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    Bank Of An Extraordinary Life Podcast

    The Bank of an Extraordinary Life is hosted by Kathy Rezaei-Darugar and co-host Farah. The focus of the podcast is to shed light on the many aspects of our lives that impact our overall well-being. Creating an extraordinary life starts by looking at the different dimensions that shape our beliefs and how we view the world. The Bank of an Extraordinary Life is compromised of accounts that require deposits to allow them to function properly. Through daily deposits in the sub-accounts, energy is generated to keep the bank strong. Listeners will learn techniques and strategies to develop the skills necessary to create an extraordinary life. Kathy has a master's degree in psychology from CSUSB in counseling. Kathy was a special education counselor for over a decade helping at-risk youth to develop the insights necessary to overcome the obstacles that impeded them from succeeding in the educational realm and in life. Currently she is a consultant, philanthropist and financial professional. Farah is eclectic and has had unconventional training in gemology, holistic health, and business. The world has changed and with these times of uncertainty, Bank of an Extraordinary Life Podcast's goal is to educate on how to transform from just living to extraordinary living, really relishing and enjoying our time here on this planet. Please visit ExtraordinaryWealthMatrix.com and book a free Zoom consultation to maximize your future. All content is for educational purposes. All rights reserved.
    enKatayoun Rezaei-Darugar20 Episodes

    Episodes (20)

    Season 2 Episode 6 Death Becomes Us: The Stressed Society

    Season 2 Episode 6 Death Becomes Us: The Stressed Society

    Everyone dies, but we all deserve to live extraordinary lives while we are here on this Earth. Stress is the big killer these days as the world has changed so much in less than a century. Join me as we explore this big killer and learn ways to control it so it does not kill you or take away from your love of life. If you would like me to do a podcast on a particular subject, please email me Have a blessed day and an extraordinary life! It is up to you! 

    Season 2 Episode 3: Master Your Personality to Create a New Reality!

    Season 2 Episode 3: Master Your Personality to Create a New Reality!

    Our personalities are not set in stone. We have the power to acknowledge and change our own for the better. This can be hard to do, but it can definitely be done. This human journey we are on is filled with many emotions, and there are so many struggles and setbacks, but those are part of the journey. Join me in this episode to see how we develop psychologically and socially since we are born, and how we can change our present to manifest the future that we have always wanted. 

    Episode 11 Season 1: Power of the Mind

    Episode 11 Season 1: Power of the Mind

    We are what we think and can change so much of our lives by changing our thoughts and being more conscious of our actions and reactions. Certain hormones are released with different emotions and these can drastically affect our personalities over time, for the good and bad. Where focus goes energy goes, and once we really see what we are, we can see where we want to go and can form ourselves into whomever we want! The only limit is our mind and our ability to control it and thus our future. There are no limits, only those that we set upon ourselves.

    Episode 10 Season 1: Money Matrix Part 2

    Episode 10 Season 1: Money Matrix Part 2

    In this tenth episode of Bank of an Extraordinary Life Podcast, guidance is given on how to have a healthy view on money, and thus, open the path to the extraordinary lives we all deserve to live. Please listen in for the secret word, and text it to 74121 . We are giving away a $50 gift certificate and a vacation certificate! Please tell your family and friends! Most of us are raised in ways that do not help us understand the science of money and how to have it work for us, not us work for it. We are never taught one of the most influential factors in our lives and keys to how our lives will play out. The older we get, the more important it is to have an abundance of money. With inflation, medical conditions, emergencies, it is always better to have more money than not enough. So many of our clients are ill prepared for retirement and do not have enough money. This could have been easily avoided if there was planning from a younger age and their investments were diversified. We can change our lives for the better one step at a time! We send you all health strength wealth and love energies!

    Episode 9 Season 1: Spirituality 101

    Episode 9 Season 1: Spirituality 101

    In this episode of Bank of an Extraordinary Life Podcast, the topic is spirituality. Spirituality is vital to all banks of the Bank of an Extraordinary Life. Being open to the truth, opening our hearts and listening to our inner voice will help guide us to wealth, abundance, purpose, and happiness. It will help align us with the Extraordinary Wealth Matrix, and what we dream of, put our energies towards and visualize, will materialize into our physical worlds. As a thank you to all of our listeners, we will have regular $50 gift certificate giveaways! Please listen in and when you hear the secret word, text it to 74121 (NOT 81257). Please tell your family and friends so they can learn vital information on many aspects of their lives and also have a chance to win! Sending everyone love, health, strength, wisdom and success energies!

    © Bank of an Extraordinary Life All Rights Reserved

    Episode 8 Season 1: Your Destiny is Your Call to Adventure

    Episode 8 Season 1: Your Destiny is Your Call to Adventure

    Our destinies are so important to our existence. We have the power to train ourselves to become our best selves, to choose to be adventurous that then helps us find the hidden path to our destinies, to our happiness, to our fulfillment. Everyday life can be manipulated, when we are consciously aware, for goodness and positivity that are major elements in our calls to adventure, in our destinies, in our bank of an extraordinary life.

    Calmness and the Secret Love Frequency

    Calmness and the Secret Love Frequency

    Hello. Thank you for being here. The topic today is energy, in particular, the importance of being calm, which I must say, even with all my training and effort in achieving a calm state, I still have a very difficult time at times. Being able to control and navigate our consciousness is so important yet so neglected. What is this miraculous, invisible yet so powerful force? It is our spirit, our essence, ourselves when we are most ourselves. A lot of the time we are not quote unquote “ourselves”. We find ourselves in situations where we thought we could “handle it” but found we could not. We “deal” with it over and over instead of figuring out how to avoid it, how to be in circumstances that we enjoy. A lot has been accepted unwittingly. It is much easier to get into circumstances than get out of them. It is much easier for everything to fall apart than keep it together. The latter takes much more effort, much more being conscious, thinking about it, listening to our gut, our spirit, our soul, to be able to project and reflect in our lives in these human bodies what is most synchronized with the universe that we came from and are a part of. All of which I stated takes being calm.   

    So many things in this world are unnatural. We have been in part detached from ourselves, sometimes voluntarily, sometimes involuntarily, sometimes both. We can get so busy and just go through our entire lives without becoming conscious, without realizing that we are part of a miraculous universe that is even more fantastic than a science fiction movie. I used to ask a person here or there, “Have you ever thought about the universe, about energy, about things that once were yet are not?” 99 percent of the time the answer was ‘no’.

    To understand ourselves and our place in the universe, first, we have to get back to the basics…

    We are light beings. Light is a dance of electricity and magnetism, also known as electromagnetism. Light is made up of particles, energy packets, known as photons. They are often referred to as biophotons. There are numerous amounts of these flowing in our bodies as waves. The flow of these biophotons generates the waves. I want to emphasize this because it is important to all that we are. The frequencies that we choose to live in, that we choose to create,  in us and thus around us, will decide whether we are healthy and happy or sick and unhappy. There is so much fear out there among us especially heightened and exponentialized because of the coronavirus. This fear is making us so much more vulnerable to not just contracting the coronavirus but a slew of other diseases, when the body does not have ease, it does not have the ‘flow of energy’ that it should. The frequency of fear is wide and slow. This is the opposite of love's vibration, love’s frequency, which is narrow and rapid, and thus, more of our DNA becomes activated. Now we have all heard that we only access a small percentage of our marvelous minds. This is due to us not living in love and the good and most powerful frequencies. Our emotions can change our worlds. They can alter our frequencies for the good or the bad. Food affects our frequencies. Movies affect our frequencies. Music affects our frequencies. Back to what I discussed on the first episode, good thoughts, good words, and good deeds, goftare neek, kerdare neek, andisheh neek these three greatly affect our frequencies. 

    The most important and most difficult first step is to eliminate fear. We cannot be in a calm state if we are fearful. Hatred, anger and violence also fall into the fear frequencies. We can resonate frequencies and be aligned with the path that we all want to acquire wisdom, be connected and successful in whatever we desire. It is crucial to let go of fear. We can start by writing what we are afraid of. Then, instead of using the word ‘afraid’, change the word to “concerned”. Little by little, we have to connect completely to love: live love, think love, and act love, and we cannot do that with fear. We have to start rewiring ourselves. Every word, thought, and action counts. Several times I have heard people say, “They are only words.” Or, “They are only words. It does not mean anything.” How wrong they are.

    Take time in the day and night to practice calm. Say the words, ‘calm, peace, love, happiness, ease, wisdom, connection, health, success, patience, calm, calm, calm, calm, calm.’ Saying these out loud will connect us with their energies. We have the power.


    We send all of you lots of love!

    Kathy & Farah

    © Bank of an Extraordinary Life Podcast All Rights Reserved

    Episode 6 Season 1: Money Matrix Part 1

    Episode 6 Season 1: Money Matrix Part 1

    Our environments and personal histories have conditioned us to view money in certain ways, and once we are aware, we are conscious of our views, then we can shift it to work for us so we are wealthy in all aspects of our lives, including, monetary. Monetary wealth opens us up to more avenues of life, and can be a vessel of our health as we are able to afford the necessary material components of healthy living, the pathway to an extraordinary life.

    Faith and Hope: Choosing to have a Fantastic 2021!

    Faith and Hope: Choosing to have a Fantastic 2021!

    Thank you for joining me today. As Dr. Wayne Dyer and many others say, ‘If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.’ Take a leading fast food commercial for instance. Before you learned that fast food is really not food at all and can wreak havoc on your mental and physical health, you might of thought, ‘What a great deal! That is what I am going to eat for dinner tonight.’ Now, as you see those same advertisements on tv, you look away immediately since it does not interest you to waste your time on things that are detrimental to every aspect of your being. Another example is getting some exercise, whether it be walking, weight lifting, etcetera. It might have seemed a pointless activity before- thoughts like ‘only the mind needs to be exercised’ used to cross your mind when your significant other or friends would suggest it or when you yourself thought about it, but ever since you just gave it a chance, opened your mind to a possibility, now, experiencing it for yourself, you see what benefits it has for you in every aspect of life, for if the physical body is not well, there are blockages, and your emotional, spiritual, and intellectually bodies will also be greatly affected. Another example is opportunity. Hindsight is 2020 in this example: you were in the perfect place at an opportune time to have a relationship with a great person, possibly could have been your lifelong companion, but at the time, you were so busy to ever even stop and see this person for their beautiful soul, their beautiful spirit. Looking back you wish you would have “woken up” but it is too late right now. The situation could have been a job opportunity or a chance to study abroad, or a variety of other events that could have positively affected your future, and we all have these, and we all look back at these, eventually. When do we look back at these? When we become present, when we want to affect our now and future to the maximum extent and we realize that we have the power to, when we become conscious of our actions, our thoughts, and the contents of our entire being…this takes practice. It takes focus and will. It takes breath, calm, time, quiet, knowing yourself, seeing yourself in this magnificent universe- where you are, how it is, what needs to change, what you like, what works, what doesn’t work, what you are, what you want to be which is what you are now but have not yet accessed it into physical form…

    To become very powerful we must strengthen our minds- no not our minds- not the brain- consciousness. This is the way to create abundance and be connected to all that is good.

    In Zoroastrianism which is the first monotheistic religion, or that is how it is classified. I really do not like to classify things, especially beliefs, because it is each person’s choice to see what they get out of it. Classifying could deter some of our beloved fellow humans and it could have been exactly what they were searching for. So to reword, Zoroastrianism is deemed the first monotheistic religion by mainstream scholars. What is so important about Zoroastrianism?

    It’s moto is: Good thoughts. Good Words, Good Deeds. Goftare neek kerdare neek andisheh neek.

    With these three actions performed at least 5 times a day, we are able to align ourselves with the positive and creative energies of the universe, and thus doing, we feel great, are closer to ‘God’, ‘Goddess’, the Creator, that which is us and is around us because we are all essentially one. We are part of a universe that is us and we are it. There is no separation. We just follow those 3 simple steps 5 times a day atleast, and we should be able to eventually achieve the success we want by connecting to others that get attracted by such energies that the Creator will bring to us as it is so natural and inevitable.

    That is one important must do in 2021:

    Good Thoughts

    Good Words

    Good Deeds

    Say it out loud. Keep saying it. Only good will come from thinking saying and doing good!

    Goodness is much more powerful than darkness. As I mentioned last week, light can do what darkness can never. A small candle can light an entire room. Darkness does not know and never will have such power. Light always conquers darkness. Stay with the light. Think light, the sun, goodness.


    Write down 3 goals for 2021. We have to know where we are and where we are going to get there. See your past, where you are now, and where you want to go. Stay positive. Do not say ‘ I do not want to……’

    Say what you want

    Write down what you want

    Do not write down what you do not want


    Do not think about how you will get there. Just write it down and think good thoughts and believe- believe long and hard as much as you can each day- you will connect more and more with what you want and it will come into form as is the way of the universe.

    Sending you all lots of love and wishing all of us health, strength, love, wisdom, connection, success and happiness.

    Episode 1 : Faith and Hope: Choosing to have a Fantastic 2021!

    Episode 1 : Faith and Hope: Choosing to have a Fantastic 2021!

    Positivity outweighs negativity and is the pathway to the future that we all want. In the very first episode of Bank of an Extraordinary Life Podcast, co-host Farah is the Host, and she highlights the importance of positive thoughts and acknowledging where we were, are and want to be in life with an emphasis on wants rather than not wants. We are all one, and we have the power to connect to those energies that we can use to better ourselves, others, and the universe.

    Trailer: Welcome to Bank of an Extraordinary Life Podcast

    Trailer: Welcome to Bank of an Extraordinary Life Podcast

    The Bank of an Extraordinary Life is hosted by Kathy Rezaei-Darugar and co-host Farah. The focus of the podcast is to shed light on the many aspects of our lives that impact our overall well-being. Creating an extraordinary life starts by looking at the different dimensions that shape our beliefs and how we view the world. The Bank of an Extraordinary Life is compromised of accounts that require deposits to allow them to function properly. Through daily deposits in the sub-accounts, energy is generated to keep the bank strong. Listeners will learn techniques and strategies to develop the skills necessary to create an extraordinary life. Kathy has a master's degree in psychology from CSUSB in counseling. Kathy was a special education counselor for over a decade helping at-risk youth to develop the insights necessary to overcome the obstacles that impeded them from succeeding in the educational realm and in life. Currently she is a consultant, philanthropist and financial professional. Farah is eclectic and has had unconventional training in gemology, holistic health, and business. The world has changed and with these times of uncertainty, Bank of an Extraordinary Life Podcast's goal is to educate on how to transform from just living to extraordinary living, really relishing and enjoying our time here on this planet.