
    Upgrade Your Brain And Become Limitless EP 1378

    enJanuary 14, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Unlock Your Inner Greatness with the Limitless ModelThe Limitless Model, a three-part framework from Jim Kwik's book, can help you learn faster, overcome fears, and access your full potential in 2023.

      You have the power to make 2023 your greatest year yet by overcoming your fears and limiting beliefs. The limitless model, a framework for learning anything faster, can help you unlock your inner greatness and access your full human potential. Learning how to learn is the key to mastering any skill and maximizing your impact in all areas of life. The limitless model, presented in Jim Kwik's book "Limitless," is a three-part framework that can help you learn faster and access your infinite human capabilities. Don't miss the opportunity to join Jim's upcoming free training on the four keys to overcome your fears and achieve your biggest goals.

    • Engage in active learning for optimal resultsIdentify dominant learning style and use it effectively, everyone can improve learning abilities, become a 'whole brain learner' to accelerate growth.

      People learn best when they actively engage in the learning process rather than just passively observing or listening. The speaker uses the example of learning sports through practice and experience, but this concept applies to all areas of life. The way we learn is context-dependent and tied to our individual learning styles. Some people may learn better by reading, while others may prefer listening or hands-on experience. The key is to identify our dominant learning style and use it to our advantage. The speaker also emphasizes that there is no right or wrong way to learn, and that everyone can improve their abilities in areas where they struggle. Ultimately, the goal is to become a "whole brain learner" who can effectively use multiple learning styles to accelerate their learning and growth.

    • Prioritizing mental fitness and adapting to technologyTrain and care for your brain like a muscle, connect mental and physical health, consider self-care, self-love, and mental health, food impacts brain function, and apply knowledge for power.

      Technology can hinder our mental development by doing the thinking for us, making it essential to prioritize mental fitness and adaptability. Our brains, like muscles, need to be trained and cared for. The connection between mental and physical health is crucial, and self-care, self-love, and mental health are intertwined. The food we consume impacts brain function, and the limitless model suggests that knowledge alone does not grant power; it's the application of knowledge that creates power. To maximize the value of this discussion, consider asking yourself three master questions: What can I learn from this conversation? How can I apply this knowledge to my life? What action can I take today to make a positive difference?

    • The power of self-questionsOur frequent self-questions shape our focus and personality, influencing how we perceive and interact with the world.

      The questions we ask ourselves shape our focus and experiences. Our dominant questions, which we ask frequently, can significantly influence our personality and behavior. For instance, someone who frequently asks "how do I get people to like me?" may become a people pleaser or a chameleon, constantly changing to fit others' expectations. Conversely, focusing on a specific question, like my sister's obsession with pug dogs, can make us more attuned to noticing related things in our environment. Our brains act as filtering systems, focusing on what we pay attention to, so it's essential to be mindful of the questions we ask ourselves.

    • The power of questioning shapes our realityFocusing on empowering questions can help us overcome limitations and unlock new possibilities in our lives.

      The questions we ask ourselves shape our reality. If we focus on negativity and fear, we attract more of the same. Conversely, if we ask empowering questions, we open ourselves up to new opportunities and growth. For example, someone who grew up with learning difficulties might ask themselves why they're not good enough, reinforcing their limitations. But by asking different questions, they can reframe their mindset and unlock their full potential. This is the message of the speaker's book. Additionally, the speaker shares their experience of learning Spanish with Babel, a language learning app that uses expert-designed lessons and native speaker voices to help users improve their pronunciation and build confidence. By focusing on the question of how to make learning Spanish more enjoyable and effective, the speaker has made significant progress towards their goal. Overall, the takeaway is that the power of questioning can help us overcome limitations and unlock new possibilities in our lives.

    • Maximize the power of knowledgeAsk why and how to use knowledge for meaningful results, use note-taking for retention and application, and focus on action to bring knowledge to life.

      Staying prepared and present in the moment can make everyday experiences more magical. As Will Smith demonstrated, even during long waits on set, he found ways to make things more enjoyable for himself and those around him. To maximize the power of knowledge, it's essential to ask yourself how you can use it and why you must use it. By focusing on these questions, you'll be more likely to retain the information and apply it to your life for meaningful results. Note-taking is a powerful tool for retaining information, but it's equally important to use the right side of the page for creative thinking and application. Remember, knowledge alone is potential power, but it's the action we take that brings it to life.

    • Asking 'how, why, and when' questions for deeper understandingExploring emotional drivers and sustainable motivation through questioning can transform knowledge into power, while addressing physical challenges can optimize performance.

      Understanding the emotional drivers behind our actions and utilizing sustainable motivation through questioning (how, why, and when) can lead to turning knowledge into power. The speaker, who struggled with learning and public speaking in the past, emphasizes the importance of asking these questions to gain a deeper understanding and make the information more impactful. Additionally, they shared their personal experience with sleep apnea, which affected their ability to learn and speak effectively, highlighting the significance of addressing physical challenges to optimize performance.

    • Finding gifts in challenges leads to growthAsking empowering questions and learning from challenges can lead to personal growth and success.

      Constantly asking questions about how to improve and finding the gifts in challenges can lead to personal growth and success. The speaker shares how they have applied this mindset to various aspects of their life, from learning new skills to dealing with personal challenges. They also emphasize the importance of empowering questions, such as "how can I make this more enjoyable?" or "how can I simplify this?" as opposed to limiting ones. The speaker's experiences and values were shaped by their difficult upbringing, which instilled in them a strong emphasis on family, love, and growth. Through adversity, they have learned that building resilience and prioritizing what's important can lead to strength and advantage.

    • The Impact of Childhood Values on SuccessParents' values of hard work, kindness, and discipline instilled in the speaker shaped their character and success, inspiring them to persevere through challenges and prioritize quality.

      The values of hard work, kindness, and discipline instilled in the speaker by their parents during their childhood played a significant role in shaping their character and success. Despite facing challenges in their personal life, such as a parent's struggle with Alzheimer's disease and feeling like an outsider, the speaker found solace and inspiration in comic books and the idea of having superpowers. Their parents' emphasis on doing things right, even when no one else could see, instilled in them a strong work ethic and the belief that quality matters. The speaker's mother's kindness and love for her family also had a profound impact on the speaker, reinforcing the importance of family and connection. The speaker encourages reflecting on the questions we ask ourselves regularly as a means of personal growth and productivity.

    • Choices Shape Our DestinyEmbrace learning, prioritize joyful activities, protect time, focus on what matters, and say 'no' to distractions to make the right choices.

      Our choices shape our lives significantly. Extroverts and introverts have different ways of recharging, and it's essential to prioritize activities that bring us joy and energy. The speaker emphasizes the importance of learning, choice, and upgrading mindset to meet our goals. Sleep is crucial for making the right choices, and protecting time is essential when energy levels are low. The speaker encourages focusing on things that matter and saying "no" to distractions. Elderly wisdom teaches us that life is about choices, and every decision can alter our destiny.

    • Embrace Personal Growth and Live Fulfilling LivesFocus on personal growth, live a fulfilling life, and learn from patterns to avoid regret.

      Our lives and the opinions of others should not limit us. Genius, according to the speaker, is not determined by IQ or age, but by the ability to recognize patterns and learn from them. Regret is a common theme among seniors, with many expressing regret over limiting their lives due to societal expectations. The speaker encourages focusing on personal growth and living a fulfilling life, rather than worrying about what others think. Additionally, the speaker draws inspiration from figures like Jim Carrey, who encourages embracing one's uniqueness and giving others permission to be themselves. The ultimate goal is to live a life free from regret when taking your final breaths. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of continuous learning and encourages taking risks, like a child learning to walk, rather than giving up after the first try.

    • Embrace continuous learning and personal growthTry new things, set boundaries, invest in skills and habits, and become competent and resilient

      Continuous learning and personal growth are essential for a fulfilling life. Novelty and nutrition are key to building and strengthening both mental and physical muscles. Try new things at least three times to overcome fear and become competent, and remember that self-care includes setting boundaries and saying yes to what aligns with your values and goals. Habits and skills help us make better choices and become more resilient to life's challenges. Learning the right way and immersing ourselves in new experiences are effective methods for acquiring new skills. By investing in ourselves, we become limitless and better equipped to navigate life's ups and downs.

    • Unlocking Full Potential through Skills and LearningThe Limitless Model suggests that effective learning involves understanding motivation, addressing limiting beliefs, and mastering the method for a new skill

      Developing skills, whether it's salsa dancing or public speaking, gives us confidence and self-belief. The more competent and skilled we become, the more confident we feel, creating a confidence loop. Learning a new skill can be challenging and uncomfortable, but understanding the process of learning itself, known as meta learning, can help us master it. The Limitless Model suggests that method is only one of the three parts to learning something new. To effectively learn, we must also understand our motivation and address any limiting beliefs that may be holding us back. By focusing on these three aspects, we can unlock our full potential and continue to develop new skills throughout our lives.

    • Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs and Lack of MotivationTo progress in life, work on your mindset (beliefs and attitudes) and motivation (drive and purpose) using techniques for changing negative beliefs and a three-step formula for sustainable motivation.

      Limiting beliefs and lack of motivation keep us stuck in a box, preventing us from progressing in various areas of our lives. To break free, we need to work on our mindset and motivation, which the speaker refers to as the 3Ms. Our mindset includes our beliefs and attitudes, while motivation is our drive and purpose. The speaker suggests techniques for changing negative beliefs and offers a three-step formula for sustainable motivation. By focusing on these two areas, we can liberate ourselves from the mental and emotional barriers that hold us back.

    • Finding motivation through purpose and energyHaving a clear sense of purpose and sufficient energy are key to staying motivated, even if you don't enjoy the task. Break it down into manageable steps and optimize sleep and nutrition for increased energy.

      Motivation doesn't necessarily mean enjoying an activity, but rather having a clear sense of purpose and the necessary energy to carry it out. Even if you don't enjoy working out or doing a task, having a reason to do it can be a powerful motivator. However, energy levels are also crucial, and making the task too big or confusing in your mind can hinder motivation. To overcome this, break down the task into small, simple steps and focus on taking the smallest action possible to get started. Additionally, optimizing your sleep and brain food intake can significantly impact your energy levels and overall motivation.

    • Start small with tiny habitsBreak down larger goals into manageable tasks, build momentum, and overcome procrastination by focusing on small, simple steps

      Developing sustainable habits, like reading every day, starts with taking small, simple steps that require minimal effort and energy. This concept, known as the "tiny habits" approach, is based on the idea that motivation is energy management. By breaking down larger goals into manageable tasks, we can overcome the inertia of procrastination and build momentum towards achieving our objectives. Additionally, the mind is more likely to complete tasks that keep open loops, so starting and finishing a task, even if it's just one sentence or one tooth flossed, can help build momentum towards larger goals. This three-step formula of mindset, purpose, energy, and small simple steps is a powerful tool for creating lasting change in our lives.

    • Improve reading speed by acknowledging sub-vocalization and using a visual pacerAcknowledge inner voice while reading and use a visual pacer to maintain focus and increase reading speed without compromising comprehension

      The human brain learns more effectively when we create, not just consume information. A common learning barrier is sub-vocalization, the inner voice we use when reading, which limits our reading speed to our speaking speed. To improve reading speed, acknowledge the presence of sub-vocalization and try using a visual pacer, like a finger, to help maintain focus and prevent regression. This technique can lead to a significant increase in reading speed without losing comprehension. Additionally, our reading habits, such as rereading words or fearing public speaking, can be limiting and should be challenged to unlock our full potential.

    • Overcoming fear of public speaking and digital distractionsTo grow personally and professionally, we must overcome fear of public speaking and manage digital distractions. Simple habits like reading regularly, prioritizing tasks, and avoiding distractions first thing in the morning can help combat information overwhelm and increase focus.

      Our fear of public speaking and overwhelming information, coupled with constant digital distractions, hinder our personal and professional growth. The author of the book shares her personal experience of overcoming her fear of public speaking and the importance of self-help versus shelf help. She introduces the concept of "digital deluge," which refers to the information overwhelm caused by technology, leading to decreased productivity and increased stress. Additionally, she discusses "digital distraction," where constant notifications and interruptions train our brains to be easily distracted and reactive, rather than focused and present. To combat these challenges, the author suggests simple habits like reading regularly, avoiding distractions first thing in the morning, and prioritizing important tasks over reactive ones.

    • The Negative Impact of Technology on Memory and Critical ThinkingExcessive technology use can lead to 'digital dementia', negatively impacting memory and critical thinking skills. Focus on mental fitness and memory training to enhance cognitive abilities and lead productive, engaged lives.

      Our excessive reliance on technology can negatively impact various aspects of our lives, including memory and critical thinking skills. This phenomenon is referred to as "digital dementia." Instead of being passive recipients of information, we should strive to be proactive and remember important details ourselves. This not only helps us avoid the embarrassment of forgetting but also builds trust and credibility with others. Moreover, mental fitness is crucial to maintain our cognitive abilities and overall well-being. The book "Digital Minimalism" offers practical tips and techniques to overcome four digital "super villains" - digital daydreaming, digital distraction, digital dementia, and digital deduction - and improve our relationship with technology. By focusing on mental fitness and memory training, we can enhance our mental abilities and lead more productive, engaged lives.

    • Unlocking exceptional life and learning fasterAdopt the right mindset, stay motivated, and use effective methods to achieve mental limitlessness as outlined in Jim Quick's book 'Limitless' with bonus resources.

      To unlock your exceptional life and learn anything faster, you need the right mindset, sustainable motivation, and effective methods. Jim Quick's book, "Limitless," provides a comprehensive approach to achieving this through inspiration, ideation, implementation, and integration. The book comes with bonus resources, including a 10-day video series, to help you get started on your journey towards mental limitlessness. Remember, everyone needs encouragement and support, so be that person for someone else, and share your big "aha" moment by tagging Lewis and the speaker on social media.

    • The power of teaching and learningEffective learning involves teaching others, visualization, creating associations, and practicing responsibility.

      Learning a new language or mastering a skill is more effective when you teach it to someone else. This concept, known as the "Feynman Technique," was illustrated through the speaker's experience of teaching Spanish to his girlfriend while learning English from her. Visualization and creating associations through stories and music were also emphasized as powerful learning tools. The speaker shared a Chinese proverb, "What I hear, I forget; what I see, I remember; what I do, I understand," highlighting the importance of seeing and doing in the learning process. Additionally, the speaker emphasized the importance of responsibility, stating that with great power comes great responsibility, and vice versa. These insights, based on the speaker's extensive knowledge and experiences, provide valuable guidance for anyone seeking to learn a new skill or language.

    • Embrace mistakes for personal growthMaking mistakes is natural, own up to them, learn, apologize if necessary, ask meaningful questions, and commit to continuous learning and growth.

      Taking responsibility for your actions and learning from your mistakes are key to personal growth. According to the speaker, making mistakes is a natural part of life and not something to be feared. Instead, owning up to them, apologizing if necessary, and learning from them can help us improve ourselves and avoid repeating the same mistakes. The speaker also emphasized the importance of lifelong learning and the power of asking meaningful questions. He shared that some of the most impactful questions he's received were those that came from a place of love and curiosity, and that these questions helped him open up and share parts of himself that he hadn't before. Ultimately, the speaker encouraged listeners to embrace their mistakes, learn from them, and commit to continuous learning and growth.

    • Essential Components of GreatnessPersonal growth, giving, grit, and gratitude are essential for reaching our full potential and turning struggles into strengths

      Personal growth, giving, grit, and gratitude are essential components of greatness. Growth allows us to have more to give, while grit helps us persevere through difficult times, turning our struggles into strengths. Gratitude, on the other hand, rewires our brains for positivity, peace of mind, and performance. By focusing on what we're grateful for, we can feel wealthy and inspired, even in challenging times. Ultimately, greatness begins from within, and we all have the potential to let it out. Remember, you have greatness inside of you, and now is the time to let it shine. Expressing gratitude for what we have can help us feel wealthy and inspired, even during difficult times. Personal growth, giving, grit, and gratitude are all essential components of greatness. By focusing on these areas, we can turn our struggles into strengths and feel inspired to reach our full potential.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    • The biggest mistakes to avoid in relationships.
    • How accountability can transform your connections.
    • Keys to finding true love and expressing emotions healthily.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1622

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    Full episodes featured today:

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    Check out Zoe’s podcast: https://link.chtbl.com/Dr_Will_B_x_Lewis

    Sign up for Zoe:  https://zoe.com/willb

    See Zoe’s METHOD Randomized Control Trial results: https://zoe.com/our-science

    In this episode you will learn

    • How your gut health impacts your brain and mental health.
    • The top 5 foods to add to your diet to heal your microbiome.
    • What your poop reveals about your health.
    • How facing emotional wounds and trauma is key to healing your body.
    • The power of breathing exercises in improving gut health.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1621

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Glucose Goddess – https://link.chtbl.com/1575-pod

    Dr. Michael Greger – https://link.chtbl.com/1583-pod

    Micheal Pollan – https://link.chtbl.com/1424-pod

    The Business Expert: The 3 Worst Financial Habits That Keep You Poor! w/ Dean Graziosi

    The Business Expert: The 3 Worst Financial Habits That Keep You Poor! w/ Dean Graziosi

    Today, Lewis is joined by the extraordinary Dean Graziosi, a renowned entrepreneur, best-selling author, and transformative speaker. Dean, known for his book Millionaire Success Habits and his work alongside icons like Tony Robbins, shares his strategies for bridging the gap between current realities and aspirational goals using courage and precise tools. He explains how to turn disadvantages into superpowers, revealing the mindset shifts and non-negotiable habits that can help anyone dramatically enhance their personal and professional life.

    Sign up for Dean's life-changing event!

    In this episode you will learn

    • How to go from being broke to a millionaire, breaking down the first three crucial steps to shift from scarcity to abundance.
    • The three non-negotiable habits of millionaires and the mindset issues that prevent people from making money easily.
    • The importance of "money therapy" and how understanding past money traumas can lead to greater financial freedom.
    • How successful people live by a unique set of rules and habits that avoid mediocrity, and how these can be applied to your own life.
    • The pivotal role of the stories we tell ourselves, and how shifting these narratives can help uncover one's true purpose.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1620

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    More SOG episodes we think you’ll love:

    Tony Robbins – https://link.chtbl.com/1218-pod

    Bill Perkins – https://link.chtbl.com/1530-pod

    Matthew McConaughey – https://link.chtbl.com/1422-pod

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    Skill (Talent) Stacking: When The Whole Is Greater Than The Sum Of The Parts

    Want to listen to more episodes? Visit https://www.monologuesbyhasi.com/ or subscribe on your favourite podcast app.

    To get in touch and leave me your 2c or ideas you'd like me to discuss in a future episode email me at hasi@monologuesbyhasi.com or reach me on twitter @realHasinthaA.

    My intro and outro music are courtesy of Max Maikon and the Youtube Audio Library. Full credits are as follows:

    Track: Equilibrium — Max Maikon [Audio Library Release]

    Music provided by Audio Library Plus


    Free Download / Stream:https://alplus.io/equilibrium

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    I've Abstained From Drinking Alcohol For The Past 3 Years: Here's What I Learnt

    Want to listen to more episodes? Visit https://www.monologuesbyhasi.com/ or subscribe on your favourite podcast app.

    To get in touch and leave me your 2c or ideas you'd like me to discuss in a future episode email me at hasi@monologuesbyhasi.com or reach me on twitter @realHasinthaA.

    My intro and outro music are courtesy of Max Maikon and the Youtube Audio Library. Full credits are as follows:

    Track: Equilibrium — Max Maikon [Audio Library Release]

    Music provided by Audio Library Plus


    Free Download / Stream:https://alplus.io/equilibrium

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    (New season) Season 2: Episode 110

    Welcome to the new Season of my newly rebranded podcast, Your Purposeful Life. On this episode I will answer listener questions, talk about the changes, updates and new guests that are coming on for this new season and growing YPL community,  that will help you shape your purpose, your way!

    Mission: Helping you shape your purpose, your way!

    Show Notes on this epiosde:

    •  Why did I decide to rebrand this podcast
    • The mission and purpose of this new energy and direction
    • What caused the delay in releasing the new season 
    • Why did I keep the previous episodes up
    • Is this still an entrepreneur/business podcast
    • What new guests to expect 
    • What is happening with the YPL community

    Guest coming out for next week teaser: She is a laughter/ wellness specialist, worm advocate and Tedx speaker. 

    Support the show

    Support our YPL podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/257393/supporters/new

    Website: Your Purposeful Life

    Social Media
    Adrian Starks - YouTube
    Adrian Starks | Facebook
    Adrian Starks (@_adrianstarks)
    Adrian Starks | LinkedIn

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    SDH 430: The 5 Most Important Things I Learned This Year with Amanda Boleyn

    SDH 430: The 5 Most Important Things I Learned This Year with Amanda Boleyn

    Hey there, welcome back to the podcast. I don’t know about you but I am loving this month so far. Mike and I got back from Charleston the Saturday after Thanksgiving and have been soaking up the holiday vibes in Chicago, including the chilly weather ever since. It has been such a treat to wake up in the morning when it is dark out and sit by the Christmas tree to read and journal. And because it is December that means January is right around the corner. I love January, not because it is my birthday month (shout out to all the Capricorns) but because it symbolizes the start of something new. It can be so fun to set new goals and start fresh, which I’ll be diving into on the podcast next month, it is equally important to reflect as well as set new goals. 

    Part of my ritual every year is to reflect on the 5 most important things I have learned from the previous year. They are typically themes or lessons that have been inspired by specific experiences. 

    I know it can be tempting to want to rush into setting new goals, trust me I’ve been there. But it is important to take in the lessons learned in order to become aware of them so that you don’t repeat them. 

    Lesson #1: Letting Go of Needing to Plan so Far in Advance

    When I first started She Did It Her Way, and in the first two years of it being a business, I was so focused on planning everything for the entire year. At the beginning of this year I realized I was doing it from a place of wanting control. As I’ve grown as a business owner what I’ve found, especially this year, is that it is extremely helpful is to set goals and vision for the year but really focus from a detail standpoint on the quarter that is ahead, rather than trying to get into the details for the entire year. 

    Know your metrics for the year and then focus on how you can achieve those for the quarter. I’m going to be diving into this next month on the podcast.

    The downside of trying to plan everything in detail from the start of the year is…

    Things shift and change. If you spend so much time planning the whole year right at the start of it, things will most likely shift and change, and all that time you spent planning, has now become and inefficient use of your time. 

    No room for magic. If we decide that “This is how it must be,” there may be no room for magic to come through. 

    When planning for the next year it is important to know the following:

    Your ONE goal for the year broken down into quarter (typically financial)

    The person who you need to be and operate from in order to achieve that one goal

    The daily habits and behaviors that will impact that goal

    By knowing your quarterly goal, you then can plan accordingly. Often times what happens when trying to plan the entire year is overwhelm sets in. Bringing the timeline closer makes it easier for you to know what you need to do and what goals to achieve.


    Lesson #2: Saying “No” is a Good Thing

    This year I really exercised my right to use the word, “No,” or “No thank you,” rather. And if you’re new to the podcast for so much of my life I was a “Yes” person because I never wanted to miss out, let people down, I wanted to be all the things to all people and everywhere. 

    Learning to practice saying the word, “No,” is a skill. At the end of 2019 and beginning of 2020 I found myself over leveraged and trying to balance all the commitments that I had said ‘yes’ to. 

    I realized that it was difficult for me to focus on the things that matter because I was saying YES to everything. 

    Every time we say YES to one thing, we’re indirectly saying NO to another thing. 

    It is important to know ahead of time what we want to say YES to so we’re prepared to say NO to the other thing. There will always be opportunities to say YES to something but it is important to say YES to the things that matter to you. Not just in business but also in personal life. 

    I honored my desire to not overcommit or fill my schedule with all the things. I turned down 90% of invites to participate in a digital online summits. I turned down podcast interviews. I turned down affiliate opportunities. I turned down sponsorship opportunities. This year it became more clear the difference between what is stuff and noise vs what has a direct impact on the business and moving the needle forward.

    Saying “No” is also about protecting your time and energy. Keep the main thing, the main thing. 

    Lesson #3: Tune Out to Tune In

    Continuing with saying, “No” it also allows you space to tune out so you can tune in. There is so much noise from podcasts, content, videos, social media, courses that we can consume. When we over consume we run the risk of being overwhelmed and that is when our brain spins our because it isn’t sure what to think and then we start operating form a place of reaction rather than an intentional action. You no longer think for yourself because all the inputs are from other people.

    Finding time this year to disconnect and create a quieter space was super helpful to get clear on what mattered most to me in my business and personal life, rather than thinking I needed to be doing something because someone else was doing said thing. I put limits on how much screen time I was allotting for myself (including Instagram). I condensed work days from 8 hours to 6 hours on average. This constraint helped me stay focused and made it so that I didn’t have time to consume other content.

    I encourage to take time off of social media and consuming because it gives you space to pause and think rather than rushing from one thing to the next. It is a great exercise to gain perspective and helps keep the main thing the main thing.

    Lesson #4: Do It Your Way

    Continuing from saying, “No” and “tuning out to tune in,” stay focused on what feels good and right for you rather than thinking you need to do something because someone else is doing it and you think you should be doing it. Doing it your way requires you to go inward and listen to your intuition and practice that muscle.

    What does doing it your way mean? It means that regardless of how you’re supposed to do something you tune into yourself, you stay in your lane because by doing what feels good and inspiring to you will lead to greater abundance than trying to follow a templated approach from someone else. And sometimes you need to follow someone else’s approach to learn what does doing it your way look like? But when you get swopped up in it all.

    It is hard to see the forrest from the trees because you’re in it.

    It is like trying to reach the label of a bottle when you’re inside of it. You can’t. This year I learned that I can, will and have acquired more abundance not just financially but health, relationships and more by doing it my way than someone else’s way. Always check in with yourself every step of the way and listen. If something feels off, it is probably off. Go with what lights you up. Follow that.

    Lesson #5: My Business Will Only Grow to the Extent I Grow

    There is something called the “law of the lid” and that is that as a leader in an organization, your team can only rise up to the level in which you are at. So if on a scale of 1-10 you are operating at a 7, your team will not rise above the lid. This goes for personal growth. Deeply, truly recognizing that my business will only grow to the extent I grow.

    The way to achieve a half a million dollar business, or 7 figures, is to continue growing who I am. This year I learned what happens when you truly invest in yourself so that you can expand and operate from the place you need to in order to become the person you need to be to achieve your goals. I used to think that meant doing all the things and it was actually the opposite. It meant become an even better keeper of my time, focus, yes’s and continuing to take massive action. 

    I’m excited over the next handful of podcast episodes to take you through my planning process from reflecting on the past year, identifying goals and who you need to be in order to achieve those goals. 

    I’m so excited for you and the next year ahead. 

    I’ll talk to you next week.  Until then, keep doing it your way!



    • “Know your metrics for the year and then focus on how you can achieve those for the quarter.“
    • “It is important to know ahead of time what we want to say YES to so we’re prepared to say NO to the other thing.”
    • Saying “No” is also about protecting your time and energy. Keep the main thing, the main thing.”
    • “Finding time this year to disconnect and create a quieter space was super helpful to get clear on what mattered most to me in my business and personal life rather than thinking I needed to be doing something because someone else was doing said thing.”
    • “Stay in your lane because by doing what feels good and inspiring to you will lead to greater abundance than trying to follow a templated approach from someone else.”
    • “invest in yourself so that you can expand and operate from the place you need to in order to become the person you need to be to achieve your goals.”