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    Achieve Results NOW! Podcast

    Thanks for visiting the Achieve Results Now Podcast. The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results now!
    enTheron Feidt398 Episodes

    Episodes (398)

    390: 3 Ways to be More Proactive

    390: 3 Ways to be More Proactive

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results Now podcast discusses the importance of proactivity and problem-solving. The hosts emphasize the negative effects of being reactive and highlight the need to shift from a mindset of the world happening to us to us happening to the world. They provide three key steps to becoming proactive: eliminating the urge to react, focusing on things within our control, and practicing visualization. The hosts stress the importance of controlling emotions and reframing obstacles as opportunities. They also encourage seeking support from others and engaging in role-playing to develop effective strategies. The episode concludes with a preview of future episodes on the seven habits of highly effective people. Overall, the podcast aims to empower listeners to take immediate action and achieve life-shifting results.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Eliminate your urge to be reactive.

    2-  Focus on the things you can control.

    3-  Practice and visualize.

    Podcast Referenced:

    The Book: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - by Stephen Covey


    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

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    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    389: How to Win Friends - Takeaways

    389: How to Win Friends - Takeaways

    The Achieve Results Now podcast discusses personal development and leadership books that have had a significant impact on the hosts' lives. They share their top three takeaways from the book and provide actions for the audience to implement. The hosts emphasize the importance of continuous learning and self-improvement, highlighting that formal education is not necessary for success but learning and improving skills are. They discuss the value of making people feel important and offer practical tips such as using people's names and following up on their interests. The hosts also emphasize the importance of inspiring others rather than pushing them to do things. They share personal anecdotes and examples to illustrate their points and encourage listeners to incorporate these principles in their interactions with others.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Make people feel important.      

    2-  You can’t win an argument.

    3-  Inspire people.


    Podcast Referenced:

    The Book: How to Win Friends and Influence People - by Dale Carnegie

    Pick up a copy here: https://amzn.to/3SS189y

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    388: Turn Your Wantpower into Willpower

    388: Turn Your Wantpower into Willpower

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results Now podcast discusses the topic of motivation and how to achieve success on a consistent basis. The hosts emphasize that motivation is a byproduct of the actions we take and that building new habits and routines is key to acting in the right direction. They also explore the concept of willpower and how fear often hinders people from continuing on their path to success. The hosts encourage listeners to identify what they truly want and why they want it, rather than chasing goals based on external expectations. They stress the importance of embracing resistance and failure as valuable learning experiences. The podcast concludes with a discussion on the importance of taking inventory of one's life and eliminating time-wasting activities to create more time for meaningful pursuits.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Stop doing?

    2-  Dreams.

    3-  Will do?


    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    387: Identity in Action

    387: Identity in Action

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results NOW! podcast discusses how to change your life overnight by taking immediate action. They emphasize the importance of setting goals in the present tense to train your brain and increase your effectiveness. They also encourage focusing on small actions and making daily improvements towards goals. At the end of each day, they suggest celebrating accomplishments and creating a victory list to reinforce positive progress. The podcast highlights the significance of positive language and mindset in achieving success. Overall, the podcast provides practical advice for taking action, setting goals, and maintaining a positive attitude.

    Action Steps:

    1-  D.I.A.

    2-  Kaizen

    3-  Victories


    Podcast Referenced:

    ARN Podcast Ep. 375: The Trisha Cicero Interview – Part 2 https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/mom-fighter-coach-the-trisha-cicero-interview

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    386: How to Stop Failing

    386: How to Stop Failing

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results NOW! podcast discusses the challenges of setting and achieving goals. The hosts, Mark Cardone and Theron Feidt, emphasize the importance of moving beyond hope and setting concrete goals. They acknowledge that many people struggle with goal setting and offer guidance on how to identify personal goals and motivations. The hosts also stress the significance of implementing systems to support goal achievement. They explain that systems provide structure and eliminate the need for constant decision-making, allowing individuals to develop habits and routines that support their goals. The podcast encourages listeners to invest in personal growth through resources like podcasts, books, and online learning. Overall, the podcast aims to help listeners break free from the cycle of setting goals and then losing motivation, providing strategies for sustained achievement.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Resolutions

    2-  Goals

    3-  Systems

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    385: What Category Do You Fit In?

    385: What Category Do You Fit In?

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results Now podcast discusses the different categories of people when it comes to setting and achieving goals. The hosts talk about how many people tend to fall into one of these categories: those who haven't started setting goals yet, those who started but have given up, and those who don't believe in setting goals at all. They provide insights and strategies for each category, emphasizing the importance of taking action, finding activities that inspire and motivate, focusing on progress rather than lack thereof, and clarifying the directions one wants to go. The podcast encourages listeners to set goals, write them down, and understand that every action taken is a vote towards the desired lifestyle.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Haven’t gotten around to it.

    2-  Lacks follow through.

    3-  Don’t believe in it.


    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    384: Breakdown or Breakthrough

    384: Breakdown or Breakthrough

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results Now podcast discusses the concepts of breakdowns and breakthroughs. The hosts emphasize the importance of mindset in dealing with breakdowns and how they can be temporary and short-lived. They encourage listeners to view mistakes as lessons and train their subconscious to see themselves as someone who learns from their mistakes. The podcast also highlights the significance of taking action in the present moment rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. They emphasize that every action taken is a vote for the type of person one wants to become. The hosts stress the importance of having faith in the future and taking positive action to achieve goals. They conclude by encouraging listeners to focus on having more breakthroughs and less breakdowns in their lives.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Past: Failure or Lesson?

    2-  Present: Action or Inaction?

    3-  Future: Faith or Fear?


    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    383: Eliminating Distractions

    383: Eliminating Distractions

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results Now podcast discusses the importance of eliminating distractions in order to achieve goals and improve one's life. The hosts pose the question of what life would look like if the top five distractions were eliminated and explore the idea of prioritizing distractions based on their impact. They categorize distractions into different levels, from basic distractions like spending excessive time on social media to deeper distractions rooted in habits and comfort. The hosts emphasize the need to strike a balance between enjoying activities and focusing on necessary tasks. They also mention that some distractions, like playing video games, can be positive if they align with one's career or goals.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Positive vs. Negative

    2-  Low vs. High Value

    3-  Toxic vs. Supportive


    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    382: See It! Believe It! Achieve It!

    382: See It! Believe It! Achieve It!

    In this Episode:

    The podcast discusses the importance of setting and achieving goals. The hosts emphasize the three-step process of 'see it, believe it, achieve it.' They explain that visualizing and clarifying goals is crucial, as it helps create a clear vision of what needs to be accomplished. Belief in oneself and the goal is also highlighted, emphasizing the need for a strong why and the ability to overcome challenges. Finally, the hosts stress the importance of taking action and continuously working towards the goal, acknowledging that progress may not always be linear, and adjustments may be necessary.

    Action Steps:

    1-  See It!

    2-  Believe It!

    3-  Achieve It!


    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    381: Clarity is Power

    381: Clarity is Power

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results Now podcast discusses the importance of clarity in achieving success. The hosts emphasize that being vague and lacking direction guarantees failure. They focus on three specific areas where clarity is crucial: values, goals, and communication. They stress the need to be clear about one or two values that guide decision-making and prioritize health as a top value. In goal setting, they advocate for specificity and setting realistic targets. They also highlight the importance of systems and aligning goals with values. In terms of communication, they emphasize the need to be clear, adjust communication styles based on the recipient, and avoid being harsh or abrasive. Overall, they emphasize that clarity is essential for achieving desired results in life.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Values

    2-  Goals

    3-  Communication


    Podcast Referenced:

    ARN Podcast Ep. 367: Clarity in Communication https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/3-best-communication-tips

    ARN Podcast Ep. 370: 3 Ways to Have the Best Year Ever https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/3-ways-to-have-your-best-year-ever

    ARN Podcast Ep. 332: Communicating for Understanding https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/communicating-for-understanding

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    380: Why You Don't Achieve Your Goals

    380: Why You Don't Achieve Your Goals

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results NOW podcast discusses the importance of finishing strong and setting achievable goals. The hosts emphasize the need to believe in oneself and overcome limiting beliefs. They also address the issue of distractions and how they can hinder progress. The concept of minimum daily effort is introduced as a way to ensure consistent progress towards goals. The hosts stress the importance of keeping goals top of mind and provide strategies such as using vision boards. They also highlight the need to balance personal goals with work obligations. Overall, the podcast aims to provide practical advice and strategies for achieving success in various areas of life.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Skepticism

    2-  Distractions

    3-  Not Top of Mind


    Podcast Referenced:

    ARN Podcast Ep. 377: Vision Board Essentials https://five.libsyn.com/show/episodes/view/28937148

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    379: Leadership by Example with the Energy for Excellence

    379: Leadership by Example with the Energy for Excellence

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results Now podcast discusses the importance of leadership and how it applies to various aspects of life. The hosts emphasize that everyone is a leader in some capacity, whether it's leading oneself, leading others, or influencing superiors. They highlight the significance of setting a good example and being “the change” you want to see. They also discuss the role of energy in leadership, emphasizing the importance of matching and raising the energy levels of those you lead. Additionally, they stress the importance of managing energy throughout the day to be an effective leader. The hosts conclude by discussing the pursuit of excellence and the need to constantly push oneself to improve. Overall, the podcast provides practical insights and strategies for becoming a better leader.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Example

    2-  Energy

    3-  Excellence

    Podcast Referenced:

    ARN Podcast Ep. 320: ABCs of Leadership https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/the-abcs-of-leadership

    ARN Podcast Ep.180: Leadership in Balance https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/2020/05/12/leadership-in-balance


    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    378: How to Be Liked by Everyone

    378: How to Be Liked by Everyone

    In this Episode:

    In this podcast, we discuss the importance of presenting oneself in a positive light and caring about what certain people think. It emphasizes the difference between what one can get out of a situation and what one can accomplish. We also highlight the significance of greeting people and being present in social interactions, rather than being distracted by a phone. We mention the idea of having different versions of oneself for different people and situations. The importance of self-improvement and continuous growth is also mentioned. Overall, we encourage individuals to be mindful of their actions and strive for success.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Your Prep

    2-    Your Approach

    3-    The Conversation

    Podcast Referenced:

    Book: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    377: Vision Board Essentials

    377: Vision Board Essentials

    In this Episode:

    This episode discusses the importance of creating a vision board as a tool for motivation and goal achievement. The hosts emphasize three essential categories to include on the vision board: things you're grateful for, goals you want to achieve, and inspirational quotes or images. They explain that gratitude serves as an anchor and reminder of why you're pursuing your goals. Goals should be visualized through pictures or written out and can be short-term or long-term. Lastly, adding inspirational content helps to maintain motivation and belief in achieving your goals. The hosts encourage listeners to create their own vision boards and share them on social media.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Gratitude

    2-  Goals

    3-  Inspirational Quotes & Pictures

    Podcast Referenced:

    ARN Podcast Ep. 003: Ways to Stay Motivated https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/2016/06/23/arn-podcast-episode-3-ways-to-stay-motivated-part-1

    ARN Podcast Ep. 243: Bookend Your Day https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/bookend-your-day


    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    376: Rule Your Habits

    376: Rule Your Habits

    In this Episode:

    In this podcast, the importance of taking action and making positive changes in life is discussed. The hosts emphasize the need to start working towards goals and not wait for the perfect time. They highlight the significance of developing good habits and breaking bad ones to achieve success. The podcast also emphasizes the importance of mindset and attitude in overcoming challenges and setbacks. The hosts encourage listeners to take control of their lives and focus on what they can influence rather than making excuses. They stress the value of being present in the moment and finding happiness in the present while working towards future goals. Overall, the podcast provides practical advice and motivation for personal growth and success.

    Action Steps:

    1-  Be happy…

    2-  You are where you are…

    3-  Take action towards…

    Podcast Referenced:

    ARN Podcast Ep. 358: The Excuse Habit https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/the-excuse-habit

    ARN Podcast Ep. 287: Breaking Bad Habits https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/breaking-bad-habits

    ARN Podcast Ep. 166: Habits Rule You https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/habits-rule-you  

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    375: The Trisha Cicero Interview - 2023

    375: The Trisha Cicero Interview - 2023

    In this Episode:

    In this Achieve Results Now podcast episode, the hosts interview Trisha Cicero, a martial artist turned online health coach. Trisha shares her journey from starting martial arts at a young age to becoming a professional MMA fighter and eventually transitioning into health coaching. She discusses the importance of consistency in achieving fitness goals and offers tips on tracking nutrition and staying motivated. Trisha also emphasizes the need to prioritize self-care and make time for exercise, even during busy periods. She introduces the concept of habit stacking, which involves combining tasks to make them more manageable. Trisha provides additional resources, including her podcast and Facebook community, for those interested in learning more about her coaching services.


    Trisha Cicero is a Certified Nutrition Coach, Personal Trainer, 5th Degree Black Belt and former Professional MMA Fighter. She specializes in helping women lose weight and get stronger without doing extreme diets or cutting out their favorite foods. She is a mom of a 2-year-old girl who was able to lose and keep off 60lbs postpartum using the same methods she teaches her clients to do through her signature coaching program.

    Contact Trisha:

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/trisha.ann.56

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/trishacicero/?hl=en

    Website: https://linktr.ee/trishacicero

    Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/fit-as-a-fighter-with-trisha-cicero/id1634272363?ign-itscg=30200&ign-itsct=lt_p

    ARN Podcast Ep. 020: The Trisha Cicero Interview – 2017 https://achieveresultsnow.libsyn.com/020-trisha-cicero-interview

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    374: How to Be Inspired

    374: How to Be Inspired

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results Now podcast discusses the importance of finding inspiration and taking action to achieve goals. The hosts emphasize the need to break routine and try new things to stay motivated. They also highlight the significance of surrounding oneself with inspiring people who can provide support and encouragement. Additionally, the podcast emphasizes the importance of practicing mindfulness and reflection, such as through journaling or meditation, to recharge mentally and physically. By implementing these steps, individuals can maintain a sense of inspiration and motivation in their daily lives, leading to greater success and fulfillment.

    Action Steps:

    1- Break Routine

    2- People

    3- Mindfulness and Reflection

    Podcast Referenced:

    ARN Podcast Ep. 266: Motivation vs. Discipline https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/single-post/motivation-vs-discipline

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    373: How to Make Your Own Luck

    373: How to Make Your Own Luck

    In this Episode:

    This Achieve Results Now podcast discusses the concept of luck and how individuals can create their own luck through mindset and actions. The hosts emphasize the importance of tracking and being aware of one's habits and behaviors, such as diet and phone usage, in order to make positive changes. They also highlight the role of gratitude in recognizing the luck and opportunities already present in one's life. Taking action and maintaining optimism are identified as key steps in creating luck. The hosts encourage listeners to learn from past experiences, listen to feedback, and make necessary adjustments. They emphasize the impact individuals have on those around them and the importance of setting a positive tone as a leader. Overall, the podcast promotes the idea that luck is not purely random but can be influenced by mindset and intentional actions.

    Action Steps:

    1- Be Grateful

    2- Be Proactive

    3- Maintain Optimism


    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

    Connect with Us:

    Get access to some of the great resources that we use at: www.AchieveResultsNow.com/success-store




    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    372: How to be a Better Reader

    372: How to be a Better Reader

    In this Episode:

    The Achieve Results Now podcast discusses the importance of reading and consuming positive content daily. The hosts emphasize that there is no wrong way to read and that what you feed your mind has a profound effect on your life. They encourage reading for knowledge, wisdom, and personal growth. They also highlight the importance of taking action and implementing what you learn from books and podcasts. The hosts suggest an exercise of extracting actionable steps from the material you consume and prioritizing them. They emphasize the need to take immediate action towards your goals and not procrastinate. The podcast concludes with a review of the key points discussed, including the importance of having your next book ready and the significance of starting and finishing what you read.

    Action Steps:

    1- Read

    2- Actionable

    3- Narrow your Focus

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


    1.   Do you have a question you want answered in a future podcast?

    2.   Go to www.AchieveResultsNow.com to submit.

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    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!

    371: Finding Your Purpose

    371: Finding Your Purpose

    In this Episode:

    We discussed the importance of finding purpose in life. Having a sense of purpose can bring excitement and motivation to daily life. It may be unrealistic to be excited every day but having a purpose can help reignite enthusiasm during lulls. Finding purpose can come from significant milestones or through daily practices. Gratitude and being grateful for what one already has while striving for improvement is a key factor in finding purpose. We encourage you to identify your strengths and interests as a clue to finding your purpose. Finally, you need to act and try new things to discover one's true purpose.

    Action Steps:

    1- Gratitude

    2- Strengths

    3- Feedback

    ARN Suggested Reading:

    Blessings In the Bullshit: A Guided Journal for Finding the BEST In Every Day – by Mark Cardone & Theron Feidt


    Full List of Recommended Books: https://www.achieveresultsnow.com/readers-are-leaders


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    Thank you for listening to the Achieve Results NOW! Podcast.  The podcast that gives you immediate actions you can take to start seeing life shifting results NOW!