
    A New Paradigm for Trust with entrepreneur Yat Siu

    enNovember 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Financial literacy and health empowermentUnderstanding financial literacy and taking care of health are essential for achieving freedom and success. Unlearn misconceptions, control digital assets, and prioritize self-care.

      Financial literacy and empowerment are key to achieving freedom and success. State Farm, in partnership with DJ Dramos, emphasizes the importance of unlearning financial misconceptions to build the lifestyle we desire. Meanwhile, taking care of our health is crucial, as demonstrated by the power of Nissan Rogue and the importance of ProNamel toothpaste and mouthwash in repairing tooth enamel. Regarding the complexities of Web 3, NFTs, and blockchain, IATSU from Animoca Brands simplified the concept by describing the evolution of the web. Starting from Web 1, where we accessed information, to Web 2, where we interacted with it, and now to Web 3, where we own and control our digital assets. IATSU's company, Animoca Brands, is a web 3 gaming company that focuses on delivering true digital property rights, starting with the gaming community. To explain this to our parents, we can describe Web 3 as the next stage of the internet where users have more control over their digital assets and properties.

    • From digital colonization to user controlWeb 3 aims to shift power from tech giants to users, enabling more democratic and egalitarian control of data and platforms.

      While Web 2 allowed us to contribute to the web and create value, the data generated was written on private databases controlled by large tech companies, leading to digital colonization and a centralization of value. Web 3, on the other hand, aims to be more democratic and egalitarian, allowing users to have more control over their data and the platforms they use. However, it's important to note that capitalism played a role in the creation of both Web 1 and Web 2, which led to authoritarian models where users had little power. Web 3 represents a shift away from this model towards a more decentralized and user-controlled internet.

    • Web 3: A New Paradigm of Stakeholder CapitalismWeb 3 shifts the capitalist framework towards a more equitable model, allowing individuals to own a stake in the network based on their contributions and benefit from the value they create.

      The current capitalist framework needs to shift towards a more equitable model, where everyone can make a reasonable income without exploiting others. This is the essence of Web 3 and the relevance of blockchain technology. In Web 3, data is written to a public infrastructure (blockchain) that allows individuals to own a stake in the network based on their contributions. This creates a new paradigm where everyone becomes a stakeholder, and customers become quasi-shareholders in the ecosystem they help build. This is the web of ownership, where individuals can own a piece of the Internet and benefit from the value they create. Web 3 is a public database infrastructure that provides banking-grade facilities and is available for anyone to build on, making it a collective asset. This stakeholder capitalism perspective offers an alternative to the predominant shareholder capitalism model, where everyone grows together. The speakers emphasize that they are both capitalists, but not the version that prioritizes individual wealth over collective prosperity.

    • Capitalism's unfair concentration of wealth and dataThe current system unfairly concentrates wealth and data in the hands of a few, leaving the average person feeling disconnected and undervalued.

      The current state of capitalism and data collection is unfairly concentrated in the hands of a few, leading to a sense of injustice and a disconnect between the average person and the wealth and value they create. The stock market, invented to allow the average person to share in the nation's wealth, has seen a massive decline in middle class involvement due to this unfair system. Similarly, data, which holds significant value, is given away by users without proper compensation or understanding of its worth. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram intentionally disintermediate users from the knowledge of their value to the company, creating an imbalance where users are worth very little in the eyes of the platform but potentially millions due to their engagement and ability to bring in customers. The solution is to reform capitalism to ensure a fairer system where everyone is compensated for their time and value, rather than the current state where the power is reversed and users must be present because of the platform rather than the other way around.

    • Unexpected Origins of Successful BusinessesCapitalism's evolution into an extractive system breaks trust between leaders and employees. Web 3 aims to restore balance by allowing individuals to benefit directly, promoting shared prosperity.

      Successful businesses often have unexpected origins, as shown by the stories of Chobani and Drunk Elephant. Meanwhile, in the world of business theory, the idea that it's acceptable for some to make more money than others as long as everyone benefits is not a new concept. This was once the essence of capitalism, creating employment, networks, and opportunities for all. However, capitalism has evolved into an extractive system where some make significant gains at the expense of others. The trust between leaders and their employees, once a strong social contract, has been broken. The concept of Web 3 aims to restore this balance by allowing individuals to benefit directly from the growth of platforms like Instagram, creating a stronger sense of shared prosperity. In essence, it's crucial for leaders to maintain their social contract and take care of their employees, ensuring that everyone thrives together.

    • Reinserting humans into the equation with Web 3 technologiesWeb 3 technologies like blockchain and NFTs enable decentralized networks, promoting democratic decision-making and faster implementation of improvements, reinstating the human role in creating value

      The focus on efficiency in business and technology has overlooked the importance of constant improvement and the role of people in generating ideas and creating value. Web 3 technologies like blockchain aim to reinsert the human being back into the equation by enabling trust and consensus through decentralized networks. This allows for more democratic decision-making and faster, more frequent implementation of improvements. NFTs, a key component of Web 3, can verify ownership and identity, enabling instant and scalable decision-making. Ultimately, the goal is to create a system where competition drives better products and services for the benefit of all, as described by Adam Smith.

    • Understanding NFTs: Digital Receipts for Unique Digital ItemsNFTs are digital receipts for unique digital items, providing permanent and verifiable records of ownership and authenticity, extending beyond just digital art to various unique digital assets.

      An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a uniquely identifiable digital receipt stored on a blockchain. It allows for the permanent recording and verification of ownership and uniqueness of digital items. This concept extends beyond just digital art, as it can be applied to any unique digital item, such as virtual game skins or digital collectibles. The value of an NFT comes from the stories and cultural significance attached to the item, making it a reflection of our personal and collective histories. By providing a permanent and verifiable record, NFTs enable us to build a digital identity and attach value to the unique items that shape our experiences. Essentially, NFTs serve as a digital ledger, preserving the history and ownership of unique digital items in the same way that physical items have done for centuries.

    • NFTs represent more than just digital ownershipNFTs bridge the gap between digital and physical worlds, enabling instant certification of authenticity and allowing cultural reflections to be shared and experienced at scale

      NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) represent more than just digital ownership; they embody the story, culture, context, meaning, and membership associated with a particular digital asset. The blockchain technology behind NFTs enables instant certification of authenticity, providing network effects and enabling targeted marketing to verified customers. Using the analogy of luxury goods like Birkin bags, the value of an NFT is determined by the holder's perception and the stories they want to tell about themselves. Unlike physical goods, NFTs scale faster and more transparently in the digital world. In essence, NFTs bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds, allowing cultural reflections to be shared and experienced at scale.

    • Balancing Social Life and Self-Care, Understanding OwnershipFind balance in socializing, practice self-care, seek therapy for self-awareness, and understand the importance of ownership for personal growth and societal stability.

      Understanding the concept of ownership and the importance of self-care are essential for living a fulfilling life. The thought of socializing can be exciting or exhausting, and it's crucial to find the right balance to avoid draining your social battery. Therapy can help you gain self-awareness and provide tools to maintain a healthy social life and recharge when needed. Ownership, on the other hand, is not just about physical possessions but the cultural context and societal stability that supports it. Entrepreneurs, like those featured on the podcast "How I Built This," have overcome doubts and failures to build successful businesses. By sharing their stories, we can learn valuable lessons about innovation, creativity, and perseverance. Remember, a full battery is the key to a full life, and therapy and understanding ownership can help us achieve that.

    • The Future of Ownership and Engagement in Web 3Web 3 prioritizes creators and owners, contrasting traditional platforms. NFT sales prove this, with 90% value going to creators/owners. Web 3 empowers individuals as the center of networks, benefiting artists and revolutionizing industries.

      The future of ownership and engagement lies in Web 3, where individuals have more control over their digital assets and reap greater financial benefits. The discussion highlighted the contrasting business models of platforms like Facebook and Web 3, with the latter prioritizing creators and owners. The success of NFT sales, where 90% of the value went to creators and owners, underscores this point. Web 3 empowers individuals to become the center of their networks and communities, as seen in the music industry where artists have reported earning more than traditional platforms. This shift towards decentralized ownership and control is a significant development in the digital age, and it has the potential to revolutionize various industries, ultimately benefiting the end-users.

    • Restoring Trust with Blockchain TechnologyBlockchain's immutable and consensus-based nature can help establish trust networks for assets, votes, and identities, addressing the loss of faith in institutions and systems. AI's ability to produce human-like information underscores the need for a scalable trust network.

      Blockchain technology, as a part of Web 3, is seen as a potential solution to restore trust in a world where people are losing faith in various institutions and systems. The speaker believes that blockchain, with its immutable and consensus-based nature, can help establish trust networks for assets, votes, and identities, which are essential components of society. He also highlights the potential of AI to produce information indistinguishable from humans, emphasizing the need for a scalable trust network. The speaker concludes that blockchain technology can help address these issues and is crucial for our future.

    • Prioritize small moments of joyMaking time for mental health support, enjoyable treats, and cost-effective ways to connect with loved ones can bring comfort and relaxation.

      Taking care of yourself and your loved ones involves making small, enjoyable moments a priority. Whether it's connecting with a licensed therapist for mental health support or enjoying a delicious treat like Keebler Sandy's cookies, these actions can help provide comfort and relaxation. Additionally, finding cost-effective ways to connect with family and friends, like the family plans offered by Straight Talk Wireless, can help bring people closer together. Remember, it's important to prioritize self-care and make time for the things and people that bring joy to your life. For more information on Straight Talk Wireless family plans and Keebler Sandy's cookies, visit their respective websites.

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