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    spiritual growth

    Explore "spiritual growth" with insightful episodes like "Manifest Your Next $1k in 33 days: Part 3", "Manifest Your Next $1k in 33 days: Part 2", "Manifest Your Next $1k in 33 days: Part 1", "20. Allie West: Light Language. Soul Healing. Spiritual Awakening. Medical Intuitive. Personal Transformation. Clairvoyance. Channeling. Prime Creator." and "Can I Trust the Holy Spirit?" from podcasts like ""Badass Babe Oracle", "Badass Babe Oracle", "Badass Babe Oracle", "Behind Our Eyes" and "As You Go"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Manifest Your Next $1k in 33 days: Part 3

    Manifest Your Next $1k in 33 days: Part 3

    Welcome back to Part 3 of the Series on HOW to Manifest Your Next $1k (or more!) in 33 days EXCLUSIVELY on the pod!

    This is a FULL series so please do not skip a day!

    Today we are diving into Regulating your Wealth Encoding to manifest your Next $1k in 33 days! 

    See you inside!

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    Manifest Your Next $1k in 33 days: Part 2

    Manifest Your Next $1k in 33 days: Part 2

    Hello Badass Babe! Welcome to Part 2 of the 3 Part Series on HOW to Manifest Your Next $1k (or more!) in 33 days EXCLUSIVELY on the pod!

    This is a FULL series so please do not skip a day!

    Today we are diving into Shifting out of Newtonian Physics and into a Quantum Physics State- which is rarely taught, why you've never heard of this and why it matters to Manifesting your Next $1k in 33 days! 

    See you inside!

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    Manifest Your Next $1k in 33 days: Part 1

    Manifest Your Next $1k in 33 days: Part 1

    Hello Badass Babe! Welcome to the 3 Part Series on HOW to Manifest Your Next $1k (or more!) in 33 days EXCLUSIVELY on the pod!

    This is a FULL series so please do not miss these days!

    If you are new here...welcome! I'm Kelly and I'm a Manifestation Coach.

    I don't teach you fluff and BS manifestation methods.

    I've been on the manifestation journey for over 10 plus years and know what works and what doesn't work. I have done all the trial and error so you don't have to.

    I have become an expert in simplifying money and abundance manifestation through the fusion of science-backed techniques, Quantum Physics and Laws of the Universe 

    This is what sets me apart as a manifestation coach and why I really get it.

    Today we are diving into Creating New Money Making Neural Pathways - what they are and why they are so important to Manifesting your Next $1k in 33 days! 

    See you inside!

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    20. Allie West: Light Language. Soul Healing. Spiritual Awakening. Medical Intuitive. Personal Transformation. Clairvoyance. Channeling. Prime Creator.

    20. Allie West: Light Language. Soul Healing. Spiritual Awakening. Medical Intuitive. Personal Transformation. Clairvoyance. Channeling. Prime Creator.

    Allie West, from Oklahoma in the US is a Quantum Soul Healer, Light Language Practitioner, Medical Intuitive, Psychic Medium, Ancestral Connector, Spiritual Coach, Speaker and Mentor.

    Allie recounts her spiritual awakening, which was sparked by a deeply moving experience of witnessing her father's soul departing his body. This pivotal moment propelled her onto a path of exploration, leading her to discover her innate gifts, such as light language.

    Throughout the conversation, Allie shares her early encounters with clairvoyance as well as the diverse manifestations of her light language and its profound capacity for healing and activation. 

    She recounts the challenges she faced in fully embracing these abilities. Thus, Allie emphasises the importance of honoring one's unique spiritual journey, steering clear of comparisons, and following one's purpose with unwavering dedication. She sheds light on her experiences with channeling, including encounters with the souls of superstars like Michael Jackson and Prince!

    Allie offers invaluable insights into the rewards and obstacles of spiritual work, stressing the significance of authenticity and commanding God in the healing process. She extends empowering advice to older women who may be grappling with feelings of stagnation, urging them to trust in their intuition and embrace the journey of transformation.  

    Author of two books (available on Amazon), Allie also highlights the profound potential for personal growth and fulfillment when one taps into the reservoir of love, power, and wisdom within.


    You can engage with Allie in the following ways:


    Website: Under Construction - alliewest.com

    YouTube: Allie West

    Social Media Channels: ​Facebook​ | ​TikTok​ | ​Instagram

    Booking Site: Book Appointment 

    Email: info@alliewest.com

    LinkedIn: Allie West

    Twitter: Allie West

    Book 1: Dressed Up Mess - US Amazon | UK Amazon 

    Book 2: Still A Mess - US Amazon | UK Amazon 


    Follow Behind Our Eyes on Instagram: @behindoureyes333 

    Connect with Liane on instagram: @lianelightsup


    This podcast is brought to you by www.supareal.com 


    If you’d like to receive email updates about this podcast and other projects, please subscribe on the SupaReal site (bottom of the page).


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    DISCLAIMER: Any practices shared on this podcast are not a replacement for or a form of therapy, nor are they intended to cure, treat, or diagnose medical conditions. Always make sure to listen to live practices in an environment that is safe. Do not listen to take part in any practices shared on these recordings while driving a car or operating any kind of machinery.


    Can I Trust the Holy Spirit?

    Can I Trust the Holy Spirit?

    Do you ever feel like your spiritual transformation is taking too long? Do you get frustrated with other believers and wonder why they are not looking more Christlike? Do you sometimes feel like the Holy Spirit needs a little help in straightening out Christians around you? In this episode, Ruth McDonald shares from the Bible about the way the Holy Spirit works to re-make us increasingly into the image of Christ. (2 Cor. 3:18)

    Even though the process sometimes seems to take longer than we'd like, the Spirit is working to restore us to our original condition when we were created "in the image of God." 

    Ruth shares several powerful testimonies and stories that provide strong evidence that the Holy Spirit can be trusted to resurrect traits and resemblances to the likeness we were meant to show. 

    You will be encouraged by this episode to be patient with yourself and with others, trusting the process and the One who restores, transforms, and changes hearts. 





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    Tap into Big Money & Magic with THIS

    Tap into Big Money & Magic with THIS

    Hello badass babe! On this episode, Kelly shares this ONE thing you're doing that's keeping BIG money & magic at arms length.

    And the energetic DECISION you get to make today to shift into BIG money, magic & f*ck yes to flow into your life and business. 

    HInt: it's much simpler than we were taught to believe ;) you're gonna want to tune in!

    Register for MAGNETIC MASTERCLASS here The Exact Strategy that made me over $3k in a day on Maternity Leave



    Motherhood and Spiritual Awakening: Paula's Inspiring Journey

    Motherhood and Spiritual Awakening: Paula's Inspiring Journey

    Today, my special guest is Paula Czyz. She is here to share her incredible journey of awakening and her experience in the spiritual world. Paula's story is one that many of us can relate to, as she is just an everyday mom like you and me. Her journey will inspire you to delve deeper into your own spiritual path and embrace the magic that lies within.


    As you listen to Paula's story, you will realize that we all have our unique journey to awakening. Each step we take, every experience we encounter, shapes us into the individuals we are today. You will find resonance and connection through Paula's words as her story touches upon the universal themes of growth, transformation, and self-discovery.


    As a spiritual coach and mentor, Paula helps others, particularly women, to jumpstart their awakening process. She utilizes astrology, human design, gene keys, numerology, and intuitive readings to guide her clients on their spiritual paths.


    To connect with Paula and learn more about her work, you can follow her on Instagram at @Elevate.With.Paula or visit her website at paulaczyz.com.


    Please follow along with A Well + Nourished Soul podcast on your favorite listening platform and leave a rating and review of the show. If you want to dive even deeper, visit www.awellandnourishedsoul.com to join our private community.


    Schedule your Angel Message Session: https://www.awellandnourishedsoul.com/book-an-angel-session 


    Come connect with me on Instagram @AshleyJGeorge. I love hearing from you!


    064 7 Keys to Spiritual Growth (Part 1 Passion)

    064       7 Keys to Spiritual Growth (Part 1 Passion)

    It’s important for you to grow spiritually.

    Spiritual Growth is God’s process to restore to you everything Satan, sin, and self have stolen from you. 

    2nd. God has amazing plans for your life! You don’t want to miss the adventures He has planned for you. 

    And 3rd. This life is preparation for heaven. Jesus will reward you for what you do for God after you are born again.  


    When I was born again, I wanted to run after God. But I didn’t know what to do. And I kept tripping over things from my alcoholic past that hurt me. I finally realized that God has priorities. When I did the most important things first, everything else began to fall in place.


    These are the 7 keys to spiritual growth I found most helpful in my Christian journey and while helping others with their journey as a homegroup leader, intercessor, teacher, Christian life coach, and friend. I pray these 7 keys will accelerate your spiritual growth.


    1st Key. Passion - It is our daily desire and pursuit of God that empowers our spiritual growth. 

    2nd Key. Perspective – VISION - You need vision to see and think like Jesus.  Jesus' vision came from knowing His Identity and His Purpose.  Yours will too. 

    3rd Key. Process – The Biblical name for Spiritual Growth is Transformation. You aren’t transformed by trying harder. It is a supernatural process.  Holy Spirit  forms Jesus’ supernatural character in you as you renew your mind with God’s word and obey God. Romans 12:2 

    4th Key. Produce – Spiritual fruit. If we are truly growing spiritually, there must be outward evidence of change. As God changes who we are, our behavior naturally reflects that change. Matthew 7:17, 20 NLT

    Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions.

    5th Key. Pain to Overcome – Recognize that your old self was broken. And unless healed, much of that brokenness can come into your new life. We must deal with old sin habits, ungodly beliefs, and emotional and psychological wounds that keep us from connecting our hearts to people and to God.

    6th Key. People – We have brokenness. People at church have brokenness. It would be easy to leave church and go your own way. God warns you not to. (Hebrews 10:25) There are people at church that have what you need (Ephesians 4:16). And God says in learning to love others His love for us is made complete in us.    (1 John 4:12) We need other Christians and they need us.

    7th Key. Plan -Do you have goals for spiritual growth? Most Christians don’t.  What is your spiritual condition right now? How can you measure that? Where are you going? And what is the next step? 

    I will be creating videos dealing with each of the 7 keys. 

    1st Key to Spiritual Growth: Passion

     1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV

    Passionate Love and Obedience is our proper response to God’s love.

    1 John 4:10-12 NIV, 1 John 4:19 KJV, 
    2 Corinthians 5:14-15 NLT

    Christ... died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.

    Your Life Belongs to God

    You do not belong to yourself,  for God bought you with a high price. 

    1 Corinthians 6:19-20. 


    Lay Down Your Life for Your Friends

    John 15:12-13 NIV

    God asks us to do that. He asks us to lay down our lives for our families, our friends, our neighbors... 

    Unlike Jesus, our sacrifice is not giving up our lives all at once. Our sacrifice is to live for God one moment at a time. God calls us to be “living sacrifices.”  Romans 12:1 ERV

    Do the Activation

    How I Manifested Baby GIRL, Intuitive Pregnancy & Spiritual Signs

    How I Manifested Baby GIRL, Intuitive Pregnancy & Spiritual Signs

    Sharing the Energetic Decision I made to manifest Baby Girl with EASE after a former miscarriage and fearful pregnancy.

    How I utilized my intuition rather than logic & ALL the Spiritual Signs that led to one of my greatest manifestations to come to fruition!





    2024 Soul Guidance Message & GIVEAWAY

    2024 Soul Guidance Message & GIVEAWAY

    Hello badass babe! On this episode, Kelly shares TWO vital energetic frequencies for you to claim and embody in 2024 to receive the money, manifestations + magic that's meant for you with EASE.

    & the oracle card message your soul needs to hear

    Head over to Instagram HERE to enter to WIN the GIVEAWAY from now until Jan 13th





    Greg Ward: Spiritual Growth in Entrepreneurship

    Greg Ward: Spiritual Growth in Entrepreneurship

    Greg Ward is a testament to the transformative journey of entrepreneurship, and in our discussion, we explored the profound interplay between business and spirituality. He unveils his personal story of starting from debt-ridden failure to leading a successful law firm. He emphasises that true entrepreneurial success is more than just financial gain; it's a spiritual journey. He is a founding partner of The Ward Law Group, PL. Over $500 million has been recovered for clients, and the firm has received over 2,000 5-star reviews. 

    One of the most compelling insights from Ward is his perspective on the challenges of entrepreneurship. He states, "Entrepreneurship and business is a spiritual journey requiring a spiritual transformation." This idea forms the backbone of our conversation as we dive into how he shifted his focus from purely financial goals to a broader, more spiritually-aligned vision, leading to exponential growth in his business.

    Ward’s journey is not just a story of business acumen but also personal development and resilience. He candidly shares his initial failures, highlighting a crucial lesson: "I was a serial failure. I made a lot of mistakes." His openness about these early setbacks lays the groundwork for understanding the significant turnaround in his career.

    A key takeaway from our talk is Ward's emphasis on serving others. He firmly believes in the power of knowing who you are called to serve. This philosophy transformed his approach to business, moving away from purely profit-driven motives to focusing on impact and service. He remarks, "Once I realized that it was rocket fuel... I said, you know what? I'm supposed to serve the Hispanic market."

    Moreover, Ward delves into the challenges of scaling a business and the importance of making tough decisions, especially in hiring. His experience teaches us that sometimes, the best hires are not the ones we personally like, but those who can bring results and balance to our weaknesses.

    Interestingly, Ward also touches upon the misconceptions surrounding wealth, arguing that money reveals character rather than changes it. He shares his philanthropic views and personal experiences, reinforcing the idea that wealth should be a means to positively impact others.

    In wrapping up, Ward offers invaluable advice to aspiring entrepreneurs. He stresses the need for spiritual and personal grounding before pursuing business success, cautioning that without this foundation, even the most successful ventures can crumble.

    This episode with Greg Ward is not just about business strategies; it's a profound look into how spirituality, personal growth, and a service-oriented mindset are crucial to true entrepreneurial success. It's a compelling narrative that encourages us to look beyond the surface of business achievements and delve into the deeper, more meaningful aspects of success.

    The Biggest Abundance Leak & How to Fix it

    The Biggest Abundance Leak & How to Fix it

    Hello badass babe! In this episode, Kelly shares the one major thing you may be subconsciously doing that's leaking your abundance and how to fix it!

    She also shares a powerful pep talk to come back into alignment to inevitably and automatically receive more abundance and magic into your life/biz heading into the New Year!




    The Key to Spiritual Entrepreneurship with Psychic Medium Jessica Lynne

    The Key to Spiritual Entrepreneurship with Psychic Medium Jessica Lynne

    Hello badass babe! In this episode, we have Jessica Lynne who is a Psychic Medium and podcast host, 'Talk Spirit to Me.' We dive into the key to going into business full-time for yourself, how to shift from fear back into alignment, increasing your visibility and running your spiritual business your own way!

    See you inside!

    Jess's IG

    Book a reading with Jess


    Dive deeper into my world:

    Best place to start: Abundance through Alignment Series


    Check out my Signature Abundance DNA Manifestation Method

    Dive into my FREE Resources 


    Connect wih Kelly on Instagram: 

    @the_badassbabe and @badassbabeoracle


    Time to Step into Who The F*ck You Are.

    Time to Step into Who The F*ck You Are.

    My badass babe! This is a transformational episode dripping with codes for you to integrate and embody

    → to step out of your safety identity and into your soul essence identity 

    For years I was showing up, what I lovingly refer to as, the boring basic b*tch.

    Dimming my light → dressing in a way that everyone else was

    Hiding who I truly am at the core of my soul → protecting myself

    Living life for others → constantly people pleasing 

    The playin' it safe girl who knew she was meant for something more, something greater than she could even imagine

    Slowly but surely I started to expand and step into who I am.

    But something within me felt capped - almost like a concept I didn't fully grasp yet. 

    Like my soul wanted to expand more but my logic brain was keeping me where I was.

    I finally realized I didn’t make this ONE energetic decision that changed everything for me

    Press play to find out and massively transform your life/business!


    Join me inside the Abundance through Alignment Challenge for 💎11.11

    Ready to tap into the truth of who the f*ck you are to manifest abundance faster?

    Where your life & business massively transforms all from a solid place of alignment?

    This is where you open yourself the f✨ck up to the Abundance & magic you’ve been seeking

    I’m teaching you a fun & simple way without BS time-consuming methods inside

    🔮 Send me a DM with✨ALIGNMENT✨ to start or begin here!


    AND! 3 Days of Magic Deals starts Monday, November 20th!

    Featuring my signature programs and containers all with the lowest pricing ever!

    I'm making it super accessible to enter into your own abundant af aligned and easeful life/business!

    See what’s on tap here!


    For your free personal oracle card reading, take a screenshot of your 5-star rating & review and email it to hello@kellypender.com 

    Dive deeper into my world:

    Dive into my Programs & Masterclasses

    Check out my FREE Resources 

    Connect wih Kelly on Instagram: 

    @the_badassbabe and @badassbabeoracle
