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    Explore " purpose" with insightful episodes like "Learning to Breathe (Rest & Run, Pt.5)", "Five-Year Plan (240110)", "024 Dimpled: Unveiling the Extraordinary Within - A Journey into Multi-Dimensional Living and Authentic Selfhood", "The Purpose of Christmas" and "#65 - Xmas 🎅🏼 & Trends '24 📈" from podcasts like ""116church", "721 Live Talk Radio", "Beyond The Words", "Abundant Life Christian Center Podcast" and "91,8 - die digitale Welle"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    024 Dimpled: Unveiling the Extraordinary Within - A Journey into Multi-Dimensional Living and Authentic Selfhood

    024 Dimpled: Unveiling the Extraordinary Within - A Journey into Multi-Dimensional Living and Authentic Selfhood

    Welcome to Beyond the Words! I'm Dimple Thakrar, your host, and guardian angel on this transformative journey. In today's episode, I delve into the realms of the extraordinary, sharing my personal revelations and inviting you to embrace your authentic self.

    In this episode, I recount my experiences at a Dr. Joe Dispenza retreat, where profound insights led me to unveil my long-held connection with multi-dimensional living. I share the challenges of embracing my spiritual gifts, shaped by a childhood influenced by societal norms and fear. The podcast explores the power of following one's soul calling, defying 3D constraints, and leaping into unknown territories.

    Key Takeaways:

    1. Soul Calling: Trust your intuition and act on the soul's calling, even when it seems unrealistic in the 3D world.
    2. Multi-Dimensional Living: Explore the layers of reality beyond the visible, embracing the richness of multi-dimensional existence.
    3. Guardian Angel: Discover the concept of being a guardian angel for others, guiding them through abundance, purpose, and love.
    4. Permission to Be: Encourage listeners to give themselves permission to be their authentic selves, breaking free from societal expectations.

    Thank you for joining me on this enlightening journey. Remember, it's safe to see, hear, and claim your authentic self. I've named this journey "Dimpled," a symbol of giving yourself permission to be your truest, most authentic self.

    Dimple Thakrar Resource Links:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dimple.thakrar

    #65 - Xmas 🎅🏼 & Trends '24 📈

    #65 - Xmas 🎅🏼 & Trends '24 📈
    Bald ist Weihnachten! Und? Habt ihr schon alle Geschenke zusammen? Kathrin und Torben haben da ein paar Tipps für euch! Und was wird wohl die Marketingwelt 2024 bewegen? Der Accenture-Report liefert hier sehr gute Einblicke. Worauf legen Kund*innen in 2024 wert? Worauf sollten Brands achten? Was ist eigentlich im E-Commerce 2024 los. Wie sollten sich Brands hier aufstellen und positionieren? Unterschätzt dabei nicht die Relevanz des Kundenservice. Rabatte und Coupons nehmen ebenfalls an Bedeutung zu. Und jetzt? Was ist zu tun? Hört rein und bleibt digital! We wish you a merry christmas-time 🎄

    Agenda der Marketingchefs
    Accenture Trends 2024

    Who’s Gonna Save Me Now?

    Who’s Gonna Save Me Now?

    Do you ever say you’re going to do something - but then you don’t? You’re not alone. Peter lied to Jesus and the apostle Paul admits that he talks about doing one thing but then ends up doing the exact opposite …and he can’t stop! Maybe we can all relate with his frustration when he asks, “Is there anyone who can do anything for me?” 

    Official Website

    Psychedelic Therapy Saves Navy SEAL's Life and Restores Hope with Marcus and Amber Capone (Part 2)

    Psychedelic Therapy Saves Navy SEAL's Life and Restores Hope with Marcus and Amber Capone (Part 2)

    Amber and Marcus Capone are a power couple dedicated to helping veterans and their families overcome trauma and find healing. Marcus is a former Navy SEAL with over 20 years of military service, and Amber is a passionate advocate for mental health and wellness. Together, they founded VETS, an organization that provides psychedelic therapy and support for veterans struggling with mental health issues.

    In this episode of Behind The Seen, Amber and Marcus Capone share their journey of overcoming trauma and finding healing through psychedelic therapy. They discuss the challenges they faced in their relationship and the impact of Marcus's military service on his mental health. They explain how they discovered the potential benefits of psychedelics for treating trauma and the transformative effects it had on Marcus's well-being. The couple also discusses the importance of community support and the need for more research and access to psychedelic therapy for veterans.


    • Psychedelic therapy can be a powerful tool for healing trauma and improving mental health.
    • The default mode network in the brain, which is associated with the ego and self-identity, can be quieted by psychedelics, allowing for new perspectives and healing.
    • Psychedelic therapy should be done under the guidance of trained professionals and with proper integration and support.
    • Veterans and their families can benefit from community support and access to alternative therapies like psychedelics.
    • More research and funding are needed to expand access to psychedelic therapy for veterans and improve mental health care.


    • "Psychedelics are medicines that were abused as recreational drugs, not recreational drugs turned into medicine." - Amber Capone
    • "Psychedelics get to the root cause of the issue and help establish new neuronal connections in the brain." - Marcus Capone
    • "Psychedelics are a tool, not a magic bullet. They require proper guidance, integration, and therapy for optimal results." - Amber Capone
    • "We have to leave the country to get meaningful solutions to healthcare. It's horribly embarrassing." - Amber Capone
    • "The more we can serve and help others, the more things happen in our own lives." - Marcus Capone

    Connect and Learn more about Marcus and Amber.

    Marcus’ LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcuscapone/

    Amber’s LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/amber-capone/

    TARA Mind Website: https://taramind.com/

    VET Solutions Website: https://vetsolutions.org/

    Connect and learn more about Dean Stott.
    Instagram: @deanstott

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dean-stott-24725880

    Website: https://www.deanstott.com/about-dean

    Connect and learn more about Alana Stott.


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alana-stott-mbe-194493aa

    Website: https://alanastott.com/

    BEHIND THE SEEN: Introduction

    BEHIND THE SEEN: Introduction

    "Behind The Seen" is a thought-provoking podcast hosted by Alana and Dean Stott, a dynamic couple with a remarkable journey. The podcast's central theme revolves around uncovering the hidden stories of success by spotlighting the often-overlooked individuals who provide essential support behind the scenes. Alana and Dean draw from their personal experiences to explore the dynamics of relationships where one person takes the forefront while the other works tirelessly in the background. Throughout the series, they engage in candid conversations with a diverse range of guests, including entrepreneurs, athletes, and public figures. The discussions shed light on the challenges, triumphs, and lessons learned in achieving greatness as a team. With a focus on mutual appreciation, effective communication, and understanding, "Behind the Seen" aims to inspire listeners to recognize and celebrate the vital role of support systems in every success story.


    • Dean Stott: "Behind every successful man or woman, there is a team. There's a team that you don't see."
    • Alana Stott: "The concept of 'Behind the Scene' is about telling the story of the people the world doesn't see."
    • Dean Stott: "Just because one person looks like they're succeeding, don't be resentful. Work together as a team."
    • Alana Stott: "To live out your purpose is what you're here for. There's room for all, but communication and mutual respect are key."
    • Dean Stott: "You can still have a family and succeed. That's an excuse to say otherwise."
    • Alana Stott: "The podcast aims to touch everybody, helping them understand the power of combining efforts and working together."

    Connect and learn more about Dean Stott.
    Instagram: @deanstott

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dean-stott-24725880

    Website: https://www.deanstott.com/about-dean

    Connect and learn more about Alana Stott.


    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alana-stott-mbe-194493aa

    Website: https://alanastott.com/

    Finding Your Soul's Purpose

    Finding Your Soul's Purpose

    Why am I just now figure this out? Why are my 40's so enlightening? I love learning about me through personality tests, but the last one has got me ON FIRE!

    Take a free Ikigai test here:  ikigaitribe.com
    Read these articles here: https://www.cnbc.com/2023/07/09/10-rules-of-ikigai-from-authors-of-the-japanese-secret-for-longevity.html
    Here's some podcasts on Ikigai: Ikigai Tribe, The Ikigai Lifestyle, The Ikigai Coach, and there's several more
    And lastly, a video for your viewing pleasure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LE5bel_GvU

    Support the show

    #55 - Business Agility 🚀

    #55 - Business Agility 🚀
    Heute geht's mal vorrangig um Bewegung. Änderungen willkommen heißen. Kundenzentrierung. Schnelle Entscheidungsfindung. Ein riesen Themenfeld. Geschäftsagilität. Kathrin und Torben tauchen tief in die Chancen und Risiken der Unternehmen ein. Agilität ist halt dann doch mehr als nur "digital". Warum aber auch eine Betrachtung der Gen Z und unser neuen Lieblinge - die Generation Alpha - wichtig ist. Und wieso Barbie dann doch endlich mal im Podcast diskutiert wird. Hört rein in die neue Episode und bleibt digital ihr Lieben!

    Gen Alpha

    AmeriCorps Alumni Connections with Rachel DuBois | NCCC & VISTA

    AmeriCorps Alumni Connections with Rachel DuBois |  NCCC & VISTA

    Hosting and podcast consultation provided by Producer Dan of Time or Money Production.  Thank you Dan! (p.s, he's an NCCC AmeriCorps Alumni)

    1.2  Million AmeriCorps Alumni STRONG!  We are a voice for national and community service.  We have all served in one way or another - let's engage, learn and connect with each other!  Let's Serve Life After AmeriCorps!

    Today we talk with Rachel Dubois
    Connect with Rachel LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/racheldubois/

    Big ideas and takeaways from our conversation:

    1. NCCC - Life changing experience! 
    2. VISTA - how do organizations allocate resources and make decisions? 
      1. During SY learned by observation- 
        1. How to have difficult conversations
        2. Lead and facilitate trainings 
        3. How to effectively manage and give feedback
    3. AmeriCorps - build up your network - " You never know how people are going to show up or re-show up in your life"
    4. AmeriCorps gives you an opportunity to try new things! 
    5. VALUE - Knowing what you don't want! 
    6. New York University Robert F Wagner School of Public Services https://wagner.nyu.edu/
    7. Possibly lean into an Encore Career! - What is your next chapter??? 
    8. Add AmeriCorps to your resume! 
    9. Let's keep connecting! 
    10. Think about prioritizing AmeriCorps members and Schools for National Service! 

    Alumni Connections -

    Shout out!
    Hosting and podcast consultation provided by Producer Dan of Time or Money Production.  Thank you Dan! (p.s., he's an AmeriCorps Alumni)
    Check him out on IG - https://instagram.com/producrdan?igshid=ZDdkNTZiNTM=

    Becoming Who You Already Are

    Becoming Who You Already Are

    The beauty of doing the podcast is getting to meet people like Rechelle Conde-Nau.  She is a fellow podcaster, mom, blogger, and a coach, who wants to encourage other midlife women to stop waiting for good things to happen and hop in the driver's seat to find their passion and purpose.  

    After Rechelle and her husband lost a child, the events to follow would lead her life on an unexpected and welcomed path, but once she hit midlife, Rechelle started to get the itch to share her life learnings and help other women break free from fear to become who they already are.  

    Rechelle and I agree on many things.  Some of the topics we discuss:
     - There is room at the table for all women, and all boats rise with the tide.  Rechelle and I both have podcasts for midlife women, but that doesn't stop us from sharing ideas and tips and cheering each other on.  
    - You don't need confidence to get started, but you may need a little courage.  The confidence comes later with some success under your belt.
    - Don't wait to get started until you are ready.  If you wait, you may never do "the thing".  

    Check out Rechelle's podcast Unabashed You and her lovely, heartfelt blog on her website.

    You can find Rechelle Conde-Nau at:

    This is the first episode of year two of the Asking for a Friend Podcast.  Thank you for listening, for the reviews, and the shares.  I couldn't do this without you, and of course, our editor Kelly.  

    Follow Asking for a Friend on Social media outlets:

    Please provide a review and share. This helps us grow!

    April Ban

    April Ban
    We imprint upon our parents from day one, perhaps even while we’re still in the womb. Our first awareness at birth is that “mother” is the source of all our needs, and before long, we become aware of “father” in the room(often the obstacle we have to overcome to get back to “mother”), and then siblings and grandparents and so on. As we’ll discover in the section on personality, we develop tactics from a very early age to have our needs met based on the feelings of basic loss we experience at birth. Our parents shape our understanding of “self” like few others will. In our family of origin (biological or otherwise) we receive messages of acceptance and belonging, but also messages of neglect, abandonment, and sometimes abuse. These messages create a trajectory for our lives in that they set up our expectations for all other relationships, including the one we have with God. This is why God as “father” is a welcome image for some, and a point of pain for others. April Ban is a long-time friend of mine residing in Nashville, Tennessee. She lives in the space between being a pastor at the Anchor Fellowship and as a licensed clinical therapist. For April, Family of Origin theory permeates everything, whether it’s how we relate to God or how we see ourselves. In this conversation we delve into family systems theory, how it works, and what it means to bring our histories into the healing presence of Jesus.

    Rick Swanson on Family, Technology, and Community Impact

    Rick Swanson on Family, Technology, and Community Impact

    On this episode Rick Swanson shares how he’s using digital tools to impact his community and solve problems as an entrepreneur. Listen in as Marlo and Rick discuss the power of innovation, managing boundaries between work and life as a single dad, and how he’s creating a legacy of change after three decades of entrepreneurship.

    Rick Swanson is a Dad, digital nomad, and business builder. He’s the CEO of Ten10, a community impact tool that helps nonprofits generate funds through local businesses.

    You can connect with Rick at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/richardswanson/

    Stay focused on the mindset, skills, and habits it takes to Have It All with the following:

    1. Take the free Have It All Assessment here: https://bit.ly/haveitallquiz
    2. Learn the four pillars of performance by reading my book, The Making of a Maverick: https://amzn.to/3oQ7wji
    3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marlohiggins/
    4. Share your story of Having It All. Apply to be a guest on the podcast: https://bit.ly/marloguestapp

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Chris Cheatham on Trust, Innovation, and Growth in Insurance Tech

    Chris Cheatham on Trust, Innovation, and Growth in Insurance Tech

    On this episode insurtech expert and VP of Strategic Partnerships Chris Cheatham dives into the power of technology when building trust and creating solutions.

    Listen in as Marlo and Chris discuss how he prioritizes his time, why he chose to pivot from entrepreneurship, and how he’s still using his entrepreneurial skills to make an impact in the corporate world.

    Chris Cheatham is the Vice President of Strategic Partnerships at Steadily. Chris has been working in insurance since 2006, launching his own company, identifying insurtech solutions, and helping businesses use tech to establish trust and provide solutions.

    You can connect with Chris at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chrischeatham/

    Stay focused on the mindset, skills, and habits it takes to Have It All with the following:

    1. Take the free Have It All Assessment here: https://bit.ly/haveitallquiz
    2. Learn the four pillars of performance by reading my book, The Making of a Maverick: https://amzn.to/3oQ7wji
    3. Connect with me on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marlohiggins/
    4. Share your story of Having It All. Apply to be a guest on the podcast: https://bit.ly/marloguestapp

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    AmeriCorps Alumni Connection with Rafi Stern | State National

    AmeriCorps Alumni Connection with Rafi Stern | State National

    1.2 Million AmeriCorps member STRONG!  We are a voice for national and community service.  We have all served in one way or another - let's engage, learn and connect with each other!  Let's Serve Life After AmeriCorps!

    Today we talk with Rafi Stern  | https://www.linkedin.com/in/rafi-stern-230b3415/ 2010 - 2011

    Conversation topics and highlights: 

    • Go ahead - start working on a volunteer tutoring program! 
    • Engaging community partners - "people from all walks of life". 
    • New Politics - https://www.newpolitics.org/ Facilitator and Outreach! 

    Rafi's biggest AC take always ....

    1. Be present - recognizing you the time you have with the people who are in our life - Love to Mom!
    2. Serving as an AmeriCorps member - you will be pushed out of your comfort zone.
    3. Collectively - Alumni can be a powerful voting block to expand service!  


    • Lawyers Alliance for New York - https://lawyersalliance.org/
    • Cure PSP - https://www.psp.org/
    • Connect State Service Commission; New York Volunteers  - https://newyorkersvolunteer.ny.gov/americorps-new-york
    • Stella and Charles Guttman Foundation - https://www.guttmanfoundation.org/
    • Service Year Alliance - https://www.serviceyearalliance.org/
    • AmeriCorps pledge from the moon 2016 - https://ms-my.facebook.com/americorps/videos/we-were-over-the-moon-with-our-special-guest-at-the-1of1million-member-event-nas/1247132352005918/
    • Exponentum - https://lawyersalliance.org/exponentum

    AmeriCorps Alumni Group LI 

    E200: Lynne Twist- Living a Committed Life

    E200: Lynne Twist- Living a Committed Life

    Learn more about Lynne Twist and the Soul of Money at:


    (5) Lynne Twist | LinkedIn


    For more than 40 years, Lynne Twist has been a recognized global visionary committed to alleviating poverty, ending world hunger, empowering the status of women and girls, supporting social justice, and environmental sustainability.

    The breadth and scope of Lynne’s work range from working with Mother Teresa in Calcutta, to working with refugees in camps in Ethiopia and the threatened rainforests of the Amazon, as well as guiding the philanthropy of some of the world’s wealthiest families and working directly with the women who won the Nobel Peace Prize. Lynne’s on-the-ground work has brought her a deep understanding of global issues, the challenges women and girls face worldwide, people’s relationship with money, and the transformation of human consciousness. Her extensive knowledge and experience have led her to profound insights into the social tapestry of the world and the historical landscape of the times in which we are living.

    Lynne wrote a best-selling, award-winning book called, “The Soul of Money: Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Life” (W.W. Norton, 2003) which has been translated into nine languages including Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Bulgarian and Portuguese.

    Lynne’s newest book, “Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself” (Berrett-Koehler, November 2022) demonstrates how a commitment to a purpose larger than yourself can enliven and empower you. In this book, Lynne shares stories and perspectives gained from her decades as a global thought leader and activist working to end hunger and poverty, protect the Amazon rainforest, empower women’s leadership, and transform people’s relationships with money. Living a Committed Life presents her vision for a world that works for everyone as well as her guiding principles for living a life of commitment and joyous action.

    Please leave a review or send us a Voice note letting us know what you enjoyed at:

    Back2Basics reconnecting to the essence of YOU (podpage.com)

    Follow us on IG and FB @Back2BasicsPodcast