
    E260: Russell Brand FINALLY Opens Up: Escaping A Lifetime Of Anxiety, Addiction & Finding Love!

    enJune 29, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Connection Between Addiction, Materialism, and Spiritual HungerSociety's emphasis on individualism and materialism fuels a sense of lack and disconnection, leading individuals to seek fulfillment through success and possessions. Cultivating self-acceptance is crucial to counteract cultural messages of inadequacy.

      Addiction, particularly in the context of materialism and attachment, serves as a framework to address the deep spiritual hunger for connection that exists within all of us. Our culture, however, is focused on individualism and materialism, which perpetuates a sense of lack and disconnect. It suggests that without access to the divine or a sense of unity, we tend to worship the mundane, our own identities, and our possessions. Attempting to become successful or famous becomes a solution to feelings of powerlessness, lack of value, and disconnection. The conversation also highlights the importance of self-acceptance and knowing that we are enough, despite the cultural messages that constantly tell us otherwise.

    • Embracing Individuality, Empathy, and Healing: Russell Brand's Journey of Self-DiscoveryRussell Brand's journey teaches us the importance of embracing our uniqueness, finding purpose in making others laugh, and using our experiences to connect with and help those who are struggling.

      Russell Brand has gone through a journey of self-discovery and healing, realizing that he doesn't need to feel superior or inferior to anyone else. He believes in an absolute loving God and understands that everyone has the right to be here without any special adornments or labels. Brand found value and a sense of purpose in making people laugh and being able to corral and direct his energy. He now values individuality and limitless diversity while recognizing the unity that exists among all of us. Through his own experiences and recovery, Brand has developed empathy and a deep connection with his younger self, allowing him to help others who are struggling and feeling broken.

    • The Power of Spirituality: Connecting with Something Beyond OurselvesEmbracing spirituality offers a sense of connection, meaning, and ethical principles that help navigate life's challenges and appreciate our unity with the world.

      Spirituality is an essential survival technique in navigating the challenges of life. Spirituality, which means not material and is not observable or measurable, offers a sense of connection, awe, and oneness with the world. It goes beyond rational principles and appeals to our innate moral code. Embracing spirituality allows us to believe in the best in people, find meaning in experiences, and develop a set of ethics and principles. Without spirituality, we may try to create our own version of God or spirituality based on our preferences, which can limit our perspective and hinder personal growth. Therefore, spirituality is not exclusive or exclusive to a specific religion but is a personal and communal way of connecting with something beyond ourselves. It is a necessary tool to cope with the complexities of life and appreciate the unity that binds us all.

    • The Simple Path to SpiritualityRegardless of knowledge or expertise, focusing on one's conduct and moral responsibility can lead to personal growth and enlightenment, with guidance from mentors and specific practices.

      Spirituality is not complicated and can be practiced by anyone, regardless of their knowledge or expertise. It is not about imposing beliefs on others, but rather focusing on one's own conduct and moral responsibility. Choosing materialism or personal preferences as one's god can lead to negative consequences, such as pain, disconnection, loneliness, and despair. However, these flaws and failures contain the DNA of success and can serve as opportunities for growth and transformation. By embracing impermanence and questioning the essence of the self, individuals can navigate the tension of paradox and find enlightenment within their own consciousness. In this pursuit, guidance from mentors, peers, and specific practices may help reorganize the ingredients of personal growth and realization.

    • The Journey of Transformation: Departure, Crisis, and AcknowledgmentChange begins with recognizing and admitting our problems, believing in the possibility of change, seeking mentorship, importing new ideas, and seeking help through prayer, meditation, or humility.

      Change and personal transformation often begin with a departure from our familiar surroundings and a crisis that forces us to confront the problems in our lives. It is important to acknowledge the problem and admit that our lives have become unmanageable. Believing in the possibility of change is crucial, as it allows us to tap into our inner resources and work towards making that change. Mentorship, even if it is in the form of abstract figures who have achieved what we aspire to, can be instrumental in guiding us towards transformation. Importing new ideas and seeking help, whether through prayer, meditation, or humility, can also aid in the journey of change.

    • Surrender and Acceptance: Essential Steps towards Personal GrowthTrusting oneself and accepting help from others are crucial for personal growth. Surrendering and finding guidance from mentors can break destructive patterns and lead to positive change.

      Surrender and accepting someone else's plan are crucial steps towards personal growth and change. Russell Brand emphasizes the importance of admitting powerlessness and recognizing the nature of the problem as the first step. He also believes in the possibility of change based on the examples of others who have overcome similar challenges. However, surrendering and accepting help can be a difficult contradiction to live with. Brand suggests seeing authority as a benevolent and loving figure rather than a malign one. He acknowledges his deep distrust and dislike of authority, but also recognizes the need to break away from destructive systems. Ultimately, finding mentors and connecting with like-minded individuals can provide guidance and support on the journey of running a new instruction manual for life. Trusting oneself and others may be challenging, but it is essential for personal growth.

    • Russell Brand's Mistrust of Authority and the Power of QuestioningQuestioning authority is important for personal growth and individual rights, despite the flaws in the current system.

      Russell Brand has a deeply ingrained mistrust of authority. He believes that institutions, including schools and governments, have failed to fulfill their responsibilities and prioritize individual freedom. Brand argues that centralized power and accumulating authority diminish individual rights and hinder personal growth. He expresses concern about unelected bureaucratic organizations that wield significant influence in the world. Despite his mistrust, Brand acknowledges the importance of questioning authority and encourages others to do the same. He recognizes that parenting is a complex task and acknowledges that children will inevitably face wounds and seek guidance and support from others. Overall, Brand sees the flaws and challenges within the current system as opportunities for change and growth.

    • The Impact of Fatherlessness on Men and SocietyFatherless men face obstacles in emotional well-being and personal development, emphasizing the need for connectedness and communication within society for a thriving and united community.

      Fatherless men often feel a significant burden and a lack of safety in the world. They may take on the responsibility of looking after their mother or face chaos and uncertainty if both parents are absent. This can lead to challenges in their emotional well-being, potentially resulting in addiction or other coping mechanisms. The absence of a father figure, whether through breakup or emotional disconnection, can have a profound impact on a man's development, leaving him feeling prematurely forced to be a man without proper guidance. The conversation also highlights the importance of connectedness and communication within society, as studying anthropological and psychological evidence suggests that humans thrive when they function as a united community with shared goals.

    • The Importance of Guidance and Mentorship in Shaping Young IndividualsYoung people need reliable adults to guide them in understanding their roles, values, and principles in society, while also avoiding worshipping materialistic desires and focusing on simple values to address societal challenges.

      Finding guidance and mentorship from reliable and trustworthy adults is crucial for young individuals to understand their roles and responsibilities in society. Without proper initiation and guidance, young people may resort to imitating or faking adulthood, unable to fully comprehend the values and principles associated with being an adult. It is important to have elders who can provide moral authority and teach the importance of sacrifice and duty. The conversation also highlights the dangers of worshipping gods like pleasure, money, and fame, which can lead to a loss of divine principles and interconnectivity. Additionally, the conversation acknowledges the need to understand the difference between symptoms and causes, focusing on simple values like kindness, love, and service as a means to address societal challenges. Lastly, the conversation suggests that true diversity and the recognition of different ideologies are essential to navigating modern society.

    • Promoting Unity and Achieving Consensus Through Love and Open CommunicationBy approaching disagreements with love and good faith, allowing open communication, embracing decentralization, and addressing centralized authority, we can create a more just and compassionate society.

      We have more in common with one another than what divides us. To achieve a consensus and promote unity, we must approach those we disagree with in a spirit of love and good faith. It is crucial to allow open communication, without yielding to censorship, while also being mindful of the affiliations and agenda of different organizations. If we want to create positive change, we need to bring power closer to the people affected by it, embracing decentralization and localization. True democracy should be our aim, with municipal facilities managed by the community and the belief in God reflected in our actions. By addressing centralized authority, whether it be financial, corporate, or state power, we can create a more just and compassionate society.

    • Embracing Individual Responsibility for a Better WorldBy empowering individuals and advocating for self-improvement, we can make a positive impact and transform our world for the better, one small step at a time.

      Recognizing our individual responsibility to become the person we're meant to be and striving for self-improvement is crucial for creating a better world. We are all connected in this vast universe, yet we each have the power to make a difference. By empowering individuals and giving them autonomy and control over their lives and work, we can enhance satisfaction, reduce accidents, and improve overall standards. It may seem daunting to achieve this level of change, but every small step counts. Just like climbing Everest, every effort, no matter how small, contributes to progress. By taking care of ourselves, being mindful of our consciousness, and realizing the significance of our actions, we can make a positive impact and transform the world around us.

    • The Importance of Self-Awareness, Physical Engagement, and Human Connection in Living a Meaningful LifeBeing mindful, engaging in physical activities, and connecting with others are essential for a fulfilling life.

      Being conscious and mindful in our daily lives is crucial. Russell Brand discusses how he has to live like a monk, constantly being aware of his thoughts, actions, and lifestyle choices. He emphasizes the importance of familiarizing oneself with extremes, like exposing oneself to hot and cold temperatures regularly. Brand also mentions the significance of physical activities like Brazilian jujitsu and yoga, which help him connect with his body and escape from excessive cerebral thinking. Trust and touch, such as those experienced in Brazilian jujitsu, create a unique bond and vulnerability that bring people together. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of self-awareness, physical engagement, and human connection in leading a meaningful and fulfilling life.

    • The Importance of a Holistic Approach to Overcoming Addiction and Mental Health IssuesConsistent effort, a holistic approach, and practices like meditation, exercise, and support groups can help in maintaining stability, while vulnerability, fragility, and self-compassion can be sources of strength and connection in the journey of healing and growth.

      Overcoming addiction and mental health issues requires consistent effort and a holistic approach. Russell Brand emphasizes the importance of not obsessing over personal desires, but instead focusing on various practices like meditation, exercise, and support groups to maintain stability. He questions whether deep-rooted traumas can ever be completely eliminated or if they will always need to be managed. However, he believes that vulnerability and fragility can be sources of strength and connection. Brand emphasizes the ongoing acknowledgment of one's own flaws and the continuous work needed to heal and grow. He also highlights the significance of self-compassion, recognizing that external resources can ignite inner potential but ultimately, the process of activation lies within oneself.

    • Balancing Work and Spirituality: Navigating Mental Well-being as Content Creators and CEOsPrioritizing mental well-being is crucial, and integrating spirituality into daily life can act as a survival technique, helping individuals maintain sanity and avoid destructive behaviors. Surrendering to rituals and staying grounded are essential in staying focused on recovery and maintaining a healthy mindset.

      Russell Brand and the other person recognize the importance of having a balanced life that includes both work responsibilities and spiritual practices. They discuss how they navigate their roles as content creators and CEOs while prioritizing their mental well-being. Russell emphasizes the need for spirituality as a survival technique and a way to maintain sanity and avoid destructive behaviors. He acknowledges the constant pressure to get things done but also emphasizes the importance of surrendering and practicing rituals to stay grounded. Both individuals understand the potential dangers of getting caught up in the metrics and rankings of their work but strive to stay focused on their recovery and maintaining a healthy mindset.

    • The Importance of Hygiene, Self-Improvement, and Surrendering to Personal GrowthTake care of your hygiene and avoid indulging in vices; focus on improving yourself and staying away from primal competition; practice patience and surrender your self-will for personal growth; acknowledge the existence of a greater power beyond religious interpretation.

      Russell Brand emphasizes the importance of practicing good hygiene when it comes to indulging in vices like drinking or drugs. He acknowledges that once he starts, it becomes difficult for him to stop and a negative momentum takes over. He advises staying out of the ring of primal competition and focusing on improving oneself instead. Brand also talks about the need for patience and surrendering one's self-will, as impatience hinders personal growth. He believes in the existence of a greater power or connection to God, but states that the interpretation of this power can vary and does not necessarily align with a specific religious deity. Ultimately, Brand highlights the significance of recognizing and embracing the ever-present divine force that exists beyond culture and distractions.

    • The Power of Love and the Lessons of FatherhoodLove is the key to understanding and compassion, transcending separation and judgment. Fatherhood teaches valuable lessons about love, connection, and nurturing relationships in our lives.

      Love, in its true essence, is the recognition of the unity that underlies apparent separation. It is the felt remembrance of our shared purpose and connection to one another. Love goes beyond romantic relationships or attachments; it is a duty and the deepest truth of our existence. By embracing love and seeing others as the same as ourselves, we move away from judgment and towards a place of understanding and compassion. Love rewards us and speaks to us, urging us to awaken and recognize the unity of our origin. Fatherhood, in particular, teaches valuable lessons about life and how we should live, highlighting the importance of love, connection, and nurturing relationships.

    • The Power of Love, Unity, and AuthenticityEmbrace love, unity, and authenticity in all aspects of life, be present in the moment, and allow others to thrive in their own individuality.

      The most important things in life are love, unity, and becoming who you truly are. Russell Brand shares how being a father has taught him valuable lessons about love and the incredible gift of bringing life into the world. He emphasizes the need to love not only our children but also all people, embracing unity and acknowledging our relative insignificance. Brand encourages us to tell the truth and love everyone, recognizing that it is not an easy task but one that teaches us everything. He trusts that his children will find their own path and become powerful individuals, and he aims to be a conduit for their growth and authenticity. The key message is to stay present, embrace absolute love and inclusivity, and allow others to flourish in their own unique way.

    • The Beauty of Poetic Language and Cohesive ThinkingRussell Brand admires the use of poetic language and cohesive thinking in communication, as it adds beauty and specificity to messages, and recommends preordering a new show that uses comedy to deliver important messages.

      Russell Brand admires the way the other person communicates ideas with brilliance and poetry. Despite being aware that simpler words could be used, this person intentionally chooses to speak with poetic language, which Russell finds fascinating. He believes that this use of language adds beauty and specificity to their messages. Russell also praises the other person's ability to think one step ahead, enabling them to string together cohesive and coherent poetry in their speech. He sees this talent reflected in their new show, which confronts important subjects with humor while delivering a significant underlying message. Russell highly recommends preordering the show and commends the use of comedy to inject important messages. Additionally, they discuss an upcoming event called Community, which aims to bring people back to the essence of humanity.

    • Supporting Women with Addiction and Complex Needs in Plymouth: A Vital Charity BenefitThe conversation highlights the significance of supporting and caring for women with addiction and complex needs, while also emphasizing the importance of expressing love and gratitude in our final conversations with loved ones.

      The proceeds of the event will benefit a charity in Plymouth that supports women with addiction issues and complex needs, including those who have children. This charity provides a unique and vital service, as it can be challenging to care for women who are drug addicts and already have kids. The conversation also highlights the importance of healing oneself and helping others, as the event's proceeds will contribute to the healing of others in need. Additionally, the conversation touches on the concept of a final conversation with a loved one, emphasizing the significance of expressing love and gratitude in those precious 60 seconds. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of supporting and caring for others, as well as appreciating the moments we have with loved ones.

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    The Investing Expert: We’re Raising The Most Unhappy Generation In History! The Unseen Link Between Marriage & Wealth! Hard Work Doesn't Build Wealth! - Scott Galloway

    The Investing Expert: We’re Raising The Most Unhappy Generation In History! The Unseen Link Between Marriage & Wealth! Hard Work Doesn't Build Wealth! - Scott Galloway
    The millionaire entrepreneur revealing Wall Street's secrets and simplifying finance for the masses Scott Galloway is a Professor of Marketing at the New York Stern School of Business and host of the ‘Pivot’ podcast about technology and business. He is also the best-selling author of books such as, ‘The Algebra of Happiness’, ‘The Four’, and ‘The Algebra of Wealth’.  In this conversation, Scott and Steven discuss topics such as, billionaire money hacks, the 6 fundamental rules of investing, how to make $7 million from nothing, and how marriage can make you rich. 00:00 Intro 02:00 Why Some Become More Rich Than Others 03:15 Where Do We Learn About Money? 08:43 Where Would We Be Without Those Connections? 13:04 No Matter How Old You Are You Can Still Make More Money 20:21 When To Take Risks And When To Diversify 23:27 Should We Go For Our Dream Jobs? 27:05 Having Money Is Fun! 31:18 Why Should You Have A Number Of How Much Money You Need? 32:41 How To Make 9-Figures 37:18 Where You Should Live To Be Financially Successful 40:02 How Do You Get Out Of Your Current Job Situation 42:39 Good Places To Make Money Vs Bad Places To Make Money 45:19 How Do You Find A Mentor? 49:10 The Psychological Formula For Networking 56:58 How To Be A Great Decision Maker 01:01:48 Is Marriage Good For Wealth? 01:03:39 Relationship Investing Is The Key To Wealth 01:06:17 Can Anyone Start A Company? 01:08:11 The Power Of Storytelling 01:10:01 How Does The Average Person Develop The Skill Of Storytelling? 01:12:54 What Is The Algebra To Storytelling? 01:16:25 How Has Scott Changed Over The Years? 01:18:56 Where Should I Invest My Money? 01:27:12 Investing $1000 A Month In S&P Visual 01:30:42 Is Real Estate Worth Investing In? 01:34:59 Playing The Tax Game 01:41:37 The Importance Of Tax Advice 01:43:53 Last Guest Question Follow Scott:  Instagram -  https://g2ul0.app.link/JCoalDTC7Kb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/9EftqvWC7Kb  You can purchase Scott’s book, ‘The Algebra of Wealth’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/g6AkFeRC7Kb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  You can purchase the The Diary Of A CEO Conversation Cards: Second Edition, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/f31dsUttKKb  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb Sponsors: PerfectTed - https://bit.ly/DOAC-POD-DIARY15 - Code: DIARY15 at checkout for 15% off NordVPN - https://nordvpn.com/doac - give you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. There's no risk with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women & We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women! Richard Reeves

    The Gender Expert: Men Are Emotionally Dependent On Women & We're Treating Them Like Malfunctioning Women! Richard Reeves
    500,000 men are dying by suicide, and 6% of men are unemployed, is masculinity in crisis? And what is the cure?  Richard Reeves is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and President of the American Institute for Boys and Men, an organisation that researches and addresses issues affecting men. He is also the author of the book, ‘Of Boys and Men’.  In this conversation, Richard and Steven discuss topics such as, the rising rates of male suicide rates, the health benefits of marriage for men, the toxic impact of Andrew Tate, and the relationship crisis among men.  0:00 (Intro) (01:24) Why Dedicating Your Career To Men's Issues (03:54) What's Your Background? (06:06) The Crazy Stats That Made You Research This Topic (08:07) We're Going Through A Cultural Revolution (12:32) We Need A New Way To Approach This (17:12) Are Men And Women Differently? (21:07) Men Take More Risks (26:17) Unconscious Behaviours Of Men (34:11) Suicide Is The Biggest Killer Of Men (38:44) Why Is This Suicide Increasing? (42:47) Why Do Humans Feel Like They Need To Be Needed? (46:59) Why Men Feel Less Needed (49:43) Does Retirement Kill You? (54:43) We're Losing Connection In Our Modern Society (57:42) The Dating Environment Has Changed (01:05:23) Are Dating Apps Being Unfavourable To Men? (01:09:41) Is Marriage In Decline? (01:12:51) Births Are Increasing Outside Of Marriage (01:13:56) Is Marriage Better For Women Or Men? (01:15:59) Enforced Monogamy (01:17:55) Why Andrew Tate Converted To Islam (01:20:47) Women Economic Power (01:22:56) What Do You Think About The Word Toxic Masculinity (01:27:08) There Is A Friendship Male Recession (01:31:38) Men Shed's Movement (01:33:48) My Experience With Couples Therapy (01:36:30) The Hard Times Of Going Through Couples Therapy (01:40:25) How Masculinity Can Be Expressed (01:47:42) What Advice You'd Give Your Children (01:53:58) Using Our Voices To Make Men Be Heard (02:01:22) The Last Guest Question You can buy Richard’s book, ‘Of Boys And Men’, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/BGBtdbitXKb  Follow Richard:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/8swNmRotXKb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/9iup1brtXKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: Linkedin Jobs: https://www.linkedin.com/doac Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante

    Moment 169: CIA Spy Reveals How To AVOID Media Manipulation & Brainwashing: Andrew Bustamante
    In this moment, the former CIA intelligence officer Andrew Bustamante discusses the crucial techniques of manipulation, which he describes as a core part of CIA training. Andrew  introduces the R.I.C.E. analogy, which stands for Reward, Ideology, Coercion, and Ego. This framework is essential for understanding the motivations of others, allowing you to connect with them, build relationships, and influence their actions. According to Andrew, reward involves anything the other person desires, while ideology reflects the person’s core beliefs and is the most powerful element of the acronym. Coercion involves using negative behaviours on someone such as guilt or blackmail, and ego relates to how the other person sees themselves. Andrew translates this manipulation technique to marketing. He suggests that by sending targeted messages to your audience and assessing their responses, you gain insights into their ideology, providing you with useful information for future sales. Listen to the full episode here - Spotify- https://g2ul0.app.link/vgYbIohXXKb Apple -  https://g2ul0.app.link/r9qufpkXXKb Watch the Episodes On Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/c/%20TheDiaryOfACEO/videos Andrew: https://everydayspy.com/ Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Transforms Your Gut Microbiome! People Are Being Overdosed On Ozempic! Microdosing Saved My Life! - Dr Tyna Moore

    The Ozempic Expert: Ozempic Transforms Your Gut Microbiome! People Are Being Overdosed On Ozempic! Microdosing Saved My Life! - Dr Tyna Moore
    It's the most effective weight loss drug ever, but could it have other miraculous benefits? Dr Tyna Moore is a certified Naturopathic and Chiropractic physician and expert in holistic regenerative medicine. She is also the host of ‘The Dr Tyna Show’ Podcast and founder of the ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course about the benefits of the drug.  In this conversation, Dr Tyna and Steven discuss topics such as, how Ozempic saved Tyna’s mother’s life, the link between Ozempic and fertility, Ozempic's impact on alcoholism, and how Ozempic can boost your sex drive.  00:00 Intro 02:06 What Is Tina's Mission? 03:33 What Is a Naturopathic Doctor? 05:13 What Is Metabolic Dysfunction? 10:17 Tina's Most Surprising Case Studies 12:45 What Treatment Did You Prescribe Your Mother? 15:47 Tina's Health History 19:28 Discovering Ozempic 27:57 What Is Ozempic? 32:14 Tina's Use of Ozempic 38:17 The Untold Story of Ozempic 41:26 Other Benefits of Ozempic 50:36 Ozempic the Cancer Cure? 54:45 Mental Health Connections to Ozempic 57:14 Sexual Health and Fertility Impact 01:00:58 Where Is Metabolic Dysfunction Coming From? 01:05:04 What Advice You'd Give Someone With PCOS 01:10:13 Microdosing Examples 01:15:07 Microdosing Ozempic 01:20:34 Is Ozempic a Cure for Addiction? 01:23:56 Ozempic and the Dopamine Pathways 01:27:34 Should We Be Concerned About Side Effects? 01:30:18 What Are the Downsides of the Treatment? 01:32:42 What Else You Need to Do for Weight Loss if Microdosing 01:35:30 Losing Muscle as We Age, Fact? 01:36:37 The Sleep Component 01:38:44 Mindset for Weight Loss 01:40:36 The Benefits of Saunas 01:42:34 What Would Tyna Say to the World? 01:46:57 How to Find Out More About Tyna's Work 01:54:06 Guest's Last Question You can sign up to Tyna’s ‘Ozempic Uncovered’ course, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/SzO8olaUTKb  Follow Tyna:  Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/1jWIP6cUTKb  YouTube - https://g2ul0.app.link/TDLQu8fUTKb  Learn more about the studies mentioned, here: Ozempic and cardiovascular disease - https://g2ul0.app.link/acj4iubuVKb  Ozempic and colorectal cancer - https://g2ul0.app.link/ZFpVdfduVKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: ZOE: http://joinzoe.com with an exclusive code CEO2024 for 10% off Colgate - https://www.colgate.com/en-gb/colgate-total Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer

    The Sleep Scientist (NEW RESEARCH): Sleeping Patterns Can Predict Future Diseases! Sleep Deprivation Is A Silent Killer! The Painful Trick To Fix Poor Sleep - Dr Guy Leschinzer
    Sleep walking, night terrors and even sleep murders, the mysteries of the sleeping brain revealed Professor Guy Leschinzer is a world-renowned expert in Neurology and Sleep Medicine at Guy’s Hospital London. He is also the author of books such as, ‘The Nocturnal Brain’, ‘The Man Who Tasted Words’, and most recently, ‘Seven Deadly Sins’.  In this conversation, Guy and Steven discuss topics such as, how sleep can strip belly fat, the one sleep disorder affecting up to 80% of people, the number one fix for insomnia, and the truth about sleep walking and other night time activities. 00:00 Intro 02:06 Dr. Guy's Fascination With Neurological Conditions 04:15 What Is Dr. Guy's Background 06:26 What Is A Sleep Disorder Centre? 08:01 Why Dr. Guy Chose To Study Sleep 09:19 Is Sleep Important? 11:24 Why We Need Sleep For Good Health 12:59 A Large Percent Of The Population Has Insomnia 17:05 What Is Narcolepsy 18:03 What's Causing So Many Sleep Problems? 21:06 What's The Perfect Sleeping Habit? 24:36 Sleep Quantity Variance Per Person 28:27 The Link Between Sleep And Weight Gain 31:44 Circadian Rhythms Explained 36:17 Blue Lights 39:34 The Main Reasons People Are Struggling With Their Sleep 44:35 Sleep Myths 46:15 Chronotypes 47:55 Where To Start Fixing Sleep Problems 51:25 The Rise Of Sleep Trackers 58:28 What Is The Glymphatic System? 01:01:50 The Link Between Sleep Deprivation And Alzheimer's 01:02:54 Medicating To Help Sleep 01:04:38 Side Effects Of Melatonin 01:06:05 Non-Medical Alternatives To Help Sleep 01:14:38 Surgery To Fix Sleeping Issues 01:17:49 What Would Brain Scans Reveal About Sleep Deprivation 01:19:40 Sleep Deprivation Affects Your Mood 01:21:11 Can Parts Of Our Brain Be Asleep? 01:22:47 Dreaming 01:25:08 Nightmares Explained 01:25:54 Why Do We Remember Some Dreams And Not Others? 01:28:12 Most Upsetting Sleep Disorder Dr. Guy Has Seen 01:31:42 The Sleepwalking Murderer 01:33:51 There Is Help For Insomnia 01:35:18 The Different Types Of Insomnia 01:36:42 The Man Who Tasted Words 01:39:33 Autism And Synesthesia 01:42:22 Are We Guilty Of Crimes If We Are Mentally Ill? 01:45:01 Interventions To Help The Criminally Mentally Ill 01:46:40 Crazy Stories Resulting From A Brain Disorder 01:52:47 How Meeting People With Brain Disorders Has Changed Dr. Guy 01:54:22 Guest's Last Question   You can purchase Guy’s books, here: ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/aoUzRBkJNKb  ‘The Nocturnal Brain’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/iLrSJxzKNKb ‘The Secret World of Sleep’ - https://g2ul0.app.link/W8nPXVCKNKb  Follow Guy: Instagram - https://g2ul0.app.link/CCqOwVnJNKb  Twitter - https://g2ul0.app.link/YC1itGqJNKb  You can learn more about the study on light exposure patterns, here: https://g2ul0.app.link/2SQaT1KKNKb  Watch the episodes on Youtube - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACEpisodes  My new book! 'The 33 Laws Of Business & Life' is out now - https://g2ul0.app.link/DOACBook  Follow me: https://g2ul0.app.link/gnGqL4IsKKb  Sponsors: NordVPN: https://nordvpn.com/doac - give you 4 extra months on the 2-year plan. There's no risk with Nord’s 30 day money-back guarantee!' Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    On episode 165, we welcome Eric Wilson to discuss how to embrace the weird parts of ourselves and why it’s important to do so, various exercises to help us along the way, why being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder caused Eric to feel like an incompetent father, how psychotherapy helped him embrace the parts of himself that could make him feel like a good dad, our fear of the strange and attraction to it, the importance of creating new habits to cultivate new parts of yourself, why there’s no such thing as a “true self,” learning to create new and more complex interpretations of ourselves and the world, how Eric helped his students become more passionate about literature, and the importance of living for oneself and embracing the purposeless life.

    Eric G. Wilson is the Thomas H. Pritchard Professor of English at Wake Forest University. He is the author of books Against Happiness: In Praise of Melancholy, an LA Times bestseller; Everyone Loves a Good Train Wreck: Why We Can’t Look Away; and Keep it Fake: Inventing an Authentic Life, as well as many other books exploring connections among literature, film, and psychology. His newest book, available now, is called How to Be Weird: An Off-Kilter Guide to Living a One-of-a-Kind Life.


    | Eric G. Wilson |

    ► Website | http://www.ericgwilson.net

    ► Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/keepitfake

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    ► Youtube | https://bit.ly/3FBhGwr

    ► How to Be Weird Book | https://amzn.to/3TqPS3E

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    Delayed Gratitude Journey

    Delayed Gratitude Journey

    In this thought-provoking episode of The Guided Words, host Benel dives deep into the timeless concept of Delayed Gratification. Amid the whirlwind of our fast-paced, instant-gratification society, this episode calls us to reflect on the wisdom embedded in our scriptures and the profound implications this principle holds for our lives.

    Using everyday analogies and easy-to-understand language, Benel decodes this complex topic, explaining its relevance and value in our modern lives. From the planting of a seed to the mastering of a new skill, discover how the practice of patience, nurturing, and resilience can yield more meaningful and satisfying rewards.

    Inspired by the book of Galatians in the New Testament, this episode is a gentle reminder that "at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." This episode is not just about waiting, but also about the journey and the growth that comes from the wait.

    Whether you're seeking to gain deeper insight into scripture, looking for a way to cultivate patience, or just need a comforting voice to guide you through a bustling day, this episode of The Guided Words is sure to inspire and enlighten you.

    So, tune in, take a pause, and explore the richness of the scripture's wisdom, beautifully woven into the fabric of our daily lives.

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    Walking the Path of Grief With our Horse Partners: With Tara Davis

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    A few months ago we saw a post she shared on her instagram sharing the journey of transition and grief with her horse partner and was moved by it.

    In a world where we don't often know how to honor this journey or walk this path we thought it would be a deeply beautiful experience to have Tara come and share about her journey.

    This conversation is vulnerable and holds so much beauty in hopes to provide a path of healing for others that are going through something similar.

    Whether you are grieving or in the process of holding that path of transition for a horse partner or another being or person, we hope this conversation supports that journey for you.

    S2E6 Demystifying Meditation

    S2E6 Demystifying Meditation

    Have you ever felt overwhelmed or intimidated by the idea of meditation? What aspects of it are challenging to you? Do you think meditation is only for those with a specific mindset or spiritual practice? 

    Ginny and Amanda discuss the mental, emotional, and physical benefits of meditation, address common misconceptions which hold people back from meditating, and guide you through various types of meditation in this inspirational and informative show!

    They talk about:

    • An amazing study by the David Lynch Foundation conducted in inner city schools that proved meditation works to lower rates of violence, increase attendance rates, and raise GPA's. Link below. 
    • Physical benefits of meditation including lowering levels of stress, inflammation, and blood pressure as well as enhancing concentration. 
    • Different practices such as transcendental, contemplative, and Metta meditation.
    • The mantra Amanda uses (and millions of other people) during Metta meditation that puts her in a state of oneness with herself and every living thing on Earth.
    • Meditation as a tool to tap into your higher consciousness and find your purpose.
    • Amanda's personal meditation practice including a grounding technique, an original prayer (patched together from various sources), cord cutting, and chakra clearing. 
    • The importance of breathwork and the science of engaging the vagus nerve to bring a sense of calm. 
    • An inner child meditation to bring you to a state of self-love and self-worth.
    • And much more!

    CORRECTION: The neurotransmitter that activates the calm response when engaging the vagus nerve is acetylcholine...not acetylcholide.

    Links mentioned in show:

    The David Lynch Foundation study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWTF1SA7OVU

    Amanda's website to receive her monthly newsletter soon to include meditations, as well as to receive her free guide, "5 Principles to Be All In" https://www.amandamckoyflanagan.com/

    *Email your thoughts about this show or if you have an idea for another show to solrisingpodcast@gmail.com.

    *If you like this show, please subscribe, share, and leave a ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review.

    Sol Rising is now also on YouTube. Check it out at https://www.youtube.com/@thesolrisingpodcast

    Follow Sol Rising at https://www.instagram.com/solrisingpodcast/

    Follow Amanda at https://www.instagram.com/amandamckoyflanagan/ 

    Follow Ginny at https://www.instagram.com/theflippinphoenix/ 

    Ginny's furniture rehab website: https://theflippinphoenix.com/

    Get Amanda's book, Trust Yourself to Be All In at https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C4M137BJ or https://www.amandamckoyflanagan.com/ 

    Music credit: "Surfer James" by Tom Deis. Source: Premiumbeats.com.