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    David Eagleman: The Inside Story of the Ever-Changing Brain | E209

    enFebruary 13, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The Complexities of Our Biology and PerceptionNeuroscientist David Eagleman explores the intricacies of time perception, sensory substitution, and the potential future of human experience, drawing from his research and personal experience of feeling time slow down during a fall as a child.

      Our perception of reality is shaped by our biology, and we have much to learn from the intricacies of the biological world. David Eagleman, a neuroscientist and bestselling author, shares his research on time perception, sensory substitution, and the potential future of human experience. Eagleman's personal experience of falling from a roof as a child and feeling as if time had slowed down sparked his interest in perception. He discovered that our brain doesn't actually perceive time in slow motion during life-threatening situations, but rather lays down denser memories that make the experience seem longer in retrospect. This insight, among others, highlights the importance of understanding the complexities of our biology and the potential for future advancements in technology that mimic and enhance our natural abilities.

    • Our perception of the world is shaped by our individual 'umwelt'Our perception of reality is not real-time and is influenced by our unique biological makeup and sensory information.

      Our perception of the world is not a direct experience of reality in real-time. Instead, our brains process information from our senses with a delay, meaning we're always living in the past. This delay can range from a few milliseconds to several seconds, depending on the complexity of the information being processed. This concept, known as the "umwelt," emphasizes that our individual perceptions of the world are unique, shaped by our biological makeup and the specific information our senses provide us. While technology has allowed us to perceive and process information more quickly, we will always have a delay between our actions and their consequences in our conscious perception. Additionally, the size and complexity of the human brain make it impossible for us to manipulate time in the way we might desire, ensuring that we will always live in the past to some extent.

    • The unique ways species perceive their worldsEach species constructs its own reality based on unique sensory capabilities, challenging our assumption of a universally shared perception

      Each species perceives the world differently based on the unique signals and senses they possess. This concept is known as an umwelt, which refers to the specific reality constructed by an organism based on its limited sensory capabilities. For instance, a tick detects temperature and body odor, a blind echolocating bat relies on echoing sound signals, and a black ghost knifefish senses electrical fields. Humans, too, experience variations in perception, such as color blindness, synesthesia, and differences in mental imagery. These discoveries challenge our assumption that everyone perceives the world in the same way and highlight the importance of recognizing the diverse ways in which we and other species interact with our environments.

    • Animals' unique senses challenge human perception of realityFrom magnetic navigation in cows to infrared vision in rattlesnakes, animals' evolved senses expand our understanding of the world, reminding us of the limitations of human senses and the fundamental biological connection we share.

      While humans may believe we perceive the world in its entirety, animals possess unique abilities that expand our understanding of reality. Some animals, like cows, navigate using Earth's magnetic fields, while others, such as rattlesnakes and honeybees, see in infrared and ultraviolet ranges, respectively. These discoveries challenge our perception of the world and highlight the limitations of human senses. Animals' senses have evolved based on their environments, with humans focusing on vision and hearing due to the optimal range of sunlight. Despite our differences, all animals, including humans, share similar brain structures made up of neurons. Our unique experiences and abilities, while distinct, are rooted in the same fundamental biological foundation.

    • Exploring the Dynamic Nature of the BrainThe brain is a constantly evolving network, with neurons wiring and rewiring connections in response to experiences and stimuli. LiveWired emphasizes the brain's dynamic and ever-changing nature, and the potential for technology to mimic and harness this ability.

      The brain functions like a constantly evolving network, with neurons "wiring" and "rewiring" connections in response to experiences and stimuli. This concept, which the speaker refers to as "LiveWired," goes beyond the traditional understanding of brain plasticity, which focuses on the brain's ability to change. Instead, LiveWired emphasizes the brain's dynamic and ever-changing nature, and the potential for technology to mimic and harness this ability. The speaker also highlights the competitive nature of the brain, with neurons "fighting" for survival and releasing neurotransmitters as a defense mechanism. Additionally, the speaker discusses the importance of apoptosis, or programmed cell death, in the development of the brain. Overall, the discussion emphasizes the complexity and continuous evolution of the brain, and the potential for new technologies to build on this understanding.

    • The Brain's Adaptability and Early Childhood DevelopmentOur brains are adaptable and can reallocate resources based on experiences. Early childhood development plays a crucial role in cognitive growth, and lack of proper stimulation can lead to challenges.

      Our brains are incredibly adaptable and able to reallocate resources to different functions based on our experiences. As the speaker explained, if someone loses their sight, the visual cortex can be taken over by other senses like hearing or touch. Similarly, humans absorb the world around us from a young age, shaping who we become. We're not born as blank slates but with pre-installed "software packages" that develop based on our environment. Those who don't receive proper input and stimulation during their formative years may face cognitive development challenges. Using Yahoo Finance as an example, we can see how having access to all the necessary tools and data in one place can help us make informed decisions. In the same way, our brains are wired to absorb information and build on the knowledge passed down through generations, leading to human advancements and progress.

    • Critical periods in brain development shape our ability to learn certain skillsEarly development stages have specific periods where skills like language acquisition must be learned or the ability may be lost, while other skills can be learned at any age due to ongoing brain plasticity

      While the brain is generally considered to be plastic and able to adapt throughout one's life, there are specific critical periods during early development when certain skills, such as language acquisition, must be learned or else the ability to learn them may be lost forever. The brain develops through a complex process involving sensors like the eyes and ears, which send electrical signals to the brain, leading to chemical reactions that construct our perception of the world. The brain is essentially in a state of silence and darkness, relying solely on these neural signals to create our experiences of sight and sound. Critical periods in brain development, such as the language acquisition period, must be met with sufficient stimulation in order for the brain to properly develop and adapt. After these critical periods, the ability to learn certain skills may become significantly more difficult. For example, learning a new language after the age of 5 is much more challenging than learning it before that age. However, other skills, such as learning to kiteboard or play an instrument, can be learned at any age due to the ongoing plasticity of the motor and sensory systems. It's important to understand that the brain is constantly constructing our experiences based on the information it receives, and the ability to learn new skills depends on the timing and quality of that information.

    • The brain's ability to adapt and create new perceptionsThrough various experiments, researchers have shown that the brain can adapt to new sensory inputs, creating new perceptions like 'seeing' for the blind and 'hearing' for the deaf.

      The brain has the incredible ability to adapt and learn new ways of perceiving the world. This was demonstrated in the late 1800s when researchers were able to help a blind person "see" by converting light into patterns of vibration on their forehead. Similarly, in 1969, scientists used a modified dental chair to help blind people "feel" images by poking their backs with corresponding shapes. The brain was able to interpret these sensory inputs and create a new perception. This concept was further explored by a scientist who developed a vest with vibratory motors that turned sound into patterns of vibration on the skin. Deaf people were able to learn to "hear" through this vest, which was later turned into a wristband. It takes time for people to become accustomed to these new sensory inputs, but with practice, they can come to understand and even describe their experiences as hearing or seeing. This phenomenon, where the brain creates a private, subjective experience from external stimuli, is known as qualia. It's a reminder of the amazing adaptability and plasticity of the human brain.

    • Exploring New Senses with TechnologyNeuroscientist Amarantha Seneviratne discusses research on expanding human perception through technology like infrared sensors and the brain's plasticity, which may enable unused cortex territory to be taken over by neighboring senses, possibly explaining dreams during sleep.

      Our sensory experiences are not limited to the five traditional senses, and humans have the potential to develop new senses through technology. Neuroscientist Amarantha Seneviratne discussed her research on expanding human perception through technology, such as infrared temperature sensors, which can provide new information about the environment. She also shared her hypothesis that the brain's plasticity allows for neighboring senses to take over unused cortex territory, such as when someone goes blind, and that this quick adaptation poses a challenge for the evolution of the visual system due to the long periods of darkness during nighttime in our evolutionary history. Dreaming, according to Seneviratne and her student's hypothesis, may serve as a way for the brain to make use of this unused visual cortex during sleep. The researcher also mentioned various ongoing projects at Neosensory, including using technology to help drone pilots feel the drone's orientation and temperature changes for the blind and those with prosthetics. Overall, the discussion highlights the potential for expanding human perception through technology and the brain's adaptability.

    • Dreams protect the brain during sleepHumans dream frequently to prevent the visual cortex from being overtaken by random activity, and dreams are not inherently meaningful but rather a result of our brain's storytelling ability.

      Dreams serve a crucial function in the brain as a "screensaver" to protect the visual cortex from being taken over by random activity during sleep. Humans, with their highly adaptable and plastic brains, dream more frequently than less flexible animals to prevent the visual cortex from being overtaken. Dreams are essentially random activity, and our brains impose meaning on them when we recall and narrate them. It's essential to understand that dreams are not inherently meaningful but rather a product of our brain's natural storytelling ability. The next time you have a seemingly bizarre dream, remember it's just your brain's way of defending its territory.

    • Exploring the World's Mysteries with Shopify and the Scientific MethodShopify empowers entrepreneurs with user-friendly tools and support, while the scientific method offers a reliable way to explore unknowns and contradictory beliefs, emphasizing intellectual humility and open-mindedness.

      Shopify provides an accessible platform for entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses, from various industries, with ease. With user-friendly tools and award-winning support, Shopify enables individuals to focus on their passions and leave the technicalities behind. Meanwhile, the world is filled with mysteries, particularly in the realm of neuroscience and consciousness. The scientific method, a relatively new approach for humans, offers a way to tackle these mysteries by testing hypotheses and demanding evidence. However, the existence of numerous religions, some of which hold beliefs contradictory to scientific facts, highlights the importance of intellectual humility and open-mindedness. While it's unlikely that any single religion holds the absolute truth, the scientific method provides a reliable means to explore the unknown and unravel the mysteries of our world. To start your own business journey or explore the depths of scientific knowledge, visit Shopify.com/profiting.

    • Exploring the unknown with a 'Possibilian' mindsetEmbrace an open-minded approach to life, using science to test hypotheses and expand knowledge, leading to a more positive outlook and reducing conflicts.

      We should adopt a "Possibilian" mindset, which encourages exploration and questioning of the unknown in the universe, rather than rigidly adhering to religious or atheistic beliefs. The scientific temperament, as described by the speaker, allows for an open-minded approach to understanding the world, using science to test hypotheses and expand our knowledge. This perspective can lead to a more positive and unifying outlook on life, reducing conflicts and encouraging curiosity and innovation. The speaker's TEDx talk on this topic, called "Pasta Billionism," sparked a worldwide movement and offers an alternative to the limited choices of religious or atheistic worldviews. In the future, the speaker plans to apply this mindset to technology through his company LiveWire, which aims to bridge the gap between hardware and software by learning from biology's ability to adapt and evolve.

    • Creating adaptable and flexible tech inspired by biologyBiological systems can learn and adapt to their environments, inspiring the creation of more adaptable and flexible tech. While AI excels in rule-based tasks, it struggles with complex real-world problems. Future tech should strive to mimic the adaptability of living organisms.

      We should strive to create more adaptable and flexible technological systems, inspired by biological organisms' ability to learn and adjust to their environments. The Mars rover, for instance, faced its demise when its wheel got stuck, while a wolf, when faced with a similar challenge, managed to adapt and continue functioning. This concept, called "live wiring," involves building systems that can learn and adapt to their surroundings, as opposed to rigid, preprogrammed machines. AI, on the other hand, while impressive, is limited in its ability to adapt and learn. It excels in rule-based tasks, such as image recognition, but struggles with complex, real-world problems. A child, on the other hand, can navigate complex environments, learn socially, and adapt to new situations, demonstrating the vast potential for biological systems. Despite the advancements in AI, there's no need for immediate concern, as it still operates based on predefined instructions. The future of technology lies in creating more biological, adaptable systems, allowing us to build robots and machines that can learn and evolve like living organisms.

    • Exploring the Future of Brain CommunicationNeuroscientist David Eagleman envisions a future where we can measure and interact with the brain at a deeper level, leading to breakthroughs in brain-to-brain communication and new senses. Seek novelty and challenge the mind to prepare for this future, and prioritize relationships and empathy.

      The future of mankind holds exciting advancements in our understanding of the brain and communication. Neuroscientist David Eagleman envisions a future where we'll be able to measure and interact with the brain at a much deeper level, leading to breakthroughs in brain-to-brain communication and new senses. To prepare for this future, Eagleman suggests seeking novelty and challenging the mind by learning new things. Additionally, he emphasizes the importance of relationships and understanding others' perspectives. To learn more about Eagleman and his work, visit eagleman.com. Overall, this conversation with Eagleman highlights the incredible potential of the human brain and the importance of continuous learning and empathy.

    • Embracing uncertainty and exploring new possibilities in understanding the mysteries of the human brain and consciousnessDavid, a leading expert, admits scientists can't explain consciousness, encouraging a scientific approach to all aspects of life, including spirituality, could lead to reduced discrimination and global progress. Keep an open mind and commit to testing ideas against evidence as technology advances.

      Learning from this discussion with David is the importance of embracing uncertainty and exploring new possibilities in understanding the mysteries of the human brain and consciousness. David, a leading expert in the field, admitted that scientists can't technically explain consciousness, leaving room for alternative perspectives. This philosophy, known as possibillionism, encourages a scientific approach to all aspects of life, including spirituality, and could lead to reduced discrimination and global progress. As technology advances, it's crucial that we approach new discoveries with an open mind and a commitment to testing ideas against evidence. So, let's continue to challenge ourselves to learn, imagine, and push the boundaries of what we know. And if you enjoyed this episode, please share it with your network to help spread the word about Yap. You can find us on YouTube, Instagram (@yapwithhala), and LinkedIn (Halataha). Thank you to the Yap team for making this podcast possible. This is your host, Halataha, signing off.

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    Hala Taha: Leveraging LinkedIn for Career and Business Success | How to Money

    Hala Taha: Leveraging LinkedIn for Career and Business Success | How to Money
    By the time Hala Taha left her corporate job, her side hustle was making well over $100,000 monthly. Dubbed the ‘Podcast Princess’, her social media and podcast empire is on track to make $10 million next year. What does she attribute her rapid growth to? LinkedIn. In this episode of the How to Money Podcast, Hala talks to Joel Larsgaard and Matt Altmix about leveraging LinkedIn to grow her business. She also shares her top tips for growing on the platform. Joel Larsgaard is a former senior radio producer on the nationally syndicated Clark Howard Show. In pursuit of his dream to achieve financial freedom, he started working young and now manages a modest real estate portfolio. Matt Altmix is a former wedding photographer and business owner. Before switching to photography, he worked in the advertising space as a designer. Matt also manages several investment properties.   In this episode, Hala, Joel, and Matt will discuss: - What Hala likes to splurge on - Her early career in radio - Why she decided to focus on LinkedIn - Smart keyword usage on LinkedIn - Hala’s favorite lessons from her dad - Features to focus on for LinkedIn growth - The ‘broetry’ style of writing LinkedIn posts - The LinkedIn strategies that grew Hala’s podcast  - How she dropped out of school to work for free - The strategy that blew up her podcast audience - Hala’s journey from corporate to entrepreneurship - Running her business on a team of volunteering super fans - And other topics…   Joel Larsgaard is a former senior radio producer on the nationally syndicated Clark Howard Show. He started working young, first mowing lawns, then doing a three-hour shift at the Chick-fil-A across from his high school. He made only $24,000 a year at his first job in radio but saved up 20% to put down on his first house. In pursuit of his dream of achieving financial freedom, he became a part-time landlord with a modest real estate portfolio of seven properties in Atlanta. Matt Altmix is a former wedding photographer turned full-time podcast host. Before switching to photography, he worked in the advertising space as a designer. While in school, he and his wife shared dreams of starting their own businesses. After they got married, they started Altmix Photography, running it together until Matt decided to focus on podcasting full-time. Matt also manages several investment properties.    Connect with Joel & Matt: Joel’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/HowToMoneyJoel  Joel’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joel-larsgaard-70175566/  Matt’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/HowToMoneyMatt  Matt’s LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-altmix-989161a/  How to Money Website: https://www.howtomoney.com/  How to Money Twitter: https://twitter.com/HowToMoneyPod  How to Money Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtomoneypod/  How to Money Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1623670287732189  How to Money Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/how-to-money/id1337718773  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.    Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at LinkedIn.com/YAP Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com    More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media Agency Services - yapmedia.io/

    Michael Easter: The Comfort Crisis, Embracing Discomfort to Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self | E290

    Michael Easter: The Comfort Crisis, Embracing Discomfort to Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self | E290
    Alcohol offered Michael Easter a cheap thrill. But when he got sober, he needed to fill the void with other stimulating experiences. So, he turned to travel, surrounding himself with brilliant thinkers and people living at the extremes. From hunting in the Arctic to living in the Bolivian jungle, his experiences have helped him uncover practical ideas for optimizing life. In this episode, Michael breaks down the power of discomfort, the scarcity loop, and how to avoid falling into the trap of excess and bad behaviors. Michael Easter is an expert on behavioral change and a New York Times bestselling author of The Comfort Crisis and Scarcity Brain. He is also a contributing editor at Men's Health magazine and a columnist for Outside magazine.  In this episode, Hala and Michael will discuss: - The side effects of too much comfort - How to infuse more discomfort in our daily lives  - How uncomfortable situations lead to better health and more happiness - Why we’re overly competent but underconfident - The upside of boredom - Why thinking of death leads to better decision-making  - The problems of excess - How the scarcity loop fuels bad habits - Why we're so obsessed with unpredictable results - How can we rewire our brains to change bad behaviors - Tips for avoiding scarcity cues - How to deal with information overload - And other topics… Michael Easter is an adventurer, an expert on behavioral change, and a New York Times bestselling author of The Comfort Crisis and Scarcity Brain. He is also a contributing editor at Men's Health magazine, a columnist for Outside magazine, and a professor at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. His research focuses on how embracing discomfort can enhance well-being. His work has been featured in publications such as Men’s Journal, New York, and Scientific American, reaching audiences in over sixty countries. He shares his latest insights through his popular newsletter, ‘2% with Michael Easter.’  Connect With Michael: Michael’s Website: https://eastermichael.com/    Michael’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michael-easter-b208848/    Michael’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Michael_Easter   Michael’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michael_easter/  Michael’s Newsletter: https://www.twopct.com/    Resources Mentioned: Michael's Books: The Comfort Crisis: Embrace Discomfort To Reclaim Your Wild, Happy, Healthy Self: https://www.amazon.com/Comfort-Crisis-Embrace-Discomfort-Reclaim/dp/0593138767    Scarcity Brain: Fix Your Craving Mindset and Rewire Your Habits to Thrive with Enough: https://www.amazon.com/Scarcity-Brain-Craving-Mindset-Rewire/dp/0593236629    LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course. Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at LinkedIn.com/YAP Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com    More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    Sal Khan: How AI Will Revolutionize Education | E289

    Sal Khan: How AI Will Revolutionize Education | E289
    After his day job at a hedge fund, Sal Khan would tutor his 12-year-old cousin in math over the internet. When she moved to a more advanced track at school, word spread. Soon, he was tutoring over a dozen friends and relatives all over the country. His tutoring side project went from a humble YouTube channel to a renowned education nonprofit. Recently, they launched the first AI tutor built on GPT-4 technology. In this episode, Sal and Hala discuss how artificial intelligence could impact the future of education and work.  Sal Khan is the founder of the widely used education platform, Khan Academy. In 2012, he was recognized as one of TIME's “100 Most Influential People in the World”. Sal is the author of Brave New Words, a book on AI to be released on May 14th, 2024.  In this episode, Hala and Sal will discuss: - Sal’s transition from finance to education - The humble beginnings of Khan Academy - Sal’s decision to operate as a nonprofit - Misconceptions about nonprofits - Sal’s advice for entrepreneurs and nonprofit startups - Equity in education - Running a successful nonprofit - The potential of AI in education - The development of the AI tutor and teaching assistant, Khanmigo. - Guardrails for AI to ensure transparency, safety, and privacy  - The power of tutoring in personalized education  - How AI can enhance human creativity  - Concerns about unethical uses of AI - Opportunities for entrepreneurs leveraging AI - AI for skill expansion - The potential impact of AI on hiring processes - And other topics…   Sal Khan is the founder and CEO of Khan Academy, a nonprofit organization that provides free, world-class education to more than 155 million registered users worldwide. Sal’s interest in education started during his undergraduate studies at MIT, where he developed math software for children with ADHD and tutored public school students in Boston. In 2012, he was listed among TIME's "100 Most Influential People in the World". Sal’s book on AI, Brave New Words, is scheduled for release on May 14th, 2024. Resources Mentioned: Sal’s Website: https://www.khanacademy.org/  Sal’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khanacademy/  Sal’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/salkhanacademy  Sal’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/khanacademy  Sal’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/salkhanacademy/  Sal’s Book, Brave New Words: How AI Will Revolutionize Education (and Why That's a Good Thing): https://www.amazon.com/Brave-New-Words-Revolutionize-Education/dp/0593656954    LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.    Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Rakuten - Get 15% Cash Back during Rakuten’s Big Give Week from May 6th to May 13th, and join for free to score an extra 10% boost at rakuten.com! Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at LinkedIn.com/YAP    More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    Bill Perkins: I’m Planning to Die with Zero Dollars in the Bank and You Should Too | E288

    Bill Perkins: I’m Planning to Die with Zero Dollars in the Bank and You Should Too | E288
    Bill Perkins showed up at the New York Mercantile Exchange every day until he got a job as an assistant peon. He started with a salary below $16,000 per year and drove a limo in the evenings to make ends meet. Yet, he dedicated his nights to reading books on trading, the oil market, and options. Through unwavering determination, he became a millionaire by 30. Today, he is one of the world's most successful hedge fund managers and entrepreneurs. In this episode, Bill shares his wisdom about making money and how to spend it. He also explains why your goal should be to die with zero dollars in the bank instead of as a millionaire. Bill Perkins is a hedge fund manager, film producer, and high-stakes poker player. He trained on Wall Street before finding success as an energy trader in Houston, TX. He's the author of Die With Zero, which advocates prioritizing experiences over wealth accumulation for retirement. In this episode, Hala and Bill will discuss: - Bill’s foray into finance - His advice for aspiring millionaires - What commodities hedge funds do - His approach to taking calculated risks - Why he prioritizes experiences over possessions - Money as a tool to drive fulfillment  - The balance between work and play  - The pitfalls of saving yourself out of a life - The peak utility of your money - The fear of dying broke vs. not living life to the fullest - Planning for optimal fulfillment with time bucketing - And other topics… Bill Perkins is a hedge fund manager, film producer, author, and high-stakes poker player. After studying engineering, he trained on Wall Street and later moved to Houston, TX, where he made a fortune as an energy trader. During the 2007-2008 financial crisis, he profited $1.25 million in one week trading Goldman Sachs stock. His fund saw gains of over 100% in 2021 and 208% in 2022 by betting on rising natural gas prices ahead of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. His book, Die With Zero, advocates prioritizing memorable experiences over wealth accumulation. Bill views his career as an engine for personal growth and spends his time exploring the world, savoring his relationships, and taking in all that life has to offer.  Resources Mentioned: Bill’s Website: https://www.diewithzerobook.com/welcome  Bill’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bill-perkins-dwz/   Bill’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/bp22   Bill’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/billperkins/  Bill’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/diewithzero/  Bill’s Book, Die with Zero: Getting All You Can from Your Money and Your Life: https://www.amazon.com/Die-Zero-Getting-Your-Money/dp/0358099765   Your Money or Your Life: 9 Steps to Transforming Your Relationship with Money and Achieving Financial Independence by Vicki Robin and Joe Dominguez: https://www.amazon.com/Your-Money-Life-Transforming-Relationship/dp/0143115766  LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.    Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting. Rakuten - Get 15% Cash Back during Rakuten’s Big Give Week from May 6th to May 13th, and join for free to score an extra 10% boost at rakuten.com! Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com Kajabi - Get a free 30-day trial to start your business at Kajabi.com/PROFITING. LinkedIn Marketing Solutions - Get a $100 credit on your next campaign at LinkedIn.com/YAP.    More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    YAPClassic: Nir Eyal on How to Become Indistractable

    YAPClassic: Nir Eyal on How to Become Indistractable
    During their special bonding time, Nir Eyal asked his only daughter what superpower she wanted. But he didn’t hear her response because he was too distracted by his phone. By the time he looked up, she was gone. Disappointed in himself, Nir realized that if a behavioral design expert like him could struggle with distractions, there must be others struggling too. So, he set out to understand the psychology of distraction. In this episode, Hala and Nir discuss building habit-forming products that keep customers hooked, why habits are good for business, and how to cultivate the superpower of indistractability. Nir Eyal is an expert in behavioral engineering and the bestselling author of Indistractable and Hooked. He writes, consults, and teaches about the intersection of psychology, technology, and business. In this episode, Hala and Nir will discuss: - What is behavioral design? - The goal behind Nir’s book Hooked - Defining what a habit is - Why are habits good for business?  - Four-step hook model  - How is the hook model different from traditional feedback loops? - Defining paid and earned triggers  - Lewin’s Equation and why it’s important that a product is easy to use  - The three different types of rewards - The five fundamental questions to build habit-forming products - Why did Nir write Indistractable? - Nir on why indistractability is the ultimate secret weapon - Four parts of the indistractable model  - And other topics… Nir Eyal is an author, public speaker, consultant, and investor. Nir is the Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products and Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life. Nir is an expert in behavioral engineering and has lectured at Stanford Graduate School of Business and Hasso Plattner Institute of Design. Nir also works as a consultant helping companies build engaging products and services. His writing appears in publications including The Atlantic, Harvard Business Review, TechCrunch, and Psychology Today. Nir received his BA from Emory University and his MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business. Resources Mentioned: Nir’s Website: https://www.nirandfar.com/    Nir’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nireyal/   Nir’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/nireyal   Nir’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neyal99/  Nir’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nirandfar/  Nir’s Books: Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Products: https://www.amazon.com/Hooked-How-Build-Habit-Forming-Products/dp     Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life: https://www.amazon.com/Indistractable-Nir-Eyal/dp   LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course. Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

    Dr. Michael Gervais: The Relationship Between Your Mind and Performance | E287

    Dr. Michael Gervais: The Relationship Between Your Mind and Performance | E287
    Dr. Michael Gervais often skipped school to do something he was actually good at: surfing. But performance anxiety would overwhelm him when he had to compete with an audience watching. One day, a competitor challenged him to stop thinking about everything that could go wrong. Michael took his advice, and just like that, he could perform. That was the beginning of his interest in the mind. Today, he helps star athletes and professionals to hack their minds and perform at their peak. In this episode, Michael helps us understand why we value other people's opinions over ours. He also shares powerful techniques for harnessing the power of the mind.  Dr. Michael Gervais is a performance psychologist, author, and host of the Finding Mastery podcast. He is one of the world's leading experts on the relationship between the mind and human performance. He is also the co-founder of Compete to Create, a digital platform for mindset training.    In this episode, Hala and Michael will discuss: - The beginnings of his interest in the mind - His career journey to becoming a high-performance sports coach  - How he works with athletes to reach peak performance - Common challenges for elite athletes and business professionals - Training the mind around a growth mindset  - The importance of recovery for high performers - Powerful breathing practices for building mental strength - Mental imagery for creating familiarity with excellence - The four steps of his morning mindset routine - The first rule of mastery - Where FOPO (the fear of other people’s opinions) comes from - How Beethoven overcame FOPO  - Choosing purpose in a performance-obsessed culture - And other topics… Michael Gervais is one of the world's top high-performance psychologists and leading experts on the relationship between the mind and human performance. His clients include Olympians, world record holders, Fortune 100 CEOs, high-performing athletes from every major sport, and internationally acclaimed artists. He supported Team USA across three Summer Olympic Games and two Winter Olympics, helping athletes win over 30 medals. Michael is the co-founder of Compete to Create, a digital platform for mindset training. The firm works with a limited portfolio of Fortune 500 companies, including Microsoft, AT&T, and Amazon. Michael hosts the Finding Mastery podcast and is the author of The First Rule of Mastery, published in 2023.   Resources Mentioned: Michael’s Website: https://findingmastery.com/  Michael’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drmichaelgervais/  Michael’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/michaelgervais  Michael’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/michaelgervais/  Michael’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/drmichaelgervais/  Michael’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FindingMastery  Michael’s Podcast, Finding Mastery: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/finding-mastery/  Michael's Book, The First Rule of Mastery: Stop Worrying About What People Think of You: https://www.amazon.com/First-Rule-Mastery-Worrying-People/dp/1647823242    LinkedIn Secrets Masterclass, Have Job Security For Life: Use code ‘podcast’ for 30% off at yapmedia.io/course.   Sponsored By: Shopify - Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at youngandprofiting.co/shopify Indeed - Get a $75 job credit at indeed.com/profiting Yahoo Finance - For comprehensive financial news and analysis, visit YahooFinance.com   More About Young and Profiting Download Transcripts - youngandprofiting.com Get Sponsorship Deals - youngandprofiting.com/sponsorships Leave a Review - ratethispodcast.com/yap Watch Videos - youtube.com/c/YoungandProfiting   Follow Hala Taha LinkedIn - linkedin.com/in/htaha/ Instagram - instagram.com/yapwithhala/ TikTok - tiktok.com/@yapwithhala Twitter - twitter.com/yapwithhala   Learn more about YAP Media's Services - yapmedia.io/

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