

    Explore "tinder" with insightful episodes like "13.1 Manon et Arnaud naissance magique - Rencontre sur Tinder, début de relation, changement de vie et lancement du projet bébé", "Big Budah and Pela Talk About Fuzzy Thinking, Getting Debt Free and Parent Approved Dating. 10-25-23", "September 20th, 2023 - Justin's Topic", "Tinder Dating" and "Wie die Generation Z die Dating-Regeln auf den Kopf stellt" from podcasts like ""Aternité : La naissance de la parentalité", "Big Budah On-Demand", "217 Recovery", "APEX Featuring Ian C Jordan" and "Antworten, bitte! Der Gesellschafts- und Kulturpodcast"" and more!

    Episodes (100)

    13.1 Manon et Arnaud naissance magique - Rencontre sur Tinder, début de relation, changement de vie et lancement du projet bébé

    13.1 Manon et Arnaud naissance magique - Rencontre sur Tinder, début de relation, changement de vie et lancement du projet bébé

    Bonjour à toutes et à tous,

    Dans cet épisode, nous partons à la rencontre de Manon et Arnaud, les parents de la petite Nine.

    Une rencontre géniale avec des fous rires, des moments très émouvants, plein d'amour et un super moment à 4.

    Ils nous ont raconté leur rencontre, faite de Super Match, de goûter végé et de match de rugby 😂

    Manon a aussi évoqué son accident de trapèze, qui a été un élément déclencheur pour un changement de vie : activité professionnelle, déménagement et désir d'enfant.

    Tu peux nous laisser une bonne note et un joli commentaire sur ton appli d'écoute, ça nous aide énormément pour le référencement.

    Tu peux aussi partager ce podcast à tes amis, à ta famille et à toute personne qui serait susceptible d'aimer les belles histoires de naissance.

    Bonne écoute 🎙

    Clem & Marc : on est les animateurs de ce podcast mensuel, passionnés par ces histoires, émotions et anecdotes. On essaie de peindre le plus fidèlement possible la naissance de la parentalité aujourd’hui en 1h (souvent plus…). 

    Sujets : rencontre, tinder, amour, désir de grossesse, grossesse, annonce de grossesse, préparation à l’accouchement, accouchement, naissance, allaitement, amour, Aternité, bébé, couple, dépression post partum, post partum, famille, histoire de naissance, maternité, parentalité, parents, paternité, podcast, charge mentale, hypnose, hypnonaissance, reconversion professionnelle, baby clash

    Wie die Generation Z die Dating-Regeln auf den Kopf stellt

    Wie die Generation Z die Dating-Regeln auf den Kopf stellt
    Die Generation Z revolutioniert das Dating-Game. Der neue Tinder Dating Report zeigt, wie die Generation Z Dating in einer Weise verändert, wie es keine Generation vor ihr getan hat. Von Authentizität bis hin zum Dry Dating und dem Ende von Dating-Spielchen - wir werden heute alles dazu in dieser Podcastfolge beleuchten.

    Online-Dating: Ein unverstellter Blick hinter die Kulissen mit Claudine Adams

    Online-Dating: Ein unverstellter Blick hinter die Kulissen mit Claudine Adams
    In dieser Folge habe ich eine ganz besondere Gästin bei uns: Claudine Adams, Autorin des Buches "unfairbindlich?". In ihrem Debütroman nimmt uns Claudine mit auf eine Reise durch die skurrilen, absurden und auch herzerfrischenden Momente ihrer Online-Dating-Erfahrungen.

    Hotline Edition with Hinge’s Logan Ury

    Hotline Edition with Hinge’s Logan Ury

    Pre-Registration for Tulum 2023 is open! Visit http://agapeescapes.com

    Or enroll in a virtual Agape Intensive instead: http://agapeintensive.com 


    Joining Maria on this week’s hotline is Logan Ury, the Director of Relationship Science at Hinge, who has the awesome job of conducting research into modern dating. 

    Logan Ury is a behavioral scientist turned dating coach and the author of the bestselling dating book How to Not Die Alone. She studied psychology at Harvard and ran Google’s behavioral science team, the Irrational Lab.

    Sign up for Logan's Love Letter, her weekly newsletter and learn about her online courses at https://www.loganury.com/

    Pick up Logan's book, How to Not Die Alone, here.

    Follow Logan on Instagram at  https://www.instagram.com/loganury/

    Let's work together! 

    Schedule a Dating Strategy call: https://calendly.com/felix-louie 

    Follow Maria on instagram at http://instagram.com/matchmakermaria 

    Maskuline und feminine Energie beim Dating

    Maskuline und feminine Energie beim Dating
    In dieser Folge möchte ich darüber sprechen wie die Komfortzone und unser Alltag unsere Beziehung und unseren Erfolg beim Dating beeinflussen. Heute erzähle ich dir etwas darüber, warum wir uns immer wieder abhalten lassen neue Dinge zu tun, warum wir nicht raus gehen aus unserer Komfortzone und was unsere körperlichen Reaktionen eigentlich damit zu tun haben. Wir geben unseren körperlichen Reaktionen oft die Macht und lassen uns davon abhalten. Das ist keine kluge Idee. Warum hörst du in dieser Folge 😊 Hör sie dir so gerne an und teil gerne deine Gedanken bei Instagram oder Facebook mit mir. Und wenn dir die Folge Klarheit gebracht hat, dann teil sie so gerne mit Menschen, die diese Informationen auch gebrauchen können, um bessere Beziehungen zu führen oder beim Dating voran zu kommen. Wie läufts denn gerade in deinem Liebesleben? Schau für mehr Tipps total gerne mal bei meinem Instagram Account @sandrairinaweigel vorbei. Natürlich können wir auch einfach ganz unverbindlich quatschen und uns bezüglich deiner Situation austauschen. Trag dich für dein Beratungsgespräch gerne direkt ein. Es dauert ca. 20 Minuten, kostet nichts und ich habe anschließend bestimmt schon eine Empfehlung für dich. Was ich davon habe ist, dass viele gerne anschließend ein gutes Feedback geben, wenn ich ihnen geholfen habe. Das ist natürlich eine super Referenz für mein Marketing. Manche buchen natürlich auch ein Coaching bei mir, wenn es ihnen gefallen hat, aber da soll sich niemand genötigt fühlen :-) Trag dich gerne unter folgendem Link ein: https://calendly.com/sandraweigel/unverbindliches-strategiegesprach Ich freu mich auf ein Gespräch mit dir. Viel Spaß beim Anhören und bis bald. Alles Liebe, deine Sandra PS: Weitere Infos über mich und meine Arbeit findest du auch unter www.sandraweigel.de

    2. Marie, Steven et l'invité surprise : le SOPK. Rencontre, vie de couple, grossesse, accouchement, naissance et premiers mois.

    2. Marie, Steven et l'invité surprise : le SOPK. Rencontre, vie de couple, grossesse, accouchement, naissance et premiers mois.

    Marie et Steven, couple franco-allemand a du anticiper les effets du SOPK pour voir le petit Nikola débarquer rapidement dans leur vie avec un petit coup de pouce du Dr Miracle. 

    Mais alors le SOPK... C'est quoi ? Comprenez le "syndrome des ovaires polykystiques", maladie hormonale qui touche environ 1 femme sur 10 et qui a des effets directs sur la fertilité... et surtout : écoutez-nous !

    Pour en savoir plus, vous pouvez aller sur la chaine Youtube de Marie https://www.youtube.com/@frenchyadventure

    Aternité, c'est le podcast du désir d’enfant aux premiers mois de bébé en passant par la grossesse et la naissance, dans lequel nous invitons des couples de jeunes parents à venir à notre micro raconter leur histoire.

    Clem & Marc : on est les animateurs de ce podcast mensuel, passionnés par ces histoires, émotions et anecdotes. On essaie de peindre le plus fidèlement possible la naissance de la parentalité aujourd’hui en 1h (souvent plus…).

    Rejoignez-nous sur les réseaux !




    Musique : Tristan SIMON

    Sujets : rencontre, tinder, amour, désir de grossesse, SOPK, Syndrome des ovaires polykystiques, grossesse, annonce, préparation à l'accouchement, accouchement, naissance, maternité, bébé, paternité, premiers mois, stimulation ovarienne, pré-éclampsie

    BONUS #4 - Balade Sonore Queer - ASMA - GARE CENTRALE

    BONUS #4 - Balade Sonore Queer - ASMA - GARE CENTRALE

    La gare centrale est très certainement un haut-lieu d’émotions fortes. Entre les gens qui sont en retard, qui se retrouvent, qui se disent au revoir, qui se rencontrent pour la première fois… Comme par exemple Asma et Aline, qui après avoir discuté quelques semaines sur Tinder, se sont données rendez-vous ici même, portant encore leurs masques de protection durant la période covid. Assez particulier comme première rencontre lesbienne, non? Asma vous raconte la suite des aventures avec, spoiler, une fin comme dans les Disney. 

    9 - The End of Sex?

    9 - The End of Sex?

    Behind the decline in fertility, isn't there a Sex Recession? A Love Crisis? Dating skills that are withering away? A Tinder-apocalypse? Undeniably, this episode is different. I talk about marriage, divorce, Tinder, pornography, patriarchy, and pleasure. And as bonus, I offer a bright new game for the next time you entertain friends at home.  

    A podcast created by David Duhamel produced by MaisonK Prod

    Original music : Ben Molinaro

    Graphism : Anna Toussaint


    Daysy Letourneur, 2022, On ne nait pas mec, on le devient. Zones

    Bruno Patino, 2019, La Civilisation du poisson rouge, Grasset

    Esther Perel, 2007, Mating in Captivity, Yellow Kite

    On declining sex-activity



    Kate Julian, 2018, Why are Young People Having so Little Sex? The Atlantic


    Debbie Herbenicl & Al, 2019, Changes in Penile-Vaginal Intercourse Frequency and Sexual Repertoire from 2009 to 2018: Findings from the National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior, Archives of Sexual Behavior, vol. 51  10.1007/s10508-021-02125-2 

    On Dating Apps

    Anna Brown, 2020, PEW research center, A profile of single Americans


    On Google Searches

    Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, 2017, Everybody Lies, Bloomsury

    How to Spice up your dating profile with Yogev Almog

    How to Spice up your dating profile with Yogev Almog

    In this episode of the Beyond Dating podcast, Stephanie and Yogev discuss the process of creating a dating profile and how to make oneself seem enticing to potential matches. They also talk about the importance of having a wide vocabulary and being able to effectively communicate one's desires in a dating profile. Yogev offers to revamp Stephanie's dating profile and they discuss the concept of being a pleasure Dom, which involves finding fulfillment in giving pleasure to one's partner. The conversation also touches on the use of kink in dating.

    Tinder, the bad.

    Tinder, the bad.

    Here it is. The BAD aspects of tinder/online dating in my experience as a university student during my prolific dating period... there were many bad times :(

    Join me for a frank discussion on the negative side of Tinder dating from a female perspective. In this podcast, we delve into the challenges and dangers that we women face when using this popular dating app. Gain valuable insights on how to stay safe while searching for love on this platform.

    This podcast provides a crucial and empowering look at the negative side of Tinder dating for women. Listen and stay informed about the challenges and dangers to look out for when using dating apps. Stay safe and stay empowered with this informative and thought-provoking podcast.

    The ugly, will be out on Monday! Can't wait to get that one off my chest!

    Support the show

    Please consider helping me out, I'd seriously super appreciate it! <3

    Incontri online, in gruppo per sputtanare i violenti

    Incontri online, in gruppo per sputtanare i violenti
    Negli Usa sono nati gruppi Facebook per mettere in rete le informazioni sugli uomini incontrati (o da incontrare) sulle app di dating. Si parla di violenti, o anche solo di fedifraghi. Poi la storia di Sheng Tao, da senza tetto a sindaca di Oakland (California) e quella delle donne sud-coreane, che scendono in piazza contro la restaurazione del patriarcato

    Tinder’s back… back again…. with CMO Melissa Hobley

    Tinder’s back… back again…. with CMO Melissa Hobley

    First things first, happy new year! I’m so glad you’re here! 

    Download my 2023 Goal Planner! https://agapematch.wufoo.com/forms/2023-goal-planner/

    Let’s work together! Follow this link to learn more about Agape Match’s programs or schedule a Dating Strategy call. https://linktr.ee/matchmakermaria 

    Welcome to 2023! This week, Tinder made a major announcement regarding a great change to the app! Joining the podcast this week to talk about it as well as dating in the new year is Tinder’s new CMO, Melissa Hobley!

    Follow Melissa on Instagram at http://instagram.com/melissahobley 

    Follow Maria on Instagram for more dating and relationship content: http://instagram.com/matchmakermaria  

    Want to work with Maria? Book a Dating Strategy call with a member of her team and learn more about her matchmaking and coaching programs. https://calendly.com/felix-louie 

    Hotline Edition with Humble the Poet

    Hotline Edition with Humble the Poet

    This episode is sponsored by First Rounds on Me. Download here: https://firstroundsonme.co/?utm_source=Maria&utm_medium=Ad&utm_campaign=December 

    Humble the Poet is a Canadian born rapper, spoken word artist, poet, international best selling author and former Elementary school teacher who began reciting spoken word poetry in coffee shops to impress girls evolved into a creative adventure that has spanned across the last 10 years, crossing genres, mediums and oceans. His first two releases, Unlearn and Things Nobody Can Teach Us, have become international best sellers.

    Pick up Humble’s new book, How to Be Love(d), at https://amzn.to/3BNzwdR

    Learn more about Humble the Poet at http://humblethepoet.com 

    Follow Humble the Poet on Instagram at Instagram http://instagram.com/humblethepoet 

    Follow Maria on Instagram for more dating and relationship content: http://instagram.com/matchmakermaria 

    Want to work with Maria? Book a Dating Strategy call with a member of her team and learn more about her matchmaking and coaching programs. https://calendly.com/felix-louie

    Talking True Romance with Carolina & Devin

    Talking True Romance with Carolina & Devin

    This episode is sponsored by First Rounds on Me. Download here: https://firstroundsonme.co/?utm_source=Maria&utm_medium=Ad&utm_campaign=December 

    Maria’s guests this week are the hosts of the True Romance podcast, Carolina Barlow and Devin Leary. They guide you through the trials and tribulations of public and personal love stories. They’ve been there for each other’s best and worst romantic moments because that’s what friends do. Both have become obsessed with relationship dramas. As romantics, they want to hear and discuss everyone’s love stories. How they made it, how they did it and in what positions. 

    Listen to "True Romance" HERE

    True Romance is from Big Money Players Network and iHeartRadio. 

    Follow Carolina on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/carolinarosebarlow/

    Follow Devin on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/devin_hunter_leary/ 

    Follow Maria on Instagram for more dating and relationship content: http://instagram.com/matchmakermaria 

    Want to work with Maria? Book a Dating Strategy call with a member of her team and learn more about her matchmaking and coaching programs. https://calendly.com/felix-louie

    Maria Looks Back at the Year with Her Husband, George

    Maria Looks Back at the Year with Her Husband, George

    This week, Maria celebrates a birthday and her 10 year anniversary with her husband, George! To celebrate, she has a chat with him about their last year and where life is headed for them. 

    Check out George’s food videos: instagram.com/nerdmeetsfood

    Follow Maria on Instagram for more dating and relationship content: http://instagram.com/matchmakermaria 

    Want to work with Maria? Book a Dating Strategy call with a member of her team and learn more about her matchmaking and coaching programs. https://calendly.com/felix-louie

    Hotline Edition: Thanksgiving Special with Louie Felix

    Hotline Edition: Thanksgiving Special with Louie Felix

    Maria is joined by her work husband, Louie Felix, to take your questions. 

    This week, Maria and Louie talk about…

    • Our communication has drastically changed. Is he cheating on me?
    • Expectations around emotional intimacy. How much is too much to share?
    • I gave him a h***job and now he’s not talking to me as much. Am I reading into this?
    • I found out the guy I’m sleeping with doesn’t vote the same way I do.

    Follow Maria on Instagram for more dating and relationship content: http://instagram.com/matchmakermaria 

    Want to work with Maria? Book a Dating Strategy call with a member of her team and learn more about her matchmaking and coaching programs. https://calendly.com/felix-louie

    Violenza sulle donne: per Meloni basta "ribellarsi"

    Violenza sulle donne: per Meloni basta "ribellarsi"
    Sostegno economico alle case rifugio e ai centri antiviolenza, maggiore efficacia del Codice rosso, più braccialetti elettronici. La premier ha usato un’espressione indicatrice del suo modo di pensare: “È necessario aiutare le donne a scoprire che non sono deboli, ma che sono in grado di ribellarsi”. Cioè se le donne scoprono all’improvviso la propria forza e si ribellano il problema della violenza si ridimensiona? E in tutto questo gli uomini che ruolo hanno? Questo numero è dedicato alla violenza di genere: i dati mondiali, meriti e demeriti del femminismo, intervista a una vittima, i social e la violenza