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    As You Go

    As Christian women, our desire is to find our role in fulfilling the Great Commission. Jesus said, "Go ye... and make disciples" and we understand that to mean "As you are going... make disciples." We are always going, aren't we? And as we go, we are representing Christ, speaking His words into the lives around us and bearing His image for the world to see. Our desire is to grow in our relationship with Jesus so that we can be a clear signpost to influence others to follow Him too. 

    On "As You Go" we will talk with other Christians about how to walk closely with Christ. We will interview Christ followers who are effectively making disciples. And we will dig into the Bible for its timeless truths about how to really know God and make Him known. 


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    enRuth McDonald20 Episodes

    Episodes (20)

    My Plans/God's Plans

    My Plans/God's Plans

    Alicia Crowe and her husband Josh are former missionaries to Japan with IM, Inc. who now minister to Japanese people in the Dublin, OH area. As Alicia shares her story in this podcast, you will see that God works through challenges, depression, loss, and unwanted life events to lead us into His perfect will for our lives. Sit back and enjoy this testimony of God's Sovereignty and His perfect guidance. God already know your future and you can trust His plan for you!


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    Can I Trust the Holy Spirit?

    Can I Trust the Holy Spirit?

    Do you ever feel like your spiritual transformation is taking too long? Do you get frustrated with other believers and wonder why they are not looking more Christlike? Do you sometimes feel like the Holy Spirit needs a little help in straightening out Christians around you? In this episode, Ruth McDonald shares from the Bible about the way the Holy Spirit works to re-make us increasingly into the image of Christ. (2 Cor. 3:18)

    Even though the process sometimes seems to take longer than we'd like, the Spirit is working to restore us to our original condition when we were created "in the image of God." 

    Ruth shares several powerful testimonies and stories that provide strong evidence that the Holy Spirit can be trusted to resurrect traits and resemblances to the likeness we were meant to show. 

    You will be encouraged by this episode to be patient with yourself and with others, trusting the process and the One who restores, transforms, and changes hearts. 





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    Wounds, Scars and Healing

    Wounds, Scars and Healing

    "I just want to be a grownup Christian woman!"

    Childhood trauma left Tammy Lancaster feeling like she often became 4 years old all over again. In this episode, you can listen in on a conversation between Tammy and Ruth McDonald as they talk about real life issues that affect our emotional health... often for a lifetime.

    Tammy and her husband Jamie ministered as church planting missionaries in Uruguay for over 20 years and are now residing in Nashville, TN and are with IM,Inc. In this podcast, she touches on sensitive subjects such as abandonment, trauma, divorce, neglect and abuse. And yet, the conversation is full of healing, hope, and joy as she shares about her path to emotional wholeness. 

    It's not a short episode, but you will be blessed by Tammy's story. If you are struggling with hurts that you cannot quite get over, you will be encouraged to seek out help from the body of Christ and skilled professionals. And, no matter your background, you will be challenged to love, support and encourage those around you. 500605


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    As You Go
    enFebruary 07, 2024

    Who Me? Make Disciples?

    Who Me? Make Disciples?

    This encouraging episode from Ruth McDonald helps us confront our fears about actually getting involved in disciple making. If you are convinced that you should be sharing your faith and helping other grow... but are nervous or confused about how to get started... this episode is for you.

    Confronting our fears.... I don't know enough. What if I get stumped? What if I don't know the answers? I'm too young... I'm too old...

    Keep it simple. Ruth explains how to let the Bible speak for itself through the Discovery Bible Method. https://www.dbsguide.org

    Trust the Holy Spirit. As we pray for His guidance, He will teach us (and those who study with us.)

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    Disciple Her

    Disciple Her

    Melanie Franks is part of a church planting team in Athens, AL where she and her husband are actively involved in evangelism and discipleship. In this episode of As You Go, she and Ruth McDonald sit down to discuss the importance of women discipling other women. 

    Included in the conversation are:

    1) what it means to make disciples

    2) how exactly do you make disciples?

    3) why is discipleship important?

    Mentioned and recommended in this episode is Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth's book "Adorned." https://www.reviveourhearts.com/books/adorned/

    The title "Disciple Her" was borrowed from the book by that title written by Kandi Gallaty https://www.amazon.com/Disciple-Her-Using-Wonder-Invest/dp/1535902477

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    What Mary Knew

    What Mary Knew

    Whether you listen during the Christmas season or at another time of the year, this episode brings insight into Jesus' mother Mary and her exemplary faith. As a young Jewish girl, she was typical in many ways. And yet, we see by the things the Holy Spirit included in the Bible about her that she was also extraordinary. 

    Even though a very young girl:

    1) Mary was preparing for the future she assumed would be hers. When her plans were completely upended by the visit from the angel Gabriel, she knew what to do.

    2) Mary knew she needed other women in order to deal with life's surprises and challenges, as evidenced by her extended visit with her cousin Elizabeth.

    3) Mary knew the Word of God. Though they are not named, we know that she had been discipled by those around her in her childhood. Because of her rich foundation in the Scriptures, she was able to be strong for the special task God had for her.

    4) Mary knew that God's plan is always best. Her song of praise is a wonderful testimony to her firm faith in God. 


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    As You Go
    enDecember 20, 2023

    A Big Heart for Little Girls

    A Big Heart for Little Girls

    Temisia Brown lives, works, and worships at Cross Timbers FWB Church in Nashville, TN. In this interview with Ruth McDonald, Temisia recollects about the women who influenced her for Christ and spoke into her life during childhood and beyond. She also shares about her "unofficial" ministry outreaches to young girls and ladies in her church community. 

    In this thought-provoking episode, you will be challenged to consider your gifts, abilities, and personality in determining ways that God wants to use you to mentor other women. "None of us can do everything; but all of us can do something." 

    Temisia is a wonderful example of a Christ follower who is faithfully using her time and talents to speak into the lives of young girls and women. 

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    There's No Place Like Home

    There's No Place Like Home

    What comes to mind when you visualize "home"? 

    In this episode, host Ruth McDonald explores our longing for comfort, stability, and safety by working through Psalm 84. As Christians who have set our hearts on pilgrimage, we are in this world but not of it. In Biblical language, we are sojourners, pilgrims, and foreigners whose true citizenship is in heaven. 

    Whatever your experience of home has been, the Bible offers real encouragement for those of us who are passing through this world. You will be blessed by this message on God's faithfulness to walk with us through every season. 

    Click the link below to make a gift for the ongoing ministry of "As You Go." 


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    "In Sickness and in Health" with Margie Patton

    "In Sickness and in Health" with Margie Patton

    Margie Patton enjoyed a 46 year marriage with her Pastor-Teacher husband, Wayne. Their journey together took them to many places of ministry and left them rich in experiences, love, and family, for which Margie is genuinely grateful. However, with Wayne's diagnosis of ALS, their adventures together turned to the "sickness" side of the marriage vows. 

    In January of 2023, Margie became a widow when Wayne lost his battle with this degenerative disease. However, her example of steadfast faith and unwavering love and care for her husband is an example for every spouse who is serious about keeping the marriage vows of "in sickness and in health." 

    Listen in as Margie shares with host Ruth McDonald her intimate and authentic walk through the decline and death of her husband. You might cry, but you will also definitely be challenged and encouraged by her beautiful testimony of God's faithfulness. 





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    "For Richer or Poorer" with Margie Patton

    "For Richer or Poorer" with Margie Patton

    Listen in as Host Ruth McDonald and Margie Patton talk about navigating the "richer and poorer" seasons of marriage. What does it mean to be truly rich? The Bible says that "godliness with contentment is great gain", and yet the area of finances is often one of the most problematic issues in a marriage. 

    Margie Patton currently lives in Leadington, Missouri, but she and her late husband, Wayne, have followed the call of ministry to many states and countries around the world. She shares meaningful insights into how she and Wayne made financial decisions, how they resolved the issue of needs & wants, and how they made ends meet when they didn't quite have enough. 

    This episode is Part I of Margie’s  interview. Part 2 will follow up with "In Sickness and In Health." 



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    As You Go
    enOctober 11, 2023

    Well, that was Awkward!

    Well, that was Awkward!

    In this episode, Ruth McDonald talks about "getting comfortable with being awkward" for the sake of sharing the Gospel. Even though we may have little in common with some individuals or groups, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all come to repentance. In this down-to-earth episode, Ruth shares some helpful tips on how to communicate with people who do not share our faith. She gives 5 pointers on how to build toward having "Gospel Conversations" with the people Christ loves. 

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    Sticks, Stones, and Words - with Kristi Johnson

    Sticks, Stones, and Words - with Kristi Johnson

    In this casual conversation with Kristi Johnson, we focus on the power of our words, both for good or for bad. As the Coordinator of Communications at IM,Inc. and a former missionary to Spain, Khristi shares language bloopers and encouragement for us to use our words to glorify God and build one another up. 

    You will enjoy this lighter episode of As You Go.



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    Reduced to Zero

    Reduced to Zero

    Ruth McDonald shares some practical tips about spiritual gifts and service in the Kingdom of God. Focusing on I Corinthians 12, she talks about the variety of gifts in the body of Christ.

    What are our motives for "seeing the higher gifts"? In this episode, we explore the biblical directive to "Do all to the glory of God." 


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    Just Breathe

    Just Breathe

    Mrs. Miley recently shared this statement: "Prayer is, for the Christian, like breathing. If we're not breathing, we're not alive!" 

    In this episode, Ruth McDonald talks about "breathing as prayer," and explores the practice of meditation or contemplative prayer. In it, she delves into the rich Scriptural theme of "God's breath" and shares about how to have a 2-way communication with the Spirit through prayer. 



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    A Lifelong Learner - Mrs. Miley, Part 2

    A Lifelong Learner - Mrs. Miley, Part 2

    In Part 2 of our interview with Mrs. Lorene Miley, we hear about rough times in her life when she felt her life was over. Her insight into recovering, surviving loss and thriving in each new stage of life will encourage you.

    She also shares 7 aspects of prayer that every Christian should  know. This episode, like her earlier one, is full of wisdom, godly counsel, and inspiration. 

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    "He's Still Teaching Me"

    "He's Still Teaching Me"

    Mrs. Lorene Miley is 95+ years of age, and has spent her life following closely after Jesus. Perhaps best known for her years of missionary service with her medical missionary husband Dr. LaVerne Miley, Lorene is herself a prolific writer, editor, speaker, mentor, and student of the Word. 

    In this episode, Mrs. Miley shares her personal testimony of her childhood and youth, explaining how the Lord led her to Himself and into her life calling. She shares invaluable insight into how to "level up" in our understanding of the Bible and how to discern the Lord's leading in our lives. 



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