

    Explore "Oklahoma" with insightful episodes like "'SERMON IN SONG' - Nick Page, Rev. Gerald L. Davis, and Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar", "'THE MESSIAH IS AMONG US' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar", "'BAROMETER OF THE SOUL' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar", "'THE SHADOW OF ATTICUS FINCH' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar" and "'BE. HERE. NOW.' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar" from podcasts like ""All Souls Unitarian Church", "All Souls Unitarian Church", "All Souls Unitarian Church", "All Souls Unitarian Church" and "All Souls Unitarian Church"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    'SERMON IN SONG' - Nick Page, Rev. Gerald L. Davis, and Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar

    'SERMON IN SONG' - Nick Page, Rev. Gerald L. Davis, and Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar
    The message was delivered on Sunday, February 11, 2024, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Nick Page, Guest Musician, Rev. Gerald L. Davis, Affiliate Minister, and Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. DESCRIPTION Guided by the acclaimed song leader and music educator Nick Page, discover the transformative power of music and explore how spirituals and songs of liberation inspire community, empathy, and action toward justice. Tune in to celebrate the role of music in healing and change and to experience love's light through the universal language of melody. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS MESSAGE ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text AllSoulsTulsa to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Instagram: All Souls Church Website:

    'THE MESSIAH IS AMONG US' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar

    'THE MESSIAH IS AMONG US' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar
    The message was delivered on Sunday, December 17, 2023, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS MESSAGE ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text AllSoulsTulsa to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Instagram: All Souls Church Website:

    'BAROMETER OF THE SOUL' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar

    'BAROMETER OF THE SOUL' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar
    The message was delivered on Sunday, October 15, 2023, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. DESCRIPTION Recently, I came across the term "Fundamental Neighborliness." It is said to be a barometer of the soul and an indicator of the attitude of one’s heart. Generosity is one of life’s greatest joys to be able to share what we have to help someone else to have an opportunity to grow or experience life’s possibilities. Even in those times when we feel lacking, being able to share something can bring us alive. Most of us struggle in some ways with generosity. Some are too generous, and some are not generous enough. How can we balance our generosity so that it is a central component of our life’s satisfaction and a true expression of our love? SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS MESSAGE ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Instagram: All Souls Church Website:

    'THE SHADOW OF ATTICUS FINCH' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar

    'THE SHADOW OF ATTICUS FINCH' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar
    The message was delivered on Sunday, October 1, 2023, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. DESCRIPTION People who love the book “To Kill a Mocking Bird” are often shocked and disoriented if they read Harper Lee’s second book, “Go Set a Watchman,” when they discover that Atticus Finch ends up a member of the Ku Klux Klan. We don’t expect that one of the most noble heroes of American literature has a shadow side. Even more surprising is when they finish the second book and they still like Atticus despite his imperfections. We live in a time of “cancel culture.” Increasingly it seems people assume there is a purity or perfection that people must attain. Today one misstatement or misdeed or old photograph can cause a person to lose their job or get kicked off social media. We want our heroes to be flawless and increasingly we expect that in each other. Yet, people are complex and multidimensional and have the ability to evolve and change. The first week of October is Banned Books Week in America, and Harper Lee’s books are being banned across the country. However, I believe that together, they offer us an important lesson in being human. Atticus’ daughter Scout and son Jem came of age in “To Kill a Mockingbird,” and perhaps the rest of us have a chance to come of age, in a way, from her second book. In accepting other people’s imperfections, we may be able to begin to accept our own. Or perhaps it’s the other way around. “Let the one without sin among you, cast the first stone…” John 8:7 SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS MESSAGE ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Instagram: All Souls Church Website:

    'BE. HERE. NOW.' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar

    'BE. HERE. NOW.' - Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar
    The reflection was delivered on Sunday, September 10, 2023, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS REFLECTION ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Instagram: All Souls Church Website:

    Ep.92 Oklahoma, Where the Murders Come Sweepin’ Down the Plain

    Ep.92 Oklahoma, Where the Murders Come Sweepin’ Down the Plain

    In this episode, things get weird! First, Lauren brings us the tale of the Giggling Granny, Nannie Doss. Find out about the poisoned prunes that picked off her partners. Then, Kenzie talks about the odd stories that surround St. Vincent’s. Oh Oklahoma, what a night!
    Follow us on Social Media and find out how to support A Scary State by clicking on our Link Tree: https://instabio.cc/4050223uxWQAl
    Have a scary tale or listener story of your own? Send us an email to ascarystatepodcast@gmail.com! We can’t wait to read it!
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    Works cited!

    Intro and outro music thanks to Kevin MacLeod. You can visit his site here: http://incompetech.com/. Which is where we found our music!

    OKGOP Candidate Forum 2021: Christine Leeviraphan

    OKGOP Candidate Forum 2021: Christine Leeviraphan

    In this installment of 3D Politics,
    - 3D Politics Hosts the 2021 OKGOP Chairman Candidate Forum.
    Christine Leeviraphan spoke with the panel of 3D Politics about the upcoming convention and elections for the party leadership.

    Watch the enclosed Video here, or Listen to the Podcast, here.
    Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page. -

    OKGOP Candidate Forum 2021

    OKGOP Candidate Forum 2021

    In this installment of 3D Politics,
    - 3D Politics Hosts the 2021 OKGOP Chairman Candidate Forum.
    Jenni White, Christine Leeviraphan, & John Bennett all spoke with the panel of 3D Politics about the upcoming convention and elections for the party leadership.

    Watch the enclosed Video here, or Listen to the Podcast, here.
    Watch the entire weekly telecast live, every Monday night at 7pm, on our Facebook page. -

    'BEING MINDFUL OF BEING WHITE' - A message by Rev. Barbara Prose (Humanist Service)

    'BEING MINDFUL OF BEING WHITE' - A message by Rev. Barbara Prose (Humanist Service)
    The message was delivered on Sunday, February 9, 2020, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Barbara Prose, Executive Director of Ministry, at the Humanist Service. DESCRIPTION Talking about race and racism is often so painful, we want to avoid the conversation. Still, in the depths of our being, we understand that none of us will be free, until all of us are free. If we are white, that often means learning how to talk about race and how to listen to talk about race, without shutting down or acting out. This Sunday, holding a deep awareness of our own basic goodness, we will explore how becoming more mindful of being white leads to liberation. I hope you’ll join me as we explore a daily practice for freedom as a year-round response to our nation’s celebration of black history month. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website:

    'PREGNANT WITH SPIRIT' - A sermon by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar (Contemporary Service)

    'PREGNANT WITH SPIRIT' - A sermon by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar (Contemporary Service)
    The sermon was delivered on Sunday, December 22, 2019, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Dr. Marlin Lavanhar, Senior Minister. DESCRIPTION Last year on the Sunday before Christmas, the hilarious and talented Dionne Lambert joined me on the chancel for a short skit of God talking to his angel Gabrielle (Gabriela in this case) about whether or not to go down to Earth as a human being in the incarnation of Jesus. We will reprise this provocative and heartwarming dramatization of the tensions, struggles, doubts and hopes of a "God in heaven" making the tremendous decision to become human and walk the Earth. It is truly a story about our own lives as much as it is a way of understanding a God of incarnation. If you’ve never seen this skit, you will love it! If you saw it last year, we have a few new surprises in store. The message following the skit will offer hope, joy and spirit for the holidays. Come experience the spirit and carry it home. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS SERMON ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website:


    The service took place on Sunday, November 24, 2019, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma. DESCRIPTION Come together in gratitude to celebrate the Thanksgiving Holiday at All Souls! Our Cherub, Children’s, Youth, and all Adult Choirs will share their gifts of song. Families and children are encouraged to bring fresh foods for the traditional children’s procession of giving to the cornucopia. All food collected will be donated to the Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma.  SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS SERVICE ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website:

    'QUEERING OUR COVENANTS' - A sermon by Rev. Barbara Prose (Contemporary Service)

    'QUEERING OUR COVENANTS' - A sermon by Rev. Barbara Prose (Contemporary Service)
    The sermon was delivered on Sunday, November 10, 2019, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Barbara Prose, Executive Director of Ministry. DESCRIPTION Jesus was born into a closed, covenanted community and spent his years of ministry queering that covenant. Could members of the community work on the sabbath? Yes! Could their fellowship include women? Yes! Could their communities include sex workers and tax collectors? Yes! Were touch and intimacy allowed? Yes! The concept of covenant is powerful enough to create exclusive and inclusive communities. As our covenant here at All Souls expands and queers itself, we need tools to keep the circle whole. This Sunday, join me as we explore the power of apology and other tools to help us heal and return to and/or create right relationship. “When you are offering your gift at the altar, if you remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother or sister, and then come and offer your gift.” (Matthew 5:23-24) SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS SERMON ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website:

    'WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE CALLED OUT?' - A sermon by Rev. Gerald L. Davis (Traditional Service)

    'WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO BE CALLED OUT?' - A sermon by Rev. Gerald L. Davis (Traditional Service)
    The sermon was delivered on Sunday, November 3, 2019, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Gerald L. Davis, Affiliate Minister. DESCRIPTION The Greek word for church is ecclesia. This word translates to "called out." So we know we are called out to do justice work. But we are also called out to listen for ways to be in covenant. Our covenant is recited every Sunday, but how are you doing covenant? SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS SERMON ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website:

    Episode 6 – Scissortail Park opens, MAPS 3 Convention Center/Omni construction, Oklahoma state meal, Leadership Summit, Elevate professional development

    Episode 6 – Scissortail Park opens, MAPS 3 Convention Center/Omni construction, Oklahoma state meal, Leadership Summit, Elevate professional development

    Episode 6 covers the opening of Scissortail Park and some of the festivities including concerts and a farmer’s market, the renovation of Social Capital, gives some construction updates on the MAPS 3 Convention Center and the Omni Hotel. We also discuss how awesome the official Oklahoma State Meal is and hear about the recent Leadership Summit as well as the upcoming Elevate professional development conference (including a promo code for a $50 discount!).

    Want video? Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeXBg5_c4VxGGR_kxMHb2wg

    Links, Chamber members and resources mentioned in this episode:

    Former transmission shop ready to welcome Scissortail Park guests with a local brew: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/development/former-transmission-shop-ready-to-welcome-scissortail-park-guests-with-a-local-brew/

    Omni Hotel topped out: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/development/omni-hotel-topped-out/

    MAPS 3 Convention Center more than half-way complete: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/development/maps-3-convention-center-more-than-half-way-complete/

    Scissortail Park Fall Market: https://scissortailpark.org/fall-market/

    Oklahoma State Meal: https://www.okhistory.org/publications/enc/entry.php?entry=ST023

    OKC Elevate professional development conference: https://www.okcelevate.com/tickets (use promo code FRIENDOFTHECHAMBER)

    Sign up for a weekly VeloCity email to stay up on what’s going down in OKC: https://www.velocityokc.com/index.php?src=forms&id=enews&category=&email=EMAIL&submit.x=40&submit.y=28

    Feedback: networking@okcchamber.com or Chamber social media (@okcchamber) - https://www.facebook.com/okcchamber - https://twitter.com/okcchamber - https://www.instagram.com/okcchamber/ - https://www.linkedin.com/company/greater-oklahoma-city-chamber/

    Want show archives? http://www.velocityokc.com/audacity

    'WHEN THINGS FALL APART' - A message by Rev. Barbara Prose (Humanist Service)

    'WHEN THINGS FALL APART' - A message by Rev. Barbara Prose (Humanist Service)
    The message was delivered on Sunday, September 15, 2019, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Barbara Prose, Executive Director of Ministry, at the Humanist Service. DESCRIPTION What do you do when things are falling apart? Forests burning in the Amazon and hurricanes blowing through and up from the Bahamas, stir up our anxieties and awaken our fears. Learning how to stay present with our emotions is one way to weather the storms of our times and our personal lives. When we accept that there’s no place to run to, we can learn to stay present to what is, and find freedom and joy in the here and now. If you’re struggling to keep up with the news, wondering whether it’s even worth it to try, or feeling overwhelmed by your life and/or the world’s challenges, please join me at The Point. We have what we need to face our lives and these times, right inside of us. *Music: Tommy Poole (saxophone), Rick Fortner (piano) SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website:

    Episode 2 - Spokies Dash, get involved in river sports, MAPS 4, legislative session recap, Scissortail Park and more

    Episode 2 - Spokies Dash, get involved in river sports, MAPS 4, legislative session recap, Scissortail Park and more

    Want video? Subscribe to our YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeXBg5_c4VxGGR_kxMHb2wg

    Today we discuss the new dockless Spokies Dash bikes, the National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum's Saloon Series, how to get involved in rowing, what's on the horizon for MAPS 4 and more. We also welcome Government Relations Manager Derek Sparks for a recap of the 2019 Oklahoma legislative session and talk about the Kings of Leon free concert announcement to open Scissortail Park in September (along with a few current clips of the park).

    Links and resources mentioned in this episode:

    Spokies Dash: http://spokiesokc.com/how-it-works.html

    National Cowboy and Western Heritage Museum Saloon Series: https://nationalcowboymuseum.org/event/saloon-series-4/

    OKCMOA Films: http://www.okcmoa.com/films/

    How to get involved in rowing: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/lifestyle/how-to-get-involved-in-rowing/

    Riversport Rapids: https://www.riversportokc.org/boathouse-district/adventures/whitewater-rafting/

    MAPS 4 City Council workshops: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/inside-okc/potential-maps-4-project-presentations-to-be-held/

    City of OKC YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/cityofokc/

    2019 OK legislative session recap: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/policy/legislative-session-wrap-up/

    New software engineer tax credit passes: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/policy/new-software-engineer-tax-credit-passes/

    Heartland Flyer celebrates 20 years: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/policy/after-20-years-heartland-flyer-still-rolling-down-the-tracks/

    OK County Criminal Justice Task Force: http://www.smartsafeokco.com/

    Criminal Justice Advisory Council reports on reform progress: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/policy/criminal-justice-advisory-council-reports-on-reform-progress/

    Kings of Leon to open Scissortail Park Sept. 27: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/inside-okc/kings-of-leon-to-kick-off-scissortail-park-s-grand-opening-in-oklahoma-city-with-free-concert-sept.-27/

    Scissortail Park opens in (less than) 100 days: https://www.velocityokc.com/blog/inside-okc/scissortail-park-opens-in-100-days/

    Feedback: networking@okcchamber.com or Chamber social media (@okcchamber) - https://www.facebook.com/okcchamber - https://twitter.com/okcchamber - https://www.instagram.com/okcchamber/ - https://www.linkedin.com/company/greater-oklahoma-city-chamber/


    'BEYOND ENEMIES AND OTHERS' - A message by Rev. Diana K. Davies (Humanist Service)

    'BEYOND ENEMIES AND OTHERS' - A message by Rev.  Diana K. Davies (Humanist Service)
    The message was delivered on Sunday, July 7, 2019, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Rev. Diana K. Davies, Lead Minister, First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City, at the Humanist Service. DESCRIPTION In early September of 2004, I was doing research in Moscow. It was a time of high tension. Two Russian planes had been blown up and a major Moscow subway station had been the site of a deadly terror attack. According to the Russian press, three Chechen women – roommates – were responsible for the plane and subway bombings. But there was a fourth roommate, believed to be at large in Moscow, who had gone missing. It turned out that I bore a resemblance to that woman. Everywhere I went, I was met with glares, stares, and harsh words. Back home in the post-9/11 U.S., the mainstream press and popular culture depicted terrorists as people who looked very different from me. So, it was a shock to find myself in the role of the feared “other,” presumed guilty, presumed to be a terrorist. I’ll share what I learned through this experience, as well as the questions that it raised for me about the legacy of violence, the tragedy of “othering,” and how we might move beyond fear.  *Music: Riley Kern, piano and vocal solo; Rick Fortner, piano SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: or text LOVEBB to 73256 LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website: