
    Parenting Psychologist REVEALS Top 3 Parenting MISTAKES & The #1 Strategy To SHIFT THEM NOW | Dr. Becky Kennedy

    enMarch 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Recognize the difference between identity and behavior in childrenReflect on own childhood, extend compassion to parents, focus on resources and support, and shift mindset from blame to seeking help in parenting

      Children are inherently good, and it's essential for parents to recognize the difference between their children's identity and their behavior. Dr. Becky Kennedy, a clinical psychologist and New York Times best-selling author, emphasizes this principle in her approach to parenting. She encourages parents to reflect on their own childhood experiences, extend compassion to their own parents, and focus on providing resources and support rather than blaming themselves when facing challenges in raising children. Parenting is a challenging and ongoing job, and it's crucial to recognize that no one is born with innate expertise. Instead, parents should invest in their own learning and growth to ensure they are adequately prepared for the task at hand. By shifting our mindset from self-blame to seeking support, we can create a more positive and healing environment for both ourselves and our children.

    • Connect before you correctBuild emotional connection before addressing behavioral issues, use a coaching approach instead of shaming or belittling.

      Effective parenting involves "connecting before you correct." This means building a strong emotional connection with your child before addressing any behavioral issues. Shaming or belittling children, as some may have experienced in the past, can lead to fear and resentment instead of motivation for growth. Instead, parents should take a coaching approach, asking questions to understand the root cause of their child's behavior and addressing it in a supportive and empathetic way. This sturdy leadership approach can lead to positive outcomes for both parents and children, empowering them to grow and thrive together. By applying this modern approach to parenting, we can help break the cycle of shame and fear, creating a healthier and more loving family environment.

    • Focus on a child's inherent goodnessDistinguish between a child's identity and behavior, emphasize their goodness, and seek resources to understand their actions to effectively respond and repair relationships.

      It's essential to distinguish between a child's identity and their behavior. According to the speaker, focusing on the belief that a child is inherently good can help parents respond effectively to their misbehavior, rather than collapsing their identity with their actions. The speaker emphasizes that it's never too late to repair relationships and that understanding a child's behavior is the foundation for changing it. Parents should aim to learn and seek resources to understand their child better, rather than solely focusing on making them happy, which can unintentionally instill fear or intolerance of other emotions.

    • Teaching kids emotional resilience instead of constant happinessParents should help kids learn emotional regulation skills, not just aim for their constant happiness, to build emotional resilience and prevent anxiety and difficulty with emotional regulation later in life.

      During childhood, kids are not just learning specific situations with their parents, but rather forming patterns about emotions and what they can tolerate. When parents try to make their kids happy to avoid certain emotions, they unintentionally teach their kids to fear and avoid those emotions as well. This can set children up for a lifetime of anxiety and difficulty with emotional regulation. Instead, the goal should be to help kids become resilient by teaching them how to tolerate and sit with a wide range of emotions, rather than trying to constantly make them happy. Emotional regulation is a crucial skill for both childhood and adulthood, and it's important for parents to learn how to regulate their own emotions as well. By recognizing that we cannot rely on external sources for comfort and security, we can begin to take ownership of our emotional well-being and teach our children to do the same.

    • Modeling resilience for childrenParents can build resilience in children by staying present during challenges, using supportive words, and providing opportunities for learning from frustration.

      Building resilience in children is crucial for their future success. Resilience is not just about getting through hard times, but rather the ability to tolerate them. Parents can model this behavior by staying present during challenging situations, rather than trying to immediately alleviate their child's frustration. The words parents use during these moments can shape their child's self-talk and expectations for handling adversity. By tolerating hardships and learning to regulate emotions, children can develop the necessary skills to handle future challenges. A parent's role is to provide a supportive environment where their child feels safe to explore and learn from their experiences. This doesn't mean parents should never intervene, but rather that they should aim to create opportunities for their child to build resilience. For example, instead of doing a puzzle for a frustrated child, a parent could stay present and help their child work through the frustration, providing a valuable lesson in perseverance.

    • Allow children to face challenges and learn from themEncouraging children to solve problems on their own promotes resilience, self-confidence, and independence while avoiding entitlement and unhealthy expectations for immediate success.

      Parents, including Dr. Beck, are not perfect and children learn valuable skills when faced with challenges and frustrations. While it's natural to want to help our children, allowing them to figure things out on their own can lead to greater resilience and self-confidence. This approach also helps children avoid the unhealthy cycle of entitlement, where they expect immediate success without putting in the effort. Instead, parents can provide guidance and support, encouraging their children to think through problems and find solutions on their own. This not only fosters independence but also helps children develop the ability to handle setbacks and adversity in a healthy way.

    • Acknowledging feelings builds resilienceValidating emotions helps children and loved ones cope with challenges and build resilience

      When our children or loved ones express feelings of disappointment or failure, our initial instinct may be to make them feel better or to distract them from their emotions. However, this approach can actually reduce their resilience. Instead, acknowledging their feelings and validating their experiences can help them build resilience and learn to cope with challenges on their own. The speaker suggests using the phrases "I'm so glad you're telling me this right now" and "I believe you" as tools for responding to distressing situations. By acknowledging and validating their emotions, we can help our children and loved ones develop the ability to bounce back from setbacks and build resilience for the future.

    • Validating children's emotions is essential for emotional resilienceAcknowledging kids' emotions and encouraging expression helps build emotional skills, while dismissing or undermining feelings can instill mistrust and hinder development. Connection and attachment are also crucial for moving past difficult emotions.

      Believing in and validating our children's emotions is crucial for their emotional resilience and development. When we dismiss or undermine their feelings, we risk instilling a lack of trust in their emotional experiences. Instead, by acknowledging their emotions and encouraging them to express themselves, we can help them build the skills to manage their emotions effectively. Additionally, it's essential to remember that our kids are more likely to feel stuck and overwhelmed when they feel alone in their emotions, so providing connection and attachment can help them move past difficult emotions more quickly. It's not about getting bogged down in their emotions or keeping them there longer, but rather about creating a safe and supportive space for them to express themselves and feel heard.

    • Communicating effectively with teenagersValidate emotions, give undivided attention, create a safe space for open communication, and be patient and persistent to help teens feel seen and understood, leading to healing and resilience.

      Effective communication and active listening are crucial in building strong relationships, especially with teenagers. Instead of dismissing their feelings or getting frustrated, parents should validate their emotions and give them undivided attention. By truly listening and acknowledging their experiences, parents can help their teens feel seen and understood, which can lead to healing and repair. It's important to remember that everyone processes emotions differently, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Parents should also be patient and persistent in their efforts to understand their teen's perspective, even if it seems repetitive or unimportant to them. By creating a safe and supportive space for open communication, parents can help their teens develop resilience and coping skills that will serve them well in the future. However, it can be challenging to implement these practices in today's fast-paced world, where distractions and convenience are abundant. But with intentional effort and a willingness to learn, parents can make a significant difference in their relationship with their teen.

    • Parents' struggle with managing emotionsParents need to recognize emotions as essential sources of information and prioritize building emotional intelligence to better support their children's emotional development.

      Feelings, which are often perceived as soft or weak, are actually primary and essential sources of information for survival and living in alignment with our values. Parents, who are tasked with guiding their children, often struggle to manage their own emotions and may react harshly to their children's tantrums or meltdowns due to their own inability to cope with the feelings they evoke. This lack of skill in managing emotions has been passed down through generations, leading to a belief that emotions are the problem rather than a lack of skills. However, emotions are not soft but rather tough and fundamental to our core. It's important for parents to recognize this and prioritize building their emotional intelligence and healing to better support their children's emotional development.

    • From punishment to positive reinforcementShift from desperate and ineffective punishment to setting clear boundaries, connecting with children, and using positive reinforcement for better outcomes and healthier relationships

      Relying on punishment or removing privileges as a means of discipline, often referred to as the "gold standard" in traditional parenting methods, can come across as desperate and ineffective. Instead, focusing on setting clear boundaries, connecting with children, and using positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior is a more respectful and productive approach to raising children. This shift in perspective can lead to healthier relationships and better outcomes for both parents and children. The speaker shares her personal journey from using traditional punishment-based methods to embracing a more empathetic and effective approach, and encourages parents to consider the long-term impact of their actions on their children's development.

    • Focusing on a child's inherent goodnessShifting perspective to a child's inherent goodness can lead to more effective parenting techniques and meaningful change, rather than relying solely on traditional methods like time-outs.

      The effectiveness of parenting techniques and what constitutes "work" can be subjective and multifaceted. The speaker shares an experience where they felt uneasy about using traditional methods like time-outs, despite evidence supporting their use. Instead, they discovered a principle that resonated with them: kids are inherently good. This shift in perspective led them to question assumptions about punishment and behavior modification. Ultimately, they believe that focusing on a child's inherent goodness can lead to more effective and meaningful change. It's essential to consider not only empirical evidence but also personal experiences and the potential impact on a child's emotional development.

    • Empower individuals to learn and growInstead of focusing on punishment, consider a generous interpretation and teach new skills to change behavior positively and effectively.

      Instead of focusing on punishment for misbehavior, it's more productive to consider the most generous interpretation and teach new skills. This approach, often referred to as "same team" or leadership, empowers individuals to learn and grow rather than feeling blamed, shamed, or anxious. By asking different questions and practicing new skills, individuals can change their behavior in a positive and effective way. This method is not soft, but rather a practical and effective way for people to develop new habits and improve their performance. By working together as a team, we can help each other overcome obstacles and reach our goals.

    • Validating feelings and setting boundariesEffective parenting requires both recognizing children's emotions and maintaining clear boundaries to ensure they feel heard and understood while growing up with necessary structure and guidance.

      Effective parenting involves both validating children's feelings and setting clear boundaries. Validating feelings is important, but it cannot be the sole parenting strategy. Allowing children to dictate family decisions can be terrifying for them, leaving them feeling without a leader. Instead, parents should aim to be sturdy leaders, recognizing and validating children's feelings while maintaining their own role and boundaries. This approach allows children to feel heard and understood while also providing them with the structure and guidance they need.

    • Setting healthy boundaries for parentsParents need to communicate clear boundaries while validating children's feelings, focusing on their own needs, and understanding the difference between boundaries and requests.

      Boundaries are essential for parents to maintain safety and make decisions, while also acknowledging and validating children's feelings. Boundaries are what we communicate to others about what we will do, requiring nothing from them in return. It's important to understand the difference between boundaries and requests. When we make requests, we depend on the other person's response. Parents must validate themselves, as they often don't receive validation from their children. Society and families often teach us to seek validation from the outside rather than within. To build confidence, it's crucial to focus on our own needs and desires before trying to please others. Boundaries can be challenging to enforce, especially when children resist, but they are necessary for maintaining a healthy and safe family environment.

    • Shift from 'me against you' to 'teamwork'Approach parenting with empathy and understanding, fostering a safe and supportive environment for children.

      When it comes to parenting, the mindset we adopt can greatly impact the effectiveness of our interventions. If we approach situations from a "me against you" perspective, we may resort to punishing our children, which can lead to further conflict and unintended consequences. Instead, it's important to shift our mindset and view ourselves and our children as a team, working together to solve problems. By recognizing our own potential for negative behaviors and approaching situations with empathy and understanding, we can foster a more positive and productive parent-child relationship. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a safe and supportive environment where children feel heard and valued, rather than punished and shamed.

    • Communicating Effectively with KidsMaintain a clear distinction between kids' identity and their behavior, approach conversations with empathy, and work together to address issues to foster growth and development.

      The way we communicate with our kids significantly impacts their self-perception and ability to learn from their mistakes. Instead of reflecting back negatively, it's crucial to maintain a clear distinction between their identity as a good person and their bad behavior. This approach allows them to understand and reflect on their actions, fostering growth and development. It's essential to approach conversations with empathy, understanding that there are often underlying reasons for their behavior. By acknowledging their good identity and working together to address the issue, we can help them navigate challenging situations and build a strong foundation for their future.

    • Preparing kids for tough momentsSimulating challenging scenarios and using mantras can help kids develop resilience and rise above adversity

      Preparing children for challenging situations and teaching them to handle discomfort is essential for raising resilient and strong individuals. Dr. Becky emphasizes the importance of creating scenarios that simulate tough moments, such as heckling during basketball games, to help kids practice responding calmly and effectively. This approach, inspired by Navy SEAL training, can help kids develop the ability to rise above adversity and not become victims. Parents can also use mantras and positive affirmations to help their children focus on their inner worth and value. By preparing children for tough moments, parents can equip them with the tools they need to navigate life's challenges and find beauty and meaning in even the most difficult situations.

    • Becoming the Best Potential Parent: Essential Skills and ResourcesDr. Becky's teachings emphasize the importance of being the best potential parent, utilizing resources and skills, and focusing on connection to repair relationships.

      Dr. Becky emphasizes the importance of being the best potential parent, acknowledging that mistakes will be made, but having the right resources and skills is the first step. She encourages parents to read her book "Good Inside" and utilize her app to learn essential skills. Dr. Becky's message extends beyond parenting, as she aims to help individuals become better leaders in their lives. Her consistent content provides value, and her teachings on attachment styles and repairing relationships are crucial. In her hypothetical last day on Earth, Dr. Becky would leave behind three truths: we are good inside and our good identity is separate from bad behavior, it's never too late, and the only real strategy with our kids is connection. Repairing relationships is a vital aspect of her teachings, which is explored further in her book.

    • Sharing your passions and inspiring othersGreatness is about making a positive impact on others and feeling passionate about something that inspires and lights up others, driving us to share and create a generative movement.

      Greatness is not just about personal accomplishment, but also about making a positive impact on others. It's about feeling so passionate and excited about something that it inspires and lights up others. When we feel lit up inside, it drives us to share our ideas and passions with the world, creating a generative movement. It's important to remember that greatness is not just for a select few, but something that each of us has the potential to achieve. So, if you're feeling inspired after today's episode, share it with a friend, leave a review, sign up for the newsletter, and most importantly, go out there and do something great that can make a difference in someone else's life. Remember, you are loved, worthy, and matter.

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    • The pivotal role of the stories we tell ourselves, and how shifting these narratives can help uncover one's true purpose.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Allison Holker OPENS UP: Navigating Grief, The Greatest LESSONS From tWitch & Finding Her Purpose

    Allison Holker OPENS UP: Navigating Grief, The Greatest LESSONS From tWitch & Finding Her Purpose

    Please welcome Allison Holker, a pro dancer, on-air personality, and Emmy-nominated choreographer, known for her incredible performances on Dancing with the Stars and as a host of Design Star: Next Gen. She's here to talk about her new children's book, "Keep Dancing Through: A Boss Family Groove," which she co-authored with her late husband, Stephen "tWitch" Boss. We'll dive into their family's daily rituals, the role of dance in their lives, and what's next for Allison. But first, make sure to buy her new book for yourself and a couple friends.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to effectively utilize affirmations during challenging times and maintain positivity despite adverse circumstances.
    • Insights into emotional processing and learn whether it's beneficial to fully experience your emotions or to maintain a level of detachment.
    • The consequences of lingering in negative emotions and how to navigate them towards a more positive mental state.
    • The journey of self-discovery, comparing who Allison was a year ago to who she is now, and how significant life events have shaped her identity.
    • How to gain a deeper understanding of how personal faith and the sense of divine protection can evolve through life's trials and tribulations, and how this shapes one's purpose and resilience.

    You can listen to our tribute episode to Allison’s late husband Stepen tWitch Boss  – https://link.chtbl.com/1364-pod

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1569

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Mindfulness of the Body, technique to reduce stress and become more present

    Mindfulness of the Body, technique to reduce stress and become more present

    Welcome back to another mindful moment! During today’s episode, your host, Jessica Gershman, will guide you through a mindfulness of the body exercise, to help you to be in the present moment without judgment. This simple tool enables you to bring your awareness to the sensations in the body, allowing yourself to find stillness in the present moment. The aim is not to have a special experience, in fact, it’s usually quite ordinary, and that’s okay. Find a free moment today to get comfortable and drop into your body, before teaching this technique to your kiddos in a future session, so they can find stillness too. Thanks for joining us! 

    Key Points From This Episode:

    • Jessica Gershman guides you through a mindfulness of the body exercise.
    • A reminder of what mindfulness is: being in the present moment without judgment.
    • Finding a comfortable seat, checking in, and noticing how the body feels.
    • Stretching, shrugging the shoulders, and moving the ankles in circles with attention. 
    • Continuing this movement or inviting yourself to be more still.
    • Closing the eyes or moving the gaze downwards in a comfortable, upright position.
    • Why it is important to find a position where your body feels both relaxed and alert.
    • Placing your hands in your lap and noticing the feeling of gravity.
    • Allowing the body to get heavy, remembering that there is no right and wrong outcome.
    • Noticing tension in the body and allowing them to soften and relax a little bit.
    • What mindfulness of the body is: being aware of the sensations in your body. 
    • Practicing just being, and finding stillness from all the ‘doing’ in our lives.
    • The ordinariness of the experience.
    • A deep breath, and a sigh, before you gently open your eyes.
    • An encouragement to repeat this process with your kiddos.
    • What you will get when you sign up for the exclusive newsletter: conversations, free yoga classes, breath techniques, and allergy free recipes. 


    “When you practice mindfulness it’s important to find a position where your body feels both relaxed, and alert.” — Jessica Gershman [0:02:18]

    “Remember that mindfulness is just about observing and paying attention to what’s happening without judgment. There’s nothing that’s supposed to happen, and you can’t do it wrong.” — Jessica Gershman [0:03:11]

    “This is the mindfulness of the body; being aware of, and feeling the sensations of the body, sitting, knowing what it feels like to invite a bit of stillness.” — Jessica Gershman [0:03:58]

    Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    The Zen Mommy

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    Zen Mommy Facebook

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    E182: Timothy Stuetz- Rebooting Yourself

    E182: Timothy Stuetz- Rebooting Yourself

    LEarn more about Timothy and access the free content he mentioned in this episode at:



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    LOVE WILL FLOW LIKE CRAZY! (Manifest Your PERFECT Relationship!) | Dr Joe Dispenza

    LOVE WILL FLOW LIKE CRAZY! (Manifest Your PERFECT Relationship!) | Dr Joe Dispenza

    Dr Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience, epigenetics, and quantum physics to explore the science behind spontaneous remissions. He integrates that knowledge to teach people how to heal their bodies of health conditions, make significant changes in their lives, and evolve their consciousness. 

    Today we dive deep into the core of human emotions and the pivotal role self-love plays in shaping our lives and interactions. Dr Joe emphasizes that to experience love authentically, we must let go of parts of ourselves that do not align with love. Embracing love for oneself naturally extends to others, enhancing our ability to connect, give, and thrive in relationships. Through understanding and managing our energy and attention, we align closer to a state of wholeness and gratitude, further attracting positive experiences and relationships.

    In this episode you will learn

    • How self-love is fundamental to cultivating successful relationships with others.
    • The concept that a part of us must "die" to fully embrace love and shed unloving aspects of ourselves.
    • The significance of brain and heart coherence in attracting healthy, loving relationships.
    • Why survival emotions like anger, fear, and jealousy are separations from love, not opposites.
    • How to shift from survival mode to a state of creation and open-heartedness, vital for personal growth and loving connections.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1540

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes on Radical Self Love & Acceptance:

    Jason Derulo – https://link.chtbl.com/1460-pod

    Karamo Brown – https://link.chtbl.com/1457-pod

    Pokimane – https://link.chtbl.com/1443-pod