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    Goals Toolkit: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals

    enAugust 28, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the Neural Circuitry of Goal Setting and AchievementBy understanding the different regions of our brain involved in goal setting and achievement, we can create personalized strategies that increase our chances of successfully setting and achieving our goals.

      Goal setting and achieving goals involve a complex neural circuitry in our brain. This circuitry consists of four major stations: the amygdala, the basal ganglia, the lateral prefrontal cortex, and the orbital frontal cortex. The amygdala is involved in arousal, fear, anxiety, and positive valence experiences. The basal ganglia has pathways for generating actions and withholding actions. The lateral prefrontal cortex is responsible for immediate and long-term planning, while the orbital frontal cortex evaluates our emotional and arousal states during goal pursuit. Understanding this neural circuitry allows us to customize protocols for goal setting and pursuit. By implementing these protocols, we increase our chances of setting and achieving goals successfully.

    • Understanding Neural Circuitry and Goal SettingPrioritize one specific goal, embrace discomfort and challenges, and utilize tools grounded in biology to achieve goals.

      Achieving goals requires understanding the neural circuitry involved in goal setting and pursuit. It is fascinating to realize that all humans have the same neural circuitry regardless of the type of goal they want to achieve. This knowledge provides reassurance and confidence that we can achieve our goals by focusing on tools and protocols grounded in the biology of goal setting. One crucial step is to select a specific goal to pursue, as trying to achieve multiple goals simultaneously often leads to failure. It is important to prioritize one goal and dedicate our resources and efforts towards it. Additionally, the loftiness of the goal impacts our ability to achieve it, as goals that are too easy may not engage the necessary brain structures for continuous pursuit. Embracing discomfort, errors, and challenges in pursuit of our goals triggers neuroplasticity and facilitates learning and growth.

    • The importance of setting clear and specific goals for achieving success.Setting clear and specific goals increases the likelihood of success and maintaining motivation throughout the pursuit. Writing them down enhances the process.

      Setting and prioritizing specific goals is crucial for achieving success. It is important to define a clear and challenging goal, one that may feel slightly out of reach but not impossible. By focusing on one goal and setting aside all other pursuits, you increase your chances of success and satisfaction with the results. It is also essential to be specific when defining the actions involved in pursuing your goal. Instead of vague aspirations, identify the specific verbs that are necessary for achieving your goal. This level of specificity not only increases the probability of success but also helps maintain motivation throughout the pursuit. Writing down your goal and the associated actions can further enhance the process.

    • The power of writing for goal achievementWriting down goals with specific actions and time commitments increases the likelihood of success, surpassing the effectiveness of digital reminders or post-it notes.

      Writing things down on paper is the most effective way to embed knowledge in our nervous system. Andrew Huberman emphasizes the importance of writing out our goals and being specific about the actions we will take to achieve them. He suggests that writing with pen or pencil engages our neural circuitry in a way that typing on our phones does not. By defining the verb actions and setting specific time commitments for each week, we greatly increase the probability of achieving our goals. This process of specificity and measurability has been shown to be crucial for successful goal setting and pursuit. Additionally, Huberman dispels the myth that simply setting reminders or post-it notes will lead to goal adherence.

    • Effective Use of Visual Reminders and AccountabilityUse daily updated visual reminders and avoid sharing goals prematurely to increase motivation and increase the likelihood of achieving goals.

      Visual reminders and accountability can be effective tools in goal pursuit, but they need to be approached in a specific way. Contrary to popular belief, simply placing a sticky note or a sign in a consistent location does not increase the likelihood of progress. Instead, it is important to update and change the visual reminders daily, as our visual system adapts to regular stimuli and cancels them out. Similarly, sharing our goals with others may initially provide positive feedback, but this feedback can diminish our motivation and decrease the probability of achieving our goals. Therefore, it is better to refrain from announcing our goals until we have taken action and to seek out individuals who doubt us, as the friction generated from proving ourselves can be more motivating.

    • The Power of Keeping Goals PrivateSharing goals publicly can lead to complacency and a lack of sustained motivation. Instead, define and work on your goals privately for a more immersive and successful experience.

      It is often more effective to keep your goals to yourself rather than sharing them with others. While it may be necessary to inform certain individuals of your plans for practical reasons, such as accountability buddies, sharing your goals with the world can actually hinder your progress. When you announce your goals publicly, you may receive a temporary boost of dopamine and other neurochemical rewards, but this can lead to complacency and a lack of sustained motivation. Instead, spend time defining your goals and actions privately, allowing yourself to fully immerse in the process. Additionally, it is important to set measurable goals and establish a 12-week period of focused pursuit, aligning with societal schedules and cultural norms.

    • The Importance of Setting Clear GoalsSetting clear and specific goals increases the chances of success by 90% or more. Writing down goals reinforces the goal-setting process and consistent action is crucial for achieving success.

      Setting clear and specific goals is essential for achieving success. By defining a goal within a 12-week cycle or quarterly cycle, and determining the number of hours per week and per day that will be spent pursuing that goal, individuals can increase their chances of success by 90% or more. It is important to write down these goals with a pen or pencil as writing them down reinforces the goal-setting process and improves the likelihood of achievement. While some goals may be easily quantifiable, such as running a specific distance within a certain time frame, others may be more nebulous, like learning conversational French. Regardless of the nature of the goal, taking specific actions consistently is the key to success.

    • Taking Action and Quantifying Time for Goal AchievementSet aside dedicated time each day to work on goals, committing to specific actions or hours. Consistency is vital, relying on motivation may not be effective.

      In order to achieve our goals, we need to focus on taking specific actions and quantifying the amount of time we dedicate to those actions. We should not wait for inspiration or rely on external factors like motivation to drive us towards our goals. Instead, we should set a period of time each day to work on our goals and commit to a specific number of words or hours dedicated to that goal. Consistency is key, whether it's writing every day or working for a certain amount of time each day. While visualizing the end result can be helpful when we are motivated, it may not be effective in motivating us when we are feeling resistant or unmotivated.

    • The Power of Visualization in Motivation and Goal PursuitVisualizing both the negative consequences of failure and the positive outcomes of success can activate our motivation and drive us to take action towards achieving our goals.

      When we lack motivation to pursue a goal that we truly want to achieve, it can be helpful to spend some time visualizing failure and the negative consequences of not reaching our goal. This may seem counterintuitive, but according to scientific literature, thinking about how lousy we'll feel if we don't succeed can actually activate certain elements of our autonomic nervous system and release neurochemicals like epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine that are associated with motivation and action. On the other hand, if we are already highly motivated, it's beneficial to spend time visualizing the positive outcomes we will experience when we achieve our goal. So, there is a place for both positive thinking and negative thinking when it comes to motivation and goal pursuit.

    • The Power of Visual Focus in MotivationBy narrowing or relaxing your visual attention, you can increase or decrease your motivation and concentration. This is a skill that can be cultivated to improve focus and productivity.

      Using visual focus can help increase and maintain motivation during a learning block or pursuit of a goal. Your cognitive focus, bodily readiness, and mental readiness are all connected to your visual system. By narrowing your visual attention through virgin eye movements, you can create a narrow cone of visual attention and increase your motivation. On the other hand, relaxing your visual attention can create a broader visual field and help you view things in panoramic vision. This ability to adjust your visual attention is something everyone is born with and can be practiced. So, when you're feeling unmotivated or distracted, try narrowing your visual focus to increase your motivation and concentration.

    • Maintaining Focus for Improved Performance and EfficiencySetting and maintaining a visual target can enhance cognitive focus, increase motivation, and improve overall performance, making tasks feel easier and more successful.

      Maintaining a focused visual target can significantly increase alertness, arousal, and motivation levels while pursuing goals. By setting a visual target at a similar distance to the task at hand, such as drawing it on a piece of paper for desk work or identifying a point in the distance for sports, individuals can actively work to maintain their focus on that target. This practice triggers the release of neurochemicals that enhance cognitive and visual focus, increase systolic blood pressure, and recruit molecules like dopamine, ultimately improving overall performance and reducing the perceived effort of the task. Incorporating this simple, free, and safe protocol into goal-oriented activities can lead to more efficient and successful outcomes.

    • Enhancing cognitive focus and physical ability through visual training and well-being factors.Incorporating visual training alongside proper sleep, nutrition, and stress management can improve focus and physical performance, while simple actions like avoiding distractions can maximize productivity.

      Incorporating visual focus and Visual Target training can enhance cognitive focus and physical ability. However, it is important to remember that these tools should be used in conjunction with other factors that contribute to overall well-being, such as good sleep, proper nutrition, and stress management. Visual Target training can temporarily increase systolic blood pressure and autonomic arousal, but these effects are safe and can enhance motivation for learning. Additionally, practicing panoramic vision and taking breaks to relax the eyes can reduce fatigue during goal pursuit. To maximize productivity, it is recommended to minimize distractions, such as turning off or removing phones during focused activities. While people often seek productivity apps or secret hacks, often the most effective actions are simple "don'ts" like keeping phones away or turning them off.

    • Understanding Dopamine and Maintaining MotivationIncorporating random intermittent reinforcement, such as flipping a coin to determine rewards, can help maintain motivation and increase success in achieving goals.

      Maintaining motivation while pursuing your goals requires an understanding of the dopamine reward and motivation pathways. Dopamine is the molecule of motivation, but it has certain properties that can diminish its potency and reduce motivation over time. Rewarding yourself every time you reach a milestone or only rewarding yourself when you accomplish your goal can undermine your chances of success. Instead, it is best to incorporate random intermittent reinforcement, similar to what casinos use to keep people playing. This means randomly rewarding yourself and randomly not rewarding yourself for successful completion of milestones. By flipping a coin and letting it determine whether or not you reward yourself, you can maintain ongoing motivation and enhance your chances of achieving your goals.

    • Navigating the "Middle Problem" and Maintaining Motivation.Setting goals, quantifying actions, and embracing random intermittent rewards can strengthen motivation and help overcome dips in motivation towards achieving success.

      Maintaining ongoing motivation requires understanding how to reward yourself appropriately and navigate the "Middle Problem." Completing tasks and patting yourself on the back is important, but not always feasible. Instead, when finishing a bout of learning, you should simply shift into the next task without actively engaging in a self-reward process. Suppressing positive thoughts is difficult, so if you feel good about your performance, it's okay to glow internally. However, if you encounter a setback, it's crucial to avoid self-rewarding. By setting goals, quantifying actions, and engaging in self-generated motivation, you can strengthen the neural circuits associated with motivation and success. Random intermittent rewards, whether cognitive or physical, are key in maintaining motivation. Understanding and anticipating the "Middle Problem" can help overcome dips in motivation, and recognizing that it's a natural process enables you to push through and regain motivation towards the finish line.

    • Breaking up learning bouts for increased motivation and focusBreaking tasks into smaller chunks helps overcome distractions, maintain motivation, and improve focus. Apply this approach not only within a single session but also across longer periods of effort.

      Breaking up the middle section of a learning bout into smaller chunks can help eliminate the "Middle Problem" and improve motivation and focus. By acknowledging the presence of the Middle Problem and dividing the bout into three or four smaller chunks, individuals can maintain sustained motivation and overcome distractions. This approach can be applied not only within a single learning bout but also across longer periods of effort, such as throughout the week. By recognizing and addressing the Middle Problem, individuals can incorporate tools and protocols, like the Visual Target Protocol, to increase focus and motivation. Breaking down tasks into achievable chunks allows for better progress and a more motivated mindset.

    • Understanding the impact of daily routines on focus and motivationRecognize the natural rise and fall of attention and motivation levels throughout the day, prioritize dedicated periods for focused work, and engage in goal pursuit consistently for success.

      Our daily routines and natural rhythms have a significant impact on our focus and motivation. Factors like adequate sleep, nutrition, and social connection, as well as personal circumstances, can all affect how well we are able to identify and prioritize our goals. It is important to recognize the natural rise and fall of our attention and motivation levels throughout the day, with peaks occurring approximately 30 minutes, three hours, and 11 hours after waking up. While it may not always be possible to schedule goal pursuit during these specific times, it is still valuable to set aside dedicated periods for focused work. Ultimately, the most important thing is to engage in goal pursuit consistently, even if specific time constraints may vary for each individual.

    • The Impact of Completing Tasks on Energy and WellbeingSuccessfully completing tasks and sticking to commitments can boost energy levels and satisfaction, regardless of the circumstances or timing. It is important to set goals, take action, and view accomplishments positively.

      Completing tasks and pursuing goals can significantly impact our energy levels and overall wellbeing. Andrew Huberman shares his personal experience of running late at night to fulfill his commitment, even though it was not the optimal time. Surprisingly, it didn't disrupt his sleep and he felt great the next day. This highlights the importance of viewing our previous day's accomplishments positively and approaching each day with enthusiasm. While adequate sleep is crucial, successfully completing tasks and sticking to our commitments can boost our energy levels and satisfaction. It's essential to set quantifiable goals and take action towards achieving them, regardless of the circumstances or timing. By doing so, we can cultivate a sense of accomplishment and positively impact our subjective feelings of energy and wellbeing.

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    Huberman Lab
    enMay 27, 2024

    Dr. Gary Steinberg: How to Improve Brain Health & Offset Neurodegeneration

    Dr. Gary Steinberg: How to Improve Brain Health & Offset Neurodegeneration
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    enMay 20, 2024

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    LIVE EVENT Q&A: Dr. Andrew Huberman at the ICC Sydney Theatre
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    Huberman Lab
    enMay 13, 2024

    GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: The Science of Dreams, Nightmares & Lucid Dreaming

    GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: The Science of Dreams, Nightmares & Lucid Dreaming
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    Dr. Casey Means: Transform Your Health by Improving Metabolism, Hormone & Blood Sugar Regulation

    Dr. Casey Means: Transform Your Health by Improving Metabolism, Hormone & Blood Sugar Regulation
    In this episode, my guest is Dr. Casey Means, M.D., a physician trained at Stanford University School of Medicine, an expert on metabolic health and the author of the book, "Good Energy." We discuss how to leverage nutrition, exercise and environmental factors to enhance your metabolic health by improving mitochondrial function, hormone and blood sugar regulation.  We also explore how fasting, deliberate cold exposure and spending time in nature can impact metabolic health, how to control food cravings and how to assess your metabolic health using blood testing, continuous glucose monitors and other tools.  Metabolic dysfunction is a leading cause of chronic disease, obesity and reduced lifespan around the world. Conversely, improving your mitochondrial and metabolic health can positively affect your health span and longevity. Listeners of this episode will learn low- and zero-cost tools to improve their metabolic health, physical and mental well-being, body composition and target the root cause of various common diseases. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Maui Nui Venison: https://mauinuivenison.com/huberman  Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman  AeroPress: https://aeropress.com/huberman  InsideTracker: https://insidetracker.com/huberman  Momentous: https://livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps 00:00:00 Dr. Casey Means 00:02:18 Sponsors: Maui Nui, Eight Sleep & AeroPress 00:06:32 Metabolism, Metabolic Dysfunction, Medicinal Blindspot 00:14:17 Trifecta of Bad Energy 00:24:02 Western Living, United States, Specialization & Medicine 00:27:57 Insulin Resistance, Tool: Mitochondrial Capacity & Exercise 00:33:33 Sponsor: AG1 00:35:03 Tools: Walking & Glucose; Frequent Movement 00:44:25 Tools: Exercises to Improve Mitochondrial Capacity; Desk Treadmill 00:51:18 Soleus Push-Ups & Fidgeting, Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT) 00:57:14 Sponsor: InsideTracker 00:58:21 Tool: Blood Test Biomarkers, Vital Signs & Mitochondrial Function 01:11:16 Navigate Medical System & Blood Tests, Consumer Lab Testing 01:16:46 Tool: Environmental Factors; Food, Life as a Process 01:21:58 Tool: Ultra-Processed vs. Real Food, Obesity, Soil & Micronutrients 01:32:03 Ultra-Processed Foods: Brain & Cellular Confusion 01:39:10 Tools: Control Cravings, GLP-1 Production, Microbiome Support 01:51:42 Ozempic, GLP-1 Analogs; Root Cause & Medicine 02:00:54 Tool: Deliberate Cold & Heat Exposure, Brown Fat 02:07:27 Tool: Intermittent Fasting & Metabolic Flexibility; Insulin Sensitivity 02:17:03 Tool: Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) & Awareness, Glucose Spikes 02:24:34 Tool: CGMs, Glycemic Variability, Dawn Effect, Individuality 02:33:10 Sleep; Continuous Monitoring & Biomarkers 02:37:39 Mindset & Safety, Stress & Cell Danger Response 02:44:04 Tool: Being in Nature, Sunlight, Fear 02:54:44 Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

    GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Improve Sleep to Boost Mood & Emotional Regulation

    GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Improve Sleep to Boost Mood & Emotional Regulation
    This is episode 5 of our 6-part special series on sleep with Dr. Matthew Walker, Ph.D., a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley and the host of The Matt Walker Podcast. In this episode, we explain the connection between sleep and mood, emotional regulation and mental well-being.  We explain the role of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep in processing emotions and emotional memories and why sleep deprivation causes agitation, impulsivity and emotional reactivity.  We also discuss why sleep disruption is a hallmark feature of PTSD, anxiety, depression, suicidality, and other psychiatric conditions.  We explain protocols for improving REM sleep and other sleep phases in order to harness the therapeutic power of quality sleep to feel calmer and emotionally restored. This episode describes various actionable tools to improve sleep for those struggling with mental health or mood and those wanting to bolster their overall state and well-being.  The next episode in this special series explores dreams, including lucid dreaming, nightmares and dream interpretation. For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Eight Sleep: https://eightsleep.com/huberman LMNT: https://drinklmnt.com/huberman BetterHelp: https://betterhelp.com/huberman InsideTracker: https://insidetracker.com/huberman  Momentous: https://livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Sleep & Mental Health (00:01:09) Sponsors: Eight Sleep, LMNT & BetterHelp (00:05:14) Emotions & Sleep, Amygdala (00:17:27) Emotional Memory & Sleep (00:25:48) “Overnight Therapy” & REM Sleep, Noradrenaline (00:29:13) Sponsor: AG1 (00:30:27) Sleep to “Remember & Forget”, Trauma; REM Sleep (00:38:27) Hinge Analogy; Motivation, Impulsivity & Addiction (00:47:08) Tool: Improve REM Sleep, Social Jet Lag, Alcohol & THC, Addiction (00:56:18) Sponsor: InsideTracker (00:57:23) Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) & REM Sleep (01:06:53) Noradrenaline & REM Sleep, PTSD & Prazosin (01:09:40) Addiction, Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR); Liminal States (01:16:46) Anxiety & Sleep, Mood vs. Emotions (01:23:50) Deep Non-REM Sleep & Anxiety, Sleep Quality (01:28:51) Tool: Improve Deep Non-REM Sleep, Temperature; Alcohol (01:34:56) Suicidality & Sleep, Pattern Recognition; Nightmares (01:46:21) Depression, Anxiety & Time Context (01:51:24) Depression, Too Much Sleep?; REM Changes & Antidepressants (01:57:37) Sleep Deprivation & Depression (02:01:34) Tool: Circadian Misalignment & Mental Health, Chronotype (02:04:05) Tools: Daytime Light & Nighttime Darkness; “Junk Light” (02:13:04) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

    AMA #17: Making Time for Fitness, Top Sleep Tools & Best Learning Strategies

    AMA #17: Making Time for Fitness, Top Sleep Tools & Best Learning Strategies
    Welcome to a preview of the 17th Ask Me Anything (AMA) episode, part of Huberman Lab Premium. Huberman Lab Premium was launched for two main reasons. First, it was launched in order to raise support for the main Huberman Lab podcast — which will continue to come out every Monday at zero-cost. Second, it was launched as a means to raise funds for important scientific research. A significant portion of proceeds from the Huberman Lab Premium subscription will fund human research (not animal models) selected by Dr. Huberman, with a dollar-for-dollar match from the Tiny Foundation. Read our Annual Letter 2023. If you're an existing Premium member, you can login to access the full episode. If you're not a member, you can join Huberman Lab Premium to enjoy exclusive content, including monthly Ask Me Anything (AMA) episodes, AMA transcripts, podcast episode transcripts, early access to live events and help advance human scientific research. Resources Foundational Fitness Protocol Timestamps (00:00:00) Introduction to AMA #17 (00:00:14) Exciting Announcement (00:02:16) Diving Into the Foundational Fitness Protocol (00:09:37) Flexibility in Your Fitness Routine (00:17:12) Optimizing Workout Times & Prioritizing Health (00:23:31) Closing Thoughts & Huberman Lab Premium Benefits In the full AMA episode, we discuss: Periodization & the Philosophy of Fitness Unlocking the Secrets of Sleep: Insights & Tools Chronotypes and Personalized Sleep Strategies The QQRT Formula: Quantity, Quality, Regularity & Timing of Sleep Exploring Naps & Non-Sleep Deep Rest (NSDR) Effective Learning & Note-Taking Strategies The Power of Teaching & Self-Testing in Learning Title Card Photo Credit: Mike Blabac Disclaimer

    Protocols to Strengthen & Pain Proof Your Back

    Protocols to Strengthen & Pain Proof Your Back
    In this episode, I explain how to strengthen and build a stable, pain-free back and how to reduce or eliminate existing back pain. I explain the anatomy and physiology of the spinal cord and vertebrae, intervertebral disks and nerve pathways, and the abdominal and back muscles that together can be leveraged to stabilize the back.  Then, I describe protocols: “McGill’s Big 3” exercises, a highly effective psoas stretch, abdominal stabilization, breathing techniques, and protocols to reinforce essential supports for the back, including the neck, pelvis, feet, and toes.  I also explain how you can reduce and potentially eliminate back pain and sciatica using a specific type of bar hang, “cobra push-ups,” medial-glute strengthening exercises, and more.  Back pain greatly impedes one’s ability to enjoy daily activities; this episode provides zero-cost, minimal time-investment protocols to improve your back strength and stability and allow you to move through life pain-free and with ease and mobility.  For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman AeroPress: https://aeropress.com/huberman Joovv: https://joovv.com/huberman Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman Plunge: https://plunge.com/huberman Momentous: https://livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Back Health (00:03:47) Sponsors: AeroPress, Joovv & Waking Up (00:07:57) Back Anatomy: Spine, Vertebrae, Spinal Cord (00:12:07) Spinal Cord & Nerves; Herniated Discs (00:19:50) Build Strong Pain-Free Back; Bulging Discs (00:24:26) Back Pain & Professional Evaluation; Tool: Spine Self-Assessment  (00:34:58) Sponsor: AG1 (00:36:29) Tool: McGill Big 3 Exercises, Curl-Up (00:44:40) Tool: McGill Big 3 Exercises, Side Plank (00:53:13) Tool: McGill Big 3 Exercises, Bird Dog; Back Pain (01:04:10) Sponsor: Plunge (01:05:37) Tool: Back Pain & Oreo Analogy, Bar Hang (01:10:34) Time & Back Pain; Tool: Reversing Disc Herniation, Cobra Push-Ups  (01:21:28) Sciatica, Referred Pain, Herniated Disc (01:24:21) Tool: Improve Spine Stability, Strengthen Neck (01:29:23) Tools: Strengthen Feet, Toe Spreading (01:34:35) Tools: Belly Breathing; Stagger Stance (01:42:03) Tools: Relieve Low Back Pain, Medial Glute Activation; Rolled Towel (01:50:59) Tool: Psoas Stretching (01:57:00) Tool: Back Awareness; Strengthen & Pain-Proof Back (02:05:49) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer

    GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Using Sleep to Improve Learning, Creativity & Memory

    GUEST SERIES | Dr. Matt Walker: Using Sleep to Improve Learning, Creativity & Memory
    This is episode 4 of a 6-part special series on sleep with Dr. Matthew Walker, Ph.D., a professor of neuroscience and psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, and author of the best-selling book "Why We Sleep." In this episode, we discuss the relationship between sleep, learning and creativity.  We explain why and how sleep before and after a learning bout can improve memory and performance for both cognitive tasks and physical skills. We also discuss how to use time learning and sleep, how to use naps, non-sleep deep rest states, and caffeine to optimize learning, and the mechanisms for sleep and memory consolidation.  We also explain the critical role that sleep plays in creativity and one's ability to discover novel solutions to challenges and problems.  This episode is filled with actionable information on using sleep to enhance skill learning and improve memory and creativity.  The next episode in this guest series explains how sleep benefits emotional regulation and mental health.  For show notes, including referenced articles and additional resources, please visit hubermanlab.com. Thank you to our sponsors AG1: https://drinkag1.com/huberman Helix Sleep: https://helixsleep.com/huberman  WHOOP: https://join.whoop.com/huberman  Waking Up: https://wakingup.com/huberman  InsideTracker: https://insidetracker.com/huberman  Momentous: https://livemomentous.com/huberman Timestamps (00:00:00) Sleep & Learning (00:00:59) Sponsors: Helix Sleep, Whoop & Waking Up (00:05:48) Learning, Memory & Sleep (00:09:32) Memory & Sleep, “All-Nighters”, Hippocampus (00:13:46) Naps & Learning Capacity (00:16:59) Early School Start Times, Performance & Accidents (00:26:38) Medical Residency & Sleep Deprivation (00:29:35) Sponsor: AG1 (00:30:49) Tool: Sleep Before Learning; Cramming Effect (00:35:09) Tools: Caffeine; Timing Peak Learning; “Second Wind” (00:44:25) Memory Consolidation in Sleep (00:55:07) Sleepwalking & Talking; REM-Sleep Behavioral Disorder (01:00:16) REM Sleep Paralysis, Alcohol, Stress (01:07:41) Sponsor: InsideTracker (01:08:46) Skills, Motor Learning & Sleep (01:17:03) Tool: Timing Sleep & Learning, Skill Enhancement (01:20:00) Naps; Specificity & Memory Consolidation, Sleep Spindles (01:27:21) Sleep, Motor Learning & Athletes; Automaticity (01:34:10) Can Learning Improve Sleep? (01:39:13) Tool: Exercise to Improve Sleep; Performance, Injury & Motivation (01:44:38) Pillars of Health; Dieting & Sleep Deprivation (01:49:35) Performance & Poor Sleep, Belief Effects, “Orthosomnia” (01:57:03) “Overnight Alchemy”, Sleep & Novel Memory Linking (02:05:58) Sleep & Creativity (02:11:09) Tools: Waking & Technology; Naps; “Sleep on a Problem” (02:20:51) Creative Insight & Sleep (02:26:18) Zero-Cost Support, Spotify & Apple Reviews, Sponsors, YouTube Feedback, Momentous, Social Media, Neural Network Newsletter Disclaimer