
    The Longevity Expert: The Truth About Ozempic, The Magic Weight Loss Drug & The Link Between Milk & Cancer!

    enApril 11, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding Milk and Healthier SolutionsFunctional medicine offers a new perspective on health by addressing root causes and promoting healthier habits, such as strength training and avoiding sugar in the morning, to optimize overall health.

      Our current understanding of milk and its consumption is problematic, and there are better solutions for weight loss and overall health. Dr. Mark Hyman, a leading doctor in functional medicine, emphasizes the importance of addressing the root causes of health issues and the need for education to make informed choices. He warns against the potential dangers of addictive and highly processed foods, which contribute to metabolic dysfunction and various health problems. Functional medicine offers a new way of thinking about health, focusing on the body as a system and identifying the underlying causes of diseases. By adopting healthier habits, such as strength training and avoiding sugar in the morning, we can optimize our health and create a better future for ourselves.

    • Understanding Depression's Complex Causes with Functional MedicineFunctional medicine recognizes the complexity of depression's causes and advocates for individualized, multi-modal interventions to address the whole person and their unique biology.

      Depression, like many health conditions, can have multiple underlying causes. These causes can include dietary deficiencies, environmental toxins, lifestyle factors, and chronic conditions like diabetes or insulin resistance. Functional medicine, a holistic approach to healthcare, recognizes the complexity of these causes and advocates for multi-modal interventions. This approach, which considers the whole person and their unique biology, is gaining popularity and is being accelerated by advances in deep phenomic diagnostics. Personal experiences, including the speaker's own struggle with chronic fatigue syndrome, have driven the speaker's interest in functional medicine and its potential to help individuals heal and live healthier lives. The speaker's journey to understand and reverse her own health challenges has led her to become an advocate for this approach and to use it to help her patients. Functional medicine's recognition of the complexity of health conditions and its focus on individualized, multi-modal interventions offers a promising alternative to the traditional disease-centered model of healthcare. This shift in perspective, fueled by advances in technology and a growing recognition of the importance of addressing the root causes of health issues, is transforming the healthcare landscape.

    • Impact of diet and toxins on chronic diseasesIndividuals can improve health through nutrition and gut health, but systemic changes in food industry and addressing environmental toxins are necessary to prevent chronic diseases.

      Our diet and environmental toxins play a significant role in the rise of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases. The speaker, who has seen individual successes in improving health through optimizing nutrition and gut health, is driven by the passion to relieve needless suffering for millions. However, the root causes of these diseases lie upstream, in the food industry and environmental toxins, making it challenging for individuals to stay healthy in a toxic nutritional landscape. The speaker's solution involves both individual and systemic changes, including writing a book and starting a nonprofit to advocate for food policy changes. Despite the challenges, the speaker remains committed to making a difference.

    • Planning and Avoiding Ultra-Processed Foods for Good HealthCooking your own meals and bringing food with you are key to avoiding ultra-processed foods. Our emotional brain can override our logical one when we're hungry, so planning ahead is crucial for making healthy choices. Education also plays a role in overall health.

      Maintaining good health involves careful planning and avoiding ultra-processed foods. The speaker emphasizes the importance of cooking one's own meals and bringing food with you when you're on the go. She also mentions the role of the brain in food choices, explaining that when we're hungry, our emotional brain can override our logical one, leading us to make unhealthy choices. The speaker emphasizes that willpower alone is not enough to control food behavior and that planning ahead is crucial. She also acknowledges the challenge of staying healthy when resources are limited, and suggests that education plays a significant role in overall health.

    • Improving health through education and access to healthy foodEducation and access to healthy food can lead to improved health, academic and professional achievements, despite economic status. Real food is essential for good health and can be affordable.

      Education and access to healthy food are crucial for individuals to make informed choices and improve their health, regardless of economic status. The speaker shares an experience from a documentary they were part of, where they worked with a family living in a food desert with limited healthy options. Through simple cooking lessons and providing them with basic kitchen tools, the family was able to make significant improvements in their health and even go on to achieve academic and professional milestones. The speaker emphasizes that eating real food, not ultra-processed items, is essential for good health and can be affordable. Furthermore, the speaker highlights the impact of food on mental health, as studies show that poor diet can lead to various mental health issues.

    • Milk's Influence on Unhealthy Food ChoicesModern milk from homogenous cows contains A1 casein, which can be harmful, while alternatives like A2 milk or milk from certain breeds may be better. Policymakers should consider science-driven food choices and limit ultra-processed foods for kids on food stamps.

      Our current policies and education system are driving us towards unhealthy food choices, particularly in the case of milk consumption. The dairy industry's influence on government agencies and food programs has led to misinformation about milk's health benefits. Milk from modern cows, which is the norm in the US, comes from homogenous breeds and contains A1 casein, which can be problematic for human health. Alternatives like A2 milk or milk from certain breeds like Jersey or Guernsey cows may be better options. The proposed bill in Congress to limit ultra-processed food for kids on food stamps is a step towards addressing the issue of unhealthy food choices, but faces strong opposition from the food industry. It's crucial to be science-driven in our food choices and to question industry-backed information.

    • Concerns over growth hormones and estrogen in dairy, but some alternatives existGoat milk and A2 milk may be acceptable dairy options for some, while Zejula (semetaglutide) can lead to significant weight loss but comes with high cost and side effects

      The current dairy industry has its issues, with the use of growth hormones and estrogen in milk production being a concern for some. However, certain types of dairy like goat milk or A2 milk may be acceptable for some individuals. On the other hand, the Zejula (semetaglutide) drug, which was initially designed for diabetes, has gained popularity due to its weight loss side effects. It works by targeting the GLP1 pathway and can lead to significant weight loss. However, it comes with downsides such as high cost, short-term side effects, and muscle loss. While it may be effective for some individuals, it's important to consider the long-term implications and potential alternatives like lifestyle changes or other weight loss methods.

    • New drugs for weight loss come with risks and side effectsNew drugs for weight loss offer benefits but come with significant risks like bowel obstruction, pancreatitis, muscle loss, slower metabolism, and require careful monitoring. Addressing obesity's root cause involves wide-scale change, including policy, education, and rethinking food systems.

      While new drugs like Ozempic offer benefits for weight loss, they come with significant risks and side effects, including bowel obstruction and pancreatitis, which can be life-threatening. The drug thickens the bowel wall and affects the metabolic functions of the gut, leading to these complications. The long-term consequences of using such drugs, including muscle loss and slower metabolism, require careful monitoring and management. Furthermore, the root cause of obesity is complex and not an osmotic deficiency. It involves our toxic environment, lifestyle, food system, and lack of exercise, among other factors. Addressing these underlying issues requires wide-scale change, including policy changes, education, and rethinking our agricultural and food processing systems. Despite the significant benefits and advertising, it's crucial to consider the potential risks and side effects and make informed decisions based on individual circumstances.

    • Proper nutrition impacts health, especially for obese individualsUnderstanding our evolutionary history and importance of fasting can support health by activating repair, renewal, and regeneration systems, while careful consideration of fruits and protein intake is essential for obese individuals.

      Proper nutrition plays a crucial role in our health and wellbeing. A severely obese person's health conditions necessitate careful consideration when it comes to diet. Fruits, while rich in nutrients, can impact blood sugar differently for individuals with metabolic issues. Protein and fat in the morning are essential for activating metabolism and protein synthesis. Fasting for a minimum of 12 hours each day is important for activating the body's repair, renewal, and regeneration systems. Our modern diet, high in processed foods, sugar, and starch, can deregulate nutrient sensing and contribute to aging and disease. By understanding our evolutionary history and the importance of giving our bodies a break from constant feeding, we can make informed choices to support our health.

    • Extending Life Through Autophagy and FastingFasting and autophagy promote self-cleaning and repair in the body, potentially extending life. Consider long-term fasting or supplements/medications that affect mTOR and AMPK to mimic this effect.

      Starvation and fasting can extend life by a significant amount, as seen in animal studies. This effect is due to a process called autophagy, or self-cleaning, which helps the body repair and clean itself. To mimic this effect without extreme calorie restriction, consider practicing longer-term overnight fasts or taking certain supplements or medications that inhibit mTOR or activate AMPK. These approaches can help extend life and promote health, but it's important to remember that balance is key, as both M-tor activation and inhibition are necessary for optimal health. Additionally, living in isolated, rural areas, like those found in "blue zones," where people grow their own food and maintain a strong community, can contribute to longer, healthier lives.

    • The Sardinian secret to longevity: Heirloom animals, active lifestyle, low stress, and communityConsuming phytochemical-rich food from heirloom animals, maintaining an active lifestyle, reducing stress, and strengthening community connections contribute to longevity and vitality.

      The secret to longevity and vitality, as observed in the Sardinian community, lies in their consumption of phytochemical-rich food from heirloom animals, active lifestyle, low stress levels, and strong community connections. The goats and sheep in Sardinia graze on wild plants, producing milk and cheese with higher phytochemical content, which benefits both the animals and the consumers. Elderly individuals in this community remain active, hiking and herding animals, and maintain low stress levels through simple tasks and communal living. Additionally, their strong sense of community and belonging contributes to their overall well-being and longevity. The loss of these traditional ways of living and the increase in loneliness and isolation in modern society are major contributors to disease and death, making it essential to reconnect with our communities and prioritize relationships.

    • Combating Loneliness and Isolation with Community and PurposeTechnology poses a risk of increasing loneliness and isolation, but prioritizing community and purpose through initiatives like community health workers, faith-based wellness programs, and small group activities can help mitigate these negative effects and promote overall well-being.

      While technological advancements offer incredible opportunities for convenience and achievement, they also pose a risk of increasing loneliness and isolation. To combat this, it's essential to prioritize building and strengthening human connections and communities. This can be achieved through initiatives like community health workers, faith-based wellness programs, and small group activities. Furthermore, community and purpose are crucial factors in promoting health and longevity. The speaker's experience in Haiti and the success of community-based health programs demonstrate the power of community in addressing health issues. The Daniel Plan, a faith-based wellness program, is an example of a successful community-driven approach to health and wellness. In summary, rethinking how we live and building stronger communities can help mitigate the negative effects of technology and promote overall well-being.

    • Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life for Better HealthTrauma can impact health, but new approaches like psychedelics can help address emotional and psychological roots. Focus on values, meaning, and health to live longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

      Having a sense of meaning and purpose in life can significantly impact our health and longevity. This can be anything that brings us joy, fulfillment, or energy. Lack of purpose may lead to depression, decreased movement, and even physical health issues. Trauma, particularly in childhood, can also have a profound impact on our health and biology. The good news is that there are new approaches, such as psychedelics, that are helping us address the emotional and psychological roots of trauma and improve overall health. By focusing on our values, finding meaning in our lives, and addressing any underlying emotional or physical health issues, we can live longer, healthier, and more fulfilling lives.

    • Exploring the potential of psychedelics in mental health treatmentPsychedelics like magic mushrooms, LSD, peyote, ayahuasca, and Ibogaine show promise in treating mental health issues by changing brain structure and function, with organizations like MAPS leading the research. Ibogaine, from the Iboga tree, specifically helps with addiction by shutting off withdrawal symptoms, though it comes with side effects.

      Psychedelics, such as magic mushrooms, LSD, peyote, ayahuasca, and Ibogaine, are showing promising results in treating mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, trauma responses, and PTSD. These substances work by changing the structure and function of the brain, leading to long-term improvements and even repairing damaged brain connections. Organizations like MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Studies) are leading the research in this field. Ibogaine, a compound from the Iboga tree, has shown particular success in treating addiction by shutting off withdrawal symptoms. However, it does come with significant side effects, including heart-related issues. Despite these challenges, the potential benefits make the psychedelic era an exciting time for mental health treatment. The speaker, who has personal experience with these substances and has invested in related companies, is optimistic about the future of psychedelic-assisted therapy.

    • Healing past traumas for personal growth and healthy relationshipsAddressing past traumas can improve emotional architecture, heal physiological and psychological effects, and lead to healthier relationships through various therapies and support

      Addressing past traumas is crucial for personal growth and healthy relationships. Traumas, whether experienced in childhood or adulthood, can significantly impact one's emotional architecture and relationships. These traumas can manifest in various ways, such as anxiety, avoidance, or difficulty forming attachments. The effects of trauma can be physiological and psychological, affecting one's behavior, emotions, and thoughts. However, with the right tools and support, it is possible to heal and change the programming in the brain. This can involve various therapies, such as talk therapy, medicine journeys, or even MDMA therapy for PTSD. Doing this work earlier in life can prevent years of suffering and make the journey to recovery smoother. So, if you're struggling with relational issues, consider seeking help and starting your healing journey today.

    • Upgrading our biological and emotional selvesScience, technology, and medicine offer ways to enhance our biological and emotional well-being through approved therapies, lifestyle changes, and simple practices like eating real food and eliminating processed foods.

      We have the means to upgrade both our biological and psycho-emotional-spiritual selves through advancements in science, technology, and medicine. This includes the potential approval of psychedelic-assisted therapies for mental health, as well as the ability to reverse chronic disease and lower biological age through lifestyle changes. The speaker encourages us not to be limited by our current perspectives or assumptions about ourselves and our capabilities. Simple yet effective practices, such as eating real food, eliminating ultra-processed foods and sugar, and ensuring a protein-rich morning meal, can significantly impact our biological age and overall well-being. This is an exciting time for personal growth and transformation.

    • The importance of a nutrient-dense diet and regular resistance training for optimal health and longevityEat nutrient-dense foods, especially protein from regenerative sources, and engage in resistance training for muscle health and longevity. A balanced diet and stress management are also crucial.

      Both a nutrient-dense diet, particularly one that includes adequate protein from sources like regeneratively raised meat and fish, and regular resistance training are essential for optimal health and longevity. The Plains Indians, who primarily consumed bison, lived long lives due to the nutrient density of their meat-heavy diet. Protein is necessary for building and repairing muscle, particularly as we age when our bodies become more resistant to building new muscle. Resistance training, such as weightlifting, is also crucial for maintaining muscle mass and preventing muscle loss, which can lead to various health issues. It's important to note that the amount of protein needed depends on individual factors like activity level and size. Additionally, a balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods and limiting processed foods and added sugars is essential for overall health. Finally, stress management through activities like meditation and maintaining strong relationships and community are also vital components of a long and healthy life.

    • Understanding the Impact of Our Exposome on Health and Disease RiskOur exposome, influenced by both current and ancestral experiences, significantly impacts health and disease risk. Epigenetics reveals how trauma and toxins can be inherited, and managing our exposome through lifestyle changes, diet, and supplements can lead to improved health and longevity.

      Our exposome, which includes everything we've been exposed to in our lives, plays a significant role in determining our health and disease risk. This includes not only our current experiences but also those of our ancestors. The exposome influences gene expression and can be reversed through lifestyle changes, diet, and certain supplements. Epigenetics, the study of these changes, has shown that trauma and toxins can be passed down through generations. It's essential to recognize the importance of managing our exposome to improve our health and longevity. By focusing on being human beings and prioritizing activities that bring us joy and fulfillment, we can contribute to a healthier, happier life. Additionally, understanding the interplay between genetics and environmental factors can lead to new treatments and interventions for various diseases.

    • The profound impact of deep connections in natureDeep conversations and experiences in nature can lead to improved mental and physical wellbeing, as seen in the encounter with Carmine and the narrator's personal journey.

      Deep connections and experiences in nature have a profound impact on our mental and physical wellbeing. The story shared highlights the encounter with Carmine, an 86-year-old Sardinian man, who took the time to engage in a deep conversation and share his life experiences. This encounter left a lasting impression, emphasizing the importance of meaningful relationships and connections. The narrator also shares his personal experience of having "nature deficit disorder" and how being in nature significantly improved his heart rate variability and overall wellbeing. Function, a new company mentioned, aims to help individuals access and understand their own biology, empowering them to be the CEO of their health and make informed decisions based on their personalized data.

    • Revolutionizing Personalized Health with Function HealthFunction Health uses evidence-based science, expert opinion, and data analysis to offer comprehensive testing, including less common biomarkers, and AI technology as a co-pilot for health identification, enabling individuals to own their health data and collaborate with healthcare professionals.

      Function Health is revolutionizing personalized health and wellness through evidence-based science, expert opinion, and data analysis. They offer comprehensive testing, including less common biomarkers like lipoprotein fractionation for cholesterol, which reveals hidden health issues in 89% of cases. Their AI technology serves as a co-pilot for your health, identifying nutritional deficiencies, inflammation, autoimmune diseases, and even undetected cancers. This affordable, accessible solution empowers individuals to own their health data, upgrade their biological health, and collaborate with healthcare professionals. With over 30,000 members and 3 million data points, Function Health is transforming the healthcare landscape. Their latest book recommendations include "Young Forever" and "Food Fix." When asked about the most influential figures in his life, the guest mentioned the unsung hero, Jeffrey Bland, a nutritional biochemist who studied under Linus Pauling and established the modern functional medicine field.

    • Impactful Influences: Dr. Mark Hyman and Henry ThoreauDr. Mark Hyman's interdisciplinary understanding of science and personal influence, along with Henry Thoreau's transcendentalist ideas, have shaped the speaker's perspective on health, well-being, and life. Exercise and stress management tools like the Whoop device help prioritize these values.

      Dr. Mark Hyman, a nutritional biochemist and synthesizer of scientific knowledge, has had a profound impact on the speaker's life through his interdisciplinary understanding of science and his personal influence. Another major influence on the speaker was Henry Thoreau, whose transcendentalist ideas and writings shaped the speaker's perspective on nature, philosophy, and life. Hyman's work in nutrition and medicine has saved lives and changed the lives of millions, including the speaker's. In terms of managing stress, the speaker prioritizes health and well-being, with exercise being a key component. The Whoop device, a sponsor of the podcast and an investment of the speaker, also helps manage stress through scientifically backed breathing exercises and real-time stress monitoring.

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    Secret Agent: Send Your Children To A Village! How To Detect A Lie Instantly! The Eye Contact Trick I Learnt From 12 Years As A Secret Service Agent! - Evy Poumpouras

    Secret Agent: Send Your Children To A Village! How To Detect A Lie Instantly! The Eye Contact Trick I Learnt From 12 Years As A Secret Service Agent! - Evy Poumpouras
    She was the last line of defence and ready to die for the most important person on earth, here are the secret skills she’s learned defending 4 U.S. Presidents.  Evy Poumpouras is a former U.S. Secret Service Special Agent and multi-media journalist. She is also the co-host of Bravo TV's series ‘Spy Games’ and author of the best-selling memoir, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’. In this episode, Evy and Steven discuss topics such as, Evy’s close encounter with death on 9/11, how to gain control over anyone, her biggest lessons from working for Obama and Bush, and the best way to tell if someone is lying to you.   00:00 Intro 02:05 My Mission To Unlock People's Potential 05:05 How You Became A Secret Service Officer 10:43 How To Get Someone To Do What You Want Them To 13:10 When You Listen To Someone They Like You More 14:34 You Need To Know About Them And Then You Can Start Asking The Right Questions 18:18 How To Get Others To Respect You 22:59 Is It Your Ego Or Have Your Boundaries Being Broken? 26:49 How To Build Confidence 29:34 The Different Versions Of Ourselves We Create 32:49 What I Learnt About Leadership From Working With 4 US Presidents 35:47 I Was In The Room When US Presidents Would Make Tough Decisions 38:36 My First Day Working For George Bush 41:07 Secret Service Training: Only 1% Make It Through 44:16 The 1% Of People That Became Part Of The Secret Service 46:06 How Can You Tell If Someone Is Lying To You? 48:16 Who's The Biggest Liar You've Met? 50:54 Signs They're Lying To You 52:59 What Your Body Language Reveals About You 01:00:19 Do Men Struggle With Strong Women? 01:01:00 What Advice Would You Give Your Daughter Become A Resilient Person 01:04:37 What Do You Work Out Your Mind And Body 01:07:19 What Was The Scariest Day Of Your Career? 01:12:28 How Was Your Mental Health During Your Career? 01:17:48 Discrimination In The Secret Service 01:19:39 How To Be Heard And Respected 01:25:51 Why You Need To Take Personal Responsibility 01:33:48 The Addiction To Being A Victim 01:35:02 Identifying Victims That Don't Want To Change 01:39:47 Undercover Missions 01:45:24 Discrimination In The Job 01:50:58 Labelling Yourself Can Affect The Way You See Yourself You can purchase Evy’s book, ‘Becoming Bulletproof’, here: https://amzn.to/3RhDtz9  Follow Evy:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/4aN4q4D  Twitter - https://bit.ly/4c4TErD  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo   Sponsors: PerfectTed: bit.ly/PerfectTed-DOAC with an exclusive code DIARY10 for 10% off ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Pregnancy Doctor: Pregnancy Halves Every Year After 32! If You Want 2+ Children, You Need To Know This! If You Experience This Pain, Go See A Doctor!

    The Pregnancy Doctor: Pregnancy Halves Every Year After 32! If You Want 2+ Children, You Need To Know This! If You Experience This Pain, Go See A Doctor!
    Where have all the babies gone? Dr Natalie breaks down everything you need to know about fertility.  Dr Natalie Crawford is a double board-certified fertility doctor. She is also the co-founder of Fora Fertility clinic and Pinnacle Conference, a leadership conference for women in medicine. In this conversation, Dr Natalie and Steven discuss topics such as, how plastic and pollution affect your fertility, the surprising condition that’s affecting 1 in 4 women, the best time to have sex for pregnancy, and the impact of phones and hot baths on sperm count.  00:00 Intro 02:05 You Need To Look After Your Fertility Even Before You Want Children 04:31 We're Struggling More Than Ever To Have Children 07:00 Are We Having Less Sex? 07:47 Sperm Count Is Declining At Scary Risk 10:38 I Had 4 Pregnancy Losses And It's Devastating 13:36 The Stigma Of Infertility 16:15 Infertility Is Not Just A Female Issue, Men Are Affected Too 18:49 Understanding The Basics Of Fertility 22:26 Environmental Factors Affecting Male And Female Fertility 26:32 Are Phones And Laptops Bad For Fertility? 29:40 Heat And Infertility 30:15 What Testosterone Replacement Therapy Does To Your Sperm 31:45 The Egg Vault 35:25 Egg Production And Anomalies 42:41 Regret, Hindsight Of Patients And What You Can Do 47:16 What Has Changed Since Our Parents 49:06 The Effects Of An Unhealthy Lifestyle 54:07 Sleep Is Crucial In Your Reproductive Hormone System 55:07 How Stress Impacts Fertility 57:14 The Best Diets For Good Fertility 59:11 How Dairy Impacts Your Fertility 01:01:05 You Need To Understand The Reproductive Cycle To Know How Exercise Impacts It 01:10:58 Menstrual Irregularities And What's Normal 01:16:57 How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant? 01:17:50 When Trying To Have Children Sex Can Become A Chore 01:21:43 Purchasing Sperm From The Black Market 01:24:48 PCOS Explained 01:30:59 PCOS Diagnosis 01:33:50 Link Between PCOS & Endometrial Cancer 01:37:02 What Is Endometriosis & How Do You Know You Have It 01:43:55 What Happens When You Come Off The Pill And Want To Have Children 01:46:25 Advice For People With Endometriosis And PCOS, If They Want To Have Children 01:49:36 Getting Started With Freezing Eggs And Embryos And Success Rate 01:55:15 The Cost Of Fertility Procedures 01:56:40 IVF Stigma 01:58:42 Ads 01:59:32 When To Think About Fertility Treatment 02:01:54 Dummies Guide To IVF 02:06:38 Myths Of Conception 02:08:54 Best Sex Position To Get Pregnant 02:10:33 Is Birth Control Healthy? 02:13:36 What Can People Do If They Struggle With Infertility? 02:15:40 Last Guest Question Follow Natalie:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3yIQJ9L  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3wLxtb6  YouTube - https://bit.ly/4551ZZY  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo   Sponsors: Colgate: https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Shopify: http://shopify.com/bartlett Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 164: AVOID These 3 Phone Habits That Are Killing Your Brain! The Mental Health Doctor: Dr Aditi Nerurkar

    Moment 164: AVOID These 3 Phone Habits That Are Killing Your Brain! The Mental Health Doctor: Dr Aditi Nerurkar
    In this moment, the world renowned expert in stress, Dr Aditi Nerurkar discusses how the majority of people in the modern world suffer from ‘Popcorn Brain’. According to Dr Aditi ‘Popcorn Brain’ comes from our excessive use of smartphones and social media. This is a real biological phenomenon where your brain circuitry ‘pops’ due to overstimulation and spending too much time online. Your brain never really gets a moment of rest, as being online means it it receives a nonstop stream of information. ‘Popcorn Brain’ is different to the psychological disorder that is internet addiction, as internet addiction seriously affects your ability to live your life, whereas Popcorn Brain defines modern life with everyone being constantly distracted. One of the ways that you can overcome ‘Popcorn Brain’ and improve our mental health is by reducing your reliance on your phone, making sure that you create healthy digital boundaries, so that you give yourself the mental space to live your life. Listen to the full episode here Apple- https://g2ul0.app.link/wSPySPjv1Jb Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/neGcOqnv1Jb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Dr Aditi Nerurkar - https://www.draditi.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Dr Mike: The Hidden Side Effects Of Vaping! The Dark Side Of Being A Doctor! We Need To Stop Medical Misinformation!

    Dr Mike: The Hidden Side Effects Of Vaping! The Dark Side Of Being A Doctor! We Need To Stop Medical Misinformation!
    He might be known as the ‘Sexiest Doctor Alive’ but his true talent is fighting against the ugly side of medical misinformation.  Doctor Mike is a family medicine doctor and YouTube’s #1 Doctor. He has over 25 million followers on social media and is also the host of ‘The Checkup with Doctor Mike’ podcast.  In this conversation, Doctor Mike and Steven discuss topics such as, the errors in the biggest online health trends, which popular diets are destroying your health, the real truth about calorie counting, and the one thing that helped Dr Mike cure his depression.  00:00 Intro 02:01 Helping People Make Better Health Decisions 05:10 Why Have People Resonated With You And Your Approach True Medical Information 09:54 How Do You Check The Evidence Of The Studies You Share? 11:56 The New Health Trends: Optimisation, Longevity, Anti-Ageing 16:17 Lifestyle Changes Is The First Doctor's Advice 18:14 Do Shortcuts Exist In Medicine? 19:03 What's Your Take On Calories In, Calories Out 21:02 How To Make A Diet Stick 23:16 The False Illusion Of A Good Body Equals Good Health 26:46 Calories In And Calories Out Does Work 28:49 The Benefits Of Exercising 30:21 Where Is The Direction Of Travel With Our Health? 32:51 What Would Happen If There Was A Deadlier Pandemic Than Covid 34:41 Is Vaping Dangerous? 39:27 The Real And Painful Reason Why I Started Boxing 41:32 Losing My Mum 47:07 What's The Best Way To Heal From Grief? 49:49 Your Journey With Mental Health & Social Media Bullying 54:05 The Best Advice I Received From My Therapist 55:55 Are Certain People More Prone To Get Addicted To Social Media? 57:12 Have You Considered Quitting Social Media?? 58:25 Are Vitamin Supplements Good For Us? 59:45 Can We Get All Our Nutrients And Vitamins From Foods? 01:03:36 Do Prebiotics And Probiotics Work? 01:05:19 We Should Listen To The Health Advice Our Grandmothers Told Us 01:08:15 Mentioning Experts That Are Wrong 01:10:46 People Are Losing Trust In Doctors Because Of This 01:18:28 Look After Your Children, We Need This Out Of Schools 01:25:09 Are You A Deep Thinker? 01:27:39 How Do You Deal With So Much Loss And Grief? 01:29:01 What Was Your Hardest Day? 01:33:53 How To Save Someone's Life Doing CPR 01:41:23 I Asked The Doctors To Stop Doing CPR On My Mother 01:43:29 Last Guest Question Here is a link to an article discussing the inefficiency of the anti-depression drug, Paxil: https://bit.ly/3X867q2  Follow Doctor Mike:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3V4pJsy  Twitter - https://bit.ly/4bVeidJ  YouTube - https://bit.ly/3yPtKcQ  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo  Sponsors: ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO10 for 10% off Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Charlemagne tha God: A Woman Molested Me As A Kid! I Cheated On My Soulmate! Psychedelics Are Fixing My Depression!

    Charlemagne tha God: A Woman Molested Me As A Kid! I Cheated On My Soulmate! Psychedelics Are Fixing My Depression!
    He’s never hidden from the truth or been shy about expressing his opinion, now he brings the same honesty to his rocky journey to fame.  Charlamagne Tha God is co-host of the American radio programme ‘The Breakfast Club’ on Power 105.1, reaching 8 million listeners each month. He is also a New York Times best-selling author and CEO of the Black Effect Podcast Network.  In this conversation, Charlamagne and Steven discuss topics such as his difficult relationship with his father, the moment that changed his whole life, coming to terms with childhood molestation trauma, and how he went from being fired 4 times to one of the world’s biggest radio hosts.  00:00 Intro 02:17 "Get Honest Or Die Trying" 04:09 What Made Charlamagne? 08:56 Charlamagne's Father's Impact On His Relationships 12:11 Charlamagne's Sexual Abuse 16:28 Charlamagne's Troubled Youth 22:16 Role Models For Men 27:58 The Man Charlamagne Wants To Be 30:41 The Route Of Charlamagne's Anxiety 33:50 Reaching Personal Rock Bottom 36:53 Working In The Radio 38:30 Getting Fired 4 Times 42:21 Panic Attacks & Depression 48:17 Dealing With Grief And Suicide 56:13 Charlamagne's Infidelity 58:34 Growing With Therapy 01:00:32 What's Help You To Heal? 01:02:07 What's The Cost Of Living With The Lies? 01:05:44 Disconnecting From Social Media To Be Original 01:08:00 What's Your View On Trump? 01:11:50 Healing And Rebuilding The Relationship With His Father 01:14:19 How Is Charlamagne Doing? 01:18:06 The Importance Of Living A Life Of Service 01:22:19 The Dangers Of Materialism 01:24:02 Last Guest Question You can purchase Charlamagne’s book, ‘Get Honest or Die Lying: Why Small Talk Sucks’, here: https://amzn.to/4aOVnQZ  Follow Charlamagne:  Instagram - https://bit.ly/3Vd9daV  Twitter - https://bit.ly/3KgGrA6  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/3kxINCANKsb My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://smarturl.it/DOACbook Follow me: https://beacons.ai/diaryofaceo Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman: How To Increase Longevity By Reducing Exposure To Toxins

    Do you want to live a long time?

    Longevity may be a trendy buzz word, but for the first time in generations, our life expectancy is actually getting shorter.

    Thankfully, there's a great deal that we can do to reverse this trend.

    So if you're looking to maximize your life span and your health span, this episode is for you.

    I'm honored to say that returning to the show today is an award-winning author of over 30 books and one of the world's foremost experts in functional and integrative medicine, Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman.

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    Dr. Gittleman holds an M.S. in Nutrition Education from Columbia University, has the title of Certified Nutrition Specialist (C.N.S.) from the American College of Nutrition and a Ph.D. in Holistic Nutrition.

    If you're interested in preserving your health and aging gracefully, listen on. We're going to be talking about:

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    • A simple way to protect your nervous system by reducing EMFs 
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    Read the show notes: https://fatburningman.com/dr-ann-louise-gittleman-how-to-age-gracefully-by-reducing-exposure-to-toxins/

    Check out and support Dr. Ann Louise Gittleman at AnnLouise.com

    Join The Wild Guild and get freebies on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/abeljames 

    Like the show on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/fatburningman 

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    Let's be friends on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fatburningman/

    And click here for your free Fat-Burning Kit: http://fatburningman.com/bonus

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    72: Why Some Doctors Say That Adrenal Fatigue Isn't Real

    72: Why Some Doctors Say That Adrenal Fatigue Isn't Real
    In episode 9 I talked about adrenal fatigue and I'm long overdue for a continuation of that. Today I'm explaining why many doctors say that adrenal fatigue simply doesn't exist.


    If you don't have adrenal fatigue or don't think it applies to you, here's why I want you to keep listening: many topics that I cover are precursors to autoimmune conditions that can be avoided or reversed without medical interventions.


    Roughly 1 in 4 people are living with 1 or more autoimmune conditions right now. That's a lot. And it's prevalency is only going to increase because a lot of these things stem from chronic stress, lack of quality sleep, unaddressed trauma, and poor nutrition. So if you care about more than 3 people on this planet, it's important to have awareness of these things because it can empower you to be able to see red flags of disease in those that you care about.


    Let me confirm from my experience — when I was in it, I couldn't see it for myself because I was too deep in the symptoms to see clearly. If you have these types of issues happening in your life, you certainly aren't going to have the luxury of caring about superficial things like how much you can deadlift, having a smaller waist, or having triceps that don't jiggle...and that's why I want to educate on red flags of disease here on the FitFizz podcast!


    Some of the things you'll learn in today's episode: 

    • Why functional medicine doctors acknowledge adrenal fatigue but other doctors don't

    • Basics of adrenal fatigue

    • What adrenaline allows us to do

    • Breaking down the term adrenal fatigue and why semantics makes people dismiss its existence

    • Medical gaslighting

    • Other terms that are similar — but not equal to — adrenal fatigue

    Using natural supplements to lessen your perceived stress load:


    Set up a personalized virtual coaching session with me so I can guide you towards feeling relief in your stressed-out life:


    Share this with someone in your VIP section...and until next time, breathe, stay strong, and always celebrate victory!


    I’m Kelly Wilson, and I'm the owner of fitfizzstudio.com and I’m a personal trainer, nutrition coach, behavior change specialist, autoimmune disease educator and I’ve worked in the health and fitness industry since barely anyone knew what email was. I’m here to help you ditch the gimmicks, find strength through your struggles, give you the knowledge for making the smartest choices for your own health, and to remind you to celebrate victory along the way.

    This show is for educational and informational purposes only. None of the contents should be interpreted as an intent to diagnose, treat, cure, heal, or prescribe.

    What's Maca? Is it right for you?

    What's Maca? Is it right for you?
    Some people are stressed these days, need a boost to their energy levels, mood, and mental state. If your hormones are out of whack, you may want to research maca since it is an alternative to HRT. Maca powder is a superfood, and several studies have shown that it can enhance your mood. It also helps you gain muscle, increases strength, and improves exercise performance. Lastly, it may enhance one's memory, cognition, and brain function.
    Just because it's a superfood does not mean it's right for everyone. Here's the caveat since maca impacts the endocrine system that rules your body's hormones. If you have a thyroid disorder, you may want to avoid it unless it's Peruvian maca. Raw maca is a goitrogen and can slow down your thyroid gland.
    80% of maca sold in the United States is not authentic Peruvian maca but from China and grown at a much lower altitude than in Peru. Growing maca at lower altitudes does not yield the same beneficial properties. The majority of supplements and products available in the United States are from raw maca, and not recommendedfor people with hypothyroidism. There's been great success with Peruvian maca as an alternative to HRT therapy, peri, and post-menopausal and prostate health. Remember, all herbs are not created equal but heard many good reviews about a brand named Femmenessence.


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