
    You Are Not Your Thoughts

    en-usJune 09, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Embracing Our True Nature to Reach Our Full PotentialDon't limit yourself based on your surroundings; adapt and navigate through life's ups and downs, and remember that you are always capable of spreading your wings and flying higher.

      We should not forget our abilities and identities due to our surroundings. Like the bird in the lake, we must not stay in our comfort zones for too long and forget that we are capable of more. When we identify too closely with something we become limited by it. We must spread our wings and embrace our true nature to grow and reach our full potential. Life has its ups and downs, and we should not try to control it. Instead, we should learn how to adapt and navigate through it. Remember that we are not limited by our current situations, and we are always capable of spreading our wings and flying higher.

    • Control Your Inner State, Not Your External CircumstancesFocus on discovering the essence of your being and realize that external factors do not define your true self. Practice being calm and learn to observe your thoughts without getting caught up in them. Overcoming struggles and finding peace begins within.

      We should learn to be calm in every situation and not try to control everything around us. We should focus on controlling our internal state and realize that we are not our thoughts or external circumstances. Instead, we are the consciousness or silent witness behind our programming. The things we have or the labels we put on ourselves do not define who we are. We should ask ourselves 'Who are you?' and keep asking until we reach the essence of our being. By doing so, we can overcome the struggles of the human condition and find inner peace.

    • The True Essence of BeingYou are not defined by societal labels. Recognize your true consciousness and manage your thoughts and reactions intentionally for success.

      You are not your age, career, religion, or any other label placed upon you by society. In essence, you are a conscious being, a clean slate from the moment you were born. You are more than just your programming, personality, circumstances, and thoughts. Identifying yourself with these things creates a need for control, similar to how a bird tries to calm the water by controlling it. However, forcing the mind to calm down is not the solution. Instead, accept the thoughts and feelings that arise, just as the bird accepts the waves, and then intentionally choose your response, like the bird chirping to calm the water. Success lies in understanding who you truly are and learning to manage your mind through intentional action.

    • Finding Peace by Letting Thoughts PassRemembering that we are beyond our thoughts and letting them pass can bring calm and peace within ourselves.

      Identifying ourselves with our thoughts and fighting against them only creates more chaos in our minds. We need to remember that we are also pure consciousness beyond our thoughts and allow our minds to just calm down. Just like the bird forgot that it could fly and identified itself with the choppy water, we forget who we truly are beyond our programmed thoughts and beliefs. Instead of fighting the waves of our thoughts, we need to let them pass. By doing this, we can experience calm and peace within ourselves.

    • The Power of a Controlled Mind: Letting Go and Living in the PresentOur state of mind governs our life. Accepting that life has ups and downs, and learning to let go of worries and anxiety, allows us to live in the present and not let external circumstances control us.

      Our life is the state of our mind. We often let our thoughts control us and worry about the future, even when everything is calm in the present. We need to acknowledge that life is up and down, and we cannot control everything. If we resist it, it will become worse. We should learn to have a controlled mind and let it go with the flow. The bird in an ocean symbolises that our lives are the state of our mind and how we learn to react to the waves and not to let the waves control our day-to-day lives. We should not let the past or anxiety become our identity. Live in the present and do not worry about what is out of your control.

    • Overcome Worry by Understanding the Power of MindfulnessMost worries never come true and letting them control you is not helpful. Practice mindfulness to stay calm and centered and connect with your natural state of mind. Remember, you are not your thoughts.

      Psychologists found that 85% of what you worry about will never happen, and only 3% of your worries may actually come true. So, learn to let life pass and let your mind do what it's going to do. Just like the water on a lake, the natural state of your mind is calm. Identify that your mind is not who you are and don't let your thoughts control you. Don't ruin the present moment thinking about what could happen and overthinking things. Mindfulness is key to keep yourself calm and relaxed. Don't identify yourself with your worries, but instead, identify yourself with your calm natural state of mind.

    • Letting go of anxiety: The power of letting the mind beAllowing anxious thoughts and feelings to pass without resistance can help calm the mind and reduce anxiety. Just like a passing cloud, acknowledging them can lead to peace.

      Trying to control, resist or fight with anxious feelings makes it worse and last longer. It's better to let it pass by allowing the mind to do what it's going to do. The more we let it be, the faster it goes away. It's like a passing cloud that just kind of goes by. Water becomes clear and calm only when it's left alone. Same with the mind. So, instead of forcing a quiet mind, just leave it alone and let it be. By doing so, we can reduce anxiety, calm the mind and find peace.

    • Surrendering and Letting Go of Control for Inner Peace.Calming the mind requires surrendering and observing rather than fighting against the chaos. Acceptance and patience are key in moving towards inner peace.

      Surrendering and letting go of control is key to calming the mind. Fighting against it only prolongs the chaos. Meditation is not about having no thoughts, but rather watching and observing them. The natural state of the mind is calm, and allowing the craziness to pass is essential. Like a hurricane, it's best to hunker down and let it pass rather than resisting and trying to calm it. Big life events can cause intense stress and chaos in the mind, but surrendering and observing rather than fighting can help calm it down. Acceptance and patience are important in the journey towards inner peace.

    • Finding peace through acceptance of emotions.Embrace your emotions without resistance or judgment; listening to your inner voice and focusing on goals brings inner peace and contentment.

      Allow yourself to feel the emotions that come with big life events instead of resisting them. Trying to fight these emotions will only create more waves and prolong the time it takes to calm down. Remember that you are not your thoughts or emotions, but the consciousness behind them. Don't identify with the good or bad side of you, but instead focus on the angel on your shoulder and listen to what it is telling you. Follow your goals and take care of yourself, even if there are voices in your mind telling you otherwise. By allowing thoughts and emotions to come and go, you can find peace within yourself.

    • Mastering the Mind for Inner PeaceObserve negative thoughts without identification, let them pass and find peace within the consciousness. Practice stillness like a calm lake, not always in 'do' mode.

      Our minds are constantly battling with negative thoughts and memories of failure, making it counterproductive to always be in 'do' mode. Instead, we should observe our thoughts like passing clouds, letting them pass and eventually calming our minds. The key is to master our minds and not be imprisoned by them, realizing that we are the consciousness and not the thoughts in our minds. Just like a lake can be calm again after a storm, our minds can also become calm and peaceful. Therefore, when we notice negative thoughts, the best thing to do is not to fight them, but to let them pass and not identify ourselves with them.

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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

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    The Mindset Mentor
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    Join here 👉 www.mindsetmentor.com

    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    Want to learn more about Mindset Mentor+? 

    For nearly nine years, the Mindset Mentor Podcast has guided you through life's ups and downs. Now, you can dive even deeper with Mindset Mentor Plus. Turn every podcast lesson into real-world results with detailed worksheets, journaling prompts, and a supportive community of like-minded people. Enjoy monthly live Q&A sessions with me, and all this for less than a dollar a day. If you’re committed to real, lasting change, this is for you.
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    My first book that I’ve ever written is now available. 

    It’s called LEVEL UP and It’s a step-by-step guide to go from where you are now, to where you want to be as fast as possible.
    📚If you want to order yours today, you can just head over to robdial.com/book

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    My goal is to help you learn something new so you can make better decisions, if you did please LIKE, SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE.

    It really helps with the algorithm for sharing this episode.

    Big Love, Corey and Glyn Money
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    Ep. 19 | Dr. Craig Koniver, MD | How Mindset Affects Your Health: COVID-19, Consciousness, and Ketamine Therapy

    Ep. 19 | Dr. Craig Koniver, MD | How Mindset Affects Your Health: COVID-19, Consciousness, and Ketamine Therapy

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    You can find Dr. Koniver on Instagram @koniverwellness or at www.koniverwellness.com 

    Topics Explored: 

    > 13:13 What has been the trajectory of the global pandemic of COVID- 19 from Dr. Koniver’s perspective? What role has fear played? 

    > 17:42 What is the efficacy of masks for protection

    >  Will there be a second wave of the virus?  

    > 21:00 Vaccines, civil liberties, personal sovereignty

    > 26:34 What is the potential mental health fallout of the virus? How are loneliness, depression, isolation tied together?

    > 28:45 Link between Hormones and Depression: Could your low mood be caused by a hormonal imbalance? What factors of the modern environment might be influencing our hormones? 

    > 31:07 Sex hormones: progesterone & estrogen for women; the stress hormone cortisol which Dr. Koniver calls the big bully.

    > 38:43 Testosterone as a biosocial hormone for men and the importance of testosterone for well being.

    > 42:46 “Hormones are the most influential factor affecting an individual’s wellbeing on a day-to-day basis”

    > 43:16 What is lighting Dr. Koniver up in his practice lately?

    > 50:18 What is a miracle? Can changing the energetic vibration of our being by tapping into the power of reprogramming subconscious create miraculous recoveries? 

    > 47:25 What’s the connection between consciousness and spirituality with our physical well being? Can we learn to work with consciousness to feel good no matter where we are or what we’re experiencing?

    > 53:33 How does our mindset play into our overall health? (“Your ability to feel good in any sort of environment is up to you.”)

    > 55:28 Why is ketamine (often regarded as a recreational drug) now being used as an alternative therapy to treat things like anxiety and depression?


    (books) Dr. Joe Dispenza


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    Connect with Dr. Koniver

    Instagram| https://www.instagram.com/koniverwellness/ 

    Website| https://www.koniverwellness.com/ 


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    Special thanks to Emmy-Award winning composer Kodomo (Chris Child) for allowing us to use his brilliant track Concept 1 as our theme song. 



    The Thought Room is a combination of edge-of-your-seat storytelling and groundbreaking interviews with celebrated thought-leaders like Erick Godsey and many more from around the world.

    Recorded everywhere from hotel rooms in New York City, to a camper van in Maine; from the coastal forests of Costa Rica, to a picnic blanket amongst grapes in a vineyard in Sedona—host Hallie Rose captures rich, face-to-face interviews and intimate storytelling in a variety of eccentric locations.

    From musicians to mathematicians, life coaches to psychonauts, PhDs to professional athletes—we’ll invite them all to step into the Thought Room to spill their stories and share their most distilled wisdom. The show covers a breadth of topics including psychology, spirituality, sex & relationships, psychedelics, ayahuasca, non-violent communication, law of attraction, bio-hacking, fitness, nutrition, alternative health, personal development, business & entrepreneurship, mindfulness, yoga, and meditation.


    Quotes from my guests on Psychedelics:

    “Psychedelics are like a direct portal to the Psyche” - Erick Godsey

    “What my experience with psychedelics has taught me is that all the magic is here!” - Kyle Buller

    “The medicines have a way of changing one's perspective powerfully and profoundly.” - Luke Storey

    “Psychedelics are not suppressed because they are dangerous to users; they’re suppressed because they provoke unconventional thought, which threatens any number of elites and institutions that would rather do our thinking for us.” - Dr. Dennis McKenna


    Quotes from my guests on Consciousness:

    “I’m a true believer that our lives are a product of our imagination.” - Ollie Ollerton

    “Never let those who lack belief in themselves rob you of yours.” - Dorian Yates

    “Your ability to feel good in any kind of environment is up to you.” - Dr. Craig Koniver


    Quotes from my guests on Ayahuasca:

    “And I am leaving, knowing — I don’t want my dharma revealed to me...I want to create it, I want to walk it, I want to dance it, moment by moment. Thank you, Ayahuasca.” - Erick Godsey

    “Ayahuasca is a symbiotic ally of the human species.” - Dennis McKenna


    Celebrated guests include Dr. Dennis McKenna, Justin Wren, Erick Godsey, Ollie Ollerton & Dorian Yates. 


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    Want to connect us with a guest for the show? Visit http://thoughtroompodcast.com/contact/