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    How Relationships & Emotional Health Affect Your Lifespan w/ Dr. Mark Hyman EP 1396

    enFebruary 20, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Importance of Relationships and Building CommunitiesBuilding deep, loving relationships and communities can positively impact our health and happiness by providing a sense of belonging, purpose, and support. Love can even change our gene expression and help us make better decisions.

      Our relationships and the quality of the connections we form play a significant role in our overall well-being and longevity. The people we choose to be with and the communities we build around us can provide a sense of belonging, purpose, and support that can positively impact our health and happiness. However, in many societies, including the Americas, there's a trend towards isolation and individualism, which can leave us feeling disconnected and vulnerable when we lose a loved one. To counteract this, we can seek out and build communities, whether online or in person, and prioritize deep, loving connections in our relationships. Love, in turn, can be a powerful healer, changing our gene expression and helping us make better decisions and live life to the fullest.

    • Impact of Social Relationships on Health and LongevityConflictual relationships trigger inflammation genes, while loving ones activate repair genes. Personal experiences shape our ability to form healthy relationships, and healing past wounds is crucial for finding true love and happiness.

      Our social relationships significantly impact our health and longevity. Conflictual relationships can trigger inflammation genes leading to diseases and aging, while loving, heart-centered relationships activate repair genes. This effect can even be experienced through simple acts like cuddling, which can change your epigenome. Personal experiences, such as childhood traumas and toxic relationships, can shape our understanding of love and our ability to form healthy relationships. Healing these wounds is crucial for finding lasting, healthy love. For some, this may involve introspection, therapy, or even the use of psychedelics to re-pattern the neurology of the brain. Ultimately, the key to finding true love and happiness is not just finding the right person, but also being the right person by healing one's own wounds.

    • Personal growth and healing at any ageSeek growth and healing through therapy, reassessing past experiences, and allowing love to flow naturally. Community and mutual support are essential for happiness and joy.

      Personal growth and healing can come at any age, even after decades of experiencing challenges in relationships and carrying buried traumas. Mark's journey involved working with a therapist, reassessing his past, and watching a movie that resonated deeply with his experiences. These experiences helped him gain new insights, heal old wounds, and ultimately, feel free and lighter in his relationships. He realized that he had been anxious and trying to hold on to love instead of allowing it to flow naturally. By sharing his story, Mark hopes to inspire others to seek growth and healing, no matter their age or past experiences. He also emphasizes the importance of community and mutual support in fostering happiness and joy in life.

    • Understanding the role of mental and emotional health in overall wellbeingAcknowledging and addressing trauma and unhealed relationships, recognizing the power of thoughts and beliefs, and utilizing healing modalities like psychedelic therapy and expressing emotions can all contribute to improved mental and emotional health, leading to better overall wellbeing and longevity.

      Our mental and emotional wellbeing plays a significant role in our overall health and longevity. Trauma and unhealed relationships can impact us deeply, and it's essential to acknowledge and address these issues to promote healing. The power of our thoughts and beliefs can even influence our physical health, as seen in studies where placebos have led to tumor shrinkage. Healing modalities like psychedelic-assisted therapy, ketamine, and still ganglion blocks are becoming more accessible, offering new opportunities for trauma resolution. Expressing emotions, whether it's crying or laughing, is also crucial for our wellbeing and longevity. Our culture is beginning to recognize mental health as an essential aspect of overall health, and we can all benefit from understanding the role of our minds and nervous systems in our healing journey.

    • Mastering emotions for better relationshipsEmbrace emotions, practice mindfulness, self-love, and authentic self-expression for improved relationships and longevity.

      Emotions, whether it's crying or laughing, are powerful expressions that should be embraced in a loving and kind way. The ability to be present and mindful in every moment, whether it's during a movie or in a relationship, can help us choose our responses rather than reacting destructively. Mastering the mind, including our thoughts and emotions, is a key to longevity. The relationship we have with ourselves, including our beliefs and self-perception, is crucial for living a healthy and fulfilling life. The speaker shared how she used to feel trapped and fearful in her relationships, but now recognizes the importance of self-love and authentic self-expression. Inner technology, such as mindfulness practices, can help us master our emotions and improve our relationships.

    • Healing attachment disorders for healthier relationshipsEffective communication, deep listening, and somatic therapy can help heal attachment disorders, leading to healthier, more present relationships. Avoiding evening routines that decrease lifespan, like exposure to artificial light, can also promote overall health.

      The relationship we have with ourselves and our intimate partners plays a significant role in our daily decisions, actions, and overall longevity. Healing attachment disorders, such as anxious attachment, can lead to a healthier, more present, and independent way of being in a relationship. Effective communication and deep listening are essential in handling triggers and working through issues together. Moreover, physical releases, such as somatic therapy, can be crucial in fully healing from trauma and reducing its impact on our nervous system and lifespan. A fascinating area to explore further is the evening routines that can decrease lifespan, as modern habits, like exposure to artificial light, may disrupt our natural rhythms and harm our health.

    • Disrupting Sleep with Modern Lighting and TechnologyAvoid screens before bed, wear blue light-blocking glasses, use red light bulbs, maintain a consistent sleep schedule, and create a cool, dark sleeping environment to improve sleep quality and overall health.

      Modern lighting and technology are disrupting our natural sleep patterns, leading to health issues such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, and dementia. Exposure to blue light from screens and artificial lights at night inhibits melatonin production and increases cortisol levels. To improve sleep quality, it's recommended to avoid screens before bed, wear blue light-blocking glasses, and use red light bulbs at night. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule and creating a cool, dark sleeping environment can also enhance the brain's cleaning process during sleep. Overall, prioritizing good sleep hygiene and limiting exposure to unnecessary stimuli at night can significantly improve both physical and cognitive health.

    • Understanding the interconnected systems in our body for optimal health and agingFunctional medicine identifies root causes of health issues by examining imbalances in the microbiome, immune inflammatory system, energy system, detoxification, transport system, communication system, and structural system, caused by toxins, allergens, stress, or nutrient deficiencies.

      Our overall health and well-being are influenced by various interconnected systems in our body, and maintaining a balance in these systems is crucial for optimal health and aging. Functional medicine, an approach to healthcare that views the body as an ecosystem, focuses on identifying the root causes of health issues by examining the imbalances in these systems. These systems include the microbiome, immune inflammatory system, energy system, detoxification, transport system, communication system, and structural system. Imbalances can be caused by too much of toxins, allergens, stress, or microbes, or too little of essential nutrients, hormones, or other health-promoting factors. By understanding and addressing these imbalances, we can create a healthier environment for our bodies to thrive.

    • Identifying the root causes of aging-related issuesFrom a functional medicine perspective, focus on balancing seven key systems in the body to maintain ideal weight, avoid smoking, and exercise regularly for a longer, healthier life, making your health span equal your lifespan.

      While diseases may share names, the causes behind them can vary greatly from person to person. From a functional medicine perspective, it's essential to identify the root causes of aging-related issues by focusing on balancing seven key systems in the body. This approach can lead to a longer, healthier life, as shown in studies where maintaining ideal body weight, not smoking, and regular exercise have been linked to both increased lifespan and a painless, inexpensive death. The ultimate goal is to make your health span equal your lifespan, enabling you to enjoy life to the fullest, even in your later years. This concept is not new, as seen in communities like the Blue Zones, where people live long, active lives and approach aging with grace and acceptance.

    • Strategies to increase health span and reverse biological ageInnovations in medicine and science, such as big data analytics, AI, and machine learning, will revolutionize clinical practice and allow for real-time tracking and feedback, significantly impacting our health span and lifespan.

      Our health span can significantly impact our lifespan. The strategies and tools discussed in the book "Young Forever" can help increase health span and even reverse biological age. The next decade is expected to bring exciting advancements in medicine and science, including the use of big data analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to better understand the body and personal health. These innovations will allow for real-time tracking and feedback, revolutionizing the clinical practice of medicine. Personally, I am excited about continuing to explore my own health and well-being, and reimagining the next chapter of my life with the resources and vitality I now have. The future holds endless possibilities, and the concept of aging as a limiting factor is becoming obsolete.

    • Experience, health, and joy: key elements for well-beingFocus on experiences, relationships, and health creation for optimal well-being. Prioritize muscle building, address trauma, and invite joy at any age.

      Prioritizing health, joy, and experiences throughout life can significantly improve and optimize well-being at any age. The speaker shared an experience of biking up a hill with friends, some of whom were struggling despite their fitness levels, emphasizing the importance of understanding the science of health creation. He also expressed the value of experiences and relationships, urging to invite joy and build connections. Looking back, he would advise his younger self to focus on these aspects, start working out earlier, and address unidentified trauma. He also highlighted the importance of muscle building for longevity. Overall, the conversation underscores the significance of a holistic approach to health and well-being, incorporating physical, emotional, and social elements.

    • Healing past wounds and beliefs for a fulfilling lifeDr. Mark Hyman emphasizes living in the moment, healing at any age, and unlocking potential through mind freedom.

      Healing our past wounds and working on our beliefs is essential for living a long, happy, and fulfilling life. Dr. Mark Hyman, author of "Young Forever," shares how his own healing journey has set him free and allowed him to go higher in every area of life. He emphasizes the importance of living in the moment and being fully present in whatever we're doing. He also encourages us to continue the healing process at any age and offers free resources through his social media channels and podcast. Dr. Hyman defines greatness as freedom – the ability to be free physically, spiritually, and emotionally. He encourages us to unlock our potential by freeing our minds.

    • Three truths for living a fulfilling lifeSelf-love, pursuing passions, and prioritizing physical health are essential for living a fulfilling life and making a positive impact on the world

      According to the speaker, living a fulfilling life involves three key truths. First, learning to love oneself and others deeply. Second, not delaying the pursuit of joy and passions. Lastly, understanding and taking care of one's body as the foundation for living a full life. These truths can help guide individuals towards living their best lives and making a positive impact on the world. The speaker emphasizes the importance of self-love, taking action on passions, and prioritizing physical health to unlock the potential for extraordinary experiences.

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Sign up for Dean's life-changing event!

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Buy The Never Ending Now Poetry Journal for yourself and a friend!

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Have you heard? David Goggins will be speaking at Summit 2024! Buy your tickets TODAY!

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    Buy his book for yourself and a friend! To Be Loved: A Story of Truth, Trauma, and Transformation

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    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    After today’s episode, be sure to check out Neil’s new podcast, To Die For!

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    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1614

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

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    In this episode you will learn

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    • How to distinguish between impressing and truly connecting with others.
    • The importance of giving up superficial attention to attract what you truly need.
    • How effective communication can empower personal advocacy and inspire transformative change.

    For more information go to www.lewishowes.com/1613

    For more Greatness text PODCAST to +1 (614) 350-3960

    You can find the full episodes from guests featured today here:

    Charles Duhigg – https://link.chtbl.com/1580-pod

    Matthew Hussey – https://link.chtbl.com/1590-pod

    Jameela Jamil – https://link.chtbl.com/1499-pod

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    Follow Angela Foster on Social Media:

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    Follow Dr. Tara on Social Media:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drtaraswart

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TaraSwart

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/taraswart

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drtaraswart

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    Follow Sophie Medlin on Social Media:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sophiedietitian/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yourheightspage

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sophie-medlin-92b25858


    Visit City Dietitian's Website: http://citydietitians.co.uk/


    Follow Dr. Tara on Social Media:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drtaraswart

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TaraSwart

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/taraswart

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drtaraswart

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    How to Break the Cycle of Addiction

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    Check out Karlos Lyons’ website: 


    Find Karlos Lyons on Instagram @mr.klyons

    To listen to past shows visit: https://stayingagelessshow.com/


    To sign up for a FREE CALL to learn about our Hormone Balancing Academy visit:



    To watch my FREE Training the Secret to Resetting Your Hormones: 



    Or my Free Training on 6 Major Keys to Determine Your Ideal Diet: 



    For more about Esosa E. and the services we provide at Staying Ageless Coaching visit: 


    Mycal and Nicole Anders with Next Level Performance Consulting

    Mycal and Nicole Anders with Next Level Performance Consulting
    Mycal and Nicole Anders with Next Level Performance Consulting Mycal Anders is Founder of Next Level Performance Consulting with 3700+ leaders coached since 2011. Mycal is a Performance Consultant, Marine Corps veteran, husband & father of two. As a Marine Corps veteran with nearly 25 years of strategic leadership experience backed by multiple graduate degrees […] The post Mycal and Nicole Anders with Next Level Performance Consulting appeared first on Business RadioX ®.

    Food for Life with Dr. Tim Spector, M.D.

    Food for Life with Dr. Tim Spector, M.D.

    Tara sits down with Dr. Tim Spector, M.D., an award-winning epidemiologist, best-selling author, co-founder of Zoe Nutrition and professor at Kings College, London. Their conversation weaves together the story of how our genetics, our diet and even the partners we choose all relate back to plasticity and our microscopic internal landscape.


    Food for Life is now available for purchase


    Follow Dr. Tim Spector on Social Media:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tim.spector

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/proftimspector

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/timspector


    Visit Dr. Tim Spector’s Website: https://tim-spector.co.uk


    Visit ZOE Nutrition’s Website: https://joinzoe.com


    Follow Zoe Nutrition on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/zoe


    Listen & Subscribe to ZOE Science and Nutrition Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1611216298


    Follow Dr. Tara on Social Media:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drtaraswart

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TaraSwart

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/taraswart

    TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@drtaraswart

    Reinvent Yourself with Dr. Tara is proud to be supported by MIT, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and their Executive Education programs. “MIT: Join us in building a better world.” For more information on MIT Executive Education, including details about Dr. Tara’s six-week course, “Neuroscience for Business,” simply visit executive.mit.edu today. An extraordinary first step toward Reinventing Yourself.

    Reinvent Yourself with Dr. Tara is proudly supported by Emotional Wellbeing by Raffles Hotels & Resorts. A true luxury is not just about what you do, it’s about how we make you feel. For more information on Raffles Hotels & Resorts, including details about their curated wellbeing programs, simply visit Raffles.com today.