
    How to Build the Life You Want: Timeless Wisdom for More Happiness & Purpose

    Acknowledge hardships and gridlocks as natural parts of life, believe in ability to make a difference, practice systems thinking for small actions with big impact, and recognize connection between traumatic experiences, sadness, and happiness

    enApril 18, 2024

    About this Episode

    Do you want to be happier every day and live a more meaningful life? 

    In this episode, you’re getting the research, the secrets, and some very surprising takeaways from the #1 happiness expert, Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar. 

    He has taught 2 of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history, and today you are getting a front row seat in one of his lectures. 

    Grab a pen and paper, because class is in session. 

    He is here to share all of the groundbreaking research and give you the answers to: 

    - What you have wrong about happiness 

    - The science-based tools for increasing happiness 

    - 5 simple habits for a successful, happy life 

    This episode will give you the secret to creating happiness in your life again, with zero weird tricks. 

    For more resources, including the link to Dr. Ben-Shahar’s book, Happier, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, here’s one you should listen to next: What Makes a Good Life? Lessons From the Longest Study on Happiness.

    If you are looking for more coaching, Mel just opened the doors to the once-a-year, science-backed, community-packed coaching program, Launch with Mel Robbins, and wants YOU to join her. 

    Over 6 full months, you’ll get step-by-step support through 3 personal or professional projects that are important to you. If you’re ready for deep support, dream-chasing, and a LOT of momentum, this is for you. 

    Launch with Mel Robbins closes enrollment on April 25th. If you miss the date, you can hop on the waitlist for next year’s course.

    Connect with Mel:


    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • Focus on the present moment and find joy in the process of pursuing goals, rather than solely on the destination or achievement
    • Focusing on the journey, not just the destination, leads to true happiness. Our society's belief that success brings lasting happiness can lead to unhappiness due to the constant pursuit of new goals.
    • Focusing on spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational, and emotional well-being can lead to greater overall happiness, rather than directly chasing happiness itself.
    • Finding happiness means balancing the pursuit of meaningful goals with being fully present in the moment.
    • Explore different ways to enhance happiness through small changes in spirituality, physicality, intellectual wellness, relationships, and emotions, as inspired by biographies and personal growth.
    • Small changes in spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, and social areas can significantly improve overall well-being over time.
    • Spending focused time with loved ones, combating loneliness through small actions, and practicing gratitude can boost emotional well-being and happiness
    • Engaging in daily habits like meditation and reading can contribute to overall happiness through small actions and experimenting with truths
    • Instead of chasing happiness, focus on building inner strength and resilience through daily practices and small, consistent actions.
    • Stress and hardship can result in growth, both physically and psychologically, a concept known as anti-fragility. Post-traumatic growth is an example of this, involving personal development and improvement after traumatic experiences.
    • Acknowledge hardships and gridlocks as natural parts of life, believe in ability to make a difference, practice systems thinking for small actions with big impact, and recognize connection between traumatic experiences, sadness, and happiness
    • Painful experiences shape us, teach us valuable lessons, and contribute to personal growth and overall well-being. Embrace them, learn from them, and take action to move forward.
    • Focus on taking small actions towards positive change, and use reminders, repetition, and reinforcement to make lasting improvements in your life.
    • Repetition forms neural pathways, leading to habits and rituals. Rituals are deeply embedded neural pathways that make actions automatic. Focus on these to cultivate optimism and happiness in life.
    • Small actions can lead to significant improvements in life. Prioritize self-care and personal growth, but remember to seek professional help when needed.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    The pursuit of happiness is more important than achieving it

    Happiness is not found in the achievement of goals, but rather in the pursuit of them. Dr. Tal Ben Shahar, a world-renowned expert on happiness, shared this insight on the Mel Robbins Podcast. He explained that his own experiences of unhappiness despite achieving goals led him to study happiness. Ben Shahar, who taught the most popular courses on happiness and leadership at Harvard University, shared the five elements of happiness: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment. He emphasized that it's not about the destination but the journey, and encouraged listeners to focus on the present moment and find joy in the process of pursuing their goals.

    The pursuit of happiness is in the journey, not the destination

    Happiness is not solely tied to achieving success or checking off goals. Instead, it's found in the pursuit itself. The speaker, who switched from computer science to philosophy and psychology to explore why he wasn't happy and how to become happier, discovered that our society often encourages the belief that success will lead to lasting happiness. However, this belief can lead to unhappiness because once a goal is achieved, we often seek the next one, creating a never-ending cycle. To find true happiness, it's essential to accept our human nature and focus on the journey, not just the destination.

    Indirectly pursue happiness through various aspects of well-being

    Pursuing happiness directly by constantly focusing on it can actually make us less happy. Instead, we should aim to indirectly pursue happiness by focusing on various aspects of our well-being, including spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational, and emotional. This approach, as explained in the analogy of looking at a prism to enjoy the colors of the rainbow instead of looking directly at the sun, can lead to greater overall happiness. Happiness, according to the speaker, is defined as whole person well-being, and it can be indirectly pursued through activities that promote spiritual, physical, intellectual, relational, and emotional well-being.

    The balance between striving and being present

    Happiness is not just about the present moment or the achievement of goals, but rather the meaningful pursuit of both. The Western model of happiness, which focuses on goal achievement, and the Eastern model, which emphasizes being present, each have their merits and drawbacks. However, they can be reconciled by recognizing that goals provide purpose and direction, allowing us to fully engage in the present moment. By having a meaningful goal, we can find liberation to enjoy the here and now, rather than being weighed down by uncertainty or dissatisfaction. Ultimately, the key to happiness is finding a balance between striving for growth and being present in the moment.

    Experimenting with Happiness: A Continuum of Small Changes

    Happiness is not a binary state, but rather a continuum. It's not about finding the ultimate answer to being happy, but rather experimenting with different ways to become a happier version of ourselves. Dr. Tal Ben Shahar suggests looking to biographies for inspiration and guidance, as they provide insight into what a happy life looks like. He also emphasizes the importance of small, incremental changes, rather than trying to achieve happiness in one big leap. The five elements of happiness - spirituality, physicality, intellectual wellness, relationships, and emotions - provide a framework for experimenting with different ways to improve our overall happiness. By focusing on small changes in each area, we can gradually become happier and grow as individuals.

    Small changes can make a big difference

    Making small changes consistently can have a significant impact on various aspects of well-being. These small changes, or minimum viable interventions (MVIs), can be introduced in areas such as spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, and social well-being. For instance, taking one minute for meditation or deep breathing can enhance spiritual and physical well-being. A brief burst of energy, like running in place or doing push-ups, can contribute to psychological and physical well-being. Learning something new or asking a question can stimulate intellectual well-being. These interventions may seem insignificant, but they are cumulative and can make a big difference over time. Remember, the goal is to keep moving and counteract the feeling of helplessness often associated with depression.

    Quality time with loved ones predicts happiness

    Prioritizing and nurturing our relationships and emotional well-being is crucial for happiness. Quality time spent with loved ones, free from distractions, is the number one predictor of happiness. Loneliness, a major source of unhappiness, often stems from a lack of genuine connection and presence. Small, committed actions, such as a thoughtful text or a focused conversation, can help combat feelings of loneliness and improve overall well-being. Additionally, practicing gratitude and reflecting on positive experiences through journaling or conversation can enhance emotional well-being and lead to increased happiness.

    Exploring thoughts and experiences through writing and talking can lead to clarity and action

    Engaging in activities like writing and talking about our thoughts and experiences can help us make sense of them and lead to clarity and action. This is particularly important when it comes to making small changes that contribute to our overall happiness. As the speaker shared, a simple example of this is his sister-in-law's decision to return to church after years of thinking about it. This small action created a vibrancy and wholeness in her life. Similarly, practicing daily habits like meditation and reading can help us start our day on a positive note and set the tone for the rest of our day. By focusing on small actions and experimenting with truths, we can experience happiness in meaningful ways.

    Focus on building inner resilience

    Instead of constantly chasing after happiness as if it's something external to be found, we should focus on becoming anti-fragile or resilient. This means embracing the ups and downs of life and making small, consistent changes in our daily habits to build inner strength and resilience. As Tal Ben Shahar, a renowned professor of positive psychology at Harvard, explains, happiness is not about achieving goals or checking boxes, but rather about pursuing small improvements in various areas of our lives. Anti-fragility is resilience 2.0, the ability to not just bounce back from adversity but to actually grow and thrive in the face of challenges. So, rather than chasing fleeting happiness, focus on building inner resilience through daily practices and small, consistent actions.

    Stress and hardship can lead to growth

    Stress and hardship can lead to growth rather than just breakdown. This concept, known as anti-fragility, is seen in various systems, including our physiological and psychological health. For instance, going to the gym puts stress on our muscles, making them grow stronger. Similarly, traumatic experiences can lead to post-traumatic growth (PTG), which involves personal development and improvement. Knowing about PTG can provide hope and increase the likelihood of it occurring. Conversely, lacking hope can lead to depression. The prevalence of discussions about trauma on social media makes it essential to also promote awareness of post-traumatic growth. By focusing on the potential for growth, we can turn challenging experiences into opportunities for personal development and resilience.

    Embracing the idea of wholeness in relationships and individually for personal growth and happiness

    Embracing the idea of wholeness, both in relationships and individually, is crucial for personal growth and happiness. This means acknowledging that hardships and gridlocks are natural parts of life, and that hope and the belief in one's ability to make a difference in one's happiness are key. Systems thinking, which focuses on interconnectedness and finding leverage points, can help us identify small actions that can have a big impact on our overall wellbeing. Traumatic experiences, sadness, and grief are all connected to happiness, as they are all part of the natural ebb and flow of life.

    Embrace painful experiences for growth

    Painful experiences, though difficult, are essential for growth and learning in life. They shape us and help us appreciate the good times more deeply. If we could eliminate all pain, we might miss out on valuable lessons and experiences that contribute to our personal growth and overall well-being. Instead, it's important to embrace these experiences, learn from them, and take action to move forward. This perspective offers hope and a roadmap for those going through tough times, reminding us that even in the midst of pain, we have the power to take steps towards healing and wholeness.

    Embrace the power of resilience to overcome hardships

    We all experience hardships and setbacks in life, but with the right mindset and actions, we can overcome them. A meaningful conversation I had years ago with a friend who had gone through a difficult time left a lasting impression on me. He advised me that it's important to keep going, even when it feels impossible, because we are built to overcome hardships. The key is to not get stuck in rumination and instead, focus on taking small actions towards positive change. The three Rs of change - Reminder, Repetition, and Reinforcement - can help us make lasting improvements in our lives. First, we need reminders to appreciate the good things in our lives and not take them for granted. Second, we need to repeat these positive actions consistently. And third, we need reinforcement from others to stay motivated and committed to our goals. By implementing these three Rs, we can increase the likelihood of enjoying lasting change.

    Focus on repetition, reminders, and rituals for lasting change

    To bring about lasting change and happiness in our lives, we need to focus on repetition, reminders, and rituals. Repetition helps us form neural pathways through consistent actions, leading to habits and rituals. Rituals are deeply embedded neural pathways that make actions automatic. While some may view rituals as the absence of spontaneity, they are essential for long-term change. By applying this concept to the five elements of happiness, we can create meaningful rituals that become a part of our lives and help us overcome resistance to new experiences. As Helen Keller, an optimist and inspirational figure, reminds us, it's essential to appreciate the things we have and look for the opportunities to overcome hardships. By focusing on repetition, reminders, and rituals, we can cultivate optimism and happiness in our lives.

    Believe in your ability to improve

    The speakers express their belief in the listener's ability to improve their life through small actions, while also reminding them of their own worth. They emphasize the importance of self-care and personal growth, but also make it clear that they are not licensed professionals and their podcast should not be used as a substitute for professional help. The speakers also share some light-hearted moments, such as dealing with technical difficulties and cleaning their glasses. Overall, the message is one of encouragement, self-belief, and the importance of taking care of oneself.

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    How to Build Real Confidence: 7 Truths to Unlock Your Authentic Self

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    After listening, you will know exactly what to do to discover your authentic self (at any age), boost your self-esteem, and achieve really cool things. 

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode and want to know more hacks to feel more confident, here’s one you should listen to next: How to Build the Life You Want: Timeless Wisdom for More Happiness & Purpose

    Connect with Mel:


    6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

    6 Simple Science-Backed Hacks That Will Make Your Life Better

    In today’s episode, you’ll learn 6 simple mind and body hacks that play a huge role in your success, happiness, and health. 

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    Dr. Alter is a New York Times bestselling author and a renowned researcher and professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business. 

    He will share his incredible research, including:

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    - The exact colors you should wear on a first date, during a big meeting, or when you want to be more influential.

    - A simple, free hack that makes you more productive and calmer.

    - One common household object that can dramatically change behavior based on where you put it.

    - How looking at a screen impacts your body and brain

    After listening to today’s episode, you’re going to know how to use these 6 science-backed hacks to make your life better.  

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Adam Alter’s research and bestselling books, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love this one next: “How to Read Body Language to Get What You Want: 6 Simple Psychological Tricks to Be More Confident”

    Connect with Mel:


    The Menopause Manifesto: #1 Ob/Gyn Shares the Truth About Hormones for Vitality, Energy, & Strength

    The Menopause Manifesto: #1 Ob/Gyn Shares the Truth About Hormones for Vitality, Energy, & Strength

    Today, a top menopause doctor is here to give you the science and facts on menopause and hormone replacement therapy that your doctor isn’t telling you.

    This episode is a must listen because you’ll learn EXACTLY what to do to feel like yourself again.

    Dr. Jen Gunter, MD, is known as the internet’s best Ob/Gyn. She is a double board-certified, fellowship-trained medical doctor and a fierce advocate for women’s health. 

    She says you deserve science-backed solutions, not fairytales, and she is here to bust through all menopause myths and clear through the misinformation.

    You’ll learn:

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    - Should you or a loved one be on hormone replacement therapy (HRT)?

    - Which form of HRT is best?

    - Are “bioidentical hormones” better?

    After today, you will know how to hack your hormones and get your mojo back. 

    Bookmark this episode and share it with every single woman in your life, because it’s time to change the paradigm: you do not have to live with symptoms that can be resolved, and you do not have to suffer.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Gunter’s research, website, and social media click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love our first episode about menopause with Dr. Mary Claire Haver, MD: The #1 Menopause Doctor: How to Lose Belly Fat, Sleep Better, & Stop Suffering Now.

    Connect with Mel:


    Life Is Short (How to Spend It Wisely)

    Life Is Short (How to Spend It Wisely)

    Today’s episode is a wake-up call. 

    The reality is that time is passing you by.

    If you want to live a more meaningful, successful, and happy life, you need to get serious about the amount of time you have with your loved ones, because it’s limited. 

    And unfortunately, today’s topic is something that is often not realized until it’s too late in life.

    After you listen to today’s episode, you’ll learn exactly what you can do to make the most of the time you have.

    If you loved this episode and want to know what to listen to next, check out this interview with Professor Tal Ben-Shahar, who will share more about creating a meaningful life: How to Build the Life You Want: Timeless Wisdom for More Happiness & Purpose.

    For more resources, including links to learn more about each expert on today’s episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    7 Signs You May Have High Functioning Depression

    7 Signs You May Have High Functioning Depression

    In today’s episode, you’re going to learn about something important and rarely discussed that specifically impacts busy people and high achievers.

    Just ask yourself:

    - Do you just have coffee for breakfast, because a real meal would slow you down?

    - Do you eat lunch while you work, instead of taking a break?

    - Do you mindlessly scroll before going to bed because your mind is too busy?  

    - Do you take on extra work because you think, “I’m the only one who can do this, right?”

    - Are you always there for others but don’t take care of yourself? 

    These are some of the signs of high-functioning depression you should not ignore.

    Joining Mel today is the world’s leading expert and researcher on this topic, Dr. Judith Joseph, MD.

    Today, Dr. Joseph is here to share her groundbreaking research on this important subject and exactly what to do to feel more energized, excited, joyful, and present in your life again. 

    Dr. Joseph is a renowned double-board-certified psychiatrist who trained at and is affiliated with Columbia University and New York University. She is also a pioneering researcher and the founder and principal investigator of her research institute, Manhattan Behavioral Medicine, where she has conducted over 60 clinical research trials with her all-female medical team, which focus on high-functioning conditions, including high-functioning depression.

    This episode is for all the busy people who keep it all together, the moms on the move, and the overachievers at work. You’ll be surprised, moved, and feel a sense of relief and peace after today’s episode.

    For more resources, including links to Dr. Joseph’s research, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love hearing Dr. Joseph’s other appearance on the podcast: Want to Be Happier Right Now? Don’t Make This Mistake (New Surprising Science)

    Connect with Mel:


    5 Small Habits That Will Change Your Life Forever

    5 Small Habits That Will Change Your Life Forever

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    Listen as experts give you their best advice that will transform your health, stop anxiety, make you more money, improve your confidence, show when someone is lying to you, and help you live with more meaning and purpose.

    This episode is the cheat sheet for the level-up in life you have been looking for.

    What should you listen to next? 

    You’ll love the full podcast episodes with each of the experts featured today:

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    Dr. Luana Marques: “Harvard Professor Says THIS Is the Secret to Success (It’s Not What You Think)” and “Turn Anxiety Into Power: A 3-Step Process to Master Your Emotions From a Harvard Psychologist”

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    Janine Driver: "FBI-Trained Expert Explains How to Read Body Language"

    Judie Robbins: "Get Your Sh*t Together: This 85-Year-Old Badass Does More Than You & Me (Steal Her 7 Amazing Secrets)"

    For more resources, including links to learn more about each expert on today’s episode, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    Connect with Mel:


    How to Read Body Language to Get What You Want: 6 Simple Psychological Tricks to Be More Confident

    How to Read Body Language to Get What You Want: 6 Simple Psychological Tricks to Be More Confident

    Do you want to know how to talk to anyone with ease and confidence? 

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    Vanessa Van Edwards is the founder of The Science of People, a behavior lab that studies high achievers and the science of confidence and body language. 

    Her research proves that anyone can learn these practical skills and become a more successful person by using the same simple habits that almost every high achiever has.

    Whether you want to be a better leader, land your dream job, achieve big goals, or align your life with what you want, this is the episode for you.

    For more resources, including links to Vanessa’s bestselling books, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, you’ll love hearing Vanessa’s other appearance on the podcast: Research From Princeton: 13 Proven Hacks That Boost Your Influence & Make You More Confident

    If you are looking for more support, Mel wants to coach you. Her signature 6-month live coaching program, Launch, is open for registration for just a few more hours.

    Click here for more information and to sign up. If you miss registration, hop on the waitlist.

    Connect with Mel:


    Understanding This One Idea Changes the Way You See Your Life

    Understanding This One Idea Changes the Way You See Your Life

    This one idea will change how you think about your entire life. 

    Today, you are getting a step-by-step guide to overcoming any challenge that comes your way. 

    Mel is sharing one tool that has profoundly helped her and the 4 simple steps that help you apply this concept in your own life.

    This singular tool allows you to:

    -  Find your purpose

    -  Change how you think about the past

    -  Move towards your truest potential

    If you can’t stop procrastinating, are battling self-doubt, or you just need a reminder that your best days are ahead of you, then this is the episode for you.

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this episode, here’s one you should listen to next: The #1 Neuroscientist: After Listening to This, Your Brain Will Not Be the Same

    If you are looking for more coaching, Mel just opened the doors to the once-a-year, science-backed, community-packed coaching program, Launch with Mel Robbins, and wants YOU to join her. 

    Over 6 full months, you’ll get step-by-step support through 3 personal or professional projects that are important to you. If you’re ready for deep support, dream-chasing, and a LOT of momentum, this is for you. 

    Launch with Mel Robbins closes enrollment on April 25th. If you miss the date, you can hop on the waitlist for next year’s course.

    Connect with Mel:


    How to Build the Life You Want: Timeless Wisdom for More Happiness & Purpose

    How to Build the Life You Want: Timeless Wisdom for More Happiness & Purpose

    Do you want to be happier every day and live a more meaningful life? 

    In this episode, you’re getting the research, the secrets, and some very surprising takeaways from the #1 happiness expert, Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar. 

    He has taught 2 of the most popular courses in Harvard’s history, and today you are getting a front row seat in one of his lectures. 

    Grab a pen and paper, because class is in session. 

    He is here to share all of the groundbreaking research and give you the answers to: 

    - What you have wrong about happiness 

    - The science-based tools for increasing happiness 

    - 5 simple habits for a successful, happy life 

    This episode will give you the secret to creating happiness in your life again, with zero weird tricks. 

    For more resources, including the link to Dr. Ben-Shahar’s book, Happier, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you liked this research-packed episode, here’s one you should listen to next: What Makes a Good Life? Lessons From the Longest Study on Happiness.

    If you are looking for more coaching, Mel just opened the doors to the once-a-year, science-backed, community-packed coaching program, Launch with Mel Robbins, and wants YOU to join her. 

    Over 6 full months, you’ll get step-by-step support through 3 personal or professional projects that are important to you. If you’re ready for deep support, dream-chasing, and a LOT of momentum, this is for you. 

    Launch with Mel Robbins closes enrollment on April 25th. If you miss the date, you can hop on the waitlist for next year’s course.

    Connect with Mel:


    Why You Care So Much About These 5 Things (and How To Stop)

    Why You Care So Much About These 5 Things (and How To Stop)

    Don’t allow your life to be controlled by these 5 things.

    In today’s episode, Mel reveals the 5 surprising things that you waste time and energy on right now.

    You’ll be surprised by the sneaky things that are holding you back.

    Here’s the thing: When you try to control everything, you can't focus on anything that's truly important.

    By the end of this episode, you’ll learn the simple shifts that help you make room for the things that really matter.

    For more resources, click here for the podcast episode page. 

    If you are looking for more world-class free resources and support, sign up for Mel’s brand new free training, Make It Happen

    This training is designed to help you make your next 6 months extraordinary. It includes a 29 page workbook and 2 video trainings that use the latest research to help you get clear about what you want and create a plan to make it happen.

    And the cool part? It takes less than a minute for you to get started. Just sign up at melrobbins.com/makeithappen

    If you liked this episode, here’s one you should listen to next now that you’ve taken back control over your time and emotions: This One Study Will Change How You Think About Your Entire Life

    Connect with Mel: