
    Asking for a Friend - Fitness, Health & Personal Growth Tips for Women in Midlife

    Asking for a Friend is a midlife podcast that gets your health, wellness, and fitness questions answered by experts in their fields and features women just like you, who are stepping out to make their lives and the lives of others more fulfilled. 

    Interested in making your own midlife years amazing but not feeling your best and that perhaps, menopause has not been necessarily kind?  Do you want to get focused on setting realistic fitness goals, refining your nutrition, and improve your overall physical and mental wellbeing, but don't know where to start?

    Host Michele Folan is a 26-year veteran of the health industry, coach, mom, wife, and self-professed life-long learner, who wants you to feel encouraged to be all you were meant to be. Tune in to celebrate this time of our lives with honesty, wisdom, and lots of humor, because no one said we have to go quietly into this chapter. 

    Follow us on Facebook at Asking for a Friend Pod and Instagram @askingforafriend_pod. 

    en-usMichele Henning Folan95 Episodes

    Episodes (95)

    The Continuous Glucose Monitor for Non-diabetics: Harnessing Data for Metabolic Health and Weight Loss

    The Continuous Glucose Monitor for Non-diabetics: Harnessing Data for Metabolic Health and Weight Loss

    Unlock the secrets to a healthier life with Dr. Paul Kolodzik, as he shares the life-altering benefits of continuous glucose monitoring. This isn't just for those managing diabetes; it's a revelation for anyone grappling with metabolic health. Throughout our conversation, we delve into the insidious effects of high blood sugar on vascular diseases and dissect the dietary choices that could make or break our health. Dr. Kolozdik, with his unique blend of emergency and metabolic health expertise, gives us the lowdown on how simple changes in nutrition and lifestyle can forge a path to overcoming insulin resistance and optimizing overall well-being.

    Ever wondered why some people struggle with insulin resistance despite not being overweight? Dr. Kolodzik illuminates the subtle signs of this condition and explains the crucial differences between visceral and subcutaneous fat – knowledge that could redefine your approach to health. Our discussion takes a turn into the inflammatory nature of common dietary oils and how making smarter choices in the kitchen could significantly reduce health risks. The transformative potential of continuous glucose monitoring becomes crystal clear as Dr. Kolodzik walks us through the practical steps for early detection and management of blood sugar irregularities.

    We do a deep dive into GLP-1 mania, the benefits, and the downside of these medications. There are nuances to using GLP-1s responsibly and effectively, and Dr. Kolodzik shares his must-haves for patients to not only be successful but for his patients not to be on the drug forever. 

    The episode wraps up with a strong focus on the power of strength training – particularly for the legs – as an essential tool for maintaining mobility and independence into our later years. Dr. Kolodzik's practice not only embraces the latest in telemedicine but also offers actionable advice for finding healthcare providers who can support your journey to metabolic health. And for those looking to get a leg up on their health, Dr. Kolodzik's personal fitness regimen and his approach to strength training serve as a testament to the importance of a holistic health strategy that you don't want to miss.

    To find a metabolic/CGM health provider near you:

    You can find Dr. Paul Kolozdik at:

    His best selling book can be found on Amazon
    The Continuous Glucose Monitor Revolution: Lose Weight, Look Great, and Live Longer with Continuous Glucose Monitoring

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    Empowering Your Prime: Building a Pain-Free Life with Strategic Fitness

    Empowering Your Prime: Building a Pain-Free Life with Strategic Fitness

    Are you navigating the complexities of staying fit after 50, but some aches and pains are standing in your way? Discover the secrets to maintaining physical wellness with Megan Dahlman, an exercise science expert with a passion for empowering women in their prime. Our enlightening conversation goes beyond the typical fitness advice, revealing why listening to your body and understanding its mechanics are crucial for an active, pain-free life. Megan's expertise shines as she explains the importance of not just enduring discomfort but addressing its root causes, ensuring your pickleball serve or yoga pose doesn't come with an unwelcome side of back or hip pain.

    Unlock the building blocks of bodyweight strength training and learn how daily movement is your ally in keeping joints happy and muscles strong. Megan and I unpack the principles of starting with what your body can handle, then gradually ramping up to more challenging routines, always with an emphasis on technique to safeguard against injuries. We dive into modified exercises tailored to your fitness level, illustrating how a focus on form, such as maintaining a neutral spine, isn't only about looking good—it's about feeling good, too.

    Finally, Megan endorses the underrated yet potent strategy of the cat nap for stress relief and productivity. We share insights into how small posture tweaks can lead to significant pain relief, drawing parallels to perfecting a golf swing. So tune in, find inspiration, and join us on a journey to a more balanced, energetic life after 50.

    You can find Megan Dahlman's fitness programs and her podcast, Self Care Simplified at:


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    When The Fentanyl Crisis Hits Close to Home: What Every Parent Must Know

    When The Fentanyl Crisis Hits Close to Home: What Every Parent Must Know

    The specter of fentanyl has cast a long shadow over America, leaving countless families to navigate the overwhelming grief of losing loved ones to this potent and often stealthy killer. Today, we sit down with Tom and Stephanie Quehl, two such warriors in the battle against this epidemic, who share the heartrending narrative of their son Jack's vibrant life and its untimely end due to a fentanyl-laced recreational drug. As we journey through Jack's memories, from his triumphs in the classroom, his travels abroad, to the unimaginable night that altered their lives forever, the Quehls' courage and resolve shine through, offering a powerful testament to the human spirit.

    Throughout our discussion, the Quehls reveal the unvarnished truth behind the headlines, the personal toll of the crisis, and the crucial conversations we must start having about drug safety. They introduce us to the Jack Quehl Foundation, their proactive leap into transforming their own agony into a force for education and prevention. By establishing initiatives such as scholarships and education kits that promote Jack's passions for travel and learning, they honor his legacy while working tirelessly to safeguard others. This episode is a clarion call to all who hear it – to join forces, to speak out, and to take action.

    We close with a look at the pressing need for community involvement and the galvanizing effect of sharing stories, just as the Quehls have shared Jack's. Their message resonates with an urgency that cannot be ignored: fentanyl is a crisis that touches us all, from the bright-eyed college student to the well-established professional. By wearing a "Do it for Jack" shirt, by listening, by learning, we each can contribute to the fight against this epidemic, ensuring that Jack's legacy is not one of tragedy, but one of hope and change for the future.

    You can find the Jack Quehl Foundation at:

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    Holistic Dental Innovations for a Brighter Smile, Healthier You

    Holistic Dental Innovations for a Brighter Smile, Healthier You

    Unlock the secrets of a radiant smile and robust health with Dr. Sanda Moldovan, our guest who's pioneering the field of oral health, nutrition, and anti-aging. Discover how the state of your mouth is a window to your overall well-being, especially for midlife women navigating the ebbs and flows of hormonal changes. From the tips of your teeth to the depths of your gut, we're connecting the dots on how oral care, nutrition, and lifestyle choices contribute to ailments like chronic fatigue and brain fog, while also highlighting the importance of saliva pH and how to maintain an alkaline environment to fend off tooth decay and sensitivity.

    Ever wondered about the link between your favorite mouthwash and blood pressure? Or how to keep your breath fresh without resorting to harsh chemicals? Look no further as we debate the effects of common dental products on our oral microbiome and discuss natural alternatives like calcium hydroxyapatite for strengthening enamel. Bad breath is no match for our conversation on chewable probiotics, and we'll even tackle the internal causes that could be lurking in your gut. Plus, I'll share why ditching soda isn't just good for your waistline – it's essential for preserving your pearly whites and bone health.

    As we wrap up, Dr. Sanda Moldovan gives us an exclusive tour into the world of holistic dentistry. Learn about the crucial role of the oral microbiome, and how probiotics are revolutionizing dental health. With Dr. Sanda's insights and a special offer on natural oral health products, you're equipped to take charge of your oral ecosystem.

    Do you have receding gums and your dentist is suggesting skin grafting? New technology using platelet-rich fibrin, instead of painful gum grafting, may be an alternative for you. If snoring is an issue, there is an effective, painless laser treatment that does not include a clunky CPAP.

    Remember to keep the conversation going by connecting with us on social media, leaving your thoughts in a review, and sharing this episode with friends who value their health from tooth to toe.

    Here is the link to Orasana to check out their amazing products. Use code WELCOME at checkout for $5.00 off your first order.

    Check out The Holistic Dentistry Show wherever you get your podcasts.




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    She Found Her Way Through Fitness - Goodbye Restrictive Diets & Hello to Balance

    She Found Her Way Through Fitness - Goodbye Restrictive Diets & Hello to Balance

    As a seasoned veteran in the battle with restrictive diets and excessive exercise, I was thrilled to sit across from midlife coach Kristin Jackson, an example of balance in the health and wellness arena. Our heartfelt conversation peels back the layers of her transition from a personal trainer, once bound by the shackles of extreme fitness regimens, to a champion of the holistic FASTer Way program. Kristin's story of navigating the rough seas of perimenopause, a late-in-life pregnancy, and body changes make for an identifiable tale of a woman steering through midlife. Kristin found her way to nutrition that celebrates whole foods, champions gut health, and embraces the ebb and flow of individual needs.

    The journey through the FASTer Way program is akin to unearthing a treasure trove of health secrets that have reshaped not only my life but countless others seeking sustainable wellness. We discuss the transformative power of macro nutrition, intermittent fasting, and getting your body moving. But this episode is about more than just food and fitness; it’s about breaking free from the chains of an all-or-nothing mindset and finding joy in life's simple indulgences. We unpack the reasons that drove Kristin to coach, fueled by her personal health wins and the profound reward in guiding others to feel better in their own skin.

    In the company of the FASTer Way's dedicated professionals, from the visionary CEO to the spirited pro trainers, we explore the strength of a community united by the pursuit of transformative health. Kristin shares inspiring client stories, from individuals reclaiming their vitality to those just wanting to feel good in "the dress".

    You can find Kristin Jackson at: 

    FASTer Way

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    Winning the Battle Against Midlife Hair Loss - Treatments, Nutrition, and Regenerative Therapies

    Winning the Battle Against Midlife Hair Loss - Treatments, Nutrition, and Regenerative Therapies

    Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed your hair isn't quite as full as it used to be? You're not alone. On this episode, we have a heart-to-heart with Dr. Alan Bauman of Bauman Medical, who brings empathy and expertise to the table as we tackle hair loss in midlife, particularly for women. From genetic factors to emotional impacts, we cover the gamut of this surprisingly common yet often unspoken struggle. Dr. Bauman's personal journey from the inception of his "hair hospital" to becoming a beacon of hope for those facing thinning locks is as inspiring as it is informative.

    Nutrition isn't just about waistlines; it's integral to our hair's health, too. We chew over the intricacies of hair loss treatments and the role of diet, spotlighting the promise of nutraceuticals like Nutrafol. Dr. Bauman and I debate the pros and cons of prescription treatments, such as the anti-androgen spironolactone and the off-label heroics of finasteride in postmenopausal women. Plus, for all the biotin believers out there, we clear up any dosage dilemmas. Precision tools for tracking treatment progress come under the microscope as well, proving there's more science to hair care than meets the eye.

    In the realm of hair restoration, it's not just about what's on top that counts. Dr. Bauman guides us through a tour of cutting-edge therapies that are changing lives, strand by strand. From the gentle glow of red light therapy to the meticulous process of modern hair transplants, we uncover the art behind regrowing confidence. And for those fascinated by the flutter of lush lashes, the soaring demand for eyelash transplants emerges as a surprising trend. Whether it's crafting the perfect eyebrow or rejuvenating a hairline, the transformative power of these procedures extends far beyond the physical. So tune in, and witness the artistry and science that's giving hair care a whole new meaning.

    We also discuss PRP and microneedling as options to stimulate hair growth. The Turbo LaserCap is the ultimate powerful, portable, hands-free, cordless, and rechargeable low-level laser therapy device for men and women designed to deliver non-drug laser therapy for hair growth in a convenient and discreet way.

    TED uses an ultrasound-based system that uses sound waves and air pressure to enhance the penetration of a powerful topical hair growth formula into the scalp. This combination is designed to increase blood flow, optimize scalp health, and stimulate hair follicles to produce thicker, stronger, healthier hair.

    Nearly fifty percent of Dr. Bauman's patients start their journey with a virtual consultation. You can also ask questions about your hair loss concerns by going to his website. Someone on his staff will always get back to you with an answer.

    You can also find on the website the thousands of papers he has written and videos as well.


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    There Is No Magic Pill: Getting Fit in Your Fifties and Never Looking Back

    There Is No Magic Pill: Getting Fit in Your Fifties and Never Looking Back

    When Kiki Hurwitt's wellness and emotional health were not where she wanted them to be, she chose action over surrender, embarking on an incredible quest toward fitness that transformed her life. Have you ever considered that maybe your greatest victories lie ahead, no matter your age? 

    Kiki's candid discussion on her battle with pre-diabetes and high cholesterol opens a window into the power of determination and how visual affirmations, like progress photos, can radically shift self-perception. She embodies the spirit of the fearless warrior in all of us, proving that midlife can indeed be redefined.

    True health goes beyond shedding pounds; it's about nurturing strength within. Join me as we unravel Kiki's steps to success, which involved meticulous attention to diet, understanding the essentials of muscle maintenance, and the surprising mental marathon of reverse dieting. We also discuss the common dietary misconceptions that trap so many women.

    Kiki, alongside her coach Michelle MacDonald and inspired by the journey of Joan MacDonald, brings to light the life-changing benefits of personalized fitness guidance.
    But what's a hero without her tribe? Kiki's story takes on a new dimension with the unwavering support of her family and an online community that became her fitness fellowship. 

    From the shared triumphs with her bonus daughter to her husband's own remarkable weight loss, Kiki paints a vivid picture of how communal strength can be the wind beneath our transformational wings. And as she shares under the banner of @thelykkeviking on Instagram, we see a life teeming with self-love, positivity, and the thrill of chasing new horizons, no matter the season of life.

    Find Kiki Hurwitt at:

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    Revitalizing Your Liver in Midlife: Dr. Supriya Joshi Unlocks the Path to Metabolic Health and Longevity

    Revitalizing Your Liver in Midlife: Dr. Supriya Joshi Unlocks the Path to Metabolic Health and Longevity

    In midlife, when we think about our overall wellness, the topics of menopause, weight gain, bone and joint health, and our skin are usually top-of-mind, but what about our livers? This organ often gets forgotten until there is an actual issue.

    On this episode we are unlocking the secrets of liver health with liver specialist Dr. Supriya Joshi, as we navigate the underrated importance of this vital organ in your midlife journey. Through our in-depth conversation, you'll gain a wealth of knowledge about how metabolic health intertwines with liver function and the steps you can take to prevent conditions like fatty liver disease. Dr. Joshi's approach shatters the conventional reliance on medication, championing lifestyle adjustments and preventive measures to achieve lasting well-being.

    Embark on a myth-busting expedition about liver disease and its connection to diet, especially the often misunderstood roles of fat, sugar, and alcohol. Our discussion reveals the pivotal role of muscle mass in metabolic health and unwraps the complexities of aging's impact on our bodies' alcohol metabolism. Dr. Joshi equips you with the truth behind liver detox fads and the actionable insights needed to make informed decisions about supporting your liver health through consistent, healthy living.

    The episode culminates with a powerful blend of dietary and exercise strategies designed to revitalize your health. Learn why eating vegetables first could revolutionize your eating habits, the importance of protein and healthy fats in your diet, and how intentional exercise, like zone two training, enhances mitochondrial health. With Dr. Joshi's expert advice at your fingertips, you're empowered to embark on a proactive path toward a healthier liver and a more vibrant life.

    In the podcast Dr. Joshi accidentally misstated that a can of Coke contains 10 grams of sugar. She meant to say 10 teaspoons of sugar.
    Also, she wishes to clarify that two-thirds of North Americans with type two diabetes have fatty liver disease, but one-third of all North Americans have it.

    You can find Supriya Joshi, MD at:

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    Train With Joan - Inspiring Us to Flex Our Age

    Train With Joan - Inspiring Us to Flex Our Age

    According to AARP over 44% of Americans ages 40-59 are considered obese, and for adults over 60 that number is around 42%. Hormone changes can cause fat accumulation, especially in our midsections, and that collides with age-related muscle loss, which means our bodies don't burn calories or process sugar as efficiently.

    Then, of course, comes the expected cascade of possible health complications associated with the extra weight. I don't want this to sound bleak, and the purpose in me sharing these statistics is to say that we CAN change the narrative. It is possible, and it is never too late.

    When Joan MacDonald received some unwelcome health news from her doctor, she knew that she had to make some changes. With guidance from her fitness guru daughter, Michelle MacDonald, Joan began her own health and fitness journey, in her seventies, to go on to inspire many others to do the same through her Train With Joan platform. Not only are grateful women re-discovering themselves and getting their lives back, but they are becoming a part of a greater community of support and friendship.

    Joan has become a major fitness influencer with almost 2 million followers on social media, and she has authored her memoir and self-help book, Flex Your Age: Defy Stereotypes and Reclaim Empowerment. Oh, and did I mention Joan Macdonald was on the cover of Women's Health magazine in 2023? Amazing!

    I can't wait for you to meet this 77 year-old dynamo with her amazing can-do spirit!

    You can find Joan's book Flex Your Age: Defy Stereotypes and Reclaim Empowerment on Amazon.

    You can follow Joan on Facebook and Instagram.
    The Train With Joan app is available on the Google Play Store and Apple.

    You can find Michelle MacDonald at:

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    Changing Things Up - Making 2024 Your Healthiest Year Yet

    Changing Things Up - Making 2024 Your Healthiest Year Yet

    Embarking on a fresh journey of self-discovery and growth, I take to the mic with a heart full of gratitude for the past year's learnings and eyes set on the horizon of health transformation for midlife women. 

    As we wave goodbye to 2023, we revisit the wisdom imparted by Dr. Nicole Lovat on hormone replacement therapy, dive into the intricacies of bone health with Rebecca Rotstein, sit in the comforting circle of mental well-being with Dr. Laurie Little, and navigate the healthcare maze with guidance from Susan Salenger. These conversations were more than interviews; they are the building blocks for the exciting year we're stepping into.

    I'm taking you with me on a very personal journey through macro nutrition coaching, sharing the profound impact of intentional fitness modifications, and underscoring the pillars of protein, hydration, and sleep in our daily lives. The journey is honest: I open up about reducing my alcohol intake, the liberating effects it's had on my life, and how hormone replacement therapy has been a game-changer. Your stories, your health ventures are the fuel for this year's episodes, so let's amplify the chorus of midlife triumphs— please share the podcast, leave your thoughts, and join in as we chart a course through the health and wellness landscapes that matter most to us all.

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    Modern Body Modern Life - How to Lose Weight for the Last Time

    Modern Body Modern Life - How to Lose Weight for the Last Time

    Does the thought of permanent weight loss without diets or deprivation sound too good to be true? We’ve got Courtney Gray, a seasoned life and body coach, debunking that myth right here on "Asking for a Friend." Courtney takes us through her personal journey and shares her no-drama approach to achieving and maintaining your ideal weight, focusing on health, wellness, and the intricate role of mindset.

    We also delve into the complex relationship between our eating habits and body image. Courtney encourages us to face the truth about our dietary choices and to understand how societal pressures and childhood experiences shape our eating behaviors. Offering a fresh perspective, she emphasizes the power of self-love, acceptance, and the identification of emotional eating triggers. We discuss alternative coping mechanisms for negative emotions - ones that don’t involve food.

    Lastly, we tackle the often-ignored concept of embracing discomfort to spur personal growth. Whether it’s weight loss, body acceptance, or embarking on a new career, stepping out of your comfort zone is key. We highlight the pressures women face during significant life transitions and the importance of finding a balance between physical health and mental well-being. Join us on this enlightening journey towards a healthier, more self-loving you. Let's learn, grow, and transform together.

    You can find Courtney at:

    Modern Body Modern Life

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    A Clairvoyant and Medical Medium - Using Her Gifts in Transformational Coaching

    A Clairvoyant and Medical Medium - Using Her Gifts in Transformational Coaching

    Are you curious as to what the future holds and at a crossroads in your life journey ? Are you concerned about a certain nagging pain? If you are at the point of "Now what?" in a career or a relationship, you will love this week's guest.

    Carol Walkner left behind corporate America to pursue her dream of helping people rediscover themselves and the direction in which their life is going. She is a certified Reiki Master, clairvoyant medium, and transformational coach with clients all over the world.

    She shares her fascinating journey, from her early experiences with clairvoyance to how she uses her unique powers in her work. Carol believes that your to-be list should always be longer than your to-do list and that maintaining a youthful spirit is key to long-term happiness. 

    You find Carol Walkner at:

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    The Fulfilled Pharmacist Delves into Sugar Consumption, Intermittent Fasting and Gut Health

    The Fulfilled Pharmacist Delves into Sugar Consumption, Intermittent Fasting and Gut Health

    Think about how many times you've asked the pharmacist for advice. What's the best for poison ivy? What should I use for my child's congestion? Help! Where are the COVID tests? You get my drift. Your friendly neighborhood pharmacist, a wealth of knowledge, trusted and always ready with answers to your questions. 

    Lisa King, RPH, also known as the Fulfilled Pharmacist, has your best interest at heart, as she wants midlife women to look and feel their best at any age, while becoming more aware of their health and creating long-lasting good habits. Lisa is also the best-selling co-author of the book, Tiny Life Changes. 

    This midlife mom, health influencer, and blogger passionately shares her insights on many of the topics that impact us all. In this episode, we cover:

    Interstitial Cystitis, Bladder Health and Pelvic Floor
    Understanding Our Sugar Consumption 
    Fasting, Gut Health, Mediterranean Diet
    The Importance of Community in Midlife

    You can find Lisa at:

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    Womaness Co-founder Talks Skincare and Wellness Down There - You Deserve to Feel and Look Great at Any Age

    Womaness Co-founder Talks Skincare and Wellness Down There - You Deserve to Feel and Look Great at Any Age

    By 2030 the world population of menopausal and postmenopausal women is projected to increase to 1.2 billion, with 47 million new entrants each year, but according to a recent Forbes survey, a staggering 73% of women don't treat their menopause symptoms.  

    What about vaginal dryness, hot flashes, sleep disruptions, and skin changes?  Are we really putting up with this stuff?  There are some amazing women-led companies out there who are forging a path to normalizing the conversation and education around menopause symptoms. 

    It's one thing to be a female entrepreneur, but when you take that boldness and bravery and combine it with a passion for women's sexual wellness, menopause, and beauty, you get this week's guest.

    Michelle Jacobs is the co-founder and COO of the company Womaness, which has developed effective, science-based, and elegant products to support women from their heads to their toes.  She believes that we deserve to feel and look great at any age.

    In this episode Michelle and I discuss:
    - The genesis of Womaness and the process to secure capital
    - The science-backed research and market analysis needed to curate the product line
    - Womaness' best sellers and why customers love them
    - The personal impact of being a female founder 

    You can follow Michelle Jacobs and Womaness at:

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    The Conscious Caregiver: A Mindful Approach to Caring for Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself

    The Conscious Caregiver: A Mindful Approach to Caring for Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself

    My friend, Claudia, thought this would be a timely topic for many us, and it did not take me long to find an expert in the field of eldercare.  

    There can be many rewards for caring for ill or aging parents, a spouse, relative, or a special neighbor.  It is truly a labor of love, but with that there can be some very challenging and trying moments that come with the territory of having this honor.  The role requires patience, tenderness, selflessness, and hard work.  

    The emotional toll and physical stress of caregiving can lead to burnout and exhaustion, causing caregivers to put themselves and their own well-being in the background.  How do we put aside the guilt, sadness, and isolation to be kind to ourselves and prioritize self-care?

    Linda Abbit was a caregiver for more than 25 years.  She, too, faced many of the same demands other caregivers experience.  Many of us have aging family members, and Linda's work in the eldercare field and volunteering for the Alzheimer's Association, has provided her the wisdom and knowledge to help us all reduce stress, avoid burnout, and be a more relaxed caregiver.  

    Linda is the founder of Tender Loving Eldercare,  and the author of the book The Conscious Caregiver: A Mindful Approach to Caring for Your Loved One Without Losing Yourself.  She addresses the topics that are vital for anyone who is in the midst of this sometimes dramatic life change.

    In this episode Lina Abbit and I discuss:
     - Techniques for mindful communication with the person in our care
    - What to do if siblings are not willing to help out and tips for doctor appointments
    - How to keep daily self-care top of mind
    - When to consider in-home care or assisted living
    - What to do when the whole family is not on-board
    - The dreaded end-of-life conversation
    - The grieving process for the caregiver
    - There are resources, so you don't have to go it alone

    Office on Aging
    Alzheimer's Association
    Google - Geriatric Care Managers in your area

    You can find Linda Abbit at:
    or on Facebook

    She is available for speaking engagements locally or on Zoom.

    Linda's book is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

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    Get Your Gut Together: Banishing Bloat and Finding Relief From Digestive Issues

    Get Your Gut Together: Banishing Bloat and Finding Relief From Digestive Issues

    If you are bloated or feel like your gut symptoms are holding you back from living life, this show is for you.  Our guest expert, Heather Finley, is an adventure-loving, book reading, constipation-overcoming dietician, who wants you to poop better.

    Heather is your guide to make easy, sustainable changes so that you can find relief and feel healthy again.  She is the mastermind behind the gutTogether Program, host of the Love Your Gut podcast, a consultant, and speaker.

    In this episode we discuss:

    The gut/brain connection is really a thing!
    SIBO - what it is and how it is diagnosed
    Our poop has all the answers - using stool as a diagnostic tool
    Mold and the impact on your gut
    Are laxatives addicting
    How restrictive diets can make gut issues worse
    The 4-1-1 on fiber and fermented foods 

    Take Heather Finley's gut quiz

    Find the Love Your Gut podcast wherever you listen to podcasts.


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    Your Menopause Nutritionist: Finding Body Confidence Without Diets and Food Rules

    Your Menopause Nutritionist: Finding Body Confidence Without Diets and Food Rules

    Here is a statistic for you.  The average 45 year-old woman has been on 61 diets since the age of sixteen.  This brought me back to the 1980s and 90s, the era of dexatrim, Ayds Candies, and Slim Fast.  As a side note, the active ingredient in Ayds Candies and Dexatrim was the decongestant, phenylpropanolamine, which can be found in many cold medicines today.  I almost forgot about fen-phen.  Remember all the heart and legal issues with that drug?  Then there were the popular, fad diets, such as the Cabbage Soup Diet, Beverly Hills, Scarsdale, and Grapefruit Diet, to name a few.  

    It was actually simpler back then.  Doing lots of cardio (OMG, the aerobics and step class craze) and starving yourself was the secret sauce, which we know is not a long-term strategy for anyone, especially us midlife gals.  Diet culture is still alive and well, but today, we have to sift through all the stuff on social media, when all we want is the truth and straight answers in how we manage a body that we may no longer recognize.  This is why I asked Jenn Huber to be a guest on the podcast.

    Jenn is a Registered Dietician, Naturopathic Doctor, podcaster, and intuitive eating advocate, who provides health and hormone education to women in midlife without a side of diet culture.

    She knows exactly what we are going through, and she wants to help you make peace with food, your body, and menopause so you can find the confidence you deserve in this great stage of life.

    Catch Jenn Huber's podcast, the Midlife Feast, wherever you get podcasts.

    Jenn's website: https://www.menopausenutritionist.ca/


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    Shadow Work and Acupuncture - Using Science and Spirituality for Healing Anxiety and Trauma

    Shadow Work and Acupuncture - Using Science and Spirituality for Healing Anxiety and Trauma

    If you have experienced stress, anxiety, or trauma, what have you done to help you manage or overcome the thoughts and emotions that may derail your day, sleep, and overall wellbeing?

    Podcast guests have opened my eyes to alternative modalities that go beyond therapy and prescriptions.  Hypnosis, EFT, and Reiki can all be considered to help us find peace.  On this episode we discuss shadow work and acupuncture, among other things.

    Winnie Chan Wang is a mindfulness and traditional medicine expert, international speaker, bestselling author, and a professor in acupuncture at the Alhambra Medical University.  In her private practice, Winnie applies integrative medical approaches (acupuncture, mindfulness training, and reiki) to help her clients reduce fatigue, pain, anxiety, fear, and worry.

    Winnie embodies compassionate transformation by standing powerfully in her authenticity.  Her clients often have anxiety and depression, and feel stuck in their physical or emotional pain.  When Winnie guides her clients through shadow work, when they integrate their darkness with their light, they turn their wounds into power. This journey allows them to shift from being a victim to being the author of their life.

    In her book “Honoring Darkness”, co-authored with Ji W. Choi, doctoral candidate in psychology, Winnie and Ji dive deep into their own traumas and share how they made lemonade out of life’s lemons.  The book inspires readers to transform their darkness, such as grief, anger, and fear, into trust and purpose.

    Winnie holds a Masters of Science degree in Oriental Medicine from Alhambra Medical University.  She is the recipient of the President's Award for academic excellence and the Internship Award for her dedication in the TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) clinic.  Before starting her traditional medicine business, Winnie earned dual bachelor of science degrees in Computer Science and Finance from MIT, a master of science degree in Integrated Marketing from NYU, and has worked on Wall Street.  She is a doctoral candidate in Integrative Medicine and is currently based in Los Angeles, California. 

    Find Winnie's book Honoring Darkness: Embrace Shadow Work to Nourish and Grow Your Power on Amazon

    To schedule an appointment with Winnie or to get more info about events:


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    The Real 50 Over 50 - Her Crusade to Help Midlife Women Be Visible

    The Real 50 Over 50 - Her Crusade to Help Midlife Women Be Visible

    One of my pillars of selfcare in midlife is community and connection.  Women are generally better at reaching out and networking than our male counterparts, and I am fortunate to have been on the receiving end of other women, not only wishing to collaborate, but also connecting me with others who are in their circles.  

    When I met today's podcast guest, I knew right away that I was in the presence of one of these great connectors of people.  She is like a magnet for the midlife community.  Donna Cravotta is the CEO and founder of the Cravotta Media Group, the Be Visible Club, a group learning community, and the Real 50 Over 50, a visibility project featuring 50+ women who are quietly making a difference.  

    Donna designed her business to help authors, speakers, and small business owners pull together all the parts of their stories and mixed tried and true strategies with new technology to be visible to their perfect audience.  She is a real live sherpa for her clients and all whom she touches.

    LinkedIn: Donna Cravotta
    Instagram: https://cravottamediagroup.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donna.cravotta

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    Direction Not Perfection - Shifting Your Diet and Fitness Mindset

    Direction Not Perfection - Shifting Your Diet and Fitness Mindset

    Tired of the all or nothing mentality when it comes to your health and fitness?   Lindsey House, R.D., wants you to get off the sidelines of life and feel energetic so that you can enjoy all the great stuff ahead in midlife and beyond.  

    This dietician and personal trainer, turned accountability coach and podcaster, is all about direction and not perfection.  Lindsey is rewriting the rules to be realistic for attainable goals, not a one-size-fits-all program that only measures what we see on the scale.  At the end of the day, the best lifestyle is the one that we can embrace.

    What are some of Lindsey's simple pillars to live by?  
    - Movement - strength and resistance
    - Nourishment and getting plenty of color into our meals
    - Sleep
    - Rest with intentional space

    Lindsey has a podcast called Direction Not Perfection  https://www.healthaccountabilitycoach.com/podcast-1

    To inquire about Lindsey's coaching services: https://www.healthaccountabilitycoach.com/

    Instagram @houselifestyles
    Facebook @House Lifestyles

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