
    Podcast Summary

    • The Impact of Media on Society and Emotional ReactionsBe critical consumers of media and don't let emotions guide decisions; emotional resilience is key to making sound choices in an era of sensationalized news.

      Society is experiencing a perfect storm of events that are fueling division and emotional reactions. Social media and mainstream media are both contributing to this, as they prioritize clickbait and emotionally charged content to capture attention and generate revenue. This has led to a distorted portrayal of news and events, with important details being left out or manipulated to incite anger and violence. It is crucial for individuals to be critical consumers of media and not let their emotions dictate their decisions. Additionally, the conversation highlights the need for emotional resilience and the dangers of making decisions based on heightened emotions.

    • Understanding Societal Division and the Importance of Proper Police TrainingIt is essential to recognize the complexity of societal issues and the need for proper training and resources for police officers to effectively handle difficult situations and serve their communities.

      The current state of societal division is causing unnecessary conflict and misunderstanding. While there is widespread agreement that the actions of the cop in the George Floyd case were completely wrong and unacceptable, people continue to attack each other on various issues. Additionally, the concept of defunding the police is not understood in the same way by everyone. Some argue for better allocation of funds towards education and community development, while others believe that training and resources for police officers should be prioritized. However, it is crucial to recognize that proper training is essential for law enforcement to effectively handle difficult situations and deescalate conflicts. Without adequate training, the quality of police work will suffer, leading to negative consequences for both officers and the communities they serve.

    • The Importance of Ongoing Training and Emotional Detachment in PolicingOngoing training and the ability to detach emotionally are crucial for police officers to effectively handle various situations and prevent tragic outcomes. Investing in training and prioritizing officer well-being can improve policing.

      Police officers need consistent and comprehensive training to effectively handle a wide range of situations. Just like in jujitsu, where constant practice allows practitioners to be calm and make good decisions, police officers also need ongoing training to develop the ability to detach from emotionally charged situations. The example of the George Floyd case highlights the importance of training in preventing tragic outcomes. Additionally, officers must be prepared for both potentially dangerous encounters with criminals and situations requiring them to help and save people. To improve policing, it is essential to invest more resources in training and provide officers with time to decompress and reflect. Increased vetting and selection processes can also ensure that only individuals with the necessary resilience and capabilities become police officers.

    • Strengthening police-civilian relationships for effective policing and community trust.Effective policing requires improved training, physical standards, mental health support, and outreach efforts to build relationships and foster trust with the community. Defunding the police would lead to chaos and increased crime rates.

      Building relationships between the police and civilians is crucial for effective policing. Jocko Willink emphasizes the need for better training and physical standards among police officers, as well as the importance of addressing the mental aspect through extensive training. He warns against defunding the police, stating that it would lead to chaos and increased crime rates. He draws parallels with counterinsurgency tactics, stressing the significance of building relationships with the local populace to eradicate bad actors. Jocko calls for greater outreach efforts by the police, such as offering ride-alongs to young community members, in order to bridge the divide and foster trust.

    • The Importance of Relationships and Communication in Police-Community InteractionsBuilding relationships, ongoing psychological support, and educating the public are essential in improving interactions between law enforcement and communities, bridging the gap and finding solutions.

      Building relationships and effective communication are crucial in improving police-community interactions. Jocko Willink emphasizes the importance of recruiting individuals who have established connections with the community before joining the police force. He also highlights the need for ongoing psychological screening and support for police officers, acknowledging that different individuals may handle the pressures of the job differently. Additionally, he suggests the importance of educating the public on how to interact with the police in order to minimize misunderstandings and potential escalations during encounters. Both Jocko Willink and Joe Rogan stress the significance of communication and dialogue between communities and law enforcement as a vital step toward finding solutions and bridging the gap between them.

    • The Power of Open Communication and Understanding Different PerspectivesOpen communication and understanding different perspectives are essential in addressing complex social issues effectively and avoiding divisive manipulation of information.

      Open communication and humanizing each other is crucial in finding consensus and common ground. Both Jocko Willink and Joe Rogan highlight the importance of talking and understanding different perspectives, even in difficult conversations. By engaging in dialogue, individuals can see beyond their own biases and stereotypes, leading to a deeper understanding and empathy. They acknowledge that extreme viewpoints will exist, but by encouraging open communication, progress can be made. The conversation also sheds light on the dangers of divisiveness and the manipulation of information for personal or political gain. It emphasizes the need for honest and nuanced discussions to address complex social issues effectively.

    • The importance of good leadership and its impact on team performance and positive changeEffective leadership is critical in any organization or community, as it can have either detrimental or enhancing effects on team performance and is a skill that can be improved through deliberate actions.

      Leadership is a critical aspect of any organization or community. Both Jocko Willink and Joe Rogan emphasize the importance of good leadership in various contexts. They discuss how a police officer, like a referee, should uphold their responsibility and not abuse their power. Jocko also mentions the significance of leadership in the military, stating that a platoon's success largely depends on the leadership provided. This highlights the idea that bad leadership can have detrimental effects, while good leadership can turn situations around and enhance team performance. Furthermore, Jocko explains that leadership is a skill that can be honed and improved through deliberate actions and techniques, just like in martial arts. Thus, the key takeaway is that effective leadership is essential for creating positive change and overcoming challenges.

    • Improving Leadership Skills: Addressing the Scarcity of Effective LeadersEffective leaders are crucial for addressing problems, providing guidance, and engaging with the concerns of the people they serve. Leadership skills can be improved through practice and experience.

      Leadership is a skill that can be improved with practice and experience. While some individuals may have natural leadership qualities, even they can further enhance their abilities. The conversation also highlights the scarcity of effective leaders in both the corporate and political realms. Many people are deterred from entering politics due to the challenges and scrutiny that come with the job. However, it is crucial for the country to have leaders who can unify and provide guidance during difficult times. The conversation suggests that a figure like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who possesses qualities like intelligence, work ethic, and popularity, could potentially address the leadership vacuum in the current climate. Effective leaders are essential in recognizing and addressing deep-rooted problems, providing clear direction, and actively engaging with the concerns of the people they serve.

    • The Importance of Active Listening and Collaboration in Effective LeadershipEffective leadership involves actively listening to others, collaborating with different perspectives, and involving people in decision-making. By fostering open dialogue and respecting differing opinions, leaders can create a unified approach to problem-solving and address everyone's needs.

      Effective leadership requires active listening, collaboration, and a willingness to consider different perspectives. Jocko Willink emphasizes the importance of engaging with people, understanding their concerns, and involving them in the decision-making process. He encourages leaders to put aside partisan divisions and ego, recognizing that good ideas can come from anyone, regardless of their political affiliation. By fostering a culture of open dialogue and respecting differing opinions, leaders can create a unified approach to problem-solving and find solutions that address everyone's needs. Additionally, Jocko highlights the danger of extremist voices and urges individuals to recognize their intention of causing division.

    • Bridging the Divide: the Importance of Dialogue in a Polarized SocietyEffective communication and listening are essential in overcoming political extremism and finding common ground. It is crucial to engage in open conversations to prevent further division and uncertainty in the current political landscape.

      There is a growing divide between people with extreme views, making it difficult to find common ground and have meaningful conversations. Extremists on both sides want to create a divide by promoting extreme ideas and shutting down any form of middle ground or compromise. This lack of dialogue and understanding leads to anger and hostility, making it challenging to work towards a resolution. The current political landscape lacks effective leadership and alternative options, resulting in a limited choice of candidates. It is crucial to communicate and listen to each other to bridge this divide and find a clear path towards sanity. Without open conversations, the situation will continue to worsen, leading to chaos and uncertainty, especially during the upcoming election.

    • Harnessing Military Unity for a United SocietyBy valuing character and abilities over superficial differences, the military experience sets an example for society to bridge divides and create an inclusive and united future.

      The military experience can foster unity and eliminate divisions based on race and ideology. Serving together in the military requires a reliance on each other's capabilities and character, regardless of skin color or background. The consequences of one's actions are so dire that superficial differences become irrelevant. This camaraderie and unity can serve as an example for society as a whole. By considering traits like skin color as insignificant as hair color, we can work towards a future where people are judged solely based on their character and abilities. This conversation highlights the need to bridge divides and focus on what truly matters in order to create a more inclusive and united society.

    • The Importance of Personal Interactions in Effective CommunicationPrioritizing face-to-face conversations and considering the other person's emotions and personality can lead to better understanding and connection, while relying solely on digital communication methods can result in misunderstandings and conflicts.

      Communication plays a vital role in bridging divides and resolving conflicts. Joe Rogan and Jocko Willink emphasize that the way we currently communicate through social media, tweets, and emails is ineffective and lacking in empathy. They argue that face-to-face conversations or video calls like Zoom allow for better understanding and connection between individuals. They highlight the importance of managing relationships, considering the other person's mood and personality, and proactively reaching out to have meaningful conversations. They also mention the negative impact of isolating people and relying solely on digital communication methods. Ultimately, they stress the need to prioritize personal interactions and create a more conducive environment for effective communication, rather than resorting to virtual platforms that often lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.

    • The Impact of Outsourcing Manufacturing Jobs on American and Chinese Middle ClassesManufacturing jobs, often undervalued, hold significant importance in terms of self-sufficiency, social stability, and providing meaningful work for citizens.

      The shift of manufacturing jobs overseas has caused a loss of purpose and common goals for many Americans in the middle class. China's middle class, on the other hand, is growing because of their manufacturing capabilities and the opportunities it provides for underprivileged individuals. With the realization brought about by COVID-19 and other factors, there is a renewed understanding of the value of American-made products and the importance of keeping jobs within the country. Manufacturing jobs, often seen as low-skill and undesirable, actually require significant skill sets and craftsmanship. By preserving and passing down this knowledge to future generations, America can regain its self-sufficiency and provide meaningful work for its citizens, contributing to social stability and reducing instances of unrest.

    • The Consequences of Outsourcing and the Importance of Self-SufficiencyThe loss of manufacturing jobs and reliance on foreign countries have negative economic and social effects. Prioritizing domestic industries and self-sufficiency is crucial for long-term well-being and national pride.

      The loss of manufacturing jobs in America has resulted in significant economic and social consequences. Without access to stable employment and income, individuals in underprivileged communities may resort to illegal activities to survive. The decision to outsource production to countries with lower labor costs and regulations has had detrimental effects on the economy and national pride. The pandemic has further highlighted the dangers of relying heavily on foreign countries, such as China, for essential goods and medications. This conversation emphasizes the need to reassess our priorities and consider the long-term impact of short-sighted profit-driven decisions. It also highlights the importance of supporting domestic industries and promoting self-sufficiency for the welfare of individuals and the nation as a whole.

    • Weaknesses Exposed: Leadership, Fear, and Lack of Transparency in the PandemicStrong leadership, adaptability, and access to reliable information are crucial in times of crisis to avoid confusion, misinformation, and the collapse of businesses and health.

      The COVID-19 pandemic exposed weaknesses in both business and people's health. The failure of leadership to admit when they were wrong and make necessary adjustments was a major downfall. The initial fear and lack of accurate information caused confusion and inconsistency in messaging regarding mask-wearing. Businesses with poor management or narrow profit margins struggled to survive during lockdowns. Additionally, a large portion of the population was deficient in vitamin D, which affected their immune systems. It is clear that there was a lack of transparency and honesty from authorities during this crisis, leading to misinformation and confusion among the public. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of strong leadership, adaptability, and access to reliable information in times of crisis.

    • The importance of transparent and honest communication during the COVID-19 crisis.Clear and truthful communication, even when uncertain, is essential for building trust and effectively managing crises like COVID-19.

      The messaging and information surrounding COVID-19 has been inconsistent and questionable, leading to a lack of trust in government and its handling of the situation. Joe Rogan and Jocko Willink highlight various concerns, such as the conflicting guidelines on mask-wearing and the potential misreporting of COVID-19 deaths. They emphasize the importance of leaders being transparent and honest, even if they don't have all the answers. The conversation also touches upon the detrimental effects of spreading misinformation and making unfounded statements, which erode trust and credibility. Overall, the key takeaway is that clear and truthful communication, even when admitting uncertainty, is crucial in gaining public trust and effectively managing crises.

    • The COVID-19 pandemic's impact on small businesses and the government's role in imposing restrictions and control.The conversation highlights the struggles faced by small businesses and the potential long-term effects on personal freedoms and the economy due to government-imposed restrictions during crises.

      The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant and lasting impact on the economy, particularly on small businesses like restaurants. Jocko Willink and Joe Rogan discuss the struggles faced by business owners who operate on thin profit margins, such as restaurants and construction companies. They highlight the difficulties of running a business, making tough decisions, and managing costs effectively. The conversation also brings attention to the government's role in imposing restrictions and the consequences for businesses and individuals. It raises concerns about the power and control that authorities may exert during a crisis, and the potential long-term effects on personal freedoms and the economy as a whole.

    • Navigating Reopening Challenges for Jujitsu Gyms during the PandemicSeeking input from frontline employees and business owners, following health protocols, and prioritizing overall well-being are crucial in effectively managing the reopening of businesses during the pandemic.

      Navigating the reopening of businesses during the pandemic poses significant challenges, especially for industries like jujitsu gyms that rely on close physical contact. It becomes evident that the individuals making the rules and regulations may not fully understand the practical implications for these businesses. The conversation highlights the need for leaders to seek input from frontline employees and business owners to find effective solutions. It also sheds light on the inconsistent and confusing guidelines put forth by health departments, leading to varying approaches by different establishments. Ultimately, it emphasizes the importance of taking personal responsibility, following health protocols, and prioritizing overall well-being to mitigate the spread of the virus.

    • Joe Rogan emphasizes the role of a strong immune system and challenges the notion that testing negative means no exposure to COVID-19.A strong immune system is crucial in fighting off the virus, and testing negative does not guarantee no exposure. Travel and exhaustion can also compromise immune function.

      Joe Rogan discusses his experience with COVID-19 tests and highlights the importance of a strong immune system in fighting the virus. He emphasizes that testing negative does not necessarily mean one has not been exposed to the virus, but rather that their immune system has successfully fought it off. He also mentions that some individuals who have been in close contact with infected individuals do not contract the virus due to their stronger immune systems, particularly children. Additionally, the conversation highlights the detrimental effects of exhaustion and travel on the body's defenses against illness. Jocko Willink shares his own experiences and speculates that he may have had the virus based on his symptoms and interactions with infected individuals. In conclusion, the conversation underscores the significance of a robust immune system and the potential impacts of travel and exhaustion on health.

    • Consistency and Performance: The Path to Health and SuccessConsistent physical and mental conditioning is crucial for maintaining good health and overcoming challenges, leading to improved performance in all aspects of life.

      Consistent and constant performance can have a significant impact on maintaining good health and overcoming challenges. Jocko Willink and Joe Rogan discuss the concept of pushing oneself constantly and not allowing sickness or setbacks to hinder progress. They highlight individuals like Cam Haines, who rarely gets sick due to his rigorous daily routine of running and weightlifting, and Tim Kennedy, who experienced overtraining and exhaustion in a fight. The conversation also touches upon the psychological aspect of performance, where some athletes thrive under pressure while others struggle. Overall, the key lesson is that maintaining consistent conditioning, both physically and mentally, can lead to better overall health and improved performance in various areas of life.

    • Understanding the Differences in Martial Arts and Fighting StylesDifferent fighters possess specialized knowledge in grappling and takedowns, which are crucial in real-life situations and should not be underestimated.

      There are significant differences between different martial arts disciplines and fighting styles. While there may be similarities between a black belt and a white belt in terms of skill levels, the same cannot be said for high-level fighters in muay Thai. Unlike striking techniques which most people have some basic understanding of, more complex moves like arm locks or grappling require a specialized level of knowledge. This conversation highlights the importance of understanding various fighting styles and not underestimating the skills and tactics of different fighters. Additionally, the conversation emphasizes that in real-life situations, chaos and unpredictable factors often come into play, making grappling skills and takedowns invaluable, especially on hard surfaces like concrete.

    • The Importance of Learning Self-Defense Techniques Like JujitsuLearning self-defense techniques like jujitsu is crucial for personal safety, as it prepares individuals to effectively handle physical altercations and build confidence in challenging situations.

      Learning self-defense techniques, such as jujitsu, is crucial for personal safety. Jocko Willink emphasizes the importance of being able to defend oneself when faced with a physical altercation. While running away is a primary self-defense strategy, it may not always be possible. Learning grappling techniques like jujitsu prepares individuals to handle such situations effectively. Joe Rogan adds that martial arts, including striking and understanding distance, are also valuable skills. However, engaging in street fights is extremely dangerous and should be avoided. Instead, the focus should be on developing confidence and the ability to protect oneself through techniques like jujitsu. This is particularly relevant for police officers, as improving their training would increase confidence and mental clarity in challenging situations.

    • The Power of Combat Sports in Reducing Bullying and Fostering EmpathyTraining in combat sports like jiu-jitsu can reduce bullying by developing confidence, providing perspective on conflict resolution, and offering a productive outlet for energetic kids.

      Training in combat sports like jiu-jitsu can have a profound impact on reducing bullying and fostering empathy. The ability to fight and experience being humbled and beaten down helps individuals develop confidence and security, leading to a smaller ego and a lesser likelihood of becoming a bully. Through martial arts training, individuals gain a clearer perspective on handling conflicts and are less likely to make bad decisions when wrapped up in intense situations. Additionally, combat training can benefit energetic kids by providing an outlet for their excess energy and hormones, channeling it into a productive and disciplined activity. This conversation highlights the importance of incorporating combat sports training in schools to teach valuable life skills and promote a more compassionate and understanding society.

    • The Power of the Ocean: Finding Peace, Clarity, and StrengthConnecting with nature, particularly the ocean, can bring inner peace, mental clarity, and a humbling perspective. Embracing challenging situations can lead to personal growth and a sense of accomplishment.

      Having a strong connection to nature, such as the ocean, can provide numerous benefits. Jocko Willink expresses his deep-rooted connection to the ocean and how it brings him a sense of peace and clarity. He believes that being in the water, whether it's surfing or swimming, helps clear his mind and provides a humbling perspective. Furthermore, he highlights the challenging experiences he faced as a Navy SEAL involving the ocean, which taught him the importance of embracing difficult situations and finding strength in the face of adversity. Joe Rogan also acknowledges the positive effect of pushing oneself in challenging environments, noting that it can lead to personal growth and a sense of accomplishment.

    • Embracing Challenges for Personal Growth and SuccessPushing through difficult challenges and avoiding the temptation to quit or give up is crucial for achieving personal growth and success. It is important to have a strong work ethic, manage anxiety, and maintain a positive mindset to keep striving for more.

      Facing difficult challenges and pushing through the "suck" is essential for personal growth and success. Both Jocko Willink and Joe Rogan emphasize the importance of not avoiding or giving up on tough situations because they bring a sense of accomplishment and build resilience. They highlight the negative feelings that arise from quitting or failing, which serve as motivators to keep going and strive for more. They also discuss the power of mindset, finding ways to generate positive energy, and using external factors like music to boost motivation. Ultimately, they suggest that achieving goals requires having a strong work ethic, managing anxiety, and being self-critical to continue growing and achieving.

    • The Pursuit of Excellence and Continued GrowthStay hungry, excel through focus and discipline, and find satisfaction in the never-ending journey of personal growth and self-improvement.

      Satisfaction and contentment in life are elusive and ever-changing. Both Jocko Willink and Joe Rogan express their constant hunger and drive to achieve more, emphasizing the importance of staying hungry and not succumbing to complacency. They discuss how this mindset extends beyond their personal lives and into their respective hobbies, such as shooting a bow or rifle. They highlight the need for focus, discipline, and detachment from negative emotions like aggression and anger in order to excel in these activities. The conversation ultimately serves as a reminder that there is no end to personal growth and self-improvement, and that satisfaction lies in the continuous pursuit of excellence.

    • Exploring the art, skill, and lifestyle of hunting with Joe Rogan and Jocko WillinkHunting is a multi-faceted activity that requires skill, knowledge, and mentorship. It offers not just the thrill of the hunt, but also the joy of nourishing oneself through the harvest.

      Hunting is not only a physical activity, but also an art form and a lifestyle. Joe Rogan and Jocko Willink discuss how hunting involves various layers of skill and knowledge, similar to martial arts. They mention the importance of learning from experienced hunters like Cam Hanes and John Dudley, who are considered world champions in their field. Additionally, they highlight the satisfaction of not only harvesting an animal but also cooking and enjoying a meal from it. However, accessibility to hunting can be challenging, especially on public land, where the barrier for entry is high. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the deep appreciation for hunting as a transformative experience and a way of life.

    • Importance of Clear Communication and Expectations in Physical ActivitiesProper instruction and understanding between participants can prevent misunderstandings and potential injuries in physical activities. Clear communication and setting expectations beforehand are crucial for ensuring safety.

      It is important to communicate clearly and set expectations when engaging in physical activities or sports like jujitsu. Jocko Willink, being an experienced practitioner, assumed that his friend Dudley would know how to tap out when put in a chokehold. However, Dudley had never rolled before and panicked, causing Jocko's chokehold to unintentionally become more intense. This led to Dudley fracturing his hyoid bone and developing calcium around it, which initially led him to believe he had throat cancer. This incident highlights the need for proper instruction and understanding between participants to ensure their safety. Clear communication and setting expectations beforehand can prevent misunderstandings and potential injuries.

    • Prioritizing safety and communication among training partners.Understanding each other's limitations and open dialogue about injuries are crucial for preventing harm during training.

      Injuries can happen even among training partners, and it's essential to prioritize safety and communication. Jocko Willink shares a personal experience of getting hurt by his long-time training partner, Dean Lister. Despite their strong bond, Dean accidentally injured Jocko's arm during a demonstration in front of the class. This incident highlights the importance of understanding each other's limitations and being cautious during training. It also emphasizes the need to have open dialogue about injuries and discomfort to prevent further harm. Additionally, the conversation mentions the evolution of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques, particularly leg locks, and the significance of utilizing the entire human body in combat sports.

    • Embracing Creativity in Jiu-JitsuCreativity and unconventional thinking in Jiu-Jitsu can lead to the development of new techniques, setups, and systems, allowing individuals to stay ahead in the game.

      Creativity and thinking outside the box play a crucial role in the development of new techniques in Jiu-Jitsu. Eddie Bravo and Jeff Glover are highlighted as examples of individuals who possess a unique and unconventional approach to the sport. Their creative thinking stems from their smaller physiques, which forced them to rely on technique and trickery rather than brute strength. Their ability to think differently and challenge traditional methods resulted in the creation of new entries, setups, and systems that others didn't see coming. This highlights the importance of embracing creativity and exploring new possibilities in order to stay ahead in the game.

    • Importance of Strengthening the Neck and Back in Jujitsu PracticeStrengthening the neck and back is essential in jujitsu as it aids in executing techniques, prevents injuries, and allows smaller individuals to roll with bigger opponents. Prioritizing strength training and maintaining a healthy neck and back is crucial for jujitsu practitioners.

      Strengthening the neck and back is crucial for a successful jujitsu practice. Small individuals in jujitsu often excel at finding innovative ways to overcome challenges, which can be a valuable learning experience. It's interesting to note that smaller guys like Hoyler Grace and Jeff Glover find it easier to roll with big, muscular opponents. Strengthening the neck not only aids in executing techniques like the head and arm choke but also prevents injuries and strengthens the entire body's chain. Additionally, lower back strength is essential for avoiding back injuries. Flexibility should be combined with strength to prevent muscle damage and disc problems. Overall, prioritizing strength training and maintaining a healthy neck and back is necessary for jujitsu practitioners.

    • Pushing Limits: The Gym Culture at WestsideEmbrace physical pain, challenge the status quo, and push beyond what is considered safe or reasonable to achieve greatness at Westside gym.

      The gym culture at Westside is centered around pushing limits and embracing physical pain in order to achieve greatness. Louie Simmons, the founder of Westside, exemplifies this mindset through his own experiences and innovation. Despite multiple surgeries and injuries, he continues to push himself and others to new heights. The gym is filled with individuals who are relentless in their pursuit of strength and constantly challenging the status quo. This culture, while unconventional and extreme, has produced numerous champions and world record holders. It highlights the importance of mental fortitude and a willingness to go beyond what is considered safe or reasonable.

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    Episode 385: THIS IS SOMETHING YOU DO!

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    In this WINNING Word of The Day Coach JC shares with you something you DO... and it is CONFIDENCE!

    Coach JC | Life Coach | Motivation | Personal Development| Business| Win All Day | Entrepreneur | Author | Speaker


    A performance company that has become recognized for Building WINNERS & WINNING Teams through Personal Development to achieve Peak Performance!

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    We Specialize In...
    Human Performance, Personal Development, Leadership Mental Performance & Personal Branding.

    We Serve...
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    Coach JC is recognized as a passionate coach and advisor to high performers (CEO’s, Business Owners, Pastors, Pro Athletes, and First Responders) when it comes to living a life of purpose, leading with passion and having it all, health, wealth and relationships. 
    He has empowered thousands of people to WIN in life through his 6 books, professional speaking, podcasts, coaching, social media, and the WIN ALL DAY movement.

    As an entrepreneur Coach JC has launched 5 companies and a non-profit within the personal development and business arena all based around his PERSONAL BRAND and serving others. He has been recognized as a 30 under 30, 40 under 40, The Best of The Best, and The Young Entrepreneur of the year. 

    Coach JC believes every person deserves the opportunity to WIN in life and through his WIN ALL DAY Playbook and Academy Coach JC and his team help high performers build purpose driven, passion filled lives and highly profitable personal brands.

    In the WIN ALL DAY Podcast Coach JC drops a daily WINNING Word of The Day (Mon-Fri) and once a month interviews a guest that is representing what WINNING looks like!

    The podcast will inspire you, motivate you, encourage you, empower you and most importantly coach you to WIN ALL DAY - to live a life of passion, fueled by purpose!

    Have a question you’d like Coach JC to answer on a future WIN ALL DAY episode?
    Submit it as a message on our social media accounts:  
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    Be sure to join Coach JC's VIP email list, download our free resources and learn more about WIN ALL DAY and Coach JC at  www.CoachJC.com