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    Explore "evangelism" with insightful episodes like "Episode 223: The Roots of Atheism and Deconstruction with Tim and Bethel McGrew [Part 2]", "Episode 222: The Roots of Atheism and Deconstruction with Tim and Bethel McGrew [Part 1]", "Who Me? Make Disciples?", "Reset - Week 2 - The CORE - Pastor Mike Novotny" and "How to Live a Consequential Faith" from podcasts like ""Apologetics Profile", "Apologetics Profile", "As You Go", "922 Ministries - The CORE & St. Peter Lutheran - Appleton, WI Sermons" and "Avenue Church Podcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    Episode 223: The Roots of Atheism and Deconstruction with Tim and Bethel McGrew [Part 2]

    Episode 223: The Roots of Atheism and Deconstruction with Tim and Bethel McGrew [Part 2]

    The Book of Judges says that in the days when Israel had no king, "all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes" (Jdg. 17:6; 21:25). It is a perennial problem for man. Without recognizing or serving Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords, people will generally do whatever they think is right in their own eyes. This is not just a problem for non-believers, as the text from Judges tells us. God's own people are often guilty of this very thing. This week we continue our conversation with Tim and Bethel McGrew about some of the historical and cultural trends of unbelief and atheism in the West. The McGrews give us some helpful insights you can incorporate with your conversations with non-believers.

    Bethel McGrew is a high school teacher, math Ph.D., and widely published freelance writer. Her work has appeared in First Things, National Review, The Spectator, and many other national and international outlets. Her Substack, Further Up, is one of the top paid newsletters in "Faith & Spirituality" on the platform. She has also contributed to two essay anthologies on Jordan Peterson. When not writing social criticism, she enjoys writing about literature, film, music, and history. Her edited collection of the World War I letters of Canon A.E. Laurie is forthcoming from the U.K.’s Helion Press. (https://wng.org/authors/bethel-mcgrew).

    Dr. Timothy McGrew is Professor of Philosophy at Western Michigan University, where he has taught for the past 25 years. His research interests include formal epistemology, the history and philosophy of science, and the history and philosophy of religion. When he is not doing philosophy, he enjoys playing chess online, coaching at his local chess club, running trails, and making high quality paper airplanes. He lives in SW Michigan with his wife, Lydia McGrew, and their daughters (TimothyMcGrew.com).

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    : We are also offering a subscription to our 4-page bimonthly Profiles here: www.watchman.org/Free.

    SUPPORT: Help us create more content like this. Make a tax-deductible donation here: www.watchman.org/give.

    Apologetics Profile is a ministry of Watchman Fellowship For more information, visit www.watchman.org © Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

    Episode 222: The Roots of Atheism and Deconstruction with Tim and Bethel McGrew [Part 1]

    Episode 222: The Roots of Atheism and Deconstruction with Tim and Bethel McGrew [Part 1]

    Atheism and unbelief have their origin in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by listening to the Serpent and partaking of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Since then, man has continually attempted to hide himself from God, suppressing the knowledge of God in unrighteousness. That unrighteousness and unbelief has taken many different forms throughout history. This week and next we feature our interview with philosopher Timothy McGrew and his daughter Bethel. We discuss some of the historical and cultural trends of unbelief in Western civilization and how they continue to influence unbelief today.

    Bethel McGrew is a high school teacher, math Ph.D., and widely published freelance writer. Her work has appeared in First Things, National Review, The Spectator, and many other national and international outlets. Her Substack, Further Up, is one of the top paid newsletters in "Faith & Spirituality" on the platform. She has also contributed to two essay anthologies on Jordan Peterson. When not writing social criticism, she enjoys writing about literature, film, music, and history. Her edited collection of the World War I letters of Canon A.E. Laurie is forthcoming from the U.K.’s Helion Press. (https://wng.org/authors/bethel-mcgrew).

    Dr. Timothy McGrew is Professor of Philosophy at Western Michigan University, where he has taught for the past 25 years. His research interests include formal epistemology, the history and philosophy of science, and the history and philosophy of religion. When he is not doing philosophy, he enjoys playing chess online, coaching at his local chess club, running trails, and making high quality paper airplanes. He lives in SW Michigan with his wife, Lydia McGrew, and their daughters (TimothyMcGrew.com).

    Related Links: Free access to some related Watchman Profiles:

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    : We are also offering a subscription to our 4-page bimonthly Profiles here: www.watchman.org/Free.

    PROFILE NOTEBOOK: Order the complete collection of Watchman Fellowship Profiles (over 600 pages -- from Astrology to Zen Buddhism) in either printed or PDF formats here: watchman.org/notebook.

    SUPPORT: Help us create more content like this. Make a tax-deductible donation here: www.watchman.org/give.

    Apologetics Profile is a ministry of Watchman Fellowship For more information, visit www.watchman.org © Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

    Who Me? Make Disciples?

    Who Me? Make Disciples?

    This encouraging episode from Ruth McDonald helps us confront our fears about actually getting involved in disciple making. If you are convinced that you should be sharing your faith and helping other grow... but are nervous or confused about how to get started... this episode is for you.

    Confronting our fears.... I don't know enough. What if I get stumped? What if I don't know the answers? I'm too young... I'm too old...

    Keep it simple. Ruth explains how to let the Bible speak for itself through the Discovery Bible Method. https://www.dbsguide.org

    Trust the Holy Spirit. As we pray for His guidance, He will teach us (and those who study with us.)

    Support us on pushpay.com!

    Episode 211: Why Believe? [Part 1] with Author and Theoretical Chemist Neil Shenvi

    Episode 211: Why Believe? [Part 1] with Author and Theoretical Chemist Neil Shenvi

    God has revealed Himself to us through His Spirit, through what He has created, through His word, and through His Son. The evidence of His existence is manifold. He did not lavish us with so much so that we might think His existence is something of a mere intellectual curiosity, but so that He might bring dead people back to life. Author, apologist, and theoretical chemist Neil Shenvi discusses with us his 2022 book, Why Believe? A Reasoned Approach to Christianity.

    Dr. Neil Shenvi grew up in Delaware and attended Princeton University as an undergraduate where he worked on high-dimensional function approximation. He became a Christian in Berkeley, CA where he did his PhD in Theoretical Chemistry at U.C. Berkeley on quantum computation, including topics in quantum random walks, cavity quantum electrodynamics, spin physics, and the N-representability problem. In 2015, he quit his job at Duke to homeschool his four children, He presently serves as the principal of the South Durham Academy for Math and Science (also known as Daddy Academy). He is also the author of Critical Dilemma - The Rise of Critical Theories and Social Justice Ideologies Implications for the Church and Society.

    Related Links: Free access to some related Watchman Profiles:

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    : We are also offering a subscription to our 4-page bimonthly Profiles here: www.watchman.org/Free.

    PROFILE NOTEBOOK: Order the complete collection of Watchman Fellowship Profiles (over 600 pages -- from Astrology to Zen Buddhism) in either printed or PDF formats here: watchman.org/notebook.

    SUPPORT: Help us create more content like this. Make a tax-deductible donation here: www.watchman.org/give.

    Apologetics Profile is a ministry of Watchman Fellowship For more information, visit www.watchman.org © Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

    6.47 - Evangelism in the OT - Piecing it Together

    6.47 - Evangelism in the OT - Piecing it Together

    Today, the guys delve into evangelism and its origins for God’s people, starting with the Old Testament. How does God help His people piece together the puzzle to reveal the full picture of His plan for them and their mission to evangelize the nations? Do we have a reference, or are we simply holding onto corner pieces? 

    Episode 206: Dr. Richard Howe and Daniel Ray Discuss Philosophy and Theology [Part 2]

    Episode 206: Dr. Richard Howe and Daniel Ray Discuss Philosophy and Theology [Part 2]

    What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem? Much in every way, as bad philosophy has made a number of inroads into the Church today, including philosophical assumptions about how scholars and laypersons alike ought to interpret and understand the Bible. Objective truth about the historicity and teaching of Scripture is being routinely questioned and jettisoned by higher academics. 

    How should we respond? Our guest again this week Dr. Richard G. Howe, professor of philosophy at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, shares with us in a winsome and meaningful way how we need to cultivate a habit of applying sound philosophical and theological thinking to counter the baleful trends besetting our culture today. 

    Richard G. Howe (RichardGHowe.com) is a writer as well as a public speaker and debater in churches, conferences, and university campuses on issues concerning Christian apologetics and philosophy. He is Provost, Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics, and Norman L. Geisler Chair of Christian Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dr. Howe is Past President of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. In their free time, Richard and his wife Rebekah enjoy international travel.

    Link to Richard's brother Thomas Howe's book, Objectivity in Biblical Interpretation, mentioned in this episode.

    Related Links:
    Free access to some related Watchman Profiles:

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    : We are also offering a subscription to our 4-page bimonthly Profiles here: www.watchman.org/Free.

    PROFILE NOTEBOOK: Order the complete collection of Watchman Fellowship Profiles (over 600 pages -- from Astrology to Zen Buddhism) in either printed or PDF formats here: watchman.org/notebook.

    SUPPORT: Help us create more content like this. Make a tax-deductible donation here: www.watchman.org/give.

    Apologetics Profile is a ministry of Watchman Fellowship For more information, visit www.watchman.org © Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

    Episode 205: Dr. Richard Howe and Daniel Ray Discuss Philosophy and Theology [Part 1]

    Episode 205: Dr. Richard Howe and Daniel Ray Discuss Philosophy and Theology [Part 1]

    Science offers us a great deal of remarkable insights to the nature of the physical world. From distant galaxies to the DNA in our bodies, the world is replete with God's handiwork. But not everyone sees it this way. Scientists who do not believe in God will often offer explanations for why they think God likely does not exist, but when they do, they are not using the methods and tools of science to do so, they are making philosophical arguments.

    This week and next on the profile, our guest is Dr. Richard G. Howe, professor of philosophy at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, conversationally helps us to understand how philosophy and theology go together in equipping us to us discern and respond to the empty philosophy and deceit of our confused postmodern milieu.

    Richard G. Howe (RichardGHowe.com) is a writer as well as a public speaker and debater in churches, conferences, and university campuses on issues concerning Christian apologetics and philosophy. He is Provost, Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics, and Norman L. Geisler Chair of Christian Apologetics at Southern Evangelical Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. Dr. Howe is Past President of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. In their free time, Richard and his wife Rebekah enjoy international travel.

    Link: The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith featuring Richard's article as quoted in this episode.

    Related Links: Free access to some related Watchman Profiles:

    Additional Resources

    : We are also offering a subscription to our 4-page bimonthly Profiles here: www.watchman.org/Free.

    PROFILE NOTEBOOK: Order the complete collection of Watchman Fellowship Profiles (over 600 pages -- from Astrology to Zen Buddhism) in either printed or PDF formats here: watchman.org/notebook.

    SUPPORT: Help us create more content like this. Make a tax-deductible donation here: www.watchman.org/give.

    Apologetics Profile is a ministry of Watchman Fellowship For more information, visit www.watchman.org © Watchman Fellowship, Inc.

    Powerful Bible Verse of the Day (March 22, 2023) |Walk in the Truth | 3 John 1:4 NKJV

    Powerful Bible Verse of the Day (March 22, 2023) |Walk in the Truth | 3 John 1:4 NKJV
    In this Powerful Bible Verse of the Day, we're reminded to walk in the truth. We are called to live according to God's Word, not our own opinions. John provides some great advice in this verse, urging us to walk in truth so that we may have life. Using this verse as a reflection, let's strive to live according to God's will, trusting that He will prosper us and help us to walk in truth.

    Powerful Bible Verse of the Day (March 13, 2023) | God Will Save the Humble | 2 Samuel 22:4 NKJV

    Powerful Bible Verse of the Day (March 13, 2023) | God Will Save the Humble | 2 Samuel 22:4 NKJV
    God is always on the side of the humble, and He will always save those who are humble. In this powerful Bible verse, we see this truth in action.

    On March 13th, 2023, God will save those who are humble. This is a truth that is shown throughout the Bible, and it is a truth that will always be true. As we see in 2 Samuel 22:4, God will always be on the side of the humble, and He will save them from all of their enemies. So be humble, and let God save you from all of your enemies!

    Powerful Bible Verse of the Day (March 10, 2023) | Watch Your Mouth | Proverbs 16:23-24 NKJV

    Powerful Bible Verse of the Day (March 10, 2023) | Watch Your Mouth | Proverbs 16:23-24 NKJV
    In this video, we're going to learn a Powerful Bible verse of the day from Proverbs 16:23-24. This verse is known as the "Watch Your Mouth" verse and it's a great reminder to be careful what you say.

    This verse is a great reminder to be careful what you say. It's important to remember that our words can have a huge impact on others. So please keep that in mind when you're talking to friends, family, or strangers. By using this Powerful Bible verse of the day, you can help to watch your mouth and keep your words respectful! Thanks for watching!

    Powerful Bible Verse of the Day (March 7, 2023) | The Humble Are Shown the Way | Psalm 25:9 NKJV

    Powerful Bible Verse of the Day (March 7, 2023) | The Humble Are Shown the Way | Psalm 25:9 NKJV
    Find out today's Powerful Bible Verse of the Day! In this verse, the humble are shown the way.

    Everyone faces challenges in life, but sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation to keep going. That's why today's Bible verse is so important. It tells us that even the weakest of people can be shown the way to success if they have faith.Subscribe to our channel to get notified every time we release a new Powerful Bible Verse of the Day!