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    Teddy Swims: “It Was the CRAZIEST Thing!” How I MANIFESTED My Record Deal in 6 MONTHS!

    enMay 06, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • From Chili's to Billboard: How Past Experiences Fuel Future SuccessPast experiences, even difficult ones, can provide motivation and shape future success. Love and consistency shown by loved ones can teach valuable life lessons.

      Our past experiences, even those filled with unhappiness, can serve as motivation and fuel for future success. Teddy Swims, a musician who went from working at Chili's to securing a Billboard Hot 100 hit, shared how his cover of Michael Jackson's "Rock With You" went viral and led to his music career. He also emphasized the importance of love, specifically the love and consistency shown to him by his father. Swims shared that his father's unwavering presence and dedication to others taught him the value of making time for those who matter and showing love and attention, even in the busiest of times. This lesson has not only impacted Swims' personal life but also his music, which resonates with listeners through its soul and passion.

    • The Power of Parental SupportBelief from parents can fuel determination and resilience in pursuing dreams, even during challenging times. Having a backup plan and loved ones' support can also make a significant difference.

      Having supportive parents who believe in your dreams and encourage you to pursue them can make all the difference in your life. The speaker shared a heartfelt story about his father's unwavering support, despite his own reservations and the challenges they faced together during the speaker's 10-year journey to make it in the music industry. The father's belief in his son, even when the son's music wasn't yet successful, gave him the confidence and motivation to keep going. The speaker also highlighted the importance of having a backup plan and the support of loved ones, like his mother, who believed in him and helped him pursue his dreams alongside his music career. Overall, the conversation underscores the power of parental support and the importance of believing in oneself, even in the face of challenges.

    • The importance of treating people wellTreating people well, even in difficult times, can lead to positive outcomes and opportunities.

      Treating people well and making them feel comfortable and happy can go a long way in life, even in unexpected situations. This was a valuable lesson the speaker learned from a fellow server named Roger Waters when he first started working in the service industry. This advice helped him during his struggles in the last decade, especially when he and his band were trying to make it big by producing covers and original music. Despite the challenges, such as living with a large group of people in a small house and quitting his job to focus on the music, he persevered and continued to prioritize treating people well. This approach paid off when they gained a large following on YouTube and eventually attracted the attention of record labels.

    • The power of belief, hard work, and positive thinkingBelief in oneself, hard work, and a positive attitude can lead to great success despite challenges and uncertainty.

      Having a strong mindset, rooted in principles of hard work, positivity, and belief in oneself, can lead to great success. The speaker shares his personal experience of starting a business and facing challenges, but maintaining a positive attitude and trusting in the universe helped him manifest a deal within six months. He attributes his mindset to the influence of his grandfather, a Pentecostal pastor, who taught him valuable lessons about treating people well and asking for what he wanted in life. Despite facing financial struggles and uncertainty, the speaker remained optimistic and communicated confidence to his team, ultimately leading to a successful outcome. This story highlights the power of belief, hard work, and positive thinking in achieving goals.

    • The power of staying true to your word and having believersBelievers and staying true to your word can help overcome challenges and keep focused on goals during difficult times. Important figures' encouragement matters, especially in childhood.

      Staying true to your word and having the support of believers can help you overcome challenges and stay focused on your goals, even during difficult times. The speaker shares how they relied on their promise to themselves and the belief of those around them to keep going through 6 or 7 years of hard work and uncertainty before achieving success in their music career. They emphasize the importance of having people who encourage and support you, rather than doubters or haters. Additionally, the speaker highlights the importance of receiving permission and encouragement from important figures in your life, especially during childhood, to pursue your passions.

    • The importance of self-belief and permission in pursuing dreamsBelieve in yourself and have permission to pursue your dreams, despite challenges and setbacks. Practice consistently and maintain self-belief, even in the face of criticism or failure.

      Having the permission and belief in oneself is crucial for pursuing one's dreams, even when faced with challenges and setbacks. The speaker shares his experience of seeing a friend's dream being dampened due to external pressures and how he believes that having more permission to pursue his own dreams could have led him to greater heights. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining self-belief, even when facing criticism or failure, and the value of practicing and honing one's craft consistently. The speaker also highlights the unique advantage of the voice as an instrument that can be practiced anywhere and at any time. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of perseverance, self-belief, and permission in achieving one's goals.

    • Creating a sense of belonging can lead to remarkable experiencesInclusivity and transforming labels can lead to increased participation and significant impact

      Creating a sense of belonging and making something cool can lead to remarkable experiences. The speaker shared an anecdote from high school about turning the theater program into a "dude's party," which resulted in an influx of male participants and a shift in school demographics. Later in life, Teddy Swims adopted the stage name as a nickname rather than an alias, and it stuck. Swims' stage name came about organically when his friend and mentor, Tyler Carter, suggested combining their names for a rap project. Switches in names can be daunting, but Swims embraces both Teddy and Teddy Swims, seeing them as interchangeable. Despite his past stage fright, Swims now finds himself more anxious offstage than on. The power of inclusivity and the transformation of a label can lead to significant impact.

    • Embrace nerves and anxiety as part of the creative processSharing personal experiences can create a safe space for healing and provide a therapeutic outlet for both performers and listeners

      Nerves and anxiety before performing are a natural part of the creative process, and they can even be a sign of passion and love for what one does. These feelings can transform into a powerful connection with the audience, providing a therapeutic outlet for both the performer and the listeners. By embracing vulnerability and sharing personal experiences, artists can create a safe space for people to heal and find comfort in their own stories. Every difficult experience, no matter how small, can ultimately make a difference in someone's life. It's essential to use our voices to share our stories, as they can help others avoid making the same mistakes and provide a sense of belonging.

    • Sharing experiences and vulnerabilitiesOpening up about struggles can lead to healing and self-acceptance, breaking the stigma of shame and isolation.

      Sharing our experiences and vulnerabilities with others can help alleviate feelings of isolation and shame. The speaker discussed growing up with a sense of needing to keep things hidden, whether due to religious expectations or personal insecurities. They mentioned hating parts of themselves, particularly struggles with weight and sensitivity, and feeling like they couldn't openly discuss these issues. However, a turning point came when a friend, Dominique Wilkins, reached out and offered support and encouragement. This led the speaker to start opening up and seeking help, ultimately leading to greater self-love and acceptance. It's important to remember that everyone has struggles, and speaking about them can help break the stigma and allow for healing.

    • Finding strength in difficult timesPersonal struggles can lead to growth, self-love, and setting healthy boundaries. Remember, how people treat you reflects how they see you.

      Going through difficult times can make way for new opportunities and personal growth. The speaker shared a personal story about hitting rock bottom, but finding the strength to help a young child and eventually turn his life around. He also learned the importance of self-love and setting healthy boundaries in relationships. The therapist's advice that "the way people treat you is a reflection of the way that they see you" helped him realize that he needed to value himself and notice when he was being treated unfairly. Through these experiences, he learned to prioritize his own well-being and find inspiration in his pain rather than being stuck in it.

    • Choices for HappinessShifting mindset towards love, joy, and peace is a daily decision. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. Address deeper issues for true happiness. Happiness is attainable for everyone with positive influences.

      Happiness and positivity are choices we make every day, regardless of our external circumstances. The speaker shares her personal experience of being stuck in negative emotions and how she learned to shift her mindset towards love, joy, and peace. She acknowledges that it's not always easy, but it's a daily decision that requires effort and training. The speaker also emphasizes that happiness is not a destination but a journey, and it's essential to address the deeper issues, such as self-worth, relationships, and self-love, to truly find happiness. She encourages those struggling to remember that happiness is attainable for everyone, and it's important to surround ourselves with positive influences and people who value and cherish us.

    • The value of personal purpose and helping others succeedDefine personal success, focus on helping others, and remember that happiness is a continuous effort

      Happiness is a personal choice that requires effort, and having a clear sense of purpose or a reason to keep going can help get through difficult times. Money and success can provide opportunities and resources, but their value is subjective and fleeting. Defining one's own version of success and focusing on helping others achieve it can bring true happiness. For aspiring artists, it's essential to remember that the value of money remains constant, and success is a journey with no end, so it's crucial to keep striving and defining what success means to them. Ultimately, offering opportunities for others to succeed can bring the most significant sense of achievement and happiness.

    • Defining Personal Success and Handling FameArtist Teddy Swims emphasizes the importance of defining success personally, staying grounded amidst fame, treating others with respect, and maintaining humility.

      Success and fame can mean different things to different people. For artist Teddy Swims, it's about connecting with fans and making a positive impact on their lives. He encourages defining what success means personally to avoid constantly chasing it. Regarding fame, Swims finds it strange when fans react strongly to his presence, but he tries to stay grounded and remember that everyone's time is valuable. He emphasizes treating others with respect and being fully engaged in interactions. Swims also believes that humility is essential and strives to never see himself as superior to others. In essence, success and fame should not change one's character or make them believe they are above others.

    • Artist acknowledges benefits of therapy but hasn't tried it yetArtist plans to start therapy despite fear and stigma, recognizing growth as an ongoing process.

      The artist, despite having an album title suggesting a history of trying various methods to improve mental health, has not yet tried therapy. He acknowledges the benefits of therapy and the importance of starting the process even when in a good place. However, he expresses apprehension about changing his coping mechanisms, which include familiar habits like drinking and chewing on his nails. He views these habits as comforting, even though they may be detrimental. The artist recognizes that he may be holding onto these habits due to fear of the unknown and the stigma surrounding therapy. He plans to start therapy soon and hopes that by sharing his intentions, he can inspire others to do the same. Ultimately, the artist understands that growth and self-improvement are ongoing processes.

    • Exploring personal growth and self-awarenessThrough therapy, coaching, or introspection, personal growth and self-awareness are crucial for effective leadership and making a positive impact. It's not about being perfect, but rather understanding the root causes and striving for our highest potential. The journey is ongoing and creates deep connections.

      Personal growth and self-awareness are essential for becoming an effective leader and making a positive impact on the world. This can be achieved through various means, such as therapy, coaching, or introspection. It's not about being perfect or fixing every negative habit, but rather being aware of the root causes and determining if they serve our highest potential. The journey of growth is ongoing, and it's through this process that we can express our experiences and connect with others on a deeper level. The artist mentioned in the conversation embodies this concept, using their voice and artistry to empower and uplift individuals around the world. A specific example of this is when they covered Shania Twain's "You're Still the One" and dedicated it to their mother, creating a powerful connection to their past and present. This act not only changed their life but also touched the lives of many others. Overall, the journey of growth is a beautiful and ongoing process that impacts not only ourselves but also those around us.

    • Honoring the bond between mothers and children through musicMusic brings people together and highlights the enduring connection between mothers and their children, reminding us of the love and growth that comes from shared experiences.

      Music has the power to bring people together and remind us of the important relationships in our lives, particularly our mothers. For the artist, every performance is an opportunity to celebrate and honor the bond between mothers and their children. The lyrics of a song like "You're Still the One" can resonate deeply, representing not only romantic love but also the enduring connection between a mother and her child. The artist's own experiences of growing up with challenges and watching her mother navigate motherhood at a young age have shaped her perspective on the complexities and beauty of the parent-child relationship. Ultimately, music serves as a reminder of the love and growth that come from the experiences we share with our loved ones.

    • Acceptance and letting go for personal growthFocus on personal growth by accepting people leaving and letting go of past hurts, even if closure isn't attainable. Keep improving ability to let things go and learn discernment.

      Acceptance and letting go are essential for personal growth. The speaker shared how a song about acceptance of people leaving one's life has helped him find clarity and internal closure. He emphasized that closure may not always be attainable and that people may leave for their own reasons. The speaker also expressed the importance of focusing on one's own growth and well-being, even if it means letting go of past hurts. Looking forward, he expressed a desire to improve his ability to let things go and learn discernment. The speaker acknowledged that therapy could be a helpful tool for personal growth, but emphasized that it's a personal decision and there's no pressure to start right away.

    • Cherishing Connections and Valuing TimeReflect on the importance of cherishing connections and valuing time, recognizing that every moment and interaction matters, and consider whether our actions aim to make a lasting impact or simply live life to the fullest.

      Teddy Swims values connection and making the most of the time we have. He encourages engaging with others in meaningful ways, whether it's through social media or in-person experiences like his VIP meet and greets. He emphasizes treating everyone as the most important person and recognizing that time is precious and valuable. Reflecting on his hypothetical last day on earth, he would leave behind the lessons of cherishing connections, recognizing the equal value of time, and considering whether our actions are driven by a desire to make a lasting impact or to simply live life to the fullest.

    • Strive for more, never be satisfiedJaden encourages us to continuously grow, find happiness in the journey, and make a difference through love and authenticity.

      According to Jaden, greatness lies in never being satisfied and continuously growing. He believes that feeling happiness is a form of greatness, but it may also mean never reaching a point of complete satisfaction. Jaden also emphasized the importance of love and authenticity in living a meaningful life and making a difference in the world. He acknowledged the beauty of staying committed to one's dreams and personal growth while also being of service to others. Overall, Jaden's perspective encourages us to strive for more, love deeply, and never give up on our goals.

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    • How effective communication can empower personal advocacy and inspire transformative change.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1613

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    You can find the full episodes from guests featured today here:

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    Jameela Jamil – https://link.chtbl.com/1499-pod

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    Buy his new book for yourself and a friend! Mind Magic: The Neuroscience of Manifestation and How It Changes Everything

    In this episode you will learn

    • The difference between the law of attraction and manifestation.
    • How to overcome limiting beliefs and cultivate empowering thoughts and emotions.
    • The role of positivity in shifting attitudes from victimhood to empowerment.
    • The significance of love versus lack in driving meaningful impact.
    • How placebo research and flow states can positively influence the manifestation process.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1612

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    3 KEYS to Your DREAM LIFE (UNLOCK Success, Health, & Connection!) | Steve Aoki

    3 KEYS to Your DREAM LIFE (UNLOCK Success, Health, & Connection!) | Steve Aoki

    Today we dive deep into the extraordinary world of Steve Aoki, a true visionary in the realm of music and beyond. With nearly 3 billion music streams and a Guinness World Record for being the "Most Traveled Musician in a Single Calendar Year," Aoki's journey is nothing short of awe-inspiring. In this captivating conversation, you'll discover the profound impact of collaboration on creativity and how it has been a driving force behind Steve's remarkable music career. If you're eager to explore more of Steve's wisdom, consider picking up his book, "Blue: The Color of Noise." It's a journey you won't want to miss!

    Counting nearly 3 billion music streams to his name, Steve Aoki is a true visionary. Billboard described the 2x-GRAMMY-nominated music producer, artist, fashion designer, entrepreneur, NFT futurist and Dim Mak Records founder as “one of the most in-demand entertainers in the world.” A Guinness World Record holder for the “Most Traveled Musician in a Single Calendar Year,” Aoki has performed at nearly every top festival around the world, including Coachella, Ultra Music Festival, Lollapalooza, Fuji Rock Festival, Tomorrowland and Electric Daisy Carnival. In 2022, Aoki also graced recent covers of Entrepreneur Magazine, Electronic Musician, and Adweek as their “Visionary of the Year.”

    If you're eager to explore more of Steve's wisdom, consider picking up his book, "Blue: The Color of Noise." It's a journey you won't want to miss!

    In this episode you will learn

    • The profound impact of collaboration on creativity and how it has played a pivotal role in shaping Steve’s incredibly successful music career.
    • What being a 'futurist' means to Steve and how this futuristic mindset influences his decision-making and creative process, offering valuable insights for your own endeavors.
    • The remarkable experiences and projects where artists and scientists joined forces, unveiling the transformative potential that emerges at the intersection of these two worlds.
    • How artists and musicians can bridge the gap between science fiction and science fact, inspiring innovation and fostering a deeper connection between imagination and reality.
    • Insights into the defining moments and challenges faced by Steve on his journey to global success, and how these experiences have contributed to shaping his character and resilience.

    Buy Steve’s book - Blue: The Color of Noise

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1523

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Jason Derulo on Self-Mastery, Success & Unleashing Your Creative Genius EP 1460

    Jason Derulo on Self-Mastery, Success & Unleashing Your Creative Genius EP 1460

    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com

    Jason Derulo is a global superstar whose music and personality transcend borders, generations, and genres. Since his debut single reached #1 in 2009, Jason has gone on to sell well over 250 million singles worldwide and earn 12 billion global streams. In 2020, with the viral sensation “Savage Love” Derulo joined the exclusive list of artists with a #1 song in three consecutive decades. He is one of TikTok’s top creators and has 57 million TikTok followers. Sing Your Name Out Loud: 15 Rules for Living Your Dream is Jason Derulo’s first book.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • How to have a clear mission and wake up excited to chase your dreams.
    • The insights and of going viral on TikTok and topping the music charts.
    • The biggest fears and insecurities of a global pop superstar.
    • How to silence negative criticism internally and externally.
    • Keys to establishing non-negotiables and the habits needed to adhere to them.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1460

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    Shinyribs | Soul, Surrealism and Santa Claus

    Shinyribs | Soul, Surrealism and Santa Claus

    On today's episode of Americana podcast: the 51st State - Kevin Russell. Also known as Shinyribs.

    Kevin Russell, or as we've been calling him "the physical embodiment of sound"- was born in the late '60s in Beaumont, Texas. In his formative years, Russell's family relocated to Shreveport, Louisiana, where he was exposed to one of the richest hotbeds for roots-based music. At 17 he began to play in various bars and venues across the state and in the early 90's he relocated to Austin, TX. In 1994 he became a member of the cult-classic band "The Gourds" which lasted until 2013. 

    Since then Russell has been performing as Shinyribs - a musical hodgepodge of anything from gritty swamp rock, to smooth soul, to just flat-out groovy songs. Also the purveyor of one of the most fun and entertaining live shows, ever.  

    Russell's timeline exemplifies not only a part of where Americana music started "officially" but hopefully where it's going as well. 

    Shinyribs is also joining our host Robert Earl Keen, not only on the podcast but on Keen's annual Christmas tour this year!

    Americana Podcast is proudly a part of the American Songwriter Podcast Network. Make sure to follow along on Facebook and Instagram for info on new episodes and peeks behind the scenes.

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    E162: Dave Combs- Touched by The Music

    E162: Dave Combs- Touched by The Music

    Dave Combs is a songwriter, photographer, entrepreneur and author with four decades of experience writing over 120 songs and creating fourteen albums of soothing, relaxing instrumental piano music. His songwriting began with the now popular standard, Rachel’s Song. His soothing, relaxing music has been played millions of times worldwide on radio, satellite, and all internet streaming media and it continues to touch the lives of millions of people all over the world. He is also the author of the bestselling new book, Touched By The Music: How the Story and Music of Rachel’s Song Can Change Your Life.



    To download Rachel's song for free, as well as to  learn more about Dave's music and his new book!

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    Victor Wooten

    Victor Wooten

    For the third episode of the Bass Freq’s Podcast, host Josh Paul sits down with Victor Wooten (Bela Fleck and the Flecktones; SMV), a multiple Grammy Award winner and a true innovator of the electric bass.

    Victor isn’t just a master of technique—he’s a technical pioneer who explores every which way to make the electric bass express what he hears in his head. But underneath that technical mastery, he relies on a solid foundation of rhythm, feel, and knowing when—and when not—to play. When he’s not composing and playing music, Victor spends much of his time educating players at camp and clinic events as well as with the written word.

    This episode features Josh and Victor discussing the latter’s early start at the tender age of 2 as well as his technique, gear, and some of the life lessons he’s picked up while holding it down. 

    Listen to the Bass Freq’s Podcast now, wherever you listen to podcasts, and stay tuned for more great guests every week.