Feel Comfortable And Confident In The Ever-Changing Menopausal Body

    LLN Episode #221:  Anne Poirier - How To Feel Comfortable And Confident In The Ever-Changing Menopausal Body

    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    Grab Your Opportunity For a Free Call with Lynne:

    Would you love to be successful focusing on improved health & wellbeing in 2024?

     Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, reduce or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized - charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & joy, Or maybe you have some illness you've been facing and it's compounded by menopause. I'd love to chat. 

    Contact me to schedule your FREE HEALTHY YOU Clarity Call. We’ll discuss where you're at on your journey and how I can help you successfully navigate your life through this "midlife season" with grace and ease. 

    Schedule your time >>here<<


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!

    About Anne Poirier:

    Anne Poirier CSCS, is a nationally recognized Body Image Expert, bestselling author of the Body Joyful, certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, founder of Shaping Perspectives… A Woman’s Way to Joy and leader of the Body Joyful Revolution.  Anne is a pioneer and leading voice for the body neutrality movement.  She has been featured and cited in major media outlets around the world including Shape, Women’s Health, New York Times, Washington Post, Newsy, Livestrong, Huff Post,  ABC, Fox, CBS and NPR.  As a long-time eating disorder survivor, non-diet coach and certified self-talk trainer Anne has been a guest on over 60 podcasts, serves on the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) Lived Experience Task Force and is the Director of Behavioral Health at Hilton Head Health (America’s Top  Health and Wellness Resort).  As an Eating Disorder Specialist and Life Coach, Anne helps women free themselves from diet culture and society’s thin ideal while teaching clients how to live and sustain a diet-free lifestyle.

    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Anne shares her personal health journey, discussing her struggles with an eating disorder and body dysmorphia. She emphasized the importance of addressing the mindset, belief system, and various aspects of overall well-being, rather than solely focusing on diets and exercise, to achieve a healthier relationship with one's body.

    Anne shares the impact of stress on weight and provides strategies to manage stress, such as meditation and deep breathing. She also emphasized the importance of shifting focus from appearance to appreciating the body's function and treating it with respect.

    Anne and Lynne discuss the importance of shifting your mindset towards your body, treating it as a gift, and respecting it. They emphasized the need to learn to listen to your body, honor your hunger and fullness cues, and develop a compassionate and intuitive relationship with yourself.

    Anne also shares the importance of practicing body gratitude on a daily basis, appreciating all the things our bodies do for us. She also offered a free digital copy of her book, "The Body Joyful," which provides tips and strategies for moving from self-loathing to self-acceptance.

    Key Takeaways:

    1.    How stress affects our weight, and options to help lower stress, and take care of ourselves better.

    2.    How to reduce stress in 3 minutes or less.

    3.    How to accept and appreciate the pre and post-menopausal body.

    4.    What can we do to help take care of ourselves better?


    Free Resources from Anne Poirier:

    A free digital copy of the book The Body Joyful: My journey from self-loathing to self-acceptance. anne@thebodyjoyful.com  

    Connect with Anne Poirier:

    Website: https://shapingperspectives.com/

    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bodyjoyfulrevolution

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shapingperspectives/ 

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/annepoirier11/ 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anne-poirier-72b66344/ 

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/annepoirier 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQvXD0xrvHDDkI1VCMmQVtQ/playlists 

    Anne Poirier. https://www.facebook.com/anne.poirier.10 



    LLN Episode #220: Guy Odishaw - Sparking Your Brain Health So You Can Have A More Healthy and Younger Brain

    LLN Episode #220:  Guy Odishaw - Sparking Your Brain Health So You Can Have A More Healthy and Younger Brain

    About Guy Odishaw

    Guy Odishaw is the founder of Bhakti Wellness Center, one of the largest, most diverse, integrative medicine clinics in the country. Co-founder of the first integrative student health clinics in the country at the University of Minnesota. Cofounder of Bhakti Brain Health Clinic - Neuroimaging & Neuromodulation. Cofounder of Minnesota Bredesen Clinic - Dementia Prevention & Treatment Co-founder of CerebralFit Brain Training, a Nutraceutical, Electroceutical, company.

    Guy’s 30 years of clinical experience specializing in treatment resistant chronic pain, traumatic brain injury and psycho-emotional trauma informs his approach to brain health. Additionally, his 20+ years as meditation instructor and facilitator of courses on personal growth helped him understand how to support clients through the potent changes arising from Neurotherapy. Brain training does not only alleviate unwanted symptoms it often also positively changes one’s whole sense of self and relationship to the world around them.


    What We Discuss In This Episode

    In this episode, we talk about Guy’s favorite subject – the treatment and prevention for neurodegenerative diseases, for example, dementia, Parkinson’s, macular degeneration.

    With his general area of expertise being in Bioelectric Medicine and brain health, he remarks that although it’s about brain healthy, they treat the whole body.

    The Aging Brain and anxiety.

    Cracking the longevity code & living better & longer with regenerative medicine

    Dementia unraveled -  effective strategies for treatment & prevention

    Shedding light on healing: the science and benefits of infrared light therapy

    Sparking Brain Health: Exploring the Power of Bioelectric Medicine, Neuromodulation, & Microcurrent Therapy


    Free Resource from Guy Odishaw

    Free 15 min consult: https://www.cerebralfit.com


    Connect With Guy Odishaw

    Website: https://www.cerebralfit.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cerebralfit

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cerebralfit/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/guyodishaw/


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    Grab Your Opportunity For a Free Call with Lynne:

    Would you love to be successful focusing on improved health & wellbeing in 2024?

     Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, reduce or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized - charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & joy, Or maybe you have some illness you've been facing and it's compounded by menopause. I'd love to chat. 

    Contact me to schedule your FREE HEALTHY YOU Clarity Call. We’ll discuss where you're at on your journey and how I can help you successfully navigate your life through this "midlife season" with grace and ease. 

    Schedule your time >>here<<


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #219: Eileen Franco - Beyond the Pause: Empowering Women through Menopause

    LLN Episode #219:  Eileen Franco - Beyond the Pause: Empowering Women through Menopause

    About Eileen Franco

     Eileen Franco is a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach from the International Association of Wellness Professionals.

     She teaches women going through menopause natural solutions to reverse the effects of menopause without any medication and adverse health risks. She empowers women with knowledge and through a holistic approach, she coaches her clients in creating a physical transformation so they can feel amazing again.

     She has been a guest on several Podcasts spreading the message of wellness and how to navigate menopause successfully and has been featured as Holistic Wellness Coach in the Ultimate Guide to Becoming Your Best Self from the International Association of Wellness Professional.


    What We Discuss In This Episode

     In this episode, we chat about some of the things that are going on in the body, and the changes that are occurring.

    We discuss some of the foundational things we must do to start feeling better and why natural vs HRT.What natural body processes can transform your menopause journey and your well-being?


    What other areas of wellness  women need to keep on the radar during menopause.


    Weight Gain and Hormones:

    The real reason why we gain weight during menopause:

    • Cortisol overrides other hormones and causes increased insulin, the fat storage hormone.
    • Reducing stress is key to lowering cortisol and managing weight.
    • Adaptogens like ashwagandha can help lower cortisol.


    Natural Solutions:

    Why Eileen recommends that women try the natural route versus take medication & ways to accomplish the natural element.

    • Essential oils like progesterone plus help hot flashes.
    • Detoxification with chlorella and lemon water is important.
    • Gut health from probiotics, prebiotics, and fermented foods is critical.
    • Anti-inflammatory diet with no processed foods or added sugars.


    Areas of Focus:

    • Detoxification, gut, brain, liver, thyroid, adrenals, skin. Must be a holistic approach.
    • Toxins cause inflammation and hormone disruption.
    • Fragrances can lead to endometriosis and diabetes.


    Adrenal Fatigue:

    What is Adrenal Fatigue and how does this affect menopause?

    • Over-production of cortisol leads to adrenal fatigue.
    • Phases progress from overactivation to fatigue, aches, and round-the-clock exhaustion.
    • Adrenal fatigue goes unrecognized by mainstream medicine.


    Key Takeaways

    1. Hormone imbalance during menopause can lead to weight gain, hot flashes, anxiety, depression, and more.
    2. Reducing stress and inflammation are key to managing menopause symptoms naturally.
    3. Detoxification, gut health, adrenal health, and thyroid health are important areas of focus.
    4. Diet and lifestyle changes are critical for long-term improvement.
    5. Skin care products can contribute to hormone disruption and toxicity.


    Free Resource From Eileen Franco

     A Free 30 Minute Wellness Assessment Call:  https://calendly.com/radiantwellnessco/wellness-assessment

    Skincare:  https://eileenfranco.hughandgrace.com


    Connect With Eileen Franco

    Website: https://www.radiantwellnessco.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/radiantwellnessco

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/menopausewellnesscoach

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/radiantwellnessco


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, menopause &  much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    Grab Your Opportunity For a Free Call with Lynne:

    Would you love to be successful focusing on improved health & wellbeing in 2024?

     Maybe you’d like to increase your energy levels, reduce or maintain a healthy weight, ditch the brain fog & belly bloat. Or maybe you’d love some more strategies to help transform you into a “magnificent midlifer” who’s fully energized - charged & ready to start each new day with anticipation and & joy, Or maybe you have some illness you've been facing and it's compounded by menopause. I'd love to chat. 

    Contact me to schedule your FREE HEALTHY YOU Clarity Call. We’ll discuss where you're at on your journey and how I can help you successfully navigate your life through this "midlife season" with grace and ease. 

    Schedule your time >>here<<


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!



    LLN Episode #218: Lisa Dahl - Unveiling Diet Culture: Impact on Body Image and Empowering Whole Body Health

    LLN Episode #218:  Lisa Dahl - Unveiling Diet Culture: Impact on Body Image and Empowering Whole Body Health

    About Lisa Dahl:

    Lisa Dahl is a Certified Health and Well-Being Coach specializing in Intuitive Eating, Mindful Eating, and Body Image. In addition, she is also host of the TV show and Podcast, Getting Healthy Without Rules.

    Her hallmark emphasis on mindfulness and self-compassion helps women find a successful pathway to whole-body wellness. She supports her clients as they discover "Body Peace & Food Freedom" on their journey to break free from dieting and diet culture. Her clients achieve a higher level of well-being as Lisa guides them through visioning, goal setting, and accountability.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Become the expert on your own needs and desires instead of following external diet rules.

    •  Signs of being negatively affected by diet culture.
    • Body checking and comparing yourself to others.
    • Praising before/after weight loss pictures.
    • Most people regain weight, so "after" pictures are often future "before" pictures.
    • Envying those who restrict food better.

    Ways to challenge diet culture's influence.

    • Become aware of actions, behaviors, and thoughts. Awareness helps regain power.
    • Create believable new thoughts to replace negative self-talk.
    • Use phrases like "I am learning to appreciate" instead of "I accept" if not yet true.
    • Focus on how activities make you feel good, not how many calories they burn.

     Body image and age

    • Many regret not improving body image and intuitive eating earlier.
    • It's never too late to start. Health is most important, not weight.

    Weighing yourself

    • Lisa doesn’t weigh clients and suggests throwing the scale out the window.
    • Weighing can be triggering, even for a coach. Think about only allowing measuring weight for true medical need.
    • You can decline weighing at doctor for non-critical reasons.
    • Focus on measuring happiness, anxiety reduction, etc. rather than weight.

     Intuitive eating tips

    • Ask: "What am I feeling?" and "What do I need?"
    • Name emotions beyond "stressed" or "overwhelmed" using emotion app.
    • Food is the messenger, not the enemy. Meet needs in other ways too.


    Free Resource from Lisa Dahl:

    10 principles of Intuitive Eating: https://www.lisadahlwellness.com/10-principles-of-intuitive-eating-sign-up-lisa-dahl-wellness

    App Lisa mentioned, The How We Feel App: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/how-we-feel/id1562706384


    Connect With Lisa Dahl:

    Website: https://www.lisadahlwellness.com

    Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Lisadahlwellness

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lisadahlwellness

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@lisadahlwellness

    Calendly: https://calendly.com/lisadahlwellness/body-peace-food-freedom-consultation-call


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #217: Alexandra Renders – Tips on the Most Effective Ways to Fully Believe in Yourself

    LLN Episode #217:  Alexandra Renders – Tips on the Most Effective Ways to  Fully Believe in Yourself

    About Alexandra Renders:

    For 5 decades Alexandra hid from the world her true essence as a healer, a lover, a conduit for good, and a channel. It has only been her inner circle who experienced the healing work she can help facilitate. Today the swell and the urge to bring this into the world has surpassed the fear that she held in being completely seen. And she can hide no more! While her career by day for the last 30 years has been investments (on Wall-Street and here in the Berkshires of Massachusetts), her evenings and weekends are filled with spiritual practices and healing work which she has been facilitating privately for 20 years. During this time, she has discovered her gifts and continually honed her skills.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Alexandra shares her journey of self-discovery and healing, which began with a divine intervention in 1995. She overcame her fears, healed her physical body, and embraced her intuitive gift to help others by shining a light on their emotional shadows and guiding them towards wholeness. Alexandra talks about her intuitive gift and her ability to help people overcome trauma and emotional conflicts, which can be truly effective via virtual sessions. Alexandra uses various modalities to address issues like codependence and fear of loneliness.

     We go on to discuss the importance of women getting in touch with their anger and expressing it in healthy ways to set boundaries and empower themselves. Alexandra also shares her belief that women need to create a safe space to express their emotions.

     Alexandra shares her view on various topics, including intuitive readings, healings, and living a natural lifestyle.


    Key Takeaways

    • Alexandra shared the journey she took to get to the point where she fully believes in yourself.
    • She shares why she embarked on this journey and what she learned throughout this journey.
    • She shares suggestions & tips to help you if you want to explore this topic for yourself.
    • Alexandra shares some of the challenges that were presented to her along the way and how she successfully overcame them.


    Resources from Alexandra Renders:

    For an intuitive session with Alexandra, or to learn more email her: ops@investwithwillow.com


    Dr. Swank’s MS Diet (Revised Edition): https://www.amazon.com/Multiple-Sclerosis-Diet-Book-Treatment/dp/0385232799/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1URCNA6PNT0X3&keywords=dr+swank+ms+diet+book&qid=1698335203&sprefix=dr.+swank%27s%2Caps%2C95&sr=8-2


    Connect With Alexandra Renders:

    Website: https://www.innerstatesoffreedom.com



    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!



    LLN Episode #216: Amy Lawrence - Unleashing The Transformative Power of Food Prep

    LLN Episode #216:  Amy Lawrence - Unleashing The Transformative Power of Food Prep

    About Amy Lawrence:

    Amy describes herself as being a gal of many talents and careers. Originally a special education teacher, turned self-made entrepreneur she opened a tearoom restaurant and gift shop without any restaurant or business experience, just with the passion of loving to prepare homemade food for others. Her tearoom was #1 best tearoom in US in 2004. This career turned into blending and selling loose leaf tea wholesale and retail and writing many cookbooks with her own recipes.

    In 2014, Amy tore her vertebral artery, causing a stroke. This woke her up to life and as a result, she sold her tea business. Very happy to be alive, she ate whatever she wanted and gained a lot of weight.

    In 2016, she joined a weight loss program, lost over 40 pounds but hated their recipes so decided to create her own, which is how her blog, Gourmet Done Skinny was born. A few years ago, she was invited to be a guest speaker on Weight Loss Made Real with Cookie Rosenblum to talk about food prep. She was amazed at the response. What she thought was ordinary food prep, thrilled and motivated the listeners. This encouraged her to write the book - The Power of Food Prep - it became an international best seller #1 on Amazon. From there she developed and created her own food prep membership called - Food Prep for Foodies.

    In her own words, Amy says, “I am a woman who has had many successful careers, almost died twice, but I am here and thriving! Food prep is self-care - so that you can have more time for the things you love.”

    Today, she’s here to inspire us to be present and make the most of every day


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Amy, a former special ed teacher turned restaurant owner, had a stroke that changed her life. She discovered the power of food prep and started teaching others her methods, emphasizing the importance of using quality ingredients and portioning meals for convenience and health benefits.

    Amy goes on to share her method of meal preparation, which involves cooking in large batches, vacuum sealing leftovers to prevent freezer burn, and using fresh vegetables while reheating the main dishes. Amy's recipes are gourmet and healthy, with portion sizes under 500 calories, and she also shared a tip for portion control with desserts by freezing and baking small batches of cookies. -

    Amy and Lynne discussed the benefits of meal prepping and shared their tips and tricks for making it easier and more enjoyable.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Food Prep in a different way using Amy’s method
    • The Power of Food Prep
    • Why do we food prep? How can it help us?
    • Do you have to be a Type A person to food prep?
    • Why do we rebel about food prep?
    • Why Amy’s method is different.
    • Addressing the objection of “I hate spending all day in the kitchen, do I have to do this with food prep?”


    Free Resource from Amy Lawrence:

    The Power of Food Prep:  https://gourmetdoneskinny.com/podcast-form/

    Amy’s Bootcamp: https://gourmetdoneskinny.com/bootcamp-waitlist/


    Connect With Amy Lawrence:

    Website: https://gourmetdoneskinny.com/

    Membership: https://membership.gourmetdoneskinny.com/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gourmetdoneskinny 

    Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/gourmetdoneskinny/ 


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #215: Carrie Jeroslow - Embracing Change: Menopause and Its Impact on Relationships

    LLN Episode #215:  Carrie Jeroslow - Embracing Change: Menopause and Its Impact on Relationships

    About Carrie Jeroslow:

     International Best-Selling Author, Intuitive and Conscious Relationship Coach, Carrie Jeroslow, teaches people the tools to relate consciously to themselves and others. She believes that when we learn and accept who we truly are, we are able to be more authentic in our relationships with others. This authenticity brings an unparalleled sense of joyfulness and fulfillment to our lives as a whole.

     In 2022, she began her podcast, Relationship Diversity Podcast, where she aims to explore, question, and celebrate all aspects of relationship structure diversity. This is an inclusive space, giving people the permission to design their unique relationships from the knowledge and acceptance of their unique selves.

     She has been seen on NBC, PBS, The CW, featured in Forbes, Thrive Global, Winston Salem Journal, Prevention and Newsweek, and has been interviewed by Marianne Williamson, Go All In TV, The ListTV, and many others to discuss the ideas in her coaching, as well as in her first book, Why Do They Always Break Up with Me?


    What We Discuss In This Episode

    Carrie and Lynne talk a little about midlife relationships, discussing their own personal experiences and journeys. Carrie goes on to discuss her past experiences with relationships, including her parents' divorce and her own divorce from her first husband. She also mentioned her healing journey and how she eventually found a fulfilling relationship with her current husband. 

    Carrie shares the importance of self-care and reconnecting with oneself during the challenging phase of motherhood and midlife. She emphasized the need to simplify self-care practices and make them accessible in order to feel successful and empowered.

    Carrie and Lynne share a little of their own experiences of embracing change, finding beauty in the process, and accepting themselves as they are.

    Carrie also discusses the importance of self-care and self-love in the process of aging. She highlights the concept of relationship diversity and encourages listeners to embrace their uniqueness and show it to the world.

    Key Takaways

    • How can this time in a woman's life affect their intimate relationships?
    • How self-care is invaluable to reconnect with self
    • How aging is humbling and how it can deepen self-love
    • A reframe of this time of a woman's life to one of intrigue and awe instead of dread and loss


    Free Resource From Carrie Jeroslow:

    Free Guide on Relationship Diversity: https://www.relationshipdiversitypodcast.com


    Connect With Carrie Jeroslow:

    Podcast: https://www.relationshipdiversitypodcast.com

    Website: https://www.carriejeroslow.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carrie_jeroslow_author_coach/

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@carriejeroslow?lang=en


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #214: Lee Davy – How to Get Clarify, Create Balance, & Live the Life of Your Dreams

    LLN Episode #214:  Lee Davy – How to Get Clarify, Create Balance, & Live the Life of Your Dreams

    About Lee Davy:

    Lee Davy is an inspirational author, creator, speaker, retreat host, breathwork specialist and leader in global health. The co-founder of Connected Community, co-steward of the Unified Alliance, co-owner of Imiloa Institute, founder of 5D Breathwork, and co-creator of the Breathwork Atrium has worked with clients one on one and with groups all over the world for more than 20 years.

    Lee shares his voice, story, journey, passion, and compassion to support others in their journeys - should they ask for assistance - to fully understand and embrace their highest selves - beyond all illusion.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Lee discusses his journey from a young age, seeking truth and wanting to help others. He shared his five-step process called The Freedom Method, which involves opening oneself up to new possibilities, aligning mind-body-spirit aspects, optimizing oneself, taking self-responsibility, and operating from higher laws to live a fulfilling life.

    Lee also discusses the benefits of breathwork, including its ability to change neurochemistry, increase energy, reduce stress, and promote healing. He also shares the importance of setting intentional times for breathwork practice and incorporating it into daily life to make it a natural and automatic response.

    Lee and Lynne discussed the benefits of setting timers for breathwork to increase presence and reduce stress. Lee primarily works with individuals between the ages of 30 and 55, offering modified breathwork sessions based on their needs and intentions.

    Key Takeaways

    1. Living from the Higher Laws: Radical Self Responsibility for True Freedom
    2. Know Thyself: Clarify Your Picture, Create Balance, & Live the Life of Your Dreams
    3. Breath is Life: The Importance of Deep, Intentional Breathwork & the Neurophysiological Benefit


    Free Resource from Lee Davy: 

     A complimentary breathwork session, designed to help individuals experience the benefits of conscious breathing, including reduced stress and anxiety, increased energy, and greater self-awareness.

    In addition, Lee invites our listeners to book a free discovery call with him to learn more about how breathwork can support their health and wellness goals, and to answer any questions they may have.

    To schedule their free breathwork session and discovery call, visit Lee’s website and book your spot today: https://www.lee-davy.com


    Connect With Lee Davey:

    Website: https://www.lee-davy.com

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/5dbreathwork/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lee.davy.507 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@leedavy46


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #213: Angel V. Shannon, MS, CRNP - Food, Mood & Mental Health: Discover the Brain Healing Power of Food

    LLN Episode #213:  Angel V. Shannon, MS, CRNP - Food, Mood & Mental Health: Discover the Brain Healing Power of Food

    About Angel Shannon

    Angel V. Shannon MS, CRNP is a personal development keynote speaker, board Certified Nurse Practitioner and Founder of Seva Health and The Seva Institute. Her inspiring presentations are drawn from over two decades of clinical practice and lifetime study of integrative health and mind-body medicine. Her engaging workshops and seminars teach people how to intentionally create a foundation of specific health practices that will help them achieve better health and continuous personal improvement in every area of their lives.

    Angel doesn't just talk about mind-body medicine, she lives it. As a student of T’ai Chi Chuan and having received her teaching certification in hatha yoga, she is a pioneer in weaving both wisdom traditions into her clinical and private coaching practice. In 2019, she founded the Seva Institute to bring these ancient contemplative practices into the corporate environment by leading corporate workshops in mindfulness based stress reduction to help participants overcome work related stress, develop inner resilience and foster a culture of embodied leadership.

    A graduate of the University of Maryland and a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, Angel’s talks, teaching and clinical practice are always one part science and one part storytelling as she shares the inspiring stories of the many people she's helped successfully lose weight, reverse chronic illnesses and rescue their mental health to reach peak performance in their lives. In addition to managing her busy clinical and coaching practice, Angel is the host of Healthy House Calls With Angel, a podcast filled with tips, tools and strategies to live longer and live better with lifestyle medicine. Learn more about Angel Shannon at her website www.sevahealthgroup.com or follow her on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/in/angelvshannon and on FB at facebook.com/sevahealthgroup


    What We Discuss In This Episode

    ·      Lynne and Angel discuss the differences between alternative medicine, integrative medicine, and lifestyle medicine. They explored how integrative medicine combines the best of Western medicine with ancient wisdom traditions, while lifestyle medicine focuses on disease prevention and holistic well-being.

    Angel emphasizes the importance of integrating our cultural backgrounds into our healthcare practices. She discusses exploring the scientific connection between food and mood, particularly in relation to menopause and the impact of certain foods on symptoms.

    Angel shares strategies to address brain fog and improving overall well-being. She emphasizes the importance of addressing medical factors, such as thyroid function and nutrient deficiencies, as well as implementing mind-body practices and considering supplements, particularly adaptogens, to support mental health.

    Angel discusses various topics including herbal medicine, the importance of research, and Angel's resources for hormone balancing and self-care.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Understanding the difference between alternative medicine, integrative medicine and lifestyle medicine.
    2. Is there any real scientific proof of a connection between food and mood?
    3. The truth about supplements, and how to figure out which one works better than another.
    4. Since women in the menopausal years often have difficulty with brain fog, Shannon helps us understand this season of life and gives us a few simple strategies to help.
    5. Does Your Brain Feel Foggy? Angel shares some Simple Strategies That Will Give Your Brain A Rest So You Can Start Feeling Clearer -- Quickly


    Free Resource from Angel Shannon:

     FREE workbook and BONUS meditation track: https://sevahealthgroup.com/

    You can also Google NIH studies for more information on the scientific studies Angel shared in our interview.


    Connect With Angel Shannon:

    Website: https://Angelvshannon.com  

    Website: https://sevahealthgroup.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/angel.lamb.71/

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/angelvshannon/

    YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/c/sevahealthgroup


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #212: Brittany Cano –Busy Woman Syndrome: Powerful Tips for Slowing Down

    LLN Episode #212:  Brittany Cano –Busy Woman Syndrome: Powerful Tips for Slowing Down

    About Brittany Cano:

    Brittany Cano is the founder of Faithful Fitness by Brittany & Holistic Nurse Coaches. She has a true passion for guiding overextended women to prioritize their wellbeing so that they can fulfill their life’s purpose with peace & passion. Through medicine, movement, & mindfulness she helps you heal & elevate mind, body, & spirit.

    Brittany holds a Bachelor's Degree in Science of Nursing and is certified as a life coach, personal trainer, health coach, EFT practitioner, Reiki healer, and yin yoga instructor. Through her holistic Wellbeing programs, classes, & retreats (both locally and abroad), she utilizes her background as a registered nurse of 15 years combined with her expertise in holistic wellness & healing.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Brittany and Lynne discuss the concept of busy women's syndrome, which refers to the negative effects of chronic stress and constant busyness on women's health. They shared personal experiences and highlighted the importance of slowing down, resting, and balancing the nervous system to prevent health issues associated with this syndrome.

    We also discussed the impact of stress on women's health and the need to change the mindset around busyness and prioritize rest. Brittany emphasized the importance of setting boundaries, questioning societal expectations, and debunking the belief that taking time to rest is selfish.

    But at some point you really have to sit down and say, hey, this isn't working. I can't carry the whole load myself.  We have to get help from somewhere. And as women, we really need to speak out. And I'm saying this, I don't find it so easy to do myself.  It's a learned practice and something that we need to start learning.

    Brittany reiterates the importance of self-care and advocating for oneself, emphasizing the need to learn how to say no, ask for help, and create inner calm through practices like EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). 

    Brittany discusses the benefits of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for reducing stress and improving social interactions. Brittany shares why she feels EFT is effective. Let’s face it, sometimes people aren’t able to get into a place of calm  right away.  The mind is everywhere. Through EFT on acupressure points, we're able to hold the body's stress response, really connect the mind, the emotions, and the body.  It can also be used if you feel “stuck” in a certain situation – something you find yourself experiencing over and over. EFT is a perfect tool for that kind of situation and Brittany has been able to help clients clear things from 30, 40, 50 years ago.  It’s a powerful modality.

    Brittany loves to see women get back into balance in their lives. She encourages us to explore what the impact of being “nonstop busy” is doing to us.  Some people have a huge schedule -  a lot of things that they're up to in life, but they have balance.  And they don't feel that intense pressure, intense anxiety or intense feeling that they have to “perform.” But if you’re not reaching that balance you need - especially if you're caught in that busy nonstop going, stop and asking yourself, “what do I really need right now?”  And then listen to what you really need, and then meet that need. So, it might be that instead of rushing into the next meeting, you need to take five minutes. 

    We need to advocate for ourselves, because good chances are nobody else is going to advocate for you.

    Key Takeaways:

    1.    What is Busy Woman Syndrome?

    2.    What are some of the effects of Busy Woman Syndrome?

    3.    How can super busy women take care of themselves without feeling it’s selfish to do so.

    4.    How can we set healthy boundaries?

    5.    We explore some of the other tools we can use to dig deeper into some of the things that keep us in that “Busy Woman Syndrome” space.

    6.    What support Brittany recommends for a woman with Busy Woman Syndrome?


    Free Resource From Brittany Cano:

    Guided Elevated Wellbeing Process & Digital Affirmation Card: https://www.holisticnursecoaches.com/


    Resource from Brittany Cano:

    12 week 1:1 Holistic Wellbeing Program: https://www.holisticnursecoaches.com/


    Connect With Brittany Cano:

    Website: https://www.holisticnursecoaches.com/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/holistic_nurse_coaches/ 

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/briteni.shaw/ 

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brittany-cano-bsn-rn-3410b8119/ 

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@HolisticNurseCoaches/videos

    Speaker Hub: https://speakerhub.com/speaker/brittany-cano-bsn-rn?b=s


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!





    LLN Episode #211: Alex Fink - Silicon Valley Expat Shares Tips To Balance Your “Digital Diet” & Improve Mental Health

    LLN Episode #211:  Alex Fink - Silicon Valley Expat Shares Tips To Balance Your “Digital Diet” & Improve Mental Health

    https://www.linkedin.com/in/temuchin43About Alex Fink:

    Alex Fink is a Silicon Valley Expat & The Founder of the Otherweb, a Public Benefit Corporation trying to combat this issue, He is here today sharing how people (of all ages) can sleep better, reduce stress and improve brain health and mental wellness through mindful media consumption.


    What We Discuss In this Episode:

    1. Excessive media consumption has been linked to anxiety, stress, and sleep issues…Alex explains why he thinks this is such a problem today.
    2. Alex explains why he thinks Silicon Valley Is part of the problem.
    3. Alex shares how we can reduce stress and improve sleep through mindful media consumption…and exactly what “mindful media consumption” is.
    4. What choices can we make in our media consumption to lower stress and sleep better (but still stay informed)?
    5. How people can reduce stress & improve mental health by balancing their “Digital Diet”
    6. Alex shares PRACTICAL ADVICE about how people can improve their mental health and well-being by balancing their digital diet.
    7. He also has VALUABLE INFO & ADVICE about why the information ecosystem (aka the internet) has become a polarized breeding ground for controversy and misinformation, and how people can mine it for truth, instead.


    Key Takeaways

    ·         The prevalence of smartphone usage and the differences between Apple and Android.

    ·         Mindful media consumption for better sleep, reduced stress, and improved mental wellness.

    ·         How addiction to digital media and exposure to stimulating content before bed can lead to sleep issues and affect overall well-being.

    ·         The negative impact of digital media on our attention and mental health.


    Resources from Alex Fink:

    Are you “Fake News’ Savvy? 5 Ways to Spot “Fake News” Articles Online. Download Otherweb for FREE: https://otherweb.com


    Connect With Alex Fink:

    Website: https://otherweb.com

    Apple: https://apps.apple.com/app/otherweb/id6443798894

    Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.otherweb

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/temuchin43 


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #210: Ruth Fearnow – How To Become a Mindfulness Ninja!

    LLN Episode #210:  Ruth Fearnow – How To Become a Mindfulness Ninja!

    About Ruth Fearnow:

    Ruth Fearnow is a therapist, author and speaker. Her first book, Therapeutic Mindfulness, is a synthesis of her decades-long meditation practice and her work healing trauma and mental distress.

    As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and Certified EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) practitioner, she has identified and embedded the factors necessary for healing into therapeutic mindfulness, a skill to facilitate one's healing journey.

    Ruth's private journey began as a young woman when she found herself studying kung fu and qi gong in Dengfeng City, China, the home of the famous Shaolin Temple. It was there she began a serious meditation practice. While this skill takes years to develop, this was her first big step to understanding mindfulness practices.

    Ruth's evolution into a trauma therapist has enabled her to integrate age-old wisdom with trauma-informed insight. As a result, she has developed healing philosophies and the process of therapeutic mindfulness which she practices personally, and teaches to her clientele, many of whom use it on their own. Therapeutic mindfulness has now been adopted for professional use by colleagues in the mental health field.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    • Dealing with feelings directly is transformational and Therapeutic Mindfulness shows us how to do so.
    • How Therapeutic Mindfulness is different from other forms of mindfulness.
    • Ruth shares with us about coping skills versus healing skills.
    • What factors help the mind to heal?
    • What role does self-compassion play in this or other healing processes?
    • Ruth shares how we can know we I should try this process for ourselves.


    Free Resource from Ruth Fearnow:

    Free Guide to Therapeutic Mindfulness: https://www.ruthfearnow.com/downloads


    Resources from Ruth Fearnow:

    Therapeutic Mindfulness Book: https://www.amazon.com/Therapeutic-Mindfulness-Healing-Skill-Coping/dp/B0C2SG3YZS/ref=sr_1_2?crid=1E9RZ7OIJEJQL&keywords=therapeutic+mindfulness&qid=1685640898&sprefix=therapeutic+mindfulnes%2Caps%2C223&sr=8-2


    Connect With Ruth Fearnow:

    Website: https://www.ruthfearnow.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calmtohappy


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #209: Dr. David Wiss - Unlocking the Mind: Nourishing the Gut-Brain Connection for Healing

    LLN Episode #209:  Dr. David Wiss - Unlocking the Mind: Nourishing the Gut-Brain Connection for Healing

    About Dr. Davis Wiss:

    David Wiss became a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) in 2013 and founded Nutrition in Recovery, a group practice of RDNs specializing in treating eating and substance use disorders. He earned his Ph.D. in Public Health with a minor in Health Psychology from UCLA by investigating links between adverse childhood experiences and mental health outcomes among socially disadvantaged men. Dr. Wiss can be your nutrition and health consultant, functional medicine practitioner, recovery coach, or provide psychoeducation related to his expertise. Learn more about the intersection of nutrition and mental health using his new app called Wise Mind Nutrition and follow him on Instagram @drdavidwiss.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Dr. David Wiss and Lynne have a conversation about nutrition and mental health, discussing the importance of the gut-brain connection and how nutrition can play a role in treating eating disorders, substance use disorders, anxiety, and trauma.

    Dr. Wiss discusses the interconnectedness of gut health, mental health, and disordered eating. He emphasized the importance of understanding individual psychology and biology when addressing nutrition, and the need to rewire taste buds to develop preferences for healthier foods.

    We also discuss the challenges of transitioning from a dieting mindset to intuitive eating, emphasizing the importance of listening to one's body and tracking how food makes them feel. We also touch on the connection between gut health and mental well-being, highlighting the role of the immune system in linking the gut and the brain through inflammation.

    Dr. Wiss went on to emphasize the connection between gut health and brain health, especially the importance of an anti-inflammatory diet with high fiber and colorful foods.

    We discussed the importance of breaking free from diet culture and prioritizing long-term health over immediate results. Dr. Wiss also mentioned his affordable nutrition app that offers free features and a subscription option for personalized programs. (See information below.)


    Key Takeaways:

    • How food and mental health impact the body positivity movement
    • Ultra-Processed Food Addiction and its Controversies Disordered Eating Recovery
    • Nutrition for mental health
    • Understanding the mental implications of diet
    • Why is gut health important for mental health? 
    • How is nutrition connected to mental health? 
    • Why is it difficult for people to change their eating habits?
    • How adverse life experiences impact your eating


    Free Resource from Dr. David Wiss:

    5 Ways You Can Use Nutrition to Improve Your Mental Health: https://docs.wisemindnutrition.com/WMN-5Ways-Freebie.pdf  


    Resource from Dr. Davis Wiss:

    Dr. Wiss’ Wise Mind Nutrition App: Wise Mind Nutrition is an app that delivers educational content using nutrition and lifestyle medicine to improve mental health outcomes. The app contains an innovative food log, digital workbook, and data-driven personalized messaging for the ultimate transformative experience based on Dr. Wiss's clinical experience. The program includes nutrition education, cooking instructions, meditations, and downloadable resources such as recipes and assignments. (Free to download with an option to subscribe.)


    Connect With Dr. David Wiss:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/davidwiss  


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drdavidwiss/

    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/wisemindnutrition

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drdavidwiss/  

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Drdavidwiss


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #208: Cathy Gabrielsen – How Clearing Negativity & Setting Boundaries Creates A Healthy Mind, Body & Spirit

    LLN Episode #208:  Cathy Gabrielsen – How Clearing Negativity & Setting Boundaries Creates A Healthy Mind, Body & Spirit

    About Cathy Gabrielsen:

    Cathy Gabrielsen is an International Healer, Spiritual Teacher, Holistic Ayurvedic Coach, Graduate Teacher of Energy Medicine at the Deborah King Center, Vedic Meditation Teacher and #1 Best Selling Author of Dying to Live: Surviving Near-Death. Cathy is also the founder of Connect Thru Cancer and The Gabrielsen Healing Center. She offers private healing sessions via zoom.

    After 2 Near Death Experiences, once as a teen and another time as a young mom recovering from cancer, Cathy experienced spiritual transformations and discovered her own paranormal gifts. Cathy learned how to heal her own anxiety, depression, and PTSD, and she returned to life to help others heal their mind, body, and spirit. Cathy's mission is to help others heal their hearts and awaken to their own divine nature.


    What We Discuss In This Episode:

    Lynne and Cathy discussed the topic of boundaries, sharing personal experiences including Cathy's near-death experiences and how they influenced her perspective on living and overgiving. Cathy emphasized the importance of setting boundaries and taking care of oneself to avoid burnout and prioritize personal well-being.

    Cathy shares the importance of setting boundaries and understanding one's emotions in order to heal and empower oneself. She emphasized the significance of journaling, self-reflection, and taking care of basic needs to establish clear boundaries and separate oneself from negative influences.

    Key Takeaways:

    • How do you know you need a boundary
    • Why set a boundary
    • How to set a boundary
    • Why and how does setting boundaries manifest a healthy mind, body and spirit
    • How to clear negativity and cut the cord

    Resources from Cathy Gabrielsen:

    Healing Stone Chart: https://cathygabrielsen.com/healing-stone-chart/

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Dying-Live-Near-Death-Cathy-Gabrielsen-ebook/dp/B08J5X2N7C


    Connect With Cathy Gabrielsen:

    Website: https://cathygabrielsen.com/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cathygabrielsenhealing

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gabrielsenhealingcenter/p/BwXBYvMn_Bi/?igshid=172btwg7zejlv

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathy-gabrielsen-a1


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode 207#: Bobbi Kahler – Create The Life You Love To Live -- Everyday

    LLN Episode 207#:  Bobbi Kahler – Create The Life You Love To Live -- Everyday

    About Bobbi Kahler:

    Bobbi Kahler is a podcaster, writer, speaker, and entrepreneur. Bobbi has coached more than 3000 people in her career and has delivered presentations for tens of thousands of people. She helps people see new possibilities for themselves and for their lives. While she does still coach on a very limited basis, she is dedicating her time to creating content that captures the tools and frameworks that she used as a coach (and learned in grad school) so that people can learn to coach themselves as much as possible.

    Her undergrad degree was in human performance improvement and her graduate degree was based on the science of human flourishing.

    She has appeared in articles for Forbes, The Today Show, Yahoo News, Thrive Global, Authority Magazine and Influencive. She is the author of Travels of the Heart: Developing Your Inner Leader, she was a contributing author to the Amazon and NY Times best-selling book, Masters of Success, and she is the host of her podcast: UnYielded: Thriving No Matter What, which is about creating happiness, well-being, and success by mastering the inner game.


    What We Discuss In This Episode

    Bobbi shares her journey of overcoming a serious health condition that took her about 10 years to fully recover from, with the help of an integrative doctor. She emphasized the importance of believing in a way forward, as it motivated her to keep searching for solutions and ultimately find healing.

    We also discuss the importance of focusing on progress and finding alternatives when facing challenges like illness or job loss. We also talk about the Tetris Effect, which highlights how training our brains to see progress can help create momentum and keep us moving forward.

    Bobbi shares the importance of living in the present and finding ways to be happy even during difficult times. She also emphasizes the significance of cherishing each day as a gift and prioritizing one's health for a fulfilling and long life.

    We emphasize the importance of staying active and healthy and we share stories of individuals who started exercising later in life and achieved vibrant and active lifestyles -- it's never too late to begin. Small steps, like brisk walking, can lead to significant improvements in overall well-being.

    It’s important to believe in yourself and find ways to move forward in life.


    Key Takeaways:

    • Why Bobbi believes that there is always a way forward?
    • Why is believing that there is always a forward important for someone?
    • How that has served Bobbi in her health journey and daily life.
    • What gets in the way of people believing there IS a way forward and acting on it?
    • How can someone break free from their doubts so they can move forward?


    Free Resource from Bobbi Kahler:

    Free Guide for Thriving:  https://www.bobbikahler.com/thrivingforward/


    Connect With Bobbi Kahler:

    Website: https://www.bobbikahler.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bobbikahler/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bobbikahlerofficial/


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!


    LLN Episode #206: James Swanwick – How to Live An Alcohol-Free Life Without Judgment

    LLN Episode #206:  James Swanwick – How to Live An Alcohol-Free Life Without Judgment

    About James Swanwick:

    James Swanwick is an Australian-American investor, entrepreneur, speaker and former SportsCenter anchor on ESPN. He is the creator of Alcohol Free Lifestyle, which helps successful high achievers change their relationship to alcohol; the host of the podcast, “Alcohol Free Lifestyle”, creator of “Project 90”, which helps high achievers get lifetime power over alcohol, and creator of blue-light blocking glasses Swannies by Swanwick Sleep, which improve your sleep. Swanwick has interviewed celebrities including Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Kobe Bryant, David Beckham and Arnold Schwarzenegger.


    What We Discuss In This Episode

    James shares how to socialize without drinking alcohol. He emphasized the importance of being confident, light-hearted, and playful about not drinking, and suggested responding to encouragement to drink with humor and a firm refusal.

    The harmful effects of alcohol consumption; debunking the belief that one glass of alcohol per night is beneficial for health. James also talked about a study that revealed the biased nature of research claiming that a glass of wine is good for heart health.

    James shares the ineffective strategy of relying on willpower to stop drinking and emphasized the importance of coaching, accountability, and a supportive community. 

    How alcohol negatively affects sleep and some of the way you can experience better sleep. Check out James’ sleep products, including blue light blocking glasses and silk sleep masks, to improve sleep quality.

    Just how to you help people overcome challenges in their lives, particularly in the areas of health and alcohol consumption.


    Key Takeaways:

    ·         How one glass of alcohol a night may be destroying your life

    ·         How to easily quit alcohol for 30 days (and why)

    ·         7 ways to socialize without alcohol.

    ·         How to socialize and have fun alcohol free

    ·         What to say to friends encouraging you to drink


    Connect With James Swanick:

    Websites: https://www.swanwicksleep.com/


    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JamesSwanwickOfficial

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamesswanwick

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/alcoholfreelifestyle


    Connect with Lynne:

    If you're looking for a community of like-minded women on a journey - just like you are - to improved health and wellness, overall balance, and increased confidence, check out Lynne's private community in The Energized Healthy Women's Club. It's a supportive and collaborative community where the women in this group share tips and solutions for a healthy and holistic lifestyle. (Discussions include things like weight management, eliminating belly bloat, balancing hormones, wrangling sugar gremlins,  overcoming fatigue, recipes, strategies, perimenopause & menopause, and much more ... so women can feel energized, healthy, and lighter, with a new sense of purpose.

    Website:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/holistichealthandwellnessllc

    The Energized Healthy Women’s Club:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/energized.healthy.women

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lynnewadsworth

    LinkedIn:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/lynnewadsworth


    Free Resources from Lynne Wadsworth:

    How to Thrive in Menopause:  

    MENOPAUSE Messing Up your life?  Maybe you’re seeing the number on the scale creep higher and higher and you're noticing your usual efforts to lose weight arent working. Then there’s the hot blazes, night sweats, and sleeping fitfully, not to mention that youre fighting tears one moment, raging the next, and then, the shameful guilt sets in because you’ve just blasted your partner – for nothing…again!

    Learn how to successfully and holistically navigate perimenopause and full-blown menopause, and even reconcile all the hormonal changes and challenges that go along with it.

    You’ll be feeling energized, healthier, and more in control so you can take on your day confidently and live life joyfully – even in menopause. I've got this FREE solution tool for you. 

    Download my guide here: https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/thrive-through-menopause/


    5  Simple Steps to Gain Energy, Feel Great & Uplevel Your Health:

    Are you ready to create a Healthier Lifestyle?  Would you like to feel lighter, more energized, and even add joy to your life? If it's time to find more balance of mind~body~soul, then I've got the perfect FREE resource to help.  In this guide, you'll find my most impactful strategies and I've made applying them in your life as simple as 1-2-3 (plus a couple more) to help you create a healthier, holistic lifestyle. Uplevel your holistic health and wellness and download the 5 Simple Steps to Health  here:  https://holistic-healthandwellness.com/5-simple-steps-to-a-healthier-you/


    Did You Enjoy The Podcast?

    If you enjoyed this episode please let us know! 5-star reviews for the Living Life Naturally podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or Pandora are greatly appreciated. This helps us reach more women struggling to live through midlife and beyond. Thank you. Together, we make a difference!