
    Podcast Summary

    • Harness the Power of AI to Stay Ahead in an Evolving SocietyTo effectively integrate AI into your product strategy, understand your product's core premise, assess how AI can fulfill user needs, and learn from failures to evolve and succeed.

      Exploring AI properly is crucial to avoid being left behind in a rapidly transforming society. To leverage AI effectively, it's important to start with the core premise of your product and understand why people use it and the problem it solves for them. By going back to basics and assessing whether AI can fulfill those needs, you can determine its potential impact on your product. AI can either fully or partially replace certain functionalities, while in other cases, it can augment and assist users. Matching your product with what AI can do and what it will be able to do enables you to make informed decisions about integrating AI into your product strategy. Additionally, failure is an inevitable part of growth, and it's essential to learn from these experiences to evolve and succeed.

    • Embracing failures and adapting to unexpected situations for personal and professional growth.Learn from setbacks and use them as opportunities for growth and development. Embrace unexpected challenges and continue learning from them to progress and evolve.

      It's important to learn from failures and adapt to unexpected situations. Paul Adams recounts his experience of freezing on stage during a conference talk, but he eventually realized that it wasn't such a big deal. He emphasizes the need to go with the flow and not let these curveballs hinder our progress. Similarly, during his time at Google and Facebook, Adams worked on projects that were not successful due to fear-driven motivations. However, he learned valuable lessons on leadership and the importance of creating products that genuinely address people's needs. He discovered that people needed better ways to communicate with close friends and family, which seems obvious now with the popularity of messaging apps like WhatsApp. It's crucial to embrace setbacks and continue learning and evolving from them.

    • Embracing Failure and Risk-Taking for Growth and SuccessFailure and risk-taking are crucial for personal and professional growth. Embracing failure as a learning opportunity and adopting a growth mindset leads to continuous improvement and success in the long run.

      Failure and taking risks are essential components of growth and success. Paul Adams shares his experiences of leaving Google for Facebook, facing scrutiny and being seen as a traitor. Despite the challenges, he believes that failure is a valuable learning opportunity and encourages embracing failure as part of the journey. At Intercom, Adams found a company that values trying new things and making big bets, even if they don't always succeed. Their principle of "Ship fast, ship early, ship often" promotes a culture of continuous improvement through learning from mistakes. This takeaway emphasizes the importance of embracing failure, taking risks, and adopting a mindset that values growth over perfection.

    • Balancing Quality Standards and Embracing AI: The DilemmaPrioritizing time for learning and experimentation with AI tools can help navigate its impact on society while maintaining work-life balance.

      There is a real tension between maintaining high standards of quality and embracing new technologies like AI. Intercom, a company with a design founder background, values craft and never wants to be embarrassed by what they ship. However, there is also a strong belief that AI will have a profound impact on society, similar to the internet or mobile technology. While some people are skeptical due to past hype, others are fully committed and see AI as a game-changer. For those who want to dive deeper into AI but struggle with time constraints, the key is prioritization. Taking dedicated time to read, stay updated, and experiment with AI tools like ChatGPT can help navigate this rapidly evolving field without sacrificing work-life balance.

    • Strategic Incorporation of AI in Product DevelopmentUnderstanding the core premise of the product and assessing AI's capabilities can help businesses determine how AI can enhance their offerings, revolutionizing industries.

      Businesses need to start thinking strategically about their products and whether AI should be incorporated into their development. Instead of getting sidetracked by the technology itself, it's important to first understand the core premise of the product and the problem it solves for users. From there, the question becomes: "Can AI do what our product does?" In many cases, the answer will be yes or at least partially. Mapping out what AI is capable of, including tasks like writing, summarizing, answering queries, and more, can help businesses determine how AI can enhance their offerings. It's crucial to stay ahead of the curve and explore the possibilities of AI, as it has the potential to revolutionize industries just like the mobile wave did a decade ago.

    • The Power of AI in Various IndustriesBusinesses in B2B SaaS or media-related fields should consider integrating AI into their products to enhance efficiency and customer support, while also being prepared for organizational change and new job opportunities.

      AI has the power to take actions and make a significant impact on various industries. It can accomplish tasks like changing flight reservations or solving customer service issues. This means that businesses, especially those in B2B SaaS or media-related fields, need to consider what AI can do and how it can be integrated into their products. For some, AI may replace certain functions entirely, while in other areas, it can serve as a helpful co-pilot. Intercom, for example, experienced a transformative before-after moment when they shifted their strategy to embrace AI in customer support. Their AI chatbot, Fin, became the first line of defense, resulting in mind-blowing results. However, this shift also necessitated organizational change and reimagining team structures. While it's still early to fully measure the impact, it's clear that AI has the potential to revolutionize industries and offer new job opportunities, like conversation designers or AI managers.

    • AI's Potential and Growth in Various IndustriesAI has already shown success in customer support and image recognition, with advancements in natural language processing and reasoning abilities surpassing expectations. This raises questions about the future role of professionals in fields like radiology.

      AI is showing great potential in various industries, including customer support and image recognition. While there is still some skepticism surrounding its capabilities, there are already successful examples of AI-powered solutions, such as Intercom's Fin, which can answer a significant percentage of inbound questions. However, it's important to note that the financial transformation of businesses through AI is still in its early stages, as the exponential growth curve takes time to materialize. The advancements in AI, particularly in natural language processing and reasoning abilities, have even surpassed expectations, with ChatGPT's ability to understand and reason impressively. Additionally, AI's proficiency in image recognition has opened up new possibilities, such as providing instant interpretations of foreign text or detecting issues in photographs. These advancements raise questions about the future role of professionals in fields like radiology, where AI has already demonstrated superior performance compared to human experts. Overall, there is compelling evidence to suggest that AI is indeed the future.

    • AI's Impact on Healthcare, Communication, and Ethical ConsiderationsAI technology has the potential to revolutionize radiologists' roles, improve patient care, and create virtual replicas for communication, but ethical implications and skilled machine learning engineers are crucial for successful integration.

      AI technology is rapidly changing various industries and professions, including healthcare and communication. For radiologists, AI has the potential to revolutionize their role by allowing them to focus on patient care rather than spending countless hours analyzing X-rays. This can help alleviate issues such as long hospital queues and waiting lists for X-rays. Additionally, AI advancements in voice and facial recognition have the potential to create virtual replicas of individuals, offering a way to communicate with deceased loved ones. However, the ethical implications of such technology and its impact on society remain uncertain. Moreover, integrating AI into teams and organizations requires a strong foundation of skilled machine learning engineers to build upon existing AI technologies and develop truly remarkable solutions.

    • Building and integrating AI knowledge across all product teams at Intercom to enhance user experience and tackle ML-heavy projects successfully.Intercom invests in expanding their ML team and believes in integrating AI knowledge across all product teams, emphasizing the importance of staying updated on the rapidly evolving field of AI.

      Building out the function of machine learning (ML) teams is crucial. At Intercom, they have significantly invested in expanding their ML team, which has allowed them to tackle both ML-heavy projects and front-end projects successfully. A key challenge they face is integrating AI assistants into their products seamlessly, making the user experience feel natural. Rather than having a separate AI team, Intercom believes in integrating AI knowledge across all product teams. They aim to have everyone learn about AI and become generalists, while still valuing specialists in areas such as machine learning. Additionally, they emphasize the importance of staying updated on the rapidly evolving field of AI through reading and staying connected with industry experts on platforms like Twitter.

    • The importance of staying informed and actively engaging with various sources in the realm of AI.Stay informed and engaged with AI specialists on platforms like Twitter, newsletters, and blogs. Experiment with different tools and apps to gain practical insights. Organizational buy-in and supportive leadership are crucial for the successful integration of AI technologies.

      Staying informed and exploring various sources are crucial in the realm of AI. Paul Adams highlights the benefits of actively engaging with different platforms like Twitter, newsletters, and blogs to expand his understanding. He emphasizes the value of following individuals and companies who specialize in AI, such as Matt Rickard and OpenAI. Moreover, he recommends trying out different tools and apps like Bard and Rewind to gain practical insights. This showcases the importance of experimentation and hands-on experience to truly comprehend the potential and limitations of AI. Additionally, Adams emphasizes the significance of organizational buy-in and shared belief in AI's potential, as having a supportive leadership team can facilitate the integration and adoption of AI technologies.

    • Embracing the Power of AI: Navigating Ambiguity and Challenging Conventional ThinkingIntegrating AI requires navigating ambiguity, challenging conventional thinking, and constantly reassessing strategies to ensure relevance and avoid mistakes. Embracing the power of AI requires adaptability and a willingness to challenge the status quo.

      Navigating ambiguity and challenging conventional thinking are key when it comes to integrating AI into various industries. The discussions and debates about the future of AI and its impact on product development are necessary to ensure that we don't become irrelevant and useless in the long run. Showing examples and tangible results of AI implementation can help people gain conviction and understand the potential of AI in their specific market. While customer support may be the most obvious area for AI integration, other industries like reporting software and project management tools are equally ripe for disruption. It's important to constantly question and reassess our strategies, keeping in mind the problem we are trying to solve as a company, and considering if AI can provide a more efficient solution. Additionally, seeking out contrary viewpoints and reading critical perspectives helps to avoid blindly following trends and making mistakes. Ultimately, adaptability and a willingness to challenge the status quo are essential in embracing the power of AI.

    • Balancing optimism and skepticism in new technologies and simplifying pricing for better customer value.Embrace new technologies cautiously, considering alternative perspectives. Simplify pricing by aligning it with the perceived value of your product or service to avoid mistakes and confusion.

      It's important to balance optimism with skepticism when it comes to new technologies like Web3 and crypto. While it's easy to get excited about the possibilities and potential benefits, it's also crucial to consider the alternative opinions and potential downsides. Don't be afraid to explore and embrace new technologies, but approach them with caution and be open to different perspectives. Additionally, when it comes to pricing, simplicity is key. Pricing can be a complex and challenging aspect of product design, but striving for a simple and straightforward approach can help avoid mistakes and confusion. Keep it simple and focus on aligning price with the value customers perceive in your product or service.

    • Simplify Pricing and Product Development for Customer Clarity and Success.Keep pricing and product offerings straightforward, prioritize differentiation that matters to customers, and ensure a solid foundation of basic features to effectively compete in established categories.

      Simplicity is key when it comes to pricing and product development. It can be tempting to add extra ways to price or introduce new features, but this ultimately leads to confusion for customers. Paul Adams advises resisting this temptation and keeping pricing and product offerings straightforward. Another important consideration is the balance between differentiation and table stakes. While differentiation is important to attract customers, it must be in ways that actually matter to them. At the same time, table stakes, which are basic and necessary features, should not be overlooked. Finding the right balance between the two is crucial for success. Additionally, for startups entering established categories, having a solid foundation of table stakes is necessary to compete effectively.

    • Balancing Differentiation and Table Stakes in StartupsStartups should invest in differentiation while also meeting customer expectations. It's important to assess the business regularly and find the right balance without losing sight of the startup's unique identity and culture.

      Startups need to find a balance between differentiation and building table stakes in order to be successful. It's important to invest in differentiation early on to stand out in the market, but also recognize the need to build essential features and capabilities that customers expect. The concept of "swinging the pendulum" reminds us to step back and assess the current state of the business and identify any undesirable gaps. However, it's crucial not to over-correct and lose sight of the startup's unique identity and culture. Finding the right balance also extends to hiring, where a mix of generalists and specialists with some adaptability can thrive in a fluid and ambiguous startup environment.

    • Taking Risks and Pushing Boundaries for Personal Growth and Success.Embrace discomfort, failure, and pushing limits to foster growth and innovation. Communicate the value of your product through a compelling and easily understood story.

      Sometimes you have to take risks and swing the pendulum high in order to truly understand the boundaries and find success. This can involve crossing uncomfortable boundaries and feeling the pain of failure, but it is necessary for growth and innovation. It's important not to shy away from pushing the limits and going all in, whether it's in the field of AI or in addressing privacy concerns. Additionally, achieving product-market fit goes beyond simply building the right product for the right market. It also requires a compelling and easily understood story that resonates with the target audience. The story must be clear and avoid over-intellectualization to effectively communicate the value of the product.

    • The Importance of Storytelling and Product Marketing in SuccessA compelling story and effective product marketing are crucial in the success of a product, even if it is superior on paper. Focus on building a great product that solves a customer's problem.

      The story behind a product is just as important as the product itself. Even if a product is superior on paper, like Ordio was compared to Spotify, it can still fail if it fails to tell a compelling story. The story helps to explain why a product is better and why customers should choose it. This emphasizes the importance of positioning and effective product marketing. While frameworks like Jobs to be Done can be useful in focusing on customer problems and insights, getting caught up in the nuances and debates of these frameworks is ultimately irrelevant to customers. The focus should always be on building a great product that solves a customer's problem.

    • Emphasizing Simplicity in Software Development for Meaningful User ExperienceCut away unnecessary elements, focus on helping users, avoid distractions, use frameworks/processes selectively, and believe in unlimited potential for success.

      Simplicity is key when it comes to building software products that improve people's lives. Paul Adams emphasizes the importance of cutting away anything that isn't necessary and focusing on the goal of helping users in a meaningful way. Adams believes that frameworks and processes can often distract and slow down the development process, so it's important to use what works best for the specific goal at hand. Additionally, Adams recommends two books to everyone: "It's Not How Good You Are, It's How Good You Want to Be" by Paul Arden and "Principles" by Ray Dalio. These books instill the belief in unlimited potential and the power of principles in achieving success.

    • Exploring the power and capabilities of AI technology and the importance of kindness and understanding in personal relationships.AI products like ChatGPT Vision and Rewind showcase the potential of AI technology while emphasizing the significance of kindness and empathy in our interactions with others.

      AI products like ChatGPT Vision and Rewind can be truly mind-blowing in their capabilities. Despite some skepticism or criticism, these products, such as the little audio recorder, offer a glimpse into the possibilities and ethical considerations of AI technology. On a personal level, Paul Adams shares valuable life lessons he's learned, such as the importance of focusing on what matters most and not worrying about things beyond our control. He emphasizes the power of being nice to people, recognizing that we never truly know what someone is going through. Being kind and understanding can have a significant impact, even if it's often underestimated or seen as trivial.

    • Embracing difficult decisions for better outcomesPrioritizing overall well-being sometimes means tackling challenging situations, leading to relief and better outcomes in the long run. Also, don't miss out on tasting Guinness and seafood in Ireland.

      Doing the harder thing can actually be the nicer thing to do. Paul Adams shares his experience of having to fire people and how it initially made him uncomfortable. However, he realized that it always worked out for both sides and brought relief to the employees. This insight teaches us that sometimes, we must embrace difficult decisions or actions because they can lead to better outcomes and alleviate discomfort in the long run. It's a reminder to prioritize the overall well-being of others, even if it means tackling challenging situations. Additionally, Paul mentions that Guinness in Ireland is superior due to its freshness and the country's expertise in fish. So, if you ever visit Ireland, be sure to try their Guinness and savor the incredible seafood they have to offer.

    Recent Episodes from Lenny's Podcast: Product | Growth | Career

    Lessons from a two-time unicorn builder, 50-time startup advisor, and 20-time company board member | Uri Levine (co-founder of Waze)

    Lessons from a two-time unicorn builder, 50-time startup advisor, and 20-time company board member | Uri Levine (co-founder of Waze)

    Uri Levine is the co-founder of Waze, the world’s largest community-based traffic and navigation app, acquired by Google for over $1 billion. He’s also founded nine other companies, been on the board of 20 companies, and advised more than 50 companies. He’s most recently the author of Fall in Love with the Problem, Not the Solution: A Handbook for Entrepreneurs, hailed by Steve Wozniak as the “Bible for entrepreneurs.” Uri is dedicated to creating impactful startups that solve real-world problems and has seen everything from failure to moderate success to big success. In our conversation, we dig into:

    • Why falling in love with the problem is key to startup success

    • The phases of the startup journey and how to navigate them

    • Why firing is more important than hiring

    • How Waze iterated to achieve product-market fit

    • Tactics for telling a compelling story when fundraising

    • Much more

    Brought to you by:

    Vanta—Automate compliance. Simplify security

    Mercury—The powerful and intuitive way for ambitious companies to bank

    LinkedIn Ads—Reach professionals and drive results for your business

    Find the transcript at: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/lessons-from-uri-levine

    Where to find Uri Levine:

    • X: https://twitter.com/urilevine1

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/uri-levine

    • Website: https://urilevine.com/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Uri’s background

    (02:50) Falling in love with the problem

    (09:03) Signs this is a big enough problem

    (10:54) The importance of passion

    (12:06) A pivot example

    (14:01) Where to find startup ideas

    (21:57) Finding product-market fit at Waze

    (29:45) The different phases of a startup journey

    (36:47) What investors don’t want to hear

    (39:53) Fundraising tips

    (48:02) How to make your presentations stronger

    (50:32) A wild fundraising story

    (53:46) Firing and hiring

    (59:50) The 30-day test

    (01:04:12) Understanding users

    (01:12:10) Talking to the right users

    (01:15:36) Lightning round


    Fall in Love with the Problem, Not the Solution: A Handbook for Entrepreneurs: https://www.amazon.com/Fall-Love-Problem-Solution-Entrepreneurs/dp/1637741987

    • Waze: https://www.waze.com/

    • Ben Horowitz on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/behorowitz/

    • Ben Horowitz quote: https://quotefancy.com/quote/1635284/Ben-Horowitz-As-a-startup-CEO-I-slept-like-a-baby-I-woke-up-every-2-hours-and-cried

    • Michael Jordan quote: https://www.forbes.com/quotes/11194/#:~:text=I've%20lost%20almost%20300,that%20is%20why%20I%20succeed.

    • Steph Curry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Curry

    • How Airbnb Used Word of Mouth to Change the Travel Industry Forever: https://truested.com/story/airbnb

    • Space Mountain: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_Mountain_(Disneyland)

    • How Netflix builds a culture of excellence | Elizabeth Stone (CTO): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/how-netflix-builds-a-culture-of-excellence

    • Steve Wozniak on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/wozniaksteve/

    • Uri’s post about the conference in Guatemala with Steve Wozniak: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/uri-levine_jewishnewyear-speakers-book-activity-6980089544079486976-0ADa/

    • Leonardo da Vinci quote: https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/9010638-simplicity-is-the-ultimate-sophistication-when-once-you-have-tasted

    • Geoffrey Moore on finding your beachhead, crossing the chasm, and dominating a market: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/geoffrey-moore-on-finding-your-beachhead

    • Nana Korobi Ya Oki: https://ikigaitribe.com/vlog/nana-korobi-ya-oki/

    That Will Never Work: The Birth of Netflix and the Amazing Life of an Idea: https://www.amazon.com/That-Will-Never-Work-Netflix/dp/0316530204

    Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones: https://www.amazon.com/Atomic-Habits-Proven-Build-Break/dp/0735211299

    • 8 Great Chess Apps for Beginners and Grand Masters: https://www.wired.com/story/best-chess-apps/

    • Pontera: https://pontera.com/

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

    Inside Canva: Coaches not managers, giving away your Legos, and running profitably | Cameron Adams (co-founder and CPO)

    Inside Canva: Coaches not managers, giving away your Legos, and running profitably | Cameron Adams (co-founder and CPO)

    Cameron Adams is the co-founder and chief product officer of Canva. Canva is one of the world’s most valuable private software companies, used by 95% of Fortune 500 companies. Since its launch in 2013, Canva has grown to over 150 million monthly users in more than 190 countries, generating $2.3 billion in annual revenue. Prior to Canva, Cameron ran a design consultancy, worked at Google on Google Wave, and founded the email startup Fluent. He is also an author of five web design books and a regular speaker at global conferences. In our conversation, we discuss:

    • Why they spent a year building their minimum viable product (MVP) before launch

    • Why Canva has no managers, and their unique approach to coaching and performance reviews

    • Why they encourage employees to “give away their Legos”

    • Insights into Canva’s SEO growth strategy

    • Their three-pillar framework for integrating AI into their product

    • Stories from the early days

    Brought to you by:

    WorkOS—Modern identity platform for B2B SaaS, free up to 1 million MAUs

    Attio—The powerful, flexible CRM for fast-growing startups

    Vanta—Automate compliance. Simplify security.

    Find the transcript at: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/inside-canva-with-cameron-adams

    Where to find Cameron Adams:

    • X: https://twitter.com/themaninblue

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/themaninblue

    • Website: https://themaninblue.com/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Cameron’s background

    (02:00) Reflecting on the success of Canva

    (04:50) Reflecting on hard times

    (10:01) Canva’s product-obsessed culture

    (12:02) Why they prioritize internal promotions and hires

    (13:56) What makes Canva unique

    (16:31) The concept of giving away your Legos

    (21:44) Why Canva has no managers

    (24:29) Product management at Canva

    (27:56) Reflections on working with a married couple

    (30:37) Why they spent a year building their MVP before launch

    (33:49) Advice for building an MVP

    (41:23) Canva’s onboarding transformation

    (44:25) Canva’s SEO strategy

    (50:37) The success of Canva’s freemium strategy

    (54:24) Integrating AI into Canva’s product

    (01:01:50) Where to find Cameron


    • Canva: https://www.canva.com/

    • Melanie Perkins on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/melanieperkins

    • Cliff Obrecht on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cliff-obrecht-79ba9920

    • Jennie Rogerson, Head of People, LinkedIn post about “season opener” events: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/jennierogerson_season-opener-is-one-of-my-favourite-events-activity-7006815614556135424-73bD/

    Game of Thrones on HBO: https://www.hbo.com/game-of-thrones

    • Woodstock: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodstock

    • ‘Give Away Your Legos’ and Other Commandments for Scaling Startups: https://review.firstround.com/give-away-your-legos-and-other-commandments-for-scaling-startups/

    • Minimum viable product (MVP): https://www.productboard.com/glossary/minimum-viable-product-mvp

    • Canva’s SEO Strategy Is Elite: https://thegrowthplaybook.substack.com/p/canvas-seo-strategy-is-elite

    • The SEO Strategy That Led Canva to a $40 Billion Valuation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=INyGKt6LAqM

    • Andrianes Pinantoan on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrianes/

    • Canva Create: https://www.canva.com/canva-create/

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

    The surprising truth about what closes deals: Insights from 2.5m sales conversations | Matt Dixon (author of The Challenger Sale and The JOLT Effect)

    The surprising truth about what closes deals: Insights from 2.5m sales conversations | Matt Dixon (author of The Challenger Sale and The JOLT Effect)

    Matt Dixon is one of the world’s foremost experts in sales and the author of The Challenger Sale, which sold over a million copies worldwide and was a #1 Amazon and Wall Street Journal bestseller. His most recent book, The JOLT Effect, focuses on overcoming customer indecision—one of the biggest challenges to closing deals. Outside of writing, Matt co-founded DCM Insights, a boutique consultancy helping organizations understand customer behavior, and is a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, with more than 20 print and online articles to his credit. In our conversation, we discuss:

    • Why 40% to 60% of qualified sales opportunities are lost due to customer indecision

    • Why dialing up FOMO doesn’t work, and what to do instead

    • The “pings and echoes” technique to catch issues early

    • The JOLT method for overcoming indecision

    • Key lessons from The Challenger Sale

    • Practical examples of how to apply these principles to close more deals

    Brought to you by:

    Enterpret—Transform customer feedback into product growth

    Webflow—The web experience platform

    Heap—Cross-platform product analytics that converts, engages, and retains customers

    Find the transcript at: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/close-more-deals-matt-dixon

    Where to find Matt Dixon:

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthewxdixon

    • Website: https://www.jolteffect.com/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Matt’s background

    (01:57) The research behind Matt’s books

    (06:08) Insights from The JOLT Effect

    (10:15) FOMO vs. FOMU

    (18:18) An example of selling software

    (26:04) The JOLT method Step 1: Judge their level of indecision

    (29:41) The “pings and echoes” technique

    (34:49) Step 2: Offer a recommendation

    (38:36) Step 3: Limit the exploration

    (41:43) Step 4: Take risk off the table

    (45:58) When to hit the pause button with a customer

    (47:27) Insights from The Challenger Sale

    (49:07) An example of a challenger sale

    (55:23) Where to find Matt


    • A step-by-step guide to crafting a sales pitch that wins | April Dunford (author of Obviously Awesome and Sales Pitch): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/a-step-by-step-guide-to-crafting

    The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation: https://www.amazon.com/Challenger-Sale-Control-Customer-Conversation/dp/0670922854

    The JOLT Effect: How High Performers Overcome Customer Indecision: https://www.amazon.com/JOLT-Effect-Performers-Overcome-Indecision/dp/0593538102

    • Gartner acquires CEB: https://www.gartner.com/en/about/acquisitions/history/ceb-acquisition

    Tiger King on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81115994

    • Why sourdough went viral: https://www.economist.com/1843/2020/08/04/why-sourdough-went-viral

    • Neil Rackham: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neil_Rackham

    • Status quo bias in decision-making: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Status_quo_bias

    • Omission bias: https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/omission-bias

    • Gartner Magic Quadrant & Critical Capabilities: https://www.gartner.com/en/research/magic-quadrant

    • Dunning-Kruger effect: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect

    • Stop Losing Sales to Customer Indecision: https://hbr.org/2022/06/stop-losing-sales-to-customer-indecision

    • Dentsply Sirona: https://www.dentsplysirona.com/

    • “We happy?” Briefcase scene from Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGchDuOpbhE

    • Nupro Freedom Cordless Prophy System: https://www.dentsplysirona.com/en-us/discover/discover-by-category/preventive/hygiene-handpieces.html

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

    Unorthodox frameworks for growing your product, career, and impact | Bangaly Kaba (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Instacart)

    Unorthodox frameworks for growing your product, career, and impact | Bangaly Kaba (YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Instacart)

    Bangaly Kaba was an early growth PM at Facebook, head of growth at Instagram, and VP of Product at Instacart and is currently Director of Product at YouTube overseeing a global team working on creator monetization. Bangaly has also been a growth advisor to dozens of companies, including Twitter, on the board of multiple companies, and is an active angel investor. In our conversation, we discuss:

    • A simple framework for choosing where to work and what to work on

    • The importance of “understand work”

    • The “adjacent users” theory and how it can help you drive growth

    • Advice for coaching product managers

    • Invaluable lessons from his time at Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube

    • Much more

    Brought to you by:

    Uizard—AI-powered prototyping for visionary product leaders

    Mercury—The powerful and intuitive way for ambitious companies to bank

    Vanta—Automate compliance. Simplify security.

    Find the transcript and references at: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/frameworks-for-growing-your-career-bangaly-kaba

    Where to find Bangaly Kaba:

    • X: https://twitter.com/iambangaly

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iambangaly/

    • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iambangaly/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Bangaly’s background

    (06:31) Choosing where to work and what to work on

    (08:39) The impact factor

    (10:53) Evaluating the environment

    (15:53) The manager component

    (18:27) The skills part of the equation

    (23:49) Advice on finding a mentor

    (25:42) The power of “understand work”

    (31:17) Operationalizing understand work

    (37:55) Balancing understand work

    (41:25) Managing complex change

    (45:26) Effective management of product managers

    (51:35) The role of product managers as coaches and team leaders

    (54:52) Driving growth through flywheels and value proposition

    (01:03:14) Understanding adjacent users

    (01:08:41) The role of partnerships and SEO in Instagram’s early growth

    (01:16:08) The secret behind Instagram’s growth

    (01:25:37) Lessons from Facebook

    (01:29:15) Failure corner

    (01:31:58) Lightning round


    • Impact = Environment x Skills: How to Make Career Decisions: https://www.reforge.com/blog/how-to-make-career-decisions

    • Thinking beyond frameworks | Casey Winters (Pinterest, Eventbrite, Airbnb, Tinder, Canva, Reddit, Grubhub): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/thinking-beyond-frameworks-casey

    • Casey Winters’s blog: https://caseyaccidental.com/

    • Ben Thompson’s newsletter: https://stratechery.com/about/

    • Elena Verna on how B2B growth is changing, product-led growth, product-led sales, why you should go freemium not trial, what features to make free, and much more: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/elena-verna-on-why-every-company

    • George Lee on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geolee/

    • Bangaly Kaba: The Path to 1 Billion: Lessons Learned from Growing Instagram—CXL LIVE 2018: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9ZHlb6kj_E

    • What Is ‘Dogfooding’?: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/14/business/dogfooding.html

    • Bloom’s taxonomy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloom%27s_taxonomy

    • Kevin Systrom on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinsystrom/

    • Mike Krieger on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikekrieger/

    • LeBron James: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LeBron_James

    • Kobe Bryant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_Bryant

    •  Mike Krzyzewski: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mike_Krzyzewski

    • John Calipari: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Calipari

    • Stripe: https://stripe.com/

    • Chief: https://chief.com/

    • Jobs to be done framework: https://jobs-to-be-done.com/jobs-to-be-done-a-framework-for-customer-needs-c883cbf61c90

    • The Adjacent User: https://brianbalfour.com/quick-takes/the-adjacent-user

    • How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/how-the-biggest-consumer-apps-got

    • Alex Zhu on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/keepsilence/

    • From Brush to Canvas with Alex Zhu of Musical.ly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ey15v81pwII

    • Selena Gomez on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/selenagomez/

    • Kim Kardashian on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/kimkardashian/

    • Rob Andrews on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robby-andrews-64669720/

    • Instagram’s growth speeds up as it hits 700 million users: https://techcrunch.com/2017/04/26/instagram-700-million-users/

    Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World: https://www.amazon.com/Range-Generalists-Triumph-Specialized-World/dp/0735214484

    Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World: https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Work-Focused-Success-Distracted/dp/1455586692

    Start at the End: How to Build Products That Create Change: https://www.amazon.com/Start-End-Products-Create-Change/dp/0525534423

    • Flighty app: https://www.flightyapp.com/

    • Adam Grant on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/adamgrant/

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

    Why not asking for what you want is holding you back | Kenneth Berger (exec coach, first PM at Slack)

    Why not asking for what you want is holding you back | Kenneth Berger (exec coach, first PM at Slack)

    Kenneth Berger coaches startup leaders on how to prevent burnout, advocate for their desired lifestyle, and make a meaningful impact on the world. He’s spent more than 20 years in the tech industry, is a former founder backed by top investors, and was the first product manager at Slack. Kenneth’s core mission is to help startup leaders change the world by learning to ask for what they want, living with integrity, and building genuine relationships even with the people they find most challenging. Currently he is writing a book, Ask for What You Want, in which he aims to share his actionable strategies for creating change in the world. In our conversation, we explore:

    • Why asking for what you want is so impactful

    • Three steps to effectively ask for what you want

    • Challenges that arise when people struggle to ask for what they want

    • Why hearing “no” is a normal part of the process

    • The “dream behind the complaint” technique for uncovering desires

    • Kenneth’s experience of being fired three times from Slack

    • How embracing fear and discomfort is key to getting what you want

    • Why discipline is overrated

    Brought to you by:

    Sidebar—Accelerate your career by surrounding yourself with extraordinary peers

    Webflow—The web experience platform

    Vanta—Automate compliance. Simplify security

    Find the transcript at: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/ask-for-what-you-want-kenneth-berger

    Where to find Kenneth Berger:

    • X: https://twitter.com/kberger

    • Threads: https://www.threads.net/@kberger

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kberger/

    • Website: https://kberger.com/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Kenneth’s background

    (04:31) The importance of asking for what you want

    (06:36) Challenges that arise when people struggle to ask for what they want

    (08:09) A personal example of failing to ask for what you want

    (09:17) Signs this is a skill you need to work on

    (10:49) How to get better at knowing what you want

    (15:28) Why hearing “no” is a normal part of the process

    (17:29) Getting a “yes” vs. a “hell yes”

    (19:20) Step 1: Articulate what you want

    (24:07) Doing an integrity check

    (26:56) Step 2: Ask for what you want intentionally

    (30:45) Understanding your influence

    (34:48) Using complaints as inspiration

    (36:24) Internal family systems

    (38:00) Giving feedback

    (41:24) Step 3: Accept the response

    (45:22) Kenneth’s experience of being fired three times from Slack

    (57:30) Advice on being the first PM at a company or startup

    (01:04:58) Contrarian corner: anti-discipline

    (01:05:52) Lightning round


    • Joining as the first product manager: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/joining-as-the-first-product-manager

    • Internal Family Systems: https://ifs-institute.com/

    • How to build deeper, more robust relationships | Carole Robin (Stanford GSB professor, “Touchy Feely”): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/build-robust-relationships-carole-robin

    • Leaders in Tech: https://leadersintech.org/

    • The Three Realities Framework | The 15% Rule | Feedback Guidelines: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/build-robust-relationships-carole-robin

    • T-group weekends at Stanford: https://www.gsb.stanford.edu/experience/learning/leadership/interpersonal-dynamics/facilitation-training-program/intro-tgroup

    • DBT skill DEAR MAN: https://www.therapistaid.com/therapy-worksheet/dbt-dear-man

    • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT): https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/22838-dialectical-behavior-therapy-dbt

    • Vision, conviction, and hype: How to build 0 to 1 inside a company | Mihika Kapoor (Product at Figma): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/vision-conviction-hype-mihika-kapoor

    • Stewart Butterfield on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/butterfield/

    • How to fire people with grace, work through fear, and nurture innovation | Matt Mochary (CEO coach): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/how-to-fire-people-with-grace-work

    Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity: https://www.amazon.com/Radical-Candor-Kick-Ass-Without-Humanity/dp/1250103509

    • Radical Candor: From theory to practice with author Kim Scott: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/radical-candor-from-theory-to-practice

    • Jonny Miller’s Nervous System Mastery course: https://nsmastery.com/lenny

    • Managing nerves, anxiety, and burnout | Jonny Miller (Nervous System Mastery): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/managing-nerves-anxiety-and-burnout

    The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership: A New Paradigm for Sustainable Success: https://www.amazon.com/15-Commitments-Conscious-Leadership-Sustainable-ebook/dp/B00R3MHWUE

    Break Point on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81569920

    Living on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81582076

    • Wimbledon tennis: https://www.wimbledon.com

    • Wenshan Baozhong tea: https://redblossomtea.com/products/wenshan-baozhong?variant=31629962820

    • Tea From Taiwan: https://www.teafromtaiwan.com/

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

    Be fundamentally different, not incrementally better | Jag Duggal (Nubank, Facebook, Google, Quantcast)

    Be fundamentally different, not incrementally better | Jag Duggal (Nubank, Facebook, Google, Quantcast)

    Jag Duggal is chief product officer at Nubank, a decacorn neobank founded in Brazil. It’s valued at over $30 billion, is bigger than Coinbase, Robinhood, Affirm, and SoFi combined, has 100 million customers (more than Bank of America!) while only operating in three countries in Latin America, and 80% to 90% of its growth comes through word of mouth. Prior to Nubank, Jag was a director of product management at Facebook, a senior vice president at Quantcast, and a product leader at Google. In our conversation, we discuss:

    • How Nubank builds a fanatical user base

    • Tactics for driving word-of-mouth growth

    • Measuring customer love through the Sean Ellis score

    • The importance of strategic clarity

    • The role of category design in creating successful products

    • Why companies should strive to be “fundamentally different,” not “incrementally better”

    • Nubank’s vision for an AI-powered banking future

    Brought to you by:

    WorkOS—Modern identity platform for B2B SaaS, free up to 1 million MAUs

    Mercury—The powerful and intuitive way for ambitious companies to bank

    OneSchema—Import CSV data 10x faster

    Find the transcript at: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/be-fundamentally-different-jag-duggal

    Where to find Jag Duggal:

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jagduggal/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Jag’s background

    (04:34) Nubank’s remarkable achievements

    (06:01) Nubank’s product development process

    (11:23) Nubank’s values

    (12:16) Building products people love fanatically

    (15:21) The Sean Ellis score

    (21:27) An example project using the Sean Ellis score

    (25:07) Picking up the phone and calling customers

    (28:20) The importance of starting small and iterating

    (30:42) Pushing back effectively

    (34:10) Uncovering pain points through customer research

    (37:53) An example of setting a clear hypothesis

    (42:01) Developing a strategy

    (52:16) “Be fundamentally different, not incrementally better”

    (53:10) Category design

    (57:37) Nubank’s founding story and goals for the future

    (01:00:46) Advice for adding new product lines

    (01:03:46) The future of fintech and banking

    (01:09:23) AI corner

    (01:12:34) Failure corner

    (01:20:24) Key takeaways

    (01:22:11) Lightning round


    • Nubank: https://nubank.com.br/en/

    • Coinbase: https://www.coinbase.com/

    • Robinhood: https://www.robinhood.com/

    • SoFi: https://www.sofi.com/

    • Affirm: https://www.affirm.com/

    • Lemonade: https://www.lemfi.com/

    • Bank of America: https://www.bankofamerica.com/

    • Nubank achieves a world record with more than 7 million people participating in NuBolão in one month: https://building.nubank.com.br/nubank-achieves-world-record-with-nubolao

    • Nu México carries out first financial transaction 20 meters under the depth of the sea: https://www.bnamericas.com/en/news/nu-mexico-carries-out-first-financial-transaction-20-meters-under-the-depth-of-the-sea

    • David Vélez on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-v%C3%A9lez-1004875

    • Cristina Junqueira on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/crisjunqueira

    • Edward Wible on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamedwardwible

    • Sequoia Capital: https://www.sequoiacap.com/

    • Churrascaria: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churrascaria

    • Nubank’s real foundation: our culture and values: https://building.nubank.com.br/nubank-culture-and-values/

    • Working Backwards Press Release Template and Example: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/working-backwards-press-release-template-example-ian-mcallister/

    • Sean Ellis test: https://productcoalition.com/using-sean-ellis-test-for-measuring-your-product-market-fit-c8ac98053c2c

    • How to know if you’ve got product-market fit: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/how-to-know-if-youve-got-productmarket

    • Reid Hoffman on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/reidhoffman/

    • Ultravioleta: Nubank expands its premium card offer and adds new features on the product’s first anniversary: https://international.nubank.com.br/company/ultravioleta-nubank-expands-its-premium-card-offer-and-adds-new-features-on-the-products-first-anniversary/

    • Jeff Bezos: Amazon and Blue Origin | Lex Fridman Podcast #405: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcWqzZ3I2cY

    • The Innovation Method Behind Swiffer Madness: https://www.fastcompany.com/3006797/innovation-method-behind-swiffer-madness

    • Kevin Systrom on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinsystrom/

    • Good Strategy, Bad Strategy | Richard Rumelt: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/good-strategy-bad-strategy-richard

    Good Strategy/Bad Strategy: The Difference and Why It Matters: https://www.amazon.com/Good-Strategy-Bad-Difference-Matters/dp/0307886239

    The Crux: How Leaders Become Strategists: https://www.amazon.com/Crux-How-Leaders-Become-Strategists/dp/1541701240/

    • How to become a category pirate | Christopher Lochhead (author of Play Bigger, Niche Down, Category Pirates, more): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/how-to-become-a-category-pirate-christopher

    Play Bigger: How Pirates, Dreamers, and Innovators Create and Dominate Markets: https://www.amazon.com/Play-Bigger-Dreamers-Innovators-Dominate/dp/0062407619

    Playing to Win: How Strategy Really Works: https://www.amazon.com/Playing-Win-Strategy-Really-Works/dp/142218739X

    • A framework for finding product-market fit | Todd Jackson (First Round Capital): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/a-framework-for-finding-product-market

    • Citi: https://www.citi.com/

    • Santander Bank: https://www.santanderbank.com/

    • Fidji Sumo on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fidjisimo/

    • Harvard Kennedy School: https://www.hks.harvard.edu/

    • Susan Wojcicki on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-wojcicki-b136a99/

    • Coldplay—“Lost+” ft. Jay-Z: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PkCDRm_YRFg

    • Google Buys DoubleClick for $3.1 Billion: https://www.nytimes.com/2007/04/14/technology/14DoubleClick.html

    • Real-time bidding: https://support.google.com/authorizedbuyers/answer/6136272

    From Third World to First: The Singapore Story: 1965-2000: https://www.amazon.com/Third-World-First-Singapore-1965-2000/dp/0060197765/

    The Gilded Age on HBO: https://www.hbo.com/the-gilded-age

    • Lomi: https://lomi.com/

    • Nubank careers: https://international.nubank.com.br/careers/

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

    A framework for PM skill development | Vikrama Dhiman (Gojek)

    A framework for PM skill development | Vikrama Dhiman (Gojek)

    Vikrama Dhiman heads all things product at Gojek, including product management, design, program management, and research, across Indonesia, Singapore and India. He has over 16 years of experience building internet products, consults with Fortune 500 companies, and is among the most well-known and respected product leaders in all of Asia. In our conversation, we discuss:

    • The most common traits among successful product managers

    • The 3 W’s framework for PM career growth

    • The Four A’s of leveling up in product management

    • The right way to push back as a PM

    • Common pitfalls that stall PM careers

    • Vikrama’s advice for transitioning into product management

    • Why intent alone is not enough

    Brought to you by:

    Uizard—AI-powered prototyping for visionary product leaders

    Webflow—The web experience platform

    Coda—The all-in-one collaborative workspace

    Find the transcript at: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/a-framework-for-pm-skill-development

    Where to find Vikrama Dhiman:

    • X: https://twitter.com/vikramadhiman

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vikrama/

    • Website: https://www.vikramadhiman.com/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Vikrama’s background

    (03:56) Three common traits among great PMs

    (07:09) The first W: What you produce

    (15:40) The second W: What you bring to the table

    (18:58) The third W: What’s your operating model?

    (20:36) Three traits that make you a great PM to work with

    (21:49) How to improve the quality and quantity of your outputs

    (23:26) The art of the pushback

    (26:55) Common factors that impede career growth

    (33:39) Vikrama’s personal reflections

    (39:33) Choosing which skill(s) to focus on developing

    (46:28) The ambiguity of the PM role

    (51:47) The 8 axis for PM growth

    (56:57) Contrarian corner: Why intent alone is not enough

    (59:30) Lightning round


    • Taxi mafias, cash vaults, and 100% MoM growth: The story behind Southeast Asia’s biggest startup | Kevin Aluwi (Gojek): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/taxi-mafias-cash-vaults-and-100-mom

    • How to scrappily hire for, measure, and unlock growth | Crystal Widjaja, Gojek and Kumu: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/how-to-hire-for-measure-and-unlock

    • Gojek: https://www.gojek.com/en-id

    • SQL: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SQL

    • Oracle: https://www.oracle.com/

    • Crystal Widjaja on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/crystalwidjaja

    • Raditya Wibowo: https://www.linkedin.com/in/raditya-wibowo-a0845436/?originalSubdomain=id

    • Sidu Ponnappa on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sidup

    • Leveraging mentors to uplevel your career | Jules Walter (YouTube, Slack): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/leveraging-mentors-to-uplevel-your

    • Kevin Aluwi on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kaluwi/

    • Workday: https://www.workday.com/

    • Salesforce: https://www.salesforce.com/

    Small Data: The Tiny Clues That Uncover Huge Trends: https://www.amazon.com/Small-Data-Clues-Uncover-Trends/dp/1250080681

    Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World: https://www.amazon.com/Originals-How-Non-Conformists-Move-World/dp/014312885X

    Thinking, Fast and Slow: https://www.amazon.com/Thinking-Fast-Slow-Daniel-Kahneman/dp/0374533555

    Miss Congeniality on Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Miss-Congeniality-Sandra-Bullock/dp/B002R5HQDK

    Schitt’s Creek on Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Schitts-Creek/dp/B083LDRW9F

    • DramaBox: https://www.dramaboxapp.com/

    Am I Overthinking This?: Over-Answering Life’s Questions in 101 Charts: https://www.amazon.com/Am-Overthinking-This-Over-answering-questions/dp/1452175861/

    Crazy Rich Asians on Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/Crazy-Rich-Asians-Constance-Wu/dp/B07JGJFXBF

    • 9 Best Hawker Centers in Singapore—and What to Eat There: https://www.afar.com/magazine/best-hawker-centers-in-singapore-and-what-to-eat-there

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

    Business strategy with Hamilton Helmer (author of 7 Powers)

    Business strategy with Hamilton Helmer (author of 7 Powers)

    Hamilton Helmer is one of the world’s leading experts on business strategy and the author of the seminal book 7 Powers: The Foundations of Business Strategy, which provides a comprehensive framework for understanding what it really takes to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage. With more than three decades of experience in the strategic consulting industry, Hamilton has advised over 200 companies—from burgeoning startups to Fortune 100 giants—on how to identify, build, and leverage their unique strategic powers. In our conversation, we discuss:

    • Potential sources of power that startups should develop from an early stage

    • Common misconceptions among companies about the types of power they possess

    • How power relates to strategy

    • The difference between a moat and a power

    • Practical strategies for non-leaders to leverage insights about power and strategy in their work

    • AI’s impact on competitive advantages and barriers to entry

    Brought to you by:

    WorkOS—Modern identity platform for B2B SaaS, free up to 1 million MAUs

    Vanta—Automate compliance. Simplify security

    Paragon—Ship every SaaS integration your customers want

    Find the transcript and references at: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/business-strategy-with-hamilton-helmer

    Where to find Hamilton Helmer:

    • X: https://twitter.com/hamiltonhelmer

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hamilton-helmer-42983/

    • Website: https://7powers.com/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Hamilton’s background

    (04:08) When power becomes important

    (08:24) How strategy relates to power

    (12:09) How power informs strategy

    (14:46) The sequence of powers

    (21:13) Common misconceptions

    (24:39) Network effects vs. network economies

    (26:58) Uber’s success

    (29:16) Moats vs. powers

    (31:12) Strategies for non-leaders to leverage power and strategy

    (37:51) Advice on how to become a strategic thinker

    (39:27) AI’s impact on the seven powers

    (45:43) Why moving fast is not a power

    (50:24) Three things that create value in a company

    (51:16) The debt trajectory of the U.S.

    (56:35) Optimism for the future

    (59:25) Lightning round


    7 Powers: The Foundations of Business Strategy: https://www.amazon.com/7-Powers-Foundations-Business-Strategy/dp/0998116319

    • John von Neumann: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_von_Neumann

    • Pearl Harbor: https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-ii/pearl-harbor

    • Where the Japanese Went Wrong at Pearl Harbor: https://pearlharbor.org/blog/where-japanese-went-wrong-pearl-harbor/

    • The ‘7 Powers’ of business success—from one of Netflix’s early investors: https://www.qualitycompounders.com.au/post/the-7-powers-of-business-success-from-one-of-netflix-s-early-investors

    • 7 Powers: Foundations of Business Strategy (Key Takeaways): https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/7-powers-foundations-business-strategy-key-takeaways-nikita-maloo/

    • Strategy Capital: https://strategycapital.com/

    • Warren Buffett: https://www.forbes.com/profile/warren-buffett/

    • Charlie Munger: https://www.forbes.com/profile/charles-munger/

    • Poor Charlie’s Almanack: The Essential Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger: https://www.stripe.press/poor-charlies-almanack

    • Bill Gates reveals why Warren Buffett was an invaluable source of support during the stormiest period of his career: https://www.businessinsider.com/bill-gates-interview-warren-buffett-support-microsoft-antitrust-lawsuit-2019-6

    •  Billionaire Warren Buffett’s Secret Love Affair With Castles, Revealed: https://www.thestreet.com/opinion/billionaire-warren-buffett-s-secret-love-affair-with-castles-revealed-14290973

    • Netflix didn’t kill Blockbuster—how Netflix almost lost the movie rental wars: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/09/22/how-netflix-almost-lost-the-movie-rental-wars-to-blockbuster.html

    • Michael Porter on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/professorporter/

    • What Is Strategy?: https://hbr.org/1996/11/what-is-strategy

    • TSMC: https://www.tsmc.com/english

    • Toyota Production System: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyota_Production_System

    • America will be left with ‘severe, irreversible scars’ if national debt goes unchecked. Now, a blockbuster report warns the bill is higher than believed, hitting $141T by 2054: https://fortune.com/2024/04/01/america-social-economic-scars-us-debt-gomes-price/

    • Ben S. Bernanke: https://www.federalreservehistory.org/people/ben-s-bernanke

    • Forty-four of 50 U.S. states worsen inequality with ‘upside-down’ taxes: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/10/states-wealth-inequality-taxes

    • Joseph A. Schumpeter: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Schumpeter

    Theory of Economic Development: https://www.amazon.com/Theory-Economic-Development-Science-Classics/dp/0878556982

    The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe: https://www.amazon.com/Road-Reality-Complete-Guide-Universe/dp/0679776311

    The Gene: An Intimate History: https://www.amazon.com/Gene-Intimate-History-Siddhartha-Mukherjee/dp/147673352X

    American Fiction on Prime Video: https://www.amazon.com/American-Fiction-Jeffrey-Wright/dp/B0CQKR72NX

    • Farahan Sarouk rugs: https://nazmiyalantiquerugs.com/persian-sarouk-farahan-rugs/

    • Rory Sutherland on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rorysutherland

    • Ogilvy: https://www.ogilvy.com/

    • Clint Eastwood quote: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/clint_eastwood_168005

    • Winston Churchill: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_Churchill

    Michelangelo, God’s Architect: The Story of His Final Years and Greatest Masterpiece: https://www.amazon.com/Michelangelo-Gods-Architect-Greatest-Masterpiece/dp/0691195498

    The Last Judgment: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Judgment_(Michelangelo)

    • Theodore Roosevelt: https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/presidents/theodore-roosevelt/

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

    This will make you a better decision maker | Annie Duke (author of “Thinking in Bets” and “Quit”, former pro poker player)

    This will make you a better decision maker | Annie Duke (author of “Thinking in Bets” and “Quit”, former pro poker player)

    Annie Duke is a former professional poker player, a decision-making expert, and a special partner at First Round Capital. She is the author of Thinking in Bets (a national bestseller) and Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away and the co-founder of the Alliance for Decision Education, a nonprofit whose mission is to improve lives by empowering students through decision skills education. In our conversation, we cover:

    • What Annie learned from the late Daniel Kahneman

    • The power of pre-mortems and “kill criteria”

    • The relationship between money and happiness

    • The power of “mental time travel”

    • The nominal group technique for better decision quality

    • How First Round Capital improved their decision-making process

    • Many tactical decision-making frameworks

    Brought to you by:

    Vanta—Automate compliance. Simplify security.

    UserTesting—Human understanding. Human experiences.

    LinkedIn Ads—Reach professionals and drive results for your business

    Find the transcript at: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/making-better-decisions-annie-duke

    Where to find Annie Duke:

    • X: https://twitter.com/AnnieDuke

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annie-duke/

    • Website: https://www.annieduke.com/

    • Substack: https://www.annieduke.com/substack/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Annie’s background

    (03:53) Lessons from Daniel Kahneman: humility, curiosity, and open-mindedness

    (09:15) The importance of unconditional love in parenting

    (15:15) Mental time travel and “nevertheless”

    (20:06) The extent of improvement possible in decision-making 

    (24:54) Independent brainstorming for better decisions

    (35:36) Making sure people feel heard

    (42:41) The “3Ds” framework to make better decisions

    (44:49) Decision quality

    (55:46) Improving decision-making at First Round Capital

    (01:05:05) Using pre-mortems and kill criteria

    (01:10:15) Making explicit what’s implicit

    (01:10:55) The challenges of quitting and knowing when to walk away

    (01:19:23) Where to find Annie


    • Daniel Kahneman, Who Plumbed the Psychology of Economics, Dies at 90: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/27/business/daniel-kahneman-dead.html

    • Adversarial collaboration: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adversarial_collaboration

    • Does more money correlate with greater happiness?: https://penntoday.upenn.edu/news/does-more-money-correlate-greater-happiness-Penn-Princeton-research#

    • Income and emotional well-being: A conflict resolved: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36857342/

    • Strategic decisions: When can you trust your gut?: https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/strategic-decisions-when-can-you-trust-your-gut

    • Cass Sunstein on X: https://twitter.com/CassSunstein

    • Dr. Becky on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drbeckyatgoodinside

    • A framework for finding product-market fit | Todd Jackson (First Round Capital): https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/a-framework-for-finding-product-market

    • First Round Capital: https://firstround.com/

    • Brett Berson on X: https://twitter.com/brettberson

    • Renegade Partners: https://www.renegadepartners.com/

    • Renata Quintini on X: https://twitter.com/rquintini

    • Roseanne Wincek on X: https://twitter.com/imthemusic

    • Josh Kopelman on X: https://twitter.com/joshk

    • Bill Trenchard on X: https://twitter.com/btrenchard

    • Linnea Gandhi on X: https://twitter.com/linneagandhi

    • Maurice Schweitzer on X: https://twitter.com/me_schweitzer

    • Problems with premortems: https://sjdm.org/presentations/2021-Poster-Gandhi-Linnea-debiasing-premortem-selfserving~.pdf

    • Create a Solid Plan on How to Fail Big This Year: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesfinancecouncil/2020/02/07/create-a-solid-plan-on-how-to-fail-big-this-year/

    Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away: https://www.amazon.com/Quit-Power-Knowing-When-Walk/dp/0593422996/

    • Richard Thaler on X: https://twitter.com/R_Thaler

    • Stewart Butterfield on X: https://twitter.com/stewart

    • Glitch: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glitch_(video_game)

    • How the Founder of Slack & Flickr Turned Colossal Failures into Billion-Dollar Companies: https://medium.com/swlh/how-the-founder-of-slack-flickr-turned-failures-into-million-and-billion-dollar-companies-7bcaf0d35d66

    • The Most Fascinating Profile You’ll Ever Read About a Guy and His Boring Startup: https://www.wired.com/2014/08/the-most-fascinating-profile-youll-ever-read-about-a-guy-and-his-boring-startup/

    • The Alliance for Decision Education: https://alliancefordecisioneducation.org/

    • Make Better Decisions course on Maven: https://maven.com/annie-duke/make-better-decisions

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

    Twitter’s former Head of Product opens up: being fired, meeting Elon, changing stagnant culture, building consumer product, more | Kayvon Beykpour

    Twitter’s former Head of Product opens up: being fired, meeting Elon, changing stagnant culture, building consumer product, more | Kayvon Beykpour

    Kayvon Beykpour was the longest-serving head of product at Twitter and was GM of Twitter’s consumer division until the platform was acquired by Elon Musk. He originally joined Twitter in 2015 through the acquisition of his company, Periscope, the largest live video streaming platform at the time. Periscope pioneered technology that inspired Instagram Live, TikTok Live, Facebook Live, and other social networks’ expansion into video streaming. In our conversation, we discuss:

    • The story of being let go from Twitter after Elon’s acquisition

    • How he turned Twitter’s stagnant culture around

    • Kayvon’s thoughts on the limitations of frameworks like Jobs to Be Done

    • Why Periscope failed

    • Advice for building consumer products

    • When to copy, when to innovate

    Brought to you by:

    Enterpret—Transform customer feedback into product growth

    OneSchema—Import CSV data 10x faster

    Heap—Cross-platform product analytics that convert, engage, and retain customers

    Find the transcript at: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com/p/twitters-former-head-of-product-kayvon-beykpour

    Where to find Kayvon Beykpour:

    • X: https://twitter.com/kayvz

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kayvz/

    Where to find Lenny:

    • Newsletter: https://www.lennysnewsletter.com

    • X: https://twitter.com/lennysan

    • LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lennyrachitsky/

    In this episode, we cover:

    (00:00) Kayvon’s background

    (04:31) Getting Elon up to speed at Twitter

    (11:34) The story of being let go from Twitter after Elon’s acquisition

    (21:09) Changing the product culture at Twitter

    (29:44) Building the “hide replies” feature

    (32:02) Sacred crows, taking bold bets, and reigniting growth

    (34:28) Aquihires and their impact

    (42:40) Tips for successful acquisitions and staffing

    (47:00) The limitations of frameworks like JTBD

    (53:20) Signs you’ve gone too far with a framework

    (57:44) Lessons from building Periscope

    (01:00:41) Reasons why Periscope failed

    (01:07:24) The challenges of implementing video at Twitter

    (01:12:05) Copying ideas in good taste

    (01:17:58) How to get better at building consumer products

    (01:19:51) What Kayvon is building

    (01:20:31) Lightning round


    • Lessons on building product sense, navigating AI, optimizing the first mile, and making it through the messy middle | Scott Belsky (Adobe, Behance): https://www.lennyspodcast.com/lessons-on-building-product-sense-navigating-ai-optimizing-the-first-mile-and-making-it-through-t/

    • What it’s like to sell your startup for ~$120 million before it’s even launched: Meet Twitter’s new prized possession, Periscope: https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-periscope-and-why-twitter-bought-it-2015-3

    • Walter Isaacson on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/walter-isaacson-b8b81520/

    • Elon Musk on X: https://twitter.com/elonmusk

    • Parag Agrawal on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/parag-agrawal-5a14742a/

    • Jack Dorsey on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-dorsey-a43b07242/

    • Blackboard: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blackboard_Inc.

    • Keith Coleman on X: https://twitter.com/kcoleman

    • Esther Crawford on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/esthercrawford/

    • Twitter acquires Chroma Labs: https://tech.hindustantimes.com/tech/news/twitter-acquires-chroma-labs-story-aqvcRPAoYXqXJuAbefA6cN.html

    • John Barnett on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/johnbarnettt/

    • Jobs to Be Done framework: https://jobs-to-be-done.com/jobs-to-be-done-a-framework-for-customer-needs-c883cbf61c90

    • Hot takes and techno-optimism from tech’s top power couple: https://www.lennyspodcast.com/hot-takes-and-techno-optimism-from-techs-top-power-couple-sriram-and-aarthi/

    • Nike Is Unveiling the Kobe 11 Tomorrow Using Periscope: https://sneakernews.com/2015/12/13/nike-is-unveiling-the-kobe-11-tomorrow-using-periscope/

    • Chris Sacca’s website: https://chrissacca.com/

    • Facebook Live: https://www.facebook.com/formedia/tools/facebook-live

    • Kevin Hart on X: https://twitter.com/KevinHart4real

    • Clubhouse: https://www.clubhouse.com/

    • Vine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vine_(service)

    • Paul Davison on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davison/

    • Rohan Seth on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rohanseth/

    Cryptonomicon: https://www.amazon.com/Cryptonomicon-Neal-Stephenson/dp/0380788624

    Reamde: https://www.amazon.com/Reamde-Novel-Neal-Stephenson-ebook/dp/B004XVN0WW

    The Name of the Wind: https://www.amazon.com/Name-Wind-Kingkiller-Chronicle-Book-ebook/dp/B0010SKUYM

    Star Trek official site: https://www.startrek.com/

    Dune: part 2: https://www.dunemovie.com/

    Oppenheimer on Peacock: https://www.peacocktv.com/stream-movies/oppenheimer

    • Tokyo Vice on Max: https://www.max.com/shows/tokyo-vice/e7d93204-7f98-4e62-ab52-6c1da053f942

    Devs on Hulu: https://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/devs

    • Nick Offerman on X: https://twitter.com/nick_offerman

    3 Body Problem on Netflix: https://www.netflix.com/title/81024821

    • Perplexity AI: https://www.perplexity.ai/

    • Particle: https://www.particle.news/

    • Crokinole board game: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/521/crokinole

    Production and marketing by https://penname.co/. For inquiries about sponsoring the podcast, email podcast@lennyrachitsky.com.

    Lenny may be an investor in the companies discussed.

    Get full access to Lenny's Newsletter at www.lennysnewsletter.com/subscribe

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    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 009 - Unleashing the Power of Your Mindset - Part 3 - Achieving and Sustaining Success In Creating The Life That You Desire To Be Living

    The Conformity Hazard - Episode 009 - Unleashing the Power of Your Mindset - Part 3 - Achieving and Sustaining Success In Creating The Life That You Desire To Be Living

    Welcome back to the 3rd, and final episode in our podcast series on Unleashing The Power Of Your Mindset. This is T. Michael Fairchild and in this episode of The Conformity Hazard, we will go on to explore more tools to use in achieving and sustaining success in creating the life that you desire to be living. So, let’s get to it.

    Reframing Setbacks and Failures A growth mindset reframes setbacks and failures as stepping-stones to progress and learning. Ask yourself these questions:

    • What Is It Exactly That Surprised You?
    • What Patterns Can You Spot?
    • What Can You Learn from This?
    • How Can I Handle This in a Positive Way?

    By adopting a growth mindset, setbacks and failures become valuable learning experiences that will guide you toward continuous improvement and sustainable success.

    How to Sustain Your Growth Mindset in Challenging Times Developing a growth mindset is an ongoing journey, and there will be days when maintaining that positive outlook feels much more challenging than others. However, here are some effective strategies to help you sustain your growth mindset even in the face of adversity:

    • Embrace Resilience Through Tiny Steps
    • Celebrate Progress
    • Seek Support and Accountability
    • Learn, Adapt, and Pivot from Challenges
    • Create Visual Reminders…Everywhere
    • Practice Self-Compassion
    • Stay Open to Feedback
    • Changing Perspectives: Transforming Setbacks into Opportunities

    Remember that embracing a growth mindset is a transformative journey that takes time, patience, and dedication. Commit yourself fully to the process, stay resilient in the face of challenges, and celebrate your progress along the way.

    Set Realistic Expectations Practice Mindfulness and Positive Affirmations Seek Inspiration and Role Models Foster a Learning Environment Reflect on Your Progress Regularly Embrace Change, Flexibility, and Adaptability Practice Visualization Techniques Foster a Supportive Network (Your Circle Of Influence) Embrace a Growth Mindset When Experiencing Failure Avoid Comparison Traps Practice Gratitude Daily Set Clear Goals and Action Plans Acknowledge Your Progress, Not Just the Outcome

    As we come to the close of the last of this 3 part series of podcasts focused on Unleashing The Power Of Your Mindset, I’d like to again remind you that incorporating these strategies into your daily life will help you not only embrace a growth mindset but also sustain it through the challenges and setbacks you will face when you set out on the journey to change the paradigm of your life and level of success.

    By cultivating a growth-oriented mindset of continuous learning and improvement, you'll unlock your full potential, achieve your aspirations & goals, and lead a much happier and more fulfilling life. Remember that growth is a lifelong journey that needs to continue until you draw your last breath in this reality in which we currently live.

    Remember that each day presents a variety of unique opportunities to become the very best version of yourself.

    About The Conformity Hazard:

    The Conformity Hazard is a podcast that explores the impact of mindset and conformity on personal growth, happiness, and success. Join T. Michael Fairchild as together we uncover the secrets to breaking free from limiting beliefs and embracing a growth-oriented perspective for a fulfilling and empowered life. Visit https://www.ithrivehere.com/category/podcasts/the-conformity-hazard-podcast for more episodes and updates.

    #23 - Disney for Dogs

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    Henrik Werdelin (@werdelin) is your dog's best friend. No really, he sends your dog gifts every month. Millions of dogs around the world love this guy, and that's why his dog treats & toys monthly subscription box business is booming. BarkBox is reported to have made $250 million last year. Damn, I wanna be his best friend too. Listen up as he talks about creating Disney experiences for dogs, meeting his co-founder on a cruise (and shared a heart-shaped bed), hijacking MTV at 2am, having 150+ doggy influencers on payroll, reverse engineering online dating to meet his wife and most importantly, how to set up systems in place to make better life choices. Read more about his 8 + 1 system here: https://bit.ly/2X17GVW.  See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

    So funktioniert Kundenservice im Homeoffice | #CustomerService 📞

    So funktioniert Kundenservice im Homeoffice  | #CustomerService 📞
    EXPERTENGESPRÄCH | Durch die Covid-19 Pandemie mussten viele Unternehmen von einem Tag auf den anderen auf Homeoffice umstellen. Das betrifft dann auch den Kundenservice. Diese Umstellung ist eine besondere Herausforderungen für den Customer Service. Wie sich der Kontakt zu den Kunden von zuhause aus gestalten lässt und welche Strukturen ein virtuelles Team braucht, erklärt Luz Marsen von Freeletics im Gespräch mit Erik Pfannmöller. In this episode you'll learn... ...welche Besonderheiten es für den Kundenservice im Homeoffice gibt ...was für Ansprüche man als Arbeitnehmer stellen kann ...wie man Privatsphäre und Sicherheit mit der digitalen Arbeit vereinbart ...welche Methoden den Teamspirit und eine gute Arbeitsstruktur aufrecht halten ...warum Rituale auch im Chatroom wichtig sind ...welche Vor- und Nachteile sich im Homeoffice für den Kundenservice ergeben ...ob sich die Kundenzufriedenheit ändert ...was ein Teamleader beachten muss “The Art of Customer Service” is a podcast by Solvemate. You’re being connected… Hello, how can we help you? For top notch customer service insights and advice, just click the play button of “The Art of Customer Service”. Erik Pfannmöller and his guests cover lots of great topics on the subject of customer service industry trends, best practices, tools, techniques and advice. __________________________ ||||| PEOPLE ||||| 👤 Erik Pfannmöller, CEO & Founder Solvemate 👤 Luz Marsen, __________________________ ||||| SPONSOREN ||||| 🤖 [Solvemate](https://www.solvemate.com/en/) enables brands to deliver quality customer service through meaningful conversations. Our automation platform, powered by smart conversational AI, allows companies to deliver quality customer service, faster. Solvemate is trusted by brands such as On, musicMagpie, and ARMEDANGELS. __________________________ ||||| CHAPTER ||||| (00:00:00) Vorstellung und Einführung in das Thema (00:03:05) So wirkt sich der Lockdown auf den Kundenservice aus (00:07:49) Wie sieht der mobile Arbeitsplatz im Customer Service aus? (00:13:12) Welche strukturellen Veränderungen ergeben sich im Arbeitsalltag? (00:16:54) Best Practice: Die interne Kommunikation bei Freeletics im Homeoffice (00:23:52) Was für Leadership-Techniken braucht das Management im Homeoffice? (00:29:35) Kundenservice im Homeoffice: Die Vor- und Nachteile __________________________ ||||| MORE INFORMATION ||||| 💛 [Mehr](https://lnk.to/dkompakt) tolle Sachen von uns  👥 Wir von digital kompakt bemühen uns um die Verwendung einer geschlechtsneutralen Sprache. In Fällen, in denen dies nicht gelingt, gelten sämtliche Personenbezeichnungen für alle Geschlechter.

    33. Turning Failures Into Wins: My Journey To Living My Purpose

    33. Turning Failures Into Wins: My Journey To Living My Purpose

    This week, I turn 3 years since that pivotal moment of my life when I attended a conference with famous motivational speakers that ignited my soul on fire because I realized I wanted to be just like them and have their kind of positive impact on that many people's lives. It's been three years since I took the very first step to figuring out how I was going to do that and set out on a journey to understanding my purpose and bringing it to reality. 

    You're going to hear my fails (and there were many!), my wins (including wins that society doesn't value and therefore makes us believe aren't wins), and everything in-between! This is the story of my before and my in-between, because this story is STILL being written. I always joke to Armando, my husband, that my book's literally being written right now. I don't know the after of this story. I still face a LOT of uncertainty and have to practice believing in myself, trusting in the universe and surrendering the parts that are not in my control ALL the time. 

    My hope is that after you listen to this episode you will fear failure a tad less than you do now, because you'll see how so many blessings DO always follow a door closed. I also hope that you see that there is sooo much to be celebrated and to feel happy and grateful for in the in-between part of your journey. 


    If you are loving listening to this podcast, please leave a review below on Apple Podcasts letting me know how it has helped you. Your feedback inspires me to keep creating! 



    Looking for a life-changing trip to go on next year with an aligned group of people? Come join me in Bali next April 20-25 for a spiritual, luxury retreat for creatives like you. Sign up here!


    Join The Creators Circle for support during the holidays from a growth-mindset focused online community. We will be working on setting ourselves up for a successful 2023!










    The Psychology of Power & Influence

    The Psychology of Power & Influence

    Welcome to Grit & Growth’s masterclass on power, featuring Dr. Deborah Gruenfeld, Stanford Graduate School of Business professor of organizational behavior. From the body language of power to the authority vs. authenticity debate, Gruenfeld provides insights on how and when to use your power to gain the trust and respect of others.

    Professor Gruenfeld is a psychologist by training and she’s been researching and teaching about the psychology of power and powerlessness for decades. So, she has a deep understanding of why this invisible force can have such a profound social and business impact.

    There are plenty of myths and misconceptions about power, starting with the fact that most people believe that only other people have power and that power corrupts. Gruenfeld says the research disproves this idea, explaining, “It’s having power while feeling powerless that leads people to behave badly.”

    So, how do people in positions of power use it as a force for good? If you want to have a positive impact on others and on your organization, Gruenfeld suggests there’s no advantage career-wise to being a jerk. Instead, she recommends “behaving in a way that leads others to trust you more.”

    Top Five Masterclass Takeaways 

    • Your body language can communicate power … or powerlessness. Gruenfeld advises entrepreneurs to imagine putting on a headdress or crown before you walk in a room full of strangers. The stillness and physical expansiveness you convey will provide nonverbal cues that you’re comfortable and in charge.
    • Sometimes it’s better to lead with deference than dominance. While dominance tends to look more authoritative, deferential behaviors are more approachable, show respect for others, and help build relationships.
    • Effective leaders need to balance authority and approachability. You need to be equally capable of behaving in a way that commands respect and shows respect to others because people will need different things from you in different situations. 
    • Leaders need to practice types of power that may not come naturally. More than likely, you’ll be more comfortable with either an authoritative or approachable style. Use this as an opportunity for growth so you can be the leader whom others need you to be.
    • Often the best way to use your power is to empower others. While not intuitive for most leaders, showing vulnerability and asking for help can be highly motivating for teams.

    Listen to Dr. Gruenfeld’s insights, advice, and strategies for how entrepreneurs can use power more effectively as you manage growing teams, pitch investors, and negotiate deals.

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