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    4 Pillar Podcast

    **Welcome to the 4 Pillar Podcast** - your sanctuary for holistic growth and transformation. In a world that constantly demands more of us, finding balance is not just a luxury; it's a necessity. This podcast is for those who aspire to elevate their lives to extraordinary heights - physically, mentally, and spiritually.

    Through the powerful lenses of Faith, Family, Fitness, and Finance, we unlock the secrets to living a life of purpose, passion, and prosperity. We believe that the journey to becoming your best self is paved with intentional actions in these four core areas:

    - **Faith:** Dive deep into spiritual enlightenment and discover how faith serves as the foundation of our inner strength and resilience.
    - **Family:** Explore the art of nurturing relationships that fill our hearts and homes with love, understanding, and support.
    - **Fitness:** Embrace a lifestyle that honors your body as a temple, with insights on achieving peak physical health and mental clarity.
    - **Finance:** Master the principles of financial wisdom to build a legacy of wealth and security for yourself and those you cherish.

    The **4 Pillar Podcast** is more than just a guide; it's a movement towards creating a harmonious life that resonates with success and fulfillment. Each episode is an opportunity to learn from experts, share in the stories of transformation, and apply actionable insights to your own journey.

    Join us on this adventure where every step forward is a step towards becoming the best version of yourself. The **4 Pillar Podcast** is your ally in crafting a life that's rich in every sense of the word. Let's rise together, one pillar at a time.

    en-usIan Lashley & Matt Gottermeyer24 Episodes

    Episodes (24)

    Empowering Women: Jiu Jitsu and Self-Defense Insights with Leslie EP | 24

    Empowering Women: Jiu Jitsu and Self-Defense Insights with Leslie EP | 24

    In Episode 24 of our podcast, we are honored to welcome Leslie, a passionate member of our jiu jitsu program, to share her invaluable insights into the world of women in jiu jitsu and self-defense. Join us as we dive into a captivating conversation with Leslie, exploring the unique challenges and triumphs experienced by women in martial arts and the vital role of self-defense in empowering individuals.

    Throughout this episode, Leslie shares her personal journey and experiences, shedding light on:

    1. **Women in Jiu Jitsu:** Gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of women in the male-dominated world of jiu jitsu. Leslie discusses the importance of representation, support networks, and breaking barriers in martial arts.

    2. **Self-Defense Empowerment:** Discover the transformative power of self-defense training for women. Leslie shares practical tips, techniques, and strategies for building confidence, assertiveness, and personal safety.

    3. **Community and Camaraderie:** Explore the strong sense of community and camaraderie fostered within our jiu jitsu program. Leslie highlights the supportive environment that encourages women to thrive, grow, and excel in their martial arts journey.

    4. **Empowerment Through Martial Arts:** Delve into the broader impact of martial arts on personal empowerment, resilience, and mental well-being. Leslie reflects on how jiu jitsu has empowered her both on and off the mats, instilling confidence and strength in various aspects of her life.

    Join us as we celebrate the strength, resilience, and empowerment of women in jiu jitsu and self-defense. Leslie's inspiring journey serves as a reminder of the transformative power of martial arts in shaping lives and fostering personal growth.

    Tune in to Episode 24 of our podcast as we embark on a journey of empowerment, enlightenment, and inspiration with Leslie, and gain valuable insights into the world of women in jiu jitsu and self-defense.

    Starting & Winning the Fitness Journey w/ Aaron Chaney EP | 23

    Starting & Winning the Fitness Journey w/ Aaron Chaney EP | 23

    **Episode 23: Starting & Winning the Fitness Journey with Aaron Chaney**

    In this empowering episode of the 4 Pillar Podcast, we dive into the transformative world of fitness with our special guest, Aaron Chaney, a renowned fitness coach and motivational speaker known for his innovative approach to achieving physical well-being. Aaron shares his insights on the importance of starting your fitness journey with the right mindset and strategies to overcome common challenges along the way.

    **What You'll Discover:**
    - **Aaron's Personal Fitness Journey:** From his initial challenges to becoming a fitness guru, Aaron's story is a testament to the power of perseverance and adaptation.
    - **Setting Realistic Goals:** Learn how to set achievable fitness goals that motivate you without setting you up for disappointment.
    - **Building a Sustainable Routine:** Tips on creating a workout routine that fits into your life, making consistency easier than you thought possible.
    - **Nutrition and Fitness:** Uncover the truth about nutrition's role in your fitness journey, with practical advice for fueling your body right.
    - **Staying Motivated:** Aaron shares his secrets to keeping the fire alive, even when progress seems slow or life gets in the way.
    - **Overcoming Plateaus:** Expert strategies for breaking through fitness plateaus and continuously moving towards your goals.
    - **The Mental Game:** Discover why fitness is as much about your mind as it is about your body and how to strengthen both.

    Whether you're just considering taking the first step or you're looking to reinvigorate your fitness journey, this episode with Aaron Chaney is packed with inspiration, actionable advice, and the real talk you need to hear. Join us for an episode that's not just about getting fit—it's about winning at the fitness game and transforming your life, one step at a time.

    Tune in now to "Starting & Winning the Fitness Journey" and take the leap towards a healthier, happier you with the 4 Pillar Podcast.

    Faith & Overcoming Unprecedented Obstacles | EP 22

    Faith & Overcoming Unprecedented Obstacles | EP 22

    Welcome to Episode 22 of the 4 Pillar Podcast, a space where stories of resilience, faith, and triumph come to life. In this compelling episode, titled "Faith and Overcoming Unprecedented Obstacles," we are honored to host an extraordinary guest, Esther Chester, who shares her profound journey of survival through the Burgundian Genocide.

    Join our host as we delve into the four pillars of life - Faith, Family, Fitness, and Finance - through the lens of Esther's remarkable life experiences. Her story is a testament to the power of faith, the indomitable spirit of humanity, and the ability to overcome the darkest of times.

    In this heartfelt conversation, Esther Chester shares insights into:

    **1. Faith:** Explore the depths of Esther's faith and discover how it became a guiding light during the Rwandan Genocide. Learn how faith served as an anchor, providing strength and courage in the face of unimaginable adversity.

    **2. Triumph Over Unprecedented Obstacles:** Gain a profound understanding of Esther's journey in overcoming obstacles that many could not fathom. Her resilience is a testament to the human spirit's capacity to triumph over the most challenging circumstances.

    **3. Family Bonds:** Delve into the importance of family and the role it played in Esther's survival. Her experiences underscore the strength found in familial connections during times of crisis.

    **4. Rebuilding a Life:** Uncover Esther's post-genocide journey of rebuilding her life, finding purpose, and contributing to the healing of herself and her community.

    Esther Chester's story is a beacon of hope, inspiring all who hear it to believe in the transformative power of faith and the human will to overcome. Episode 22 of the 4 Pillar Podcast is more than a conversation; it's an opportunity to reflect on the resilience that emerges when faced with unprecedented obstacles.

    Through Esther's powerful narrative, we invite you to join us in exploring the profound impact of faith on the human experience. Tune in to Episode 22 and witness the strength, courage, and triumph encapsulated in "Faith and Overcoming Unprecedented Obstacles" with the extraordinary Esther Chester.

    Life Lessons and Structured Discipline with Black Hawk Crew Chief James Adams | EP 21

    Life Lessons and Structured Discipline with Black Hawk Crew Chief James Adams | EP 21

    Welcome to Episode 21 of the 4 Pillar Podcast, your gateway to uncovering the wisdom and experiences that shape our lives. In this inspiring episode, titled "Life Lessons and Structured Discipline," we have the privilege of sitting down with James Adams, a Black Hawk Crew Chief, and delving into the incredible life journey of this disciplined professional.

    Join our host as we explore the four pillars of life - Faith, Family, Fitness, and Finance - through the lens of a military veteran whose life has been a testament to the power of structure, discipline, and unwavering commitment.

    In this engaging conversation, James Adams shares invaluable insights:

    **1. Faith:** Discover how faith has played a role in James's life, offering guidance and solace in the face of challenges encountered during his service.

    **2. Family:** Explore the unique dynamics of maintaining family connections in the military and how James's experiences have shaped his perspective on the importance of nurturing family bonds.

    **3. Fitness:** Gain insights into the physical and mental rigors of military life, and how structured discipline has been instrumental in maintaining peak fitness and resilience.

    **4. Finance:** Learn about the financial lessons James has acquired during his service and how disciplined financial practices have paved the way for his post-military life.

    James Adams' life journey is a testament to the transformative power of structure and discipline. In this episode, we not only delve into his military experiences but also uncover the universal life lessons that can be applied to anyone's journey, regardless of their profession or background.

    Through compelling stories, personal anecdotes, and profound insights, Episode 21 of the 4 Pillar Podcast offers a unique perspective on living a life that embraces structure and discipline as cornerstones for success.

    Whether you're seeking inspiration, valuable life lessons, or a deeper understanding of the role of structure and discipline in personal growth, this episode promises to leave you with newfound wisdom and motivation.

    Tune in to Episode 21 of the 4 Pillar Podcast, as we explore "Life Lessons and Structured Discipline" with the remarkable Black Hawk Crew Chief, James Adams, and gain a deeper appreciation for the four pillars that shape our lives.\\

    Faith, Family, Fitness, Podcasting, & Being a Red Dolphin | EP 20

    Faith, Family, Fitness, Podcasting, & Being a Red Dolphin | EP 20

    Welcome to Episode 20 of the 4 Pillar Podcast, where we explore the core dimensions that shape our lives. In this captivating episode titled "Balancing Faith, Family, Fitness, Podcasting, & Being a Red Dolphin," we embark on an intriguing journey with our special guest, Jack Fitzpatrick. Join us as we dive into the dynamic intersection of these five key pillars and glean wisdom from a multifaceted individual who embodies the spirit of a "Red Dolphin."

    In this engaging conversation, our host engages with Jack Fitzpatrick, a seasoned podcaster and expert in harmonizing life's crucial domains:

    1. **Faith:** Explore the profound role of faith in Jack's life and how it serves as a guiding force in navigating the complexities of the modern world.

    2. **Family:** Delve into the deep significance of family as a pillar and discover how Jack skillfully balances his professional pursuits with quality family time.

    3. **Fitness:** Gain insights into Jack's secrets for maintaining a robust and healthy lifestyle. He shares his fitness routines and strategies for staying physically and mentally fit.

    4. **Podcasting:** Uncover the world of podcasting from a seasoned pro. Jack discusses his podcasting journey, its impact, and how it seamlessly intertwines with his other life pillars.

    5. **Being a Red Dolphin:** Explore the intriguing concept of being a "Red Dolphin." Jack explains what this unique perspective means to him and how it has influenced his approach to life.

    Through candid stories, personal anecdotes, and practical advice, Episode 20 of the 4 Pillar Podcast offers a distinctive and holistic perspective on living a fulfilling life. It showcases the art of harmonizing faith, family, fitness, podcasting, and the essence of being a "Red Dolphin."

    Whether you're seeking inspiration for your own journey, intrigued by the concept of a "Red Dolphin," or looking for ways to balance multiple facets of your life, this episode promises valuable insights and takeaways that resonate with everyone.

    Tune in to Episode 20 of the 4 Pillar Podcast, as we delve deep into the fascinating world of Faith, Family, Fitness, Podcasting, and the unique identity of being a "Red Dolphin" with the multifaceted Jack Fitzpatrick.

    Unraveling Judgment: Navigating Perspectives and Empathy | EP 19

    Unraveling Judgment: Navigating Perspectives and Empathy | EP 19

    Welcome to the 4 Pillar Podcast, a platform dedicated to exploring the fundamental aspects of human experience. In Episode 19, titled "Unraveling Judgment: Navigating Perspectives and Empathy," we delve deep into the intricate theme of judgment that often shapes our interactions and perceptions. Join us as we embark on a thought-provoking journey to uncover the layers of judgment and foster greater empathy within ourselves and society.

    In this enlightening episode, our host engages in a candid conversation with insightful guests, experts, and individuals who've experienced the impacts of judgment. Together, we delve into the four pillars that guide our exploration:

    1. The Nature of Judgment: Delve into the origins and psychology of judgment, understanding how biases and preconceptions influence our thoughts and behaviors.

    2. Self-Reflection and Awareness: Explore the importance of self-awareness in recognizing our own judgments and learning to separate them from objective observations.

    3. Empathy and Understanding: Discover strategies to cultivate empathy and actively step into others' shoes, fostering connections based on shared experiences rather than preconceived notions.

    4. Building Inclusive Communities: Learn about the role of judgment in perpetuating social divides and explore ways to create spaces where diversity and understanding thrive.

    Through enlightening anecdotes, expert insights, and thought-provoking research, Episode 19 of the 4 Pillar Podcast aims to dismantle the barriers of judgment and open up a dialogue that fosters empathy and compassion. We discuss practical approaches to handling judgment, addressing unconscious biases, and striving for a more inclusive and accepting world.

    Whether you've felt the weight of judgment, are eager to deepen your understanding, or simply seek to foster a more empathetic outlook, this episode promises to challenge perspectives and inspire meaningful change.

    Tune in to Episode 19 of the 4 Pillar Podcast and join us in the journey toward unraveling judgment, embracing empathy, and building bridges of understanding in an interconnected world.

    FTP! (For The Police) Interview with local law enforcement Jesse | EP 17

    FTP! (For The Police) Interview with local law enforcement Jesse | EP 17

    Welcome to the 4 Pillar Podcast, where we explore crucial topics impacting our society and dive into insightful conversations with diverse perspectives. In Episode 17, we present a thought-provoking interview titled "FTP! (For The Police)," featuring a candid discussion with Jesse, a dedicated local law enforcement officer. Join us as we engage in an open dialogue to better understand the challenges, responsibilities, and experiences of those who serve on the frontlines of law enforcement.

    In this eye-opening episode, our host conducts a respectful and honest conversation with Jesse, delving into the four pillars of law enforcement service:

    1. The Human Side of Policing: Gain a deeper understanding of the personal journey that led Jesse to pursue a career in law enforcement and the emotional toll that comes with this vital profession.
    2. Community Policing: Explore the importance of building strong relationships with the community and fostering trust between law enforcement and the public they serve.
    3. Mental Health and Resilience: Discover the unique challenges law enforcement officers face and learn about the strategies employed to maintain mental well-being and resilience amidst demanding situations.
    4. Evolving Policing Methods: Discuss how law enforcement continually adapts to the changing needs of society, incorporating modern techniques and technologies while honoring their commitment to serve and protect.

    Through this insightful interview, Episode 17 of the 4 Pillar Podcast aims to shed light on the complexities of policing, highlighting the individual perspectives and experiences of those who dedicate their lives to protect and serve. We explore topics such as community engagement, de-escalation techniques, the impact of recent social movements on law enforcement, and the importance of accountability and empathy in building a better future.

    Whether you're a concerned citizen, aspiring law enforcement officer, or someone seeking a deeper understanding of the complexities of policing, this episode offers an opportunity to listen, learn, and engage with diverse perspectives in a respectful and constructive manner.

    Tune in to Episode 17 of the 4 Pillar Podcast for an insightful conversation in "FTP! (For The Police)," and join us in fostering a society where open dialogue and mutual understanding pave the way for positive change

    Fighting the Fire - An Inspiring Interview with Local Firefighter Kyle Burden | EP 18

    Fighting the Fire - An Inspiring Interview with Local Firefighter Kyle Burden | EP 18

    Welcome to the 4 Pillar Podcast, where we bring you powerful stories of individuals who exemplify dedication and bravery in the face of challenges. In this gripping episode, titled "Fighting the Fire," we sit down with Kyle Burden, a local firefighter, to hear firsthand accounts of his courageous journey as a frontline hero. Join us as we delve into the four pillars that make firefighting a demanding yet rewarding profession.

    In this riveting interview, our host engages in a heartfelt conversation with Kyle, exploring the following key aspects of firefighting:

    1. The Call to Service: Uncover the driving forces behind Kyle's decision to become a firefighter and the sense of purpose that fuels his commitment to protecting the community.
    2. Bravery and Resilience: Learn about the extraordinary courage required to face dangerous situations daily and how firefighters like Kyle build resilience to overcome the physical and emotional challenges of their profession.
    3. Teamwork and Camaraderie: Discover the importance of teamwork in firefighting, as Kyle shares stories of camaraderie among firefighters and their unwavering support for each other in the line of duty.
    4. Lifelong Learning and Training: Gain insights into the rigorous training and ongoing learning required to be a competent firefighter, ensuring they are always prepared to handle any emergency.

    Through Kyle's vivid anecdotes and experiences on the frontlines, Episode 17 of the 4 Pillar Podcast aims to honor the dedication and sacrifice of firefighters worldwide. We discuss the intensity of firefights, rescues, medical emergencies, and the lasting impact that these courageous individuals have on the lives they touch.

    Whether you're aspiring to join the firefighting profession, an admirer of selfless service, or simply seeking inspiration from real-life heroes, this episode promises to offer a unique perspective on the challenges faced by those who fight the fire to keep our communities safe.

    Tune in to Episode 17 of the 4 Pillar Podcast for a compelling interview in "Fighting the Fire" with local firefighter Kyle Burden and gain a renewed appreciation for the brave men and women who risk their lives to protect and serve.

    Dealing & Living With Anxiety & Depression | Ep 16

    Dealing & Living With Anxiety & Depression | Ep 16

    Welcome to the 4 Pillar Podcast, your source of inspiration and insights on the essential elements of a fulfilling life. In Episode 16, titled "Dealing & Living With Anxiety & Depression," we tackle the profound and sensitive topic of mental health. Join us as we explore strategies, share personal stories, and offer valuable tools to help individuals navigate the challenges of anxiety and depression.

    In this compassionate episode, our host engages in an open and honest conversation with mental health experts, individuals with lived experiences, and therapists specializing in anxiety and depression. Together, they delve into the four pillars of well-being and how they intertwine with mental health:

    1. Self-Care and Wellness: Discover practical self-care techniques, mindfulness practices, and strategies for promoting mental and emotional well-being in your daily life.
    2. Building Resilience: Explore ways to develop resilience and strengthen your ability to bounce back from life's setbacks, managing anxiety and depression with greater strength and determination.
    3. Seeking Support: Learn about the importance of seeking support, both professionally and through personal networks, and find out how to build a reliable support system to lean on during difficult times.
    4. Destigmatizing Mental Health: Address the stigma surrounding anxiety and depression, and gain insights into ways we can create a more compassionate and understanding society.

    Through candid personal stories, expert advice, and evidence-based research, Episode 16 of the 4 Pillar Podcast aims to break down the barriers surrounding mental health and provide practical tools for those affected by anxiety and depression. Topics covered include understanding the root causes, coping mechanisms, therapy options, medication, and the impact of lifestyle choices on mental well-being.

    Whether you are personally dealing with anxiety or depression, supporting a loved one, or seeking to increase your mental health awareness, this episode promises to offer valuable perspectives, insights, and practical strategies to help you live a more fulfilling life.

    Tune in to Episode 16 of the 4 Pillar Podcast and join us on this crucial journey of understanding, acceptance, and empowerment in dealing with anxiety and depression.

    Raising Children From a Young & Older Parents Perspective | Ep 15

    Raising Children From a Young & Older Parents Perspective | Ep 15

    In Episode 14, we delve into the enriching and often challenging journey of raising children. Join us as we unlock valuable insights, share personal experiences, and offer practical strategies for nurturing the next generation.

    In this thought-provoking episode, our host engages in a heartfelt conversation with leading experts, seasoned parents, and child development specialists. Together, they uncover the four key pillars that form the foundation of successful parenting:

    1. Emotional Intelligence: Discover how to cultivate emotional intelligence in children, promoting empathy, self-awareness, and healthy relationships.
    2. Communication and Connection: Learn effective strategies for fostering open lines of communication with your children, strengthening the parent-child bond, and creating a safe space for dialogue.
    3. Discipline and Boundaries: Explore the delicate balance of setting boundaries, implementing discipline, and instilling values to help children navigate the complexities of life.
    4. Holistic Development: Gain insights into nurturing the holistic development of your child, including their physical, intellectual, and social well-being.

    Through engaging anecdotes and evidence-based research, Episode 14 of the 4 Pillar Podcast equips parents, caregivers, and anyone involved in the upbringing of children with actionable advice and valuable perspectives. We explore topics such as the power of positive reinforcement, fostering resilience, guiding children through technology and media, and adapting parenting strategies to different age groups.

    Whether you're a new parent seeking guidance or an experienced caregiver looking to enhance your skills, this episode promises to empower you with knowledge, tips, and a renewed perspective on raising children in today's world.

    Tune in to Episode 14 of the 4 Pillar Podcast, and join us on this enlightening journey of understanding, nurturing, and celebrating the incredible task of raising children.

    Basic business & personal financial literacy with Palms Probooks | EP 14

    Basic business & personal financial literacy with Palms Probooks | EP 14

    Welcome back to the 4 Pillar Podcast recorded at Lashley Training Center. Our topic today is Basic business & personal financial literacy with Palms Probooks. We bring in a local expert named Drezden to help us cover all the core principles of stewarding our $$$ better. 

    If you struggle with money or are a seasoned veteran we have some amazing things to share with you so take a listen! It's not about how much you make but how much you keep & stay organized! 

    All about posture & how it defines your health | EP 12

    All about posture & how it defines your health | EP 12

    "You can define if someone has good or bad health by their posture."


    4 Pillar Podcast recorded in Lashley Training Center in mount vernon Ohio brings you all about posture with Dr.Stinemetz. Posture is everything when you start talking about exercise and health. Ultimately you can decide if someone is healthy by their posture. There is an epidemic of bad posture especially with the usage of phones. This is what you can do to stop this epidemic of bad posture. We break down all the info we can on posture and how to maintain it. Dr.Stinemetz has a lot of good tips, tricks, & recommendations throughout the podcast as well. 

    Make sure you sit or stand up straight and listen to this one! 


    4 Pillar Podcast
    en-usApril 18, 2023

    Ep 11 | Leadership in the Workplace w/ apache pilot Rolo

    Ep 11 | Leadership in the Workplace w/ apache pilot Rolo

    4 Pillar Podcast recorded in Lashley Training Center in mount vernon Ohio brings you all about leadership in the workplace. Today we have the opportunity to have Rolo Sanchez, soon to be x military with a mountain size of experience, share his insights into leadership. The military creates a foundation of leadership for everyone who passes through. We discuss how to be a good leader, what makes a good leader, how to not be a good leader, & hear stories of experience from apache pilot Rolo. 

    Also always stock the fridge to the best of your ability. 

    If you believe it you can achieve it! 

    4 Pillar Podcast: Motivation | How can we constantly stay motivated every single day? | Ep 10

    4 Pillar Podcast: Motivation | How can we constantly stay motivated every single day? | Ep 10

    4 Pillar Podcast is recorded from Lashley Training Center in Mount Vernon Ohio. This week we want to talk about what keeps us constantly motivated. Motivation is essential it’s the motive to get things done in life. How do we keep motivated? What does it really mean to have in one's life? 

    Matt & Ian share how motivation has changed over the years. They express what they do to stay motivated. They also try to break down what motivation really is as well. Mat & Ian share stories of how & what motivation has done in their lives from personal experience. If you need motivation you need to listen. 

    On a side note, we also hear how Matt stays motivated to wrestle down 500-pound grizzly bears every weekend…. Just kidding but staying motivated can feel like that sometimes. We hope you enjoy it! 

    Don’t forget to give us a like, share, & subscribe! 

    If you believe it you can achieve it! 

    Chubby to Chip & Dale Physique | Ep 9

    Chubby to Chip & Dale Physique | Ep 9

    4 Pillar Podcast presents Chubby to Chip & Dale Physique with Easton Groom. Key points for men and teen boys can lose body fat and build lean muscle mass while getting healthier. 4 Pillar Podcast recorded at Lashley Training Center in Mount Vernon Ohio brings Easton Groom in to share his story. Easton went from a 280 big man playing high school football to a mean lean shredded machine attacking his college days. He is the perfect person to run through how young athletes can be better in the kitchen especially. Now Easton having CPT & personal training at Lashley Training Center has even more of an edge in the game of getting your beach body ready for all types of people.  As a bonus, Matt and Ian share ways to build more muscle and burn fat for aging men too. 

    IF you believe it you can achieve it!!! 

    4 Pillar Podcast
    en-usFebruary 25, 2023

    Christian Business Wisdom Featuring Stuart Washington | Ep 8

    Christian Business Wisdom Featuring Stuart Washington | Ep 8

     Christian Business Wisdom Featuring Stuart Washington

    The 4 Pillar Podcast recorded at Lashley Training Center in Mount Vernon Ohio brings you a story from scratch to massive success. We're blessed with the opportunity to have Stuart Washington featured on today's episode. He shares what it took to go from scratch to having a very successful business. In his many years of blood, sweat, & tears, we can pick his brain of lessons learned the hard way. Stuart reflects on some of the biggest lessons he learned taking a start-up company from nothing to being listed as an IPO. He shares overcoming the massive challenge of balancing work, family, fitness, & spiritual health. 

    We hope you can take something to apply to your own life. We hope to see you in the gym soon because, if you believe it you can achieve it! 

    4 Pillar Podcast
    en-usFebruary 14, 2023

    Toxic Masculinity & Femininity Featuring Kylie Lashley | Ep 7

    Toxic Masculinity & Femininity Featuring Kylie Lashley | Ep 7

    The 4 Pillar Podcast Recorded at Lashley Training Center in Mount Vernon Ohio brings you episode number 7 

    What is Toxic Masculinity & femininity? Is it a bad thing or a good thing? These are two questions we try to get to the bottom of.  We believe masculinity & femininity are good. Men need to be masculine and women need to be feminine. Also, people, in general, should carry a set of similar attributes to make them good people which women and men both hold. Enjoy the conversation from a women's perspective with this episode featuring Kylie Lashley. 

    Let's dig into a hot topic about what's happening to our men and women! 

    4 Pillar Podcast
    en-usJanuary 08, 2023

    Life lessons from the cockpit. A pilots 30,000 foot view w/ Josh Escalante | Ep 6

    Life lessons from the cockpit. A pilots 30,000 foot view w/ Josh Escalante | Ep 6

    Welcome back to the 4 Pillar Podcast! We're excited to have private and commercial pilot Josh Escalante on our show. We discuss life lessons he's learned over the years of flying. Josh talks about how he dealt with being away from his family for 14-15 days while working.  One essential objective is to have a good work/family life balance. Josh also shares a story about overcoming a potential crash landing when transporting a plane himself. 

    Take a listen to Life lessons from the cockpit. A pilots 30,000-foot view w/ Josh Escalante 


    4 Pillar Podcast
    en-usJanuary 02, 2023

    Why are people fat, divorced, & broke | Ep 5

    Why are people fat, divorced, & broke | Ep 5

    The 4 Pillar podcast is recorded at Lashley Training Center located in Mount Vernon Ohio. In this episode, Matt & Ian debate 3 big problems every person will have to face or fight to avoid. Why are so many people fat, divorced, broke, or all 3? Let's see how we can develop good values, and discipline, & do the hard things.  Give us a like or subscribe if you haven't! Look for us on Apple & Google podcast. Want us to cover a topic or come talk with us..... Just let us know. 

    4 Pillar Podcast
    en-usDecember 17, 2022