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    How to slow down and reflect ahead of 2024

    en-usDecember 26, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Reflect, Prepare, and Care during the HolidaysEmbrace reflection, prepare for the future, and practice self-care during the holiday season. Utilize resources like Lama Rod's exercises, Whole Foods' brunch ideas, Phidium Fiber Internet, and Apple Card to make the most of this transition period.

      The period between Christmas and New Year's doesn't have to be a gloomy and uneventful time. Instead, it can be an opportunity for reflection and preparation for the future. Lama Rod Owens, a Buddhist teacher, encourages us to use this time to let go of the past and shape our future intentions. To help make the most of this week, Life Kit shares ideas and exercises from Lama Rod and an artist who creates graphic novels. Additionally, taking care of ourselves and those around us is essential during this time. Whole Foods Market offers wallet-friendly options for hosting a celebratory brunch, and their floral department can help brighten up the table. Phidium Fiber Internet is also working to shape the future by driving economic growth and educational opportunities through fiber broadband. Apple Card also offers a convenient way to earn daily cash back on purchases, making it easier to save for the future. If you'd like to support Life Kit and public media, consider signing up for the NPR Plus podcast bundle, which offers sponsor-free listening and bonus episodes. In conclusion, the end of the year is a time for reflection, preparation, and self-care. By embracing these opportunities and utilizing the resources available to us, we can make the most of this transition period and start the new year off on the right foot.

    • Support public media and take time for yourselfEngage in personal practice during the holidays for self-reflection and growth, while also supporting public media for access to reliable news.

      Supporting public media, especially during an important election year, is essential for ensuring access to reliable news and independent journalism. Meanwhile, taking some "sweet alone time" for oneself is crucial for personal growth and self-reflection. Nicole J. Georges, a graphic novelist and teacher, emphasizes the importance of engaging in a personal practice during the holiday season, creating space for introspection and acknowledging accomplishments. This spaciousness allows us to check-in with ourselves, get new ideas, and be present in our own lives. So, consider supporting public media and setting aside some time for yourself this holiday season.

    • Reflecting on the Past Year through Journaling and DrawingReflecting on past experiences through journaling and drawing can enhance observation and listening skills, improve self-awareness, and promote mindfulness.

      Reflecting on the past year through journaling and drawing can be a meaningful and therapeutic experience. It's important to get your thoughts down on paper without worrying about perfection or criticism. Drawing is a part of the human experience, and everyone can do it, regardless of skill level. An exercise to help you reflect on your past year involves dividing a piece of paper into four boxes and writing or drawing specific experiences and sensory memories from the year. This exercise, which was learned from graphic novelist Linda Berry, can help improve observation and listening skills, making you more present in your own life. Spend 3 to 5 minutes on each box, being specific and detailed. In the bottom right corner, draw one moment from the year that resonates with you and fully immerse yourself in it.

    • Embrace Imperfection and Reflect on the Past YearReflect on accomplishments, set achievable goals, practice self-care, and embrace imperfection through drawing and meditation.

      Everyone, including artists, should allow their creations to be imperfect and not be overly critical of themselves. Just as a wobbly baby deer needs time to grow and learn, our art also needs room to develop. Reflecting on the past year is essential, and it's important to acknowledge our accomplishments and give ourselves small, achievable goals for the future. A simple yet effective exercise is to draw how we would like to feel waking up on January 1st. This practice can lead to a moment of reflection and self-care, allowing us to let go of the past and embrace the present. For a guided meditation, Lama Rod Owens suggests an informal ceremony, lighting a candle, and reflecting on the light it represents – a reminder that even in difficult times, there is still light in the world.

    • Reflecting on the Past Year with Gratitude and IntentionTake time to reflect on the past year with gratitude, acknowledge disappointments and grief, and set intentions for the future by dreaming big and letting go of negative feelings

      The practice of reflecting on the past year through the lens of gratitude, acknowledging disappointments and grief, and dreaming about the future can bring about personal growth and change. Lama Rod emphasizes the importance of starting this practice with a sense of gratitude, reflecting on what one is thankful for in the past year. He suggests creating a quiet space, perhaps with the help of a burning candle, to allow oneself to feel and process emotions. During this time, one can mentally cruise through the past year with curiosity, reflecting on unanswered questions and unresolved experiences, and letting go of negative feelings by visualizing them as clouds or waves. Lama Rod also recommends setting intentions for the future by dreaming big and suspending doubts or limitations. This practice, rooted in the present, can help shape the future in a positive way.

    • Be Intentional and Clear About Your DesiresSpecific dreaming and getting clear on needs and wants can increase the likelihood of manifestation. Tools like vision boards, reflection practices, and intentional setting can support this process.

      Being intentional and clear about your desires can help manifest them into reality. Lama Rod Odhiambo emphasizes the importance of specific dreaming and getting clear on your needs and wants. He suggests creating a vision board as a tool to call in desired energy and create the causes and conditions for desired outcomes. Reflection practices such as SAT time, drawing exercises, informal meditation, and bold dreaming can also support this process. By getting concrete about what we want to see in our lives, we increase the likelihood of manifestation.

    • Embrace stillness and quiet during new year reflectionsTake time for self-reflection, embrace quiet and stillness for greater awareness and mindfulness.

      Celebrating the new year can be a solo and reflective experience. Reporter Kyle Norris suggests embracing stillness and quiet during this transition, which can be practiced at any time of the year. This approach allows for greater awareness and mindfulness. For more resources on mindfulness and other topics, check out NPR's Life Kit and subscribe to their newsletter. Remember, it's okay to take some time for yourself and reflect on your experiences. Happy reflecting and happy new year! Additionally, NPR sponsors Monrovia and Charles Schwab's Choiceology have messages for listeners. Monrovia offers high-quality plants for creating beautiful gardens, while Choiceology explores the psychology and economics behind people's decisions. NPR's Black Stories, Black Truths is another collection of podcasts that showcases the complexity and diversity of the black experience. These stories highlight the nuances and realities of being black in America. Overall, this episode encourages listeners to take a moment for themselves, reflect on their experiences, and embrace stillness and quiet during the new year and beyond.

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    0:00 Goal setting

    0:20 Goal setting and mental health

    0:41 Reflection and goal-setting go hand-in-hand

    1:18 Reflection, goals and mental health

    1:55 Tips for effective reflection and goal setting

    5:11 Where to find more tips on goal setting



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    Professor Dave & Psychotherapist Mike Discuss Resentment and Responsibility in all their glory!


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    Resentment is a deep, negative emotion that can cause destructive behavior.

    Taking responsibility for our emotions and actions is key to moving past resentment and attaining personal freedom.

    Anger can be justified in certain situations, but resentment is often unproductive and harmful.

    Accepting reality and acknowledging our own shortcomings can help us let go of resentment and find inner peace.

    We can address resentments by taking responsibility for one’s part in the situation and avoiding the cycle of resentment and misery.

    Recognizing and addressing dishonesty, selfishness, and fear can help overcome resentments.

    Introspection and recognizing unmet needs can provide insights into the causes of resentments.

    Avoid over-identifying with negative identities and focus on shedding the victim mentality.

    Taking action and recognizing accomplishments can empower individuals to move beyond resentments. Recognize and celebrate your daily accomplishments, no matter how small.

    Reflecting on past accomplishments can help boost self-confidence and motivation.

    Therapy and taking responsibility for one’s actions can lead to healing and empowerment.

    Appreciate and acknowledge your progress on your journey.


    00:00 Introduction

    00:30 Resentment and Justification

    01:44 Drinking the Poison of Resentment

    03:11 Resentment Inventory and Shadow Work

    04:37 The Destructive Nature of Resentment

    08:02 Resentment and Alcoholism

    17:10 Resentment in Challenging Circumstances

    19:22 Accepting Reality and Taking Responsibility

    23:46 The Importance of Remembering Ancient Wisdom

    24:12 Practical Steps to Overcome Resentment

    33:49 The Process of Letting Go of Resentment

    37:01 The Therapeutic Approach to Resentment

    40:24 The Role of Responsibility in Overcoming Resentment

    40:28 Resentments and Examples

    41:10 Defining Resentment and Identifying Causes

    44:27 Choosing Responsibility over Resentment

    45:25 Addressing Resentments and Taking Action

    48:06 Dishonesty and Recognizing Flaws

    1:01:23 Recognizing Selfishness and Self-Seeking

    1:03:46 Fear and Recognizing Fears

    1:08:24 Shedding Identity and Overcoming Victim Mentality

    1:09:22 Recognizing Responsibility and Regaining Control

    1:10:32 Balancing Introspection and Taking Action

    1:33:32 Recognizing Accomplishments

    1:36:24 Healing and Empowerment

    1:38:19 Acknowledging Progress


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    Disclaimer Professional medical care and psychotherapeutic services are not offered on this Youtube channel. It is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute the practice of medicine, nursing or other professional health care services, including the giving of medical advice, and no doctor/patient relationship is formed. The use of information on this podcast or materials linked from this podcast is at the user’s own risk. The content of this podcast is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Users should not disregard or delay in obtaining medical advice for any medical condition they may have and should seek the assistance of their health care professionals for any such condition Seeking professional support is encouraged if you think you have an issue and that you want help.