
    Inky Johnson’s 5 Powerful Mindset Strategies for Conquering Life's Challenges & Embracing Abundance EP 1483

    enAugust 12, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • From Football Player to Inspirational Speaker: Inky Johnson's Remarkable JourneyLife's unexpected challenges can redirect our paths, but it's our resilience and ability to adapt that ultimately define our success and inspire others.

      Inky Johnson's life took a drastic turn when a routine tackle during a football game left him paralyzed in his right arm and hand. He grew up in a challenging environment, dreaming of using football as a way to support his family. He was the first in his family to graduate and go to college on a full football scholarship. However, his dreams of playing in the NFL were shattered in an instant. Despite this devastating setback, he has embraced his new path as an inspirational speaker and servant. This conversation reminds us that life can change unexpectedly, but it is our resilience and ability to adapt that determine our success and impact on others.

    • The Power of a Life-Altering MomentEmbrace the present moment and take action now, as a single event can transform our lives, highlighting the unpredictability of the future.

      One moment can drastically change the course of your life. Inky Johnson's injury on the football field led to a shocking discovery that he had ruptured his subclavian artery and was bleeding internally. The calmness and nonchalance that Inky initially felt quickly turned into a real and life-threatening situation. This experience has shaped his perspective and the way he lives his life to this day. It serves as a reminder that even when we go through the same routines and preparations, the outcome can still be completely different. It emphasizes the importance of seizing the present moment and not procrastinating, as we never know what tomorrow may bring.

    • Embracing the Unpredictable: Finding Purpose and Peace in Life's Challenges.Life can change in an instant, and it is important to accept the things beyond our control and focus on personal growth, healing, and finding purpose in our lives.

      Life is unpredictable and we have limited control over it. Inky Johnson emphasizes that we often have the arrogance to believe that certain things are promised to us, but reality can change in an instant. While we can control elements like our emotions, attitude, thoughts, and actions, the larger aspects of life are beyond our grasp. Inky Johnson's injury taught him to embrace a new mentality and perspective towards life. Lewis Howes also experienced a loss of identity when he couldn't participate in sports due to his own injury. Both individuals had to navigate a process of acceptance and recovery, searching for their purpose and value beyond their athletic abilities. It took Inky Johnson over two years to find peace and acceptance, reminding us that healing and discovering our purpose is a personal journey that takes time.

    • Letting Go of Your Athlete IdentityOur worth and identity are not defined by our roles or abilities, but by who we are as individuals. Let go of attachments to former identities and find new paths.

      Letting go of your identity as an athlete or in any other role can be a challenging process. Inky Johnson shares his experience of losing the ability to play sports due to an injury, and how it took him two years to come to terms with the reality that he may never play again. He describes going through doctor's visits and trying different devices, all with the hope of finding a solution. However, he eventually realizes that he needs to release the attachment to his former identity and find a new path. This conversation highlights the importance of understanding that our worth and identity are not solely determined by what we do, but rather by who we are as individuals.

    • Finding Peace in Our Own Struggles and Supporting OthersOur identity goes beyond what we do or what happens to us. Once we find peace in our own struggles, it becomes our responsibility to support and inspire others going through similar situations.

      Our identity should not solely be based on what we do or what has happened to us. Athletes, for example, often struggle with transitioning into new phases of life because their identity has been wrapped up in their sport. However, it is important to recognize that we all go through hardships and challenges in life, and it is not just about us. Once we find peace and learn how to deal with our own struggles, it becomes our responsibility to share our experiences and offer support to others who may be going through similar situations. By sharing our stories, we can inspire and uplift others, showing them that they too can persevere and overcome.

    • Finding Meaning and Growth in Life's ChallengesDespite not always understanding why difficult experiences occur, focusing on survival, finding peace, and reflecting on lessons learned can lead to personal growth and the ability to inspire others.

      When we face difficult and traumatic experiences in life, our initial reaction is often to try to understand why it happened to us. However, sometimes we may not be able to immediately find that understanding or meaning. In those moments, the focus should be on surviving the challenges and finding peace within ourselves. After surviving and finding peace, we have the opportunity to share our experiences and add value to others' lives. Reflecting on past challenges can provide us with hindsight and a new perspective, showing us the lessons we learned and the growth we experienced. Although these challenges may not feel good at the time, they have the potential to shape us into stronger individuals. It is important to be grateful for the lessons learned and the growth that comes from adversity.

    • Transforming Adversity into GrowthIn the face of adversity, it is possible to find gratitude and extract good from difficult situations. Cultivate a resilient mindset and seek opportunities for growth and connection, regardless of the circumstances.

      Adversity and challenges have the power to shape and transform us, as well as our relationships with others. Inky Johnson's personal experience demonstrates how his life-altering injury not only changed him as an individual but also brought about positive changes in his family dynamics. Despite a fractured relationship between his parents, his injury forced them to come together and support him. This traumatic event created an opportunity for healing and forgiveness, leading to improved relationships and a newfound sense of peace. Inky's story reminds us that even in the face of adversity, it is possible to find gratitude and extract good from difficult situations. It teaches us to cultivate a resilient mindset and seek opportunities for growth and connection, no matter the circumstances.

    • Shaping Mindsets Through Perspective and GratitudeEmbrace gratitude and seek solutions in the face of adversity, as they have the power to transform our mindset and keep us grounded in the midst of life's challenges.

      Perspective and gratitude can shape and transform our mindset. Inky Johnson shares his experiences of growing up in challenging circumstances, but instead of embracing negativity, he chose to find the good in every situation. He explains that complaining and quitting may be easy, but looking for solutions and finding beauty in the midst of adversity is a gift that is often underrated. Inky's upbringing, where he witnessed his mother counting change for his cleats and his uncles sharing clothes, shaped his perspective and made him extremely grateful. He learned to appreciate the smallest gestures, like his coach showing up with drawers and socks. These moments reminded him of where he came from and helped him stay grounded as he navigated through life.

    • Overcoming challenges and redefining successPrioritize non-renewable moments with loved ones over material success to find true fulfillment and happiness.

      Inky Johnson had to overcome various challenges, including his physical appearance with his arm and his fear of public speaking. However, his biggest obstacle was running from poverty and the mindset that he needed to constantly chase money and success to provide for his family. This mindset caused him to prioritize a high-paying speaking gig over his wife's birthday, which caused tension in their relationship. Inky learned that there are renewable and non-renewable moments in life. While money is renewable, special moments with loved ones are not. He realized the importance of prioritizing and treasuring these non-renewable moments over material success.

    • Overcoming Pain and Embarrassment to Find Purpose and ConnectionOur past experiences, even the painful ones, can fuel personal growth and fulfillment when we use them to help others and create a sense of connection through sharing our stories and showing empathy.

      Our past experiences, especially those that have caused pain or embarrassment, can impact our mindset and hold us back from reaching our full potential. Inky Johnson shared how his own fear and embarrassment initially made it difficult for him to speak in public about his arm injury. Similarly, people often hold onto their tragedies and traumas because of the emotions attached to those experiences. However, by growing through these adversities and using them to help others, we can find purpose in our pain. By sharing our stories and showing empathy to others, we can create a sense of connection and inspire others to overcome their own challenges. Ultimately, using our experiences to serve and make the world a better place is the key to personal growth and fulfillment.

    • Discovering Strengths Through AdversityAdversity can lead to unexpected talents and growth. Embrace challenges, find meaning in difficult situations, and extend grace to yourself and others.

      Sometimes our greatest gifts and strengths are discovered through unexpected challenges and adversities. Inky Johnson never imagined he would become a public speaker, but it was through his own personal journey and hardships that he discovered this hidden talent. Despite initially feeling terrified of public speaking and dropping a class in college, he now feels humbled and fulfilled by the opportunity to share his story and impact others. Inky's experience teaches us the importance of patience, empathy, and extending grace to ourselves and others. When we face difficult situations, it is essential to focus on surviving, accepting what has happened, and finding meaning and lessons from our experiences. Through adversity, we have the opportunity to grow, learn, and discover our true potential.

    • The Power of Attitude, Energy, and EffortAttitude, energy, and effort are key qualities that can be cultivated and controlled, and they play a significant role in our relationships, careers, and overall well-being. Having a positive attitude can greatly impact the quality of our lives.

      Our attitude, energy, and effort are crucial for success and personal growth. Inky Johnson emphasizes that when things don't go our way, the lesson will keep repeating itself until we learn how to celebrate the challenges and maintain a positive attitude. He relates this to his experience with his children and how their attitude affects their performance. In life, we must judge someone's true character by how they respond during times of challenge and controversy. Attitude, energy, and effort are qualities that can be cultivated and controlled, and they play a significant role in our relationships, careers, and overall well-being. It's also important to remember that having a positive attitude, even when things are difficult, can have a profound impact on the quality of our lives.

    • The Power of Attitude and Mental ToughnessAttitude is key to success and can be developed over time. Mental toughness is cultivated by enduring challenges. Self-acceptance and personal fulfillment are more important than seeking validation from others.

      Attitude plays a crucial role in achieving great things. Both Lewis Howes and Inky Johnson emphasize the importance of having a positive attitude, even when faced with challenges and adversities. They believe that a good attitude is everything and that it can be developed and trained over time. Mental toughness, according to them, is an attribute that can be cultivated through enduring difficult situations and pushing through adversity. Lewis Howes shares his personal experiences of using a negative mindset to motivate himself, but eventually realizes the importance of managing his emotions and rising above difficult circumstances. Ultimately, they highlight the significance of self-acceptance and finding personal fulfillment rather than seeking validation from others.

    • The Importance of Self-Acceptance in Loving Our WorkAccepting ourselves fully is crucial in finding joy and fulfillment in our work. When we focus on serving others and embrace who we are, we can enjoy the process and infuse our work with genuine passion.

      It is important to fully accept ourselves in order to truly love what we do. Lewis Howes realized that when he shifted his mindset to focus on serving others and finding joy in his work, he started to enjoy the process rather than just chasing success. Inky Johnson agreed, stating that it is hard to love what we do until we fully accept who we are. They both emphasized the need for self-acceptance to feel whole and give our work a true and pure energy. Inky Johnson shared a personal example of how his approach as a father had unintentionally made his daughter feel like she was never good enough, highlighting the importance of unconditional love and acceptance in all aspects of our lives.

    • Embracing unconditional love and acceptance in relationships.Love and appreciate others for who they are, rather than constantly focusing on their potential. Acceptance brings freedom and allows individuals to push harder and succeed.

      Unconditional love and acceptance are crucial in relationships. It is important to acknowledge and appreciate the present state of others, rather than constantly focusing on their potential. Inky Johnson's wife reminds him to recognize and support his children for who they are at any given moment, regardless of their performance. Similarly, Kobe Bryant's father's unconditional love, even when Kobe didn't score any points, gave him the freedom to push harder and succeed. In relationships, whether it's a marriage or friendship, we should strive to love and accept others unconditionally. It's not about changing them, but rather embracing and loving them for who they truly are.

    • Leaving a Lasting Legacy Through WritingJournalling and writing can become a powerful tool to leave behind a meaningful legacy for loved ones, providing guidance, insight, and a deeper connection even beyond physical presence.

      Leaving behind a personal legacy is incredibly important. Inky Johnson shares that he journals every day, documenting his decisions, values, and principles. He wants his wife and children to have a guide that explains who he truly is, beyond his public success. He believes that being a loving husband and father is just as important as any other aspect of his life. Lewis Howes relates to this idea through his experience with his father's brain injury, which left him unable to connect emotionally. However, his father's letters, written before the accident, became a precious gift that provided insight into his thoughts and love. Both men recognize the power of leaving behind something meaningful for their loved ones, a legacy that transcends physical presence and strengthens their connections.

    • Embracing the Ups and Downs of LifeEvery day is a gift, so embrace both the good and bad moments, find joy in tough times, and use our skills and tools to positively impact others.

      We should enjoy every aspect of life and not waste any experiences. Inky Johnson emphasizes the importance of embracing both the good and the bad moments, as they shape us into beautiful individuals. He encourages us to celebrate the great days and find joy in the tough times, knowing that they will pass with time. Inky's perspective is further highlighted when Lewis Howes mentions that 150,000 people die every day. This serves as a reminder that waking up each day is a gift, and we should find gratitude in the simple fact that we are alive. Ultimately, the key message is to use the tools and skills given to us to be of service to others, as the greatest gift is when we can positively impact someone else's life.

    • Spreading Kindness for a Better WorldSmall acts of kindness can have a huge impact. Be a good person, spread positivity, and inspire others through simple acts of kindness.

      Simple words of encouragement and acts of kindness can have a profound impact on others and make the world a better place. Inky Johnson emphasizes the importance of offering a kind word or random act of kindness to someone every day, as it doesn't cost anything but can make a significant difference. He believes that being a good person and spreading positivity is essential, especially in a world where unfortunate events happen that are beyond our control. By going out and serving others, we can contribute to the triple effect of making the world a better place. So, the key is to be a kind human being and inspire others with our actions.

    • Guiding truths for a fulfilling lifeEmbrace the truths of impermanence, patience, and empathy to navigate tough times, develop resilience, and make a positive impact on the world, while constantly pursuing greatness in our own lives.

      There are three important truths that can guide our lives. The first truth is that "this too shall pass." No matter what challenges we face, they have an expiration date and will eventually come to an end. The second truth is to learn the art of patience. Being patient allows us to discover new things about ourselves and our circumstances. The third truth is the power of empathy. Instead of just feeling sympathy for others, we should be willing to walk with them through their struggles and offer our support. These three truths can help us navigate tough times, develop resilience, and make a positive impact on the world. Inky Johnson's definition of Greatness is having the courage to pursue it, even without any guarantees, and constantly striving to be our best selves. So, the key takeaway is to embrace these truths and pursue Greatness in our own lives.

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    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Listen to PART 1 of Sadia and Matthew’s discussion.

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    • The significance of addressing past traumas and wounds before entering a relationship.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1638

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet? What’s holding you back?! lewishowes.com/tickets

    In this episode of The School of Greatness, Lewis Howes hosts an inspiring discussion with Muniba Mazari, Jay Shetty, and Gabby Bernstein, focusing on mental strength, self-love, and overcoming trauma. Muniba Mazari shares her journey of finding gratitude and self-acceptance despite her physical challenges, emphasizing the importance of not comparing oneself to others on social media. Jay Shetty discusses mindfulness and the intentional design of life, stressing how sights, sounds, and scents can positively influence our daily experiences. Gabby Bernstein delves into coping mechanisms and the internal family systems therapy, explaining how we can heal from past traumas by acknowledging and understanding our protective behaviors. Together, they offer powerful practices to help listeners achieve mental peace and strength.

    In this episode you will learn

    • The impact of social media on self-esteem and how to navigate it mindfully.
    • Practical ways to incorporate mindfulness into daily life through intentional exposure to sights, sounds, and scents.
    • The significance of self-acceptance and self-love in personal growth.
    • How to identify and overcome coping mechanisms that mask deeper emotional wounds.
    • Techniques to connect with your inner self and create a balanced, fulfilling life.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1637

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full episodes featured today:

    Muniba Mazari – https://link.chtbl.com/1282-pod

    Gabby Bernstein – https://link.chtbl.com/1407-pod

    Jay Shetty – https://link.chtbl.com/1571-pod

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    Prof G: “Men Are Being DESTROYED!” How Men Can Deepen Relationships, Boost Sex Drive & Win Respect

    Have you bought your tickets to Summit of Greatness 2024 yet?! Get them before they sell out at lewishowes.com/tickets

    Today, Lewis welcomes Scott Galloway, a renowned professor and author, to discuss his book, "The Algebra of Wealth." Scott delves into the concept of an economic war on the young, explaining how policies over the past few decades have shifted wealth from younger to older generations. He emphasizes the importance of financial security, discussing strategies like finding your talent, exercising financial discipline, and understanding the value of time. Scott also touches on the emotional aspects of life, sharing personal experiences about fatherhood, emotional growth, and the importance of building a fulfilling life beyond material wealth. The conversation provides a deep understanding of the economic landscape and offers practical advice for achieving financial and personal well-being.

    Buy Scott’s new book, The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security for yourself and a friend!

    In this episode you will learn

    • how economic policies have shifted wealth from younger to older generations and how this impacts today's youth.
    • Scott Galloway's formula for achieving financial security, including the importance of finding your talent and developing financial discipline.
    • the impact of parenthood on financial priorities and how becoming a parent can drive greater financial focus and purpose.
    • the significance of emotional well-being and the benefits of seeking therapy and embracing emotions for a more harmonious life.
    • practical strategies for balancing financial security with personal fulfillment and building a fulfilling life beyond material wealth.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1636

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    In this episode, we're revisiting a conversation that's packed with inspiration, wisdom, and actionable insights. So, whether you're a long-time listener or new to The School of Greatness, grab your notepad because this episode promises to inspire you and empower you to live your best life today.

    Let’s face it: Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. It takes an insane amount of dedication and work to make your vision become something tangible and real. Starting your own business is a process and one that is always changing. 

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    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com – 

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    Do THIS to ATTRACT your DREAM LIFE (Your IDENTITY & Fears Are LYING TO YOU!) | Rob Dial

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    Buy Rob’s book Level Up: How to Get Focused, Stop Procrastinating, and Upgrade Your Life

    In this episode you will learn,

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    • Key principles behind manifesting anything you desire in life and how to live from a place of abundance vs. lack.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1516

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1537

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    In this episode you will learn,

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    • The magic formula revealing how Pixar masterfully balances humor, emotion, and suspense in their narratives, captivating audiences and maintaining engagement throughout the film.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1474

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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