
    One Church | Houston TX

    One Church exists to change the world, one person at a time. ​ We are about relationships. In fact, the “world” can be a huge place. To us, our world is our family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, and acquaintances.
    enPastor Ken Senchal131 Episodes

    Episodes (131)

    The Story of the Empty Chair

    The Story of the Empty Chair

    https://www.youronechurch.com/Prepare to embark on a profound journey of faith and compassion as Pastor Ken Senchal unveils the timeless truths embedded within "The Story of the Empty Chair." Through the immersive platform of our podcast, listeners are invited to delve deep into the heart of Luke 15:18-26 and discover the transformative power of unwavering faith.

    Join Pastor Ken as he intricately weaves together the threads of Scripture, illuminating the path towards spiritual awakening and redemption. Through the lens of this powerful narrative, Pastor Ken masterfully articulates three fundamental principles that resonate with unparalleled clarity:

    🔍 **Seeing the Need**: As we navigate the intricacies of modern-day life, Pastor Ken reminds us of the profound significance of recognizing the spiritual hunger that permeates our world. Through compelling anecdotes and thought-provoking insights, listeners are encouraged to open their hearts to the boundless opportunities for sharing the Gospel and extending the love of Christ to those in need.

    🙏 **Knowing Jesus is the Answer**: With unwavering confidence in the transformative power of prayer and faith, Pastor Ken instills a sense of hope and assurance in the hearts of listeners. Through heartfelt reflections and practical guidance, we are empowered to embrace the truth that Jesus is the ultimate answer to every longing heart.

    🎯 **Taking Strategic Action**: Embarking on a journey of intentional action, Pastor Ken equips listeners with practical strategies for fulfilling the Great Commission in their everyday lives. From simple acts of kindness to audacious displays of faith, each step taken towards bringing others to Christ is infused with purpose and meaning.

    But the journey doesn't end with the spoken word. Through poignant testimonials and heartfelt narratives, listeners are invited to witness the power of an empty chair—a symbol of the open invitation extended to all who seek refuge in Christ's love. As we listen to the stirring stories of OC members, we are reminded that every empty chair represents a divine opportunity for transformation and renewal.

    So, tune in and be part of this transformative experience. Join us as we celebrate the joy of salvation, embrace the journey of discipleship, and rejoice in the boundless grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Don't miss out on this extraordinary podcast that promises to ignite the flames of faith and inspire hearts to embrace the miraculous power of the Gospel.


    Not for Kings

    Not for Kings

    🎙️🌟 Prepare to be challenged, inspired, and empowered on the latest episode of the OneChurch podcast! 🌟

    👑 Dive into a transformative message delivered by Pastor Ken Senchal of OneChurch. Drawing insights from Luke 12:48 and Proverbs 31:2-7, Pastor Ken delves deep into the responsibilities that accompany the blessings we've been given.

    🙌 Have you received much? As a church, we've been blessed physically, financially, relationally, and spiritually. But with these blessings comes immense responsibility.

    💡 Just as a mother imparts wisdom to her son, reminding him of his royal calling, Pastor Ken reminds us of our divine purpose. We're called to live with integrity, to rule and govern our lives in a manner that positively impacts those around us.

    👑 As followers of Jesus, conformity to cultural norms isn't our calling. We're destined for greatness, to radiate as beacons of light in a dark world. We're chosen, royal, and holy—God's own possession.

    ✨ But how do we embrace this royal identity? It starts with repentance, reaching out, and re-engaging with God's purposes for our lives. It's about surrendering fully and letting God utilize us for His special purposes.

    🌟 Envision a life liberated from limiting behaviors, wholly surrendered to God's will. That's the life of a true king—a life devoted to God, impacting countless others for His glory.

    🔥 It's time to transcend the ordinary and embrace our royal calling. It's time to surrender completely and give our all to God. Are you prepared to live as a king?

    Don't miss this profound sermon, now available on your favorite podcast platforms. Let's embark on this journey together as we uncover the essence of living "Not for Kings" but for the King of kings. 👑✨ #NotForKings #OneChurch #RoyalCalling #SurrenderToGod

    ExtraOrdinary Relationships: How To Be A Friend Like Jesus

    ExtraOrdinary Relationships: How To Be A Friend Like Jesus

    Join us as we explore the timeless wisdom found in Philippians 2:4-7 and James 2:14-16, delving deep into the art of selflessness, action-oriented friendships, and the transformative power of forgiveness.

    In this episode, you'll discover:

    1️⃣ The Heart of Selflessness: Learn how to emulate Jesus' mindset of selflessness and service, exchanging selfishness for sacrificial love.

    2️⃣ Action-Oriented Friendships: Discover the profound impact of tangible acts of kindness and compassion in deepening connections with others.

    3️⃣ Initiative and Compassion: Uncover the beauty of taking the first step in building meaningful relationships, just as Jesus did, regardless of societal norms.

    4️⃣ The Power of Forgiveness: Explore the transformative power of forgiveness in healing wounds and strengthening bonds in friendships.

    5️⃣ Embracing Inconvenience: Understand the importance of sacrificing personal plans for the sake of others, fostering deeper connections and stronger friendships.

    6️⃣ Leading Others to God: Learn how to be agents of positive change in the lives of those around us, leading others closer to God through love, encouragement, and compassion.

    🔥 Are you yearning for deeper connections and a closer walk with Jesus? Don't miss this enlightening episode!

    📩 For more information, reach out to us at info@youronechurch.com and share this podcast episode with friends and family. Let's journey together towards Extraordinary Relationships! 🌟

    ExtraOrdinary Relationships: Sex & Relationships

    ExtraOrdinary Relationships: Sex & Relationships

    In a world craving genuine connections, Pastor Ken Senchal delivers a transformative message on the foundation of healthy, God-centered relationships. This episode isn't just another relationship talk; it's a deep dive into how we can heal ourselves to heal our unions.

    **Inside This Episode:**

    - 🌱 **Healthy Me, Healthy Us**: Unpacking the essential journey of self-discovery and healing to foster relationships that not only survive but thrive in God's grace.

    - 🤝 **Navigating Conflicts with Grace**: Strategies for approaching disagreements in a way that strengthens rather than strains your relationships.

    - ❤️‍🔥 **Sex: The Divine Connector**: A bold exploration of sex as God's gift for deepening intimacy between spouses, supported by teachings from James 1:17 and the creation story in Genesis.

    - 🔗 **Beyond Physical: The Power of Intimacy**: Delving into the emotional and spiritual bonds formed through the God-designed act of sex, as celebrated in the passionate verses of Song of Solomon 7:6-12.

    - 🚫 **The Truth About Casual Sex**: A candid discussion on the spiritual and emotional repercussions of casual sex, urging a return to God's design for intimacy within the sanctity of marriage, as outlined in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20.

    - 🕊️ **Surrendering Our Sexuality to Jesus**: Steps towards healing, forgiveness, and redemption by aligning our sexual choices with Jesus' teachings, paving the way for relationships that reflect His love and purpose.

    Pastor Ken's insights offer a beacon of hope and clarity for anyone navigating the complexities of love and relationships in today's world. Whether you're on your way to work, hitting the gym, or unwinding at home, let this episode guide you towards building stronger, more fulfilling connections.

    👉 Tune in now to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary in your relationships. Discover the beauty of God's plan for love, intimacy, and connection.

    #OneChurchHoustonPodcast #ExtraOrdinaryRelationships #FaithBasedLove #HealthyRelationships #SpiritualIntimacy

    ExtraOrdinary Relationships: Overcoming Conflict

    ExtraOrdinary Relationships: Overcoming Conflict

    Welcome to "ExtraOrdinary Relationships," where in our latest episode titled "Overcoming Conflict," Pastor Ken Senchal takes us on a profound journey into the heart of peacemaking, inspired by the historic split between the Dassler brothers that led to the birth of Adidas and Puma. Recorded on February 11, 2024, this episode delves into the story of Adolf and Rudolf Dassler, whose disagreement not only divided a family but an entire town, highlighting the deep-seated impact of unresolved conflict.

    Pastor Ken invites listeners to reflect on their personal relationships and the conflicts that may be hindering them. Through biblical teachings and the example set by Jesus, he outlines practical steps toward reconciliation and peace, distinguishing the difference between being a peacemaker and a peacekeeper. 

    Whether you're struggling with a spouse, parent, friend, or any relationship, this episode offers guidance on healing, forgiveness, and the importance of taking the first steps toward mending broken bonds.

    Join us to discover how to transform your conflicts into opportunities for growth and harmony, embodying the blessed role of peacemakers in a divided world. Embrace the journey towards ExtraOrdinary Relationships and learn to overcome conflict with grace and love.

     #ExtraOrdinaryRelationships #OvercomingConflict #Peacemaking #Reconciliation #Forgiveness #Healing #Unity #BlessedPeacemakers


    Extraordinary Relationships: Transforming Brokenness into Wholeness

    Extraordinary Relationships: Transforming Brokenness into Wholeness

    In a world marred by sin and its devastating effects on our lives and relationships, Pastor Ken Senchal's sermon "Extraordinary Relationships," delivered on February 4, 2024, provides a beacon of hope and a guide to healing. This episode delves deep into the challenges we face due to the inherent brokenness within us and around us, emphasizing the universal struggle with feelings of being unredeemable, unlovable, and unworthy.

    Drawing from pivotal scriptures such as Romans 5:12 and John 5:6, Pastor Ken illuminates the path from despair to wholeness through the transformative power of Jesus Christ. He meticulously outlines actionable steps towards healing, including making a conscious decision to change, surrendering our brokenness to Jesus, and engaging with spiritual disciplines to foster a closer relationship with God.

    "Extraordinary Relationships" is more than just an exploration of the issues plaguing our personal connections; it's a roadmap for anyone yearning to break free from pain and dysfunction to embrace a life filled with grace, fulfillment, and genuine connections. Pastor Ken's compelling narrative encourages listeners to view their relationships through the lens of redemption and wholeness offered by Christ, promising a profound impact on how we interact with friends, family, and loved ones.

    Tune into this episode for an inspiring journey from brokenness to healing, as Pastor Ken shares insights on achieving extraordinary relationships through faith, spiritual growth, and the renewing work of the Holy Spirit. Whether you're seeking to heal from past traumas, improve your personal relationships, or deepen your spiritual journey, this podcast episode is an essential listen for anyone on the path to wholeness and enriched connections.

    Pray First- Keep On Praying

    Pray First- Keep On Praying

    Dive into a spiritually enriching journey with Pastor Ken Senchal on the latest episode of our podcast, "Pray First, Keep On Praying," available now on Spotify and iTunes. Recorded on 1-28-24, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding and practice of prayer as a disciple of Jesus.

    Pastor Senchal skillfully unpacks the significance of prayer in the life of Jesus and how it is essential for us as His followers to follow His example. With references to passages such as Luke 5:15-16 and Ephesians 6:18, he illustrates how Jesus made personal prayer a priority, even amidst his busiest days, and how we can apply these lessons in our own lives.

    Throughout the episode, Pastor Senchal provides practical advice on prioritizing prayer over busyness, with insights from Mark 1:35-37 and Psalm 5:3. He emphasizes the importance of setting aside dedicated time, place, and method for prayer, and the power of praying with energy and passion.

    The podcast episode also explores the transformative role of prayer in our personal lives and in the world around us, highlighting the true freedom that comes through Jesus, as shown in John 8:36 and John 10:10. Pastor Senchal challenges listeners to engage in 'dangerous' prayers—those that align with God's will rather than our own—and to use prayer as a tool to make a positive impact in the lives of others.

    Tune into this enlightening and thought-provoking episode on Spotify and iTunes to be inspired and motivated to cultivate a deeper, more meaningful prayer life, following the teachings and example of Jesus Christ.


    Pray First- Jabez

    Pray First- Jabez

    Welcome to the second week of our enlightening series, "Pray First: Jabez," with Pastor Ken Senchal. In this episode, Pastor Ken explores the profound story of Jabez from 1 Chronicles 4:9-10. Listen as he reveals how Jabez, a man named after pain, chose to redefine his life through faith and prayer, seeking God's blessings, influence, presence, and protection.

    Episode Highlights:
    - The significance of Jabez's mention in the midst of a long genealogy, signaling a powerful lesson in overcoming adversity through prayer.
    - An in-depth look at Jabez's heartfelt prayer to God: to bless him, enlarge his territory, be with him, and keep him from harm.
    - The crucial lesson of not letting pain define us, and the transformative power of bringing our struggles to God.
    - Insights into the types of prayers that can lead to spiritual growth and fulfillment in God's plan.

    Pastor Ken encourages listeners to shift their focus from their pains to the possibilities that God has in store. He discusses the impact of praying for God's blessing, influence, and presence in our lives, and the importance of seeking His protection in the face of challenges.

    In this episode, you'll learn about:
    1. The importance of praying for God's blessing and prosperity in your life.
    2. Seeking God's influence and ministry opportunities.
    3. The necessity of God's presence for overcoming life's challenges.
    4. The need for God's protection against spiritual warfare.

    Join Pastor Ken in this uplifting podcast episode as he guides us to find strength in God amidst life's pains and become a blessing to others. Don't miss the powerful salvation prayer at the end of the episode.

    Be sure to subscribe to our podcast for more inspiring messages, and share this episode with those seeking encouragement and spiritual growth.

    #PrayFirst #Jabez #Podcast #FaithOverPain #ChristianLiving #KenSenchal #SpiritualInsights #PrayerPower #Blessings #Influence #GodsPresence #Protection

    Pray First: The Tabernacle

    Pray First: The Tabernacle

    Prayer, our essential link to communicate with God, often poses challenges in consistency and depth. "Pray First" is dedicated to transitioning from basic prayers to a more enriched and thoughtful communication with God.

    This episode explores the Tabernacle, a portable sanctuary designed by God for the Israelites. It serves as a spiritual framework, providing a methodical approach to prayer. We dissect each component of the Tabernacle, understanding its symbolic meaning in our prayers.

    From the Outer Court, where we offer praise and thanksgiving, to the Holy of Holies, a space for profound intercession, each section of the Tabernacle represents a unique facet of prayer. We examine the Brazen Altar, the Laver, the Golden Menorah, the Table of Showbread, and the Altar of Incense, each symbolizing different aspects of worship and communion with God.

    Through this journey, "Pray First" reveals how to apply these ancient principles to our modern lives, fostering a closer relationship with God and a deeper prayer experience. This episode invites listeners to reexamine their approach to prayer, encouraging a more intimate and powerful connection with the Divine.

    Tune in to "Pray First: The Tabernacle" as we explore the secrets of effective prayer and learn to approach our Heavenly Father in a way that honors Him and enriches our spiritual walk. "Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you" (James 4:8, NIV).


    Four Things You Need In 2024

    Four Things You Need In 2024

    Dive into a new year with Pastor Ken Senchal as he presents a compelling and spiritually enriching sermon titled "Four Things You Need In 2024". In this episode, recorded on January 7, 2024, Pastor Senchal delves into vital spiritual practices and insights for the year ahead, inspired by the profound lessons in Matthew 17:14-21.

    This episode is a part of our 21-day focus on spiritual growth and understanding, emphasizing the importance of connecting with God through prayer and fasting. Pastor Senchal skillfully breaks down a biblical story where the disciples' struggle to heal a boy highlights the dangers of faithlessness and disconnection from God. He underscores the transformative power of prayer and fasting in rekindling our faith and severing ties with worldly distractions.

    In this enlightening talk, Pastor Senchal outlines four crucial elements for a fulfilling spiritual journey in 2024:

    1. A "Table" in Your Life:** Learn about the significance of fellowship and belonging in the church, akin to a family gathering around a dinner table for nourishment and support.

    2. A "Circle" in Your Life:** Discover the importance of life groups in communal worship and how they contribute to personal and spiritual growth.

    3. An "Altar" in Your Life:** Explore the concept of personal sacrifice and being a 'living sacrifice', emphasizing selflessness in our relationship with God.

    4. A "Serving" Opportunity:** Be inspired by Jesus' example of servitude and find purpose in serving others in His name.

    The sermon also features a comprehensive look at various fasting objectives and types, guiding listeners on how to deepen their spiritual connections in the new year.

    If this episode blessed your life we want to hear from you! email us at admin@youronechurch.com and we will be in touch! 


    James: Wisdom for Daily Living "Prayer of Faith"

    James: Wisdom for Daily Living "Prayer of Faith"

    https://www.youronechurch.com/https://www.youronechurch.com/Welcome to our latest episode where Pastor Ken dives deep into the "Prayer of Faith," drawing from the profound insights of James 5:13-16. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone on a spiritual journey, looking to enhance their prayer life and understand its pivotal role in Christian living.

    **In this episode, you'll explore:**
    1. **Confronting Uncertainty with Prayer**: Discover how prayer can be your guiding light through life's unpredictable moments. Pastor Ken shares enlightening perspectives from Jesus's teachings, emphasizing the importance of entrusting our unknown future to an omniscient God.

    2. **Transforming Hopelessness into Hope**: Learn how prayer can turn around situations that seem utterly hopeless. Using scriptural references from James 5 and Romans 4, this episode reveals the miraculous potential of prayer in times of despair.

    3. **Healing and Forgiveness through Prayer**: Understand the dual power of prayer and confession, as highlighted in James 5:15-16. This part of the podcast focuses on the healing journey from shame and guilt, and the peace that comes with forgiveness.

    Additionally, Pastor Ken delves into the significance of faith in empowering prayer, discussing how faith is initiated by God's Word, strengthened by perseverance, and leads to extraordinary outcomes.

    **Special Call to Action:** Join Pastor Ken in a transformative period of prayer and fasting from January 7th to the 27th. This is an invitation to deepen your spiritual connection and enhance your prayer practice.

    **Tags for Better Reach:** #PrayerOfFaithPodcast, #SpiritualGrowth, #James5Discussion, #ChristianPodcast, #HealingThroughPrayer, #FaithJourney, #BibleStudy, #PastorKenSermons

    Tune in to this enlightening episode for a journey into the heart of prayer and its impact on our daily lives. Subscribe to our podcast for more inspiring content and share this episode with others looking for spiritual enrichment and growth. Let's delve into the transformative power of prayer together! 🙏📖💡

    Christmas Eve at OC

    Christmas Eve at OC

    Experience a transformative Christmas Eve with Pastor Ken Senchal's 2023 sermon, "Discovering Jesus as Lord", based on Isaiah 9:6-7. This insightful sermon dives into the true meaning of Christmas, highlighting the significance of Jesus' titles: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Pastor Senchal encourages viewers to embrace Jesus not only as a savior but as the Lord of their lives for genuine transformation and inner peace.

    Drawing from Matthew 2, the story of the Magi serves as a beacon, demonstrating how God guides us towards Jesus, overcoming life's 'Herods' - our doubts and fears. This Christmas sermon is not just a biblical teaching; it's a call to action for those seeking a deeper, more meaningful relationship with Christ.

    If you want to know more about Jesus or prayed the prayer of salvation please reach out and email us at info@youronechurch.com and we will be in touch asap! 

    #ChristmasEveSermon, #DiscoveringJesus, #PastorKenSenchal, #Isaiah9, #BiblicalTeaching, #ChristianFaith, #SpiritualGrowth, #Christmas2023, #JesusChrist, #ReligiousService, #InspirationalMessage

    ELF at OC

    ELF at OC

    📖 Explore profound spiritual truths as Pastor Ken draws inspiration from Psalm 2:4 and Proverbs 17:22, delving into the divine medicine of laughter and a cheerful heart. Uncover the influence of God's laughter on our joy and well-being!

    🙏 Join Pastor Ken in a deep dive into the spiritual significance of faith, referencing Matthew 18:3 to emphasize the need for a child-like faith in Jesus. Learn how belief shapes life's direction and discover the art of maintaining simplicity and trust in God amid life's challenges.

    🎬 Through compelling podcast clips, witness the contrast between Buddy's unwavering belief and his father's skepticism in Elf. Gain insights into the secret of true joy, independent of external circumstances, with reference to Romans 5:2.

    🕊️ Pastor Ken addresses symptoms of unbelief—exhaustion, emptiness, and enslavement—offering hope for reigniting faith and overcoming doubt. Experience the joy of worship, inspired by Psalms 126:2, as a reminder of God's greatness.

    🛑 Don't miss the compassionate discussion on facing pain and challenges, featuring biblical examples of God's unique moments to reaffirm belief. 🌈

    🌍 Closing with a powerful podcast clip from Elf, Pastor Ken encourages listeners to be influencers of faith like Buddy, spreading the message of belief in Jesus. If you're grappling with pain, doubt, or confusion, Pastor Ken extends an invitation to experience the ultimate gift of salvation. Reach out to admin@youronechurch.com for support and guidance.

    🔥 Transform your life today! Hit "Play" now and embark on a journey of inspiration and renewed faith. 🙌✝️ Don't forget to like, subscribe, and share for more uplifting content! 🌟 #Faith #Inspiration #ElfMovie #PastorKenSenchal #TransformYourLife #Christianity #BelieveInJesus #SpiritualInsights #PodcastJourney

    James: Wisdom for Daily Life "Wisdom From Above"

    James: Wisdom for Daily Life "Wisdom From Above"

    Immerse yourself in Pastor Ken Senchal's insightful podcast as he explores the theme of "Wisdom From Above" based on the Book of James, specifically James 3:13. In this episode, Pastor Ken delves into the transformative power of God's wisdom, providing practical insights on making better choices and embracing a changed life in the midst of life's chaos.

    Listen in as Pastor Ken contrasts God-inspired wisdom with worldly cunning, urging listeners to seek divine wisdom in their daily lives. The podcast further breaks down the characteristics of God's wisdom from James 3:17-18, emphasizing purity, peace, and consideration for others.

    Ready to apply God's wisdom in your journey? Visit youronechurch.com for additional resources and connect with Pastor Ken's community.

    Don't miss this empowering episode on living wisely in a chaotic world. Subscribe now and join the conversation at youronechurch.com.

    James: Wisdom for Daily Life "The Word of Truth"

    James: Wisdom for Daily Life "The Word of Truth"

    🎧 Immerse yourself in the wisdom of God's Word with Pastor Ken Senchal in this thought-provoking podcast episode, "The Word of Truth" (James 1:16-27, NLT | Dec 3, 2023). Join us as we explore how to anchor our lives in the unchanging truth amidst the challenges of our culture.

    🚀 Pastor Ken delves into Genesis 3:1, revealing the enemy's strategies to cast doubt on God's Word. Discover the importance of standing strong against doubt and choosing God's truth over cultural influences in this engaging podcast.

    🏠 Drawing insights from Psalms 119 and Matthew 7:24-25, Pastor Ken shares practical advice on establishing a solid foundation on God's Word. Explore three key attitudes toward God's Word: gratitude, humility, and intentional application, all within the intimate setting of a podcast.

    🙏 In the powerful conclusion, Pastor Ken connects God's transformative Word to a life of justice and righteousness (James 1:27). Be inspired to care for the oppressed and resist worldly corruption in this immersive podcast experience.

    🎙️ Don't miss out on the wisdom shared! Subscribe and share this podcast episode, "Anchored in Truth," hosted by Pastor Ken Senchal. Let's navigate life together with the unshakable foundation of God's Word. #AnchoredInTruth #PastorKenSenchal #PodcastWisdom

    James: Wisdom for daily life "Temptaion"

    James: Wisdom for daily life "Temptaion"

    Join Pastor Ken Senchal in this soul-nourishing podcast episode, where he unravels the profound wisdom found in the Book of James, tackling the pressing issue of **"Temptations."** Whether you're on Spotify or iTunes, get ready for an insightful journey into the scriptures and practical strategies for navigating life's temptations.

    🌟 **Highlights from the Episode:**

    1️⃣ **Temptation Unmasked:** Dive deep into James 1:13 as Pastor Ken reveals the true source of temptation and how to discern it in your daily life.

    2️⃣ **Trials & Triumphs:** Explore the connection between trials and temptations, and discover the power of choice in responding to life's challenges.

    3️⃣ **Decoding the Temptation Process:** Pastor Ken breaks down the pathway to temptation—deception, desire, disobedience, and the ensuing consequences.

    4️⃣ **Practical Steps for Resilience:** Learn actionable steps to handle temptations, from acknowledging weaknesses to stepping into God's illuminating light.

    5️⃣ **ACDC Strategy:** Pastor Ken introduces the ACDC strategy—Avoid the situation, Counter with the Word, Develop healthy friendships, and Commit to prayer—as a practical guide for listeners.

    6️⃣ **God's Faithfulness:** Discover the assurance of God's faithfulness through 1 Corinthians 10:13, and find hope in the promise of a way out of every temptation.

    7️⃣ **Victory in Christ:** Pastor Ken concludes with a powerful declaration of victory in Christ, urging listeners to embrace their identity as new creations empowered by the Holy Spirit.


    🌐 Connect with Pastor Ken:


    👍 Subscribe, Rate, and Share for a Weekly Dose of Spiritual Insight!

    #WisdomForLife #Podcast #TemptationTalks #SpiritualEmpowerment #VictoryInChrist

    The Principle of the First

    The Principle of the First

    Join Pastor Ken Senchal in this powerful sermon, "The Principle of the First," as he delves into the biblical perspective on managing God's blessings. In this eye-opening message, Pastor Ken explores key principles based on scriptures such as Psalms 24:1, 1 Peter 4:10, and 1 Timothy 6:18 to reveal how our level of generosity and our approach to debt impact our ability to live out the principle of tithing and giving offerings.

    Discover the significance of putting God first in every aspect of your life, including your personal finances. Pastor Ken emphasizes the importance of having a plan to effectively manage debt and resources, drawing insights from Proverbs 22:7 and Luke 16:11. Learn how managing God-given resources determines what God can bless us with, and explore practical steps to become faithful stewards of His grace.

    Pastor Ken introduces the concept of tithing, not as a burdensome requirement, but as an act of faith and obedience. Uncover the biblical foundation of tithing from Malachi 3:10 and understand the profound impact it can have on your priorities, loyalties, and affections. Gain a deeper understanding of the tithe as the firstfruits, exploring scriptures like Exodus 23:19, Proverbs 3:9, and Romans 11:16.

    In this inspiring message, Pastor Ken also addresses common misconceptions about tithing, emphasizing that it is not a condition for salvation but a way to give God something to bless in your life. He shares personal experiences of faithful tithing and encourages viewers to prioritize God in all areas of their lives.

    Whether you're a first-time giver or a consistent tithe giver, Pastor Ken's message will challenge and inspire you to put God first, test Him in your finances, and experience the overflow of blessings as promised in Malachi 3:10. Don't miss this opportunity to gain practical insights and spiritual wisdom on managing your God-given resources effectively. Watch now and be transformed by the timeless principles of "The Principle of the First."

    If this podcast touched your life we want to hear from you! Email us at admin@youronechurch.com

    Dessert in the Desert

    Dessert in the Desert

    Tune in to this enlightening podcast episode with Pastor Simeon as he explores the transformative journey of discovering dessert in life's deserts. In this compelling sermon, Pastor Simeon shares profound insights on making Jesus your ultimate trust, highlighting the unwavering foundation of faith that sustains us through life's challenges.

    🌵 **Trusting Jesus:**
    Discover the essence of making Jesus the cornerstone of your trust, even in the midst of life's deserts. Pastor Simeon unravels the significance of leaning on faith in Jesus Christ as the key to navigating uncertainties.

    💬 **God Always Keeps His Word:**
    Embark on a journey through biblical wisdom as Pastor Simeon explores the unshakable truth that God always keeps His promises. Learn how the reliability of God's word becomes a source of strength and hope in challenging times.

    ✨ **All of God's Promises in Jesus:**
    Explore the profound connection between God's promises and Jesus Christ. Pastor Simeon illustrates how all of God's assurances find their fulfillment in Jesus, offering enduring comfort and assurance in our daily lives.

    🌟 **God Is Always Present:**
    Experience the comforting truth that God is always present, even in the desert seasons of life. Pastor Simeon reminds us of God's omnipresence and the profound impact it can have on our perspective, bringing solace and peace to our hearts.

    🤝 **God Is Personal:**
    Delve into the personal nature of our relationship with God. Pastor Simeon emphasizes how cultivating a personal connection with the Divine transforms our journey through the desert, making every step purposeful and meaningful.

    Join us on this podcast journey of faith, hope, and dessert in the desert with Pastor Simeon. This episode is a timely reminder that, through trusting Jesus, we can find sweetness in unexpected places and experience the richness of God's promises in our lives. Don't miss this transformative message that will leave you inspired and strengthened in your walk with Christ. Subscribe now for an uplifting dose of spiritual wisdom!

    We want to hear from you! email us at info@youronechurch.com

    One Church | Houston TX
    enNovember 14, 2023

    James: Wisdom For Daily Life

    James: Wisdom For Daily Life

    Welcome to an inspiring podcast episode titled "James: Wisdom for Daily Life," led by the insightful Pastor Ken Senchal. In this episode, we delve into the profound wisdom found in the Book of James, with a special focus on trials and how they lead to spiritual growth, maturity, and a deeper connection with God.

    Join us on this transformative journey as Pastor Ken explores the rich teachings of the Book of James. Discover how the author, Jesus' half-brother, transitioned from doubt to unwavering faith, particularly after witnessing the miraculous resurrection of Jesus. This episode is packed with practical wisdom that can be applied to your daily life.

    The central message of the Book of James is the importance of perseverance during trials, with the resounding belief that "If we don't quit, we win." Trials are an inevitable part of life, and we don't get to choose when they come. However, Pastor Ken highlights how God can use these trials to refine us and bring us to full maturity, just as intended.

    This episode explores the core principles of maturing through trials:

    A. Shifting our focus from our limited understanding to God's perspective.

    B. Trusting in God's process and persevering through trials.

    C. Recognizing that trials can draw us closer to God.

    D. Seeking God's guidance during trials.

    E. Emphasizing unwavering faith when seeking God's help.

    F. Understanding that trials are a testament to the genuineness of our faith.

    Join Pastor Ken Senchal on this transformative journey of faith, growth, and resilience. Don't miss this opportunity to discover valuable insights on navigating life's trials and finding wisdom for daily living.

    We want to hear from you! if this podcast impacted your life, email us at info@youronechurch.com  

    Family Sunday Oct 2023

    Family Sunday Oct 2023

    In this insightful discussion, Pastor Ken delves into the profound significance of making a conscious choice to worship God alone. In today's culture, where various distractions vie for our attention, it's crucial to discern whether we'll choose to worship God or the many gods of this world, like money, entertainment, sports, relationships, or addictions.

    Discover the powerful story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who, long before their encounter with King Nebuchadnezzar, resolved to worship the One True God. Their unwavering commitment to God, even in the face of dire consequences, serves as an inspiring example.

    We explore the concept of being tested by the world when we decide to worship God alone, and the necessity of placing God at the forefront of our lives. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego's willingness to sacrifice everything for their faith, as depicted in Daniel 3:16-18, exemplifies the true essence of worship.

    Unveil the significance of wholehearted devotion to God and the importance of seeking His grace during moments of failure. Additionally, discover how being part of a supportive Life Group can enhance your worship journey.

    This episode reveals that when you faithfully worship God alone, He will always show up when you need Him most, much like the miraculous deliverance of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fiery furnace.

    If you desire a deeper connection with God and wish to declare Him as the sole object of your worship, this podcast is a must-listen. Tune in for a spiritually enriching experience. Keywords: worship, spirituality, faith, devotion, Christian living, Daniel 3, Pastor Ken Senchal, true worship, Life Group, spiritual journey, God's faithfulness.

    If you need prayer or prayed the prayer of salvation we want to hear from you! visit us at https://www.youronechurch.com/ or shoot us an email at info@youronechurch.com