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    Healing Trauma, Depression, and Your Brain with Psychedelics

    enMay 13, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Power of Neuroplasticity and Brain OptimizationNeuroplasticity allows our brains to change and adapt throughout life. Functional medicine addresses root causes, simplifies lab ordering with platforms like Roopa Health, and optimizes sleep with brands like Cozy Earth. Psychedelics can trigger significant changes, and brain health can be optimized at any age.

      Our brains have the amazing ability to change and adapt throughout our lives, a concept known as neuroplasticity. Functional medicine practitioners can harness this power to help patients by addressing the root causes of their health concerns and simplifying lab ordering processes using platforms like Roopa Health. Additionally, our sleeping environment plays a crucial role in our overall health. Brands like Cozy Earth offer temperature-regulating bed sheets to ensure a comfortable and restorative night's sleep. Neuroplasticity can be supported through various means, including psychedelics, which have been shown to trigger significant changes at the cellular and neural circuit levels, helping heal from trauma and autoimmune diseases. It's essential to recognize that our brains have the potential to restore function and adapt at any age, and there are numerous ways to optimize brain health.

    • The brain's incredible ability to change and adapt throughout lifeFrom early life to age 25, the brain creates a map of experiences. After age 25, significant internal motivation is needed for change. Negative experiences can trigger brain changes, and recent advancements reveal new ways to repair and reverse various conditions

      The human brain has the incredible ability to change and adapt, a concept known as neuroplasticity. This ability is particularly strong during early life, as the brain creates a map of experiences from birth to age 25. However, from age 25 onwards, the brain requires a significant internal shift to motivate change. Negative experiences, such as traumas or accidents, are more likely to trigger brain changes due to our innate survival instincts. Recent advancements in medicine and therapy, including stem cell treatments, psychedelic therapies, and MDMA therapies, are revealing new ways to repair and reverse various conditions, from disabilities and neurological disorders to mental health issues like depression and PTSD. These discoveries challenge traditional beliefs about long-term treatment and therapy requirements. Overall, neuroplasticity offers hope for recovery and improvement, even in cases previously deemed irreversible.

    • Learning relies on two key chemicals: acetylcholine and epinephrineAcetylcholine facilitates nerve muscle communication and memory, while epinephrine enhances alertness and focus, both crucial for learning and brain plasticity. To optimize learning, maintain a baseline of alertness and stimulate the release of these chemicals.

      Our brains have the ability to change and learn new skills, emotions, and even alter our personalities through the release of certain chemicals. Two key chemicals are acetylcholine and epinephrine. Acetylcholine, responsible for nerve muscle communication and memory, is released from multiple sites in the brain, including the brain stem and the forebrain's nucleus basalis. As a child, our brains are naturally bathed in acetylcholine, allowing us to easily learn new languages or skills. However, as adults, we need to focus and stimulate the nucleus basalis to release acetylcholine in order to learn new things. Epinephrine, or adrenaline, is responsible for alertness and focus. It sets the stage for learning by creating a sense of agitation and preparation. To facilitate cholinergic transmission, it's essential to maintain a baseline level of alertness through good sleep, motivation, and excitement. By understanding the role of these chemicals in learning and brain plasticity, we can maximize our potential for growth and development throughout our lives.

    • Boost Brain Function with Nutrition, Focus, and RelaxationNutrition, focus, and relaxation are crucial for optimal brain function. Choline from food sources or supplements like Alpha-GPC can enhance cognitive function during learning. Flow states and intentional distraction aid in neuroplasticity and retaining new information.

      For optimal brain function, focus, and neuroplasticity, it's essential to prioritize foundational elements such as sleep, nutrition, and stress management. Choline, a nutrient crucial for cholinergic transmission, can be obtained from various food sources like meat, nuts, and eggs. Engaging in focused learning experiences and challenging activities, often referred to as "flow states," can significantly enhance cognitive function. Alpha-GPC, a choline derivative, has shown promising results in improving cognitive function and memory retention when taken before learning bouts. Lastly, incorporating periods of relaxation or intentional distraction after intense learning sessions can accelerate the brain's ability to rewire and retain new information. Essentially, the key to enhancing brain function lies in a holistic approach that addresses both the nutritional and mental aspects of learning and growth.

    • The importance of balance between focus and relaxation for effective learningEffective learning requires a balance of focus and relaxation, which can be achieved through methods like naps, hypnosis, or deep meditation. Best learning sessions last 30 mins to 90 mins, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle supports neuroplasticity and brain health. Find focus-enhancing methods like running or yoga.

      Effective learning involves a balance of focus and relaxation. While deep states of focus are essential for absorbing new information, relaxation is necessary for the brain to process and retain it. This can be achieved through various methods such as naps, hypnosis, or deep meditation. Hypnosis, in particular, allows for heightened focus and relaxation simultaneously. However, the best learning sessions typically last between 30 minutes to 90 minutes, and it's important to avoid overloading yourself with content for extended periods. Additionally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition and exercise, can support neuroplasticity and overall brain health. Finally, finding methods to maintain focus, such as running or practicing yoga, can enhance the learning experience.

    • Caring for mental and physical health for optimal brain functionPrioritize self-care practices like proper nutrition, exercise, and sleep to improve mood and overall well-being. Limit technology use and take regular breaks to prevent digital concussion and promote better brain health.

      Taking care of our mental and physical well-being is essential for optimal brain function and overall well-being. The ability to toggle between alert and relaxed states, also known as neuroplasticity, is crucial for adults. However, many people neglect self-care, leading to issues like depression and burnout. Prioritizing self-care practices such as proper nutrition, exercise, and adequate sleep can significantly improve mood and well-being. Additionally, limiting technology use and taking regular breaks from constant engagement can help prevent digital concussion and promote better brain health. Ultimately, it's essential to find a balance between productivity and self-care to maintain optimal brain function and overall well-being.

    • Read a chapter of a physical book daily for better focus and neuroplasticityReading a chapter of a physical book daily can improve focus, engage attention circuits, and enhance learning capabilities

      To maintain focus and attention throughout the lifespan, which is crucial for neuroplasticity, one simple yet effective practice is to read one chapter of a physical book every day. This practice not only improves your ability to pay attention but also engages the circuits for attention, leading to better learning capabilities. Additionally, having a deadline or being curious about a subject can help recruit the dopamine system and make the learning process enjoyable. Aim for two 90-minute blocks of focused learning per day, but if that's not feasible, starting with reading one chapter daily is a great step towards keeping your brain sharp.

    • Exploring Natural Methods for Enhancing Focus and Brain FunctionNatural methods like Alpha GPC, creatine, fasting, ketogenic diet, generating repetitions, failures, and vestibular disruption can enhance focus and brain function without relying on pharmacology and its potential side effects.

      While pharmacology like Adderall and Modafinil can offer temporary focus and alertness, relying on them can lead to a crash and have potential negative side effects. Instead, natural methods such as Alpha GPC and creatine, which enhance brain function for learning, are recommended. Fasting and a ketogenic diet can also promote focus by increasing the availability of neurotransmitters. For physical skills, generating repetitions and failures can help improve focus and alertness. Disrupting the vestibular system can also prime the brain for faster learning and neuroplasticity. Engaging in physical activities like dance, martial arts, or sports, especially in adulthood, can have significant benefits for overall brain health and plasticity.

    • Exploring the brain's ability to change and adaptThrough techniques, tools, playfulness, and curiosity, we can harness neuroplasticity at any age to improve mental and emotional well-being. Safe substances like ketamine can also enhance neuroplasticity, offering long-lasting benefits for trauma and depression treatment.

      The brain's ability to change and adapt, known as neuroplasticity, can be harnessed at any age through various techniques and tools. This was highlighted in the discussion of Richard Feynman's transformation from a physicist to a painter in his later years, emphasizing the importance of playfulness and curiosity. The conversation also touched on the potential of certain drugs, such as ketamine, in treating trauma and depression by increasing neuroplasticity and offering long-lasting effects. Despite any initial apprehensions, these substances are generally safe and have shown remarkable results in clinical research. The overall message is that our brains have the capacity to change and grow, and by embracing new experiences and approaches, we can improve our mental and emotional well-being.

    • Patient shares improved physical health after psychedelic-assisted therapiesPatient experienced improved blood sugar levels, heart rate variability, and a sense of embodiment after Ketamine, Psilocybin, and MDMA-assisted treatments. These benefits are supported by scientific research and can lead to a deeper understanding of attachment needs and secure relationships.

      Psychedelic-assisted therapies not only have a positive impact on mental health, but also on physical health. The patient shared their personal experience of improved blood sugar levels, heart rate variability, and a sense of embodiment after undergoing Ketamine, Psilocybin, and MDMA-assisted treatments. These improvements have been supported by scientific research, including studies on cancer patients and those with depression. Moreover, these therapies helped the patient gain a deeper understanding of their attachment needs and desire for secure relationships. The patient's own journey with autoimmune disease showed that a holistic approach, combining psychedelic therapies with lifestyle changes, is crucial for reversing the cycle of autoimmune disease and restoring health.

    • Trauma and toxic stress can lead to physical conditions like rheumatoid arthritisAddressing emotional and physical aspects of trauma together in therapy can improve symptoms and reduce reliance on medication

      Trauma and toxic stress can manifest physically in the body, leading to conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, even if there are no official diagnoses. A patient named Christina, who experienced profound betrayal and toxic stress after discovering her husband's affair, developed elbow pain and inflammation. Despite having good insurance, she faced a long wait to see a rheumatologist. In the meantime, she sought help from a healthcare provider who ran various tests and made lifestyle changes, such as adjusting her diet and addressing cortisol dysregulation. The patient's symptoms improved significantly, and an ultrasound showed only minor inflammation. When she finally saw the rheumatologist, she was told she had rheumatoid arthritis and was offered medication. However, she chose not to take it and continued with her improved lifestyle and psychedelic-assisted therapies, which helped her process her trauma and manage her symptoms. This case highlights the importance of addressing the emotional and physical aspects of trauma and toxic stress together in a patient's therapy.

    • Impact of Psychedelics on Brain Function and StructurePsychedelics like psilocybin increase neuroplasticity, neurogenesis, and neurotrophic factors, help resolve deep-seated trauma, alleviate depression, and interact with specific brain receptors, leading to changes in neural connectivity and growth.

      Psychedelic medicines, such as those containing psilocybin, have a profound impact on both the function and structure of the brain. They're not just psychological in nature, but also physiological. These substances have been used for thousands of years across various cultures for healing, spiritual growth, and rituals. Modern research shows that they increase neuroplasticity, neurogenesis, and neurotrophic factors like BDNF. They also help resolve deep-seated trauma and alleviate depression resistant to other treatments. The mechanisms behind these effects are still being uncovered, but it's believed that they interact with specific receptors in the brain, leading to changes in neural connectivity and growth. This holistic approach, combining functional medicine interventions and psychedelic-assisted therapy, offers a promising avenue for treating various health conditions and improving overall well-being.

    • Discovering the healing potential of psilocybin from magic mushroomsPsilocybin from magic mushrooms effectively binds to brain receptors, stimulating neurogenesis and producing brain-derived neurotrophic factors, potentially making it a more effective treatment for mental illness than traditional antidepressants through microdosing

      The use of ancient plant compounds, such as psilocybin found in magic mushrooms, is gaining mainstream recognition in the medical community for its potential role in treating mental illness. This is due to the discovery that psilocybin binds to the same receptors (TRAC b) as FDA-approved antidepressants, but a thousand times more effectively. This binding stimulates neurogenesis and the production of brain-derived neurotrophic factors, which can lead to healing and repair in the brain. Microdosing, or the regular intake of small doses of psilocybin, may be more effective than traditional antidepressants due to this increased binding and activation. This discovery has led to a shift in perspective among skeptics and could pave the way for new therapeutic approaches in mental health treatment.

    • Exploring the therapeutic potential of psilocybin for mental health issuesPsilocybin, a psychedelic substance, holds promise in treating depression, addiction, PTSD, and more by altering neurobiology and reducing inflammation. More research is needed to understand risks and benefits.

      Psychedelics like psilocybin are showing promising results in treating various mental health issues, including depression, alcohol use disorder, tobacco cessation, and even severe conditions like PTSD. These substances may help people escape self-abusive behaviors and societal issues by altering neurobiology and reducing inflammation and pain caused by trauma. Research suggests that psilocybin activates multiple receptors, leading to a whole-organism change in behavior and psychology. This approach is exciting because it's likely not due to one specific pathway or molecule. Despite the potential benefits, it's important to note that these substances are still largely illegal, and more research is needed to fully understand their risks and benefits. Overall, the discovery of psilocybin and other psychedelics represents a significant shift in mental health paradigms, potentially offering relief for a wide range of stressors and mental health issues.

    • Maria Sabina and Mazatecs' Role in Introducing Psychedelic Mushrooms to the Western WorldMaria Sabina and Mazatecs introduced psychedelic mushrooms to the Western world, but Western technology is now used to cultivate them due to demand and scarcity of traditional species.

      The use of psychedelic mushrooms, particularly those from the Mazatec tradition, has a rich history and cultural significance. Maria Sabina and the Mazatecs played a crucial role in introducing the therapeutic use of these mushrooms to the Western world. However, the species most commonly used today, Psilocybe cubensis, is different from what Maria Sabina used, and the wild species she used are now in short supply due to demand. To bridge this gap, Western technology can be used to cultivate these mushrooms and help preserve traditional practices. It's important to respect and honor indigenous traditions while also recognizing that the discovery and use of these psychedelic substances is a global phenomenon with a long history. The ecotype of these mushrooms was not present in the Americas until the Spanish arrived, and people living in various ecosystems would eventually discover them, which is why this movement towards their therapeutic use has been slow but inevitable.

    • Exploring the historical and cultural significance of psychedelicsIndigenous peoples are reclaiming their ancient traditions with psychedelics, challenging religious institutions and offering spiritual growth through modern scientific discoveries

      The use of psychedelics, such as mushrooms, holds a rich history of providing ephemeral yet profound insights and liberating experiences, often suppressed throughout history due to cultural domination, religious oppression, and other external factors. Indigenous peoples, in particular, have a deep connection to these substances and are reclaiming their ancient traditions through research and re-integration. The use of psychedelics can challenge the industrial religious complex and offer a path to spiritual growth without the need for gatekeepers or structured religious institutions. The intersection of ancient knowledge and modern science is leading to new discoveries and healing, especially for indigenous communities.

    • Exploring the Potential of Psilocybin in Mental HealthPsilocybin shows promise in mental health research, benefits 70% but not 30%, potential societal benefits include reducing crime and mental illness

      Psilocybin, a compound found in magic mushrooms, is showing great promise in mental health research, particularly for treating depression and preventing mental illness. With over 120 ongoing clinical trials, potential indications range from alcohol use disorders to PTSD. While 70% of people experience benefits, it's crucial to remember that 30% do not. Psilocybin may also have societal benefits, potentially reducing crime and mental illness, leading to massive savings and societal improvements. However, it's important to note that this is still ongoing research, and individual results may vary. Always consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new treatments.

    • Visiting a Qualified Medical Practitioner for Health ImprovementSeeking guidance from a qualified medical practitioner is essential for effective health improvements. Find one near you through the Ultra Wellness Center or the Institute for Functional Medicine's website.

      When it comes to improving your health, it's crucial to seek the guidance of a qualified medical practitioner. They can provide you with the necessary expertise and support to help you make effective changes. If you're in the vicinity of Lenox, Massachusetts, consider visiting the Ultra Wellness Center. Alternatively, you can use the Institute for Functional Medicine's website to find a practitioner near you. Remember, having a trained and licensed healthcare professional in your corner can make all the difference. As a reminder, keeping this podcast free is part of my commitment to making practical health improvement strategies accessible to everyone. I'd like to express my gratitude to the sponsors who made today's episode possible.

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    Healing Trauma, Depression, and Your Brain with Psychedelics

    Healing Trauma, Depression, and Your Brain with Psychedelics
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Our brain has the ability to adapt, change, and grow new neurons through a concept known as neuroplasticity. Compounds in psychedelics are finally being recognized as powerful tools to change the wiring of the brain which means we’re not doomed to become a statistic and lose our minds as we get older or carry destructive trauma in our bodies for the rest of our lives.  In this episode, Dr. Hyman speaks with Dr. Andrew Huberman, Dr. Sara Gottfried, and Paul Stamets about what exactly neuroplasticity is and how psychedelics like ketamine and psilocybin may be a helpful treatment for depression, trauma, addiction, and more. This episode is brought to you by Rupa Health, Cozy Earth, and Cymbiotika. Streamline your lab orders with Rupa Health. Access more than 3,000 specialty lab tests and register for a FREE live demo at RupaHealth.com. Right now, you can save 40% when you upgrade to Cozy Earth sheets. Just head over to CozyEarth.com and use code DRHYMAN. Upgrade your supplement routine with Cymbiotika. Get 20% off with free shipping on all orders. Head to Cymbiotika.com and use code HYMAN. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    The #1 Thing Stopping You From Losing Belly Fat - How To Lose It Effectively

    The #1 Thing Stopping You From Losing Belly Fat - How To Lose It Effectively
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Carrying excess weight around your midsection can be frustrating, especially if you maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Yet, millions of people worldwide struggle with their weight,  It is crucial to understand that belly fat is more than just a layer under your clothes. It is an active endocrine organ that secretes pro-inflammatory cytokines throughout the body, contributing to our risk for chronic diseases. It's important to recognize that this is not a reflection of personal failure. Our modern-day lifestyles are overloaded with stress, environmental toxins, and convenience foods that actively work against us. In today’s episode, we will explore visceral fat (a.k.a. belly fat), the factors that contribute to it, and how to address it using the principles of Functional Medicine effectively. In this episode, I dive into: Understanding belly fat and obesity (2:51)  The role of diet and lifestyle in the accumulation of belly fat (10:48)  The impact of sleep, alcohol, and stress on weight gain (19:14)  What are obesogens, and how do they make us gain weight? (21:44) Health risks associated with visceral fat and belly fat (23:05)  Where does conventional medicine miss the mark? (24:14) Functional medicine's approach to assessing and addressing visceral fat (26:38)  Dietary and lifestyle changes to reduce visceral fat (30:52)  Rupa University is hosting FREE classes and bootcamps for healthcare providers who want to learn more about Functional Medicine testing. Sign up at RupaUniversity.com. Upgrade your cookware, appliances and more with Our Place. Head over to FromOurPlace.com and enter code HYMAN at checkout to receive 10% off site-wide. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices