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    Unlocking the Secrets to Longevity: Sharing Insights into My Daily Diet, Fitness, and Lifestyle Routines

    enApril 19, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Exercise is crucial for optimal health and reducing chronic disease riskExercise regulates physiological functions, enhances energy and muscle function, and reduces risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and dementia. A morning routine including hydration, meditation, and workout is essential for longevity and overall well-being.

      Exercise is like the most powerful drug on the planet for maintaining optimal health and reducing the risk of chronic diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and dementia. Dr. Mark, a guest on The Doctors' Pharmacy, emphasized its importance in regulating physiological functions and enhancing energy levels and muscle function, even as we age. He also shared his personal experience of using a supplement called MightyNourish to boost cellular energy and muscle strength, backed by over 15 years of scientific research. Dr. Mark, who feels healthier than ever in his sixties, also highlighted the importance of a morning routine, including hydration, meditation, and a workout, for longevity and overall well-being.

    • The Power of Exercise: A Key to Optimal Health and LongevityExercise, especially with resistance bands, is vital for optimal health and longevity. It regulates physiological functions, lowers disease risk, and boosts mental health. Incorporate cardio, strength training, flexibility, and stretching for overall fitness. Drink a healthy aging shake post-workout for added benefits.

      Regular exercise using a combination of cardio, strength training, flexibility, and stability is essential for optimal health and longevity. The most powerful drug other than food, exercise regulates various physiological functions, lowers the risk of chronic diseases, and improves mental health. Resistance bands are a versatile tool for strength training that can be used anywhere, making it easy to incorporate into any routine. Muscle is crucial for longevity, and without it, metabolism slows down, inflammation increases, and hormonal imbalances occur. Exercises like cardio, biking, hiking, and yoga, along with stretching daily, contribute to overall fitness. A healthy aging shake after workouts, which supports muscle protein synthesis and mitochondrial health, further enhances the benefits of regular exercise.

    • Supporting healthy aging through mitochondria and gut healthStart the day with protein and healthy fats, use regenerative goat whey protein, and incorporate postbiotics to boost mitochondria production and maintain insulin sensitivity, promoting healthy aging and longevity.

      Maintaining healthy mitochondria and a healthy gut microbiome are essential for healthy aging. The speaker emphasizes the importance of starting the day with protein and healthy fats instead of sugar to support muscle protein synthesis and maintain insulin sensitivity. She also suggests using regenerative raised goat whey protein for its high bioavailability and ability to boost glutathione levels. Additionally, incorporating postbiotics, such as mitochondria, can help induce mitophagy and increase new mitochondria production, leading to improved fitness and reduced inflammation. Overall, these practices can support healthy aging and longevity.

    • Kickstart Your Day with a Healthy Morning RoutineStart your day with a nutrient-dense breakfast, workout, and supplements for optimal brain function, energy, immunity, and stress resilience. Follow a Pegan diet for the rest of the day, focusing on nutrient-dense, plant-rich foods.

      Starting the day with a healthy morning routine, including a nutrient-dense breakfast, a workout, and taking supplements, sets the foundation for overall health and success. The breakfast routine includes MCT oil for brain function and energy, adaptogenic mushroom powder for energy, immunity, and stress resilience, unsweetened macadamia milk, frozen berries, and a protein shake. The morning routine may vary in length depending on time constraints but the non-negotiables include a workout, protein for breakfast, and taking supplements. The rest of the day, the individual follows a Pegan diet, focusing on nutrient density, quality, and variety of plant-rich foods, with a focus on low glycemic, high fiber, and phytochemical-rich foods. This routine builds habits and practices that contribute to long-term health and wellbeing.

    • Eating a Nutrient-Dense Diet for Optimal AgingConsume a variety of colorful, nutrient-dense foods, focus on low glycemic fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and adequate protein. Prioritize high-quality protein sources for muscle repair and functionality.

      Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial for optimal health and functionality as we age. This involves consuming a variety of colorful, nutrient-dense foods, focusing on low glycemic fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, and adequate protein. The body has the ability to repair and heal with the right nutrients. Additionally, it's important to prioritize high-quality protein, such as regenerative raised meats, pasture-raised eggs, and wild-caught fish, to build muscle and overcome anabolic resistance. The goal is not just to look good but to maintain functionality and independence as we age. The Protege study, which gathered experts on protein, supports these recommendations.

    • Eating whole, nutrient-dense foods is key, but supplements can help fill gapsFocus on whole foods, consider supplements from transparent companies, avoid heavily processed plant-based foods and refined oils, and build meals around protein and veggies.

      Focusing on whole, nutrient-dense foods, particularly regionally raised meats and fish, is essential for optimal health. However, supplements can help bridge nutritional gaps. Look for high-quality, bioavailable supplements from transparent companies like Symbiotica. Minimally processed plant proteins, such as tofu, edamame, and lentils, are fine, but avoid heavily processed plant-based and fake meats. Stay away from refined oils, grains, starch, and sugar to prevent insulin resistance. A healthy daily diet could include a protein shake, a big salad with veggies, good fats, and a source of protein like wild-caught fish or pasture-raised meat, and dinner with grass-fed or pasture-raised meat or low-mercury fish, along with some healthy carbs if needed.

    • Activating Longevity Switches through Diet and Daily PracticesEat a vegetable-heavy diet, minimize starch and sugar, except for sweet potatoes, cook efficiently, save protein sources for sides, stop eating three hours before bed, and practice daily hormesis like exercise, saunas, and cold plunges for optimal health and longevity.

      Maintaining a healthy diet and activating longevity switches through practices like hormesis are essential for optimal health and longevity. The speaker emphasizes the importance of a vegetable-heavy diet with minimal starch and sugar, except for sweet potatoes. She suggests cooking quickly and efficiently, and saving protein sources like fish and chicken for sides. The timing of meals is also crucial, with a recommendation to stop eating three hours before bed. To activate longevity switches, the speaker advocates for daily practices of hormesis, such as exercise, saunas, and cold plunges. These practices help our bodies adapt to stresses and conserve biology, ultimately leading to better health and longevity.

    • Embrace Hermetic Practices for a Healthier LifeLimiting eating window, consuming phytochemical-rich foods, using hot and cold therapy, and exploring red light and ozone therapy can significantly enhance overall health and longevity.

      Incorporating hermetic practices into your daily routine can significantly improve your overall health and longevity. These practices include time-restricted eating, consuming phytochemical-rich plant foods, utilizing hot and cold therapy, and exploring alternative therapies like red light and ozone therapy. Time-restricted eating involves limiting your eating window to 12-16 hours a day, activating various health benefits. Phytochemicals in plant foods act as the plants' defense systems, providing numerous health benefits when consumed. Hot and cold therapy, such as saunas and cold plunges, promote heart health, activate the immune system, and improve overall well-being. Red light therapy, with just 10 minutes a day, stimulates energy production, reduces inflammation, and enhances cognitive function. Lastly, ozone therapy, a powerful hermetic therapy, boosts antioxidant reserves, is anti-inflammatory, and aids in stem cell and mitochondrial function. Embrace these practices for a healthier, more resilient body.

    • Focus on antioxidants, diet, stress management, and sleep for optimal anti-aging defenseAntioxidants, a healthy diet, stress management, and optimized sleep are crucial for effective anti-aging. Utilize safe methods like antioxidants and consider advanced therapies under medical supervision. Manage stress through relaxation techniques and ensure quality sleep each night.

      There are several key areas to focus on for optimal anti-aging defense mechanisms. Regular use of safe and cost-effective methods, such as antioxidants and a healthy diet, can help. A more advanced therapy, like hyperbaric oxygen therapy, has shown promising results in killing "zombie cells" and increasing telomere length, but should be used under medical supervision. Stress management is crucial as it negatively impacts various core biological systems, leading to inflammation, DNA damage, and hormonal imbalances. Practicing active relaxation techniques, such as meditation, breath work, and massage, can help mitigate the effects of stress. Lastly, optimizing sleep is essential for overall health, as it allows the body to clean up metabolic waste, regulate hormones, and maintain a healthy circadian rhythm. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night and create a sleep-conducive environment by minimizing distractions and maintaining a consistent schedule.

    • Enhancing Sleep Quality and Nutrient Intake for Optimal HealthImprove sleep by using blue light blocking glasses, avoiding alcohol and caffeine before bed, and practicing relaxation techniques. Enhance health through a basic supplement routine of multivitamin, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and probiotics.

      Prioritizing good sleep hygiene and supplementing nutrients are essential for optimal health. The use of blue light blocking glasses, avoiding alcohol and caffeine before bed, and practicing relaxation techniques can enhance sleep quality. Nutrients play a crucial role in the body's biochemical processes, and due to the decline in nutrient density in our diets, supplementation is necessary for most people. Testing biomarkers, such as vitamin D, magnesium, and omega-3 levels, can help determine individual nutrient needs. A basic supplement routine includes a multivitamin, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, and probiotics. These foundational supplements support overall health and well-being.

    • The speaker discusses his personal longevity stackConsider supplements like NMN, senolytics, corsetin, and extracts for longevity. Track results and adjust as needed. Explore emerging therapies like peptide therapy, exosomes, stem cells, and natural killer cell therapy.

      The speaker shares his personal longevity stack of supplements and therapies, which includes NMN for NAD production, senolytic products with ficetin, curcumin, and green tea, corsetin for anti-inflammation, and various extracts for detoxification and cancer prevention. He also mentions the use of mitochondria packets and creatine. The speaker emphasizes the importance of tracking results and adjusting as needed. He also mentions some emerging therapies, such as peptide therapy, exosomes and stem cells, and natural killer cell therapy, as well as plasma exchange or plasma freezing as promising but not yet widely accessible options. Overall, the speaker's message is that there are various approaches to promoting longevity and health, some of which are more established and widely available, while others are on the cutting edge and may require further research and investment.

    • Live a healthier life with proper nutrition, exercise, sleep, and stress managementImprove health and longevity by focusing on the basics: proper nutrition, regular exercise, good sleep, and stress management. Personalize your routine based on unique biology and needs.

      Taking care of your body through healthy habits like proper nutrition, regular exercise, good sleep, and managing stress, can significantly improve your health and longevity. You don't need to do everything at once, focusing on the basics will get you most of the benefits. The field of longevity is exciting as it not only promises longer life but also helps us understand the basic mechanisms of disease and how to address them for optimal health. It's important to personalize your routine based on your unique biology and needs. By prioritizing your health, you'll have more energy, better relationships, and the ability to do the work you love. Remember, it's not about being perfect, but rather making healthier choices most of the time. Stay tuned for updates on my own health journey and what I learn along the way. Sign up for my free newsletter at drhyman.com/marks-picks for my recommendations on books, podcasts, supplements, and more.

    • Find a qualified healthcare practitioner for your health journeyLocate a functional medicine practitioner through the IFM database or visit the Ultra Wellness Center in Massachusetts for expert guidance on your health journey.

      When it comes to your health journey, having a qualified medical practitioner by your side can make all the difference. If you're in need of such a professional, consider visiting the Ultra Wellness Center in Lennox, Massachusetts, as mentioned in the podcast. Alternatively, you can use the Institute for Functional Medicine's (IFM) find a practitioner database to locate a functional medicine practitioner near you. It's crucial to have a trained and licensed healthcare practitioner to guide you through the process of making necessary changes for better health. The podcast, which aims to bring practical ways of improving health to the public, is kept free thanks to its sponsors. Therefore, expressing gratitude to them is an essential part of the mission.

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    How to Raise Healthy Kids: A Functional Medicine Approach

    How to Raise Healthy Kids: A Functional Medicine Approach
    View Show Notes From This Episode Get Free Weekly Health Tips from Dr. Hyman Sign Up for Dr. Hyman’s Weekly Longevity Journal Every parent wants to raise a healthy kid, but our modern world, industrialized diet, and increased stressors can make that goal feel confusing and difficult. The good news is that we can do so many things during a child’s life, and even before it starts, to give them the best possible chance to truly thrive in body and mind. I’m thrilled to share this in-depth conversation with pediatric Functional Medicine expert, and mom to 2 thriving children, Dr. Elisa Song. In this episode, we discuss: The disappearing act of Bifidobacterium infantis and why it matters  Why preconception support is so important for optimal epigenetic programming  The bloodwork Dr. Song runs when first assessing a child  One nutrient that might dramatically help your sensory-sensitive child A grounded discussion around the controversial topic of vaccines And so much more! No matter how old your kids are, it’s never too late to upgrade their health with holistic approaches. I know you’ll love this episode as much as I did! This episode is brought to you by ButcherBox, Thrive Market, and One Skin. ButcherBox is giving new members two pounds of wild-caught salmon for FREE plus $20 off. Visit ButcherBox.com/Farmacy and use code FARMACY. Head over to ThriveMarket.com/Hyman today to received 30% off your first order and a free gift up to $60. Unlock your healthiest skin yet. Try OneSkin with 15% off your first purchase using code HYMAN15 at OneSkin.co today. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Dr. Maggie Ney – Co-Director of the Women’s Clinic and Licensed Naturopathic Doctor

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    In this engaging episode, Chris Mirabile, the founder and CEO of Novos Labs, shares his inspiring journey through the intricate world of anti-aging and longevity. As the visionary behind the first human longevity company addressing the 12 Mechanisms of Aging, Chris pulls back the curtain on his innovative, patent-pending formulations designed to enhance life's longevity.

    From personal lifestyle decisions to the science of aging, he discusses a myriad of factors that influence our aging process, revealing the surprising truth about the role genetics play. With a strategic focus on the importance of lifestyle choices, he explores critical areas such as nutrition, physical activity, psychology, relationships, and our physical environments.

    By dissecting the modern lifestyle's complexities, Chris provides valuable insights into maintaining our health and longevity in a challenging world. From the power of intermittent fasting and balanced exercise to the role of intelligent supplementation, he gives listeners actionable steps to take control of their health today.

    With a treasure trove of scientific references and practical advice, this episode empowers listeners to pursue a longer, healthier life. Chris also invites listeners to explore the wealth of resources available at Novos Labs, including a longevity quiz, a facial age AI tool, and a comprehensive blog populated with expert articles.

    Dive into this episode to discover how you can actively influence your health and longevity with Chris Mirabile, the pioneering force behind Novos Labs.

    Medications May Be Depleting Your Body of Necessary Vitamins and Minerals

    Medications May Be Depleting Your Body of Necessary Vitamins and Minerals

    An Access to Health Experts interview with special guest Dr. Hyla Cass author of  Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutrition. Hyla Cass is one of the country's foremost authors and speakers on the subject of integrative medicine. In this segment, Hyla explains what the general public has to learn about natural healing to improve health and that finding the underlying issues is more important than prescribing for symptoms. Hyla also talks about how medications can deplete your body of vitamins and minerals necessary for the medications to work correctly.

    Access to Health Experts is not only an interview series, it's also a membership website featuring user forums, special reports, monthly teleseminars, and much more. Visit www.accesstohealthexperts.com for more information.