
    Manifest Your Dream Future With THIS Mindset EP 1392

    enFebruary 11, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • Understanding the importance of mindset for overall well-being and successAddressing the root cause of limiting beliefs is crucial for unlocking inner greatness and achieving goals

      Our mindset plays a crucial role in our overall well-being and success in various aspects of life, including health, business, finances, and relationships. The speaker, Louis Howe, shared his personal experience of realizing that despite his achievements, he struggled with feelings of not being good enough or worthy. He emphasized that trying to solve a mindset issue with strategies alone will not be effective. Instead, addressing the root cause of these feelings is essential to unlocking our inner greatness and achieving our goals. The speaker's upcoming book, "The Greatness Mindset," aims to help individuals understand the importance of mindset and provide tools to overcome limiting beliefs.

    • Personal growth from unexpected challengesUnexpected challenges can lead to personal growth by building resilience and reinforcing a positive mindset

      Personal growth often stems from facing challenges rather than during times of ease. The speaker shares her experience of dealing with her son's accident, which occurred during a major book launch. Despite being well-prepared and handling a difficult situation with her older son earlier that day, she was caught off guard by the unexpected accident. This experience shifted her perspective on the importance of resilience and mindset in overcoming adversity. While the incident was traumatic, it ultimately helped her understand the power of mental fortitude in navigating life's challenges.

    • Choosing abundance over scarcityEmbrace possibilities, ask questions, and don't give up hope, even when odds seem against you.

      When faced with seemingly impossible odds, it's essential to adopt a mindset of abundance rather than scarcity. In the discussed situation, a doctor presented the possibility of saving a boy's life with a 0.25% chance, and instead of focusing on the scarcity of the situation, the parents chose to seize the opportunity. They overruled the initial doctor's opinion, airlifted their son, and persisted in finding the specialist who could perform the surgery without blood thinners. This decision led to the boy's successful recovery. The story highlights the importance of being open to possibilities, asking questions, and not giving up hope, even when the odds seem stacked against you.

    • Staying positive during adversityFocusing on positivity can make a difference in challenging situations, even when uncertainty and negativity surround us. Refusing to let others bring us down can help us stay focused and motivated.

      During a challenging and emotional experience, staying positive and focused can make a significant difference. The speaker shares her experience of being in a hospital waiting room while her ex-husband wore a red shirt that her son later remembered, and how she used this moment to stay positive and encourage her son to recover. Despite the uncertainty and negativity surrounding her son's condition, she refused to let anyone bring her down and instead focused on the positive, even going so far as to 10x her book launch efforts to ensure financial stability for her family. The experience highlighted the importance of staying positive and focused, even in the face of adversity.

    • Focusing on success after adversityDetermination and a clear purpose can help overcome life's challenges, especially after a brain injury. Spreading awareness about brain health is crucial.

      When faced with a life-altering situation, focusing on making a success out of it can be essential for overcoming adversity. The speaker's determination to make her book a success after her son's brain injury led to the book's huge success. Brain injuries are more common than we think, and their impact extends beyond the person injured. The speaker's experience has made her realize the importance of spreading awareness about brain health and the challenges faced by those with brain injuries. The road to recovery can be long and difficult, with many setbacks, but having a strong support system and a clear purpose can make all the difference.

    • Financial freedom through smart investmentsSmart investments can lead to financial freedom and impressive returns. Persistence and continuous healing are crucial for brain injuries and mental health issues, with treatments like fish oil, progesterone, stem cells, and neurofeedback making a significant difference.

      Financial freedom is a real possibility through smart investments, as demonstrated by companies like Masterworks, which paid out tens of millions of dollars last year to investors and delivered impressive returns. Another takeaway is the importance of persistence and continuous healing, especially when it comes to brain injuries or mental health issues. Many people may be misdiagnosed or overlooked, but treatments like fish oil, progesterone, stem cells, and neurofeedback can make a significant difference. The brain's ability to heal is ongoing, and it's essential to advocate for proper care and attention. Additionally, the speaker's personal story highlights the importance of forgiveness and focusing on what truly matters, such as saving a loved one, during challenging times.

    • Forgiveness is a continuous journeyAcknowledge feelings, understand perspective, find gift in situation for ongoing forgiveness. Cultivate essential skill for peace, happiness, creativity, and raised alpha.

      Forgiveness is an ongoing process. As the speaker shared her experiences of dealing with difficult situations and the importance of forgiveness, she emphasized that it's not a one-time event but a continuous journey. Whether it's forgiving others or ourselves, we need to actively work on it to find peace and happiness. The process involves acknowledging our feelings, understanding the other person's perspective, and finding the gift in the situation. Forgiveness can help us raise our alpha, be more creative, and live a happier life. It's important to remember that there will always be new situations and challenges that require forgiveness, making it an essential skill to cultivate.

    • Finding growth in life-altering experiencesEmbrace challenges as opportunities for personal growth. Stay focused on potential improvement and address both physical and spiritual well-being.

      Life-altering experiences, such as a serious illness or financial hardship, can be seen as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable setbacks. This perspective shift can help individuals navigate through difficult times with hope and determination. The speaker shares her personal experience of standing by her son during his recovery from a traumatic injury and how she found strength in staying focused on his potential for improvement, even during challenging moments. She also reflects on the importance of addressing both the physical and spiritual aspects of well-being, acknowledging that she had previously overlooked the spiritual side. The speaker's story highlights the power of resilience, hope, and a positive mindset in overcoming adversity.

    • Cultivating a growth mindset is like building a muscleRecognize responsibility for life, build attributes like abundance mindset, courage, and resilience, acknowledge worthiness, and start intentional practices to upgrade mindset for improved health, relationships, and business.

      Developing a growth mindset is like building a muscle, and it's essential for creating a fulfilling life. By recognizing that we're not victims, but rather responsible for our lives, we can cultivate attributes like abundance mindset, courage, and resilience. These attributes can be measured and developed through intentional practices. The speaker's personal experience shows that even those who have gone through difficult times can achieve remarkable things by focusing on their worthiness and building their confidence. The process can be scary, but it's worth it, as upgrading our mindset allows us to improve various aspects of our lives, from health to relationships and business. The first step is to acknowledge our worthiness and start building our confidence through intentional practices.

    • Prioritizing self-care and mindset shiftFocus on self-care, practice gratitude, and shift from scarcity to abundance mindset for resilience and personal growth.

      Focusing on self-care and shifting from a scarcity to an abundance mindset can help individuals navigate through challenging situations, even in the face of adversity. This was exemplified by the speaker's experience in the ICU, where she prioritized her health and well-being to make life-saving decisions. By practicing gratitude and expanding her desires beyond limiting beliefs, she learned to embrace abundance and resilience. A simple yet effective way to implement this mindset shift is through daily practices such as writing down things to be grateful for and reflecting on desires without limiting the quantity. Just as a good night's sleep and eating vegetables are essential for physical health, practicing gratitude sets the foundation for personal growth and development.

    • Embracing Fear for Personal GrowthFocus on being loved and loving others, lean into fear, and share struggles for personal growth

      Embracing fear and stepping out of comfort zones are essential for personal growth. Author and speaker, [Name], emphasizes the importance of leaning into fear and sharing the struggles we face, rather than presenting a polished image. For [Name], the biggest fear is losing loved ones, and she shares her personal story of being an adopted child and the lack of bond she felt with her adoptive parents. Ultimately, she encourages us to focus on being loved and loving others in return, making the journey of life easier. Despite her successes, [Name] has faced rejection and struggle, but she invites us to ask about these experiences in interviews to better understand the human side of achievement.

    • Discovering Biological Roots and the Complexities of Family ConnectionsMeeting birth parents can reveal unexpected lessons, including the importance of unconditional love, and the bonds between birth and adoptive families are complex and profound.

      The search for biological roots doesn't diminish the love and connection to adoptive parents. The speaker shares her experience of meeting her birth parents and discovering unexpected complexities. While her biological parents were not her upbringing parents, they taught her valuable lessons, particularly the importance of unconditional love. The speaker emphasizes that negative role models can be powerful influences, and despite initial judgments, she learned to appreciate the unique bond between birth and adoptive families. Ultimately, the speaker's experiences highlight the complexities and depth of the human connections that extend beyond biological ties.

    • Three truths to live by: integrity, family, forgivenessLive with integrity, prioritize family, practice forgiveness for a fulfilling life. Adopt a 'miracle mindset' to overcome challenges and leave a positive impact on the world.

      No matter what stage of life we're at or what achievements we've made, it's important to live with integrity, prioritize our family and loved ones, and practice forgiveness. These are the three truths that JJ would leave behind if all his work was erased and he could only pass on three lessons. JJ also emphasized the importance of having a "miracle mindset" to overcome challenges and achieve an abundant lifestyle. He defined greatness as leaving the world better than we found it. Overall, JJ's message is one of resilience, gratitude, and leaving a positive impact on the world.

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    Sign up for Zoe:  https://zoe.com/willb

    See Zoe’s METHOD Randomized Control Trial results: https://zoe.com/our-science

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1619

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    To apply for 1-1 coaching: 1-1 coaching

    Learning Labels Masterclass: Masterclass

    3 month voxer container: Voxer Coaching

    Follow Sarah on IG: Vetwifefitmom

    Ways to work with me: Ways to work with me!

    For some amazing resources and FREE SHIT FRIDAY - be sure to be a part of Coach Sarah’s Fitness Freedom Forever community on FB:Free FB Group

    To schedule a Strategy Session w/Coach Sarah: Strategy Session


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    Hello Beautiful People!

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    Website | https://nitasweeney.com

    On today’s podcast we have the lovely Nita Sweeney. Nita is a certified meditation leader, mental health advocate and ultramarathon runner. She is the award-winning author of the running and mental health memoir, ‘Depression hates a moving target’. 

    What I personally love about this conversation is Nita’s beautiful openness, vulnerability and authenticity. Nita will share transparently that for a lot of her life she has genuinely felt like her mind was trying to kill her, and it is in this conversation that she shares more about that experience, and in how she has learnt over time, to not only manage this but move through this. She shares techniques that have worked for her in overcoming negative thoughts that do go as deep as suicide ideation and personally one of my favourites is in the power of pause, and understanding not every thought you have needs to be met with action. She also shares her experience of taking up running and how that resulted in her decreasing her antidepressants which began the journey of her becoming a respected mental health advocate. 

    Please enjoy this conversation with the lovely Nita. 

    #jennahlouise #tobehumanpodcast