

    Explore "midnset" with insightful episodes like "The Truth About Motivation, Habit & Change", "SPECIAL GUEST: Jenaya's 3-Month Evolution from Weakness to Strength and Healthy Habits", "Is Skinny The Goal?", "Trabajas por tu Propósito o por las Consecuencias" and "#35 - Dein Business - deine Regeln" from podcasts like ""In Our Skin", "DDC Podcast", "Your Body Is Not The Problem", "La Estrategia Podcast" and "Pure Ehrlichkeit - Business mit Herz"" and more!

    Episodes (5)

    The Truth About Motivation, Habit & Change

    The Truth About Motivation, Habit & Change

    How do we motivate ourselves? Are some people simply more motivated than others? In this week's episode you'll learn the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and how can we tap into their benefits to fuel behavior, take action and do the hard things (like overcome procrastination). You'll learn more about dopamine and why it keep us coming back for more. We'll explore what makes motivation for health and eating a many layered issue. Then we'll look at how to harness change, take action and build motivation (even when there isn't any to be found).

    Do you want to Change Your Relationship with Food? Sign up before March 1st for a 40% discount and a free one-on-one coaching call with Ashley to get you started:)

    Questions? Looking for one to one support? Email me ashley@ashleymchan.com

    Did you enjoy today’s episode? Then you’ll love my email list. I’ll share tidbits from life, the blog, the offerings, my favorite practices and the newest learnings from the research. Sign up at https://www.ashleymchan.com/contact

    Want to connect? Follow along on Instagram where I offer more about life, living and coping throughout:)

    Interested in Private Retreats and Intensives ? You don’t want to miss out! Click here for more information and to stay informed.

     Everything (and a bit more about me) can be found here: ashleymchan.com

    SPECIAL GUEST: Jenaya's 3-Month Evolution from Weakness to Strength and Healthy Habits

    SPECIAL GUEST: Jenaya's 3-Month Evolution from Weakness to Strength and Healthy Habits
    In today's episode, I am excited to introduce a very special guest. My client, Jenaya, is joining us to share more about her success story and how she went from feeling weak and not having a structure to gaining strength and building a good routine for herself.

    Jenaya started her fitness journey with me about 3 months ago, and it has been amazing to watch her grow so much in this journey. I remember when she joined the program; she told me that she was just 'winging it' with her fitness journey, something I often hear from you guys. You are just winging it, and this is precisely why you are not getting the results that you want!

    We also talk about how her shoulder injury held her back from training and pushing herself at the gym, as she was afraid of injuring herself. This is something completely normal after having an injury and having to rest for months. Three months into the program, and not only has she lost body fat and gained strength, but she's also learning to make wiser choices over the weekend, have a healthier relationship with food, and not feel guilty when having a treat.

    If you found this episode helpful, be sure to share it with someone who needs to hear it. Help us spread the message so that together, we can empower more women to become the best versions of themselves.

    Thank you for your support, really appreciate it 💚.

    Here are some useful links for you:




    Trabajas por tu Propósito o por las Consecuencias

    Trabajas por tu Propósito o por las Consecuencias

    ¿Alguna vez has pensado en "tirar la toalla" o "enganchar los guantes"? O sea, Rendirte...

    Si pensamientos como este han pasado por tu mente, te invito a escuchar este episodio. Tener la mentalidad correcta es parte importante en los negocios y en la vida. Y la realidad es que si tienes el elemento clave que te comparto en el episodio, podrás seguir adelante aún en momentos de incertidumbre o de bajos ánimos.

    Si quieres conocer el elemento clave; ¡Súbele el Volúmen al episodio!


    ¿Has estado pensando como Crecer tu negocio y Aumentar ventas?

    Si es así, he preparado una Guía Gratuita que puede ayudarte justo donde te encuentres en este momento. Si te has sentido estancada, esta es tu oportunidad para que puedas continuar avanzando en tu negocio. 

    Descarga tu Guía visitando;

    www.jenniferolan.com/estrategia o presionando el enlace compartido.