
    7 Minute Sunshine

    Do you like podcasts but find yourself listening at 2x speed to get through them quicker? I've got ya covered! 7 Minute Sunshine is the short and sweet podcast for mothers raising men. Whether you're picking up their stray socks or sending them off to college, this podcast helps you navigate the challenges of raising your boys to be the men you know they can be. Come increase your parental confidence and create more connection with your sons, all in the time it takes to fold a load of laundry.
    enAlicia Davis31 Episodes

    Episodes (31)

    31. Life Skills for Teens Part 2: Stop Shoulding on Yourself

    31. Life Skills for Teens Part 2: Stop Shoulding on Yourself

    What if it was possible for your teenager to feel less overwhelmed and stressed, and more independent and confident? The key, isn't to clear their schedule. The key is to help them stop believing they SHOULD do it all. They absolutely can if they want to, but when the "shoulds" come into play, we can unintentionally stunt their ability to make choices and learn for themselves. 

    Learn about how inviting your teen (instead of "should-ing" your teen) can help them become who they were meant to be.


    For questions about working with me, pop over to Instagram @aliciadaviscoaching and DM me. I'd love to help!

    25. That Wasn't Supposed to Happen

    25. That Wasn't Supposed to Happen

    When your child gets the "wrong" teacher this school year, or the tire goes flat, or the person you thought was your friend ghosts you, or  Hurrican Harvey drastically changes your school year, you tend to think, "that shouldn't have happened."

    Here's the thing: that thought is more dangerous than we realize.

    Learn why that pattern of thinking is detremental, and how to move forward when unexpected, and even challenging things, happen.

    24. Settling into the New School Year

    24. Settling into the New School Year

    We want to help our kids settle in to the new school year successfully. And we want to feel settled too! You might be surprised at the three things that will help both you and your kids adjust to the new school year. 

    Plus, get the tool you can keep in your back pocket as you transition to new schedules, routines, and adventures.

    Click here to schedule your free back to school coaching session: https://www.aliciadaviscoaching.com/

    19. 4 Things Confident Mothers Do

    19. 4 Things Confident Mothers Do

    We want to teach our kids how to love themselves, to value their identity as children of God, and to develop confidence. We could talk to them all day about confidence, but we really teach them confidence when we model it, when we SHOW them what confidence looks like. That’s why one of the greatest gifts a family can have is a confident mother.



    17. Imagination and Goal Setting Part 1

    17. Imagination and Goal Setting Part 1

    Einstein said "Imagination is the preview of life's coming attractions." At the start of a new year, you've probably imagined the things you want to achieve or accomplish, as well as who you want to become. Have you also imagined how you're going to feel as you journey from where you are now to what you've imagined? Have you imagined feeling unmotivated, or uncomfortable, or distracted? Part 1 of this series helps us realize that feeling all of those feelings (and more) is totally okay.

    Part 2 will address what to do with those feelings and how to stop relying on willpower to accomplish your goals. 

    15. What Do You Want To Create?

    15. What Do You Want To Create?

    There are some things we don't have the power to create, and there are some things we can create. The question is: 

    What do you really WANT to create?

    Learn the tools to access your creative power, and how to connect with others who are doing the same. 

    7 Minute Sunshine
    enNovember 22, 2021