
    The Cheat Code to WEALTH (Do THIS to Become a MILLIONAIRE in 2024!) | Alex Hormozi

    enNovember 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Relationship Between Wealth and HappinessThe source of wealth does not determine happiness, but it can provide comfort. It is important to prioritize logical decision-making and reject unreasonable expectations when dealing with money or business. Achieving wealth takes time and patience, so focus on the journey and lessons learned.

      The source of wealth plays a significant role in a person's happiness. Those who have earned their wealth tend to have similar levels of happiness as the rest of society, with the added benefit of being able to avoid certain pains and inconveniences in life. However, those who have been given their wealth often struggle with happiness. It's important to note that money cannot buy happiness, but it can offer a level of comfort and ease. Additionally, when it comes to managing the approval or expectations of others once you have more money, it's crucial to maintain a mindset of rejecting unreasonable expectations and making deals based on their individual merit rather than relying on personal relationships. Ultimately, the key is to prioritize logical decision-making and objective standards in all business or financial dealings. For young people striving for wealth, it's important to understand that achieving millionaire status takes time and patience. There are no shortcuts, and it's vital to focus on the journey and the lessons learned along the way.

    • Age is not a barrier to successSuccess is achievable at any age by acquiring skills, investing in education, staying committed, and being emotionally prepared.

      Age should not be a limiting factor when it comes to success. While it may be uncommon for individuals in their twenties to achieve significant success, it is not impossible. The key lies in acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in your chosen field. It is essential to invest in education and continuously improve your abilities. As access to education becomes more accessible, younger individuals have the advantage of being more tech-savvy and can adapt quicker to technological advancements. However, success also requires emotional readiness and the ability to stick with your goals and not give up easily. Developing skills, staying committed, and being emotionally prepared are vital steps in pursuing success, regardless of age.

    • Embracing the challenges: The journey of entrepreneurshipSuccess in entrepreneurship comes from perseverance, continuous learning, and staying committed to the journey, rather than just focusing on the outcome.

      Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with uncertainty and challenges. It requires perseverance and a willingness to constantly learn and adapt. Many entrepreneurs experience moments of doubt and despair, questioning if their hard work will ever pay off. However, the true value lies not just in the outcome, but in the person they become along the way. The skills and beliefs acquired through the journey can be applied to future endeavors, even if initial attempts don't yield the desired results. It's important to recognize that success often takes time and involves going through different stages of informed optimism, while constantly paying down ignorance debt. Instead of constantly jumping to new ventures, staying committed and going all-in can lead to long-term success.

    • The Importance of Learning and Starting in Career DevelopmentFocus on learning rather than earning, choose a career path or develop a meta skill, start something even if unsure, overcome fear of failure, seek advice from experienced entrepreneurs.

      Focusing on learning rather than earning is crucial when starting out. This is exemplified by the story of Alex's friend who began as a poor salesman but became the top closer through gaining experience and skills. Getting paid to learn is a valuable opportunity that working at a company provides. It is important to choose a career path or develop a meta skill, such as sales or marketing, that can be applied in various industries. Starting something is key, even if you're unsure of your interests, as we usually only like things we are good at, and we can only get good at something by doing it extensively. Overcoming the fear of failure and taking action is essential in the journey towards success. Seeking advice and learning from experienced entrepreneurs can also greatly contribute to one's growth and development.

    • Taking Initiative and Building Relationships through Effort and Genuine InterestBy taking initiative and showing preparedness, you can gain attention, support, and access to valuable resources. It's not just about the end goal, but also about the journey and the effort put into it.

      Taking initiative and showing preparedness can open doors and create opportunities. By demonstrating a genuine interest and effort in someone's work or expertise, you can gain their attention and support. This means going beyond simply asking for help or advice, but actually putting in the work, doing research, and presenting unique value propositions. People are more inclined to support those who help themselves and take action on the guidance they receive. By taking initiative, you not only learn and grow, but you also build relationships and gain access to valuable resources. Remember, it's not just about the end goal, but also about the journey and the effort you put into it.

    • Measuring Worth and Success: Focus on Actions, not just OutcomeIt's important to prioritize the process and effort we put in, rather than just the end result. By valuing the journey and maintaining high standards, we can feel a sense of pride and fulfillment regardless of the outcome.

      It's important to measure our worth and success based on the actions we take rather than just the outcome. Sometimes, we may achieve a desired outcome without truly deserving it or giving our best effort. It's easy to rely on winning when we don't put in the necessary work. However, if we strive to measure ourselves by the actions we take, we may feel embarrassed if we haven't given our all. Even if we don't achieve the desired outcome, we can have a sense of pride and fulfillment knowing that we gave our best effort and left no stone unturned. It's about valuing the journey and maintaining high standards, even if it means taking the harder path.

    • Balancing the Journey and Outcomes for SuccessSuccess is not just about the destination, but also about the effort and growth along the way. Striking a balance between personal growth and achieving results is crucial for true success.

      Both the journey and the outcomes matter when it comes to achieving success. The journey, which involves giving your all and leaving everything on the field, allows for personal growth, fulfillment, and a sense of pride in your efforts. It is important to push beyond internal mechanisms that tell you to conserve effort and instead sprint towards the finish line. However, it is also crucial to acknowledge that outcomes provide credibility, experience, and wisdom. While the journey is fulfilling, winning and achieving external results also hold significance. Striking a balance between giving your all and aiming for victories is key to personal and professional success.

    • The Path to True Success: Commitment, Growth, and DedicationTrue success requires personal growth, dedication, and a willingness to embrace criticism and adversity as opportunities for growth.

      True success requires a deep level of commitment and effort. It's not just about external results or credibility in the eyes of others, but also about personal growth and pushing oneself to new limits. It's about divorcing the need for constant validation and learning to find fulfillment in giving your all. This level of dedication may mean letting go of certain things that aren't worth pursuing and focusing on what truly matters. Many people in today's society have become soft because they are shielded from failure and discomfort. To succeed, we must be willing to accept criticism and overcome adversity, understanding that being hurt or rejected is not the end, but an opportunity for growth.

    • Prioritizing actions over feelings for desired resultsFocus on taking necessary actions, ignore societal expectations, and embrace individuality for personal fulfillment.

      Focusing on the actions required rather than solely relying on our feelings can lead to the results we want. Alex Hormozi suggests that our feelings should not be prioritized above the actions we need to take. By ignoring our feelings and doing what is necessary, we can achieve our goals more effectively. He emphasizes the internal saying, "I will do what is required," which has been instrumental in his success. Additionally, he challenges the notion that there is a specific way life should be lived, rejecting the idea of projecting personal preferences onto others. Ultimately, the key takeaway is to embrace individuality and pursue what truly brings fulfillment, without conforming to societal expectations or judgments.

    • The Importance of Advertising and Effective Strategies to Reach Potential CustomersAdvertising is crucial for business success. By implementing effective advertising strategies such as warm outreach, cold outreach, posting content, running ads, leveraging referrals, employees, agencies, and affiliates, you can increase your reach and achieve desired outcomes.

      Advertising is crucial to making your product or service known. If no one knows about what you offer, no one will buy it. The book "Hundred Million Leads" by Alex Hormozi focuses on the importance of advertising and how to effectively reach potential customers. The key is to decrease the risk, time, and effort associated with purchasing your product or service, while increasing the likelihood of achieving desired outcomes. The book explains the advertising cycle, which includes four ways to let others know about your offering: warm outreach, cold outreach, posting content, and running ads. Additionally, it highlights the importance of leveraging referrals, employees, agencies, and affiliates to expand your reach. By following the strategies outlined in the book, you can achieve success and even break world records, as demonstrated by the author.

    • Harnessing the Power of Goodwill and Value for a Successful Book LaunchCreating a win-win-win situation by providing value and building trust with affiliates and their audience can lead to remarkable results in book sales and promotion.

      Alex Hormozi's successful book launch relied on the power of goodwill and value. He spent a significant amount on ads to generate leads, but leveraged his affiliate network without paying them commissions. Instead, he offered a win-win-win situation by promising a live Q&A session with affiliates for their entire audience. This not only benefited the affiliates, but also their customers, building goodwill and trust. Alex believes that the best way to use affiliates is to create a situation where everyone wins, including the author, the affiliates, and their customers. By focusing on providing value and building trust before asking for anything, Alex was able to achieve remarkable results, selling 100,000 copies in just 10 minutes, without the need for large bundles or upsells. The key to his success lies in delivering exceptional products that lead customers and affiliates to promote him willingly in the future.

    • The power of giving and creating memorable experiences in a crowded marketplaceGiving generously and consistently can help a brand stand out, build goodwill, and attract a large audience, leading to significant success and growth in a competitive market.

      Giving generously and consistently can lead to significant success and growth, even in a crowded marketplace. By offering immense value and creating memorable experiences, Alex Hormozi was able to build goodwill and attract a large audience. He chose to give away his book and course for free, defying the instinct to monetize his hard work. This strategy not only dispelled myths about his intentions but also helped him stand out as a brand focused on giving. The result was exponential growth in his podcast listenership, website traffic, and rankings on Spotify. This approach also highlights the increasing importance of trust, authority, and personal branding in a world saturated with information and rising advertising costs. Ultimately, by consistently giving away valuable content, a brand can differentiate itself and build long-term reputation and success.

    • Balancing Quantity and Quality for Learning and ImprovementBy consistently taking action, seeking feedback, and making adjustments, one can acquire valuable insights and improve the quality of their work, ultimately progressing towards their goals.

      Learning and improvement come from both quantity and quality. Alex Hormozi emphasizes the importance of doing more, getting feedback, and making adjustments based on that feedback. While volume alone may not guarantee success, it is through volume that one can acquire valuable feedback and improve the quality of their work. However, it is crucial to strike a balance between perfectionism and laziness. Waiting for something to be perfect before taking action can lead to missed opportunities. Instead, it is essential to define the problem clearly, focus on a narrow scope, and do everything possible within that scope to create a solution. By consistently dedicating focused time and effort, one can make meaningful progress and ultimately achieve their goals.

    • The Power of Making a Product Work BetterFocus on fulfilling your initial promise to customers and exceeding their expectations to achieve significant success and profitability.

      True product innovation doesn't always require adding more features or bells and whistles. The example of Dragon 2.0 from Snapchat demonstrates that by simply making the product work better, it can lead to significant success and profitability. The key is to fulfill the first promise made to customers and do it even better. This principle applies to all businesses and industries – focus on delivering on your initial promise and exceed customer expectations. The book mentioned in the conversation highlights the importance of capturing the interest of strangers and getting them to consider buying your product or service. It's a valuable resource for all business owners, whether beginners or established entrepreneurs.

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    Buy Gary's book, Day Trading Attention, for yourself and a friend!

    Pre-order Gary's new children's book, Meet Me In The Middle, today!

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    Buy The Never Ending Now Poetry Journal for yourself and a friend!

    Listen to In-Q’s album, The Never Ending Now!

    In this episode you will learn

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    • The importance of writing prompts and journaling in uncovering and processing emotions.
    • Ways to approach love and vulnerability in relationships, both with oneself and others.
    • How to navigate challenges and conflicts in relationships by understanding non-negotiables.
    • Why embracing authenticity and leading with love can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1618

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    • Which of these barriers is frequently underestimated or overlooked, and gain insights into why this occurs.
    • How to recognize if you are currently playing small in your own life and what signs to look for.
    • Practical strategies to start overcoming fear and take steps toward excellence, as fear often plays a significant role in keeping people from realizing their full potential.
    • The common misconceptions surrounding overnight entrepreneurial success.

    Buy Alex’s book $100M Leads: How to Get Strangers To Want To Buy Your Stuff

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1522

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes on crushing doubt and becoming a successful entrepreneur:

    How Your Beliefs Are Keeping You From Being A Millionaire w/ Alex Hormozi


    Embrace Your Artistic Passion & Turn It Into A Full-Time Living w/ Harry Mack https://link.chtbl.com/1321-pod

    Healing Past Trauma, Building A Business Empire & Finding Peace w/ Scooter Braun 


    Jeezy: Escaping the Streets, Building a Music Empire & Manifesting Lessons from Jay Z, Kanye West & Rihanna! EP 1480

    Jeezy: Escaping the Streets, Building a Music Empire & Manifesting Lessons from Jay Z, Kanye West & Rihanna! EP 1480

    The Summit of Greatness is back! Buy your tickets today – summitofgreatness.com – 

    With more than a dozen RIAA gold, platinum, and multi-platinum hits to his credit, JEEZY, the Atlanta pioneer of hip-hop’s dominant trap genre, has amassed over 6.5 billion catalog streams, and over 960 million YouTube channel views. 2020 marked the 15th anniversary of Let’s Get It: Thug Motivation 101, his seminal RIAA platinum Def Jam label debut LP. It entered the Rap and R&B charts at #1 (#2 on the pop side), and immortalized trap music with the double-platinum #1 hit “Soul Survivor” featuring Akon.

    In this episode you will learn,

    • Overcoming self-doubt and finding one's unique voice as an aspiring artist.
    • Maintaining courage to share unique ideas despite the fear of judgment and criticism.
    • Drawing parallels between creative expression in art and innovation in business.
    • Embracing failure as a natural part of the creative process and learning from it.
    • The power of collaboration with other artists in pushing creative boundaries.

    Buy Jeezy’s book: https://amzn.to/3Ku4WdI

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1480

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Want more School of Greatness episodes like this one?

    Bruce Lipton on Manifestation: https://link.chtbl.com/1312-pod

    Joe Dispenza on the Law of Attraction: https://link.chtbl.com/1312-pod

    Manifest ABUNDANCE: 5 Limiting Beliefs Blocking Your QUANTUM Breakthrough | Price Pritchett

    Manifest ABUNDANCE: 5 Limiting Beliefs Blocking Your QUANTUM Breakthrough | Price Pritchett

    Price Pritchett is one of the foremost experts on fast-growth strategies and breakthrough innovation. His book You² inspires readers to embrace a quantum leap mindset, emphasizing that success and transformation often require a radical shift in thinking rather than incremental efforts. With its unique and thought-provoking approach, You² encourages individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and conventional constraints to unlock their full potential and achieve extraordinary results.

    Buy Price’s book here - https://amzn.to/3EhrESN

    Sign up for his Masterclass - https://www.pritchettyou2.com/

    In this episode you will learn,

    • The concept of limiting beliefs and how they significantly affect your potential for success.
    • You will discover how limiting beliefs develop, whether they are primarily influenced by external factors or internal thoughts.
    • You will explore the strategies people employ to make quantum leaps toward achieving their biggest dreams and ambitions.
    • You will understand why simply "trying harder" may not always be the solution for achieving greater success.
    • You will learn when to embark on your own quantum leap.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1501

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Want more financial freedom?

    Jaspreet Singh on thriving in a recession – https://link.chtbl.com/1411-pod
    Grant Cardone’s habits of all millionaires – https://link.chtbl.com/1229-pod

    #14:Sabrina Sadiq, Luxury Promise Founder/CEO talks Luxury, Designer Resale Market, Gaining Start-Up investment, Balancing business growth with having a family and much more!

    #14:Sabrina Sadiq, Luxury Promise Founder/CEO talks Luxury, Designer Resale Market, Gaining Start-Up investment, Balancing business growth with having a family and much more!
    #14:Sabrina Sadiq, Luxury Promise Founder/CEO talks Luxury, Designer Resale Market, gaining Start-Up investment, balancing business growth with having a family and much more! We're excited to be joined with Sabrina Sadiq who founded Luxury Promise in 2016. Luxury Promise is an international luxury designer resale business, providing consumers with with items from Hermes, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, etc. Having grown operations across Central London and Dubai, Sabrina recently had a successful investment round of £3+ million. Watch this space! More about Sabrina: • Sabrina has a background in Property Investment, working in Law and advising leading luxury platforms • The idea of Luxury Promise began when Sabrina was in a meeting with a Client who spotted her rare Hermes Kelly bag and offered to pay her double the price as a gift to his wife - Which she took! This then sparked the idea of Luxury Promise which she founded in August 2016 •Luxury Promise has opened operations in London and Dubai, a market expected to grow from $24bn to $51bn by 2023 [GlobalData] We look forward to your thoughts and feedback on the episode! Follow us on: Web: www.Inspire-Pod.com Instagram: @Inspire.Pod LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/inspire-pod/ The Team: Hosted by @kskang89 Music in this video Song Knowing Artist Epidemic Sound Licensed to YouTube by Epidemic Sound (on behalf of Epidemic Sound); Epidemic Sound Publishing