
    Podcast Summary

    • The Influence of Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors on Our Genes and Well-Being.Our thoughts and actions can impact our genetic expression, and understanding this connection allows us to promote happiness and well-being by modifying our genes through positive practices.

      Our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors have a profound influence on our genes and how they are expressed. This concept, known as epigenetics, shows that the energy we are exposed to and the energy we give off as human beings can transform into material influence on the molecular actions of our body. Our environment, social determinants, and interactions with others all play a role in shaping our genetic expression. Understanding this connection allows us to modify our genes in a favorable way, promoting happiness, fulfillment, and overall well-being. By practicing the right things and sending positive signals to our genes, we can downregulate the expression of danger genes and optimize our genetic potential. This revolution in healthcare combines various disciplines and provides a holistic approach to treating the whole person.

    • Epigenetics: Unlocking the Power to Shape Our HealthOur genes are not our destiny; by making lifestyle changes and addressing the underlying causes of diseases, we can alter our genetic expression and improve our health.

      Our lifestyle and environment have a profound impact on our health. Through the study of epigenetics, we now know that our genes can be modified and influenced by factors such as diet, exercise, sleep, stress, and relationships. This means that we have the power to change the expression of our genes and prevent or reverse chronic diseases. Aging itself is driven by adverse effects on our genome, but with interventions and modifications, we can slow down the aging process and improve our overall health. This discovery reframes the traditional model of healthcare as disease care, as it emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying causes of diseases rather than just treating the symptoms. By understanding the interconnectedness of various bodily systems, we can create a unified approach to medicine that focuses on upstream causes and prevention rather than reactive solutions.

    • Aging, Disease, and the Power of Food as MedicineIncorporating phytochemical-rich foods into our diet can regulate our genes, immune system, microbiome, brain chemistry, hormones, and structural system, promoting health and longevity.

      Our understanding of aging and disease is evolving. The discovery of the imprint home that regulates our health has opened up new possibilities for reversing biological aging. Mark Hyman's excitement as a 62-year-old about getting older stems from the potential to change our health through lifestyle modifications. While carbohydrates themselves may not be essential, the components that come with them, such as phytochemicals, are vital for our well-being. Polyphenols found in cocoa, for instance, have been shown to be essential for health. This highlights the importance of incorporating phytochemical-rich foods into our diet every day. The role of phytochemicals in regulating our genes, immune system, microbiome, brain chemistry, hormones, and structural system is becoming increasingly recognized. By understanding and addressing our epigenome through diet and supplements, we can promote health, longevity, and a long health span. This paradigm shift challenges old notions and emphasizes the power of food as medicine.

    • The Power of Flavonoids: Unlocking Genetic Potential and Nurturing Our HealthFlavonoids, found in plants, can influence gene expression and improve cellular function. Understanding their role in regulating the epigenome highlights the importance of nourishing our bodies and the environment for optimal health.

      Phytochemicals, specifically flavonoids, have powerful effects on our genes and cellular function. These compounds, found in plants, are not just antioxidants, but rather targeted molecules that signal messages to our genes. This means they can modulate how our genes express their function, resulting in different outcomes for different cells. The discovery of flavonoids' ability to regulate the epigenome, which controls gene expression, is a significant breakthrough. It allows for the clearing up and rejuvenation of cellular function, leading to the full potential of our genetic goodness. Furthermore, the connection between our health and the health of the planet is highlighted, as the way we eat and the way plants grow are intertwined. This holistic view emphasizes the importance of nourishing both our bodies and the environment for optimal health.

    • The Power of Messenger Molecules: Regulating Gene Expression and Improving Health through Plant ConsumptionBy understanding and controlling our genome's methylation patterns through consuming plants with messenger molecules, we can positively impact our health and potentially reverse chronic illnesses.

      Our genome's methylation patterns, which play a crucial role in gene expression, can be controlled and regulated by certain plant compounds known as messenger molecules. The connection between plant health, soil health, and human health is powerful, as consuming the right plants with these messenger molecules can have similar effects on our body. It is also important to understand that epigenetic marks, which determine our health and disease outcomes, can be modified through various interventions such as lifestyle changes. Exposure to toxins, mindset and beliefs, love and social connections, as well as medications, can all influence these marks. By understanding and influencing these epigenetic marks, we have the potential to stop and reverse many changes associated with chronic illnesses, ultimately impacting our trajectory towards better health and longevity.

    • Understanding the Link between Trauma, Genes, and Well-beingTraumatic experiences can impact our genes, but we have the power to reprogram them through techniques like meditation, therapy, and exercise, leading to a healthier mindset and behavior patterns.

      Our experiences, especially traumatic ones, can leave lasting imprints on our genes and affect our overall well-being. The stickiness of our epigenome, which controls gene expression, becomes more pronounced in response to trauma. However, the good news is that we can modify the epigenetic control of certain genes through reprogramming the epigenome. This can be achieved through various techniques and tools such as meditation, stress reduction, behavioral cognitive therapy, and exercise. It's not just about taking a pill to address the imprints left by trauma; it's about using a full arsenal of integrated therapies, including functional medicine approaches. By understanding the biology behind these imprints, we can find ways to undo them and foster a healthier mindset and behavior patterns.

    • The Role of Experiences and Environment in Programming Our Minds and Bodies.Our experiences and environment, even before birth, shape our brains and biology. Understanding this programming allows us to actively change our thoughts and beliefs for better health and well-being.

      Our experiences and environment during development, even before birth, play a significant role in programming our minds and bodies. The mother's perception of the world and her emotions send signals to the fetus through the bloodstream, shaping its brain and biology. If the mother feels safe and happy, the baby receives information to grow, thrive, and be in love. However, if the mother is angry or afraid, the fetus becomes programmed for survival and may develop stress-related characteristics. This programming continues after birth, as we learn from experiences and adapt to fit into our families and cultures. Understanding this programming can empower us to actively change our thoughts and beliefs for better health and well-being.

    • The power of subconscious programming and conscious choice in shaping our lives.Our early years heavily influence our thoughts and actions, but by becoming aware of our subconscious programming and actively choosing our thoughts, we can create a more fulfilling and empowered life.

      The first seven years of our lives are crucial in shaping our beliefs and behaviors. During this period, our brain operates in a state of hypnosis, absorbing and downloading experiences and patterns from our surroundings. This subconscious programming becomes the driving force behind 95% of our thoughts and actions throughout the day. However, the conscious mind, which has the power to create and think, often gets overshadowed by the subconscious programs. This means that we may be living our lives based on outdated beliefs and self-sabotaging patterns that we acquired during our early years. Becoming aware of this programming and consciously choosing our thoughts can help us override the subconscious and create a more fulfilling and empowered life.

    • The power of subconscious programming and its impact on our behavior and health.Our subconscious programming in the first seven years of our lives controls 95% of our thoughts and actions. Taking personal responsibility for our lives and changing our subconscious programming can lead to a healthier and happier life.

      Our behavior and health are influenced by the subconscious programming we receive in the first seven years of our lives. This programming, often negative, controls 95% of our thoughts and actions throughout the day. However, most of us are unaware of this programming and instead blame external factors for our problems. Personal responsibility is crucial in understanding that we are the ones running our lives, either with conscious creative desires or subconscious habits and programs. This programming also affects our genetic expression, meaning that diseases like cancer and diabetes are more influenced by our environment and beliefs than our genes. By changing our subconscious programming and taking care of our physical and mental well-being, we can create a healthier and happier life.

    • Reprogramming the Mind for Better Health and Well-beingBy recognizing the power of our mindset and beliefs, and utilizing various approaches such as therapy and psychedelic-assisted treatments, we can tap into our brain's ability to reprogram itself for personal growth and success.

      Our mindset and beliefs significantly impact our health and well-being. Our brain has the ability to reprogram itself and shift automatic patterns of thinking and behavior. There are various approaches and programs available for this, ranging from therapy to psychedelic-assisted treatments. It is important to recognize that our health is not solely determined by external factors but also by our internal chemistry and biology. Our brain has receptors for certain drugs because we already produce similar molecules naturally. The key is to activate and harness these internal resources. A large portion of our lives is influenced by subconscious programming, and understanding and challenging these programs can lead to personal growth and success.

    • Harnessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind for Personal TransformationBy actively engaging with our subconscious through self-hypnosis, repetition, and energy psychology techniques, we can rewrite limiting beliefs and create positive changes in our lives.

      We have the power to change our subconscious programming and take control of our lives. The first way to do this is through self-hypnosis, where we can download new programs into our subconscious by listening to them while we fall asleep. The second way is through repetition and practice, where we repeat positive affirmations or habits until they become ingrained. The third way is through energy psychology techniques, such as super learning, which can quickly rewrite our programs. These methods all involve actively engaging with our subconscious and consistently reinforcing the desired changes. By understanding and addressing our subconscious programming, we can overcome struggles and shape a more positive and fulfilling life.

    • Breaking Free from Programming and Manifesting a Blissful LifeWe have the power to rewrite our subconscious programming and create a life that feels like heaven on Earth by being mindful of external and internal toxins and embracing the ability of our bodies to detoxify.

      Our lives are heavily influenced by the programs and beliefs that are ingrained in us from a young age. Just like in the movie The Matrix, we have been programmed to think and behave in certain ways without even realizing it. However, we have the power to rewrite these programs and break free from the constraints they create. Falling in love is one way to experience this freedom, as it allows us to be fully present and stop playing the program. By rewriting our subconscious programming and aligning it with our conscious desires, we can manifest a life that feels like heaven on Earth. It's important to be mindful of both external and internal toxins that we are exposed to, as they can impact our overall well-being. The good news is that our bodies have the ability to detoxify, and this can contribute to healthy aging and longevity.

    • Understanding the Impact of Toxins on Our HealthEven low doses of toxins can disrupt our hormones and have significant consequences. We should be mindful of our exposures and take steps to minimize our toxic load for better long-term health.

      Our environment, both internal and external, is filled with toxins that can greatly impact our health. This includes the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the chemicals we are exposed to. We may not realize it, but even everyday items like birth control pills can end up in our water supply and affect our health. The old way of looking at toxicology, where only high doses were considered harmful, is outdated. We now know that even low doses of certain compounds can disrupt our hormones and have significant consequences. It's important to be aware of the combinations of exposures we may be facing and take steps to minimize our toxic load. This includes being mindful of our diet, thoughts, emotions, and environmental factors. Taking better care of ourselves now can have a positive impact on our long-term health.

    • The Role of Environment in Determining Health OutcomesOur environment has a significant influence on our health, outweighing genetic factors. By making lifestyle choices and minimizing harmful exposures, we can positively impact our gene expression and improve our overall well-being.

      Our genes do not determine our health outcomes as much as our environment does. While we may have a genetic predisposition to certain diseases, it is ultimately the environmental factors and exposures that play a significant role in the development of chronic diseases. The concept of the exposome highlights that what our genes are exposed to over our lifetime greatly impacts our health. This means that we have the power to influence how our genes are expressed through our lifestyle choices and by minimizing harmful exposures such as heavy metal toxicity. Understanding the impact of our environment on our health allows us to take proactive measures to improve our overall well-being.

    • The Effects of Excess Iron and Aluminum on our HealthMonitoring and managing our intake of iron and aluminum is crucial for maintaining optimal health and preventing complications such as oxidative damage, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, liver failure, and dementia.

      Excess iron can have negative effects on our bodies. While iron is necessary for various functions, too much iron, especially in its free form, can lead to oxidative damage and health issues. Excess iron can accumulate in tissues like the liver, heart, pancreas, brain, and joints, causing them to "rust" and deteriorate. Conditions like hemochromatosis, which involves the body's inability to eliminate iron, can lead to serious complications such as diabetes, liver failure, and dementia. Additionally, excessive amounts of aluminum, another heavy metal, have been associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, it's essential to be mindful of our iron and aluminum intake, whether from diet, deodorants, cookware, or other sources. Regular assessments and proper management of heavy metals can help optimize our health.

    • Understanding the Impacts of Toxins and How to Minimize RiskBeing aware of the dangers of toxins, consulting with healthcare professionals, and taking steps to minimize exposure can protect our health and prioritize our well-being.

      Toxins such as mercury and lead can have significant impacts on our bodies, including our brain health, bone density, and even weight. These toxins can accumulate in our tissues and organs, causing a range of health issues that may not manifest the same way in everyone. It is crucial to acknowledge the potential dangers of exposure to environmental toxins and take steps to minimize our risk. Regularly consulting with healthcare professionals, such as dentists, and being aware of proper disposal methods for hazardous substances like mercury can help protect our health. Additionally, testing for toxin levels and undergoing appropriate treatments can be essential in addressing any existing health concerns associated with toxins. Ultimately, understanding the impact of toxins on our bodies encourages us to dig deep and prioritize our well-being.

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    Subtitle: We discuss the major influence that methylation has on our cells’ genetic expression, and how we can manipulate it to our advantage with proper folate supplementation.

    Our Guest: Ricardo Miranda is the CEO and MTHFR consultant for MTHFRdoctors.com. He is a leading clinician and one of the top researchers in the field of MTHFR genetic mutation. With over 28 years of clinical experience, he is able to assess the direct link between his patient’s genetic mutations and their health issues. He developed a unique approach combining Functional Medicine, Genetics, Epigenetics, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Nutrition and Integrative Medicine diagnostics. He has done extensive research in the MTHFR area, and with the understanding of multiple disciplines, he has coached doctors from all over the country on how to treat patients with MTHFR mutations and methylation issues, including mitochondrial dysfunction. With a passion for helping people reverse their long-lasting illnesses, Ricardo founded MTHFRdoctors.com. Today MTHFRdoctors.com is one of the leading websites in the field of MTHFR with the biggest research database on MTHFR related studies available.

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    #736 - Dr Paul Conti - How To Fix Your Negative Inner Thoughts

    #736 - Dr Paul Conti - How To Fix Your Negative Inner Thoughts
    Dr. Paul Conti is a Stanford and Harvard trained psychiatrist and author specialising in unconscious trauma. If our mind was an iceberg, our conscious thoughts are the tip, and the huge mass below the surface are our unconscious thoughts. Dr Conti's research works on bringing the, forgotten, traumatic, painful and unseen into the light so you can heal and improve. Expect to learn what people mean when they refer to the unconscious mind, what Paul wished people understood about how trauma works, whether ancestral trauma is something that can actually be passed down through genetics, what happens to your brain and body after experiencing trauma, what we can learn from the little voices in our head and much more... Sponsors: Get 20% off all Momentous orders and up to 32% off new customer subscriptions at https://livemomentous.com/modernwisdom (automatically applied at checkout) Get the Whoop 4.0 for free and get your first month for free at https://join.whoop.com/modernwisdom (discount automatically applied) Get $150 on everything from The Cold Plunge at https://thecoldplunge.com/ (use code MW150) Extra Stuff: Get my free reading list of 100 books to read before you die: https://chriswillx.com/books Try my productivity energy drink Neutonic: https://neutonic.com/modernwisdom Episodes You Might Enjoy: #577 - David Goggins - This Is How To Master Your Life: https://tinyurl.com/43hv6y59 #712 - Dr Jordan Peterson - How To Destroy Your Negative Beliefs: https://tinyurl.com/2rtz7avf #700 - Dr Andrew Huberman - The Secret Tools To Hack Your Brain: https://tinyurl.com/3ccn5vkp - Get In Touch: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chriswillx Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/chriswillx YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/modernwisdompodcast Email: https://chriswillx.com/contact - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    173 Co Creating Reality How it works

    173 Co Creating Reality How it works

    In this episode of Penny, On Your Thoughts, Penny dives into the essence of co-creating our reality, exploring how our inner world shapes our external experiences. This journey isn't just about understanding ourselves; it's about recognizing our role as energetic beings in a universe that responds to our vibrations. From observing the ego to embracing unconditional love, this episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone seeking to elevate their consciousness and live a life aligned with their truest self.

    Understanding Ego and Emotion: Discover how observing your ego's response to emotions like sadness and longing can unlock a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the world. 

    The Power of Unconditional Love and Reciprocity:  Learn about the impact of unconditional love and the law of reciprocity in our lives. 

    Co-Creating Our Reality: Understand how our thoughts, emotions, and energy contribute to co-creating our reality. This is a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding how our inner state influences our external world and how we can consciously shape our experiences.

    Are you feeling pulled to help others transform their lives? Or maybe you are seeking a deeper understanding of the mind, habits and beliefs? Join me for February’s NGH + Advanced Hypnosis Certification. It’s a 7 days intensive with personal post-grad support as you build your skills. Get the details at https://pennychiasson.com/certifyme


    Make The Shift & Spark the Change! with Serena Sabala

    Make The Shift & Spark the Change! with Serena Sabala

    We frequently talk about self-care on this show because busy professional women like us need to hear about it, sometimes more than once, and get different perspectives and approaches. Change can be terrifying, but there are moments in our lives where change is exactly what we need.

    We’re all different. Our situations are different. And what changes work for me may not work for you. 

    But it’s essential to find what works, so we can show up every day at our best for our families and be inspired leaders who create a ripple effect of positive change for our organizations and communities. 

    Does that sound like a tall order? Maybe not.

    That’s why I asked Serena Sabala to join us and speak a bit about change.

    Serena is a Certified Nutrition Consultant, Yoga Teacher, and Fitness Trainer who has studied wellness and nutrition for over a decade and has a unique, holistic approach to health and lifestyle changes. 

    She is the author of the highly rated book “Make The Shift - A Proven Method for Busy Professionals to Transform their Health, Wellbeing, and Confidence.”

    Open your mind, embrace change, and listen to Serena’s approach to health & well-being.

    If you enjoy this episode, please give it some love by commenting, sharing a review, or using the five-star rating where available. Thank you for your support.


    Co-Founder | Whole Shift Wellness

    Website: www.wholeshiftmethod.com  

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/serena-sabala/

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wholeshiftwellness/

    Serena’s Gift: Scoreapp is a gift for our listeners: a tool to score your current level of health and well-being by taking 5 minutes to answer simple questions, then get tips on how to take it to the next level. https://wholeshiftwellness.scoreapp.com 



    Certified Career & Life Coach | Transition Expert

     Career Challenged? What are you struggling with right now? Want advice to address it? Bring the conversation to our private Facebook Group: Career Transition Roadmap | Support for Professional Women

     Are You Stuck? Career or life events that throw you off course can raise self-doubt, sabotage your every move, or worse—get you STUCK! This popular book teaches about change, transition, and your choices as significant events disrupt life-as-you-know-it.

     Unsure What To Do Next? Check out this free assessment to help answer the question, Do I Stay Or Do I Go? Now or Later?