
    Ryan Holiday ON: The Importance of Being Disciplined With Our Ambition & How to Get Comfortable with Change

    Stoicism teaches us to focus on what we can control, our response to situations. By accepting the present moment and seeing it as an opportunity to grow, we can find beauty and peace in even the most difficult of circumstances.

    enMay 08, 2023

    About this Episode

    Today, I sit down with Ryan Holiday to talk about living a life of discipline. Ryan and I share our thoughts and opinions on the different forms of disciplines and how they are formed in different cultures, the value of your time and with whom are you spending most of it, and how to be more kind to yourself and make decisions that are more centered on your well-being. 

    Ryan Holiday is an author, marketer, and entrepreneur. He is known for his writings on Stoicism and has written several books on the subject, including "The Obstacle is the Way," "Ego is the Enemy," and "The Daily Stoic." He has also worked as a marketing strategist for companies such as American Apparel and has written several other books on topics such as growth hacking and media manipulation. Ryan hosts the popular podcast, The Daily Stoic.

    You can order my new book 8 RULES OF LOVE at 8rulesoflove.com or at a retail store near you. You can also get the chance to see me live on my first ever world tour. This is a 90 minute interactive show where I will take you on a journey of finding, keeping and even letting go of love. Head to jayshettytour.com and find out if I'll be in a city near you. Thank you so much for all your support - I hope to see you soon.

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 04:25 What is the real meaning of discipline in different cultures?
    • 06:40 How do you overpower your own mind and learn to argue with yourself?
    • 11:05 Discipline has to be balanced with sustainability, rest, and so much more.
    • 16:22 If you look at your life calendar, whom are you spending most of your time with?
    • 22:05 All the things we want in life are accidental byproducts of getting big things right.
    • 23:38 What is the hardest discipline you’ve ever practiced?
    • 29:21 Optimizing your personal life will make other things much easier to manage.
    • 36:25 It’s never too easy to sit down with your thoughts but you can learn to get comfortable with it. 
    • 40:22 Are you getting better at becoming a better friend to yourself?
    • 44:14 We can’t control what happens, but we can control how we respond to it.
    • 48:25 How important is it for us to go through something difficult and grow the muscle to overcome it?
    • 53:52 Ryan explains the importance of making choices that derive positive benefits in the most difficult situations. 
    • 01:00:40 You are bound to get disappointed by attaching to an outcome that is not yours.
    •  01:02:41 Different people have different ways of consuming information and we should respect that.
    • 01:09:44 When you create a lot of valuable things in life, the returns may double.
    • 01:12:05 Why should you allow yourself to become different things?
    • 01:17:16 Don’t be a copy of your former self, continue to take a leap whenever you can. 

    Episode Resources

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    🔑 Key Takeaways

    • Maintaining balance and moderation is key to a sustainable and fulfilling life. Cultivating discipline and self-control helps us avoid excess and focus on what is truly necessary for our well-being.
    • To avoid regret and achieve contentment, it's important to discipline ourselves by resisting temporary pleasures and focusing on long-term goals. Success doesn't necessarily bring happiness, so practicing self-awareness and taking a step back to unpack our beliefs is crucial for personal growth.
    • Self-discipline is key for success, but it's important to balance it with rest and relaxation. Make conscious decisions and manage time effectively. Breaks and boundaries can lead to increased productivity. Don't forget to take care of yourself in the long-term.
    • It's crucial to choose wisely when it comes to emotions, opinions, and instincts. Make time for loved ones, recognize the value in saying no, use dad guilt to make better decisions, and remember that love is shown through investing time in what truly matters.
    • Conduct a time and money audit to identify your true values. Develop habits aligned with your priorities and focus on taking the right actions. Use guilt as a signal to make changes and shift from feeling to thinking to achieve lasting success.
    • Balancing sedentary tasks with physical activity and pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone in personal aspects leads to growth and success. Start small and make continuous progress.
    • Focusing on building positive personal relationships through disciplined habits can lead to overall happiness, both professionally and personally. Breaking bad habits requires effort, but the payoff is worth it.
    • Consistent, small steps towards improvement, accommodating personal relationships, finding discipline, embracing intentionality, and recognizing limitations are crucial for seeking discomfort and achieving growth in both personal and professional life.
    • Daily habits, discipline, and self-awareness are crucial for staying focused and becoming comfortable with oneself. Seek guidance from a coach or mentor for transformation over time.
    • Practicing discipline takes time and patience. It involves hiring a coach, setting achievable goals, and acknowledging progress along the way. Setbacks can lead to mindfulness and acceptance of limited control over life.
    • Stoicism teaches us to focus on what we can control, our response to situations. By accepting the present moment and seeing it as an opportunity to grow, we can find beauty and peace in even the most difficult of circumstances.
    • Embrace challenging situations as opportunities for growth and reframing negative thoughts lead to a growth mindset. The pandemic is a chance for developing resilience in uncertain times.
    • Use the Stockdale paradox to accept reality and make positive choices. Learn from changes forced by COVID-19 to improve communication and create new perspectives fused with old, leading to self-improvement.
    • Set goals within your control and stay focused on becoming a better person rather than being solely concerned with external results. True success comes from being honest about your goals and not letting external factors demotivate you.
    • Creating authentic work requires honesty, commitment, and a willingness to prioritize serving the audience over seeking validation. Translating work into different mediums can help reach wider audiences while staying true to one's values. Ultimately, the goal should be to benefit people's understanding and knowledge.
    • Don't solely measure success by sales or followers. Creating impactful content with pure intentions can be a win, and personal growth can be the primary beneficiary. Commercial success can be a byproduct. Refine your intention, believe in yourself, and put in the hours.
    • To achieve lasting success, it's important to constantly work on improving and expanding your skills, seeking guidance from mentors, and staying curious. Coasting or becoming complacent may lead to decreased skills and hinder future success.
    • Embrace personal growth by avoiding limits, doing hard things, and taking risks. Success should not make us afraid to try new things or pursue multiple passions. Be disciplined in the journey towards a multidimensional life.
    • Success should come from internal fulfillment, not external recognition. Developing skills of courage and discipline can lead to growth and taking detours. Recommended books can help in personal development.

    📝 Podcast Summary

    The Importance of Discipline and Self-Control in Sustainable Living

    In a world of pleasure-seeking and addiction, the topic of discipline and self-control may seem unsexy, but it is necessary for sustainable and balanced living. The ancient practice of temperance, or the right amount of moderation, reminds us that any pleasure taken too far can become a source of pain or suffering. It is important to have wisdom and self-control to determine the right amount and to stop at that line. The epicurean belief that too much pleasure leads to pain aligns with the stoic philosophy of balancing pleasure and wisdom. To achieve sustainable living, we must cultivate the discipline to avoid what is unnecessary and focus on what is sustainable.

    The Importance of Discipline, Self-Awareness, and Contentment

    The ability to step back and consider the consequences of our actions is important to avoid regret and achieve contentment. Our minds can trick us into believing that we need something in the moment, but discipline is required to resist temporary pleasures in pursuit of long-term goals. The lie that success will bring happiness is dangerous and prevents us from being present and content in the moment. Ambition requires discipline to avoid overtraining and burnout. Being disciplined about discipline itself is the highest level of discipline. Taking a step back, arguing with ourselves, and unpacking the stories we tell ourselves is crucial for personal growth and avoiding injury.

    Achieving Success with Balance of Self-Discipline and Rest

    Self-discipline is essential for success, but it must be balanced with rest and relaxation. It requires the ability to make conscious decisions about what actions will lead to the best outcomes, even if they are not the easiest or most comfortable. This includes recognizing the importance of sleep and managing time effectively. While working long hours may seem necessary at first, taking breaks and setting boundaries can actually lead to increased productivity. It's important to understand that discipline is not just about pushing yourself harder, but also about having the wisdom to rest and take care of yourself, so you can achieve your goals in the long-term.

    The Importance of Discipline and Prioritizing Values

    Discipline involves choosing whether to ascent or not to an emotion, opinion, or instinct. This applies to all aspects of life, including work, family, and personal pursuits. Ryan Holiday stresses the need to prioritize time with loved ones and to recognize that every yes means saying no to something else. Dad guilt can be productive if used to make better decisions that align with one's values. It is important to strive for balance and ensure that actions reflect what truly matters. Ultimately, love is spelled t i m e, and it is up to each individual to decide where to invest it.

    Discover Your Real Values and Achieve Your Goals with Action

    Discover your real values by conducting a time and money audit. Your actions, not your words, define your true values. Don't get stuck in the feeling generation. Instead, focus on creating habits, processes, systems, and routines aligned with your priorities. Happiness is an accidental byproduct of having meaning, purpose, and taking the right actions. Don't pursue happiness, let it ensue. Rather than chasing outcomes, control what you put in and the outcome will follow. Use guilt as a signal to identify areas you want to change and catch it now. Shift from feeling to thinking and doing to create lasting change and achieve your goals.

    Developing Discipline through Physical Practice and Personal Challenges

    The key to success is developing discipline in all aspects of life. While writing is a sedentary and cerebral task, balance it with a physical practice like running, swimming, or biking. Doing something hard every day builds the muscle of pushing through difficult tasks. Seneca's letter points to the importance of challenging oneself in personal life as well. We often hold ourselves to lower standards in personal aspects. We should be vulnerable and have conversations that make us uncomfortable. Not doing so costs us a lot, for example, in our relationships. Starting small and continuously pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone is the key to growth.

    Enhancing Your Professional Life Through Personal Optimization

    Optimizing your personal life can greatly enhance your professional life and increase overall happiness. External pursuits can often lead to becoming someone you don't want to be, while internal pursuits with family and friends can lead to becoming someone you are proud of being. Discipline often gets applied more to professional pursuits, but it is crucial to apply discipline in personal relationships as well. It takes humility and self-control to improve personal relationships, as it requires meeting equals on an equal playing field. Breaking bad habits requires destroying something we hate, but focusing on building positive habits can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life in both personal and professional realms.

    Shedding Your Skin: The Natural Process of Growth and Improvement

    The key takeaway from this conversation between Jay Shetty and Ryan Holiday is that the process of growth and improvement is natural and organic, similar to how snakes shed their skin. It requires taking small steps and making minor improvements consistently, even in personal relationships where accommodating and adjusting to others is necessary. It's important to find discipline, whether it's saying 'yes' to the things that are difficult or practicing restraint by sitting quietly with one's thoughts. The Buddhist concept of 'wilful will' emphasizes the importance of intentionality, which can lead to great payoffs in both personal and professional life. Ultimately, self-awareness and recognizing one's limitations is crucial in seeking discomfort and achieving growth.

    The Importance of Stillness and Self-Awareness in a World of Distractions

    In today's world, it is harder than ever to be still and comfortable with oneself. With unlimited distractions and opportunities, discipline, self-control, and self-awareness are necessary for staying focused. It is important to understand this journey and become more comfortable with oneself, as it is the one constant in life. Those who chase pleasure and avoid stillness may wake up one day and realize they missed what was there all along. Building daily habits through education and coaching, such as cutting out sugar, can lead to transformation over time. It is essential to have a coach or mentor to guide, as knowing what to do is not enough.

    The Lifelong Journey of Discipline

    Discipline is not a one-time achievement, but a lifelong journey. It's about getting better with time and progress. The wisest people in the world struggled with self-improvement throughout their lives. Realizing this fact keeps us grounded and reminds us that we cannot rush or expect immediate results. Patience is essential in this journey. Injuries or setbacks remind us of our limited control over life, and we must learn to accept this fact and adapt. Sometimes these types of experiences can lead to a heightened sense of mindfulness, as we become more present in our bodies and minds. Practicing discipline involves hiring a coach, setting achievable goals, and acknowledging our progress along the way.

    How Stoicism Helps Us Find Peace in Challenging Situations

    Stoicism teaches us that while we cannot control what happens to us, we can control how we respond. Even the worst scenarios can be opportunities for growth and practice. Often, we struggle because we want things to go a certain way, but learning to step back and let things be can bring a sense of peace. It's important to recognize that in the future, the struggles we face today will be seen as beautiful experiences that shaped us. By accepting the present and seeing it as an opportunity to practice, we can give ourselves the gift of growth and learn to find beauty in even the most challenging situations.

    Building Discipline for Resilience and Personal Growth

    Building discipline is critical to developing resilience and personal growth. Many people have not had the opportunity to build this muscle due to being saved from difficult situations, and thus lack the necessary mindset to face challenges. Reframing negative thoughts and viewing tough experiences as transformative can lead to a growth mindset. Phil Jackson's experience of adversity through back surgery serves as an example of using difficult situations to develop a new perspective. It is important to allow ourselves and others to go through hardships and learn from them, rather than being rescued from uncomfortable situations. The COVID-19 pandemic similarly presents an opportunity for personal growth and the development of resilience.

    Embracing Stoic Philosophy in Times of Disruption

    Face disruptive events with Stoic philosophy, unflinchingly accepting the reality of the situation and simultaneously choosing to make positive choices that create new perspectives fused with old. Change and adjust, forcing oneself to communicate in different ways, verbally instead of physically, and learning from what was often taken for granted. COVID-19 is the biggest forced lifestyle experiment in human history, with numerous opportunities for making oneself better. The Stockdale paradox is embracing reality while simultaneously aiming to transform the situation into something positive. It's not about simplistically looking for the positive side. Life-changing situations can offer opportunities to make choices that derive positive benefits for self-improvement. It's about learning to fuse the old and new perspectives into something new, something better than before.

    The Importance of Focusing on What You Can Control

    In difficult times, it's crucial to focus on what you can control and not attach yourself to outcomes that are beyond your power. By setting goals that are within your control, you increase your chances of feeling good about yourself and your work, even if the external results are not what you expected. The worst mistake is pretending to aim for artistic expression but secretly judging yourself based on commercial success. True success comes from being honest with yourself about your goals and working to achieve them without getting demoralized by external factors. In short, focus on being a better person, both in personal and professional life, rather than on achieving specific results.

    Striking a Balance Between Authenticity and Accessibility in Creating and Sharing Work

    To create authentic work, one must fully and honestly commit to it and not seek validation or recognition. However, it is important to consider the audience and use platforms that are accessible and shareable for the message to reach wider audiences. As a creator, it is crucial to strike a balance between serving the audience's needs while staying true to one's values and ideas. This can be achieved by translating work into different mediums, such as long and short forms, audio and video formats, to cater to different audience preferences. Ultimately, service should be the driving force behind creating and sharing work, with the goal of benefiting people in their quest for understanding and knowledge.

    The True Measure of Success

    Success should not always be measured by sales or followers. Creating content with a pure intention of positively impacting people's lives and changing the world can be a win, even if it doesn't translate to commercial success. Most impactful ideas start non-commercially, with deep, thoughtful conversations based on ideas. When you create a lot of value with pure intentions, you can capture a small percentage of it and still be successful. It requires refining of the intention, having a sense of belief and confidence and putting in the hours. Personal growth and development can be the primary beneficiary, and commercial success can be a byproduct.

    Why Continued Growth and Skill Development are Crucial for Success

    Continued growth and skill development are essential for success and avoiding complacency. It's important to not only focus on refining current skills and seeking mentorship, but also identifying and learning new skills that may not show immediate results. Success and growth are lagging indicators of past sacrifice and commitment, therefore it's crucial to ensure that we are putting in the necessary work now for future pay-offs. The pursuit of knowledge and skill should never be viewed as a means to an end, but rather a continuous journey. Coasting and becoming stagnant will only lead to a decrease in skills and speed, potentially hindering future success.

    The Freedom to Become: Cultivating Personal Growth Through Multidimensional Living.

    To fully embrace personal growth and discover new passions, individuals must allow themselves the freedom to become different things throughout their lives. One can avoid becoming defined by their experiences by not limiting themselves to any one human experience. Cultivating the ability to do hard and challenging things, investing in being bad at something to get better, and taking risks are key to preventing personal ossification. Furthermore, success should not make us risk-averse or limit ourselves to one pursuit. Anyone can emerge through personal growth and discipline and should embrace the journey toward a multidimensional life.

    The Power of Courage and Discipline for Personal Growth

    The ability to decide whether one is successful or not should not be based on external results, but on one's own internal process. Having the key skills of courage and discipline allows one to take detours, try new things, and grow. All growth is a leap in the dark, and creators make something they lead, not follow. It's not always about systematic conversations of how to build discipline; sometimes it's about the churning of the idea and making sense of it. Ryan Holiday's book, Discipline Is Destiny, and other recommended books can help with personal growth and development. Internal fulfillment should be the goal and not just external recognition. Feedback is always encouraged and appreciated for personal insights and nuggets of wisdom.

    Recent Episodes from On Purpose with Jay Shetty

    Laura Lynne Jackson: How to Know What Your Inner Voice Really Means & 4 Steps to Tap into Your Own Psychic Abilities

    Laura Lynne Jackson: How to Know What Your Inner Voice Really Means & 4 Steps to Tap into Your Own Psychic Abilities

    Why is it important to listen to your inner voice?

    How can you cultivate a stronger connection with your inner voice?

    In this episode, let's welcome Laura Lynne Jackson, a renowned psychic medium, author, and spiritual teacher, celebrated for her profound ability to bridge the physical and spiritual worlds. She has authored several influential books, including "The Light Between Us" and "Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe," which delve into the ways we can connect with the afterlife and harness our own psychic abilities.  She is widely respected for her compassionate approach and her commitment to helping others discover the transformative power of their own inner voices. 

    Laura shares personal stories and professional experiences that illustrate the transformative power of tuning into the inner wisdom. She outlines practical steps anyone can take to cultivate a stronger connection with their inner voice, such as meditation, reflective practices, and journaling. These activities help clear the mental clutter, allowing the inner voice to emerge more clearly and influentially.

    Jay and Laura also explore common challenges people face, like doubts and confusion about following this inner guidance, and provide reassuring advice on how to overcome these obstacles. Laura also stresses the value of trusting and acting on the insights provided by the inner voice, highlighting how this trust can lead to a more authentic, fulfilling life.

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to identify your inner voice

    How to cultivate genuine connection

    How to interpret your feelings

    How to trust your intuition

    How to apply insights to everyday life

    As you become more attuned to this powerful guide, you'll find clarity and direction in areas of life where you need it most. Don’t ignore it; embrace it and let it lead you to a more connected and fulfilling life.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:05 The Difference Between a Psychic and a Medium

    06:59 We All Have Psychic Abilities

    09:50 Discovering Your Own Ability

    17:31 My Brainwave Patterns Are Different

    22:04 The Psychic Abilities We Aren’t Aware Of

    32:17 Weakened Disconnection to Our Inner Voice

    35:50 Standing Firm with Your Moments of Knowing

    40:41 How to Reconnect with Disconnected Relationships?

    49:32 What Does Infatuation Mean?

    55:27 Vibrations of Love

    01:04:44 Living in the Present

    01:10:26 How Important Are Tangible Signs

    01:17:02 The Answers is Within Us

    01:23:14 Being Still Within Yourself

    01:25:19 Death Is Not A Dead End

    01:35:02 How to Connect with Your Soul?

    01:39:20 Getting Into Your Light Energy

    01:42:44 Laura on Final Five

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    10 Steps on How To Set Boundaries Without Offending People

    10 Steps on How To Set Boundaries Without Offending People

    Are you struggling with setting your boundaries?

    Do you want to know how to respectfully tell others about your boundaries?

    Today, Jay questions the traditional notion that a "good person" is one who never says no. This outdated definition leads to a lack of boundaries, which ultimately harms personal well-being. By redefining what it means to be a good person, one can recognize the importance of investing in themselves and navigating difficult conversations.

    What does setting boundaries truly mean? They are defined not by what we want from others, but by what we need for ourselves. Jay explains that boundaries should not aim to control others but should protect the individual from their own triggers and provides practical advice on how to communicate boundaries effectively, suggesting the use of simple, clear statements without over-explanation.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How to set boundaries without feeling guilty

    How to NO effectively

    How to communicate boundaries clearly

    How to handle other people's reactions

    How to build confidence in setting boundaries

    Don't wait to reclaim your time, energy, and peace of mind—take control and become the assertive, self-respecting individual you deserve to be.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    01:31 Boundaries Are Often Tough to Set

    03:45 #1: Redefine What Your Boundaries Are

    09:05 #2: Clearly Communicate Your Boundaries

    11:48 #3: Be Kind, Honest, and Empathetic to Other People’s Reaction

    15:07 #4: You Subconsciously Sound Defensive When Setting Your Boundaries

    17:53 #5: Plan a Buffer

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Tiffany Haddish: 4 Ways to Navigate Complicated Family Relationships & How to Have Hard Conversations You are Avoiding

    Tiffany Haddish: 4 Ways to Navigate Complicated Family Relationships & How to Have Hard Conversations You are Avoiding

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    Tiffany and Jay have a vulnerable conversation with a candid look into Tiffany’s life, showcasing her journey from a challenging upbringing to becoming one of Hollywood’s brightest stars. Tiffany shares the emotional and often tumultuous experiences she faced growing up in foster care. Despite these challenges, she credits these early adversities for instilling in her a resilience that later became instrumental in her career. Tiffany discusses how humor became her coping mechanism and how it eventually became a tool for empowerment.

    Jay and Tiffany also talk about relationships and the lessons she has learned from her experiences. She opens up about her past relationships and how they shaped her understanding of love, vulnerability, and self-respect. We get to listen to the healing power of laughter, the importance of community, and the role of faith in overcoming life’s challenges. 

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to overcome adversity

    How to turn pain into humor and use it as fuel

    How to embrace vulnerability

    How to handle criticism

    How to advocate for yourself 

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:08 Built to Have Fun

    04:19 Emotional Hoarder

    07:16 Celibacy

    12:11 Being with the Wrong Person

    15:41 Do You Believe in Past Life?

    18:06 Who Do You Want to Date?

    20:10 Growing Your Own Garden

    22:48 Growing with a Creative Mind

    25:05 Worst Thing About Being Me

    29:11 Dealing with Online Hate

    31:36 She’s Not My Mom Anymore

    37:46 Processing and Dealing with Grief

    43:36 Resenting and Forgiving My Father

    48:46 The Phone Call with My Dad

    55:24 Let’s Understand People’s Stories

    57:59 Self Care is a Process

    01:02:15 My Father Was Sick

    01:05:07 Make Home in Your Childhood Community

    01:10:29 The Love to Entertain People

    01:18:07 What Would Little T be Proud Of?

    01:20:24 Childhood Dreams

    01:25:09 TIffany on Final Five

    Episode Resources:

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Why You Are Restricting Your Desires in Your Relationship & How to Stop Blocking Yourself from the Happiness You Deserve with Lisa Bilyeu

    Why You Are Restricting Your Desires in Your Relationship & How to Stop Blocking Yourself from the Happiness You Deserve with Lisa Bilyeu

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    The core theme of this conversation is outlining a roadmap for individuals seeking to overcome insecurities and cultivate a resilient, action-oriented confidence. Jay and Lisa discuss the common misconceptions around confidence, emphasizing that it is not a prerequisite for action but a result of engaging with the world despite fears and doubts.

    Lisa shares how her initial need for external validation was a significant barrier to personal growth, sharing transformative moments that reshaped her understanding of confidence and self-worth. She stresses the importance of embracing imperfection and vulnerability as catalysts for genuine self-improvement and empowerment.

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to start building confidence

    How to validate yourself

    How to prioritize personal growth

    How to handle fear of judgment

    How to transform relationships

    Together, let's continue to  question the preconceived notions about success and happiness and to take bold steps towards a life aligned with our deepest values and aspirations.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:32 How Do You Define Confidence?

    06:54 Believe You’re Capable

    09:54 Admitting That You’re Unhappy

    16:13 The Frame of Reference

    19:36 Everything Is A Risk

    27:42 Non-Negotiables in Relationships

    34:41 Conversations That Don’t Break Relationships

    41:30 Who Leads, Who Follows

    49:26 Conflicting Value System

    54:57 Don’t Assume, Find a Compromise

    59:21 Growth Mindset With Your Partner

    Episode Resources:

    See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.

    Matthew Hussey: 5 Reasons Why There is No Such Thing As The Right Person At The Wrong Time & How to Stop Missing Your Ex

    Matthew Hussey: 5 Reasons Why There is No Such Thing As The Right Person At The Wrong Time & How to Stop Missing Your Ex

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    Matthew shares his insights on the complexities of love, self-discovery, and the importance of honest communication. He emphasizes on the significance of creating a peaceful relationship, distinguishing it from a boring one, and the value of embracing vulnerabilities to foster deeper connections. Matthew's reflections on his own experiences, coupled with his expertise, provide a comprehensive guide on navigating the challenges of modern dating, building meaningful relationships, and cultivating self-awareness. 

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to cultivate peaceful relationships without boredom

    How to deepen connections through vulnerability

    How to navigate modern dating with confidence

    How to enhance relationships with effective communication

    How to enrich love life through self-awareness

    Whether you're single, dating, or in a relationship, this episode offers valuable lessons on love, resilience, and the transformative power of embracing your true self.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    04:20 Where Does Your Idea of Love Come From?

    10:34 What Differentiates a Peaceful to a Boring Relationship?

    19:35 What Are Your Must-Haves in a Relationship?

    31:47 Tactics Are Different From Relationship Standards

    39:59 Egoic Standards Versus Setting Standards for Happiness

    51:20 Practice Having Real and Difficult Conversations

    01:04:48 The Importance of Communicating Your Thoughts and Feelings

    01:08:25 Is Your Partner the Right One for You?

    01:15:05 Dealing with the Different Phases of Heartbreak

    01:26:31 What’s Next for Matthew?    

    Episode Resources:

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    7 Ways to Reduce the Time You Spend Overthinking & Make Better Decisions Quicker

    7 Ways to Reduce the Time You Spend Overthinking & Make Better Decisions Quicker

    How do you know when you're overthinking too much?

    How can you break the cycle of overthinking?

    Today, Jay will talk about the complexity of overthinking and how we can turn it around and look at things differently. Jay presents seven practical strategies to help listeners combat the grip of overthinking. These range from the psychological—to limit how many people's opinions we seek, preventing the confusion and indecision that too many perspectives can cause—to the physical, recommending activities that disengage the analytical brain and encourage mental reset, like exercise or simply moving around.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    How to use over thinking for problem-solving

    How to manage alarmed responses

    How to use physical movement for mental clarity

    How to focus on positives and small wins

    Don't let overthinking hold you back! Start implementing these strategies today and take control of your mental space.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    00:52 Has Overthinking Slowed You Down?

    07:53 The Science Behind Overthinking

    10:50 #1: Overthinking as a Problem-Solving Approach

    14:24 #2: Don’t Ask Too Many People For Their Opinion

    18:19 #3: Avoid Responding While You’re Feeling Alarmed

    19:17 #4: Move Your Body When Your Mind Is Stuck

    20:32 #5: Focus on the Good Thing and Small Wins

    22:05 #6: Spontaneous Drawings Relieve Psychological Stress

    24:23 #7: Go Back to Analog

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    Orlando Bloom: 3 Reasons Why You Need to Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes & Shift Your Perspective on Fear

    Orlando Bloom: 3 Reasons Why You Need to Allow Yourself to Make Mistakes & Shift Your Perspective on Fear

    Do you stop yourself from making mistakes? 

    Do you want to shift your perspective on fear? 

    Today, let’s welcome the one and only Orlando Bloom. Orlando gained widespread fame for his roles in some of the most popular films including The Lord of the Rings trilogy and Pirates of the Caribbean series. He will be seen starring in Peacock's limited adventure docuseries, To The Edge, which he also produced. Off-screen, Orlando is known for his humanitarian efforts, including his work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador.

    Orlando shares insights from his life as an actor, adventurer, and someone deeply involved in spirituality. He talks about how meditation and mindfulness help him stay balanced despite the hectic nature of being a celebrity, his views on masculinity, the importance of embracing both masculine and feminine qualities, and striving for balance and introspection in life. We also get to hear stories about facing and overcoming fears, embracing vulnerability, and the lessons he's learned from these challenges. This episode isn't just about getting to know a renowned actor but diving into the personal journey of a man who is constantly looking for deeper meaning and connections in life.

    In this interview, you’ll learn:
    How to overcome fear
    How to maintain balance in a hectic life
    How to incorporate mindfulness into everyday activities
    How to explore and embrace different aspects of your personality
    How to use life's challenges as growth opportunities

    Tune in now for a discussion full of insights on overcoming fears, embracing spirituality, and pursuing personal growth.  

    With Love and Gratitude,
    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:
    02:28 Working in an Unscripted Space
    06:09 What’s Your Earliest Childhood Fear?
    08:35 Practicing Buddhism
    13:49 The Lotus Sutra
    20:16 The 8 Wins
    26:28 Trusting Your Life and Becoming Capable
    36:33 Being Present While on the Edge
    44:48 Any Moment Could Be Your Last
    45:43 The Deepest Mirror You’ll Ever Have
    48:58 What Did You Learn from Your Past Relationships?
    51:22 Introducing Buddhism Practice to My Kids
    55:33 Whatever You’re Saying, You Become
    01:02:22 Loving the Parenting Journey
    01:07:16 The Impacts of Your Decisions
    01:09:13 Opportunities Through Obstacles
    01:17:40 Buddhism Is My Anchor
    01:18:59 The Fear You’re Currently Overcoming
    01:26:04 Orlando Bloom on Final Five

    Episode Resources:

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    4 Ways to Know if It Is Time To End Your Relationship (When the Signs Are Not Clear and Things are Not Bad)

    4 Ways to Know if It Is Time To End Your Relationship (When the Signs Are Not Clear and Things are Not Bad)

    Do you find yourself often thinking about breaking up?

    Do you and your partner have unresolved conflicts that keep resurfacing?

    In this episode, Jay tackles the tough emotions and uncertainty many face when considering a breakup. He talks about why people stay in or leave relationships, touching on key factors like emotional closeness, personal investment, and the impact of family responsibilities. Jay also discusses how to ensure emotional security and the risks of staying for financial reasons or out of obligation. 

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    How to recognize emotional investment

    How to assess emotional security

    How to consider financial implications

    How to navigate emotional intimacy

    This honest conversation provides you with the insights to evaluate your relationship more clearly, helping you decide whether to work on it or move on, based on a deeper understanding of your feelings and the relationship's dynamics.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    01:10 When to End Your Relationship

    04:48 10 Reason Why People Stay in a Relationship

    12:44 Top 10 Reasons to Leave Your Relationship

    18:14 The Three Cancers of the Mind

    24:44 Difference in Scorecard Perspective

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    Benny Blanco: 3 Ways to Stop Caring About Failure & Get Out of Your Own Way

    Benny Blanco: 3 Ways to Stop Caring About Failure & Get Out of Your Own Way

    How can you overcome the fear of failure?

    What can you do daily to care less about failing?

    Today, Jay sits down with Benny Blanco for an inspiring conversation about pursuing passions, mentorship, failure, and continuous motivation. Benny has made a huge mark on the music industry contributing to hundreds of millions of album sales worldwide. Benny has worked with A-List artists like Ed Sheeran, Justin Bieber, and Katy Perry. As a solo artist, his albums "Friends Keep Secrets" and its sequel have amassed over 11 billion streams, featuring multiple platinum hits. Beyond music, Benny has ventured into television and even released a cookbook, "Open Wide," showcasing his diverse talents and interests

    Benny shares insight on how to not let failure stop you and getting over imposter syndrome. We also go dive into Benny’s life outside of music, exploring his passion for cooking through his cookbook "Open Wide." Plus, Benny talks about his relationships, how he keeps his creativity flowing, and the small joys that make his life special.

    In this interview, you’ll learn:

    How to pursue your passion with limited resources

    How to not let failure get in your way of achieving your goals

    How to embrace the unexpected in creative work

    How to transition your passion into different fields

    How to find joy and creativity in everyday moments

    Don't miss this intimate look at Benny Blanco's life and maybe learn a thing or two about making your own multi-track masterpiece or the perfect dish to serve at dinner!

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:43 What’s the First Creative Thing You Put Together?

    06:15 I Never Cared About Failure

    10:33 Developing Amnesia to Failure

    14:22 How Did You Meet Your Mentor?

    18:10 “The Boy I Mentored” 

    23:42 How Do You Show Up After a Rejection?

    26:51 Love Can Be Felt Through Music

    29:56 What Do You Do When You Wake Up?   

    32:02 Why Do You Struggle with Meditation?

    33:28 Why I Went to Therapy

    38:25 The Pressure of Perfectionism

    44:49 Do You Love to Cook?

    47:20 Do You Eat Healthy?

    48:47 Finding Comfort in Food

    54:42 What’s Your Sleep Pattern?

    56:40 Friendships Built Over the Years

    59:19 Multigenerational Friendships

    01:03:44 Better Relationship After Divorce

    01:05:52 Benny on Final Five   

    01:15:57 What’s Your Vice?

    01:17:53 Do You Take Supplements?

    Episode Resources:

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    Why Your Self Worth is Keeping You Stuck & How to Stop Sabotaging Your Personal Growth With Jamie Kern Lima

    Why Your Self Worth is Keeping You Stuck & How to Stop Sabotaging Your Personal Growth With Jamie Kern Lima

    How does low self-worth stop you from moving forward?

    How can you stop self-sabotage and grow personally?

    Today, let’s welcome Jamie Kern Lima. Jamie is a New York Times bestselling author, founder of IT Cosmetics, a company she started in her living room and sold to L'Oreal in a billion-dollar deal, becoming the first female CEO of a brand in its 100+ year history. She's also an active philanthropist who has funded leadership training in more than 100 prisons and shelters across the US, and has donated over $40 million in product and funds to help women face the effects of cancer with confidence. 

    Jamie and Jay ponder on the meaning of self-worth, distinguishing it from mere confidence and challenging the misguided belief that our value is tied to our physical appearance. We get to hear the detrimental effects of self-doubt and present empowering strategies to transform your relationship with rejection, offering a new perspective that fosters resilience and self-compassion. 

    And then the conversation dives deep into personal beliefs, urging us to identify and discard unhelpful misconceptions, while giving emphasis on why authenticity is crucial and its role in conjunction with other factors in achieving success. 

    In this interview, you'll learn:

    How to build self-worth

    How to distinguish confidence from self-worth

    How to handle rejection

    How to overcome self-doubt

    How to remain authentic

    Together, let's learn how to distinguish your worth from external validation, turn rejection into a stepping stone, and live authentically.

    With Love and Gratitude,

    Jay Shetty

    What We Discuss:

    00:00 Intro

    03:17 Do You Feel Worthy Today?

    10:04 Confusing Confidence with Self Worth

    17:37 Your Weight Impacts Your Worth is a Lie 

    24:03 What Has Self Doubt Cost You?

    31:25 How to Change Your Relationship with Rejection

    37:02 The 4-Part R to Reframe Rejection

    44:00 You Need This Today

    48:13 Which Lie Are You Trying to Unlearn? 

    56:32 Authenticity Alone Doesn’t Guarantee Success

    Episode Resources:

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