
    The Power Of Psilocybin To Heal Our Minds And Our Bodies with Paul Stamets

    Microdosing with psychedelics, particularly Psilocybin, has shown to improve psychomotor function and neurogenesis in individuals aged 55 and above, providing tangible benefits. However, accessibility to therapeutic support may be a limitation.

    enSeptember 06, 2023

    About this Episode

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Sensate, ButcherBox, and Thrive Market.

    We’re in the midst of a psychedelic renaissance. Compounds that have long been considered recreational drugs by conventional standards are finally being recognized through science as powerful tools for overcoming hard-to-treat health issues like PTSD, depression, addiction, and more. 

    Today on The Doctor’s Farmacy, I’m excited to talk to my good friend and one of the world’s most renowned mycologists, Paul Stamets, all about psilocybin and how this compound is helping us reimagine our way of treating one of the most important public health crises today—mental illness. 

    Paul Stamets is a speaker, author, mycologist, medical researcher, and entrepreneur and is considered an intellectual and industry leader in fungi: habitat, medicinal use, and production. His breakthrough research has created a paradigm shift for helping ecosystems worldwide. He has received numerous awards, including Invention Ambassador for the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the National Mycologist Award from the North American Mycological Association (NAMA), and the Gordon & Tina Wasson Award from the Mycological Society of America (MSA). In 2020, Paul was inducted into the Explorer’s Club. He has been awarded myriad patents in the field of mycology. Paul is the founder and sole owner of Fungi Perfecti, LLC, the maker, and marketer of the category-leading myco-supplement Host Defense line.

    This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Sensate, ButcherBox, and Thrive Market.

    Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests with Rupa Health. You can check out a free, live demo with a Q&A or create an account at RupaHealth.com today.

    Head on over to getsensate.com/Farmacy and use code FARMACY to get 10% off your Sensate device today.

    For new members of ButcherBox, you can receive New York strip steaks for a year PLUS $20 off your first order. Go to ButcherBox.com/farmacy and use code FARMACY.

    Thrive Market is offering 30% off your first order and a free gift of up to $60 if you sign up now! Head over to thrivemarket.com/Hyman today.

    Here are more details from our interview (audio version / Apple Subscriber version):

    • Why we should care about mushrooms (6:50 / 4:39)
    • Why mushrooms are the zeitgeist of our time (12:35 / 10:00) 
    • Health benefits of mushrooms (13:54 / 12:07) 
    • How psilocybin works in human brains (29:34 / 25:48) 
    • Psilocybin as treatment for mental health and addiction (33:07 / 28:55) 
    • Specific psilocybin molecules that influence us neurologically (40:04 / 35:46)
    • Research on psilocybin for mental health issues (51:58 / 48:06)
    • The Stamets Stack microdosing method (1:02:41 / 58:57)
    • The future of psilocybin use in our society (1:15:43 / 1:11:50) 
    • A day in the life of Paul Stamets (1:20:16 / 1:16:22) 

    Learn more at paulstamets.com.

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • Mushrooms, particularly Psilocybin, hold immense potential in revolutionizing mental health treatment and ecosystem preservation. It is essential to appreciate and fund the field of mycology for their therapeutic benefits and global impact.
    • Mycelium networks, formed by fungi, are crucial for creating healthy ecosystems and enabling communication and nutrient extraction between plants. Recognizing and protecting mycelium is essential for the well-being of life on Earth.
    • Exploring the hidden world of fungi and understanding their life cycle can lead to scientific breakthroughs and holistic health benefits.
    • Mushrooms and mycelium are nutritionally dense, activate the immune system, and serve as a natural internet, sharing and learning information. Humans are in service to the mushrooms and fungal kingdom.
    • Mushrooms offer a potential path to connecting with a larger consciousness, providing comfort in mortality and a deeper understanding of our place in the world. Their historical use highlights their transformative effects on human consciousness.
    • Psilocybin, a compound found in magic mushrooms, has shown to be effective in treating mental health issues by mimicking serotonin and binding to receptors even more effectively than FDA-approved antidepressants. This opens up possibilities for new therapeutic approaches.
    • Psilocybin, derived from magic mushrooms, shows great promise in treating severe mental illnesses like PTSD, as well as addressing the everyday stressors that can cause anxiety and physical health issues. Its ability to induce biological and psychological changes has the potential to transform mental health treatment.
    • Cultivating mushrooms using modern methods ensures the preservation of indigenous practices while allowing for the exploration of their benefits and overcoming historical challenges.
    • Honoring indigenous cultures in the exploration of psychedelic treatments can lead to reindigenization, healing, and preventing mental illness, but caution is necessary as not everyone may benefit from these treatments.
    • Psychedelics, particularly psilocybin, offer a promising solution to address the current epidemic of mental illness and depression, reducing violence and crime while fostering interconnectedness and overall well-being.
    • A balance between conservative caution and liberal risk-taking is necessary for societal advancement, as it combines proven stability with the exploration of new ideas and perspectives.
    • Microdosing with psychedelics, particularly Psilocybin, has shown to improve psychomotor function and neurogenesis in individuals aged 55 and above, providing tangible benefits. However, accessibility to therapeutic support may be a limitation.
    • Microdosing, done remotely and inexpensively, can effectively improve mental health and enhance productivity. Following specific protocols can optimize results, and its potential to replace conventional medication offers hope for a more affordable and collaborative healthcare approach.
    • Paul Stamets promotes the use of psilocybin to heal the nervous system, emphasizing the importance of making it accessible to all through standardization and government regulation.
    • Engaging in physical activities and exploring different environments can stimulate creativity, improve mental health, and contribute to overall well-being. Additionally, considering mushrooms and fungi as serious medicines can have potential benefits for human health.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    The Underappreciated World of Mushrooms: Exploring their Medicinal Use, Ecosystem Role, and Connection to Mental Health

    Mushrooms, particularly Psilocybin, are revolutionizing our understanding of mental health and our perception of the world. Paul Stamets, a renowned mycologist, has made significant contributions to this field, highlighting the medicinal use, habitat, and production of mushrooms. He has also emphasized the importance of mushrooms in caring for our ecosystems. The conversation also delves into the Grateful Dead's role in the psychedelic revolution and their connection to mushrooms. It becomes apparent that mushrooms play a crucial role in ecosystems, soil health, and the intricate network that exists between plants. Despite their significance, the field of mycology remains underappreciated and underfunded. It is crucial that we give mushrooms the attention they deserve for their potential therapeutic benefits and their impact on our world.

    The Vital Role of Mycelium in Earth's Ecosystems

    Mycelium, the web-like structure of fungi, is crucial for the existence and flourishing of life on Earth. Fungi were the first multicellular organisms to emerge, and they played a pivotal role in the formation of soil by munching rocks and providing minerals. Moreover, fungi gave birth to animals and have a close evolutionary relationship with them. Mycelium networks permeate the ground and pair with plants, creating healthy ecosystems. These networks function as an underground information highway, allowing plants to communicate, extract nutrients, and thrive. Regenerative agriculture, which focuses on preserving soil health and the integrity of mycelium networks, is vital for our wellbeing. It is essential to recognize and protect the significance of mycelium, as it is the foundation of life on Earth.

    Uncovering the Hidden World of Fungi: Discoveries and Health Benefits

    There is a vast world of undiscovered fungi beneath the ground that holds incredible potential for scientific exploration. Thanks to DNA tools, we now know that many fungi exist without ever appearing as mushrooms, presenting a wealth of new discoveries for young scientists. Additionally, certain mushrooms like reishi, chaga, lion's mane, and others have been used in traditional medicines for thousands of years and have proven health benefits. They can boost immune systems, prevent cancer, aid in metal chelation, and provide adaptogenic support for stress resilience. Understanding the life cycle of mushrooms, from spores to mycelium to mushrooms, reveals the importance of the mycelial state in terms of nutritional density and the presence of bioactive immune agents. This knowledge opens up new possibilities in the field of mycology and holistic health.

    The Power of Mushrooms and Mycelium

    Mushrooms and mycelium are incredibly powerful and have numerous beneficial properties. They are nutritionally dense and activate the immune system through compounds like beta-glucans. The beta-glucan polymers found in mushrooms serve as a scaffolding for holding other compounds like bioflavonoids and lipids. However, it has been discovered that these beta-glucans lose their immunological properties when stripped of fatty acids. Mycelium, on the other hand, is like a massive treasure trove of adaptive knowledge and acts as Earth's natural internet, constantly sharing and learning information. Mushrooms are perishable and designed to rot, but they play a crucial role in building communities and conditioning ecosystems for the benefit of their own progeny. In the grand scheme of things, humans are just in service to the mushrooms and the fungal kingdom.

    Exploring Mushrooms: Gateway to Connection and Understanding

    There is a belief in a larger consciousness or entity that connects all of us. While religions may have different rituals and myths, they all have the same goal of explaining and connecting to this consciousness. Paul Stamets suggests that mushrooms can serve as a gateway to this greater existence, helping people find comfort in their temporary mortality and understanding of their place in the world. Furthermore, the historical use of mushrooms by ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, showcases the long-standing recognition of their transformative effects on human consciousness and neurochemistry. The profound impact of substances like Psilocybin on brain function, neuroplasticity, and mental health remains a fascinating and complex topic that continues to challenge medical understanding.

    The Promising Potential of Psilocybin in Transforming Mental Health Treatment

    Psilocybin has shown promising potential in reimagining the way we treat mental illness. Mainstream medical literature, such as the American Medical Association, has engaged in extensive research that highlights the effectiveness of Psilocybin in addressing mental health issues. Psilocybin molecules work at the cellular neural level by substituting temporarily for serotonin in the signaling pathways, triggering positive responses. Furthermore, recent discoveries have shown that Psilocybin binds to the same receptors as FDA-approved antidepressants a thousand times greater. This revelation challenges previous skepticism surrounding microdosing, as it suggests that even smaller doses of Psilocybin can have therapeutic effects. The concept of pulse therapy, involving a high dose followed by microdosing, holds potential in treating PTSD and trauma. These findings paint a promising picture for the future of mental health treatment and signify a shift towards integrative medicine.

    The Potential of Psilocybin in Revolutionizing Mental Health Treatment.

    Psilocybin, found in magic mushrooms, has the potential to fundamentally change our neurobiology, behaviors, and mental health. It offers an exit from the vicious cycle of self-medication and self-abuse that often leads to inflammation, pain, and trauma. Psilocybin has shown remarkable effectiveness in treating severe mental illnesses like PTSD, outperforming traditional therapies. But it also holds promise for addressing the everyday microtraumas we all experience, such as parental neglect, societal divisions, and economic instability. These stressors can lead to anxiety, poor stress resilience, and physical health issues. Psilocybin's ability to activate multiple receptors and induce biological and psychological changes makes it a powerful tool for re-imagining mental health and achieving paradigm shifts in treatment approaches.

    The coexistence of indigenous traditions and western technology: preserving knowledge while meeting modern needs.

    Indigenous traditions and western technology can coexist and support one another. Maria Sabina's use of wild-harvested mushrooms allowed for the discovery of their benefits, but with increasing demand and limited supply, cultivation of Philosophy Ensis mushrooms using western technology has become necessary. This combination of traditional knowledge and modern methods ensures the preservation of indigenous practices while meeting the needs of a larger population. It is important to respect and honor all sacred traditions of indigenous people worldwide and avoid exploitation. The discovery of mushrooms and their psychedelic properties has the potential to liberate individuals from conventional wisdom, oppression, and structured religion, creating a sense of unity and removing barriers to spirituality. However, this movement has been slower due to the ephemeral nature of mushrooms and various historical challenges. Despite resistance from established religious institutions, the use of psychedelic substances has a long history that predates many religions.

    The value of indigenous voices in psychedelic treatments and the importance of respecting and reintegrating their ancient knowledge and practices.

    Indigenous voices and traditions hold significant value in the exploration and integration of psychedelic treatments. It is important to acknowledge the historical oppression and abuse experienced by indigenous peoples, which has led to the suppression of their ancient knowledge and practices. By recognizing and respecting indigenous cultures, we can work towards reindigenization and reintegrating these traditions into modern research and therapies. The resurgence of interest among indigenous communities to recapture their ancient wisdom is a positive step towards healing and preventing mental illness, such as depression and PTSD. However, it is crucial to approach psychedelic treatments with caution, understanding that not everyone may benefit from them and providing appropriate support for those who do not.

    The Potential of Psychedelics in Healing and Preventing Trauma

    There is potential for using psilocybin and other psychedelics to heal people and prevent trauma. By reducing partner violence, crime, and mental illness, society can experience significant financial savings and improve overall well-being. Psilocybin has the ability to make people kinder and more intelligent, fostering a sense of interconnectedness with the world. The current epidemic of mental illness and depression is costing trillions of dollars and needs effective solutions. Surprisingly, conservatives and Republicans are advocating for the legalization of psychedelics to address the trauma experienced by war veterans and law enforcement officers. Initiatives like the Healing Warrior Church are providing transformative experiences using psilocybin to help individuals process and heal from trauma.

    Balancing conservatives and liberals for societal progress and innovation.

    There is a need for a balance between conservatives and liberals in society. Conservatives tend to be more cautious and resistant to change, while liberals are risk-takers who push the envelope of innovation. This balance is crucial for progress and the advancement of knowledge and technology. The conservative mindset helps conserve what is proven and stable, while the liberal mindset explores new ideas and takes risks that can lead to valuable breakthroughs. Examples like the Silicon Valley microdosing movement show how the diversity of thinkers, including those from different communities and with unique perspectives, can contribute to the collective benefit and improvement of society.

    The Potential Benefits of Microdosing Psychedelics for Neurodegeneration in Older Adults

    Microdosing with psychedelics, specifically Psilocybin, has shown to have a physiological and demonstrable benefit, particularly for individuals aged 55 and above who may be experiencing neurodegeneration. The tapping test frequency has been observed to improve significantly after 30 days of microdosing, indicating a potential benefit to psychomotor function and neurogenesis. While the exact cause and mechanism of action may still be subject to scientific analysis and debate, the important point to remember is that patients are experiencing tangible improvements. It is crucial to have therapeutic support during high-dose experiences to maximize the potential benefits, even if the immediate experience may not be perceived as positive. However, the accessibility of such therapy sessions may pose a limitation for many individuals.

    Microdosing: An Affordable and Accessible Option for Improved Mental Health and Productivity

    Microdosing is a viable option for everyone and can be done inexpensively without the need for in-clinic support. It can be done through apps, phone calls, or Zoom, allowing people to build a community around microdosing. Studies have shown that microdosing can have positive effects on depression, anxiety, and mood improvement. The psychomotor benefits of microdosing are particularly beneficial for tasks that require focus and productivity. It is recommended to follow specific protocols for microdosing, such as taking it intermittently for several days each week to allow receptors to recover. In the next few years, microdosing could potentially be legalized and replace SSRIs as a paradigm-shifting medicine that is affordable for all. It has the potential to promote collaboration and reduce inflammation, which is often the root cause of many diseases.

    Psilocybin for Nervous System Regeneration: Standardization, Accessibility, and Government Control

    Paul Stamets believes in the regeneration of the nervous system through the use of psilocybin. He suggests that this substance can help overcome neuropathies and reduce inflammation. However, he emphasizes the need for standardization, accessibility, and government control. Stamets envisions a future where psilocybin is available to everyone who needs it, either at an affordable cost or for free, with commercial companies subsidizing the costs for those who can't afford it. He also believes that the implementation of these medicines will be driven by ballot measures and public demand, rather than by risk-averse government officials. Stamets shares his personal routine of actively dreaming, drinking coffee, and doing 100 pushups daily, highlighting the importance of building a strong foundation in youth for long-term health benefits.

    Enhancing Creativity and Well-being through Exploration and Physical Activities

    Exploring different activities and environments can stimulate creativity and enhance overall well-being. Paul Stamets emphasizes the importance of engaging in physical activities, such as bike rides, to achieve freeform thinking and generate his best ideas. He also highlights the significance of giving attention to the body's needs, which can inform the brain and contribute to mental health. Moreover, Stamets stresses the potential benefits of mushrooms and fungi for human health, urging individuals to approach them as serious medicines and consult medical professionals. He advocates for personal freedom, while also encouraging responsible behavior and adherence to the law. Ultimately, he emphasizes the need for unity, understanding, and support in our collective journey towards greater consciousness and well-being.

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    Fertility in Crisis: Exploring the Toxic Threats to Fertility and the Rise in Infertility

    Fertility in Crisis: Exploring the Toxic Threats to Fertility and the Rise in Infertility
    View the Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Infertility is a significant challenge for many couples, with statistics now showing that one in six couples face difficulties conceiving. What was previously perceived primarily as a woman's issue is now recognized as a shared concern between partners. In today’s episode, we'll explore the factors in our modern environment contributing to this growing problem. In this episode, we’ll explore what’s driving this infertility epidemic and a step-by-step Functional Medicine protocol for correcting hormonal imbalances and elevating overall health through targeted dietary choices, lifestyle changes, and the strategic use of supplements. Tune in for a comprehensive approach to addressing infertility from the inside out. In this episode, I discuss: The fertility crisis (4:03) Top drivers of the global decline in fertility (7:01) How sugar can cause hormonal imbalances (7:36) Chronic inflammation and trouble conceiving (9:46) The role of the gut microbiome (12:50) Conventional Medicine fails to get to the root cause of infertility (17:12) The Functional Medicine approach to infertility (19:33) The importance of testing and correcting nutrient deficiencies (20:21) Hormones to test and why (26:59) Step-by-step protocol to support fertility (34:32) Choosing the right prenatal supplement (44:59) This episode is brought to you by AG1, Momentous, and Cymbiotika. Get your daily serving of vitamins, minerals, adaptogens, and more with AG1. Head to DrinkAG1.com/Hyman and get a year’s worth of D3 and 5 Travel Packs for FREE with your first order. Head over to LiveMomentous.com/Mark for 20% off creatine, collagen, and all of their best-in-class products. Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices