
    How to Raise Healthy Kids: A Functional Medicine Approach

    enMay 08, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Gut health's impact on children's mental and physical wellbeingImprove children's gut health through diet, reducing toxins, and holistic approaches to optimize microbiomes for better mood, focus, and overall wellbeing.

      The health of our children is a major concern, with many suffering from attention issues, behavioral problems, anxiety, and even obesity and diabetes. Dr. Alysa Song, a pediatrician and author of "Healthy Happy Kids," emphasizes that 80-90% of our serotonin, a key neurotransmitter for mood and focus, is produced by the gut microbiome. This means that factors affecting our gut health can significantly impact our children's mental and physical wellbeing. Dr. Song recommends focusing on diet, specifically incorporating high-quality sources of protein and healthy fats, like wild-caught salmon, which can improve heart health and cognitive function. She also advocates for reducing exposure to environmental toxins and optimizing children's microbiomes through testing, nutritional supplements, and functional medicine approaches. By addressing the root causes of childhood health issues through a holistic lens, we can help our kids live healthier, happier lives.

    • From disease-based to functional medicine for childrenFunctional medicine focuses on preventing and addressing health issues in children by addressing root causes instead of just treating symptoms, aiming for optimal potential and thriving, contrasting the conventional disease-based approach.

      The conventional approach to medicine, while necessary for putting out fires, places us in a disease-based model. Functional medicine, on the other hand, focuses on helping children thrive and reach their optimal potential. The contrast between the two approaches lies in the mindset shift from running away from diseases to moving towards a vision of a healthy child. The increase in chronic diseases among children is alarming, and it's time to wake up and adopt a functional medicine approach to prevent and address these issues. The study from the New England Journal of Medicine in 2005, which noted that kids are expected to have shorter lifespans than their parents due to lifestyle-related diseases, should have been a wake-up call two decades ago. As a pediatrician, one has the opportunity to make a difference in a child's life by focusing on functional medicine and addressing the root causes of health issues instead of just treating symptoms.

    • The loss of beneficial bacteria in children's microbiomes is linked to rising health issuesUnderstanding and addressing factors contributing to the loss of beneficial bacteria like bifidobacter in children's microbiomes is crucial for promoting long-term health and protecting against severe COVID outcomes.

      The drastic change in children's microbiomes over the past century, particularly the loss of beneficial bacteria like bifidobacter, is contributing to the rise in noncommunicable diseases and health issues such as allergies, asthma, eczema, obesity, mental health disorders like ADHD and autism, and autoimmunity. This shift is due in part to the way breast milk has changed, reflecting the formula-fed microbiomes of the past. Factors like the widespread use of antibiotics have also played a role in wiping out these beneficial bacteria. This critical period of immune development in the first 0 to 3 years of life sets the stage for either optimal or suboptimal immune function, making it essential to start with a healthy gut microbiome. Research suggests that bifidobacter, which is largely passed from mother to baby during childbirth, plays a crucial role in informing the immune system and protecting against severe COVID outcomes. Therefore, understanding and addressing the factors contributing to the loss of bifidobacter and other beneficial bacteria is key to promoting children's long-term health.

    • The health of a child's gut microbiome during pregnancy and early infancy impacts their overall health and development.A healthy gut microbiome, established during pregnancy and early infancy, reduces the risk of asthma, allergic disorders, and other conditions. Probiotics like Bifidobacterium bifidum can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome, but awareness and education about their importance are lacking.

      The health of a child's gut microbiome, established during pregnancy and early infancy, plays a crucial role in their overall health and development. This includes reducing the risk of asthma, allergic disorders, and other conditions. However, the use of certain medications like antibiotics and antacids, as well as chronic stress, can disrupt the development of a healthy gut microbiome. A simple and safe intervention is the use of a specific probiotic, Bifidobacterium bifidum, which colonizes the gut and feeds on prebiotics found in breast milk. This probiotic should be a mandatory part of prenatal and early infant care. Unfortunately, awareness and education about the importance of the gut microbiome in pediatric and maternal care is lacking, and more research and awareness are needed to make this intervention standard of care.

    • Maintaining gut and skin health for overall well-beingEating well is crucial for health, but accessing organic groceries can be a challenge. Thrive Market makes it easier, while OneSkin optimizes skin function and Food Fix Campaign advocates for informed food choices.

      Maintaining a healthy gut and skin plays a crucial role in overall health and longevity. Leaky gut, a condition where the gut barrier gets disrupted, can lead to inflammation and various health issues, including mental health problems, obesity, and allergic and autoimmune diseases. Eating well is essential for good health, but finding the time and resources to buy organic groceries can be a challenge. Thrive Market offers a solution with its convenience and affordability, making it easier for people to eat healthily. Meanwhile, the skin is often overlooked as a health indicator but is a visible report card for what's happening inside the body. OneSkin, a company founded by scientists, offers a topical supplement that optimizes skin function at the cellular level, reducing the signs of aging and strengthening the skin's natural barrier. Additionally, the impact of ultra-processed foods on the gut microbiome and overall health is a concern, especially for children. The food industry and FDA may not help in this regard, so initiatives like the Food Fix Campaign, which advocates for child-friendly food labeling, are essential to empowering people to make informed choices.

    • Breast milk's impact on baby's microbiomeBreastfeeding supports baby's beneficial gut bugs through essential oligosaccharides. Parents should optimize their nutrients, particularly vitamin D, and address gut issues pre-pregnancy for their and their baby's microbiome health. Fiber-rich diets, prebiotics, probiotics, and functional medicine consultations can help.

      The microbiome of a breastfed baby is significantly different from that of a formula-fed baby, with breast milk containing essential oligosaccharides that support the growth of beneficial gut bugs. These sugars are not present in formula, leading to different microbiomes and potential health consequences. Before and during pregnancy, it's crucial for parents to optimize their nutrients, particularly vitamin D, and address any gut issues to support their own and their baby's microbiome. This includes working with a functional medicine doctor, focusing on fiber-rich diets, and incorporating prebiotics and probiotics. Additionally, the importance of the father's role in optimizing epigenetic programming should not be overlooked. Overall, taking a holistic approach to microbiome health before, during, and after pregnancy is essential for the best possible start in life for a baby.

    • Supporting a healthy pregnancy goes beyond physical careOlder studies suggest taking probiotics and prioritizing mental health support during pregnancy can reduce eczema, asthma risk in children. Essential elements like a balanced diet, adequate sleep, stress management, and avoiding antibiotics can help heal the gut microbiome, impacting future health outcomes for parents and children.

      Supporting a healthy pregnancy involves more than just physical care. Older studies suggest that taking the probiotic strain lactobacillus rhamnosus GG during pregnancy and while nursing can help reduce the risk of eczema and asthma in children. However, mental health support for moms is equally important, as prenatal psychological stress can impact a baby's future health, including their risk for metabolic diseases, obesity, and heart disease, even affecting future generations. Additionally, focusing on gut health is crucial due to the numerous risk factors that can negatively impact the microbiome, such as antibiotics, C-sections, and glyphosate exposure. The "gut reset program" and "5 things for microbiome magic" can help heal the gut microbiome, and it's essential to prioritize essential elements like a balanced diet, adequate sleep, stress management, and avoiding unnecessary antibiotics. These foundational steps can set the stage for better health outcomes for both parents and children.

    • Nourishing our gut microbiome for better healthFocus on fiber-rich, colorful foods, fermented and prebiotic foods, and avoid harmful additives to support a healthy gut microbiome and long-term health.

      Taking care of our gut microbiome can have a significant impact on our overall health and wellbeing, especially for children. This means focusing on nourishing our gut with fiber-rich, colorful foods, and fermented and prebiotic foods. It also means being mindful of what we keep out of our diets, such as harmful food additives. By teaching children how to make informed decisions about what they eat, we can help them establish healthy habits that will benefit their microbiome and support their long-term health. This can be as simple as reading food labels and avoiding added sugars and artificial ingredients. By making small changes every day, we can support both ourselves and our microscopic friends, leading to better health and improved quality of life.

    • Exposure to Harmful Substances in US ChildrenUS children face harmful substances, impacting behavior, attention, and potentially causing neuropsychiatric disorders. Small dietary changes can help mitigate these risks.

      Children in the US are exposed to harmful substances like artificial colors and preservatives, which are protected against in other countries. These substances can impact children's behavior, attention, and focus, and even lead to neuropsychiatric disorders like Pediatric Acute Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndromes (PANS). The American preference for these substances makes it challenging to eliminate them, but small changes, such as the Feingold diet, which eliminates artificial colors and preservatives, can have profound results. For instance, a child with sensory issues and behavioral concerns was found to have PANS caused by strep infection, and his symptoms were triggered by artificial colors and preservatives in treats after soccer games. By making concrete swaps to healthier alternatives, parents can help protect their children from the negative effects of these substances.

    • Improving children's health through diet and nutritional interventionsAddressing nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, and toxicity through diet can lead to significant health improvements for children with issues like ADHD, allergies, asthma, and gut problems, reducing the need for medications and traditional treatments.

      Addressing the underlying biological causes of children's health issues through diet and nutritional interventions can lead to significant improvements, often in a short amount of time. This approach not only helps alleviate symptoms but also reduces the need for medications and other traditional treatments. Many children suffer from various health issues, including ADHD, allergies, asthma, and gut problems, which are often treated ineffectively with behavioral therapy or multiple medications. However, these issues can be linked to nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, and toxicity. By focusing on improving children's diets, addressing food sensitivities, and providing necessary nutrients, pediatricians can help children thrive and experience remarkable transformations. The case of a boy who was severely deficient in essential nutrients and had numerous health issues after consuming a diet of processed food serves as a powerful reminder of the potential impact of this approach.

    • Parents' health before conception and child's health afterwardFocus on parents' health, address gut issues for children with chronic illnesses, and test for nutrient deficiencies to optimize overall health.

      Both parents' health before conception and a child's health afterward are crucial. Prevention is key, with parents focusing on their own health and ensuring they're on the right supplements. For children with chronic illnesses, addressing gut health and potential food intolerances can be a game-changer. Many conditions can be linked to gut health issues, and educating children in an age-appropriate way is essential for successful implementation. The foundations of food as medicine, such as healing the gut, can be challenging but are essential for improving overall health and wellbeing. Testing for nutrient deficiencies is an important first step in optimizing health for both parents and children.

    • Many children, even the fit and active ones, may have nutrient deficiencies or insufficiencies, especially zinc.Children, even those who appear healthy, may lack essential nutrients due to modern food production and processing. Zinc deficiency is common. Addressing these deficiencies is crucial for children's growth and development.

      Many children, even those who are fit, active, and slim, may have nutrient deficiencies or insufficiencies, with zinc being the most common. This is concerning, especially in the affluent population where parents are proactive about their children's health. The food we consume today is less nutrient-dense due to factors like glyphosate, natural gas, and processing. Ultra-processed foods further deplete our nutrients. Doctors and pediatricians rarely check nutrient levels in children. To make the blood draw experience easier for kids, use numbing cream like Emla. It's important to address these nutrient deficiencies to support children's growth and development, as they face more stresses and toxins in today's world.

    • Nutrient deficiencies from ultra-processed foods affect children's health and eating habitsChildren consuming ultra-processed foods may experience zinc deficiency, affecting taste perception and leading to picky eating. Vitamin D and Omega-3 supplementation are necessary for optimal bone health, mood, immune function, and brain development.

      Ultra-processed foods not only fail to provide the necessary nutrients for optimal metabolism, but children who consume these foods may experience nutrient deficiencies, particularly zinc, which can lead to picky eating and sensory sensitivities. Parents of picky eaters may consider supplementing with zinc, as taste perception can be altered due to deficiency. Additionally, vitamin D is essential for all kids, as they often don't get enough exposure to sunlight, making supplementation necessary. Vitamin D is important for bone health, mood, and immune function. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish oil, are crucial for brain development and function, and should be added to children's diets as they grow older. Regular testing and individualized supplementation based on lab results are recommended for addressing nutrient deficiencies.

    • Supplements for Children with Atopic ConditionsParents should prioritize specific omega-6 supplements for kids with eczema or asthma. Find a high-quality multivitamin, avoid gummy vitamins due to sugar, and rely on trusted sources for supplements. Consider the benefits and risks of vaccines for your child's health, and consult healthcare professionals for personalized advice.

      Parents should prioritize certain supplements, such as omega-6s with GLA, for children with atopic conditions like eczema or asthma. Not all omega-6s are bad, and these specific types can be beneficial. It's essential to find a high-quality children's multivitamin, and be cautious of gummy vitamins due to their sugar content. Finding reliable sources for supplements, such as through practitioners or trusted brands, is crucial. Vaccines are a controversial topic, and it's essential to have an intelligent and scientific conversation about them. Vaccines have potential benefits and risks, and it's important to consider both when making decisions for your child's health. The conversation around vaccines has become polarized, but we should approach it with science and facts. Always consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice.

    • Navigating the complex vaccine landscape for childrenPediatricians should consider individual genetics, family history, and potential risks when discussing vaccines with parents, promoting open and informed discussions to prioritize each child's unique health needs.

      The conversation around vaccines should be more intelligent and personalized, taking into account the latest scientific discoveries and individual genetics. The vaccine landscape has evolved significantly since the past, with an increasing number of vaccines and a shift in liability from manufacturers to the government. This has led to advancements in fields like vaccinomics and adversomics, which aim to make vaccines more effective and safer based on an individual's genetic profile. However, it's crucial for pediatricians to help parents navigate this complex landscape by considering family history and potential risks, as well as promoting open and informed discussions about vaccines. Ultimately, the goal is to prioritize the health and well-being of each child, recognizing that every child is unique and may require a customized approach to vaccine use.

    • Questioning the Necessity of Newborn Hepatitis B Vaccine and Effects of Multiple VaccinesThe speaker challenges the need for newborn hepatitis B vaccine and raises concerns about administering multiple vaccines at once, emphasizing the importance of individualized vaccination approaches and studying long-term effects on children's health.

      While vaccines have been incredibly beneficial for humanity, the current vaccination schedule raises questions about the need for certain vaccines, like the hepatitis B vaccine for newborns, and the potential effects of administering multiple vaccines at once. The speaker argues that newborns with no risk factors for hepatitis B may not need the vaccine immediately, and the same dose given to a newborn and a teenager does not make logical sense. Additionally, the long-term effects of the vaccine schedule on children's immune systems, proteomics, metabolomics, epigenetics, and overall health are not studied, making it important to consider a more individualized approach to vaccinations. The speaker suggests administering vaccines one at a time to better identify any potential reactions.

    • Supporting a child's immune system and gut health before vaccinationsOptimizing a child's immune system and gut health before vaccinations can lead to better vaccine efficacy and fewer potential adverse reactions. This can start with the mother's health during pregnancy and continue with supplements and lifestyle choices post-birth.

      Optimizing a child's immune system and gut health before vaccinations can lead to better vaccine efficacy and fewer potential adverse reactions. This can start even before conception, with the mother taking probiotics and maintaining a healthy diet. During pregnancy, probiotics and prebiotics can continue to support the baby's developing gut microbiome. Once the child is born, supplements like glutathione, vitamin C, and Epsom salt baths can help clear out vaccine ingredients more efficiently. It's important to note that vaccination schedules should not be followed blindly, but rather, personalized and evidence-based. Resources for parents seeking to learn more about this approach include practitioner conferences, online education programs, and books like "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children's Vaccinations." By taking a thoughtful, informed approach to vaccinations, parents can help ensure their child's best health outcomes.

    • An Integrated Approach to Child Health and ResilienceDr. Alicia Stanton's book 'Healthy Kids Happy Kids' offers an integrated approach to addressing the root causes of various childhood issues through nutrition, gut health, and toxin levels for improved resilience and overall well-being.

      The book "Healthy Kids Happy Kids" by Dr. Alicia Stanton offers an integrated approach to child health and resilience, addressing the root causes of various childhood issues, including allergies, autoimmunity, learning disabilities, and mental health disorders. These problems are often treated separately in traditional medicine, but can be linked to nutrition, gut health, and toxin levels. By focusing on these areas, children can become more resilient and respond well to these approaches. Parents who are struggling with their child's health should consider getting this book as a resource. The functional medicine approach advocated by Dr. Stanton is essential for addressing the root causes of health issues in children and improving their overall well-being. The world needs more advocates like her for this approach in pediatrics. If you're interested in more recommendations from Dr. Mark Hyman, sign up for his free Mark's Picks newsletter at doctorhyman.com/forward/markspicks. Remember, this podcast is for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Seek out a qualified healthcare practitioner for personalized help. Sponsors help keep this podcast free and accessible to the general public.

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    #056 Eczema Types, Causes and Solutions with Christa Biegler

    #056 Eczema Types, Causes and Solutions with Christa Biegler
     Dr. Campbell and Dr. Hohn speak with functional medicine nutritionist and The Less Stressed Life Podcast host, Christa Biegler. She specializes in helping women reduce inflammation, manage eczema and other health issues. We focus on eczema and how it shows up, what the triggers are, how it can be managed, and more.



    • Christa explains eczema  (00:15)
    • Types of eczema (03:48)
    • Managing eczema for children (16:13)
    • Bacteria and fungal infections (25:10)
    • Relationship of food & eczema (31:05)
    • Symptoms that come along with skin issues (34:26)



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    • Wondering if you have histamine intolerance? Take THIS QUIZ and receive a free histamine guide
    • Get answers to your health questions HERE

    How To Address Gut Issues And Get Back To Optimal Health

    How To Address Gut Issues And Get Back To Optimal Health

    This episode is brought to you by AG1, AirDoctor, HigherDOSE, and Super Simple Protein

    So many people are plagued every day with uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, cramps, diarrhea, constipation, and pain that often reduce quality of life or derail daily activities. Thankfully, emerging research has helped identify the real underlying issues of digestive conditions, which means we are developing an understanding of how to actually treat—and fix—gut dysfunction.

    In today’s episode, I talk with Dhru Purohit and Dr. Elizabeth Boham about the importance of a healthy gut and how to treat common symptoms like bloating, malnutrition, dysbiosis, and more.

    Dhru Purohit is a podcast host, serial entrepreneur, and investor in the health and wellness industry. His podcast, The Dhru Purohit Podcast, is a top 50 global health podcast with over 30 million unique downloads. His interviews focus on the inner workings of the brain and the body and feature the brightest minds in wellness, medicine, and mindset.

    Dr. Elizabeth Boham is a physician and nutritionist who practices Functional Medicine at The UltraWellness Center in Lenox, MA. Through her practice and lecturing she has helped thousands of people achieve their goals of optimum health and wellness. She witnesses the power of nutrition every day in her practice and is committed to training other physicians to utilize nutrition in healing.

    This episode is brought to you by AG1, AirDoctor, HigherDOSE, and Super Simple Protein.

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    Full-length episodes (and corresponding links) of these interviews can be found here:

    3 Things That Destroy Your Gut Health

    Underweight, Overtired, and Malnourished: How To Get Your Health Back On Track

    Why Gut Issues Are On The Rise And How To Fix It

    Bloating: Getting Rid Of Your Food Baby With Functional Medicine

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Nutrition Shift: Upgrading Your Microbiome

    Nutrition Shift: Upgrading Your Microbiome

    Do you have the guts to shift your nutrition so that it supports your overall health AND your gut health?  Learn more today about how your microbiome affects weight loss, calorie absorption and more.  

    Shifting your nutrition into a new space is a mindset and we cover that too.  Habits, ideas, and the basics for shifting your gut health and well being are covered today. Here are a few topics we cover:

    1. What to let go

    2. What to add into your nutrition

    3. How the microbiome affects your intake

    4. Social eating plan

    5. The Calorie Counting Fallacy

    Full Show Notes & Links to studies!

    Gut Check: Nutrition & Your Digestive Health

    Gut Check: Nutrition & Your Digestive Health

    Gastrointestinal health complaints form a large proportion of the reasons people visit their doctors—even though few people like to talk about what’s going on down there. And Medcan’s registered dietitians often get questions about how to promote digestion. So our Eat host, Leslie Beck, Medcan’s clinical director of food and nutrition, suggested a guide to all the gut, microbiome and digestive tract questions our listeners might otherwise not be comfortable asking.

    Here, Beck is joined by Medcan gastroenterologist Dr. Bharat Markandey to tackle: What foods promote gut health? Do probiotics and prebiotics work? And how can you tell whether everything’s working correctly? It’s all in here—and more! 

    Check out the episode webpage for links and more info.